Java tutorial
/* * @(#) * * Copyright (C) 2005-17 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * @Author Mike Zhou * @Version 1.0 * @Date 04/7/2017 * * Revision History * ================ * */ package org.interpss.service.train_data.impl; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.function.Consumer; import; import org.apache.commons.math3.complex.Complex; import org.interpss.CorePluginFunction; import org.interpss.numeric.datatype.Unit.UnitType; import org.interpss.numeric.exp.IpssNumericException; import org.interpss.pssl.simu.IpssAclf; import org.interpss.pssl.simu.IpssDclf; import org.interpss.pssl.simu.IpssDclf.DclfAlgorithmDSL; import org.interpss.service.train_data.ITrainCaseBuilder; import org.interpss.service.util.NetCaseLoader; import com.interpss.CoreObjectFactory; import com.interpss.common.exp.InterpssException; import com.interpss.core.aclf.AclfBranch; import com.interpss.core.aclf.AclfBus; import com.interpss.core.aclf.AclfNetwork; import com.interpss.core.aclf.adpter.AclfPVGenBus; import com.interpss.core.aclf.adpter.AclfSwingBus; import com.interpss.core.aclf.contingency.BranchOutageType; import com.interpss.core.aclf.contingency.Contingency; import com.interpss.core.algo.AclfMethod; import com.interpss.core.datatype.Mismatch; import com.interpss.core.dclf.common.ReferenceBusException; import com.interpss.core.dclf.solver.HashMapCacheDclfSolver; /** * Base class for implementing Aclf training case creation builder. * */ public abstract class BaseAclfTrainCaseBuilder implements ITrainCaseBuilder { /** AclfNetwork object*/ protected AclfNetwork aclfNet; /** NN model bus array dimension */ protected int noBus; /** NN model branch array dimension */ protected int noBranch; /** Bus id to NN model bus array index mapping */ protected HashMap<String, Integer> busId2NoMapping; /** Branch id to NN model branch array index mapping */ protected HashMap<String, Integer> branchId2NoMapping; /** cached base case data for creating training cases*/ protected BusData[] baseCaseData; /** * get the AclfNetwork object * * @return */ @Override public AclfNetwork getAclfNet() { return aclfNet; } /** * get the cached based case bus data * * @return the baseCaseData */ public BusData[] getBaseCaseData() { return baseCaseData; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.interpss.service.train_data.ITrainCaseBuilder#createTrainCase(int, int) */ @Override public void loadConfigureAclfNet(String filename) throws InterpssException { this.aclfNet = NetCaseLoader.loadAclfNet(filename); // set noBus/Branch in case the mapping relationships // are not defined if (this.busId2NoMapping == null) this.noBus = getAclfNet().getNoActiveBus(); if (this.branchId2NoMapping == null) this.noBranch = getAclfNet().getNoActiveBranch(); System.out.println( filename + " aclfNet case loaded, no buses/branches: " + this.noBus + ", " + this.noBranch); // cache the base case bus data this.baseCaseData = new BusData[this.noBus]; for (int i = 0; i < this.noBus; i++) this.baseCaseData[i] = new BusData(); int i = 0; for (AclfBus bus : getAclfNet().getBusList()) { if (bus.isActive()) { if (this.busId2NoMapping != null) i = this.busId2NoMapping.get(bus.getId()); BusData busdata = this.baseCaseData[i]; = bus.getId(); if (bus.isGen()) { busdata.genP = bus.getGenP(); bus.getGenPQ(); bus.getContributeGenList().clear(); } if (!bus.isSwing() && !bus.isGenPV()) { busdata.loadP = bus.getLoadP(); busdata.loadQ = bus.getLoadQ(); bus.getContributeLoadList().clear(); } else busdata.type = bus.isSwing() ? BusData.Swing : BusData.PV; i++; } } for (AclfBus bus : getAclfNet().getBusList()) { if (bus.isGenPV()) bus.getPVBusLimit().setStatus(false); } //System.out.println(this.runLF()); } protected double[] getNetInputPQ(AclfNetwork aclfNet) { double[] input = new double[2 * this.noBus]; getNetInputPQ(input); return input; } protected double[] getNetInputPQ(double[] input) { int i = 0; for (AclfBus bus : aclfNet.getBusList()) { if (bus.isActive()) { if (this.busId2NoMapping != null) i = this.busId2NoMapping.get(bus.getId()); BusData busdata = this.baseCaseData[i]; if (busdata.isSwing() /*bus.isSwing()*/) { // Swing Bus AclfSwingBus swing = bus.toSwingBus(); input[i] = swing.getDesiredVoltAng(UnitType.Rad); input[this.noBus + i] = swing.getDesiredVoltMag(UnitType.PU); } else if (busdata.isPV() /*bus.isGenPV()*/) { // PV bus AclfPVGenBus pv = bus.toPVBus(); input[i] = bus.getGenP() - bus.getLoadP(); input[this.noBus + i] = pv.getDesiredVoltMag(); } else { input[i] = bus.getGenP() - bus.getLoadP(); input[this.noBus + i] = bus.getGenQ() - bus.getLoadQ(); } i++; } } return input; } protected double[] getNetOutputVoltage(AclfNetwork aclfNet) { double[] output = new double[2 * this.noBus]; int i = 0; for (AclfBus bus : aclfNet.getBusList()) { if (bus.isActive()) { if (this.busId2NoMapping != null) i = this.busId2NoMapping.get(bus.getId()); BusData busdata = this.baseCaseData[i]; if (busdata.isSwing() /*bus.isSwing()*/) { // Swing Bus // AclfSwingBus swing = bus.toSwingBus(); // Complex gen = swing.getGenResults(UnitType.PU); // output[i] = gen.getImaginary(); // output[this.noBus+i] = gen.getReal(); } else if (busdata.isPV() /*bus.isGenPV()*/) { // PV bus // AclfPVGenBus pv = bus.toPVBus(); // Complex gen = pv.getGenResults(UnitType.PU); // output[i] = gen.getImaginary() - bus.getLoadQ(); // output[this.noBus+i] = bus.getVoltageAng(); } else { output[i] = bus.getVoltageMag(); // output[this.noBus+i] = bus.getVoltageAng(); } i++; } } return output; } protected double[] getNetBranchP(AclfNetwork aclfNet) { double[] output = new double[this.noBranch]; int i = 0; for (AclfBranch branch : aclfNet.getBranchList()) { if (branch.isActive()) { if (this.branchId2NoMapping != null) i = this.branchId2NoMapping.get(branch.getId()); output[i] = branch.powerFrom2To().getReal(); i++; } } return output; } protected double[] getNetBranchContingencyMaxP(AclfNetwork aclfNet) { double[] output = new double[this.noBranch]; int cnt = 0; for (AclfBranch bra : this.aclfNet.getBranchList()) { bra.setSortNumber(cnt++); } // IpssCorePlugin.init(); this statement should put in the main function try { DclfAlgorithmDSL algoDsl = IpssDclf.createDclfAlgorithm(getAclfNet()); algoDsl.getAlgorithm().setDclfSolver(new HashMapCacheDclfSolver(getAclfNet())); algoDsl.runDclfAnalysis(); getAclfNet().getBranchList().stream() .filter(branch -> !branch.getFromAclfBus().isRefBus() && !branch.getToAclfBus().isRefBus()) .forEach(branch -> CoreObjectFactory.createContingency(branch.getId(), branch.getId(), BranchOutageType.OPEN, getAclfNet())); getAclfNet().getContingencyList().forEach(cont -> { algoDsl.contingencyAanlysis((Contingency) cont, (contBranch, postContFlow) -> { if (output[contBranch.getSortNumber()] < Math.abs(postContFlow / getAclfNet().getBaseMva())) output[contBranch.getSortNumber()] = Math.abs(postContFlow / getAclfNet().getBaseMva()); }); }); } catch (InterpssException | ReferenceBusException | IpssNumericException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return output; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.interpss.service.ITrainCaseBuilder#calMismatch() */ @Override public Mismatch calMismatch(double[] netVolt) { int i = 0; for (AclfBus bus : aclfNet.getBusList()) { if (bus.isActive()) { if (this.busId2NoMapping != null) i = this.busId2NoMapping.get(bus.getId()); BusData busdata = this.baseCaseData[i]; if (busdata.isSwing() /*bus.isSwing()*/) { // Swing Bus //AclfSwingBus swing = bus.toSwingBus(); //Complex gen = swing.getGenResults(UnitType.PU); //output[i] = gen.getImaginary(); //output[this.noBus+i] = gen.getReal(); } else if (busdata.isPV() /*bus.isGenPV()*/) { // PV bus //AclfPVGenBus pv = bus.toPVBus(); //Complex gen = pv.getGenResults(UnitType.PU); //output[i] = gen.getImaginary() - bus.getLoadQ();; bus.setVoltageAng(netVolt[this.noBus + i]); } else { bus.setVoltageMag(netVolt[i]); bus.setVoltageAng(netVolt[this.noBus + i]); } i++; } } return aclfNet.maxMismatch(AclfMethod.NR); }; /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.interpss.service.ITrainCaseBuilder#getNoBus() */ @Override public int getNoBus() { return noBus; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.interpss.service.ITrainCaseBuilder#getNoBranch() */ @Override public int getNoBranch() { return noBranch; } /** * Run Loadlow * * @return */ protected String runLF(AclfNetwork aclfNet) { String rntStr = ""; try { IpssAclf.createAclfAlgo(aclfNet).lfMethod(AclfMethod.NR).nonDivergent(true).runLoadflow(); System.out.println("Run Aclf " + (aclfNet.isLfConverged() ? " converged, " : " diverged, ") + aclfNet.maxMismatch(AclfMethod.NR).toString()); rntStr = CorePluginFunction.aclfResultSummary.apply(aclfNet).toString(); //System.out.println(rntStr); /* int cnt = 0; for (AclfBranch branch : aclfNet.getBranchList()) { if (branch.isActive()) { System.out.println(branch.getId() + " " + cnt++); } } */ } catch (InterpssException e) { e.printStackTrace(); rntStr = "Error in LF calculation"; } return rntStr; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.interpss.service.train_data.ITrainCaseBuilder#createBusId2NoMapping(java.lang.String) */ @Override public void createBusId2NoMapping(String filename) { this.busId2NoMapping = new HashMap<>(); loadTextFile(filename, line -> { // Bus1 0 String[] strAry = line.split(" "); this.busId2NoMapping.put(strAry[0], new Integer(strAry[1])); }); // in the case of is mapping file, NN model size is determined by the info in the file this.noBus = this.busId2NoMapping.size(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.interpss.service.train_data.ITrainCaseBuilder#createBranchId2NoMapping(java.lang.String) */ @Override public void createBranchId2NoMapping(String filename) { this.branchId2NoMapping = new HashMap<>(); loadTextFile(filename, line -> { // Bus1->Bus2(1) 0 String[] strAry = line.split(" "); this.branchId2NoMapping.put(strAry[0], new Integer(strAry[1])); }); // in the case of is mapping file, NN model size is determined by the info in the file this.noBranch = this.branchId2NoMapping.size(); } protected void loadTextFile(String filename, Consumer<String> processor) { try (Stream<String> stream = Files.lines(Paths.get(filename))) { stream.filter(line -> { return !line.startsWith("#") && !line.trim().equals(""); }).forEach(processor); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }