Java tutorial
/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ package org.jab.docsearch; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Cursor; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Event; import java.awt.GridBagConstraints; import java.awt.GridBagLayout; import java.awt.GridLayout; import java.awt.Image; import java.awt.Insets; import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter; import java.awt.event.WindowEvent; import java.awt.print.PageFormat; import java.awt.print.PrinterException; import java.awt.print.PrinterJob; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import javax.mail.MessagingException; import javax.swing.ButtonGroup; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JCheckBox; import javax.swing.JComboBox; import javax.swing.JDialog; import javax.swing.JEditorPane; import javax.swing.JFileChooser; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JMenu; import javax.swing.JMenuBar; import javax.swing.JMenuItem; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JRadioButton; import javax.swing.JRadioButtonMenuItem; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.JTabbedPane; import javax.swing.JTextField; import javax.swing.JToolBar; import javax.swing.KeyStroke; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import javax.swing.UIManager; import javax.swing.border.TitledBorder; import javax.swing.event.HyperlinkEvent; import javax.swing.event.HyperlinkListener; import javax.swing.text.html.HTMLFrameHyperlinkEvent; import; import org.apache.log4j.Layout; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardAnalyzer; import org.apache.lucene.document.Document; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter; import org.apache.lucene.queryParser.QueryParser; import; import; import; import; import; import org.jab.docsearch.constants.FileType; import org.jab.docsearch.constants.OSType; import org.jab.docsearch.filters.FolderFilter; import org.jab.docsearch.filters.GenericFilter; import org.jab.docsearch.gui.CdAssistantDialog; import org.jab.docsearch.gui.DocSplashViewer; import org.jab.docsearch.gui.DsProperties; import org.jab.docsearch.gui.ImportDialog; import org.jab.docsearch.gui.JComponentVista; import org.jab.docsearch.gui.ManageIndexesDialog; import org.jab.docsearch.gui.ManifestDialog; import org.jab.docsearch.gui.MessageConfirmRunner; import org.jab.docsearch.gui.MessageRunner; import org.jab.docsearch.gui.NewBookmarkDialog; import org.jab.docsearch.gui.NewIndexDialog; import org.jab.docsearch.gui.ProgressPanel; import org.jab.docsearch.gui.SpiderDialog; import org.jab.docsearch.spider.LinkFinder; import org.jab.docsearch.threads.EmailThread; import org.jab.docsearch.threads.GuiThread; import org.jab.docsearch.threads.ThreadedSearch; import org.jab.docsearch.utils.ArchiveMetaData; import org.jab.docsearch.utils.DateTimeUtils; import org.jab.docsearch.utils.DocTypeHandler; import org.jab.docsearch.utils.DocTypeHandlerUtils; import org.jab.docsearch.utils.FileTypeUtils; import org.jab.docsearch.utils.FileUtils; import org.jab.docsearch.utils.I18n; import org.jab.docsearch.utils.LogAnalysis; import org.jab.docsearch.utils.Logging; import org.jab.docsearch.utils.Messages; import org.jab.docsearch.utils.MetaReport; import org.jab.docsearch.utils.NoticeLevel; import org.jab.docsearch.utils.SimpleBookmark; import org.jab.docsearch.utils.Table; import org.jab.docsearch.utils.UnZippHandler; import org.jab.docsearch.utils.Utils; import org.jab.docsearch.utils.ZippHandler; /** * This is main DocSearcher class that extends JFrame. It implements a web * browser like interface to a tailored Lucene search index. * * @see DocSearcherIndex DocSearcherIndex * @version $Id: 176 2012-11-04 19:12:28Z henschel $ */ public final class DocSearch extends JFrame implements ActionListener { /** * Serial */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -4356725852543564364L; /** * Log4J */ private Logger logger = null; /** * Environment */ private final Environment env = Environment.getInstance(); /** * FileEnvironment */ private final FileEnvironment fEnv = FileEnvironment.getInstance(); private boolean isWorking = false; private final String USER_NAME = System.getProperty(""); private final String cdRomDefaultHome = FileUtils.addFolder(System.getProperty("user.dir"), "cdrom_indexes"); private final String cdRomIdxList = FileUtils.addFolder(cdRomDefaultHome, "cdrom_indexes_list.htm"); private final String cdRomIdxDir = FileUtils.addFolder(cdRomDefaultHome, "indexes"); // TODO move tempDir to FileEnvironment public String tempDir = System.getProperty(""); // private String cdRomTempIdxDir = FileUtils.addFolder(tempDir, "indexes"); public String lafChosen = ""; // private final boolean isCDSearchTool = isThisOnACd(cdRomDefaultHome); private boolean currentlySearching = false; // public String gateway = ""; public String gatewayPwd = ""; public String gatewayUser = ""; public String emailFormat = "text"; public String sendEmailNotice = ""; public ArrayList<String> adminEmails = new ArrayList<String>(); // TODO move this list into the Utils class public List<DocTypeHandler> handlerList; private final static String[] searchOpts = { "body_and_title", "title", "summary", "body", "keywords" }; private final static String[] searchOptsLabels = { I18n.getString("search_in_body_and_tile"), I18n.getString("search_in_tile"), I18n.getString("search_in_summary"), I18n.getString("search_in_body"), I18n.getString("search_in_keywords") }; /** * All filetype for searching */ // TODO create java as filetype and insert a icon private final static String[] fileTypesToFind = { FileType.HTML.getSuffixes(), FileType.OPENDOCUMENT_TEXT.getSuffixes(), FileType.OO_WRITER.getSuffixes() + " " + FileType.OO_CALC.getSuffixes() + " " + FileType.OO_IMPRESS.getSuffixes() + " " + FileType.OO_DRAW.getSuffixes(), FileType.MS_WORD.getSuffixes() + " " + FileType.MS_EXCEL.getSuffixes(), FileType.RTF.getSuffixes(), FileType.PDF.getSuffixes(), FileType.TEXT.getSuffixes(), "java" }; private final static String[] fileTypesToFindLabel = { I18n.getString("filetype.webpage_files"), I18n.getString("filetype.opendocument"), I18n.getString("filetype.openoffice_files"), I18n.getString("filetype.ms_office_files"), I18n.getString("filetype.rtf_files"), I18n.getString("filetype.pdf_files"), I18n.getString("filetype.text_files"), I18n.getString("filetype.sourcecode_java_files") }; private final static String fileString = "file:///"; private final static String pathSep = FileUtils.PATH_SEPARATOR; public final static GenericFilter wf = new GenericFilter(); public final static FolderFilter ff = new FolderFilter(); // printing vars private static final int kDefaultX = 740; private static final int kDefaultY = 480; // private static final int prefScale = 0; // private final String htmlTag; private final String wordTag; private final String excelTag; private final String pdfTag; private final String textTag; private final String rtfTag; private final String ooImpressTag; private final String ooWriterTag; private final String ooCalcTag; private final String ooDrawTag; private final String openDocumentTextTag; private boolean loadExternal = false; private String defaultSaveFolder = ""; private String blankFile = ""; private String lastSearch = I18n.getString("init_last_search"); private boolean hasErr = false; private boolean isLoading = true; private String errString = I18n.getString("error_unknown"); // TODO move this files to FileEnvironment or remove this variables if not // used (oo after rewrite parsing) public String rtfTextFile = FileUtils.addFolder(tempDir, "temp_rtf_file_" + USER_NAME + ".txt"); public String htmlTextFile = FileUtils.addFolder(tempDir, "temp_html_file_" + USER_NAME + ".txt"); public String ooTextFile = FileUtils.addFolder(tempDir, "temp_oo_file_" + USER_NAME + ".xml"); public String ooMetaTextFile = FileUtils.addFolder(tempDir, "temp_oo_meta_file_" + USER_NAME + ".xml"); public String ooTextOnlyFile = FileUtils.addFolder(tempDir, "temp_oo_text_file_" + USER_NAME + ".txt"); // GUI items private String curStatusString = I18n.getString("ds.isloading"); private JMenu bookMarkMenu; private JButton buttonStop; private final JComboBox searchField; private final JLabel searchLabel; private final JButton searchButton; private final int numPanels = 1; private final String[] colors; private final JScrollPane scrollPane; private final JEditorPane editorPane; private boolean hasStartPage = false; private final String startPageString; private final String helpPageString; private JComponentVista vista; private final JRadioButton keywords; private final JRadioButton phrase; private final JComboBox searchIn; private final JCheckBox useType; private final JComboBox fileType; private final JCheckBox useSize; private final JTextField sizeToField; private final JTextField sizeFromField; private final ProgressPanel pPanel; private final ButtonGroup bg; private long maxFileSizeInt = 1000000; public String curPage = "home"; // home always means the last searchresults private ArrayList<DocSearcherIndex> indexes = new ArrayList<DocSearcherIndex>(); private final ArrayList<SimpleBookmark> bookmarksList = new ArrayList<SimpleBookmark>(); private final JLabel dirLabel = new JLabel(I18n.getString("status_up")); // GUI items for advanced searching private final JCheckBox useDate; private final JTextField fromField; private final JTextField toField; private final CheckBoxListener cbl; private final JPanel authorPanel; private final JCheckBox useAuthor; private final JTextField authorField; private int maxNumHitsShown = 250; public Index idx; // STRING CONSTANTS public static final String dsNotIdxdMeta = Messages.getString("DocSearch.nonMetaSpiders"); public static final String dsCkgFoUpdtsToDoc = Messages.getString("DocSearch.ckgFoUpdts"); public static final String ckFoUpdaTo = Messages.getString("DocSearch.ckForUpdatesTo"); public static final String dsErrPrint = Messages.getString("DocSearch.errPrinting"); public static final String dsErrIdxg = Messages.getString("DocSearch.errIdxg"); public static final String dsErrObtSi = Messages.getString("DocSearch.errObtSize"); public static final String dsUpdts = Messages.getString("DocSearch.updates"); public static final String idxFldr = Messages.getString("DocSearch.idxFldr"); public static final String dsFSE = Messages.getString("DocSearch.errFilSave"); public static final String dsWasSaved = Messages.getString("DocSearch.wasSaved"); public static final String dsErrParseNums = Messages.getString("DocSearch.errParseNumFs"); public static final String dsSrchStr = Messages.getString("DocSearch.srchStr"); public static final String dsNumDelFiles = Messages.getString("DocSearch.deletedFiles"); public static final String dsNumUnchangedFiles = Messages.getString("DocSearch.unchangedFiles"); public static final String dsNumchangedFiles = Messages.getString("DocSearch.changedFiles"); public static final String dsMxNumHits = Messages.getString("DocSearch.maxNumHits"); public static final String dsFailIdxDocs = Messages.getString("DocSearch.fldUpdates"); public static final String dsTtlDxInIdx = Messages.getString("DocSearch.ttlDox"); public static final String dsErrParseScore = Messages.getString("DocSearch.errParseScore"); public static final String dsWasNotSearched = Messages.getString("DocSearch.wns"); public static final String dsTotHits = Messages.getString("DocSearch.totHits"); public static final String dsErrPrfSrch = Messages.getString("DocSearch.errPerfSrch"); public static final String dsCrptdIdx = Messages.getString("DocSearch.crptdIdx"); public static final String dsMkIdx = Messages.getString("DocSearch.makeIdx"); public static final String dsErrLdgFi = Messages.getString("DocSearch.errLdgFi"); public static final String dsErrSetPa = Messages.getString("DocSearch.errSetPa"); public static final String dsErrLdgPa = Messages.getString("DocSearch.errLdgPa"); public static final String dsErrSaFi = Messages.getString("DocSearch.errSaveFi"); public static final String dsErrIdxgFi = Messages.getString("DocSearch.errIdxng"); public static final String dsFndFldr = Messages.getString("DocSearch.foundFldr"); public static final String dsIdxCrtd = Messages.getString("DocSearch.idxCreated"); public static final String dsIdxsRblt = Messages.getString("DocSearch.idxsReblt"); public static final String dsBknLink = Messages.getString("DocSearch.bknLink"); public static final String lnkNoChanges = Messages.getString("DocSearch.nonCHangedLink"); public static final String dsReIdxgLnk = Messages.getString("DocSearch.reIdxgLnk"); public static final String dsSpdrUpdteComp = Messages.getString("DocSearch.dsSpiderUpdtComp"); public static final String dsLkngFoLnx = Messages.getString("DocSearch.lookingForLinks"); public static final String dsSpiderNewUrl = Messages.getString("DocSearch.dsSpiderNewUrl"); public static final String dsRmvgIdxFis = Messages.getString("DocSearch.rmvgIdxFis"); private String defaultHndlr = ""; /** * Method main: start method * * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { // init logging Logging logging = new Logging(); logging.init(); // parse params boolean hasCommands = false; String commandString = null; String indexString = null; boolean enableLogfile = false; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { String arg = args[i]; if (arg.startsWith("enable_logfile")) { enableLogfile = true; } else { if (commandString == null) { hasCommands = true; commandString = arg; } else { indexString = arg; } } } // add logfile logger if enable_logfile option as startargument if (enableLogfile) { logging.addFileLogger(); } // Environment Environment env = Environment.getInstance(); // FileEnvironment FileEnvironment fEnv = FileEnvironment.getInstance(); // splash DocSplashViewer splash = new DocSplashViewer( "DocSearcher " + I18n.getString("ds.version") + " " + I18n.getString("ds.isloading")); if (!hasCommands) { splash.display(); } // gets OS type env.setOSType(Utils.getOSType()); // gets GUI mode if (hasCommands) { env.setGUIMode(false); } else { env.setGUIMode(true); } // gets CDROM dir env.setCDROMDir(Utils.getCDROMDir(env.getOSType())); // users home fEnv.setUserHome(Utils.getUserHome(env.getOSType(), System.getProperty("user.home"))); final DocSearch sw = new DocSearch(); splash.setMonitor(sw); sw.init(); splash.close(); if (!hasCommands) { sw.setVisible(true); sw.checkUpdates(); } else { if ("update".equals(commandString) && indexString == null) { sw.checkUpdates(); System.exit(0); } else { sw.doCommand(commandString, indexString); } } } /** * Constructor */ public DocSearch() { super(I18n.getString("ds.windowtitle")); // get logger logger = Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName()); // File testCDFi = new File(cdRomDefaultHome); Properties sys = new Properties(System.getProperties()); if (testCDFi.exists()) { sys.setProperty("disableLuceneLocks", "true");"DocSearch() Disabling Lucene Locks for CDROM indexes"); } else { sys.setProperty("disableLuceneLocks", "false"); } // checkCDROMDir(); defaultHndlr = getBrowserFile(); loadSettings(); // pPanel = new ProgressPanel("", 100L); pPanel.init(); phrase = new JRadioButton(I18n.getString("label.phrase")); searchField = new JComboBox(); searchIn = new JComboBox(searchOptsLabels); JLabel searchTypeLabel = new JLabel(I18n.getString("label.search_type")); JLabel searchInLabel = new JLabel(I18n.getString("label.search_in")); keywords = new JRadioButton(I18n.getString("label.keyword")); // searchLabel = new JLabel(I18n.getString("label.search_for")); searchButton = new JButton(I18n.getString("")); searchButton.setActionCommand("ac_search"); searchButton.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_A); // TODO alt text to resource htmlTag = "<img src=\"" + fEnv.getIconURL(FileType.HTML.getIcon()) + "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Web Page Document\">"; wordTag = "<img src=\"" + fEnv.getIconURL(FileType.MS_WORD.getIcon()) + "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"MS Word Document\">"; excelTag = "<img src=\"" + fEnv.getIconURL(FileType.MS_EXCEL.getIcon()) + "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"MS Excel Document\">"; pdfTag = "<img src=\"" + fEnv.getIconURL(FileType.PDF.getIcon()) + "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"PDF Document\">"; textTag = "<img src=\"" + fEnv.getIconURL(FileType.TEXT.getIcon()) + "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"Text Document\">"; rtfTag = "<img src=\"" + fEnv.getIconURL(FileType.RTF.getIcon()) + "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"RTF Document\">"; ooImpressTag = "<img src=\"" + fEnv.getIconURL(FileType.OO_IMPRESS.getIcon()) + "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"OpenOffice Impress Document\">"; ooWriterTag = "<img src=\"" + fEnv.getIconURL(FileType.OO_WRITER.getIcon()) + "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"OpenOffice Writer Document\">"; ooCalcTag = "<img src=\"" + fEnv.getIconURL(FileType.OO_CALC.getIcon()) + "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"OpenOffice Calc Document\">"; ooDrawTag = "<img src=\"" + fEnv.getIconURL(FileType.OO_DRAW.getIcon()) + "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"OpenOffice Draw Document\">"; openDocumentTextTag = "<img src=\"" + fEnv.getIconURL(FileType.OPENDOCUMENT_TEXT.getIcon()) + "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"OpenDocument Text Document\">"; // idx = new Index(this); colors = new String[2]; colors[0] = "ffeffa"; colors[1] = "fdffda"; if (env.isWebStart()) { startPageString = getClass().getResource("/" + FileEnvironment.FILENAME_START_PAGE_WS).toString(); helpPageString = getClass().getResource("/" + FileEnvironment.FILENAME_HELP_PAGE_WS).toString(); if (startPageString != null) { logger.debug("DocSearch() Start Page is: " + startPageString); hasStartPage = true; } else { logger.error("DocSearch() Start Page NOT FOUND where expected: " + startPageString); } } else { startPageString = FileUtils.addFolder(fEnv.getStartDirectory(), FileEnvironment.FILENAME_START_PAGE); helpPageString = FileUtils.addFolder(fEnv.getStartDirectory(), FileEnvironment.FILENAME_HELP_PAGE); File startPageFile = new File(startPageString); if (startPageFile.exists()) { logger.debug("DocSearch() Start Page is: " + startPageString); hasStartPage = true; } else { logger.error("DocSearch() Start Page NOT FOUND where expected: " + startPageString); } } defaultSaveFolder = FileUtils.addFolder(fEnv.getWorkingDirectory(), "saved_searches"); searchField.setEditable(true); searchField.addItem(""); bg = new ButtonGroup(); bg.add(phrase); bg.add(keywords); keywords.setSelected(true); keywords.setToolTipText(I18n.getString("tooltip.keyword")); phrase.setToolTipText(I18n.getString("tooltip.phrase")); int iconInt = 2; searchField.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(370, 22)); // application icon Image iconImage = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(getClass().getResource("/icons/ds.gif")); this.setIconImage(iconImage); // menu bar JMenuBar menuBar = createMenuBar(); // add menu to frame setJMenuBar(menuBar); // tool bar JToolBar toolbar = createToolBar(); editorPane = new JEditorPane("text/html", lastSearch); editorPane.setEditable(false); editorPane.addHyperlinkListener(new Hyperactive()); if (hasStartPage) { try { editorPane.setContentType("text/html"); if (setPage("home")) {"DocSearch() loaded start page: " + startPageString); } } catch (Exception e) { editorPane.setText(lastSearch); } } else { logger.warn("DocSearch() no start page loaded"); } scrollPane = new JScrollPane(editorPane); scrollPane.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(1024, 720)); scrollPane.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(900, 670)); scrollPane.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(1980, 1980)); // create panels // add printing stuff vista = new JComponentVista(editorPane, new PageFormat()); JPanel topPanel = new JPanel(); topPanel.add(searchLabel); topPanel.add(searchField); topPanel.add(searchButton); JPanel bottomPanel = new JPanel(); bottomPanel.add(searchTypeLabel); bottomPanel.add(keywords); bottomPanel.add(phrase); bottomPanel.add(searchInLabel); bottomPanel.add(searchIn); // GUI items for advanced searching useDate = new JCheckBox(I18n.getString("label.use_date_property")); fromField = new JTextField(11); JLabel fromLabel = new JLabel(I18n.getString("label.from")); JLabel toLabel = new JLabel(I18n.getString("")); toField = new JTextField(11); cbl = new CheckBoxListener(); authorPanel = new JPanel(); useAuthor = new JCheckBox(I18n.getString("label.use_auth_property")); authorField = new JTextField(31); JLabel authorLabel = new JLabel(I18n.getString("")); authorPanel.add(useAuthor); authorPanel.add(authorLabel); authorPanel.add(authorField); // combine stuff JPanel datePanel = new JPanel(); datePanel.add(useDate); datePanel.add(fromLabel); datePanel.add(fromField); datePanel.add(toLabel); datePanel.add(toField); JPanel metaPanel = new JPanel(); metaPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); metaPanel.setBorder(new TitledBorder(I18n.getString("label.date_and_author"))); metaPanel.add(datePanel, BorderLayout.NORTH); metaPanel.add(authorPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); useDate.addActionListener(cbl); useAuthor.addActionListener(cbl); fromField.setText(DateTimeUtils.getLastYear()); toField.setText(DateTimeUtils.getToday()); authorField.setText(System.getProperty("")); JPanel[] panels = new JPanel[numPanels]; for (int i = 0; i < numPanels; i++) { panels[i] = new JPanel(); } // add giu to panels panels[0].setLayout(new BorderLayout()); panels[0].add(topPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH); panels[0].add(bottomPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); panels[0].setBorder(new TitledBorder(I18n.getString("label.search_critera"))); searchButton.addActionListener(this); JPanel fileTypePanel = new JPanel(); useType = new JCheckBox(I18n.getString("label.use_filetype_property")); useType.addActionListener(cbl); fileType = new JComboBox(fileTypesToFindLabel); JLabel fileTypeLabel = new JLabel(I18n.getString("label.find_only_these_filetypes")); fileTypePanel.add(useType); fileTypePanel.add(fileTypeLabel); fileTypePanel.add(fileType); JPanel sizePanel = new JPanel(); useSize = new JCheckBox(I18n.getString("label.use_filesize_property")); useSize.addActionListener(cbl); // TODO l18n kbytes JLabel sizeFromLabel = new JLabel(I18n.getString("label.from") + " KByte"); JLabel sizeToLabel = new JLabel(I18n.getString("") + " KByte"); sizeFromField = new JTextField(10); sizeFromField.setText("0"); sizeToField = new JTextField(10); sizeToField.setText("100"); sizePanel.add(useSize); sizePanel.add(sizeFromLabel); sizePanel.add(sizeFromField); sizePanel.add(sizeToLabel); sizePanel.add(sizeToField); JPanel sizeAndTypePanel = new JPanel(); sizeAndTypePanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); sizeAndTypePanel.setBorder(new TitledBorder(I18n.getString("label.filetype_and_size"))); sizeAndTypePanel.add(fileTypePanel, BorderLayout.NORTH); sizeAndTypePanel.add(sizePanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); // set up the tabbed pane JTabbedPane tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane(); tabbedPane.addTab(I18n.getString("label.general"), null, panels[0], I18n.getString("tooltip.general_search_criteria")); tabbedPane.addTab(I18n.getString("label.date_and_author"), null, metaPanel, I18n.getString("tooltip.date_auth_options")); tabbedPane.addTab(I18n.getString("label.filetype_and_size"), null, sizeAndTypePanel, I18n.getString("tooltip.filetype_and_size_options")); // gridbag getContentPane().setLayout(new GridLayout(1, numPanels + iconInt + 1)); GridBagLayout gridbaglayout = new GridBagLayout(); GridBagConstraints gridbagconstraints = new GridBagConstraints(); getContentPane().setLayout(gridbaglayout); gridbagconstraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; gridbagconstraints.insets = new Insets(1, 1, 1, 1); gridbagconstraints.gridx = 0; gridbagconstraints.gridy = 0; gridbagconstraints.gridwidth = 1; gridbagconstraints.gridheight = 1; gridbagconstraints.weightx = 1.0D; gridbagconstraints.weighty = 0.0D; gridbaglayout.setConstraints(toolbar, gridbagconstraints); getContentPane().add(toolbar); int start = 1; for (int i = 0; i < numPanels; i++) { if (i == 0) { gridbagconstraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; gridbagconstraints.insets = new Insets(1, 1, 1, 1); gridbagconstraints.gridx = 0; gridbagconstraints.gridy = i + start; gridbagconstraints.gridwidth = 1; gridbagconstraints.gridheight = 1; gridbagconstraints.weightx = 1.0D; gridbagconstraints.weighty = 0.0D; gridbaglayout.setConstraints(tabbedPane, gridbagconstraints); getContentPane().add(tabbedPane); } else { gridbagconstraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; gridbagconstraints.insets = new Insets(1, 1, 1, 1); gridbagconstraints.gridx = 0; gridbagconstraints.gridy = i + start; gridbagconstraints.gridwidth = 1; gridbagconstraints.gridheight = 1; gridbagconstraints.weightx = 1.0D; gridbagconstraints.weighty = 0.0D; gridbaglayout.setConstraints(panels[i], gridbagconstraints); getContentPane().add(panels[i]); } } // now add the results area gridbagconstraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; gridbagconstraints.insets = new Insets(1, 1, 1, 1); gridbagconstraints.gridx = 0; gridbagconstraints.gridy = iconInt; gridbagconstraints.gridwidth = 1; gridbagconstraints.gridheight = 1; gridbagconstraints.weightx = 1.0D; gridbagconstraints.weighty = 1.0D; gridbaglayout.setConstraints(scrollPane, gridbagconstraints); getContentPane().add(scrollPane); JPanel statusP = new JPanel(); statusP.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); statusP.add(dirLabel, BorderLayout.WEST); statusP.add(pPanel, BorderLayout.EAST); // now add the status label gridbagconstraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; gridbagconstraints.insets = new Insets(1, 1, 1, 1); gridbagconstraints.gridx = 0; gridbagconstraints.gridy = numPanels + iconInt; gridbagconstraints.gridwidth = 1; gridbagconstraints.gridheight = 1; gridbagconstraints.weightx = 1.0D; gridbagconstraints.weighty = 0.0D; gridbaglayout.setConstraints(statusP, gridbagconstraints); getContentPane().add(statusP); // File testArchDir = new File(fEnv.getArchiveDirectory()); if (!testArchDir.exists()) { boolean madeDir = testArchDir.mkdir(); if (!madeDir) { logger.warn("DocSearch() Error creating directory: " + fEnv.getArchiveDirectory()); } else {"DocSearch() Directory created: " + fEnv.getArchiveDirectory()); } } loadIndexes(); // DocTypeHandler String handlersFiName; if (!isCDSearchTool) { handlersFiName = FileUtils.addFolder(fEnv.getWorkingDirectory(), DocTypeHandlerUtils.HANDLER_FILE); } else { handlersFiName = FileUtils.addFolder(cdRomDefaultHome, DocTypeHandlerUtils.HANDLER_FILE); } DocTypeHandlerUtils dthUtils = new DocTypeHandlerUtils(); if (!FileUtils.fileExists(handlersFiName)) { logger.warn("DocSearch() Handlers file not found at: " + handlersFiName); handlerList = dthUtils.getInitialHandler(env); } else { handlerList = dthUtils.loadHandler(handlersFiName); } } /** * Creates menu bar * * @param menuBar Menu bar */ private JMenuBar createMenuBar() { // menu bar JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar(); // ----- menu file // menu item print JMenuItem menuItemPrint = new JMenuItem(I18n.getString("menuitem.print")); menuItemPrint.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_P, Event.CTRL_MASK)); menuItemPrint.setActionCommand("ac_print"); menuItemPrint.addActionListener(this); // scale X JRadioButtonMenuItem scaleXRadioBut = new JRadioButtonMenuItem(I18n.getString("print_scale_width")); scaleXRadioBut.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_W, Event.CTRL_MASK)); scaleXRadioBut.addActionListener(new ScaleXListener()); // scale Y JRadioButtonMenuItem scaleYRadioBut = new JRadioButtonMenuItem(I18n.getString("print_scale_length")); scaleYRadioBut.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_L, Event.CTRL_MASK)); scaleYRadioBut.addActionListener(new ScaleYListener()); // scale fit JRadioButtonMenuItem scaleFitRadioBut = new JRadioButtonMenuItem(I18n.getString("print_scale_to_fit")); scaleFitRadioBut.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_F, Event.CTRL_MASK)); scaleFitRadioBut.addActionListener(new ScaleFitListener()); // scale half JRadioButtonMenuItem scaleHalfRadioBut = new JRadioButtonMenuItem(I18n.getString("print_scale_half")); scaleHalfRadioBut.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_H, Event.CTRL_MASK)); scaleHalfRadioBut.addActionListener(new ScaleHalfListener()); // scale double JRadioButtonMenuItem scale2RadioBut = new JRadioButtonMenuItem(I18n.getString("print_scale_2x")); scale2RadioBut.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_D, Event.CTRL_MASK)); scale2RadioBut.addActionListener(new Scale2Listener()); // scale off JRadioButtonMenuItem scaleOffRadioBut = new JRadioButtonMenuItem(I18n.getString("print_scale_off"), true); scaleOffRadioBut.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_O, Event.CTRL_MASK)); ButtonGroup scaleSetGroup = new ButtonGroup(); scaleSetGroup.add(scale2RadioBut); scaleSetGroup.add(scaleFitRadioBut); scaleSetGroup.add(scaleHalfRadioBut); scaleSetGroup.add(scaleOffRadioBut); scaleSetGroup.add(scaleXRadioBut); scaleSetGroup.add(scaleYRadioBut); // build complete menu print preferences JMenu menuPrintPref = new JMenu(I18n.getString("menuitem.print_preferences"), true); menuPrintPref.add(scaleXRadioBut); menuPrintPref.add(scaleYRadioBut); menuPrintPref.add(scaleFitRadioBut); menuPrintPref.add(scaleHalfRadioBut); menuPrintPref.add(scale2RadioBut); menuPrintPref.addSeparator(); menuPrintPref.add(scaleOffRadioBut); // menu item exit JMenuItem menuItemExit = new JMenuItem(I18n.getString("menuitem.exit")); menuItemExit.setActionCommand("ac_exit"); menuItemExit.addActionListener(this); // build complete menu file JMenu menuFile = new JMenu(I18n.getString("menu.file")); menuFile.add(menuItemPrint); menuFile.add(menuPrintPref); menuFile.addSeparator(); menuFile.add(menuItemExit); // add menu to menu bar menuBar.add(menuFile); // ----- menu index // menu item new JMenuItem menuItemNewIndex = new JMenuItem(I18n.getString("menuitem.new_index")); menuItemNewIndex.setActionCommand("ac_newindex"); menuItemNewIndex.addActionListener(this); // menu item new spider JMenuItem menuItemNewSpiderIndex = new JMenuItem(I18n.getString("menuitem.new_spider_index")); menuItemNewSpiderIndex.setActionCommand("ac_newspiderindex"); menuItemNewSpiderIndex.addActionListener(this); // menu item manage JMenuItem menuItemManageIndex = new JMenuItem(I18n.getString("menuitem.manage_indexes")); menuItemManageIndex.setActionCommand("ac_manageindex"); menuItemManageIndex.addActionListener(this); // menu item rebuild JMenuItem menuItemRebuildIndex = new JMenuItem(I18n.getString("menuitem.rebuild_all_indexes")); menuItemRebuildIndex.setActionCommand("ac_rebuildindexes"); menuItemRebuildIndex.addActionListener(this); // menu item import JMenuItem menuItemImportIndex = new JMenuItem(I18n.getString("menuitem.import_index")); menuItemImportIndex.setActionCommand("ac_importindex"); menuItemImportIndex.addActionListener(this); // build complete menu index JMenu indexMenu = new JMenu(I18n.getString("menu.index")); indexMenu.add(menuItemNewIndex); indexMenu.add(menuItemNewSpiderIndex); indexMenu.add(menuItemManageIndex); indexMenu.add(menuItemRebuildIndex); indexMenu.addSeparator(); indexMenu.add(menuItemImportIndex); // add menu to menu bar menuBar.add(indexMenu); // ----- menu bookmark // menu item add JMenuItem menuItemAddBookmark = new JMenuItem(I18n.getString("menuitem.add_bookmark")); menuItemAddBookmark.setActionCommand("ac_addbookmark"); menuItemAddBookmark.addActionListener(this); // menu item delete all JMenuItem menuItemDeleteAll = new JMenuItem(I18n.getString("menuitem.delete_all_bookmarks")); menuItemDeleteAll.setActionCommand("ac_deleteallbookmarks"); menuItemDeleteAll.addActionListener(this); // build complete menu index bookMarkMenu = new JMenu(I18n.getString("menu.bookmarks")); bookMarkMenu.add(menuItemAddBookmark); bookMarkMenu.add(menuItemDeleteAll); bookMarkMenu.addSeparator(); // add menu to menu bar menuBar.add(bookMarkMenu); // ----- menu report // menu item metadata report JMenuItem menuItemMetadataReport = new JMenuItem(I18n.getString("menuitem.metadata_report")); menuItemMetadataReport.setActionCommand("ac_metadata_report"); menuItemMetadataReport.addActionListener(this); // menu item servlet report JMenuItem menuItemServletReport = new JMenuItem(I18n.getString("menuitem.servlet_log_report")); menuItemServletReport.setActionCommand("ac_servlet_log_report"); menuItemServletReport.addActionListener(this); // build complete menu report JMenu reportMenu = new JMenu(I18n.getString("menu.reports")); reportMenu.add(menuItemMetadataReport); reportMenu.add(menuItemServletReport); // add menu to menu bar menuBar.add(reportMenu); // ----- menu tools // menu item makr cd JMenuItem menuItemMakeCD = new JMenuItem(I18n.getString("menuitem.make_cd")); menuItemMakeCD.setActionCommand("ac_makecd"); menuItemMakeCD.addActionListener(this); // menu item setting JMenuItem menuItemSetting = new JMenuItem(I18n.getString("menuitem.settings")); menuItemSetting.setActionCommand("ac_settings"); menuItemSetting.addActionListener(this); // build complete menu report JMenu menuTool = new JMenu(I18n.getString("")); menuTool.add(menuItemMakeCD); menuTool.addSeparator(); menuTool.add(menuItemSetting); // add menu to menu bar menuBar.add(menuTool); // ----- menu help // menu item search tip JMenuItem menuItemSearchTip = new JMenuItem(I18n.getString("menuitem.search_tips")); menuItemSearchTip.setActionCommand("ac_search_tips"); menuItemSearchTip.addActionListener(this); // menu item about JMenuItem menuItemAbout = new JMenuItem(I18n.getString("menuitem.about")); menuItemAbout.setActionCommand("ac_about"); menuItemAbout.addActionListener(this); // build complete menu help JMenu menuHelp = new JMenu(I18n.getString("")); menuHelp.add(menuItemSearchTip); menuHelp.add(menuItemAbout); // add menu to menu bar menuBar.add(menuHelp); // finished return menuBar; } private JToolBar createToolBar() { // tool bar JToolBar toolBar = new JToolBar(); // file open JButton buttonOpen = new JButton(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/icons/fileopen.png"))); buttonOpen.setToolTipText(I18n.getString("")); buttonOpen.setActionCommand("ac_open"); buttonOpen.addActionListener(this); buttonOpen.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_O); buttonOpen.setEnabled(!env.isWebStart()); // disable in WebStart toolBar.add(buttonOpen); // file save JButton buttonSave = new JButton(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/icons/filesave.png"))); buttonSave.setToolTipText(I18n.getString("")); buttonSave.setActionCommand("ac_save"); buttonSave.addActionListener(this); buttonSave.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_S); buttonSave.setEnabled(!env.isWebStart()); // disable in WebStart toolBar.add(buttonSave); toolBar.addSeparator(); // open browser JButton buttonBrowser = new JButton(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/icons/html.png"))); buttonBrowser.setToolTipText(I18n.getString("tooltip.open_in_browser")); buttonBrowser.setActionCommand("ac_openinbrowser"); buttonBrowser.addActionListener(this); buttonBrowser.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_E); buttonBrowser.setEnabled(!env.isWebStart()); // disable in WebStart toolBar.add(buttonBrowser); toolBar.addSeparator(); // home JButton buttonHome = new JButton(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/icons/home.png"))); buttonHome.setToolTipText(I18n.getString("tooltip.home")); buttonHome.setActionCommand("ac_home"); buttonHome.addActionListener(this); buttonHome.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_H); toolBar.add(buttonHome); // refresh JButton buttonRefresh = new JButton(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/icons/refresh.png"))); buttonRefresh.setToolTipText(I18n.getString("tooltip.refresh")); buttonRefresh.setActionCommand("ac_refresh"); buttonRefresh.addActionListener(this); buttonRefresh.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_L); toolBar.add(buttonRefresh); toolBar.addSeparator(); // result JButton buttonResult = new JButton(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/icons/search_results.png"))); buttonResult.setToolTipText(I18n.getString("tooltip.results")); buttonResult.setActionCommand("ac_result"); buttonResult.addActionListener(this); buttonResult.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_R); toolBar.add(buttonResult); toolBar.addSeparator(); // bookmark JButton buttonBookMark = new JButton(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/icons/bookmark.png"))); buttonBookMark.setToolTipText(I18n.getString("tooltip.add_bookmark")); buttonBookMark.setActionCommand("ac_addbookmark"); buttonBookMark.addActionListener(this); buttonBookMark.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_M); toolBar.add(buttonBookMark); toolBar.addSeparator(); // print JButton buttonPrint = new JButton(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/icons/fileprint.png"))); buttonPrint.setToolTipText(I18n.getString("tooltip.print")); buttonPrint.setActionCommand("ac_print"); buttonPrint.addActionListener(this); buttonPrint.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_P); toolBar.add(buttonPrint); toolBar.addSeparator(); // setting JButton buttonSetting = new JButton(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/icons/configure.png"))); buttonSetting.setToolTipText(I18n.getString("tooltip.settings")); buttonSetting.setActionCommand("ac_settings"); buttonSetting.addActionListener(this); buttonSetting.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_HOME); toolBar.add(buttonSetting); toolBar.addSeparator(); // stop buttonStop = new JButton(new ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/icons/stop.png"))); buttonStop.setToolTipText(I18n.getString("tooltip.stop")); buttonStop.setActionCommand("ac_stop"); buttonStop.addActionListener(this); buttonStop.setMnemonic(KeyEvent.VK_X); toolBar.add(buttonStop); toolBar.addSeparator(); // toolBar.setFloatable(false); // finished return toolBar; } /** * Method init */ private void init() { // // GUI BUILDING // close window item this.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { @Override public void windowClosing(WindowEvent windowevent) { doExit(); } }); // center on the screen Dimension screenD = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); int screenWidth = screenD.width; int screenHeight = screenD.height; setSize(kDefaultX, kDefaultY); int newX = 0; int newY = 0; if (screenWidth > kDefaultX) { newX = (screenWidth - kDefaultX) / 2; } if (screenHeight > kDefaultY) { newY = (screenHeight - kDefaultY) / 2; } if ((newX != 0) || (newY != 0)) { setLocation(newX, newY); } // now determine if we need to create an index if (!hasIndex() && !isCDSearchTool) { curStatusString = I18n.getString("init_index"); String contentFolderS = FileUtils.addFolder(fEnv.getStartDirectory(), "content"); File testCF = new File(contentFolderS); if (testCF.exists()) { try { DocSearcherIndex di = new DocSearcherIndex(contentFolderS, "default index", true, 20, FileUtils.addFolder(fEnv.getIndexDirectory(), "default"), false, "", "", 0, fEnv.getArchiveDirectory()); createNewIndex(di, false); } catch (IOException ioe) { showMessage(I18n.getString("error_creating_index"), ioe.toString()); } } } // HANDLE ERRORS isLoading = false; if (hasErr) { showMessage(I18n.getString("error_init"), errString); } // set up our fields; cb(); setIsWorking(false); listAllProps(); } /** * Checks the policy for updating the DocSearcherIndexes and if it is time * for updating - starts that process */ private void checkUpdates() { int numDis = indexes.size(); if (numDis > 0) { setStatus(I18n.getString("please_wait...") + " " + I18n.getString("update_index")); Iterator<DocSearcherIndex> it = indexes.iterator(); DocSearcherIndex di; int curDays = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { di =; curDays = DateTimeUtils.getDaysOld(di.getLastIndexed()); setStatus(ckFoUpdaTo + di.getName()); switch (di.getIndexPolicy()) { case 0: // When I say so break; case 1: // During Startup idx.updateIndex(di); break; case 2: // When Index > 1 Day Old if (curDays > 1) { idx.updateIndex(di); } break; case 3: // When Index > 5 Days old if (curDays > 5) { idx.updateIndex(di); } break; case 4: // When Index > 30 Days Old if (curDays > 30) { idx.updateIndex(di); } break; case 5: // When Index > 60 Days Old if (curDays > 60) { idx.updateIndex(di); } break; case 6: // When Index > 90 Days Old if (curDays > 90) { idx.updateIndex(di); } break; case 7: // When Index > 180 Days Old if (curDays > 180) { idx.updateIndex(di); } break; case 8: // When Index > 365 Days Old if (curDays > 365) { idx.updateIndex(di); } break; default: // whatever break; } } } setStatus(I18n.getString("update_check_complete")); } /** * Handle's main GUI events */ public void handleEventCommand(String s) { logger.debug("handleEventCommand('" + s + "') entered"); try { // we run validation in a thread so as not to interfere // with repaints of GUI if (s.equals("ac_exit")) { doExit(); } else if (s.equals("ac_makecd")) { doSearchableCdWiz(); } else if (s.equals("ac_settings")) { doHandlers(); } else if (s.equals("ac_newspiderindex")) { doNewSpiderIdx(); } else if (s.equals("ac_refresh")) { setPage(curPage); } else if (s.equals("ac_metadata_report")) { doMetaReport(); } else if (s.equals("ac_servlet_log_report")) { getSeachLogReport(); } else if (s.equals("ac_about")) { showMessage(I18n.getString("windowtitle.about"), I18n.getString("version") + " " + I18n.getString("ds.version") + "\n\n" + I18n.getString("windowcontent.about")); } else if (s.equals("ac_open")) { doOpen(); } else if (s.equals("ac_save")) { doSave(); } else if (s.equals("ac_print")) { doPrint(); } else if (s.equals("ac_search_tips")) { showMessage(I18n.getString("windowtitle.search_tips"), I18n.getString("windowcontent.search_tips")); } else if (s.equals("ac_openinbrowser")) { doExternal(curPage); } else if (s.equals("ac_newindex")) { doNewIndex(); } else if (s.equals("ac_rebuildindexes")) { rebuildIndexes(); } else if (s.equals("ac_stop")) { doStop(); } else if (s.equals("ac_search")) { doThreadedSearch(); } else if (s.equals("ac_manageindex")) { doManageIndexes(); } else if (s.equals("ac_importindex")) { getImportInfo(); } else if (s.equals("ac_addbookmark")) { doBookmark(); } else if (s.equals("ac_deleteallbookmarks")) { // TODO extra method bookmarksList.clear(); File bmf = new File(fEnv.getBookmarkFile()); boolean wasCleared = true; String errString = null; if (bmf.exists()) { try { if (!bmf.delete()) { wasCleared = false; errString = "Bookmarks not deleted"; } } catch (SecurityException se) { logger.fatal("handleEventCommand() failed with SecurityException", se); wasCleared = false; errString = se.toString(); } } if (!wasCleared) { showMessage(I18n.getString("error_remove_bookmarks"), errString); } else { showMessage(I18n.getString("bookmarks_cleared"), I18n.getString("bookmarks_cleared_info")); } } else if (s.equals("ac_result")) { editorPane.setContentType("text/html"); editorPane.setText(lastSearch);, 0); curPage = "results"; } else if (s.equals("ac_home")) { editorPane.setContentType("text/html"); if (hasStartPage) { if (!setPage("home")) { // error message // TODO better error message editorPane.setText(errString); } curPage = "home"; } else { editorPane.setText(lastSearch);, 0); curPage = "results"; } } else { if (s.startsWith("file:/") || s.startsWith("http")) { setPage(s); } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("handleEventCommand() action thread was stopped!", e); } } /** * Method actionPerformed * * @param actionevent */ @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionevent) { String a = actionevent.getActionCommand(); GuiThread g = new GuiThread(this, a); g.start(); } /** * Checks to see that a DocSearcherIndex has its lucene index folder * * @return true if the lucene index folder for the index exists */ private boolean hasIndex() { boolean returnBool = true; File indexFolder = new File(fEnv.getIndexDirectory()); if (!indexFolder.exists()) { returnBool = false; } else if (env.isGUIMode()) { setStatus(idxFldr + " " + fEnv.getIndexDirectory() + " " + I18n.getString("lower_exists")); } return returnBool; } /** * changes the label at the bottom of the frame to reflect ungoing progress, * etc... */ public void setStatus(String toSet) { if (!isLoading && env.isGUIMode()) { dirLabel.setText(toSet); } else { System.out.println(toSet); } } /** * Display's a question (details) and returns a 1 if no or 0 if yes is * answered * * @return 0 for yes and 1 for no */ public int getConfirmation(String details, String title) { int n = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(this, title, details, JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); return n; } /** * Question dialog for yes or no that returns true for yes and false for no * * @return true for yes and false for no */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private boolean getConfirmationMessage(String title, String details) { MessageConfirmRunner mct = new MessageConfirmRunner(title, details, this); try { SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(mct); if (mct.getReturnInt() == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { return true; } } catch (InterruptedException ie) { logger.fatal("getConfirmationMessage() failed with InterruptedException", ie); } catch (InvocationTargetException ite) { logger.fatal("getConfirmationMessage() failed with InvocationTargetException", ite); } return false; } /** * Displays a dialog for informational or error messages - invokes a * MessageRunner so as not to be on the dispatch (GUI) thread * * @see MessageRunner */ public void showMessage(String title, String details) { MessageRunner mesThread = new MessageRunner(title, details, this); try { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(mesThread); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("showMessage() failed", e); } } /** * Does the actual work for Displaying an informational dialog - invoked via * a MessageRunner so as not to be on the dispatch (GUI) thread * * @see MessageRunner */ public void showMessageDialog(String title, String body) { if (!isLoading && env.isGUIMode()) { int messageType = JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE; if (title.toLowerCase().indexOf(I18n.getString("lower_error")) != -1) { messageType = JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE; } JOptionPane pane = new JOptionPane(body, messageType); JDialog dialog = pane.createDialog(this, title); dialog.setVisible(true); } else {"showMessageDialog() \n* * * " + title + " * * *\n\t" + body); } } /** * Method getSearchIndexes * * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private String getSearchedIndexes() { StringBuffer rb = new StringBuffer(); // iterate over the di s int numIndexes = 0; if (!indexes.isEmpty()) { numIndexes = indexes.size(); // add the items Iterator<DocSearcherIndex> iterator = indexes.iterator(); if (numIndexes > 0) { rb.append("<ul>"); } while (iterator.hasNext()) { DocSearcherIndex curI =; if (curI.getShouldBeSearched()) { rb.append("<li><font color=\"blue\">"); rb.append(curI.getName()); rb.append("</font></li>"); } } if (numIndexes > 0) { rb.append("</ul>"); } } if (numIndexes == 0) { return "<p align=\"left\"><b>" + I18n.getString("none") + "</b></p>"; } else { return rb.toString(); } } /** * Get all hits from search result with filesize range * * @param hits * Hits from search * @param minSize * min filesize in kilobytes * @param maxSize * max filesize in kilobytes * @return Arraylit with 2 other ArrayList. List 0 contains the documents * and List 1 constain the Float score value */ private ArrayList[] getHitsForFilesizeRange(Hits hits, int minSize, int maxSize) { ArrayList[] returnList = new ArrayList[2]; returnList[0] = new ArrayList(); returnList[1] = new ArrayList(); // search hits with correct filesize for (int i = 0; i < hits.length(); i++) { try { int tempSize = Integer.parseInt(hits.doc(i).get(Index.FIELD_SIZE)); if ((tempSize >= minSize) && (tempSize <= maxSize)) { returnList[0].add(hits.doc(i)); returnList[1].add(Float.valueOf(hits.score(i))); } } catch (Exception e) { setStatus(dsErrObtSi + " " + e.toString()); } } return returnList; } /** * Class Scale2Listener */ public class Scale2Listener implements ActionListener { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { vista = new JComponentVista(editorPane, new PageFormat()); vista.setScale(2.0, 2.0); } } /** * Class ScaleFitListener */ public class ScaleFitListener implements ActionListener { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { vista = new JComponentVista(editorPane, new PageFormat()); vista.scaleToFit(false); } } /** * Class ScaleHalfListener * * @author henschel * */ public class ScaleHalfListener implements ActionListener { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { vista = new JComponentVista(editorPane, new PageFormat()); vista.setScale(0.5, 0.5); } } /** * Class ScaleOffLister */ public class ScaleOffListener implements ActionListener { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { vista = new JComponentVista(editorPane, new PageFormat()); } } /** * Class ScaleXListener */ public class ScaleXListener implements ActionListener { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { vista = new JComponentVista(editorPane, new PageFormat()); vista.scaleToFitX(); } } /** * Class ScaleYListener */ public class ScaleYListener implements ActionListener { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { vista = new JComponentVista(editorPane, new PageFormat()); vista.scaleToFitY(); } } /** * Method setSearching * * @param toSet */ public void setSearching(boolean toSet) { currentlySearching = toSet; } /** * Method doSearch * * @param searchText Search text */ public void doSearch(String searchText) { // TODO format date with locale setStatus(I18n.getString("please_wait...") + " " + I18n.getString("searching") + " --> " + searchText); setSearching(true); setIsWorking(true); int srchMaxPos = indexes.size() * 3; if (srchMaxPos > 0) { pPanel.setMaxPos(srchMaxPos); } synchronized (this) { ArrayList[] sizeList = null; if (phrase.isSelected()) { if (searchText.indexOf("\"") == -1) { searchText = "\"" + searchText + "\""; } } // for each di - search and add the results int grandTotalHits = 0; int selectedFields = searchIn.getSelectedIndex(); String sField = searchOpts[selectedFields]; StringBuffer searchedIndexes = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer bodyBuf = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer hitBuf = new StringBuffer(); hitBuf.append("<html><head><title>"); hitBuf.append(I18n.getString("results_for_search")); hitBuf.append(' '); hitBuf.append(searchText); hitBuf.append("</title></head><body><h1 align=\"center\">"); hitBuf.append(I18n.getString("results_for_search")); hitBuf.append(": "); hitBuf.append("<strong><font color=\"blue\">"); hitBuf.append(searchText); hitBuf.append("</font></strong></h1>"); if (env.isGUIMode()) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("doSearch() search for '" + searchText + "'"); } } else { System.out.println(I18n.getString("results_for_search") + ": " + searchText); } if (!indexes.isEmpty()) { try { int curSrchPos = 0; // add the items Iterator<DocSearcherIndex> iterator = indexes.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { curSrchPos++; if (curSrchPos > 0) { pPanel.setCurPos(curSrchPos); } DocSearcherIndex currentIndex =; boolean isCdRomIdx = currentIndex.isCdrom(); StringBuffer tempBuf = new StringBuffer(); if (currentIndex.getShouldBeSearched()) { String findText = ""; // create searcher Searcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(currentIndex.getIndexPath()); if ((searchText.indexOf("(") != -1) || (searchText.indexOf("[") != -1)) { findText = searchText; } else { // add body and title, or single field to query if (selectedFields == 0) { findText = "+(" + Index.FIELD_BODY + ":(" + searchText + ") OR " + Index.FIELD_TITLE + ":(" + searchText + "))"; } else { // TODO dont use sField directly, because it // is translated in other languages findText = "+" + sField + ":(" + searchText + ")"; } // add author to query if (useAuthor.isSelected()) { findText += " +" + Index.FIELD_AUTHOR + ":(" + authorField.getText() + ")"; } // add filetype to query if (useType.isSelected()) { findText += " +" + Index.FIELD_TYPE + ":(" + fileTypesToFind[fileType.getSelectedIndex()] + ")"; } } logger.debug("doSearch() query string '" + findText + "'"); setStatus(dsSrchStr + ": " + findText + "..."); // create query QueryParser queryParser = new QueryParser(Index.FIELD_BODY, new StandardAnalyzer()); Query query = queryParser.parse(findText); // check for date filter and search in index Hits hits; if (useDate.isSelected()) { String dateFrom = DateTimeUtils.getDateStringForIndex( DateTimeUtils.getDateFromString(fromField.getText())); String dateTo = DateTimeUtils .getDateStringForIndex(DateTimeUtils.getDateFromString(toField.getText())); RangeFilter rangeFilter = new RangeFilter(Index.FIELD_MODDATE, dateFrom, dateTo, true, true); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("doSearch() search with date range '" + rangeFilter + "'"); } hits =, rangeFilter); } else { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("doSearch() search without date range"); } hits =; } // check for search with filesize int numHits; if (useSize.isSelected()) { int minFilesize = 1; int maxFilesize = 2; try { minFilesize = Integer.parseInt(sizeFromField.getText()) * 1024; maxFilesize = Integer.parseInt(sizeToField.getText()) * 1024; } catch (Exception e) { setStatus(dsErrParseNums + " " + e.toString()); } sizeList = getHitsForFilesizeRange(hits, minFilesize, maxFilesize); numHits = sizeList[0].size(); } else { numHits = hits.length(); // NOT A SIZE QUERY } searchedIndexes.append("<li> <font color=\"blue\">"); searchedIndexes.append(currentIndex.getName()); searchedIndexes.append("</font> (<b>"); searchedIndexes.append(numHits); searchedIndexes.append("</b> "); searchedIndexes.append(I18n.getString("documents")); searchedIndexes.append(")</li>"); if (env.isGUIMode()) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("doSearch() Index: " + currentIndex.getName()); } } else { System.out.println(I18n.getString("index") + ": " + currentIndex.getName()); } grandTotalHits += numHits; tempBuf.append("<p align=\"center\"><b>"); tempBuf.append(numHits); tempBuf.append("</b> "); tempBuf.append(I18n.getString("documents_found_in_index")); tempBuf.append("<b> "); tempBuf.append(currentIndex.getName()); tempBuf.append("</b></p>"); curSrchPos++; if (curSrchPos > 0) { pPanel.setCurPos(curSrchPos); } for (int i = 0; i < numHits; i++) { if (i > maxNumHitsShown) { setStatus(dsMxNumHits + " (" + maxNumHitsShown + ") " + I18n.getString("exceeded") + " (" + numHits + ")."); break; } // get document and score from result or special // result Document currentDocument; float currentScore; // filesize result? if (useSize.isSelected()) { currentDocument = (Document) sizeList[0].get(i); currentScore = ((Float) sizeList[1].get(i)).floatValue(); } else { currentDocument = hits.doc(i); currentScore = hits.score(i); } // title String currentTitle = Utils .convertTextToHTML(currentDocument.get(Index.FIELD_TITLE)); // filesize String currentFilesize = currentDocument.get(Index.FIELD_SIZE); // path or url String currentFile; if (!currentIndex.getIsWeb()) { if (!isCdRomIdx) { currentFile = currentDocument.get(Index.FIELD_PATH); } else { currentFile = getCDROMPath(currentDocument.get(Index.FIELD_URL)); } } else { currentFile = currentDocument.get(Index.FIELD_URL); } // type String currentTypeStr = currentDocument.get(Index.FIELD_TYPE); FileType currentType = FileType.fromValue(currentTypeStr); // author String currentAuthor = currentDocument.get(Index.FIELD_AUTHOR); if ("".equals(currentAuthor)) { currentAuthor = I18n.getString("unknown"); } // date String currentDate = currentDocument.get(Index.FIELD_MODDATE); if ("".equals(currentDate)) { currentDate = I18n.getString("unknown"); } else { currentDate = DateTimeUtils.getDateParsedFromIndex(currentDate); } String currentSummary = Utils .convertTextToHTML(currentDocument.get(Index.FIELD_SUMMARY)); // add it to our page - doc size title score tempBuf.append("<p align=\"left\">"); if (!currentIndex.getIsWeb()) { tempBuf.append("<a href=\""); tempBuf.append(fileString); tempBuf.append(currentFile); tempBuf.append("\">"); } else { tempBuf.append("<a href=\""); tempBuf.append(currentFile); tempBuf.append("\">"); } switch (currentType) { case HTML: // html tempBuf.append(htmlTag); break; case MS_WORD: // ms word tempBuf.append(wordTag); break; case MS_EXCEL: // ms excel tempBuf.append(excelTag); break; case PDF: // pdf tempBuf.append(pdfTag); break; case RTF: // rtf tempBuf.append(rtfTag); break; case OO_WRITER: // openoffice writer tempBuf.append(ooWriterTag); break; case OO_IMPRESS: // openoffice impress tempBuf.append(ooImpressTag); break; case OO_CALC: // openoffice calc tempBuf.append(ooCalcTag); break; case OO_DRAW: // openoffice draw tempBuf.append(ooDrawTag); break; case OPENDOCUMENT_TEXT: // opendocument text tempBuf.append(openDocumentTextTag); break; case TEXT: tempBuf.append(textTag); break; default: logger.error("doSearch() FileType." + currentType + " is not ok here!"); } tempBuf.append(" "); tempBuf.append(currentTitle); tempBuf.append("</a><br>"); tempBuf.append(currentSummary); tempBuf.append("<font color=\"green\"><br><em>"); tempBuf.append(currentDate); tempBuf.append(", "); tempBuf.append(Utils.getKStyle(currentFilesize)); tempBuf.append("bytes, "); tempBuf.append(currentAuthor); tempBuf.append(", <b>"); tempBuf.append(Utils.getPercentStringFromScore(currentScore)); tempBuf.append("</b></em></font><br><font color=\"gray\">"); tempBuf.append(currentFile); tempBuf.append("</font>"); tempBuf.append("</p>"); if (env.isGUIMode()) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("doSearch() \n\n* " + currentTitle + "\n" + currentSummary + "\n" + currentDate + ", " + Utils.getKStyle(currentFilesize) + "bytes, " + currentAuthor + ", " + Utils.getPercentStringFromScore(currentScore) + "\n" + currentFile); } } else { System.out.println("\n\n* " + currentTitle + "\n" + currentSummary + "\n" + currentDate + ", " + Utils.getKStyle(currentFilesize) + "bytes, " + currentAuthor + ", " + Utils.getPercentStringFromScore(currentScore) + "\n" + currentFile); } } // end for hits // now add our results curSrchPos++; if (curSrchPos > 0) { pPanel.setCurPos(curSrchPos); } // add the footer bodyBuf.append(tempBuf); // close index searcher.close(); } // end if shouldbesearched else { tempBuf.append("<p align=\"left\">"); tempBuf.append(I18n.getString("index")); tempBuf.append(" <b>"); tempBuf.append(currentIndex.getName()); tempBuf.append("</b> "); tempBuf.append(dsWasNotSearched); tempBuf.append("</p>"); bodyBuf.append(tempBuf); } } // end while hasmore indexes // finish up the page hitBuf.append("<p align=\"left\"><strong>"); hitBuf.append(grandTotalHits); hitBuf.append("</strong> "); hitBuf.append(I18n.getString("documents_found_in_all_indexes")); hitBuf.append("</p>"); hitBuf.append("<ul>"); hitBuf.append(searchedIndexes); hitBuf.append("</ul>"); hitBuf.append(bodyBuf); hitBuf.append("</body></html>"); if (env.isGUIMode()) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("doSearch() " + dsTotHits + ": " + grandTotalHits); } } else { System.out.println("\n" + dsTotHits + ": " + grandTotalHits); } // save last search lastSearch = hitBuf.toString(); // show result if (env.isGUIMode()) { editorPane.setText(lastSearch);, 0); // add search text in combobox if not exist int searchFieldCount = searchField.getItemCount(); boolean inThere = false; for (int i = 1; i < searchFieldCount; i++) { String tmpSrchTxt = (String) searchField.getItemAt(i); if (tmpSrchTxt != null) { if (tmpSrchTxt.equals(searchText)) { inThere = true; } } } // if search text new, than put it to searchfield and // select them if (!inThere) { searchField.addItem(searchText); searchField.setSelectedIndex(searchField.getItemCount() - 1); } vista = new JComponentVista(editorPane, new PageFormat()); // set current page to result curPage = "results"; } else { // TODO check if here ouput for command line needed! } } catch (IOException ioe) { logger.fatal("doSearch() failed with IOException", ioe); showMessage(dsErrPrfSrch, dsCrptdIdx + " :\n" + ioe.toString()); } catch (NullPointerException npe) { logger.fatal("doSearch() failed with NullPointerException", npe); showMessage(dsErrPrfSrch, dsCrptdIdx + " :\n" + npe.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.fatal("doSearch() failed with Exception", e); showMessage(dsErrPrfSrch, e.toString()); } } else { showMessage(dsErrPrfSrch, dsMkIdx); } } setStatus(I18n.getString("search_complete")); setSearching(false); setIsWorking(false); pPanel.reset(); } /** * Load properties file. * * @param propertiesFile * Properties file * @return Properties */ private Properties loadProperties(String propertiesFile) { logger.debug("loadProperties('" + propertiesFile + "') entered"); // cursor "wait" setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR)); // read property file Properties props = new Properties(); FileInputStream fileIn = null; try { File propsFile = new File(propertiesFile); if (propsFile.isFile()) { fileIn = new FileInputStream(propsFile); props.load(fileIn); } else { logger.error("loadProperties() " + propertiesFile + " isn't a file!"); } } catch (IOException ioe) { logger.fatal("loadProperties() failed", ioe); showMessage(dsErrLdgFi, "\n" + propertiesFile + "\n\n : " + ioe.toString()); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(fileIn); } // cursor "default" setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); return props; } /** * Set the page. * * @param pageToSet * Page name * @return True, if page is successfully set. */ private boolean setPage(final String pageToSet) { logger.debug("setPage('" + pageToSet + "') entered"); boolean returnBool = true; try { if (FileTypeUtils.isFileTypeHTML(pageToSet) || FileTypeUtils.isFileTypeText(pageToSet)) { editorPane.setContentType("text/html"); editorPane.setPage(fileString + blankFile); } } catch (NullPointerException npe) { logger.fatal("setPage() failed", npe); setStatus(dsErrSetPa + " : " + npe.toString() + "\n" + pageToSet); } catch (IOException ioe) { logger.fatal("setPage() failed", ioe); setStatus(dsErrSetPa + " : " + ioe.toString() + "\n" + pageToSet); } // which page? if ("home".equals(pageToSet)) { setStatus(I18n.getString("loading") + " : *" + pageToSet + "*"); editorPane.setContentType("text/html"); if (hasStartPage) { try { if (env.isWebStart()) { editorPane.setPage(startPageString); } else { editorPane.setPage(fileString + startPageString); } } catch (IOException ioe) { logger.fatal("setPage() failed", ioe); editorPane.setText(lastSearch); } } else { editorPane.setText(lastSearch); }, 0); } else if ("help".equals(pageToSet)) { setStatus(I18n.getString("loading") + " : *" + pageToSet + "*"); editorPane.setContentType("text/html"); if (hasStartPage) { try { if (env.isWebStart()) { editorPane.setPage(helpPageString); } else { editorPane.setPage(fileString + helpPageString); } } catch (IOException ioe) { logger.fatal("setPage() failed", ioe); editorPane.setText(lastSearch); } } else { editorPane.setText(lastSearch); }, 0); } else if ("result".equals(pageToSet)) { setStatus(I18n.getString("loading") + " : *" + pageToSet + "*"); editorPane.setContentType("text/html"); editorPane.setText(lastSearch);, 0); } else { if (FileTypeUtils.isFileTypeHTML(pageToSet) || FileTypeUtils.isFileTypeText(pageToSet)) { if (FileTypeUtils.isFileTypeHTML(pageToSet)) { editorPane.setContentType("text/html"); } else if (FileTypeUtils.isFileTypeText(pageToSet)) { editorPane.setContentType("text/plain"); } try { // set the page if (pageToSet.startsWith("file:/")) { String newPageToSet = pageToSet.substring(6, pageToSet.length()); editorPane.setPage(fileString + newPageToSet); } else if (pageToSet.startsWith("http:")) { editorPane.setPage(pageToSet); } else if (pageToSet.startsWith("ftp")) { editorPane.setPage(pageToSet); } else { editorPane.setPage(fileString + pageToSet); } setStatus(I18n.getString("loaded") + " " + pageToSet); } catch (IOException ioe) { logger.fatal("setPage() failed", ioe); returnBool = false; showMessage(dsErrLdgPa, "\n" + pageToSet + ioe.toString()); } } else { doExternal(pageToSet); } } // store page name // clean last search text if (returnBool) { curPage = pageToSet; } return returnBool; } private void doOpen() { JFileChooser fdo = new JFileChooser(); fdo.setCurrentDirectory(new File(defaultSaveFolder)); int fileGotten = fdo.showDialog(this, I18n.getString("")); if (fileGotten == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { File file = fdo.getSelectedFile(); String fileName = file.toString(); // get document stream and save it if (!fileName.startsWith("http")) { setPage(fileString + fileName); } else { setPage(fileName); } } // end if approved } private void doSave() { setStatus(I18n.getString("")); // defaultSaveFolder JFileChooser fds = new JFileChooser(); fds.setDialogTitle(I18n.getString("")); String saveName; if (curPage.equals("results")) { saveName = "results.htm"; } else if (curPage.equals("home")) { saveName = "home.htm"; } else { saveName = Utils.getNameOnly(curPage); } saveName = FileUtils.addFolder(defaultSaveFolder, saveName); fds.setCurrentDirectory(new File(defaultSaveFolder)); fds.setSelectedFile(new File(saveName)); int fileGotten = fds.showDialog(this, I18n.getString("")); if (fileGotten == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { File saveFile = fds.getSelectedFile(); setStatus(I18n.getString("") + saveFile); // get document stream and save it String saveText = editorPane.getText(); PrintWriter pw = null; try { pw = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(saveFile)); pw.print(saveText); } catch (IOException ioe) { logger.fatal("doSave() failed with IOException", ioe); showMessage(dsErrSaFi, "\n" + saveFile); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(pw); } } } private void doPrint() { PrinterJob pj = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob(); pj.setJobName("docSearcher"); pj.setPageable(vista); try { if (pj.printDialog()) { pj.print(); } } catch (PrinterException pe) { logger.fatal("doPrint() failed with PrinterException", pe); showMessage(dsErrPrint, pe.toString()); } } private void doExit() { try { if (!isCDSearchTool) { saveIndexes(); new DocTypeHandlerUtils().saveHandler(fEnv, handlerList); saveSettings(); } } catch (Exception eR) { showMessage(dsErrSaFi, eR.toString()); } finally { System.exit(0); } } private void saveIndexes() { if (!indexes.isEmpty()) { // int numIndexes = indexes.size(); StringBuffer sB = new StringBuffer(); sB.append( "<html><head><title>DocSearcher Index Listing</title><meta name=\"robots\" content=\"noindex,nofollow\"></head>"); sB.append("<body><h1>DocSearcher Index Listing</h1><p align = left>"); sB.append("Listed below are the paths and whether they are to be searched by default.</p>"); sB.append("\n<table border = 1>\n"); // add the items Iterator<DocSearcherIndex> iterator = indexes.iterator(); DocSearcherIndex curI; while (iterator.hasNext()) { curI =; sB.append("\n<tr>"); sB.append("\n<td>"); sB.append(curI.getName()); sB.append("</td>"); sB.append("\n<td>"); sB.append(curI.getPath()); sB.append("</td>"); sB.append("\n<td>"); if (curI.getShouldBeSearched()) { sB.append('0'); } else { sB.append('1'); } sB.append("</td>"); sB.append("\n<td>"); sB.append(curI.getDepth()); sB.append("</td>"); sB.append("\n<td>"); sB.append(curI.getIndexPath()); sB.append("</td>"); // now the isWeb stuff and date sB.append("\n<td>"); if (curI.getIsWeb()) { sB.append("true"); } else { sB.append("false"); } sB.append("</td>"); sB.append("\n<td>"); sB.append(curI.getMatch()); sB.append("</td>"); sB.append("\n<td>"); sB.append(curI.getReplace()); sB.append("</td>"); sB.append("\n<td>"); sB.append(curI.getLastIndexed()); sB.append("</td>"); sB.append("\n<td>"); sB.append(curI.getIndexPolicy()); sB.append("</td>"); sB.append("\n<td>"); sB.append(curI.getArchiveDir()); sB.append("</td>"); sB.append("</tr>\n"); } // end of iteration // close up the html sB.append("\n</table></body></html>"); FileUtils.saveFile("index_list.htm", fEnv.getWorkingDirectory(), sB); // save the file } // end for not empty if (!bookmarksList.isEmpty()) { // int numIndexes = bookmarksList.size(); StringBuffer sB = new StringBuffer(); sB.append("<html><head><title>DocSearcher Bookmark Listing</title>"); sB.append("<body><h1>DocSearcher Bookmark Listing</h1><p align=\"left\">"); sB.append("Listed below are the bookmarks for DocSearcher.</p>"); sB.append("<table border=\"1\">"); // add the items Iterator<SimpleBookmark> iterator = bookmarksList.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { SimpleBookmark curI =; sB.append("<tr>"); sB.append("<td>"); sB.append(curI.getDescription()); sB.append("</td>"); sB.append("<td>"); sB.append(curI.getURL()); sB.append("</td>"); sB.append("</tr>"); } sB.append("</table></body></html>"); FileUtils.saveFile("bookmarks.htm", fEnv.getWorkingDirectory(), sB); } // end for bookmarks not empty } /** * Loads the DocSearcher indexes */ private void loadIndexes() { // check for indexFile int numIndexes = 0; String indexFileName; if (isCDSearchTool) { indexFileName = cdRomIdxList;"loadIndexes() Using index information on CD : " + cdRomIdxList); } else {"loadIndexes() Loading NON - CD oriented indexes from " + fEnv.getIndexListFile()); indexFileName = fEnv.getIndexListFile(); } File testIndex = new File(indexFileName); StringBuffer errS = new StringBuffer(); boolean loadErr = false; DocSearcherIndex curI; int tempDepth = 0; int updatePolicy = 0; boolean tempBool = false; boolean tempWebBool = false; boolean tempIsCdrom = false; if (testIndex.exists()) { Table tempTable = new Table(11, 100); tempTable.htmlLoad(indexFileName, ""); int numI = tempTable.colSize(); // parse it for (int i = 0; i < numI; i++) { // try { String tempDesc = tempTable.inItem(0, i); String tempFileString = tempTable.inItem(1, i); int tempSbd = Integer.parseInt(tempTable.inItem(2, i)); String tempIndexerPath = tempTable.inItem(4, i); // isWeb content String tempIsWeb = tempTable.inItem(5, i); tempWebBool = false; String tempReplace = ""; String tempMatch = ""; if ("true".equals(tempIsWeb)) { tempWebBool = true; tempMatch = tempTable.inItem(6, i); tempReplace = tempTable.inItem(7, i); } // CDROM Stuff tempIsCdrom tempReplaceStr String tempMatchStr = tempTable.inItem(6, i); if (tempMatchStr != null && tempMatchStr.startsWith("[cdrom]")) { tempMatch = tempTable.inItem(6, i); tempIsCdrom = true; tempReplace = tempTable.inItem(7, i); // cdRomIdxDir if (isCDSearchTool) { tempIndexerPath = FileUtils.addFolder(cdRomIdxDir, Utils.getNameOnly(tempIndexerPath)); }"loadIndexes() Using CDROM Lucene index path: " + tempIndexerPath); } String tempDateStr = tempTable.inItem(8, i); String updateStr = tempTable.inItem(9, i); if (updateStr == null) { updatePolicy = 0; } else { updatePolicy = Integer.parseInt(updateStr); } if (tempDateStr == null) { tempDateStr = DateTimeUtils.getToday(); } if (tempSbd == 1) { tempBool = false; } else { tempBool = true; } String tempArch = tempTable.inItem(10, i); if (tempArch == null) { tempArch = fEnv.getArchiveDirectory(); } tempDepth = Integer.parseInt(tempTable.inItem(3, i)); File tempFile = new File(tempFileString); if (tempFileString.toLowerCase().endsWith(".zip")) { curI = new DocSearcherIndex(tempFileString, tempDesc, tempBool, tempDepth, tempIndexerPath, tempWebBool, tempMatch, tempReplace, tempDateStr, updatePolicy, tempArch); indexes.add(curI); if (env.isGUIMode()) { setStatus(I18n.getString("index") + " " + curI.getName() + " : " + DateTimeUtils.getDaysOld(curI.getLastIndexed()) + " " + I18n.getString("days_old") + " : " + curI.getLastIndexed()); } numIndexes++; } else if (tempIsCdrom) { curI = new DocSearcherIndex(tempFileString, tempDesc, tempBool, tempDepth, tempIndexerPath, tempWebBool, tempMatch, tempReplace, tempDateStr, updatePolicy, tempArch); indexes.add(curI); setStatus(I18n.getString("index") + " " + curI.getName() + " : " + DateTimeUtils.getDaysOld(curI.getLastIndexed()) + " " + I18n.getString("days_old") + " : " + curI.getLastIndexed()); numIndexes++; } else if ((tempFile.exists()) || (tempFileString.startsWith("http"))) { curI = new DocSearcherIndex(tempFileString, tempDesc, tempBool, tempDepth, tempIndexerPath, tempWebBool, tempMatch, tempReplace, tempDateStr, updatePolicy, tempArch); indexes.add(curI); setStatus(I18n.getString("index") + " " + curI.getName() + " : " + DateTimeUtils.getDaysOld(curI.getLastIndexed()) + " " + I18n.getString("days_old") + " : " + curI.getLastIndexed()); numIndexes++; } else { loadErr = true; errS.append(tempFileString).append("\n\t").append(I18n.getString("lower_not_exist")) .append("\n\n"); } // end for file doesn't exist } catch (Exception e) { loadErr = true; errS.append(e.toString()).append("\n\n"); } } } if (numIndexes == 0) { loadErr = true; errS.append(dsMkIdx); } // now load the bookmarks // from the bookmarksFile File testBMF = new File(fEnv.getBookmarkFile()); if (testBMF.exists()) { Table tempTable = new Table(2, 200); tempTable.htmlLoad(fEnv.getBookmarkFile(), ""); int numI = tempTable.colSize(); // parse it for (int i = 0; i < numI; i++) { addNewBookmark(new SimpleBookmark(tempTable.inItem(1, i), tempTable.inItem(0, i))); } } if (loadErr) { showMessage(I18n.getString("error_loading_index"), errS.toString()); } else { setStatus(numIndexes + " " + I18n.getString("total_index")); } } /** * ensures default properties files are present for user settings */ private void checkDefaults() { // working directory File workingDirFile = new File(fEnv.getWorkingDirectory()); if (!workingDirFile.exists()) { workingDirFile.mkdir(); } // default directory File defaultSaveFolderFile = new File(defaultSaveFolder); if (!defaultSaveFolderFile.exists()) { defaultSaveFolderFile.mkdir(); } // blank file blankFile = FileUtils.addFolder(fEnv.getWorkingDirectory(), "blank_page.htm"); File blankPageFile = new File(blankFile); if (!blankPageFile.exists()) { StringBuffer bp = new StringBuffer(); bp.append("<html><head><title>").append(I18n.getString("loading")).append("</title></head><body><h1>") .append(I18n.getString("loading")).append("</h1></body></html>"); FileUtils.saveFile("blank_page.htm", fEnv.getWorkingDirectory(), bp); } // index directory File indexFolder = new File(fEnv.getIndexDirectory()); if (!indexFolder.exists()) { setStatus(fEnv.getIndexDirectory() + " " + I18n.getString("lower_not_exist")); indexFolder.mkdir(); } } /** * creates a new docSearcher index * * @param di * DocSearcherIndex * @param isCdRomIndx * is CDROM index * @throws IOException * IO problem */ private void createNewIndex(DocSearcherIndex di, boolean isCdRomIndx) throws IOException { setStatus(I18n.getString("indexing") + " (" + di.getIndexPath() + ") "); setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR)); checkDefaults(); StringBuffer failedBuf = new StringBuffer(); String indexDirNew = di.getIndexPath(); File indexFolder = new File(indexDirNew); long curFileSizeBytes = 0; int addedSuccessfully = 0; StringBuilder noRobotsBuf = new StringBuilder(); noRobotsBuf.append('\n').append(I18n.getString("files_not_indexed_robot")); int numNoIndex = 0; boolean newIndex = false; if (!indexFolder.exists()) { setStatus(indexDirNew + " " + I18n.getString("lower_not_exist")); indexFolder.mkdir(); newIndex = true; } // BUILD THE INDEX File contentFolder = new File(di.getPath()); int totalFolders = 1; int totalFiles = 0; int numErrors = 0; // String urlStr = ""; // String dateStr = ""; // File tempDFile; int curSize = 1; if (contentFolder.exists()) { ArrayList<String> folderList = new ArrayList<String>(); folderList.add(di.getPath()); // add in our contentDir String curFolderString = di.getPath(); String[] filesString; String[] foldersString; File curFolderFile; int curItemNo = 0; int lastItemNo = 0; int numFiles = 0; int numFolders = 0; int curSubNum = 0; int startSubNum = Utils.countSlash(di.getPath()); int maxSubNum = startSubNum + di.getDepth(); // creating the index IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(indexDirNew, new StandardAnalyzer(), newIndex); // writer.setUseCompoundFile(true); do { // create our folder file curFolderString = folderList.get(curItemNo); curFolderFile = new File(curFolderString); curSubNum = Utils.countSlash(curFolderString); try { // handle any subfolders --> add them to our folderlist foldersString = curFolderFile.list(ff); numFolders = foldersString.length; for (int i = 0; i < numFolders; i++) { // add them to our folderlist String curFold = curFolderString + pathSep + foldersString[i] + pathSep; curFold = Utils.replaceAll(pathSep + pathSep, curFold, pathSep); folderList.add(curFold); lastItemNo++; totalFolders++; // debug output setStatus(dsFndFldr + " " + curFold); } // end for having more than 0 folder } catch (Exception e) { logger.fatal("createNewIndex() failed", e); setStatus(curFolderString + " : " + e.toString()); } // add our files try { filesString = curFolderFile.list(wf); numFiles = filesString.length;"createNewIndex() Indexing " + numFiles + " files..."); for (int i = 0; i < numFiles; i++) { // add them to our folderlist String curFi = curFolderString + pathSep + filesString[i]; curFi = Utils.replaceAll(pathSep + pathSep, curFi, pathSep); curFileSizeBytes = FileUtils.getFileSize(curFi); if (curFileSizeBytes > getMaxFileSize()) { setStatus(I18n.getString("skipping_file_too_big") + " (" + curFileSizeBytes + ") " + filesString[i]); } else { // file size is not too big setStatus(I18n.getString("please_wait...") + " " + curFi + " # " + curSize); curSize++; addedSuccessfully = idx.addDocToIndex(curFi, writer, di, isCdRomIndx, null); switch (addedSuccessfully) { case 1: // error numErrors++; if (numErrors < 8) { failedBuf.append('\n').append(curFi); } break; case 2: // meta robots = noindex numNoIndex++; if (numNoIndex < 8) { noRobotsBuf.append('\n').append(curFi); } break; default: // OK totalFiles++; break; } // end of switch } // end for not skipping, file size is not too big } // end for files } // end of trying to get files catch (Exception e) { logger.error("createNewIndex() failed", e); setStatus(I18n.getString("error") + " " + e.toString()); } // increment our curItem folderList.set(curItemNo, null); // remove memory overhead as // you go! curItemNo++; if (curSubNum >= maxSubNum) { break; } } while (curItemNo <= lastItemNo); writer.close(); // close the writer indexes.add(di); } else { hasErr = true; errString = fEnv.getContentDirectory() + " " + I18n.getString("lower_not_exist"); } // end for content dir Missing if (hasErr) { showMessage(I18n.getString("error_creating_index"), errString); } else { StringBuilder resultsBuf = new StringBuilder(); resultsBuf.append(I18n.getString("added_to_index")); resultsBuf.append(" \""); resultsBuf.append(di.getName()); resultsBuf.append("\" "); resultsBuf.append(totalFiles); resultsBuf.append(' '); resultsBuf.append(I18n.getString("files_from")); resultsBuf.append(' '); resultsBuf.append(totalFolders); resultsBuf.append(' '); resultsBuf.append(I18n.getString("folders")); resultsBuf.append("\n\n"); resultsBuf.append(I18n.getString("starting_in_folder")); resultsBuf.append("\n\n\t"); resultsBuf.append(' '); resultsBuf.append(di.getPath()); resultsBuf.append("\n\n"); resultsBuf.append(I18n.getString("for_a_depth_of")); resultsBuf.append(' '); resultsBuf.append(di.getDepth()); resultsBuf.append('.'); if (numErrors > 0) { resultsBuf.append('\n'); resultsBuf.append(numErrors); resultsBuf.append(' '); resultsBuf.append(I18n.getString("files_not_indexed")).append('.'); resultsBuf.append(failedBuf); } if (numNoIndex > 0) { resultsBuf.append("\n\n" + numNoIndex); resultsBuf.append('\n'); resultsBuf.append(I18n.getString("files_not_indexed_robot")); resultsBuf.append(noRobotsBuf); } showMessage(dsIdxCrtd, resultsBuf.toString()); } setStatus(dsIdxCrtd); setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); } /** * creates a new index */ private void doNewIndex() { NewIndexDialog nid = new NewIndexDialog(this, I18n.getString("windowtitle.new_index"), true); nid.init(); nid.setVisible(true); if (nid.getConfirmed()) { // String name = nid.getNameFieldText(); String nameNoUnd = Utils.replaceAll(" ", name, "_"); boolean isWeb = nid.isWebSelected(); boolean isCdRomIndx = nid.isCDSelected(); String replace = nid.replaceFieldText(); String match = nid.matchFieldText(); int policy = nid.getPolicy(); try { createNewIndex(new DocSearcherIndex(nid.startFieldText(), name, nid.sbdSelected(), nid.getSDChoice(), FileUtils.addFolder(fEnv.getIndexDirectory(), nameNoUnd), isWeb, match, replace, policy, nid.archiveFieldText()), isCdRomIndx); // debug if (isCdRomIndx) {"doNewIndex() CD Idx.. replace is : " + replace + ", match: " + match); } } catch (IOException ioe) { showMessage(I18n.getString("error_creating_index"), ioe.toString()); } } } private void addNewBookmark(SimpleBookmark sbm) { bookmarksList.add(sbm); JMenuItem bmi = new JMenuItem(sbm.getDescription()); bmi.setActionCommand(sbm.getURL()); bmi.addActionListener(this); bookMarkMenu.add(bmi); } private void rebuildIndexes() { if (!indexes.isEmpty()) { for (DocSearcherIndex di : indexes) { idx.updateIndex(di); } } setStatus(dsIdxsRblt); } /** * Method look for some browsers existed on the system * * TODO why this method call every program start * * @return browser file string */ private String getBrowserFile() { File testExist; String returnString = ""; switch (env.getOSType()) { case OSType.WIN_32: // windows returnString = "C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Internet\\Iexplore.exe"; testExist = new File(returnString); if (!testExist.exists()) { returnString = "C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\Iexplore.exe"; testExist = new File(returnString); if (!testExist.exists()) { returnString = "C:\\Program Files\\Plus!\\Microsoft Internet\\Iexplore.exe"; testExist = new File(returnString); if (!testExist.exists()) { returnString = "C:\\Program Files\\Internet Explorer\\IEXPLORE.EXE"; } else { returnString = "start"; } } } break; case OSType.LINUX: // Linux returnString = "/usr/bin/konqueror"; testExist = new File(returnString); if (!testExist.exists()) { returnString = "/usr/bin/mozilla"; testExist = new File(returnString); if (!testExist.exists()) { returnString = "/usr/bin/netscape"; } else { returnString = "/usr/local/bin/mozilla"; } } break; case OSType.UNIX: // Unix variant returnString = "/usr/bin/konqueror"; testExist = new File(returnString); if (!testExist.exists()) { returnString = "/usr/bin/mozilla"; testExist = new File(returnString); if (!testExist.exists()) { returnString = "/usr/bin/netscape"; } else { returnString = "/usr/local/bin/mozilla"; } } break; case OSType.MAC: // MAC returnString = "open"; break; default: // UNKNOWN returnString = "/usr/bin/netscape"; break; } logger.debug("getBrowserFile() return value=" + returnString); return returnString; } /** * Open the document with external viewer. * * @param externalLink Document to open */ public void doExternal(String externalLink) { logger.debug("doExternal('" + externalLink + "') entered"); String lowerL = externalLink.toLowerCase(); // is link home or result? if (externalLink.equals("home") || externalLink.equals("results")) { showMessage(I18n.getString("not_externally_viewable"), I18n.getString("not_externally_viewable_message")); return; } // get handler of link String app = new DocTypeHandlerUtils().hasHandler(handlerList, externalLink); // special handling of file if (lowerL.startsWith("file:/")) { // remove "file:/" externalLink = externalLink.substring(6, externalLink.length()); // handle of / and win32 if (OSType.WIN_32 == env.getOSType()) { // replace all / with \ externalLink = Utils.replaceAll("/", externalLink, "\\"); } } // special handling of http if (lowerL.startsWith("http")) { // replace whitespace with %20 externalLink = Utils.replaceAll(" ", externalLink, "%20"); } // handler found and not http if (app.equals("") || lowerL.startsWith("http")) { app = defaultHndlr; } else { logger.debug("doExternal() using user specified handler '" + app + "'"); } // open external application with file or link try { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("doExternal() Executing runtime command " + Layout.LINE_SEP + "application=" + app + Layout.LINE_SEP + "file=" + externalLink); } // status bar setStatus(app + " " + externalLink); // build command String[] cmdArray = new String[2]; cmdArray[0] = app; cmdArray[1] = externalLink; // exec comman Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmdArray); } catch (SecurityException se) { showMessage(I18n.getString("error"), "\n" + app + " " + externalLink + "\n" + se.toString()); } catch (IOException ioe) { showMessage(I18n.getString("error"), "\n" + app + " " + externalLink + "\n" + ioe.toString()); } } private void doBookmark() { if ((curPage.equals("home")) || (curPage.equals("results"))) { showMessage(I18n.getString("not_bookmarkable"), I18n.getString("save_results_please")); } // end for not bookmarkable else { // obtain title - if there was one String nbt = getTitle(); NewBookmarkDialog nbd = new NewBookmarkDialog(this, I18n.getString("windowtitle.bookmark"), true); nbd.setDesc(nbt); String toAdd = curPage; if ((toAdd.startsWith("file://")) && (!toAdd.startsWith("file:///"))) { toAdd = "file:///" + toAdd.substring(6, toAdd.length()); } nbd.setBMLocation(toAdd); nbd.init(); nbd.setVisible(true); if (nbd.isConfirmed()) { addNewBookmark(new SimpleBookmark(nbd.getBMLocation(), nbd.getDesc())); } } } private void doManageIndexes() { if (!indexes.isEmpty()) { int numIndexes = indexes.size(); ManageIndexesDialog min = new ManageIndexesDialog(this, I18n.getString("windowtitle.index_properties"), true); min.init(); min.setVisible(true); if (min.returnBool) { // proceed to make the changes ArrayList<DocSearcherIndex> newIndex = new ArrayList<DocSearcherIndex>(); for (int i = 0; i < numIndexes; i++) { // set searched if (!min.deletionSelected(i)) { DocSearcherIndex di = indexes.get(i); di.setShouldBeSearched(min.searchSelected(i)); if (min.updateSelected(i)) { idx.updateIndex(di); } if (min.exportSelected(i)) { doExport(di); } newIndex.add(di); } else { // recursively delete the content // in the selected index DocSearcherIndex di = indexes.get(i); deleteRecursive(di.getIndexPath()); // remove some files // spider index String linksFile = fEnv.getSpiderIndexURLFile(di.getName()); FileUtils.deleteFile(linksFile); String badLinksFile = fEnv.getSpiderBadIndexURLFile(di.getName()); FileUtils.deleteFile(badLinksFile); } // end for deleting and index } indexes = newIndex; } } else { showMessage(I18n.getString("error"), I18n.getString("please_create_new_index")); } } private void deleteRecursive(String folderToDelete) { int curFoldNum = 0; File curFolderFile; String curFold = ""; String[] subFolds; int numSubFolds = 0; int totalFolds = 0; int numFiles = 0; String curFolderString = ""; String curFileString = ""; File testFile; try { // first obtain a list of all folders setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR)); ArrayList<String> allFold = new ArrayList<String>(); allFold.add(folderToDelete); setStatus(dsRmvgIdxFis); do { // get list of sub folders curFolderString = allFold.get(curFoldNum); curFolderFile = new File(curFolderString); subFolds = curFolderFile.list(ff); numSubFolds = subFolds.length; for (int y = 0; y < numSubFolds; y++) { curFold = curFolderString + pathSep + subFolds[y] + pathSep; curFold = Utils.replaceAll(pathSep + pathSep, curFold, pathSep); allFold.add(curFold); totalFolds++; } curFoldNum++; } while (curFoldNum < totalFolds); // next get a list of all files ArrayList<String> allFiles = new ArrayList<String>(); Iterator<String> foldIt = allFold.iterator(); String[] filesString; while (foldIt.hasNext()) { curFolderString =; curFolderFile = new File(curFolderString); // get the files filesString = curFolderFile.list(); numFiles = filesString.length; for (int y = 0; y < numFiles; y++) { // add the files curFileString = curFolderString + pathSep + filesString[y]; curFileString = Utils.replaceAll(pathSep + pathSep, curFileString, pathSep); testFile = new File(curFileString); if (!testFile.isDirectory()) { allFiles.add(curFileString); } } } // end for iterating // delete all files Iterator<String> fileIt = allFiles.iterator(); while (fileIt.hasNext()) { curFileString =; testFile = new File(curFileString); testFile.delete(); } // end while deleteing // delete all folders int numFoldTotal = allFiles.size(); for (int y = numFoldTotal - 1; y >= 0; y--) { curFolderString = allFiles.get(y); curFolderFile = new File(curFolderString);"deleteRecursive() " + I18n.getString("deleting") + " " + curFolderString); curFolderFile.delete(); } // delete last folder curFolderFile = new File(folderToDelete); curFolderFile.delete(); } // end for trrying recursive delete catch (Exception e) { showMessage(I18n.getString("error"), e.toString()); } finally { setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); setStatus(I18n.getString("index_removed")); } } private void cb() { if (useAuthor.isSelected()) { authorField.setEnabled(true); } else { authorField.setEnabled(false); } if (useDate.isSelected()) { fromField.setEnabled(true); toField.setEnabled(true); } else { fromField.setEnabled(false); toField.setEnabled(false); } if (useSize.isSelected()) { sizeFromField.setEnabled(true); sizeToField.setEnabled(true); } else { sizeFromField.setEnabled(false); sizeToField.setEnabled(false); } if (useType.isSelected()) { fileType.setEnabled(true); } else { fileType.setEnabled(false); } } protected void doZipArchiveUpdate(DocSearcherIndex di) { // try and obtain meta data from the file // based on this new meta data see if we can obtain new index // fourth column String tempArchiveDir = Utils.getFolderOnly(di.getPath()); String metaFileName = FileUtils.addFolder(tempArchiveDir, "archives.htm"); String tempManifestFileName = FileUtils.addFolder(fEnv.getWorkingDirectory(), "temp_manifest.htm"); boolean okToUpdate = true; if (metaFileName.toLowerCase().startsWith("http:")) { okToUpdate = downloadURLToFile(metaFileName, tempManifestFileName); metaFileName = tempManifestFileName; } if (okToUpdate) { // load the meta data try { Table tempTable = new Table(6, 100); tempTable.htmlLoad(metaFileName, ""); String newIndexDate = di.getLastIndexed(); okToUpdate = tempTable.loadOK; if (okToUpdate) { // search for our new date int numArchs = tempTable.colSize(); boolean foundArch = false; int matchInt = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numArchs; i++) { if (tempTable.inItem(0, i).equals(di.getName())) { matchInt = i; foundArch = true; break; } } // end for iterating if (foundArch) { if (!tempTable.inItem(1, matchInt).equals(di.getLastIndexed())) { newIndexDate = tempTable.inItem(1, matchInt); String downloadFileName = FileUtils.addFolder(tempArchiveDir, tempTable.inItem(2, matchInt)); if (downloadFileName.toLowerCase().startsWith("http:")) { String tempZipFileName = FileUtils.addFolder(fEnv.getWorkingDirectory(), ""); okToUpdate = downloadURLToFile(downloadFileName, tempZipFileName); downloadFileName = tempZipFileName; } if (okToUpdate) { // now delete recursively the directory // and extract the new zip setStatus(I18n.getString("deleting_uc") + " " + di.getIndexPath()); deleteRecursive(di.getIndexPath()); File newIndP = new File(di.getIndexPath()); boolean madeFold = newIndP.mkdir(); if (newIndP.exists()) madeFold = true; // boolean finalSuccess = true; if (madeFold) { setStatus(I18n.getString("unzipping") + " " + downloadFileName + " --> " + di.getIndexPath()); UnZippHandler uz = new UnZippHandler(downloadFileName, di.getIndexPath()); try { uz.unZip(); setStatus(I18n.getString("archive_unziped")); di.setLastIndexed(newIndexDate); } catch (IOException ioe) { // finalSuccess = false; showMessage(I18n.getString("error"), ioe.toString()); } } else { showMessage(I18n.getString("error_cant_recreate_folder"), di.getIndexPath()); } } // end if ok to update } // end if dates different else { showMessage(I18n.getString("no_updates_for_archive"), I18n.getString("last_update_was") + di.getLastIndexed()); } } // end if found arch else { showMessage(I18n.getString("unable_to_locate_meta_data_in_file"), I18n.getString("unable_to_locate_meta_data_in_file") + " " + metaFileName); } } else { showMessage(I18n.getString("unable_to_locate_meta_data_in_file"), I18n.getString("unable_to_locate_meta_data_in_file") + " " + metaFileName); } } // end for trying to update Zip catch (Exception e) { logger.error("doZipArchiveUpdate() failed", e); setStatus(I18n.getString("unable_to_locate_meta_data_in_file") + " " + metaFileName); okToUpdate = false; } } } private void doExport(DocSearcherIndex di) { // zip contents and place in archive Dir String archiveZipFileName = Utils.replaceAll(" ", di.getName(), "_"); if (!archiveZipFileName.toLowerCase().endsWith(".zip")) { archiveZipFileName += ".zip"; } String content = di.getPath(); if (di.getIsWeb()) { content = di.getMatch(); } String zipFileNameOnly = archiveZipFileName; archiveZipFileName = FileUtils.addFolder(di.getArchiveDir(), archiveZipFileName); ZippHandler zh = new ZippHandler(archiveZipFileName, di.getIndexPath()); boolean zipSuccess = true; String errMsg = null; setStatus(I18n.getString("archiving_index") + " " + di.getName() + " --> " + archiveZipFileName + ", " + I18n.getString("lower_please_wait") + "..."); try {; } catch (IOException ioe) { errMsg = ioe.toString(); zipSuccess = false; } finally { setStatus(I18n.getString("archiving_done")); } if (zipSuccess) { showMessage(I18n.getString("archiving_success"), di.getName() + " " + I18n.getString("was_archived_to_file") + "\n" + archiveZipFileName); } else { showMessage(I18n.getString("error"), errMsg); } // OK now update the archive table updateArchiveTable(di.getName(), di.getLastIndexed(), zipFileNameOnly, di.getArchiveDir(), content); } private void updateArchiveTable(String name, String lastIndexed, String zipFileName, String archDir, String content) { boolean hasErr = false; String errMsg = ""; try { String archivesFileName = FileUtils.addFolder(archDir, "archives.htm"); setStatus(I18n.getString("archive_table_updating") + " " + archivesFileName); File textArchiveIndex = new File(archivesFileName); if (textArchiveIndex.exists()) { // read and update the file Table tempTable = new Table(6, 100); tempTable.htmlLoad(archivesFileName, ""); tempTable.setCaption("DocSearcher Lucene Search Index Archive Listing"); int numI = tempTable.colSize(); String tempName = ""; int foundAtNum = numI; // parse it for (int i = 1; i < numI; i++) { tempName = tempTable.inItem(0, i); if (tempName.equals(name)) { foundAtNum = i; break; } } // end for iterating // tempTable.add(name, 0, foundAtNum); tempTable.add(lastIndexed, 1, foundAtNum); tempTable.add(zipFileName, 2, foundAtNum); tempTable.add(content, 3, foundAtNum); // save it int k = tempTable.colSize(); int l = tempTable.rowSize(); tempTable.fpSave(archivesFileName, k, l); } else { // create a new archive index Table tempTable = new Table(6, 102); tempTable.setCaption("DocSearcher Lucene Search Index Archive Listing"); // // add the header tempTable.add("Description", 0, 0); tempTable.add("Date of Indexing", 1, 0); tempTable.add("Archive Zip File", 2, 0); tempTable.add("Directory or Content", 3, 0); // add the data tempTable.add(name, 0, 1); tempTable.add(lastIndexed, 1, 1); tempTable.add(zipFileName, 2, 1); tempTable.add(content, 3, 1); // save it int k = tempTable.colSize(); int l = tempTable.rowSize(); tempTable.fpSave(archivesFileName, k, l); } } // end for try catch (Exception eT) { hasErr = true; errMsg = eT.toString(); } if (hasErr) { showMessage(I18n.getString("error"), errMsg); } else { setStatus(I18n.getString("archive_table_updated")); } } private boolean downloadURLToFile(String urlString, String fileToSaveAs) { int numBytes = 0; int curI = 0; FileOutputStream dos = null; InputStream urlStream = null; int lastPercent = 0; int curPercent = 0; try { URL url = new URL(urlString); File saveFile = new File(fileToSaveAs); dos = new FileOutputStream(saveFile); URLConnection conn = url.openConnection(); conn.setDoInput(true); conn.setUseCaches(false); conn.connect(); urlStream = conn.getInputStream(); int totalSize = conn.getContentLength(); while (curI != -1) { curI =; byte curBint = (byte) curI; if (curI == -1) { break; } dos.write(curBint); numBytes++; if (totalSize > 0) { curPercent = (numBytes * 100) / totalSize; if (curPercent != lastPercent) { setStatus(curPercent + " " + I18n.getString("percent_downloaded") + " " + I18n.getString("of_file") + " " + urlString + " " + I18n.getString("total_bytes") + " " + totalSize); lastPercent = curPercent; } } // end if total size not zero } urlStream.close(); dos.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { logger.fatal("downloadURLToFile() failed", ioe); showMessage(I18n.getString("error_download_file"), ioe.toString()); return false; } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(dos); IOUtils.closeQuietly(urlStream); } return true; } private void doImport(String zipFileString, String description, String dateIndexed, boolean searchedByDefault, boolean isWeb, int indexPolicy) { // may be just a URL boolean successFulDownload = true; if (dateIndexed.equals("")) { dateIndexed = DateTimeUtils.getToday(); } // boolean zipSuccess = true; String errMsg = ""; String indexFolderName = Utils.replaceAll(" ", description, "_"); String loadString = zipFileString; if (loadString.toLowerCase().startsWith("http://")) { // download zip and load the downloaded zip file String nameOnlyStr = Utils.getNameOnly(loadString); loadString = FileUtils.addFolder(fEnv.getArchiveDirectory(), nameOnlyStr); successFulDownload = downloadURLToFile(zipFileString, loadString); if (!successFulDownload) { errMsg = I18n.getString("error_download_file") + " " + zipFileString; zipSuccess = false; } } // end for downloading the zip indexFolderName = FileUtils.addFolder(fEnv.getIndexDirectory(), indexFolderName); File newIndexFolder = new File(indexFolderName); boolean dirMade = newIndexFolder.mkdir(); if (newIndexFolder.exists()) { setStatus(I18n.getString("error") + " : " + I18n.getString("folder_already_exists") + " --> " + indexFolderName); dirMade = true; } if ((dirMade) && (successFulDownload)) { UnZippHandler uz = new UnZippHandler(loadString, indexFolderName); setStatus(I18n.getString("importing") + " " + description + " " + I18n.getString("lower_please_wait") + "..."); try { uz.unZip(); // add it in there DocSearcherIndex di = new DocSearcherIndex(zipFileString, description, searchedByDefault, 0, indexFolderName, isWeb, "", "", indexPolicy, fEnv.getArchiveDirectory()); indexes.add(di); } catch (IOException ioe) { errMsg = ioe.toString(); zipSuccess = false; } finally { setStatus(I18n.getString("import_done")); } if (zipSuccess) { showMessage(I18n.getString("import_success"), description + " " + I18n.getString("was_imported_point")); } else { showMessage(I18n.getString("error_importing") + " : " + description, errMsg); } } else { showMessage(I18n.getString("error_importing"), I18n.getString("error_cant_recreate_folder") + " " + indexFolderName); } } private void getImportInfo() { ImportDialog id = new ImportDialog(this, I18n.getString("import_ds_index"), true); id.init(); id.setVisible(true); if (id.getConfirmed()) { String importZipFileName = id.getUrlOrFileText().trim(); String importFolderOnly = Utils.getFolderOnly(importZipFileName); String importManifestName = FileUtils.addFolder(importFolderOnly, "archives.htm"); String zipArchNameOnly = Utils.getNameOnly(importZipFileName); boolean foundManifest = false; boolean foundManifestData = false; boolean doImport = true; // String zipFileString = importZipFileName; String description = "Unknown"; String dateIndexed = ""; boolean searchedByDefault = true; boolean isWeb = true; int indexPolicy = 0; // if (importManifestName.toLowerCase().startsWith("http:")) { // convert URL to file String tempManifestFileName = FileUtils.addFolder(fEnv.getWorkingDirectory(), "temp_manifest.htm"); foundManifest = downloadURLToFile(importManifestName, tempManifestFileName); if (foundManifest) { importManifestName = tempManifestFileName; } } // end for manifest else { File testManifestFile = new File(importManifestName); if (testManifestFile.exists()) { foundManifest = true; } } // end for not a URL if (foundManifest) { // try and retrieve the manifest data Table tempTable = new Table(11, 100); tempTable.htmlLoad(importManifestName, ""); int numI = tempTable.colSize(); // int tempSbd = 0; String tempArchFile = ""; String tempDesc = ""; String tempDateIndexed = ""; // parse it for (int i = 1; i < numI; i++) { // try { tempDesc = tempTable.inItem(0, i); tempArchFile = tempTable.inItem(2, i); tempDateIndexed = tempTable.inItem(1, i); if (zipArchNameOnly.equals(tempArchFile)) { description = tempDesc; dateIndexed = tempDateIndexed; foundManifestData = true; setStatus(I18n.getString("archive_description_found") + " " + description); break; } else {"getImportInfo() " + zipArchNameOnly + " != " + tempArchFile); } } catch (Exception eR) { setStatus(I18n.getString("error_parse_manifest") + " " + eR.toString()); } } // end for iterating over manifest file entries } if (!foundManifestData) { // show a dialog to obtain archive meta data // IF dialog is cancelled ; doImport = false ManifestDialog md = new ManifestDialog(this, I18n.getString("windowtitle.import_index_properties"), true); md.init(); md.setVisible(true); if (md.getConfirmed()) { description = md.getDescFieldText().trim(); dateIndexed = DateTimeUtils.getToday(); isWeb = md.webBoxSelected(); searchedByDefault = md.sbdBoxSelected(); indexPolicy = md.indexFreqIdx(); } else { doImport = false; } } if (doImport) { // create our new index! doImport(zipFileString, description, dateIndexed, searchedByDefault, isWeb, indexPolicy); } } // end for confirmed } /** * Command line parsing * * All output to stdout * * @param commandString * @param indexString */ private void doCommand(String commandString, String indexString) { System.out.println("command: " + commandString + " index: " + (indexString == null ? "-" : indexString)); boolean doSndMail = sendNoticeOnIdxingChanges(); boolean isTxtFormt = isTextEmailFormat(); if (indexString != null) { indexString = indexString.trim(); } // list index if (commandString.equals("list")) { if (indexes.size() > 0) { Iterator<DocSearcherIndex> it = indexes.iterator(); int countNum = 1; while (it.hasNext()) { DocSearcherIndex di =; System.out.println(countNum + ". " + di.getName()); countNum++; } } else { System.out.print(I18n.getString("no_index_found")); } } // update index else if (commandString.equals("update")) { if ("".equals(indexString)) { System.out.println(I18n.getString("please_specify_index")); } else { if (indexes.size() > 0) { boolean foundMatch = false; boolean sendAMess = sendNoticeOnIdxingChanges(); // step through indexlist and search index for (DocSearcherIndex di : indexes) { if (di.getName().equals(indexString)) { foundMatch = true; idx.setDoEmail(sendAMess); idx.setEmailText(isTextEmailFormat()); idx.updateIndex(di); if (sendAMess && idx.getTotalChanges() > 0) { sendEmail(di.getName() + " " + dsUpdts, idx.getUpDateNotes()); } break; } } if (!foundMatch) { System.out.println(indexString + I18n.getString("not_found")); } } else { System.out.println(I18n.getString("no_index_found")); } } } // export index else if (commandString.equals("export")) { if ("".equals(indexString)) { System.out.println(I18n.getString("please_specify_index")); } else { if (indexes.size() > 0) { boolean foundMatch = false; // step through indexlist and export index for (DocSearcherIndex di : indexes) { if (di.getName().equals(indexString)) { foundMatch = true; doExport(di); break; } } if (!foundMatch) { System.out.println(indexString + I18n.getString("not_found")); } } else { System.out.println(I18n.getString("no_index_found")); } } } // search in index else if (commandString.startsWith("search:")) { String searchT = commandString.substring(7, commandString.length()); System.out.println(I18n.getString("searching_for") + " " + searchT + " ..."); if ("".equals(indexString)) { System.out.println(I18n.getString("please_specify_index")); } else { if (indexes.size() > 0) { boolean foundMatch = false; // step through indexlist and search in index for (DocSearcherIndex di : indexes) { if (di.getName().equals(indexString)) { foundMatch = true; di.setShouldBeSearched(true); doSearch(searchT); break; } else { di.setShouldBeSearched(false); } } if (!foundMatch) { System.out.println(indexString + I18n.getString("not_found")); } } else { System.out.println(I18n.getString("no_index_found")); } } } // analyze log else if (commandString.equals("analyze_log")) { try { LogAnalysis.doLogAnalysis(this, indexString); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.out.println( I18n.getString("error_analyze_logfile") + " " + indexString + "\n" + ioe.toString()); } } // import else if (commandString.equals("import")) { ArchiveMetaData amd = new ArchiveMetaData(indexString); doImport(indexString, amd.getDesc(), amd.getDI(), amd.getSDB(), amd.getIsWeb(), amd.getIndexPolicy()); // System.out.println("\nIMPORT index -->"+indexString); // System.out.println("\ndescription -->"+amd.getDesc()); } // command line help else { System.out.println(I18n.getString("cmd_usage")); } doExit(); } private void getSeachLogReport() { JFileChooser fdo = new JFileChooser(); fdo.setCurrentDirectory(new File(fEnv.getWorkingDirectory())); int fileGotten = fdo.showDialog(this, I18n.getString("select")); if (fileGotten == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { File file = fdo.getSelectedFile(); try { LogAnalysis.doLogAnalysis(this, file.toString()); } catch (IOException ioe) { logger.fatal("getSeachLogReport() failed", ioe); setStatus(I18n.getString("error_status_log_report") + ioe.toString()); } } } private void doMetaReport() { MetaReport mr = new MetaReport(); mr.getMetaReport(this); } class Hyperactive implements HyperlinkListener { /** * Log4J */ private final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName()); @Override public void hyperlinkUpdate(HyperlinkEvent event) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("hyperlinkUpdate() HyperlinkEvent=" + event.getClass() + " EventType=" + event.getEventType()); } // only activated event if (event.getEventType() == HyperlinkEvent.EventType.ACTIVATED) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("hyperlinkUpdate() URL=" + event.getURL()); } if (event instanceof HTMLFrameHyperlinkEvent) { String urlString = event.getURL().toString(); doExternal(urlString); } else { try { String urlString = event.getURL().toString(); if ((urlString.toLowerCase().endsWith(".exe")) || (urlString.toLowerCase().endsWith(".sh"))) { try { if (urlString.startsWith("file:/")) { urlString = urlString.substring(6, urlString.length()); } Runtime.getRuntime().exec(urlString); } catch (Exception e) { logger.fatal("hyperlinkUpdate() failed to open", e); setStatus(urlString + " : " + e.toString()); } } else { if (loadExternal) { doExternal(urlString); } else { setPage(urlString); } } } catch (Throwable t) { logger.fatal("hyperLinkUpdate() failed", t); showMessage(I18n.getString("error_loading_page"), I18n.getString("error_reported") + " " + t.toString()); } } } } } class CheckBoxListener implements ActionListener { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // String source = e.getActionCommand(); cb(); } } private void doHandlers() { DsProperties hd = new DsProperties(this, I18n.getString("windowtitle.settings"), true); hd.init(); hd.setVisible(true); if (hd.getConfirmed()) { // check everything switch (hd.getReturnInt()) { default: // nothing break; case 0: // default hdnler defaultHndlr = hd.defltHndlrText(); break; case 1: // look and feel String newLafChosen = hd.lafSelected(); // set new LAF if a new one is set if ((!newLafChosen.equals("")) && (!newLafChosen.equals(lafChosen))) { lafChosen = newLafChosen; try { UIManager.setLookAndFeel(lafChosen); SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI(this); setSize(new Dimension(kDefaultX, kDefaultY)); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("doHandler() failed", e); showMessage(I18n.getString("error"), e.toString()); } } // now for max file size to index try { long newMFSI = Long.parseLong(hd.maxSizeField()); if (newMFSI > 0) { newMFSI = newMFSI * 1024; } setMaxFileSize(newMFSI); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { logger.error("doHandler() failed ", nfe); showMessage(I18n.getString("error"), nfe.toString()); } // now for max hits to show String newMaxInt = hd.maxFieldText().trim(); if (!newMaxInt.equals("")) { try { int newMaxN = Integer.parseInt(newMaxInt); if ((newMaxN > 0) && (newMaxN < 1000)) { maxNumHitsShown = newMaxN; } } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { logger.error("doHandler() failed", nfe); showMessage(I18n.getString("error"), nfe.toString()); } } if (hd.loadExternalSelected()) { loadExternal = true; } else { loadExternal = false; } break; case 2: // index directory // String newIndexDir = hd.getDsDirFieldText().trim(); if (!newIndexDir.equals("")) { // copy over our files if (hd.copyDirFilesSelected()) { // including our index list file copyFiles(fEnv.getIndexDirectory(), newIndexDir); // change the file settings on the DsIndex objects Iterator<DocSearcherIndex> iterator = indexes.iterator(); DocSearcherIndex curI; String curIdxrStr = ""; while (iterator.hasNext()) { curI =; curIdxrStr = curI.getIndexPath(); if (curIdxrStr.startsWith(fEnv.getIndexDirectory())) { curI.setIndexPath(newIndexDir + curIdxrStr .substring(fEnv.getIndexDirectory().length(), curIdxrStr.length())); } } setStatus(I18n.getString("finished_copying")); } fEnv.setIndexDirectory(newIndexDir); } String newDirFieldTExt = hd.getTmpFieldText().trim(); // if (!newDirFieldTExt.equals("")) { resetTempDir(newDirFieldTExt); } // String newWorkingDirFieldTExt = hd.workingDirFieldText().trim(); if (!newWorkingDirFieldTExt.equals("")) { resetWorkingDir(newWorkingDirFieldTExt); } break; case 3: // email stuff gateway = hd.getGateWayFieldText(); gatewayPwd = hd.gatewayPwdFieldText(); gatewayUser = hd.gatewayUserFieldText(); if (hd.sendEmailBxSelected()) { sendEmailNotice = "true"; } else { sendEmailNotice = "false"; } if (hd.textRBSelected()) { emailFormat = hd.TEXT_FORMAT; } else { emailFormat = hd.HTML_FORMAT; } break; } } } // end for doing handlers /** * Copy files * * @param sourceFolder * @param destinationFolder */ private void copyFiles(String sourceFolder, String destinationFolder) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("copyFiles('" + sourceFolder + "', '" + destinationFolder + "') entered"); } String stat = I18n.getString("copying_folder") + " " + Utils.concatStr(sourceFolder); if (isLoading) { curStatusString = stat; } else { setStatus(stat); } // copy all content from sourceFolder to desctinationFolder File sourceFolderFile = new File(sourceFolder); File destinationFolderFile = new File(destinationFolder); if (sourceFolderFile.isDirectory() && destinationFolderFile.isDirectory()) { String allFilesList[] = sourceFolderFile.list(); int numFiles = allFilesList.length; for (int i = 0; i < numFiles; i++) { String origFiNa = FileUtils.addFolder(sourceFolder, allFilesList[i]); String newNiNa = FileUtils.addFolder(destinationFolder, allFilesList[i]); File testDirFi = new File(origFiNa); if (testDirFi.isDirectory()) { File newSubFile = new File(newNiNa); if (newSubFile.mkdir()) { copyFiles(origFiNa, newNiNa); } else { setStatus(I18n.getString("error_creating_folder") + " " + newNiNa); } } else { copyFile(origFiNa, newNiNa); } } } } /** * Copy file * * @param originalFileName * @param newFileName */ private void copyFile(String originalFileName, String newFileName) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("copyFile('" + originalFileName + "', '" + newFileName + "') entered"); } setStatus(I18n.getString("please_wait...") + " " + I18n.getString("copying_folder") + " " + Utils.concatStr(originalFileName) + " --> " + Utils.concatStr(newFileName)); if (FileUtils.copyFile(originalFileName, newFileName)) { setStatus(I18n.getString("finished_copying") + " " + Utils.concatStr(originalFileName)); } else { setStatus(I18n.getString("error") + " : " + Utils.concatStr(originalFileName)); } } /** * Method checks CDROM directory */ private void checkCDROMDir() { String changeStr = ""; boolean changeCD = false; String startDir = fEnv.getStartDirectory(); if (isCDSearchTool) { // look at startDir switch (env.getOSType()) { case OSType.WIN_32: { changeStr = startDir.substring(0, 2); changeCD = true; break; } case OSType.LINUX: { // do nothing if (startDir.indexOf("/mnt/cdrom1") != -1) { changeStr = "/mnt/cdrom1"; changeCD = true; } else if (startDir.indexOf("/mnt/cdrom2") != -1) { changeStr = "/mnt/cdrom2"; changeCD = true; } break; } case OSType.UNIX: { break; } case OSType.MAC: { break; } } } if (changeCD) { env.setCDROMDir(changeStr);"checkCDROMDir() new CDROM dir is: " + changeStr); } } /** * Gets CDROM path * * @param pathToChange * @return */ private String getCDROMPath(String pathToChange) { // System.out.println("ORIG PATH: "+pathToChange); String ptc = pathToChange.substring(7, pathToChange.length()); if ((ptc.startsWith("/")) || (ptc.startsWith("\\"))) { ptc = ptc.substring(1, ptc.length()); } String tmpGetCDROMDr = env.getCDROMDir(); if (!Utils.endsWithSlash(tmpGetCDROMDr)) { return tmpGetCDROMDr + "/" + ptc; } else { return tmpGetCDROMDr + ptc; } } private boolean isThisOnACd(String cdRomIdxList) { // // looks for startDir/cdrom_indexes // File testCDFi = new File(cdRomIdxList); return testCDFi.exists(); } /** * Load settings */ private void loadSettings() {"loadSettings() entered"); Properties props = null; // check for old incorrect setting file format File oldPropsFile = new File(fEnv.getOldUserPreferencesFile()); if (oldPropsFile.isFile()) { logger.log(NoticeLevel.NOTICE, "loadSettings() found old settings file and convert it now"); props = new Properties(); // read file and set the properties FileReader fileReader = null; try { fileReader = new FileReader(oldPropsFile); int c; StringBuilder line = new StringBuilder(); while ((c = != -1) { // is end of line if (c == '\n' || c == '\r') { String str = line.toString(); int pos = str.indexOf('='); if (pos != -1 && pos + 1 != str.length()) { String key = str.substring(0, pos); String value = str.substring(pos + 1); logger.debug("loadSettings() convert " + key + "=" + value); props.setProperty(key, value); } line = new StringBuilder(); } else { line.append((char) c); } } } catch (IOException ioe) { logger.fatal("loadSettings() failed", ioe); showMessage(dsErrLdgFi, "\n" + oldPropsFile + "\n\n : " + ioe.toString()); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(fileReader); } // delete old properties file if (!isCDSearchTool) { if (!oldPropsFile.delete()) { logger.error("loadSettings() can't delete old properties file (" + oldPropsFile + ")"); } } } else { // loads prefs stored in saveSettings props = loadProperties(fEnv.getUserPreferencesFile()); } // sendEmailNotice String tmpStr = props.getProperty("sendEmailNotice", ""); if (!"".equals(tmpStr)) { sendEmailNotice = tmpStr; } // numAdminEmails tmpStr = props.getProperty("numAdminEmails", ""); int adminEmNo = 0; try { adminEmNo = Integer.parseInt(tmpStr); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { logger.error("loadSettings() failure with numAdminEmails (" + nfe.getMessage() + ")"); adminEmNo = 0; } if (adminEmNo > 0) { // add to arraylist of emails for (int i = 0; i < adminEmNo; i++) { tmpStr = props.getProperty("email" + i, ""); if (!"".equals(tmpStr)) { addEmail(tmpStr); } } } // maxFileSizeToIndex tmpStr = props.getProperty("maxFileSizeToIndex", ""); long newMaxFiSiInt = 0; if (!"".equals(tmpStr)) { try { newMaxFiSiInt = Long.parseLong(tmpStr); setMaxFileSize(newMaxFiSiInt); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { logger.error("loadSettings() failure with maxFileSizeToIndex (" + nfe.getMessage() + ")"); } } else {"loadSettings() no prefs for maxFileSizeToIndex found, using default: " + getMaxFileSize()); } // emailFormat tmpStr = props.getProperty("emailFormat", ""); if (!"".equals(tmpStr)) { emailFormat = tmpStr; } // gatewayUser tmpStr = props.getProperty("gatewayUser", ""); if (!"".equals(tmpStr)) { gatewayUser = tmpStr; } // loadExternal tmpStr = props.getProperty("loadExternal", ""); if ("false".equals(tmpStr)) { loadExternal = false; } else { loadExternal = true; } // gatewayPWD tmpStr = props.getProperty("gatewayPwd", ""); if (!"".equals(tmpStr)) { gatewayPwd = tmpStr; } // gateway tmpStr = props.getProperty("gateway", ""); if (!"".equals(tmpStr)) { gateway = tmpStr; } // browser tmpStr = props.getProperty("browser", ""); // TODO if browser empty, try to get from system with method // getBrowserFile() if (!"".equals(tmpStr)) { defaultHndlr = tmpStr; } // maxNumHitsShown tmpStr = props.getProperty("maxNumHitsShown", ""); if (!"".equals(tmpStr)) { try { maxNumHitsShown = Integer.parseInt(tmpStr); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { logger.error("loadSettings() failure with maxNumHitsShown", nfe); maxNumHitsShown = 250; } } // tempDir tmpStr = props.getProperty("tempDir", ""); if (!"".equals(tmpStr)) { resetTempDir(tmpStr); } // laf tmpStr = props.getProperty("laf", ""); if (!"".equals(tmpStr) && !"de.muntjak.tinylookandfeel.TinyLookAndFeel".equals(tmpStr)) { lafChosen = tmpStr; if (env.isGUIMode()) { try { UIManager.setLookAndFeel(lafChosen); SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI(this); pack(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("loadSettings() failure with laf", e); setStatus(ERROR + " : " + e.toString()); } } } // indexDir tmpStr = props.getProperty("indexDir", ""); if (!"".equals(tmpStr)) { File testIdxDir = new File(tmpStr); if (testIdxDir.isDirectory()) { fEnv.setIndexDirectory(tmpStr); } else {"loadSettings() index dir doesn't exist (" + tmpStr + "). Using Default:" + fEnv.getIndexDirectory()); } } // workingDir tmpStr = props.getProperty("workingDir", ""); if (!"".equals(tmpStr)) { File testworkingDir = new File(tmpStr); if (testworkingDir.isDirectory()) { resetWorkingDir(tmpStr); } else {"loadSettings() index dir doesn't exist (" + tmpStr + "). Using Default:" + fEnv.getWorkingDirectory()); } } } /** * Save Settings */ private void saveSettings() {"saveSettings() entered"); // saves all preferences Properties props = new Properties(); // gateway props.setProperty("gateway", gateway); // gatewayPWD props.setProperty("gatewayPwd", gatewayPwd); // max file size to index props.setProperty("maxFileSizeToIndex", Long.toString(getMaxFileSize())); // maxNumHitsShown props.setProperty("maxNumHitsShown", Integer.toString(maxNumHitsShown)); // gatewayUser props.setProperty("gatewayUser", gatewayUser); // emailFormat props.setProperty("emailFormat", emailFormat); // loadExternal props.setProperty("loadExternal", Boolean.toString(loadExternal)); // sendEmailNotice props.setProperty("sendEmailNotice", sendEmailNotice); // numAdminEmails int numAdm = numGetAdminEmails(); props.setProperty("numAdminEmails", Integer.toString(numAdm)); for (int i = 0; i < numAdm; i++) { props.setProperty("email" + i, adminEmails.get(i)); } // browser props.setProperty("browser", defaultHndlr); // laf props.setProperty("laf", lafChosen); // indexDir props.setProperty("indexDir", fEnv.getIndexDirectory()); // tempDir props.setProperty("tempDir", tempDir); // workingDir props.setProperty("workingDir", fEnv.getWorkingDirectory()); // save settings FileOutputStream fileOut = null; try { fileOut = new FileOutputStream(fEnv.getUserPreferencesFile());, "DocSearcher properties"); } catch (IOException ioe) { logger.fatal("saveSettings() save settings failed", ioe); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(fileOut); } } private void resetTempDir(String toSet) { tempDir = toSet; rtfTextFile = FileUtils.addFolder(tempDir, "temp_rtf_file_" + USER_NAME + ".txt"); ooTextFile = FileUtils.addFolder(tempDir, "temp_oo_file_" + USER_NAME + ".xml"); ooMetaTextFile = FileUtils.addFolder(tempDir, "temp_oo_meta_file_" + USER_NAME + ".xml"); ooTextOnlyFile = FileUtils.addFolder(tempDir, "temp_oo_text_file_" + USER_NAME + ".txt"); } private void resetWorkingDir(String toSet) { String workingDir = toSet; fEnv.setWorkingDirectory(workingDir); fEnv.resetIndexListFile(); fEnv.resetBookmarkFile(); fEnv.resetArchiveDirectory(); defaultSaveFolder = FileUtils.addFolder(workingDir, "saved_searches"); checkDefaults(); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void sendEmail(StringBuffer message) { String compName = null; try { compName = InetAddress.getLocalHost().toString(); } catch (UnknownHostException uhe) { compName = "localhost"; } String subj = DateTimeUtils.getToday() + " " + I18n.getString("email_subject") + " " + compName; int numEs = adminEmails.size(); String[] addrs = new String[numEs]; for (int i = 0; i < numEs; i++) { addrs[i] = getEmail(i); } // TODO replace hardcoded email address with user defined address EmailThread emt = new EmailThread(addrs, getEmailProps(), I18n.getString("email_from_address"), message.toString(), subj); // emt.start(); try { emt.sendEmail(); } catch (MessagingException me) { logger.fatal("sendEmail() failed", me); setStatus(ERROR + " " + me.toString()); } } private Properties getEmailProps() { // Properties retP = System.getProperties(); retP.put("", gateway); retP.put("password", gatewayPwd); retP.put("username", gatewayUser); return retP; } public void addEmail(String toAdd) { adminEmails.add(toAdd); } public Object[] getEmails() { return adminEmails.toArray(); } public void removeEmail(int toRem) { adminEmails.remove(toRem); } public String getEmail(int idx) { return adminEmails.get(idx); } public void setEmail(int idx, String em) { adminEmails.set(idx, em); } private boolean isTextEmailFormat() { boolean returnBool = true; if (emailFormat.equals(I18n.getString("html_format"))) { returnBool = false; } return returnBool; } private boolean sendNoticeOnIdxingChanges() { boolean returnBool = true; if (sendEmailNotice.equals("false")) { returnBool = false; } return returnBool; } private int numGetAdminEmails() { return adminEmails.size(); } private void sendEmail(String subj, StringBuffer message) { int numEs = adminEmails.size(); String[] addrs = new String[numEs]; for (int i = 0; i < numEs; i++) { addrs[i] = getEmail(i); } // TODO replace hardcoded email address with user defined address EmailThread emt = new EmailThread(addrs, getEmailProps(), I18n.getString("email_from_address"), message.toString(), subj); // emt.start(); try { emt.setTextFormat(isTextEmailFormat()); emt.sendEmail(); } catch (MessagingException me) { logger.fatal("sendEmail() failed", me); setStatus(ERROR + " " + me.toString()); } } public ArrayList<DocSearcherIndex> getCdArrayList() { ArrayList<DocSearcherIndex> returnArry = new ArrayList<DocSearcherIndex>(); int numIdxs = indexes.size(); // boolean hasCdromIdxs=false; for (int i = 0; i < numIdxs; i++) { DocSearcherIndex di = indexes.get(i); if (di.isCdrom()) { // hasCdromIdxs=true; returnArry.add(di); } } return returnArry; } private void doSearchableCdWiz() { String CREATE_IDX_FIRST = I18n.getString("create_index_first"); String CREATE_CD_STEPS = I18n.getString("create_index_info"); int numIdxs = indexes.size(); if (numIdxs == 0) { showMessage(I18n.getString("error"), CREATE_IDX_FIRST + "\n\n" + CREATE_CD_STEPS); } else { ArrayList<DocSearcherIndex> indexesToSelectFrom = new ArrayList<DocSearcherIndex>(); boolean hasCdromIdxs = false; for (int i = 0; i < numIdxs; i++) { DocSearcherIndex di = indexes.get(i); if (di.isCdrom()) { hasCdromIdxs = true; indexesToSelectFrom.add(di); } } if (!hasCdromIdxs) { showMessage(I18n.getString("error"), CREATE_IDX_FIRST + "\n\n" + CREATE_CD_STEPS); } else { // set the defaults String cdRootDirName = FileUtils.addFolder(tempDir, "CD_ROOT_DS"); String splashImageFileName = FileUtils.addFolder(fEnv.getStartDirectory(), FileEnvironment.FILENAME_SPLASH_IMAGE); String startPageFileName = FileUtils.addFolder(fEnv.getStartDirectory(), FileEnvironment.FILENAME_START_PAGE); String helpPageFileName = FileUtils.addFolder(fEnv.getStartDirectory(), FileEnvironment.FILENAME_HELP_PAGE); // boolean copyAllFiles=true; CdAssistantDialog cad = new CdAssistantDialog(this, Messages.getString("DocSearch.cdAssistant"), true); cad.init(); cad.setFields(helpPageFileName, splashImageFileName, startPageFileName, cdRootDirName); cad.setVisible(true); if (cad.confirmed()) { createCDStuff(cad.getCdRootDirName(), cad.getSplashImageFileName(), cad.getStartPageFileName(), cad.getHelpPageFileName(), cad.getCopyAllFiles(), cad.getCDIdxList()); } } // end for we have CDROM indexes to work with } // end for we at least have some indexes } // TODO currently unused, check for remove @SuppressWarnings("unused") private String getCdsList(ArrayList<DocSearcherIndex> idxs) { StringBuffer rb = new StringBuffer(); if (idxs.size() > 0) { Iterator<DocSearcherIndex> it = idxs.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { DocSearcherIndex di =; rb.append(di.getName()); rb.append('\n'); } } return rb.toString(); } /** * * @param cdRootDirName * @param splashImageFileName * @param startPageFileName * @param helpPageFileName * @param copyAllFiles * @param indexesToSelectFrom */ private void createCDStuff(String cdRootDirName, String splashImageFileName, String startPageFileName, String helpPageFileName, boolean copyAllFiles, ArrayList<DocSearcherIndex> indexesToSelectFrom) { if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"createCDStuff('" + cdRootDirName + "', '" + splashImageFileName + "', '" + startPageFileName + "', '" + helpPageFileName + "', '" + copyAllFiles + "', '" + indexesToSelectFrom + "') entered"); } boolean madeStuff = true; StringBuffer errBuf = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer sB = new StringBuffer(); sB.append("<html><head><title>DocSearcher Index List - CDROM</title></head><body>\n<table>"); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("createCDStuff() check virtual cdrom root dir = '" + cdRootDirName + "'"); } // CREATE THE CD ROOT DIR File cdrDirFi = new File(cdRootDirName); if (!cdrDirFi.exists()) { madeStuff = cdrDirFi.mkdir(); if (!madeStuff) { errBuf.append('\n'); // TODO check resource really not exist! errBuf.append(Messages.getString("DocSearch.unableToMkCDFold")); } } // COPY THE DOCSEARCH.JAR FILE if (madeStuff) { // TODO change some hard coded variables to constants!!! String newDocSearchFileName = FileUtils.addFolder(cdRootDirName, "DocSearch.jar"); String oldDocSearchFileName = FileUtils.addFolder(fEnv.getStartDirectory(), "DocSearch.jar"); String libsDir = FileUtils.addFolder(fEnv.getStartDirectory(), "lib"); String newlibsFolder = FileUtils.addFolder(cdRootDirName, "lib"); File testOldDS = new File(oldDocSearchFileName); if (testOldDS.exists()) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("createCDStuff() copy DocSearch.jar ('" + oldDocSearchFileName + "')"); } copyFile(oldDocSearchFileName, newDocSearchFileName); } else { logger.error("createCDStuff() can't find DocSearch.jar ('" + oldDocSearchFileName + "')"); madeStuff = false; errBuf.append('\n'); // TODO check resource really not exist! errBuf.append(Messages.getString("DocSearch.unableToFindDSjar")); } // create lib dir and copy all libs File newLibsDir = new File(newlibsFolder); madeStuff = newLibsDir.mkdir(); if (madeStuff) { File libsFolder = new File(libsDir); String[] libs = libsFolder.list(); // TODO why not copyFilessss??? for (int z = 0; z < libs.length; z++) { String curLibFileName = FileUtils.addFolder(libsDir, libs[z]); String newLibFileName = FileUtils.addFolder(newlibsFolder, libs[z]); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug( "createCDStuff() copy lib '" + curLibFileName + "' to '" + newLibFileName + "'"); } copyFile(curLibFileName, newLibFileName); } } else { logger.error("createCDStuff() can't create lib dir ('" + newlibsFolder + "')"); errBuf.append('\n'); // TODO check resource really not exist! errBuf.append(Messages.getString("DocSearch.failToCreateDir") + " : " + newlibsFolder); } } // COPY THE START AND HELP PAGES AS WELL AS THE SPLASH and ICONS - // IF THEY EXIST! if (madeStuff) { String newSpFiName = FileUtils.addFolder(cdRootDirName, FileEnvironment.FILENAME_START_PAGE); File testSp = new File(startPageFileName); if (testSp.exists()) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("createCDStuff() copy '" + startPageFileName + "' to '" + newSpFiName + "'"); } copyFile(startPageFileName, newSpFiName); } String newHpFiName = FileUtils.addFolder(cdRootDirName, FileEnvironment.FILENAME_HELP_PAGE); File testHp = new File(helpPageFileName); if (testHp.exists()) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("createCDStuff() copy '" + helpPageFileName + "' to '" + newHpFiName + "'"); } copyFile(helpPageFileName, newHpFiName); } String newSplashFiName = FileUtils.addFolder(cdRootDirName, FileEnvironment.FILENAME_SPLASH_IMAGE); File testSplashFi = new File(splashImageFileName); if (testSplashFi.exists()) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("createCDStuff() copy '" + splashImageFileName + "' to '" + newSplashFiName + "'"); } copyFile(splashImageFileName, newSplashFiName); } } // NOW COPY OVER THE INDEX FILES if (madeStuff) { // TODO change some hard coded variables to constants!!! String cdIdxsTemp = FileUtils.addFolder(cdRootDirName, "cdrom_indexes"); String actualItdxsDir = FileUtils.addFolder(cdIdxsTemp, "indexes"); File testCDIDXSTemp = new File(cdIdxsTemp); if (!testCDIDXSTemp.exists()) { madeStuff = testCDIDXSTemp.mkdir(); if (!madeStuff) { logger.error("createCDStuff() can't create dir '" + testCDIDXSTemp + "'"); errBuf.append('\n'); // TODO check resource really not exist! errBuf.append(Messages.getString("DocSearch.failToCreateDir") + " : " + cdIdxsTemp); } } // create the sub dir for the indexes themsevels - ...indexes if (madeStuff) { File testActFi = new File(actualItdxsDir); if (!testActFi.exists()) { madeStuff = testActFi.mkdir(); if (!madeStuff) { logger.error("createCDStuff() can't create dir '" + testActFi + "'"); errBuf.append("\n"); // TODO check resource really not exist! errBuf.append(Messages.getString("DocSearch.failToCreateDir") + " : " + actualItdxsDir); } } } // copy the indexes if (madeStuff) { Iterator<DocSearcherIndex> it = indexesToSelectFrom.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { DocSearcherIndex di =; String curOldIdxDir = di.getIndexPath(); String curOldPath = di.getPath(); String curPnameOnly = Utils.getNameOnly(curOldPath); String curNameOnly = Utils.getNameOnly(curOldIdxDir); curOldIdxDir = FileUtils.addFolder(fEnv.getIndexDirectory(), curNameOnly); String curNewIdxDir = FileUtils.addFolder(actualItdxsDir, curNameOnly); String curNewPath = FileUtils.addFolder(cdRootDirName, curPnameOnly); // create index dir File newIdxFi = new File(curNewIdxDir); madeStuff = newIdxFi.mkdir(); if (!madeStuff) { logger.error("createCDStuff() can't create index dir '" + newIdxFi + "'"); errBuf.append("\n"); // TODO check resource really not exist! errBuf.append(Messages.getString("DocSearch.failToCreateDir") + " : " + curNewIdxDir); } else {"createCDStuff() start copying index files from '" + curOldIdxDir + "' to '" + curNewIdxDir + "'"); copyFiles(curOldIdxDir, curNewIdxDir); // build our save buffer sB.append("\n<tr>"); sB.append("\n<td>"); sB.append(di.getName()); sB.append("</td>"); sB.append("\n<td>"); sB.append(di.getPath()); sB.append("</td>"); sB.append("\n<td>"); if (di.getShouldBeSearched()) { sB.append('0'); } else { sB.append('1'); } sB.append("</td>"); sB.append("\n<td>"); sB.append(di.getDepth()); sB.append("</td>"); sB.append("\n<td>"); sB.append(di.getIndexPath()); sB.append("</td>"); // now the isWeb stuff and date sB.append("\n<td>"); if (di.getIsWeb()) { sB.append("true"); } else { sB.append("false"); } sB.append("</td>"); sB.append("\n<td>"); sB.append(di.getMatch()); sB.append("</td>"); sB.append("\n<td>"); sB.append(di.getReplace()); sB.append("</td>"); sB.append("\n<td>"); sB.append(di.getLastIndexed()); sB.append("</td>"); sB.append("\n<td>"); sB.append(di.getIndexPolicy()); sB.append("</td>"); sB.append("\n<td>"); sB.append(di.getArchiveDir()); sB.append("</td>"); sB.append("</tr>\n"); // copy all files if (copyAllFiles) { // copy from di.path to CD Root File testNewCFi = new File(curNewPath); if (!testNewCFi.exists()) { if (testNewCFi.mkdir()) { copyFiles(curOldPath, curNewPath); } else { logger.error("createCDStuff() can't create dir '" + testNewCFi + "'"); } } }"createCDStuff() finished copying index files from '" + curOldIdxDir + "' to '" + curNewIdxDir + "'"); } } sB.append("\n</table></body></html>"); // save cdrom index list FileUtils.saveFile(FileUtils.addFolder(cdIdxsTemp, "cdrom_indexes_list.htm"), sB); } } // check cd creating was successfully if (madeStuff) { showMessage(I18n.getString("ready_for_burning"), I18n.getString("made_cd_success") + " \n\t " + cdRootDirName); } else { // TODO check resource really not exist showMessage(Messages.getString("DocSearch.errCrtgCDStuff"), errBuf.toString()); } } private boolean isSearching() { return currentlySearching; } /** * Start search */ private void doThreadedSearch() { logger.debug("doThreadedSearch() entered"); if ((searchField.getSelectedItem() != null) && (!isSearching())) { // search text String searchText = searchField.getSelectedItem().toString().trim(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { int selectedFields = searchIn.getSelectedIndex(); String searchField = searchOpts[selectedFields]; logger.debug("doThreadedSearch() " + Layout.LINE_SEP + "searchText=" + searchText + Layout.LINE_SEP + "searchField=" + searchField); } // start search if (!searchText.equals("")) { setStatus(I18n.getString("please_wait...") + " " + I18n.getString("searching")); // start search ThreadedSearch ts = new ThreadedSearch(this, searchText); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(ts); } } } private void doNewSpiderIdx() { // this is the method where spidered indexes are made SpiderDialog sd = new SpiderDialog(this, I18n.getString("new_spider_index"), true); sd.init(); sd.setVisible(true); if (sd.getConfirmed()) { String spiderUrl = sd.getUrlFieldText().trim(); String desc = sd.getDesc(); int maxDocsToGet = sd.getMax(); try { createSpiderIdx(spiderUrl, maxDocsToGet, desc); } catch (Exception e) { logger.fatal("doNewSpiderIdx() failed", e); setStatus(e.toString()); } } } /** * Create Spider Index * * @param spiderUrl * URL to spider * @param maxDocsToGet * Max documents * @param desc * Description * @throws IOException */ private void createSpiderIdx(String spiderUrl, int maxDocsToGet, String desc) throws IOException { String outFile = FileUtils.addFolder(tempDir, "tmp_spider_links_" + USER_NAME + ".txt"); String noUnd = Utils.replaceAll(" ", desc, "_"); String idxFoldr = FileUtils.addFolder(fEnv.getIndexDirectory(), noUnd); // setup the index File idxpthfi = new File(idxFoldr); idxpthfi.mkdir(); DocSearcherIndex dsi = new DocSearcherIndex(spiderUrl, desc, true, maxDocsToGet, idxFoldr, true, outFile, spiderUrl, DateTimeUtils.getToday(), 0, fEnv.getArchiveDirectory()); IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(idxFoldr, new StandardAnalyzer(), true); // writer.setUseCompoundFile(true); // start spider LinkFinder lf = new LinkFinder(spiderUrl, maxDocsToGet, this, dsi, writer); lf.getAllLinks(); writer.close(); // close the writer indexes.add(dsi); } public long getMaxFileSize() { return maxFileSizeInt; } protected void setMaxFileSize(long toGet) { maxFileSizeInt = toGet; } public String getCurStatus() { return curStatusString; } public String getDefaultHndlr() { return defaultHndlr; } public int getMaxNumHitsShown() { return maxNumHitsShown; } public boolean getLoadExternal() { return loadExternal; } public Iterator<DocSearcherIndex> getIndexIterator() { return indexes.iterator(); } public boolean indexesEmpty() { return indexes.isEmpty(); } public int numIndexes() { return indexes.size(); } public DocSearcherIndex getDSIndex(int toGet) { return indexes.get(toGet); } public boolean getIsWorking() { return isWorking; } public void setIsWorking(boolean toSet) { isWorking = toSet; buttonStop.setEnabled(isWorking); } public void doStop() { setIsWorking(false); } public void setProgressMax(long toSet) { pPanel.setMaxPos(toSet); } public void setCurProgress(long toSet) { pPanel.setCurPos(toSet); } public void setCurProgressMSG(String toSet) { pPanel.setMSG(toSet); } public void resetProgress() { pPanel.reset(); } public String getLafChosen() { return lafChosen; } /** * Method listAllProperties */ private void listAllProps() { // Get all system properties // = US, user.language = en String userCountry = System.getProperty(""); String userLanguage = System.getProperty("user.language"); String localityType = userLanguage + '_' + userCountry; logger.log(NoticeLevel.NOTICE, "listAllProps() using language: " + localityType); // if (! localityType.toLowerCase().equals("en_us")) { // logger.log(NoticeLevel.NOTICE, // "listAllProps() To create a translation for your language; translate the file and save it as docSearch_" // + localityType + ".properties"); // } } }