Java tutorial
package org.intermine.webservice.server.lists; /* * Copyright (C) 2002-2013 FlyMine * * This code may be freely distributed and modified under the * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence. This should * be distributed with the code. See the LICENSE file for more * information or * */ import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.intermine.api.InterMineAPI; import org.intermine.api.profile.InterMineBag; import org.intermine.api.profile.Profile; import org.intermine.webservice.server.Format; import org.intermine.webservice.server.WebService; import org.intermine.webservice.server.core.ListManager; import org.intermine.webservice.server.exceptions.BadRequestException; import org.intermine.webservice.server.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException; import org.intermine.webservice.server.output.HTMLTableFormatter; import org.intermine.webservice.server.output.JSONFormatter; /** * A service to report what lists a user has access to, and some details of * those lists. * @author Alexis Kalderimis. * */ public class AvailableListsService extends WebService { /** * Constructor * @param im A reference to the InterMine API settings bundle */ public AvailableListsService(InterMineAPI im) { super(im); } @Override protected void execute() throws Exception { Collection<InterMineBag> lists = getLists(); ListFormatter formatter = getFormatter(); formatter.setSize(lists.size()); output.setHeaderAttributes(getHeaderAttributes()); for (InterMineBag list : lists) { if (list == null) { continue; } output.addResultItem(formatter.format(list)); } } private enum Filter { PREFIX, SUFFIX, CONTAINS, EXACT }; /** * Get the lists for this request. * @return The lists that are available. */ protected Collection<InterMineBag> getLists() { ListManager listManager = new ListManager(im, getPermission().getProfile()); String nameFilter = getOptionalParameter("name"); if (nameFilter == null) { return listManager.getLists(); } else { return getListsMatching(listManager, nameFilter); } } private Filter getFilterType(String term) { if (term == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("term must not be null"); } else if (term.startsWith("*") && term.endsWith("*")) { return Filter.CONTAINS; } else if (term.startsWith("*")) { return Filter.SUFFIX; } else if (term.endsWith("*")) { return Filter.PREFIX; } else { return Filter.EXACT; } } protected Collection<InterMineBag> getListsMatching(ListManager listManager, String nameFilter) { if (nameFilter == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("nameFilter must not be null"); } nameFilter = nameFilter.trim(); final Filter type = getFilterType(nameFilter); final String term = StringUtils.strip(nameFilter, "*"); Set<InterMineBag> ret = new LinkedHashSet<InterMineBag>(); for (InterMineBag bag : listManager.getLists()) { boolean suitable = false; if (bag != null) { String bagName = StringUtils.defaultString(bag.getName(), ""); switch (type) { case EXACT: suitable = term.equals(bagName); break; case PREFIX: suitable = bagName.startsWith(term); break; case SUFFIX: suitable = bagName.endsWith(term); break; case CONTAINS: suitable = bagName.contains(term); break; } } if (suitable) { ret.add(bag); } } if (ret.isEmpty()) { throw new ResourceNotFoundException("No lists matched " + nameFilter); } return ret; } @Override protected Format getDefaultFormat() { return Format.JSON; } @Override protected boolean canServe(Format format) { return format == Format.JSON || format == Format.HTML || format == Format.TEXT || Format.FLAT_FILES.contains(format); } private Map<String, Object> getHeaderAttributes() { Map<String, Object> attributes = new HashMap<String, Object>(); if (formatIsJSON()) { attributes.put(JSONFormatter.KEY_INTRO, "\"lists\":["); attributes.put(JSONFormatter.KEY_OUTRO, "]"); } if (formatIsJSONP()) { attributes.put(JSONFormatter.KEY_CALLBACK, this.getCallback()); } if (getFormat() == Format.HTML) { attributes.put(HTMLTableFormatter.KEY_COLUMN_HEADERS, Arrays.asList("Name", "Type", "Description", "Size")); } return attributes; } private ListFormatter getFormatter() { boolean jsDates = Boolean.parseBoolean(request.getParameter("jsDates")); if (formatIsJSON()) { // Most common - test this first. Profile profile = getPermission().getProfile(); return new JSONListFormatter(im, profile, jsDates); } if (formatIsFlatFile() || Format.TEXT == getFormat()) { return new FlatListFormatter(); // One name per line, so tsv and csv is the same } if (Format.HTML == getFormat()) { return new HtmlListFormatter(); } throw new BadRequestException("Unknown request format"); } }