Java tutorial
package org.intermine.install.swing; /* * Copyright (C) 2002-2013 FlyMine * * This code may be freely distributed and modified under the * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence. This should * be distributed with the code. See the LICENSE file for more * information or * */ import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.Cursor; import java.awt.Dialog; import java.awt.Frame; import java.awt.GridBagConstraints; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Window; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Properties; import javax.swing.AbstractAction; import javax.swing.Action; import javax.swing.JCheckBox; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JTextField; import javax.swing.WindowConstants; import javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent; import javax.swing.event.DocumentListener; import javax.swing.text.JTextComponent; import org.apache.commons.validator.EmailValidator; import org.intermine.common.swing.ButtonPanel; import org.intermine.common.swing.GridBagHelper; import org.intermine.common.swing.Messages; import org.intermine.common.swing.StandardJDialog; import org.intermine.common.swing.text.LimitedSizeDocument; import org.intermine.common.swing.text.RestrictedInputDocument; import; import; /** * Dialog for setting the properties in the mine's user properties file. */ public class CreatePropertiesDialog extends StandardJDialog { private static final long serialVersionUID = 7869500810276588066L; /** * Acceptable characters for the user name fields. * @see RestrictedInputDocument */ private static final String USERNAME_CHARACTERS = RestrictedInputDocument.WORD_CHARACTERS + "-"; /** * Acceptable characters for the server name fields. * @see RestrictedInputDocument */ private static final String HOST_CHARACTERS = RestrictedInputDocument.WORD_CHARACTERS + "-."; /** * Acceptable characters for the email fields. * @see RestrictedInputDocument */ private static final String EMAIL_CHARACTERS = RestrictedInputDocument.WORD_CHARACTERS + "-.@"; /** * The make mine dialog that follows this dialog in the mine set up chain. * @serial */ private MakeMineDialog makeMineDialog; /** * Action to proceed to the next step. * @serial */ private Action nextAction = new NextAction(); /** * Text field for the deployment base URL. * @serial */ private JTextField webDeployUrlField = new JTextField(40); /** * Text field for the web path. * @serial */ private JTextField webPathField = new JTextField(20); /** * Text field for the web application manager user name. * @serial */ private JTextField webManagerField = new JTextField(new RestrictedInputDocument(USERNAME_CHARACTERS), "", 20); /** * Text field for the web application manager password. * @serial */ private JTextField webPasswordField = new JTextField(20); /** * Text field for the web application base URL. * @serial */ private JTextField webBaseUrlField = new JTextField(40); /** * Text field for the web application super user name. * @serial */ private JTextField superuserField = new JTextField(new RestrictedInputDocument(EMAIL_CHARACTERS), "", 20); /** * Text field for the web application super user password. * @serial */ private JTextField superuserPasswordField = new JTextField(20); /** * Text field for the outgoing email server. * @serial */ private JTextField mailHostField = new JTextField(new RestrictedInputDocument(HOST_CHARACTERS), "", 30); /** * Text field for the outgoing email from address. * @serial */ private JTextField mailFromField = new JTextField(new RestrictedInputDocument(EMAIL_CHARACTERS), "", 30); /** * Text field for the outgoing email subject. * @serial */ private JTextField mailSubjectField = new JTextField(new LimitedSizeDocument(128), "", 40); /** * Text field for the outgoing email body. * @serial */ private JTextField mailTextField = new JTextField(40); /** * Text field for the project title. * @serial */ private JTextField titleField = new JTextField(40); /** * Text field for the project subtitle. * @serial */ private JTextField subtitleField = new JTextField(40); /** * Text field for the release version. * @serial */ private JTextField versionField = new JTextField(10); /** * Text field for the site prefix. * @serial */ private JTextField prefixField = new JTextField(40); /** * Text field for the help URL. * @serial */ private JTextField helpField = new JTextField(50); /** * Text field for the feedback email address. * @serial */ private JTextField feedbackField = new JTextField(new RestrictedInputDocument(EMAIL_CHARACTERS), "", 30); /** * Check box for the verbose query log. * @serial */ private JCheckBox verboseLogCheck = new JCheckBox(Messages.getMessage("properties.misc.verboselog")); /** * Background colour for text fields in a normal state. * @serial */ private Color standardBackground; /** * Background colour for text fields in error. * @serial */ private Color errorBackground; /** * The mine creation properties so far. * @serial */ private Properties previousProperties; /** * The name of the mine this dialog previously dealt with, if any. * @serial */ private String lastMineName; /** * Initialise with a parent Dialog. * @param owner The parent Dialog. */ public CreatePropertiesDialog(Dialog owner) { super(owner); init(); } /** * Initialise with a parent Frame. * @param owner The parent Frame. */ public CreatePropertiesDialog(Frame owner) { super(owner); init(); } /** * Initialise with a parent Window. * @param owner The parent Window. */ public CreatePropertiesDialog(Window owner) { super(owner); init(); } /** * Common initialisation: lays out the child components and wires up the necessary * event listeners. */ private void init() { setName("Create Properties Dialog"); setTitle(Messages.getMessage("mineinfo.title")); setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.HIDE_ON_CLOSE); Container cp = getContentPane(); GridBagConstraints cons = GridBagHelper.setup(cp); cons.weightx = 1; cons.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; cp.add(new JLabel(Messages.getMessage("properties.project.header")), cons); cons.weightx = 0; cons.gridwidth = 1; cons.gridy++; cp.add(new JLabel(Messages.getMessage("properties.project.title")), cons); cons.gridy++; cp.add(new JLabel(Messages.getMessage("properties.project.subtitle")), cons); cons.gridy++; cp.add(new JLabel(Messages.getMessage("properties.project.releaseversion")), cons); cons.gridy++; cp.add(new JLabel(Messages.getMessage("properties.project.siteprefix")), cons); cons.gridy++; cp.add(new JLabel(Messages.getMessage("properties.project.helplocation")), cons); cons.gridy++; cp.add(new JLabel(Messages.getMessage("")), cons); cons.gridy++; cons.weightx = 1; cons.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; cp.add(new JLabel(Messages.getMessage("properties.webapp.header")), cons); cons.gridy++; cons.weightx = 0; cons.gridwidth = 1; cp.add(new JLabel(Messages.getMessage("properties.webapp.deploy")), cons); cons.gridy++; cp.add(new JLabel(Messages.getMessage("properties.webapp.path")), cons); cons.gridy++; cp.add(new JLabel(Messages.getMessage("properties.webapp.baseurl")), cons); cons.gridy++; cp.add(new JLabel(Messages.getMessage("properties.webapp.manager")), cons); cons.gridy++; cp.add(new JLabel(Messages.getMessage("properties.webapp.manager.password")), cons); cons.gridy++; cons.weightx = 1; cons.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; cp.add(new JLabel(Messages.getMessage("properties.mail.header")), cons); cons.gridy++; cons.weightx = 0; cons.gridwidth = 1; cp.add(new JLabel(Messages.getMessage("")), cons); cons.gridy++; cp.add(new JLabel(Messages.getMessage("properties.mail.from")), cons); cons.gridy++; cp.add(new JLabel(Messages.getMessage("properties.mail.subject")), cons); cons.gridy++; cp.add(new JLabel(Messages.getMessage("properties.mail.text")), cons); cons.gridy++; cons.weightx = 1; cons.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; cp.add(new JLabel(Messages.getMessage("properties.superuser.header")), cons); cons.gridy++; cons.weightx = 0; cons.gridwidth = 1; cp.add(new JLabel(Messages.getMessage("properties.superuser")), cons); cons.gridy++; cp.add(new JLabel(Messages.getMessage("properties.superuser.password")), cons); cons.gridy++; cons.weightx = 1; cons.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; cp.add(new JLabel(Messages.getMessage("properties.misc.header")), cons); cons.gridy++; cp.add(verboseLogCheck, cons); // Record the next free row for the button panel. int rowIndex = cons.gridy + 1; cons.gridx++; cons.gridy = 1; cons.weightx = 1; cons.gridwidth = 1; cp.add(titleField, cons); cons.gridy++; cp.add(subtitleField, cons); cons.gridy++; cp.add(versionField, cons); cons.gridy++; cp.add(prefixField, cons); cons.gridy++; cp.add(helpField, cons); cons.gridy++; cp.add(feedbackField, cons); cons.gridy += 2; cp.add(webDeployUrlField, cons); cons.gridy++; cp.add(webPathField, cons); cons.gridy++; cp.add(webBaseUrlField, cons); cons.gridy++; cp.add(webManagerField, cons); cons.gridy++; cp.add(webPasswordField, cons); cons.gridy += 2; cp.add(mailHostField, cons); cons.gridy++; cp.add(mailFromField, cons); cons.gridy++; cp.add(mailSubjectField, cons); cons.gridy++; cp.add(mailTextField, cons); cons.gridy += 2; cp.add(superuserField, cons); cons.gridy++; cp.add(superuserPasswordField, cons); cons.gridy = rowIndex; cons.gridx = 0; cons.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; cons.weightx = 1.0; cp.add(new ButtonPanel(getRootPane(), 0, nextAction, new CancelAction()), cons); standardBackground = webBaseUrlField.getBackground(); errorBackground = new Color(255, 232, 232); verboseLogCheck.setToolTipText(Messages.getMessage("properties.misc.verboselog.tooltip")); new EmailFieldListener(superuserField, true); new EmailFieldListener(mailFromField, true); new EmailFieldListener(feedbackField, true); new UrlFieldListener(webDeployUrlField, false); new UrlFieldListener(webBaseUrlField, false); new UrlFieldListener(prefixField, false); new UrlFieldListener(helpField, true); pack(); } /** * Set the "make mine" dialog that will follow this dialog in * the mine creation chain. * * @param makeMineDialog The MakeMineDialog. */ public void setMakeMineDialog(MakeMineDialog makeMineDialog) { this.makeMineDialog = makeMineDialog; } /** * Reset the fields of this dialog to the values from the previous viewing (if the * mine name is the same) or the default values, ready for display. * <p>This method does not make the dialog visible.</p> * * @param props The properties so far for the mine. * @param location The position on the screen to position this dialog. */ public void open(Properties props, Point location) { previousProperties = props; String mineName = props.getProperty(InterminePropertyKeys.MINE_NAME); assert mineName != null; if (!mineName.equals(lastMineName)) { String lmine = mineName.toLowerCase(); webDeployUrlField.setText(props.getProperty(InterminePropertyKeys.WEBAPP_DEPLOY_URL)); webPathField.setText(props.getProperty(InterminePropertyKeys.WEBAPP_PATH, lmine)); webManagerField.setText(props.getProperty(InterminePropertyKeys.WEBAPP_MANAGER)); webPasswordField.setText(props.getProperty(InterminePropertyKeys.WEBAPP_PASSWORD)); webBaseUrlField.setText(props.getProperty(InterminePropertyKeys.WEBAPP_BASE_URL)); superuserField.setText(props.getProperty(InterminePropertyKeys.SUPERUSER_ACCOUNT)); superuserPasswordField.setText(props.getProperty(InterminePropertyKeys.SUPERUSER_PASSWORD)); mailHostField.setText(props.getProperty(InterminePropertyKeys.MAIL_HOST)); mailFromField.setText(props.getProperty(InterminePropertyKeys.MAIL_FROM)); mailSubjectField.setText(props.getProperty(InterminePropertyKeys.MAIL_SUBJECT)); mailTextField.setText(props.getProperty(InterminePropertyKeys.MAIL_TEXT)); titleField.setText(props.getProperty(InterminePropertyKeys.PROJECT_TITLE, mineName)); subtitleField.setText(props.getProperty(InterminePropertyKeys.PROJECT_SUBTITLE)); versionField.setText(props.getProperty(InterminePropertyKeys.PROJECT_VERSION)); prefixField.setText(props.getProperty(InterminePropertyKeys.PROJECT_PREFIX)); helpField.setText(props.getProperty(InterminePropertyKeys.PROJECT_HELP)); feedbackField.setText(props.getProperty(InterminePropertyKeys.FEEDBACK)); verboseLogCheck.setSelected(Boolean.valueOf(props.getProperty(InterminePropertyKeys.VERBOSE_LOG))); lastMineName = mineName; } setLocation(location); } /** * Update the enabled state of the "next" action according to whether the * fields of this dialog are complete and valid. * * @param ok A previously calculated state for the action. */ protected void updateState(boolean ok) { ok = ok && titleField.getText().length() > 0; ok = ok && prefixField.getText().length() > 0; ok = ok && helpField.getText().length() > 0; ok = ok && webDeployUrlField.getText().length() > 0; ok = ok && webPathField.getText().length() > 0; ok = ok && webBaseUrlField.getText().length() > 0; nextAction.setEnabled(ok); } /** * Specific means of displaying an error message if saving the properties fails. * * @param error The exception. */ protected void showExceptionDialog(Exception error) { String displayMessage; if (error.getCause() != null) { logger.error("Failed to write project properties:", error.getCause()); StringWriter swriter = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(swriter); error.getCause().printStackTrace(writer); writer.close(); displayMessage = Messages.getMessage("", swriter.toString()); } else { logger.error("Failed to write project properties:", error); displayMessage = Messages.getMessage("", error.getMessage()); } JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(CreatePropertiesDialog.this, displayMessage, Messages.getMessage(""), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } /** * Set the properties for the mine set up properties from the fields of the dialog. * * @param props The properties object to populate. */ protected void setProperties(Properties props) { props.put(InterminePropertyKeys.WEBAPP_DEPLOY_URL, webDeployUrlField.getText()); props.put(InterminePropertyKeys.WEBAPP_PATH, webPathField.getText()); props.put(InterminePropertyKeys.WEBAPP_MANAGER, webManagerField.getText()); props.put(InterminePropertyKeys.WEBAPP_PASSWORD, webPasswordField.getText()); props.put(InterminePropertyKeys.WEBAPP_BASE_URL, webBaseUrlField.getText()); props.put(InterminePropertyKeys.SUPERUSER_ACCOUNT, superuserField.getText()); props.put(InterminePropertyKeys.SUPERUSER_PASSWORD, superuserPasswordField.getText()); props.put(InterminePropertyKeys.MAIL_HOST, mailHostField.getText()); props.put(InterminePropertyKeys.MAIL_FROM, mailFromField.getText()); props.put(InterminePropertyKeys.MAIL_SUBJECT, mailSubjectField.getText()); props.put(InterminePropertyKeys.MAIL_TEXT, mailTextField.getText()); props.put(InterminePropertyKeys.PROJECT_TITLE, titleField.getText()); props.put(InterminePropertyKeys.PROJECT_SUBTITLE, subtitleField.getText()); props.put(InterminePropertyKeys.PROJECT_VERSION, versionField.getText()); props.put(InterminePropertyKeys.PROJECT_PREFIX, prefixField.getText()); props.put(InterminePropertyKeys.PROJECT_HELP, helpField.getText()); props.put(InterminePropertyKeys.FEEDBACK, feedbackField.getText()); props.put(InterminePropertyKeys.VERBOSE_LOG, Boolean.toString(verboseLogCheck.isSelected())); props.put(InterminePropertyKeys.STANDALONE_PROJECT, "true"); //should always be true } /** * Write the properties in this dialog's field to the file on disk. * * @return <code>true</code> if the file was written, <code>false</code> if not. */ protected boolean writeProperties() { try { String mineName = previousProperties.getProperty(InterminePropertyKeys.MINE_NAME); MinePropertiesLoader.saveProperties(mineName, previousProperties); return true; } catch (IOException e) { showExceptionDialog(e); } return false; } /** * Action to move to the next dialog in the mine creation chain. * The action uses the values from the dialog's fields to populate the * mine's user properties file. */ private class NextAction extends AbstractAction { private static final long serialVersionUID = 3527854301565949917L; /** * Constructor. */ public NextAction() { super(Messages.getMessage("next")); } /** * Called to write the properties to disk, and if successful, move on to * the make mine dialog. * * @param event The action event. */ @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { Cursor current = getCursor(); setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR)); try { setProperties(previousProperties); boolean ok = writeProperties(); if (ok) {, getLocation()); setVisible(false); makeMineDialog.setVisible(true); } } finally { setCursor(current); } } } /** * Document listener for email text fields to ensure the field's content is * a correctly formatted email address. */ private class EmailFieldListener implements DocumentListener { /** * Email validator. */ private EmailValidator validator = EmailValidator.getInstance(); /** * The text component being monitored. */ private JTextComponent component; /** * Flag indicating whether an empty field is acceptable. */ private boolean emptyOk; /** * Initialise to watch the given component. Adds itself as a document * listener to <code>comp</code>. * * @param comp The text component to watch. * @param emptyOk Whether an empty field is acceptable. */ public EmailFieldListener(JTextComponent comp, boolean emptyOk) { component = comp; this.emptyOk = emptyOk; component.getDocument().addDocumentListener(this); } @Override public void changedUpdate(DocumentEvent e) { update(); } @Override public void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent e) { update(); } @Override public void removeUpdate(DocumentEvent e) { update(); } /** * Check whether the field contains a valid email. Updates * the "next" action as appropriate. * * @see CreatePropertiesDialog#updateState(boolean) */ private void update() { String text = component.getText(); boolean ok; if (emptyOk && text.length() == 0) { ok = true; } else { ok = validator.isValid(text); if (ok) { component.setBackground(standardBackground); component.setToolTipText(null); } else { component.setBackground(errorBackground); component.setToolTipText(Messages.getMessage("")); } } updateState(ok); } } /** * Document listener for URL text fields to ensure the field's content is * a correctly formatted URL. */ private class UrlFieldListener implements DocumentListener { // UrlValidator doesn't seem to work as desired. //private UrlValidator validator = new UrlValidator(); /** * The text component being monitored. */ private JTextComponent component; /** * Flag indicating whether an empty field is acceptable. */ private boolean emptyOk; /** * Initialise to watch the given component. Adds itself as a document * listener to <code>comp</code>. * * @param comp The text component to watch. * @param emptyOk Whether an empty field is acceptable. */ public UrlFieldListener(JTextComponent comp, boolean emptyOk) { component = comp; this.emptyOk = emptyOk; component.getDocument().addDocumentListener(this); } @Override public void changedUpdate(DocumentEvent e) { update(); } @Override public void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent e) { update(); } @Override public void removeUpdate(DocumentEvent e) { update(); } /** * Check whether the field contains a valid URL. Updates * the "next" action as appropriate. * * @see CreatePropertiesDialog#updateState(boolean) */ private void update() { String text = component.getText(); boolean ok; if (emptyOk && text.length() == 0) { ok = true; } else { // This, see, doesn't seem to work properly. //ok = validator.isValid(text); try { new URL(text); ok = true; } catch (MalformedURLException e) { ok = false; } if (ok) { component.setBackground(standardBackground); component.setToolTipText(null); } else { component.setBackground(errorBackground); component.setToolTipText(Messages.getMessage("field.error.url")); } } updateState(ok); } } }