Java tutorial
package org.intermine.web.logic; /* * Copyright (C) 2002-2013 FlyMine * * This code may be freely distributed and modified under the * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence. This should * be distributed with the code. See the LICENSE file for more * information or * */ import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.intermine.api.InterMineAPI; import org.intermine.metadata.ClassDescriptor; import org.intermine.metadata.FieldDescriptor; import org.intermine.metadata.Model; import org.intermine.pathquery.Path; import org.intermine.pathquery.PathException; import org.intermine.pathquery.PathQuery; import org.intermine.util.PropertiesUtil; import org.intermine.util.StringUtil; import org.intermine.web.context.InterMineContext; import org.intermine.web.logic.config.FieldConfig; import org.intermine.web.logic.config.FieldConfigHelper; import org.intermine.web.logic.config.Type; import org.intermine.web.logic.config.WebConfig; import org.intermine.web.logic.results.WebState; import org.intermine.web.logic.session.SessionMethods; /** * Utility methods for the web package. * * @author Kim Rutherford * @author Julie Sullivan */ public abstract class WebUtil { protected static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(WebUtil.class); /** * Lookup an Integer property from the SessionContext and return it. * * @param session * the current session * @param propertyName * the property to find * @param defaultValue * the value to return if the property isn't present * @return the int value of the property */ public static int getIntSessionProperty(final HttpSession session, final String propertyName, final int defaultValue) { final Properties webProperties = SessionMethods.getWebProperties(session.getServletContext()); final String n = webProperties.getProperty(propertyName); int intVal = defaultValue; try { intVal = Integer.parseInt(n); } catch (final NumberFormatException e) { LOG.warn("Failed to parse " + propertyName + " property: " + n); } return intVal; } /** * takes a map and puts it in random order also shortens the list to be * map.size() = max * * @param map * The map to be randomised - the Map will be unchanged after the * call * @param max * the number of items to be in the final list * @param <V> * the value type * @return the newly randomised, shortened map */ public static <V> Map<String, V> shuffle(final Map<String, V> map, final int max) { List<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>(map.keySet()); Collections.shuffle(keys); if (keys.size() > max) { keys = keys.subList(0, max); } final Map<String, V> returnMap = new HashMap<String, V>(); for (final String key : keys) { returnMap.put(key, map.get(key)); } return returnMap; } /** * Return the contents of the page given by prefixURLString + '/' + path as * a String. Any relative links in the page will be modified to go via * * * @param prefixURLString * the prefix (including "http://...") of the web site to read * from. eg. * @param path * the page to retrieve eg. manualFlyMineHome.shtml * @return the contents of the page * @throws IOException * if there is a problem while reading */ public static String getStaticPage(final String prefixURLString, final String path) throws IOException { final StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); final URL url = new URL(prefixURLString + '/' + path); final URLConnection connection = url.openConnection(); final InputStream is = connection.getInputStream(); final Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(is); final BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(reader); String line; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { // replace relative urls ie. href="manualExportfasta.shtml" line = line.replaceAll("href=\"([^\"]+)\"", "href=\"$1\""); buf.append(line + "\n"); } return buf.toString(); } /** * Look at the current webapp page and subtab and return the help page and * tab. * * @param request * the request object * @return the help page and tab */ public static String[] getHelpPage(final HttpServletRequest request) { final HttpSession session = request.getSession(); final ServletContext servletContext = session.getServletContext(); final Properties webProps = SessionMethods.getWebProperties(servletContext); final WebState webState = SessionMethods.getWebState(request.getSession()); final String pageName = (String) request.getAttribute("pageName"); final String subTab = webState.getSubtab("subtab" + pageName); String prop; if (subTab == null) { prop = webProps.getProperty("" + pageName); } else { prop = webProps.getProperty("" + pageName + "." + subTab); } if (prop == null) { return new String[0]; } return StringUtil.split(prop, ":"); } public final static class HeadResource { private final String type; private final String url; private final String key; private HeadResource(String key, String type, String url) { this.key = key; this.type = type; this.url = url; } public String getKey() { return key; } public String getType() { return type; } public String getUrl() { return url; } public boolean getIsRelative() { return url.startsWith("/"); } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("HeadResouce [type = %s, url = %s]", type, url); } } /** * Returns the resources for a particular section of the head element. * * @param section The section this resource belongs in. * * @return A list of page resources, which are the urls for these resources. */ public static List<HeadResource> getHeadResources(String section, Map<String, String> userPreferences) { Properties webProperties = InterMineContext.getWebProperties(); String cdnLocation = webProperties.getProperty("head.cdn.location"); boolean allowUserOverrides = "true".equals(webProperties.getProperty("head.allow.user.overrides")); List<HeadResource> ret = new ArrayList<HeadResource>(); for (String type : new String[] { "css", "js" }) { String key = String.format("head.%s.%s.", type, section); Properties userProps = new Properties(); userProps.putAll(webProperties); if (allowUserOverrides && userPreferences != null) { userProps.putAll(userPreferences); } Properties matches = PropertiesUtil.getPropertiesStartingWith(key, userProps); Set<Object> keys = new TreeSet<Object>(matches.keySet()); for (Object o : keys) { String propName = String.valueOf(o); String value = matches.getProperty(propName); if (StringUtils.isBlank(value)) { LOG.warn("Head resource configured with blank value: skipping " + propName); } else { if (value.startsWith("CDN")) { value = value.replace("CDN", cdnLocation); } else if (!(value.startsWith("/") || value.startsWith("http"))) { value = String.format("/%s/%s", type, value); } HeadResource resource = new HeadResource(propName, type, value); ret.add(resource); } } } return ret; } /** * Formats column name. Replaces " > " with "&nbsp;&gt; ". * * @param original * original column name * @return modified string */ public static String formatColumnName(final String original) { // replaces all dots and colons but not dots with following space - they // are probably // part of name, e.g. 'D. melanogaster' return original.replaceAll("&", "&").replaceAll(" > ", " > ").replaceAll("<", "<") .replaceAll(">", ">"); } /** * Formats a column name, using the webconfig to produce configured labels. * EG: MRNA.scoreType --> mRNA > Score Type * * @param original * The column name (a path string) to format * @param request * The request to use to get the configuration off. * @return A formatted column name */ public static String formatPath(final String original, final HttpServletRequest request) { if (request == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("request cannot be null"); } final InterMineAPI im = SessionMethods.getInterMineAPI(request); final Model model = im.getModel(); final WebConfig webConfig = SessionMethods.getWebConfig(request); return formatPath(original, model, webConfig); } /** * Format a query's view into a list of displayable strings, taking both * the query's path descriptions and the application's web configuration into * account. * @param pq The query to format * @param request The request to use to look up configuration from * @return A list of displayable strings */ public static List<String> formatPathQueryView(final PathQuery pq, final HttpServletRequest request) { if (request == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("request cannot be null"); } final WebConfig webConfig = SessionMethods.getWebConfig(request); return formatPathQueryView(pq, webConfig); } /** * Format a query's view into a list of displayable strings, taking both * the query's path descriptions and the application's web configuration into * account. * @param pq The query to format * @param wc The configuration to use to find labels in * @return A list of displayable strings */ public static List<String> formatPathQueryView(final PathQuery pq, final WebConfig wc) { final List<String> formattedViews = new ArrayList<String>(); for (final String view : pq.getView()) { formattedViews.add(formatPathDescription(view, pq, wc)); } return formattedViews; } /** * Formats a column name, using the webconfig to produce configured labels. * EG: MRNA.scoreType --> mRNA > Score Type * * @param original The column name (a path string) to format * @param model The model to use to parse the string * @param webConfig The configuration to find labels in * @return A formatted column name */ public static String formatPath(final String original, final Model model, final WebConfig webConfig) { Path viewPath; try { viewPath = new Path(model, original); } catch (final PathException e) { return original; } return formatPath(viewPath, webConfig); } /** * Formats a column name, using the webconfig to produce configured labels. * EG: MRNA.scoreType --> mRNA > Score Type * * @param pathString * A string representing a path to format * @param api * the webapp configuration to aquire a model from * @param webConfig * The configuration to find labels in * @return A formatted column name */ public static String formatPath(final String pathString, final InterMineAPI api, final WebConfig webConfig) { Path viewPath; try { viewPath = new Path(api.getModel(), pathString); } catch (Throwable t) { // In all error cases, return the original string. return pathString; } return formatPath(viewPath, webConfig); } /** * Formats a column name, using the given query to construct a path according to the current * state of its subclasses. * @param path The path to format. * @param pq The query to use for path construction. * @param config The configuration to find labels in. * @return A nicely formatted string. */ public static String formatPath(final String path, final PathQuery pq, final WebConfig config) { Path viewPath; try { viewPath = pq.makePath(path); } catch (Throwable t) { // In all error cases, return the original string. return path; } return formatPath(viewPath, config); } /** * Formats a column name, using the webconfig to produce configured labels. * EG: MRNA.scoreType --> mRNA > Score Type * * @param viewColumn * A path representing a column name * @param webConfig * The configuration to find labels in * @return A formatted column name */ public static String formatPath(final Path viewColumn, final WebConfig webConfig) { final ClassDescriptor cd = viewColumn.getStartClassDescriptor(); if (viewColumn.isRootPath()) { return formatClass(cd, webConfig); } else { return formatClass(cd, webConfig) + " > " + formatFieldChain(viewColumn, webConfig); } } /** * Formats a class name, using the web-config to produce configured labels. * @param cd The class to display. * @param config The web-configuration. * @return A nicely labelled string. */ public static String formatClass(ClassDescriptor cd, WebConfig config) { Type type = config.getTypes().get(cd.getName()); if (type == null) { return Type.getFormattedClassName(cd.getUnqualifiedName()); } else { return type.getDisplayName(); } } /** * Format a path into a displayable field name. * * eg: Employee.fullTime → Full Time * * @param s A path represented as a string * @param api The InterMine settings bundle * @param webConfig The Web Configuration * @return A displayable string */ public static String formatField(final String s, final InterMineAPI api, final WebConfig webConfig) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(s)) { return ""; } Path viewPath; try { viewPath = new Path(api.getModel(), s); } catch (final PathException e) { return s; } return formatField(viewPath, webConfig); } /** * Format a path into a displayable field name. * * eg: Employee.fullTime → Full Time * * @param p A path * @param webConfig The Web Configuration * @return A displayable string */ public static String formatField(final Path p, final WebConfig webConfig) { if (p == null) { return ""; } final FieldDescriptor fd = p.getEndFieldDescriptor(); if (fd == null) { return ""; } final ClassDescriptor cld = fd.isAttribute() ? p.getLastClassDescriptor() : p.getSecondLastClassDescriptor(); final FieldConfig fc = FieldConfigHelper.getFieldConfig(webConfig, cld, fd); if (fc != null) { return fc.getDisplayName(); } else { return FieldConfig.getFormattedName(fd.getName()); } } /** * Format a sequence of fields in a chain. * @param p The path representing the fields to format. * @param config The web-configuration. * @return A formatted string, without the root class. */ public static String formatFieldChain(final Path p, final WebConfig config) { if (p == null) { return ""; } final ClassDescriptor cd = p.getStartClassDescriptor(); if (p.endIsAttribute()) { final Type type = config.getTypes().get(cd.getName()); if (type != null) { final String pathString = p.getNoConstraintsString(); final FieldConfig fcg = type.getFieldConfig(pathString.substring(pathString.indexOf(".") + 1)); if (fcg != null) { return fcg.getDisplayName(); } } } List<String> elems = p.getElements(); String firstField = elems.get(0); if (firstField == null) { return ""; // shouldn't actually happen - but we shouldn't throw exceptions here. } FieldDescriptor fd = cd.getFieldDescriptorByName(firstField); final FieldConfig fc = FieldConfigHelper.getFieldConfig(config, cd, fd); String thisPart = ""; if (fc != null) { thisPart = fc.getDisplayName(); } else { thisPart = FieldConfig.getFormattedName(fd.getName()); } if (elems.size() > 1) { String root = p.decomposePath().get(1).getLastClassDescriptor().getUnqualifiedName(); String[] parts = p.toString().split("\\."); // use toString to get subclass info. int start = Math.min(2, parts.length - 1); String fields = StringUtils.join(Arrays.copyOfRange(parts, start, parts.length), "."); String nextPathString = root + "." + fields; Path newPath; try { newPath = new Path(p.getModel(), nextPathString); } catch (PathException e) { newPath = null; } return thisPart + " > " + formatFieldChain(newPath, config); } else { return thisPart; } } /** * Format a path represented as a string to the formatted fields, without * the class name. * * So <code>Employee.department.manager.age<code> becomes * <code>Department > Manager > Years Alive</code> * * @param s The path string * @param api The InterMine API to use for model lookup. * @param webConfig The class name configuration. * @return A nicely formatted string. */ public static String formatFieldChain(final String s, final InterMineAPI api, final WebConfig webConfig) { final String fullPath = formatPath(s, api.getModel(), webConfig); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(fullPath)) { return fullPath; } else { final int idx = fullPath.indexOf(">"); if (idx != -1) { return fullPath.substring(idx + 1); } } return fullPath; } private static String replaceDescribedPart(final String s, final Map<String, String> descriptions) { final String retval = descriptions.get(s); if (retval == null) { final int lastDot = s.lastIndexOf('.'); if (lastDot == -1) { return s; } else { return replaceDescribedPart(s.substring(0, lastDot), descriptions) + " > " + s.substring(lastDot + 1); } } else { return retval; } } /** * Return a string suitable for displaying a PathQuery's path, taking any * path descriptions it has configured into account. * * @param s The path to display * @param pq The PathQuery it relates to * @param config The Web-Configuration to use to lookup labels * @return A string suitable for external display. */ public static String formatPathDescription(final String s, final PathQuery pq, final WebConfig config) { Path p; try { p = pq.makePath(s); } catch (final PathException e) { return formatPath(s, pq.getModel(), config); // Format it nicely // anyway } return formatPathDescription(p, pq, config); } /** * So we can test set membership in JSPs. * @param things The things * @param o The thing * @return Whether the thing is one of the things. */ public static boolean contains(Collection<?> things, Object o) { return things.contains(o); } /** * So we can test map membership in JSPs. * @param mapping The things * @param o The thing * @return Whether the thing is one of the keys in things. */ public static boolean containsKey(Map<?, ?> mapping, Object o) { return mapping.containsKey(o); } /** * Return a string suitable for displaying a PathQuery's path, taking any * path descriptions it has configured into account. * * @param p The path to display * @param pq The PathQuery it relates to * @param config The Web-Configuration to use to lookup labels * @return A string suitable for external display. */ public static String formatPathDescription(final Path p, final PathQuery pq, final WebConfig config) { final Map<String, String> descriptions = pq.getDescriptions(); final String withLabels = formatPath(p, config); final List<String> labeledParts = Arrays.asList(StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator(withLabels, " > ")); if (descriptions.isEmpty()) { return StringUtils.join(labeledParts, " > "); } final String withReplaceMents = replaceDescribedPart(p.getNoConstraintsString(), descriptions); final List<String> originalParts = Arrays.asList(StringUtils.split(p.getNoConstraintsString(), '.')); final int originalPartsSize = originalParts.size(); final List<String> replacedParts = Arrays .asList(StringUtils.splitByWholeSeparator(withReplaceMents, " > ")); final int replacedSize = replacedParts.size(); // Else there are some described path segments... int partsToKeepFromOriginal = 0; int partsToTakeFromReplaced = replacedSize; for (int i = 0; i < originalPartsSize; i++) { final String fromOriginal = originalParts.get(originalPartsSize - (i + 1)); final int replaceMentsIndex = replacedSize - (i + 1); final String fromReplacement = replaceMentsIndex > 0 ? replacedParts.get(replaceMentsIndex) : null; if (fromOriginal != null && fromOriginal.equals(fromReplacement)) { partsToKeepFromOriginal++; partsToTakeFromReplaced--; } } final List<String> returners = new ArrayList<String>(); if (partsToTakeFromReplaced > 0) { returners.addAll(replacedParts.subList(0, partsToTakeFromReplaced)); } if (partsToKeepFromOriginal > 0) { final int start = Math.max(0, labeledParts.size() - partsToKeepFromOriginal); final int end = start + partsToKeepFromOriginal - (originalPartsSize - labeledParts.size()); returners.addAll(labeledParts.subList(start, end)); } return StringUtils.join(returners, " > "); } }