Java tutorial
/* * __________ * CREDITS * __________ * * Team page: * - Marco Brandizi (software engineer: ISAvalidator, ISAconverter, BII data management utility, BII model) * - Eamonn Maguire (software engineer: ISAcreator, ISAcreator configurator, ISAvalidator, ISAconverter, BII data management utility, BII web) * - Nataliya Sklyar (software engineer: BII web application, BII model, BII data management utility) * - Philippe Rocca-Serra (technical coordinator: user requirements and standards compliance for ISA software, ISA-tab format specification, BII model, ISAcreator wizard, ontology) * - Susanna-Assunta Sansone (coordinator: ISA infrastructure design, standards compliance, ISA-tab format specification, BII model, funds raising) * * Contributors: * - Manon Delahaye (ISA team trainee: BII web services) * - Richard Evans (ISA team trainee: rISAtab) * * * ______________________ * Contacts and Feedback: * ______________________ * * Project overview: * * To follow general discussion: * To contact the developers: * * To report bugs: * To request enhancements: * * * __________ * License: * __________ * * Reciprocal Public License 1.5 (RPL1.5) * [OSI Approved License] * * Reciprocal Public License (RPL) * Version 1.5, July 15, 2007 * Copyright (C) 2001-2007 * Technical Pursuit Inc., * All Rights Reserved. * * * * __________ * Sponsors * __________ * This work has been funded mainly by the EU Carcinogenomics ( [PL 037712] and in part by the * EU NuGO [NoE 503630]( projects and in part by EMBL-EBI. */ package org.isatools.isatab.export.sra; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException; import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlOptions; import org.isatools.isatab_v1.ISATABLoader; import org.isatools.isatab_v1.mapping.ISATABMapper; import org.isatools.tablib.schema.FormatSetInstance; import org.isatools.tablib.utils.BIIObjectStore; import org.junit.Test; import*; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import static java.lang.System.out; import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue; public class SraExportTest { @Test public void testBasicExport() throws XmlException { Map<String, String> testData = getTestData(); for (String directory : testData.keySet()) { out.println("\n\n" +"Testing the SRA exporter with " + directory, 120, "-") + "\n"); System.setProperty("bioinvindex.converters.sra.backlink", "(This study is linked to the BII project, see${study-acc})"); String baseDir = System.getProperty("basedir"); System.out.println("basedir = " + baseDir); String filesPath = baseDir + "/target/test-classes/test-data/isatab/isatab_bii/" + directory; System.out.println("filesPath = " + filesPath); ISATABLoader loader = new ISATABLoader(filesPath); FormatSetInstance isatabInstance = null; try { isatabInstance = loader.load(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } BIIObjectStore store = new BIIObjectStore(); ISATABMapper mapper = new ISATABMapper(store, isatabInstance);; String studyExportPath = baseDir + "/target/export/"; SraExporter sraExporter = new SraExporter(store, filesPath, studyExportPath); sraExporter.export(); System.out.println("exportPath = " + studyExportPath); assertTrue("Ouch! No SRA export directory created for " + directory + ": " + studyExportPath, new File(studyExportPath).exists()); assertTrue("Ouch! No SRA study.xml created", new File(studyExportPath + "/sra/" + testData.get(directory) + "/study.xml").exists()); // Validate the generated XML files try { XmlOptions xopts = new XmlOptions(); xopts.setValidateOnSet(); SubmissionType xsub = SubmissionType.Factory.parse( new File(studyExportPath + "/sra/" + testData.get(directory) + "/submission.xml"), xopts); StudyType xstudy = StudyType.Factory .parse(new File(studyExportPath + "/sra/" + testData.get(directory) + "/study.xml"), xopts); SAMPLESETDocument xsamples = SAMPLESETDocument.Factory.parse( new File(studyExportPath + "/sra/" + testData.get(directory) + "/sample_set.xml"), xopts); EXPERIMENTSETDocument xexps = EXPERIMENTSETDocument.Factory.parse( new File(studyExportPath + "/sra/" + testData.get(directory) + "/experiment_set.xml"), xopts); RUNSETDocument xruns = RUNSETDocument.Factory.parse( new File(studyExportPath + "/sra/" + testData.get(directory) + "/run_set.xml"), xopts); } catch (XmlException ex) { throw new XmlException("Argh! Validation of resulting SRA/XML failed!: " + ex.getMessage(), ex); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // TODO: search (XPath) some items that must be there } private Map<String, String> getTestData() { Map<String, String> testData = new HashMap<String, String>(); testData.put("LTR_Moorea_Coral_Reef_2008", "LTR_MRC_2008_Bacteria_16SRNA_gene_survey"); testData.put("BII-S-4-NEW", "BII-S-4"); return testData; } }