Java tutorial
package org.intermine.sql; /* * Copyright (C) 2002-2013 FlyMine * * This code may be freely distributed and modified under the * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence. This should * be distributed with the code. See the LICENSE file for more * information or * */ import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang.CharUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.intermine.metadata.AttributeDescriptor; import org.intermine.metadata.ClassDescriptor; import org.intermine.metadata.CollectionDescriptor; import org.intermine.metadata.FieldDescriptor; import org.intermine.metadata.ReferenceDescriptor; import org.intermine.model.InterMineObject; import org.intermine.objectstore.proxy.ProxyReference; import org.intermine.sql.writebatch.BatchWriterPostgresCopyImpl; import org.intermine.sql.writebatch.FlushJob; import org.intermine.sql.writebatch.TableBatch; import org.intermine.util.StringUtil; import org.intermine.util.TypeUtil; /** * Collection of commonly used Database utilities * * @author Andrew Varley * @author Matthew Wakeling */ public final class DatabaseUtil { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(DatabaseUtil.class); private static final Set<String> RESERVED_WORDS = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("ABS", "ABSOLUTE", "ACTION", "ADD", "ADMIN", "AFTER", "AGGREGATE", "ALIAS", "ALL", "ALLOCATE", "ALTER", "ANALYSE", "ANALYZE", "AND", "ANY", "ARE", "ARRAY", "AS", "ASC", "ASENSITIVE", "ASSERTION", "ASYMMETRIC", "AT", "ATOMIC", "AUTHORIZATION", "AVG", "BEFORE", "BEGIN", "BETWEEN", "BIGINT", "BINARY", "BIT", "BIT_LENGTH", "BLOB", "BOOLEAN", "BOTH", "BREADTH", "BY", "CALL", "CALLED", "CARDINALITY", "CASCADE", "CASCADED", "CASE", "CAST", "CATALOG", "CEIL", "CEILING", "CHAR", "CHARACTER", "CHARACTER_LENGTH", "CHAR_LENGTH", "CHECK", "CLASS", "CLOB", "CLOSE", "COALESCE", "COLLATE", "COLLATION", "COLLECT", "COLUMN", "COMMIT", "COMPLETION", "CONDITION", "CONNECT", "CONNECTION", "CONSTRAINT", "CONSTRAINTS", "CONSTRUCTOR", "CONTINUE", "CONVERT", "CORR", "CORRESPONDING", "COUNT", "COVAR_POP", "COVAR_SAMP", "CREATE", "CROSS", "CUBE", "CUME_DIST", "CURRENT", "CURRENT_DATE", "CURRENT_DEFAULT_TRAN", "CURRENT_PATH", "CURRENT_ROLE", "CURRENT_TIME", "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", "CURRENT_TRANSFORM_GR", "CURRENT_USER", "CURSOR", "CYCLE", "DATA", "DATABASE", "DATE", "DAY", "DEALLOCATE", "DEC", "DECIMAL", "DECLARE", "DEFAULT", "DEFERRABLE", "DEFERRED", "DELETE", "DENSE_RANK", "DEPTH", "DEREF", "DESC", "DESCRIBE", "DESCRIPTOR", "DESTROY", "DESTRUCTOR", "DETERMINISTIC", "DIAGNOSTICS", "DICTIONARY", "DISCONNECT", "DISTINCT", "DO", "DOMAIN", "DOUBLE", "DROP", "DYNAMIC", "EACH", "ELEMENT", "ELSE", "END", "END-EXEC", "EQUALS", "ESCAPE", "EVERY", "EXCEPT", "EXCEPTION", "EXEC", "EXECUTE", "EXISTS", "EXP", "EXTERNAL", "EXTRACT", "FALSE", "FETCH", "FILTER", "FIRST", "FLOAT", "FLOOR", "FOR", "FOREIGN", "FOUND", "FREE", "FREEZE", "FROM", "FULL", "FUNCTION", "FUSION", "GENERAL", "GET", "GLOBAL", "GO", "GOTO", "GRANT", "GROUP", "GROUPING", "HAVING", "HOLD", "HOST", "HOUR", "IDENTITY", "IGNORE", "ILIKE", "IMMEDIATE", "IN", "INDICATOR", "INITIALIZE", "INITIALLY", "INNER", "INOUT", "INPUT", "INSENSITIVE", "INSERT", "INT", "INTEGER", "INTERSECT", "INTERSECTION", "INTERVAL", "INTO", "IS", "ISNULL", "ISOLATION", "ITERATE", "JOIN", "KEY", "LANGUAGE", "LARGE", "LAST", "LATERAL", "LEADING", "LEFT", "LESS", "LEVEL", "LIKE", "LIMIT", "LN", "LOCAL", "LOCALTIME", "LOCALTIMESTAMP", "LOCATOR", "LOWER", "MAP", "MATCH", "MAX", "MEMBER", "MERGE", "METHOD", "MIN", "MINUTE", "MOD", "MODIFIES", "MODIFY", "MODULE", "MONTH", "MULTISET", "NAMES", "NATIONAL", "NATURAL", "NCHAR", "NCLOB", "NEW", "NEXT", "NO", "NONE", "NORMALIZE", "NOT", "NOTNULL", "NULL", "NULLIF", "NUMERIC", "OBJECT", "OBJECTCLASS", "OCTET_LENGTH", "OF", "OFF", "OFFSET", "OLD", "ON", "ONLY", "OPEN", "OPERATION", "OPTION", "OR", "ORDER", "ORDINALITY", "OUT", "OUTER", "OUTPUT", "OVER", "OVERLAPS", "OVERLAY", "PAD", "PARAMETER", "PARAMETERS", "PARTIAL", "PARTITION", "PATH", "PERCENTILE_CONT", "PERCENTILE_DISC", "PERCENT_RANK", "PLACING", "POSITION", "POSTFIX", "POWER", "PRECISION", "PREFIX", "PREORDER", "PREPARE", "PRESERVE", "PRIMARY", "PRIOR", "PRIVILEGES", "PROCEDURE", "PUBLIC", "RANGE", "READ", "READS", "REAL", "RECURSIVE", "REF", "REFERENCES", "REFERENCING", "REGR_AVGX", "REGR_AVGY", "REGR_COUNT", "REGR_INTERCEPT", "REGR_R2", "REGR_SLOPE", "REGR_SXX", "REGR_SXY", "REGR_SYY", "RELATIVE", "RELEASE", "RESTRICT", "RESULT", "RETURN", "RETURNS", "REVOKE", "RIGHT", "ROLE", "ROLLBACK", "ROLLUP", "ROUTINE", "ROW", "ROWS", "ROW_NUMBER", "SAVEPOINT", "SCHEMA", "SCOPE", "SCROLL", "SEARCH", "SECOND", "SECTION", "SELECT", "SENSITIVE", "SEQUENCE", "SESSION", "SESSION_USER", "SET", "SETOF", "SETS", "SIMILAR", "SIZE", "SMALLINT", "SOME", "SPACE", "SPECIFIC", "SPECIFICTYPE", "SQL", "SQLCODE", "SQLERROR", "SQLEXCEPTION", "SQLSTATE", "SQLWARNING", "SQRT", "START", "STATE", "STATEMENT", "STATIC", "STDDEV_POP", "STDDEV_SAMP", "STRUCTURE", "SUBMULTISET", "SUBSTRING", "SUM", "SYMMETRIC", "SYSTEM", "SYSTEM_USER", "TABLE", "TABLESAMPLE", "TEMPORARY", "TERMINATE", "THAN", "THEN", "TIME", "TIMESTAMP", "TIMEZONE_HOUR", "TIMEZONE_MINUTE", "TO", "TRAILING", "TRANSACTION", "TRANSLATE", "TRANSLATION", "TREAT", "TRIGGER", "TRIM", "TRUE", "UESCAPE", "UNDER", "UNION", "UNIQUE", "UNKNOWN", "UNNEST", "UPDATE", "UPPER", "USAGE", "USER", "USING", "VALUE", "VALUES", "VARCHAR", "VARIABLE", "VARYING", "VAR_POP", "VAR_SAMP", "VERBOSE", "VIEW", "WHEN", "WHENEVER", "WHERE", "WIDTH_BUCKET", "WINDOW", "WITH", "WITHIN", "WITHOUT", "WORK", "WRITE", "YEAR", "ZONE")); public enum Type { text("TEXT"), integer("integer"), bigint("bigint"), real("real"), double_precision( "double precision"), timestamp("timestamp"), boolean_type("boolean"); private final String sqlType; Type(String sqlType) { this.sqlType = sqlType; } String getSQLType() { return sqlType; } } private DatabaseUtil() { // empty } /** * Tests if a table exists in the database * * @param con a connection to a database * @param tableName the name of a table to test for * @return true if the table exists, false otherwise * @throws SQLException if an error occurs in the underlying database * @throws NullPointerException if tableName is null */ public static boolean tableExists(Connection con, String tableName) throws SQLException { if (tableName == null) { throw new NullPointerException("tableName cannot be null"); } ResultSet res = con.getMetaData().getTables(null, null, tableName, null); while ( { if (res.getString(3).equals(tableName) && "TABLE".equals(res.getString(4))) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Tests if a column exists in the database * * @param con a connection to a database * @param tableName the name of a table containing the column * @param columnName the name of the column to test for * @return true if the column exists, false otherwise * @throws SQLException if an error occurs in the underlying database * @throws NullPointerException if tableName is null */ public static boolean columnExists(Connection con, String tableName, String columnName) throws SQLException { if (tableName == null) { throw new NullPointerException("tableName cannot be null"); } if (columnName == null) { throw new NullPointerException("columnName cannot be null"); } ResultSet res = con.getMetaData().getColumns(null, null, tableName, columnName); while ( { if (res.getString(3).equals(tableName) && res.getString(4).equals(columnName)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Removes every single table from the database given. * * @param con the Connection to the database * @throws SQLException if an error occurs in the underlying database */ public static void removeAllTables(Connection con) throws SQLException { ResultSet res = con.getMetaData().getTables(null, null, "%", null); Set<String> tablenames = new HashSet<String>(); while ( { String tablename = res.getString(3); if ("TABLE".equals(res.getString(4))) { tablenames.add(tablename); } } for (String tablename : tablenames) {"Dropping table " + tablename); con.createStatement().execute("DROP TABLE " + tablename); } } /** * Remove the sequence from the database given. * * @param con the Connection to the database * @param sequence the sequence to remove * @throws SQLException if an error occurs in the underlying database */ public static void removeSequence(Connection con, String sequence) throws SQLException {"Dropping sequence " + sequence); con.createStatement().execute("DROP SEQUENCE " + sequence); } /** * Creates a table name for a class descriptor * * @param cld ClassDescriptor * @return a valid table name */ public static String getTableName(ClassDescriptor cld) { return generateSqlCompatibleName(cld.getUnqualifiedName()); } /** * Creates a column name for a field descriptor * * @param fd FieldDescriptor * @return a valid column name */ public static String getColumnName(FieldDescriptor fd) { if (fd instanceof AttributeDescriptor) { return generateSqlCompatibleName(fd.getName()); } if (fd instanceof CollectionDescriptor) { return null; } if (fd instanceof ReferenceDescriptor) { return fd.getName() + "Id"; } return null; } /** * Creates an indirection table name for a many-to-many collection descriptor * * @param col CollectionDescriptor * @return a valid table name */ public static String getIndirectionTableName(CollectionDescriptor col) { if (FieldDescriptor.M_N_RELATION != col.relationType()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Argument must be a CollectionDescriptor for a " + "many-to-many relation"); } String name1 = getInwardIndirectionColumnName(col, 0); String name2 = getOutwardIndirectionColumnName(col, 0); return name1.compareTo(name2) < 0 ? name1 + name2 : name2 + name1; } /** * Creates a column name for the "inward" key of a many-to-many collection descriptor. * * @param col CollectionDescriptor * @param version the database version number * @return a valid column name */ public static String getInwardIndirectionColumnName(CollectionDescriptor col, int version) { if (FieldDescriptor.M_N_RELATION != col.relationType()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Argument must be a CollectionDescriptor for a " + "many-to-many relation"); } if (version == 0) { return StringUtil.capitalise(generateSqlCompatibleName(col.getName())); } else if (version == 1) { ReferenceDescriptor rd = col.getReverseReferenceDescriptor(); String colName = (rd == null ? TypeUtil.unqualifiedName(col.getClassDescriptor().getName()) : rd.getName()); return StringUtil.capitalise(generateSqlCompatibleName(colName)); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Database version number " + version + " not recognised"); } } /** * Creates a column name for the "outward" key of a many-to-many collection descriptor. * * @param col CollectionDescriptor * @param version the database version number * @return a valid column name */ public static String getOutwardIndirectionColumnName(CollectionDescriptor col, int version) { if (FieldDescriptor.M_N_RELATION != col.relationType()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Argument must be a CollectionDescriptor for a " + "many-to-many relation"); } if (version == 0) { ReferenceDescriptor rd = col.getReverseReferenceDescriptor(); String colName = (rd == null ? TypeUtil.unqualifiedName(col.getClassDescriptor().getName()) : rd.getName()); return StringUtil.capitalise(generateSqlCompatibleName(colName)); } else if (version == 1) { return StringUtil.capitalise(generateSqlCompatibleName(col.getName())); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Database version number " + version + " not recognised"); } } /** * Convert any sql keywords to valid names for tables/columns. * @param n the string to convert * @return a valid sql name */ public static String generateSqlCompatibleName(String n) { String upper = n.toUpperCase(); if (upper.startsWith("INTERMINE_") || RESERVED_WORDS.contains(upper)) { return "intermine_" + n; } else { return n; } } /** * Generate an SQL compatible representation of an object. * * @param o the Object * @return a valid SQL String * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the object is not representable */ public static String objectToString(Object o) { if (o instanceof Float) { return o.toString() + "::REAL"; } else if (o instanceof Number) { return o.toString(); } else if (o instanceof String) { String s = (String) o; if (s.indexOf('\\') != -1) { return "E'" + StringUtil.escapeWithBackslashes(s) + "'"; } else { return "'" + StringUtil.duplicateQuotes(s) + "'"; } } else if (o instanceof CharSequence) { return objectToString(((CharSequence) o).toString()); } else if (o instanceof Boolean) { return ((Boolean) o).booleanValue() ? "'true'" : "'false'"; } else if (o instanceof Class<?>) { return objectToString(((Class<?>) o).getName()); } else if (o == null) { return "NULL"; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't convert " + o + " into an SQL String"); } } /** * Analyse given database, perform vacuum full analyse if full parameter true. * WARNING: currently PostgreSQL specific * @param db the database to analyse * @param full if true perform VACUUM FULL ANALYSE * @throws SQLException if db problem */ public static void analyse(Database db, boolean full) throws SQLException { Connection conn = db.getConnection(); boolean autoCommit = conn.getAutoCommit(); try { conn.setAutoCommit(true); Statement s = conn.createStatement(); if (full) { s.execute("VACUUM FULL ANALYSE"); } else { s.execute("ANALYSE"); } conn.setAutoCommit(autoCommit); } finally { conn.setAutoCommit(autoCommit); conn.close(); } } /** * Analyse database table for a given class and all associated indirection tables. * WARNING: currently PostgreSQL specific * @param db the database to analyse * @param cld description of class to analyse * @param full if true perform VACUUM FULL ANALYSE * @throws SQLException if db problem */ public static void analyse(Database db, ClassDescriptor cld, boolean full) throws SQLException { Set<String> tables = new HashSet<String>(); tables.add(getTableName(cld)); tables.addAll(getIndirectionTableNames(cld)); Connection conn = db.getConnection(); boolean autoCommit = conn.getAutoCommit(); try { conn.setAutoCommit(true); Statement s = conn.createStatement(); for (String table : tables) { if (full) { String sql = "VACUUM FULL ANALYSE " + table;; s.execute(sql); } else { String sql = "ANALYSE " + table;; s.execute(sql); } } conn.setAutoCommit(autoCommit); } finally { conn.setAutoCommit(autoCommit); conn.close(); } } /** * Given a ClassDescriptor find names of all related indirection tables. * @param cld class to find tables for * @return a set of all indirection table names */ public static Set<String> getIndirectionTableNames(ClassDescriptor cld) { Set<String> tables = new HashSet<String>(); for (CollectionDescriptor col : cld.getAllCollectionDescriptors()) { if (FieldDescriptor.M_N_RELATION == col.relationType()) { tables.add(getIndirectionTableName(col)); } } return tables; } /** * Grant permission on all tables for given user on specified database. * @param db the database to grant permissions on * @param user the username to grant permission to * @param perm permission to grant * @throws SQLException if db problem */ public static void grant(Database db, String user, String perm) throws SQLException { Connection conn = db.getConnection(); boolean autoCommit = conn.getAutoCommit(); try { conn.setAutoCommit(true); Statement s = conn.createStatement(); ResultSet res = conn.getMetaData().getTables(null, null, null, null); while ( { if ("TABLE".equals(res.getString(4))) { String sql = "GRANT " + perm + " ON " + res.getString(3) + " TO " + user; LOG.debug(sql); s.execute(sql); } } conn.setAutoCommit(autoCommit); } finally { conn.setAutoCommit(autoCommit); conn.close(); } } /** * Create a new table the holds the contents of the given Collection (bag). The "Class c" * parameter selects which objects from the bag are put in the new table. eg. if the bag * contains Integers and Strings and the parameter is Integer.class then the table will contain * only the Integers from the bag. A Class of InterMineObject is handled specially: the new * table will contain the IDs of the objects, not the objects themselves. The table will have * one column ("value"). * * @param db the Database to access * @param con the Connection to use * @param tableName the name to use for the new table * @param bag the Collection to create a table for * @param c the type of objects to put in the new table * @throws SQLException if there is a database problem */ public static void createBagTable(Database db, Connection con, String tableName, Collection<?> bag, Class<?> c) throws SQLException { String typeString; if (InterMineObject.class.isAssignableFrom(c)) { typeString = db.getColumnTypeString(Integer.class); } else { typeString = db.getColumnTypeString(c); if (typeString == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown Class passed to createBagTable(): " + c.getName()); } } String tableCreateSql = "CREATE TABLE " + tableName + " (value " + typeString + ")"; Statement s = con.createStatement(); s.execute(tableCreateSql); TableBatch tableBatch = new TableBatch(); String[] colNames = new String[] { "value" }; for (Object o : bag) { if (c.isInstance(o) || (InterMineObject.class.isAssignableFrom(c) && ProxyReference.class.isInstance(o))) { if (o instanceof InterMineObject) { o = ((InterMineObject) o).getId(); } else if (o instanceof Date) { o = new Long(((Date) o).getTime()); } tableBatch.addRow(o, colNames, new Object[] { o }); } } List<FlushJob> flushJobs = (new BatchWriterPostgresCopyImpl()).write(con, Collections.singletonMap(tableName, tableBatch), null); for (FlushJob fj : flushJobs) { fj.flush(); } String indexCreateSql = "CREATE INDEX " + tableName + "_index ON " + tableName + "(value)"; s.execute(indexCreateSql); s.execute("ANALYSE " + tableName); } /** * Create the table 'bagvalues' containing the values of the key field objects * contained in a bag and an extra values * @param con the Connection to use * @throws SQLException if there is a database problem */ public static void createBagValuesTables(Connection con) throws SQLException { String sqlTable = "CREATE TABLE bagvalues (savedbagid integer, value text, extra text)"; String sqlIndex = "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX bagvalues_index1 ON bagvalues " + "(savedbagid, value, extra)"; con.createStatement().execute(sqlTable); con.createStatement().execute(sqlIndex); } /** * Verify if 'bagvalues' table is empty * @param con the Connection to use * @throws SQLException if there is a database problem */ public static boolean isBagValuesEmpty(Connection con) throws SQLException { String sqlCount = "select count(*) from bagvalues"; ResultSet result = con.createStatement().executeQuery(sqlCount);; int bagValuesSize = result.getInt(1); if (bagValuesSize == 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Add a column in the table specified in input. A connection is obtained to the database * and automatically released after the addition of the column. * @param database the database to use * @param tableName the table where to add the column * @param columnName the column to add * @param type the type * @throws SQLException if there is a database problem */ public static void addColumn(Database database, String tableName, String columnName, Type type) throws SQLException { Connection connection = database.getConnection(); if (DatabaseUtil.tableExists(connection, tableName)) { try { addColumn(connection, tableName, columnName, type); } finally { connection.close(); } } } /** * Add a column to an existing database table, if it does not already exist. * It is the users responsibility to close the connection after use. * @param con A connection to the database. * @param tableName The table to add the database too * @param columnName The column to add * @param type The SQL type to add * @throws SQLException if something goes wrong */ public static void addColumn(Connection con, String tableName, String columnName, Type type) throws SQLException { if (!DatabaseUtil.tableExists(con, tableName)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "there is no table named " + tableName + " in this" + " database to add a new column to"); } if (DatabaseUtil.columnExists(con, tableName, columnName)) { return; } if (!DatabaseUtil.isLegalColumnName(columnName)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("This is not a legal column name: " + columnName); } String sql = "ALTER TABLE " + tableName + " ADD COLUMN " + columnName + " " + type.getSQLType(); PreparedStatement stmt = con.prepareStatement(sql);; stmt.executeUpdate(); } /** * Check that a column name provided to us is a legal column name, to prevent SQL injection. * @param name The desired column name. * @return Whether or not we should accept it. */ protected static boolean isLegalColumnName(String name) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) { return false; } boolean isValid = true; for (int i = 0; i < name.length(); i++) { char c = name.charAt(i); isValid = isValid && (CharUtils.isAsciiAlphaLower(c) || CharUtils.isAsciiNumeric(c) || c == '_'); } return isValid; } /** * Set the default value in a column for all values where the current value is null. * @param database the database to use * @param tableName the table where update the column * @param columnName the column to Update * @param newValue the value to update * @throws SQLException if there is a database problem */ public static void updateColumnValue(Database database, String tableName, String columnName, Object newValue) throws SQLException { Connection connection = database.getConnection(); try { updateColumnValue(connection, tableName, columnName, newValue); } finally { connection.close(); } } /** * Set the default value in a column for all values. * @param con A connection to the database to use * @param tableName the table where update the column * @param columnName the column to Update * @param newValue the value to update * @throws SQLException if there is a database problem * * Note, it is the user's responsibility to ensure the connection given is closed. */ public static void updateColumnValue(Connection con, String tableName, String columnName, Object newValue) throws SQLException { if (DatabaseUtil.columnExists(con, tableName, columnName)) { String sql = "UPDATE " + tableName + " SET " + columnName + " = ?"; PreparedStatement stmt = con.prepareStatement(sql); stmt.setObject(1, newValue);; stmt.executeUpdate(); } } public static boolean verifyColumnType(Connection con, String tableName, String columnName, int columnType) { try { if (DatabaseUtil.tableExists(con, tableName)) { ResultSet res = con.getMetaData().getColumns(null, null, tableName, columnName); while ( { if (res.getString(3).equals(tableName) && columnName.equals(res.getString(4)) && res.getInt(5) == columnType) { return true; } return false; } } } catch (SQLException sqle) { sqle.printStackTrace(); } return true; } }