Java tutorial
package; /* * Copyright (C) 2002-2013 FlyMine * * This code may be freely distributed and modified under the * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence. This should * be distributed with the code. See the LICENSE file for more * information or * */ import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.intermine.dataconversion.ItemWriter; import org.intermine.metadata.Model; import org.intermine.objectstore.ObjectStoreException; import org.intermine.util.FormattedTextParser; import org.intermine.xml.full.Item; /** * DataConverter to parse FlyAtlas expression data into items * @author Richard Smith */ public class FlyAtlasConverter extends BioFileConverter { private Item expt, org; protected Map<String, Item> tissues = new HashMap<String, Item>(); /** * Constructor * @param writer the ItemWriter used to handle the resultant items * @param model the target data model */ public FlyAtlasConverter(ItemWriter writer, Model model) { super(writer, model, "University of Glasgow", "FlyAtlas", null); setupItems(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void process(Reader reader) throws Exception { Iterator<?> lineIter = FormattedTextParser.parseTabDelimitedReader(reader); String[] headers = null; int lineNo = 0; while (lineIter.hasNext()) { String[] line = (String[]); if (lineNo == 0) { // column headers - strip off any extra columns int end = 0; for (int i = 0; i < line.length; i++) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(line[i])) { break; } end++; } headers = new String[end]; System.arraycopy(line, 0, headers, 0, end); } else { String probeId = line[0]; // there seems to be some empty lines at the end of the file if (StringUtils.isEmpty(probeId)) { break; } Item probe = createProbe(probeId); store(probe); // some rows have extra info on end, just look at length of headers int i = 1; for (i = 1; (i + 4) <= headers.length; i += 5) { String col = headers[i]; col = col.replaceAll("\"", ""); String tissue = null; /* get the tissue name from the header, using the part before the "vs", eg: * "larvae hindgut vs whole fly - T-Test_Change Direction" * there are two headers without the vs, just use space as the delimiter. * We can't always use ' ' to identify the tissue because there are duplicates. * */ if (col.contains(" vs ")) { tissue = col.substring(0, col.indexOf(" vs ")).toLowerCase(); } else { tissue = col.substring(0, col.indexOf(' ')).toLowerCase(); } String[] results = new String[5]; System.arraycopy(line, i, results, 0, 5); Item result = createFlyAtlasResult(probe, tissue, results); store(result); } // whole fly data is in final three columns, doesn't have all values String tissue = headers[i]; String[] results = new String[5]; System.arraycopy(line, i, results, 1, 3); Item result = createFlyAtlasResult(probe, tissue, results); store(result); } lineNo++; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void close() throws ObjectStoreException { store(org); store(expt); store(tissues.values()); } private Item createProbe(String probeId) { Item probe = createItem("ProbeSet"); probe.setAttribute("primaryIdentifier", probeId); probe.setReference("organism", org.getIdentifier()); return probe; } private Item createFlyAtlasResult(Item probe, String tissue, String[] results) { Item result = createItem("FlyAtlasResult"); result.setReference("material", probe.getIdentifier()); if (results[0] != null) { result.setAttribute("affyCall", results[0]); } result.setAttribute("mRNASignal", round(results[1], 2)); result.setAttribute("mRNASignalSEM", round(results[2], 2)); result.setAttribute("presentCall", results[3]); if (results[4] != null) { result.setAttribute("enrichment", round(results[4], 2)); } // set tissue if (!tissues.containsKey(tissue)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognised tissue type read from file: '" + tissue + "'."); } result.setReference("tissue", tissues.get(tissue).getIdentifier()); // set experiment result.setReference("experiment", expt.getIdentifier()); return result; } /** * Set up the items that are common to all orthologues/paralogues */ protected void setupItems() { org = createItem("Organism"); org.setAttribute("taxonId", "7227"); expt = createItem("MicroArrayExperiment"); expt.setAttribute("name", "FlyAtlas: Gene expression in the adult fly."); expt.setAttribute("description", "Gene expression in the adult fly. This dataset was" + " generated by Venkat Chintapalli, Jing Wang & Julian Dow at the University of" + " Glasgow with funding from the UK's BBSRC. The dataset comprises 36 Affymetrix" + " Dros2 expression arrays, each mapping the expression of over 18500 transcripts" + " - the vast majority of known Drosophila genes. The starting material was" + " wild-type Oregon R adult flies, reared at 22C on a 12:12h light regime, on" + " standard Drosophila diet, 1 week after adult emergence. Tissues were dissected" + " out (from equal numbers of male and female flies) and pooled to make at least" + " 1500 ng mRNA, then amplified and hybridised using the Affymetrix standard" + " protocol. For each tissue, 4 independent biological replicates were obtained." + " Each array thus corresponds to one biological replicate. The tissues chosen" + " were: brain, head (including brain), midgut, Malpighian tubule and hindgut" + " (including rectum). The reference sample is whole fly. The mean SIGNAL tells" + " how abundant the gene's mRNA is in each tissue - you could consider anything" + " over 100 as being abundant. The SEM value shows how consistent or variable" + " the answer is. The PRESENT call tells how many of the four arrays for each" + " sample actually gave a detectable expression, according to Affymetrix's GCOS" + " software. If you get an average signal of 2 and a present call of 0/4, you" + " shouldn't consider this gene to be truly expressed in that tissue. The RATIO" + " (enrichment) tells how much higher the signal is in a particular tissue than" + " in the whole fly, i.e. whether the gene is tissue-specific. This data is also" + " available at"); tissues = new HashMap<String, Item>(); // names of tissues from column headings, could be made more descriptive tissues.put("brain", createTissue("Brain")); tissues.put("head", createTissue("Head")); tissues.put("crop", createTissue("Crop")); tissues.put("midgut", createTissue("Midgut")); tissues.put("hind", createTissue("Hindgut")); tissues.put("tubule t test", createTissue("Tubule")); tissues.put("ovary", createTissue("Ovary")); tissues.put("testis", createTissue("Testis")); tissues.put("acc", createTissue("Male accessory glands")); tissues.put("lt", createTissue("Larval tubule")); tissues.put("fb", createTissue("Larval fat body")); tissues.put("tag", createTissue("Thoracicoabdominal ganglion")); tissues.put("car", createTissue("Adult carcass")); tissues.put("sg", createTissue("Salivary gland")); tissues.put("l_sg", createTissue("Larval salivary gland")); tissues.put("l_mid", createTissue("Larval midgut")); tissues.put("larvae hindgut", createTissue("Larvae hindgut")); tissues.put("sptv", createTissue("Virgin spermatheca")); tissues.put("sptm", createTissue("Mated spermatheca")); // is this used? tissues.put("FlyMean", createTissue("Whole Fly")); // new 2009-05-19 tissues.put("feeded larvae central nerve system", createTissue("Larval CNS")); tissues.put("adult fat body", createTissue("Adult fat body")); tissues.put("feeded larvae carcuss", createTissue("Larval carcass")); tissues.put("eye", createTissue("Adult eye")); tissues.put("heart", createTissue("Adult heart")); tissues.put("lftrachea", createTissue("Larval trachea")); tissues.put("drosophila s2 cells", createTissue("S2 cells")); } private Item createTissue(String name) { Item tissue = createItem("Tissue"); tissue.setAttribute("name", name); return tissue; } private String round(String num, int dp) { double d = Double.parseDouble(num); DecimalFormat format = (DecimalFormat) DecimalFormat.getInstance(); format.setMaximumFractionDigits(dp); format.setGroupingUsed(false); return format.format(d); } }