Java tutorial
/* Copyright 2011 The ARIES Consortium ( This file is part of ARIES. ARIES is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ARIES is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with ARIES. If not, see <>. */ package org.integratedmodelling.aries.webapp.view.storyline; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.integratedmodelling.aries.webapp.view.AriesBrowser; import org.integratedmodelling.aries.webapp.view.STYLE; import org.integratedmodelling.aries.webapp.visualization.WebZKVisualization; import org.integratedmodelling.corescience.interfaces.IObservationContext; import org.integratedmodelling.modelling.context.Context; import org.integratedmodelling.modelling.storyline.ModelStoryline; import org.integratedmodelling.modelling.storyline.Storyline; import org.integratedmodelling.modelling.visualization.VisualizationFactory; import org.integratedmodelling.modelling.visualization.WebVisualization; import org.integratedmodelling.modelling.visualization.storyline.StorylineTemplate; import org.integratedmodelling.modelling.visualization.storyline.StorylineTemplate.Page; import org.integratedmodelling.thinklab.exception.ThinklabException; import org.integratedmodelling.thinklab.exception.ThinklabRuntimeException; import org.integratedmodelling.thinklab.interfaces.knowledge.IConcept; import org.integratedmodelling.thinklab.webapp.ZK; import org.integratedmodelling.thinklab.webapp.ZK.ZKComponent; import org.integratedmodelling.utils.Pair; import org.integratedmodelling.utils.image.ImageUtil; import org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.Event; import org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.EventListener; import org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.MouseEvent; import org.zkoss.zul.Div; /** * The view that allows data display for a computed visualization, or information display for one still to be * computed. Should have methods to interact with the storyline (e.g. to start the computation) and if the * storyline has any children (scenarios) it should allow comparison of the computed data with its own. * * @author Ferdinando * */ public class ModelStorylineView extends StorylineView { private StorylineControlPanel cpanel; int patch = -1; private String[] currentPlotType; private String covUrl = null; public ModelStorylineView(Storyline s, AriesBrowser browser, StorylineControlPanel badge) { super(s, browser); this.cpanel = badge; try { render(); } catch (ThinklabException e) { throw new ThinklabRuntimeException(e); } } public StorylineControlPanel getControlPanel() { return cpanel; } public void initPages() throws ThinklabException { showSequence(); currentPlotType = new String[getPageSequence().size()]; for (int i = 0; i < getPageSequence().size(); i++) { currentPlotType[i] = getPageSequence().get(i).getPlotType() + ".png"; } } private static final long serialVersionUID = -7984552889374835100L; protected String getImage() throws ThinklabException { String ret = null; if (currentPage < 0) { if (storyline.getStatus() == ModelStoryline.COMPUTING || storyline.getStatus() == ModelStoryline.PENDING) { ret = "/aries/images/computing.png"; patch = (VIEWPORT_Y - 2 - 166) / 2; } else if (storyline.getStatus() == ModelStoryline.COMPUTED) { ret = "/aries/images/computed.png"; patch = (VIEWPORT_Y - 2 - 166) / 2; initPages(); } else if (storyline.getContext() != null) { if (covUrl == null) { Pair<Integer, Integer> xy = VisualizationFactory.get().getPlotSize(vx - 2, vy - 2, storyline.getContext()); patch = (vy - 2 - xy.getSecond()) / 2; Pair<String, String> zr = browser.getApplication().getNewResourceUrl(".png", browser.getSession()); /* * create coverage image */ BufferedImage bim = storyline.getCoverageMap(xy.getFirst(), xy.getSecond()); if (bim != null) { ImageUtil.saveImage(bim, zr.getFirst()); } patch = (VIEWPORT_Y - 2 - xy.getSecond()) / 2; covUrl = zr.getSecond(); } ret = covUrl; } } else { Pair<Integer, Integer> xy = VisualizationFactory.get().getPlotSize(vx - 2, vy - 2, storyline.getContext()); patch = (vy - 2 - xy.getSecond()) / 2; ret = ((WebZKVisualization) (storyline.getVisualization())) .getStateUrl(getPageSequence().get(currentPage).getConcept(), currentPlotType[currentPage]); } return ret; } @Override protected boolean isPageEnabled(StorylineTemplate.Page page) { return !page.getBoolean("disabled") && Context.getState(page.getConcept(), (IObservationContext) storyline.getContext()) != null; } @Override protected ZKComponent getRibbon(int width, int height) throws ThinklabException { ZKComponent ret = null; if (storyline.getStatus() == ModelStoryline.IDLE) { /* * TODO message, launch button */ ret = ZK.vbox(ZK.spacer(28), ZK.label("Click the play button in the sidebar to start computing this storyline.")) .align("center").sclass(STYLE.TEXT_LARGE_BOLD_GREY); } else if (storyline.getStatus() == ModelStoryline.COMPUTING) { /* * TODO icon, progress bar etc */ ret = ZK.vbox(ZK.spacer(28), ZK.label("The storyline is being computed. Results will appear in this area.")).align("center") .sclass(STYLE.TEXT_LARGE_BOLD_GREY); } else if (storyline.getStatus() == ModelStoryline.ERROR) { /* * TODO "more info" link, icons etc. */ ret = ZK.vbox(ZK.spacer(28), ZK.label("The computation ended with errors.")).align("center") .sclass(STYLE.TEXT_LARGE_BOLD_RED); } else if (storyline.getStatus() == ModelStoryline.DISABLED) { ret = ZK.vbox(ZK.spacer(28), ZK.label("Computation of this storyline is not possible in this region.")) .align("center").sclass(STYLE.TEXT_LARGE_BOLD_GREY); } else { /* * Make the ribbon for the result dataset corresponding to the various pages. * Call the vis first or we won't get our sequence right the first time. */ WebVisualization visualization = (WebZKVisualization) (storyline.getVisualization()); if (visualization == null) return null; Pair<Integer, Integer> xy = VisualizationFactory.get().getPlotSize(110, 64, storyline.getContext()); ArrayList<ZKComponent> components = new ArrayList<ZK.ZKComponent>(); for (int i = 0; i < getPageSequence().size(); i++) { Page p = getPageSequence().get(i); final int idx = i; String img = visualization.getStateUrl(p.getConcept(), VisualizationFactory.PLOT_GEOSURFACE_2D); if (img != null) { components.add(ZK .div(ZK.vbox( ZK.image(img).width(xy.getFirst()).height(xy.getSecond()) .sclass(currentPage == i ? STYLE.BRIGHT_BORDER : null), ZK.label(StringUtils.abbreviate(p.getName(), 24)).sclass(STYLE.TEXT_VERYSMALL) .align("center").fillx())) .align("center").width(120).tooltip(p.getRunningHead()).hand() .listener("onClick", new EventListener() { @Override public void onEvent(Event arg0) throws Exception { switchPage(idx); } }).tmargin(64 - xy.getSecond())); } } ret = ZK.ribbon(width, height, 120, components.toArray(new ZKComponent[components.size()])) .selected(currentPage); } return ret; } @Override protected ZKComponent getImageArea(int width, int height) throws ThinklabException { String img = getImage(); if (currentPage >= 0) { String units = getPageSequence().get(currentPage).get("units"); String totals = ""; String statsReq = getPageSequence().get(currentPage).get("statistics"); if (statsReq != null && statsReq.contains("totals")) { totals = " " + ((WebZKVisualization) (storyline.getVisualization())).getAggregatedDescription( getPageSequence().get(currentPage).getConcept(), getPageSequence().get(currentPage).get("units")); } else { totals = " click map for values"; } /* * list of buttons to switch images among the allowed views. */ ArrayList<ZKComponent> ibuts = new ArrayList<ZK.ZKComponent>(); ibuts.add(ZK.spacer(4)); ibuts.add(ZK.imagebutton("/aries/images/" + getPageSequence().get(currentPage).getPlotType() + ".png") .tooltip(VisualizationFactory .getPlotDescription(getPageSequence().get(currentPage).getPlotType() + ".png")) .listener("onClick", new EventListener() { @Override public void onEvent(Event arg0) throws Exception { // TODO Auto-generated method stub currentPlotType[currentPage] = getPageSequence().get(currentPage).getWith("plot-type", "default", "true") + ".png"; render(); } })); for (String s : getPageSequence().get(currentPage).getAllWithout("plot-type", "default")) { final String zing = s; ibuts.add(ZK.imagebutton("/aries/images/" + s + ".png") .tooltip(VisualizationFactory.getPlotDescription(s + ".png")) .listener("onClick", new EventListener() { @Override public void onEvent(Event arg0) throws Exception { // TODO Auto-generated method stub currentPlotType[currentPage] = zing + ".png"; render(); } })); } return ZK.div(ZK.vbox(ZK.div( ZK.hbox(ZK .div(ZK.vbox(ZK.spacer(8), ZK.hbox(ibuts.toArray(new ZKComponent[ibuts.size()])).spacing(4))) .align("left"), ZK.spacer(6), ZK.vbox(ZK.spacer(8), ZK.label(VisualizationFactory.getPlotDescription(currentPlotType[currentPage]) + " :: " + totals)), ZK.div(ZK.vbox(ZK.spacer(8), ZK.hbox(ZK.imagebutton("/aries/images/icons/camera_go.png") .listener("onClick", new EventListener() { @Override public void onEvent(Event arg0) throws Exception { //exportImages(); } }).tooltip("Export the selected layer as a PNG image"), ZK.imagebutton("/aries/images/icons/folder_go.png") .listener("onClick", new EventListener() { @Override public void onEvent(Event arg0) throws Exception { // exportGIS(); } }).tooltip( "Export the selected layer as a GeoTIFF file, suitable for GIS applications."), ZK.imagebutton("/aries/images/icons/google-earth.png") .listener("onClick", new EventListener() { @Override public void onEvent(Event arg0) throws Exception { // exportKML(); } }).tooltip("View the selected layer in Google Earth"), ZK.spacer(4)).spacing(4))).align("right")) .fillx() ).sclass(STYLE.GLASSTOP_SMALL).width(vx).height(TOPBAR_H), ZK.div( ZK.vbox(ZK.separator().height(patch), ZK.image(img).listener("onClick", new EventListener() { @Override public void onEvent(Event arg0) throws Exception { int x = ((MouseEvent) arg0).getX(); int y = ((MouseEvent) arg0).getY(); showDataAt(getPageSequence().get(currentPage).getConcept(), x, y); } }))).align( "center") .sclass(STYLE.TEXTURED).width(width).height(height - BOTBAR_H - TOPBAR_H), ZK.div(ZK.hbox( ZK.div(ZK.vbox(ZK.spacer(20), ZK.hbox(ZK.spacer(16), ((WebZKVisualization) (storyline.getVisualization())).getLegend( getPageSequence().get(currentPage).getConcept(), units, currentPlotType[currentPage])))) .align("left"), ZK.div().align("right").id("datawin")).fillx() ).sclass(STYLE.GLASSBOTTOM_LARGE).width(vx).height(BOTBAR_H)).spacing(0)).width(width) .height(height).sclass(STYLE.BORDERED_SUNK); } /* * TODO * no map to show */ return ZK.div(ZK.vbox(ZK.separator().height(patch), ZK.image(getImage()))).align("center") .sclass(STYLE.TEXTURED_SUNK).width(width).height(height); } private void showDataAt(IConcept concept, int imgX, int imgY) throws ThinklabException { Div div = (Div) ZK.getComponentById(this, "datawin"); ZKComponent content = ZK.vbox(ZK.hbox(((WebZKVisualization) (storyline.getVisualization())) .getStateDescriptionAt(concept, imgX, imgY, getPageSequence().get(currentPage).get("units")),, ZK.vbox(ZK.spacer(12), ((WebZKVisualization) (storyline.getVisualization())).getLatLonDescriptionAt(imgX, imgY)), ZK.spacer(12))); ZK.resetComponent(div); div.appendChild(content.get()); } public void initialize(Storyline sl, AriesBrowser browser, StorylineControlPanel badge) { initialize(sl, browser); this.cpanel = badge; try { render(); } catch (ThinklabException e) { throw new ThinklabRuntimeException(e); } } }