Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2006 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package org.iucn.sis.client.ui; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Shameless copy of Extension of FlexTable * adding a tree in one column. Uses a TreeItem model and row based rendering of * table cells. * * Changes: * <ul> * <li>Removed focus functionality from Tree code. It was causing problems with * IE. Not sure how applicable it is with FlexTable as the base class. It may * have problems playing well with GWT because of package scope work arounds. * Seems to work ok without the code, minus drawing an outline.</li> * <li>Made TreeItem a Widget to be added to a table cell. Removed ContentPanel * handling from the Tree code. * <li>Disabled some Widget add/remove code. This may cause strange bugs. Again, * package scope issues. This needs a work around.</li> * <li>Streamlined findItemByChain() and modified elementClicked() to search the * table. This should probably be rewritten to leverage FlexTable. * </ul> * * Notes: * <ul> * <li>If anyone has a firm understanding of "focus" in GWT I could use the help * cleaning this up.</li> * </ul> * * @author Matt Boyd (modifications to GWT's classes) */ public class TreeTable extends FlexTable { /** * Default renderer for TreeTable. Renders the user object into the * TreeItem. Widget user objects are preserved. Arrays are mapped into the * row with first object rendered into the TreeItem. All other objects are * rendered to the TreeItem with toString(). */ class DefaultRenderer implements TreeTableRenderer { public void renderTreeItem(TreeTable table, TreeItem item, int row) { Object obj = item.getUserObject(); if (obj instanceof Widget) { item.setWidget((Widget) obj); } else if (obj instanceof Object[]) { Object[] objs = (Object[]) obj; if (objs.length > 0) { Object o = objs[0]; if (o instanceof Widget) { item.setWidget((Widget) o); } else if (o != null) { item.setHTML(o.toString()); } else { item.setText(null); } for (int i = 1, s = objs.length; i < s; i++) { o = objs[i]; if (o instanceof Widget) { setWidget(row, i, (Widget) o); } else if (o != null) { setHTML(row, i, o.toString()); } else { setHTML(row, i, null); } } } } else if (obj != null) { item.setHTML(obj.toString()); } } } /** * Needed local instance. GWT's is hidden in package scope. */ // private FocusImpl impl = (FocusImpl) GWT.create(FocusImpl.class); public static class Renderer { public void renderRow(TreeTable tree, TreeItem item, int row) { } } // private final Element focusable; // private FocusListenerCollection focusListeners; private Element headElem; private TreeItem curSelection; private String imageBase = GWT.getModuleBaseURL(); private KeyboardListenerCollection keyboardListeners; private TreeTableListenerCollection listeners; private MouseListenerCollection mouseListeners = null; private final TreeItem root; private TreeTableRenderer renderer; /** * Keeps track of the last event type seen. We do this to determine if we * have a duplicate key down. */ private int lastEventType; /** * Constructs an empty tree. */ public TreeTable() { Element tableElem = getElement(); headElem = DOM.createElement("thead"); Element tr = DOM.createTR(); DOM.appendChild(headElem, tr); DOM.insertChild(tableElem, headElem, 0); DOM.setStyleAttribute(getElement(), "position", "relative"); // focusable = impl.createFocusable(); // DOM.setStyleAttribute(focusable, "fontSize", "0"); // DOM.setStyleAttribute(focusable, "position", "absolute"); // DOM.setIntStyleAttribute(focusable, "zIndex", -1); // DOM.appendChild(getElement(), focusable); sinkEvents(Event.MOUSEEVENTS | Event.ONCLICK | Event.KEYEVENTS); // DOM.sinkEvents(focusable, Event.FOCUSEVENTS | Event.KEYEVENTS | // DOM.getEventsSunk(focusable)); // The 'root' item is invisible and serves only as a container // for all top-level items. root = new TreeItem() { @Override public void addItem(TreeItem item) { // If this element already belongs to a tree or tree item, // remove it. if ((item.getParentItem() != null) || (item.getTreeTable() != null)) { item.remove(); } item.setTreeTable(this.getTreeTable()); // Explicitly set top-level items' parents to null. item.setParentItem(null); getChildren().add(item); // Use no margin on top-most items. DOM.setIntStyleAttribute(item.getElement(), "marginLeft", 0); } @Override public void removeItem(TreeItem item) { if (!getChildren().contains(item)) { return; } // Update Item state. item.setTreeTable(null); item.setParentItem(null); getChildren().remove(item); } }; root.setTreeTable(this); setStyleName("gwt-TreeTable"); } /** * Adds the widget as a root tree item. * * @see * @param widget * widget to add. */ @Override public void add(Widget widget) { addItem(widget); } public TreeItem addItem(Object userObj) { TreeItem ret = new TreeItem(userObj); addItem(ret); return ret; } /** * Adds a simple tree item containing the specified text. * * @param itemText * the text of the item to be added * @return the item that was added */ public TreeItem addItem(String itemText) { TreeItem ret = new TreeItem(itemText); addItem(ret); return ret; } /** * Adds an item to the root level of this tree. * * @param item * the item to be added */ public void addItem(TreeItem item) { root.addItem(item); // Adds the item to the proper row insertItem(item, getRowCount()); updateRowCache(); updateVisibility(item); } /** * Adds a new tree item containing the specified widget. * * @param widget * the widget to be added */ public TreeItem addItem(Widget widget) { TreeItem item = new TreeItem(widget); addItem(item); return item; } public void addKeyboardListener(KeyboardListener listener) { if (keyboardListeners == null) { keyboardListeners = new KeyboardListenerCollection(); } keyboardListeners.add(listener); } public void addMouseListener(MouseListener listener) { if (mouseListeners == null) { mouseListeners = new MouseListenerCollection(); } mouseListeners.add(listener); } public void addTreeTableListener(TreeTableListener listener) { if (listeners == null) { listeners = new TreeTableListenerCollection(); } listeners.add(listener); } /** * Clears all tree items from the current tree. */ @Override public void clear() { int size = root.getChildCount(); for (int i = size - 1; i >= 0; i--) { root.getChild(i).remove(); } } /** * Collects parents going up the element tree, terminated at the tree root. */ private void collectElementChain(Vector chain, Element hRoot, Element hElem) { if ((hElem == null) ||, hRoot)) { return; } collectElementChain(chain, hRoot, DOM.getParent(hElem)); chain.add(hElem); } private boolean elementClicked(TreeItem root, Element hElem) { Vector chain = new Vector(); collectElementChain(chain, getElement(), hElem); TreeItem item = findItemByChain(chain, 0, root); if (item != null) { if (, hElem)) { item.setState(!item.getState(), true); return true; } else if (DOM.isOrHasChild(item.getElement(), hElem)) { onSelection(item, true); return true; } } return false; } /** * Ensures that the currently-selected item is visible, opening its parents * and scrolling the tree as necessary. */ public void ensureSelectedItemVisible() { if (curSelection == null) { return; } TreeItem parent = curSelection.getParentItem(); while (parent != null) { parent.setState(true); parent = parent.getParentItem(); } } private TreeItem findDeepestOpenChild(TreeItem item) { if (!item.getState()) { return item; } return findDeepestOpenChild(item.getChild(item.getChildCount() - 1)); } private TreeItem findItemByChain(Vector chain, int idx, TreeItem root) { if (idx == chain.size()) { return root; } for (int i = 0, s = chain.size(); i < s; i++) { Element elem = (Element) chain.get(i); String n = getNodeName(elem); if ("div".equalsIgnoreCase(n)) { return findItemByElement(root, elem); } } return null; } private TreeItem findItemByElement(TreeItem item, Element elem) { if (, elem)) { return item; } for (int i = 0, n = item.getChildCount(); i < n; ++i) { TreeItem child = item.getChild(i); child = findItemByElement(child, elem); if (child != null) { return child; } } return null; } void fireStateChanged(TreeItem item) { if (listeners != null) { listeners.fireItemStateChanged(item); } } /** * Gets this tree's default image package. * * @return the tree's image package * @see #setImageBase */ public String getImageBase() { return imageBase; } /** * Gets the top-level tree item at the specified index. * * @param index * the index to be retrieved * @return the item at that index */ public TreeItem getItem(int index) { return root.getChild(index); } /** * Gets the number of items contained at the root of this tree. * * @return this tree's item count */ public int getItemCount() { return root.getChildCount(); } public int getLastChildRow(TreeItem item) { // Checks the row of the next sibling TreeItem next = getNextNonChild(item); if (next != null) { return next.getRow() - 1; } return getRowCount() - 1; } protected TreeItem getNextNonChild(TreeItem item) { TreeItem next = getNextSibling(item); if (next != null) { return next; } TreeItem p = item.getParentItem(); if (p != null) { return getNextNonChild(p); } else { return null; } } protected TreeItem getNextSibling(TreeItem item) { TreeItem p = item.getParentItem(); if (p == null) { int idx = root.getChildIndex(item) + 1; if (idx < root.getChildCount()) { // Gets the next sibling return root.getChild(idx); } } else { int idx = p.getChildIndex(item) + 1; if (idx < p.getChildCount()) { // Gets the next sibling return p.getChild(idx); } } return null; } private native String getNodeName(Element elem) /*-{ return elem.nodeName; }-*/; public TreeTableRenderer getRenderer() { if (renderer == null) { renderer = new DefaultRenderer(); } return renderer; } /** * Gets the currently selected item. * * @return the selected item */ public TreeItem getSelectedItem() { return curSelection; } protected int getTreeColumn() { return 0; } public void hideChildren(TreeItem item) { setChildrenVisible(item, false); } /** * Updates table rows to include children. * * @param item */ void insertItem(TreeItem item, int r) { // inserts this item into the tree insertRow(r); setWidget(r, getTreeColumn(), item); item.setRow(r); render(item); ArrayList chlds = item.getChildren(); for (int i = 0, s = chlds.size(); i < s; i++) { TreeItem chld = (TreeItem) chlds.get(i); insertItem(chld, r + 1); } TreeItem p = item.getParentItem(); if (p != null) { if (!p.isOpen()) { setVisible(false, item.getRow()); setChildrenVisible(item, false); } } } /** * Moves to the next item, going into children as if dig is enabled. */ private void moveSelectionDown(TreeItem sel, boolean dig) { if (sel == root) { return; } TreeItem parent = sel.getParentItem(); if (parent == null) { parent = root; } int idx = parent.getChildIndex(sel); if (!dig || !sel.getState()) { if (idx < parent.getChildCount() - 1) { onSelection(parent.getChild(idx + 1), true); } else { moveSelectionDown(parent, false); } } else if (sel.getChildCount() > 0) { onSelection(sel.getChild(0), true); } } /** * Moves the selected item up one. */ private void moveSelectionUp(TreeItem sel) { TreeItem parent = sel.getParentItem(); if (parent == null) { parent = root; } int idx = parent.getChildIndex(sel); if (idx > 0) { TreeItem sibling = parent.getChild(idx - 1); onSelection(findDeepestOpenChild(sibling), true); } else { onSelection(parent, true); } } @Override public void onBrowserEvent(Event event) { int eventType = DOM.eventGetType(event); switch (eventType) { case Event.ONCLICK: { Element e = DOM.eventGetTarget(event); if (shouldTreeDelegateFocusToElement(e)) { // The click event should have given focus to this element // already. // Avoid moving focus back up to the tree (so that focusable // widgets // attached to TreeItems can receive keyboard events). } else { // setFocus(true); } break; } case Event.ONMOUSEDOWN: { if (mouseListeners != null) { mouseListeners.fireMouseEvent(this, event); } elementClicked(root, DOM.eventGetTarget(event)); break; } case Event.ONMOUSEUP: { if (mouseListeners != null) { mouseListeners.fireMouseEvent(this, event); } break; } case Event.ONMOUSEMOVE: { if (mouseListeners != null) { mouseListeners.fireMouseEvent(this, event); } break; } case Event.ONMOUSEOVER: { if (mouseListeners != null) { mouseListeners.fireMouseEvent(this, event); } break; } case Event.ONMOUSEOUT: { if (mouseListeners != null) { mouseListeners.fireMouseEvent(this, event); } break; } // case Event.ONFOCUS: // // If we already have focus, ignore the focus event. // if (focusListeners != null) { // focusListeners.fireFocusEvent(this, event); // } // break; // // case Event.ONBLUR: { // if (focusListeners != null) { // focusListeners.fireFocusEvent(this, event); // } // // break; // } case Event.ONKEYDOWN: // If nothing's selected, select the first item. if (curSelection == null) { if (root.getChildCount() > 0) { onSelection(root.getChild(0), true); } super.onBrowserEvent(event); return; } if (lastEventType == Event.ONKEYDOWN) { // Two key downs in a row signal a duplicate event. Multiple key // downs can be triggered in the current configuration // independent // of the browser. return; } // Handle keyboard events switch (DOM.eventGetKeyCode(event)) { case KeyboardListener.KEY_UP: { moveSelectionUp(curSelection); DOM.eventPreventDefault(event); break; } case KeyboardListener.KEY_DOWN: { moveSelectionDown(curSelection, true); DOM.eventPreventDefault(event); break; } case KeyboardListener.KEY_LEFT: { if (curSelection.getState()) { curSelection.setState(false); } DOM.eventPreventDefault(event); break; } case KeyboardListener.KEY_RIGHT: { if (!curSelection.getState()) { curSelection.setState(true); } DOM.eventPreventDefault(event); break; } default: break; } // Intentional fallthrough. case Event.ONKEYUP: if (eventType == Event.ONKEYUP) { // If we got here because of a key tab, then we need to make // sure the // current tree item is selected. if (DOM.eventGetKeyCode(event) == KeyboardListener.KEY_TAB) { Vector chain = new Vector(); collectElementChain(chain, getElement(), DOM.eventGetTarget(event)); TreeItem item = findItemByChain(chain, 0, root); if (item != getSelectedItem()) { setSelectedItem(item, true); } } } // Intentional fallthrough. case Event.ONKEYPRESS: { if (keyboardListeners != null) { keyboardListeners.fireKeyboardEvent(this, event); } break; } } // We must call SynthesizedWidget's implementation for all other events. super.onBrowserEvent(event); lastEventType = eventType; } @Override protected void onLoad() { root.updateStateRecursive(); renderTable(); updateVisibility(); } private void onSelection(TreeItem item, boolean fireEvents) { // 'root' isn't a real item, so don't let it be selected // (some cases in the keyboard handler will try to do this) if (item == root) { return; } if (curSelection != null) { curSelection.setSelected(false); } curSelection = item; if (curSelection != null) { // moveFocus(curSelection); // SISSelect the item and fire the selection event. curSelection.setSelected(true); if (fireEvents && (listeners != null)) { listeners.fireItemSelected(curSelection); } } } /** * Removes an item from the root level of this tree. * * @param item * the item to be removed */ public void removeItem(TreeItem item) { root.removeItem(item); removeItemFromTable(item); } void removeItemFromTable(TreeItem item) { int r = item.getRow(); int rs = item.getDescendentCount(); for (int i = 0; i < rs; i++) { removeRow(r); } updateRowCache(); } /** * Removes all items from the root level of this tree. */ public void removeItems() { while (getItemCount() > 0) { removeItem(getItem(0)); } } public void removeKeyboardListener(KeyboardListener listener) { if (keyboardListeners != null) { keyboardListeners.remove(listener); } } public void removeTreeTableListener(TreeTableListener listener) { if (listeners != null) { listeners.remove(listener); } } /** * Renders TreeItems recursively. * * @param item */ public void render(TreeItem item) { getRenderer().renderTreeItem(this, item, item.getRow()); if (item.getParentItem() != null) { updateVisibility(item.getParentItem()); } for (int i = 0, s = item.getChildCount(); i < s; i++) { TreeItem child = item.getChild(i); render(child); } } public void renderTable() { render(root); } public void setChildrenVisible(TreeItem item, boolean visible) { if (item.getChildCount() == 0) { return; } int row = item.getRow() + 1; int lastChildRow = getLastChildRow(item); int count = lastChildRow - row + 1; setVisible(visible, row, count); } @Override public void setHTML(int row, int column, String text) { if (column != getTreeColumn()) { super.setHTML(row, column, text); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot add non-TreeItem to tree column"); } } /** * Sets the base URL under which this tree will find its default images. * These images must be named "tree_white.gif", "tree_open.gif", and * "tree_closed.gif". */ public void setImageBase(String baseUrl) { imageBase = baseUrl; root.updateStateRecursive(); } public void setRenderer(TreeTableRenderer renderer) { this.renderer = renderer; } /** * Selects a specified item. * * @param item * the item to be selected, or <code>null</code> to deselect all * items */ public void setSelectedItem(TreeItem item) { setSelectedItem(item, true); } /** * Selects a specified item. * * @param item * the item to be selected, or <code>null</code> to deselect all * items * @param fireEvents * <code>true</code> to allow selection events to be fired */ public void setSelectedItem(TreeItem item, boolean fireEvents) { if (item == null) { if (curSelection == null) { return; } curSelection.setSelected(false); curSelection = null; return; } onSelection(item, fireEvents); } @Override public void setText(int row, int column, String text) { if (column != getTreeColumn()) { super.setText(row, column, text); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot add non-TreeItem to tree column"); } } void setVisible(boolean visible, int row) { UIObject.setVisible(getRowFormatter().getElement(row), visible); } protected void setVisible(boolean visible, int row, int count) { for (int r = row, s = row + count; r < s; r++) { setVisible(visible, r); } } @Override public void setWidget(int row, int column, Widget widget) { if (column != getTreeColumn()) { super.setWidget(row, column, widget); } else { if (widget instanceof TreeItem) { super.setWidget(row, column, widget); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot add non-TreeItem to tree column"); } } } private native boolean shouldTreeDelegateFocusToElement(Element elem) /*-{ var focus = ((elem.nodeName == "SELECT") || (elem.nodeName == "INPUT") || (elem.nodeName == "CHECKBOX") ); return focus; }-*/; public void showChildren(TreeItem item) { for (int i = 0, s = item.getChildCount(); i < s; i++) { TreeItem child = item.getChild(i); setVisible(true, child.getRow()); if (child.isOpen()) { showChildren(child); } } } /** * Iterator of tree items. */ public Iterator treeItemIterator() { List accum = new ArrayList(); root.addTreeItems(accum); return accum.iterator(); } // /** // * Move the tree focus to the specified selected item. // * // * @param selection // */ // private void moveFocus(TreeItem selection) { // HasFocus focusableWidget = selection.getFocusableWidget(); // if (focusableWidget != null) { // focusableWidget.setFocus(true); // DOM.scrollIntoView(((Widget) focusableWidget).getElement()); // } else { // // Get the location and size of the given item's content element // // relative // // to the tree. // Element selectedElem = selection.getContentElem(); // int containerLeft = getAbsoluteLeft(); // int containerTop = getAbsoluteTop(); // // int left = DOM.getAbsoluteLeft(selectedElem) - containerLeft; // int top = DOM.getAbsoluteTop(selectedElem) - containerTop; // int width = DOM.getIntAttribute(selectedElem, "offsetWidth"); // int height = DOM.getIntAttribute(selectedElem, "offsetHeight"); // // // Set the focusable element's position and size to exactly underlap // // the // // item's content element. // DOM.setIntStyleAttribute(focusable, "left", left); // DOM.setIntStyleAttribute(focusable, "top", top); // DOM.setIntStyleAttribute(focusable, "width", width); // DOM.setIntStyleAttribute(focusable, "height", height); // // // Scroll it into view. // DOM.scrollIntoView(focusable); // // // Ensure Focus is set, as focus may have been previously delegated // // by // // tree. // impl.focus(focusable); // } // } // public int getTabIndex() { // return impl.getTabIndex(focusable); // } // public void addFocusListener(FocusListener listener) { // if (focusListeners == null) { // focusListeners = new FocusListenerCollection(); // } // focusListeners.add(listener); // } // public void removeFocusListener(FocusListener listener) { // if (focusListeners != null) { // focusListeners.remove(listener); // } // } // public void setAccessKey(char key) { // impl.setAccessKey(focusable, key); // } // public void setFocus(boolean focus) { // if (focus) { // impl.focus(focusable); // } else { // impl.blur(focusable); // } // } // public void setTabIndex(int index) { // impl.setTabIndex(focusable, index); // } /** * Updates the cached row index for each tree item. TODO - Optomize with * start item. */ void updateRowCache() { updateRowCache(root, -1); } int updateRowCache(TreeItem item, int r) { item.setRow(r); ArrayList chlds = item.getChildren(); for (int i = 0, s = chlds.size(); i < s; i++) { TreeItem chld = (TreeItem) chlds.get(i); r++; r = updateRowCache(chld, r); } return r; } public void updateVisibility() { for (int i = 0, s = root.getChildCount(); i < s; i++) { TreeItem item = root.getChild(i); updateVisibility(item); } } protected void updateVisibility(TreeItem item) { if (item.isOpen()) { showChildren(item); } else { hideChildren(item); } } }