Java tutorial
/** Copyright 2016 ATOS SPAIN S.A. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Authors Contact: Francisco Javier Nieto. Atos Research and Innovation, Atos SPAIN SA @email **/ package org.indigo.heapsterprobe; import; import; import; import; import org.glassfish.jersey.client.ClientConfig; import org.glassfish.jersey.client.JerseyClientBuilder; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import; import; import; import; /** * This class is in charge of the interactions with Heapster by using its REST API. * The client retrieves the list of pods and the list of containers per pod, requesting * also access to the metrics of both pods and containers. * @author ATOS * */ public class HeapsterClient { private Client client = null; private String baseHeapsterUrl; /** * This is the main constructor of the class. It retrieves the properties indicating * the Heapster endpoint and it creates the base client for the REST queries. */ public HeapsterClient() { // Retrieve properties PropertiesManager myProp = new PropertiesManager(); String heapsterUrl = myProp.getProperty(PropertiesManager.HEAPSTER_LOCATION); //String heapsterPort = myProp.getProperty(PropertiesManager.HEAPSTER_PORT); // Prepare access URLs //baseHeapsterUrl = "http://" + heapsterUrl + ":" + heapsterPort + "/heapster/api/v1"; baseHeapsterUrl = heapsterUrl + "/heapster/api/v1"; // Disable issue with SSL Handshake in Java 7 and indicate certificates keystore System.setProperty("jsse.enableSNIExtension", "false"); String certificatesTrustStorePath = myProp.getProperty(PropertiesManager.JAVA_KEYSTORE); System.setProperty("", certificatesTrustStorePath); // Create the Client ClientConfig cc = new ClientConfig(); client = JerseyClientBuilder.newClient(cc); } /** * Constructor for unit testing. * @param mock Mock for the client */ public HeapsterClient(Client mock) { client = mock; } /** * This method access the Heapster REST API in order to obtain the list of pods * available in the Kubernetes cluster. * @return List of pod identifiers */ public String[] getPodsList() { // Call to Heapster API WebTarget target = + "/model/namespaces/"); Invocation.Builder invocationBuilder = target.request(); Response response = invocationBuilder.get(); String message = response.readEntity(String.class); if (response.getStatus() > 300) { System.out.println("Heapster service did not respond as expected: " + response.getStatus()); return null; } // Retrieve the namespaces list JsonElement jelement = new JsonParser().parse(message); JsonArray listArray = jelement.getAsJsonArray(); System.out.println("Number of namespaces: " + listArray.size()); ArrayList<String> namespacesList = new ArrayList<String>(); Iterator<JsonElement> myIter = listArray.iterator(); while (myIter.hasNext()) { String currentResource =; System.out.println("Namespace: " + currentResource); if (!currentResource.equalsIgnoreCase("default")) { namespacesList.add(currentResource); } } // Retrieve the pods per 'not default' namespace ArrayList<String> podsList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < namespacesList.size(); i++) { // Perform the request String namespaceName = namespacesList.get(i); target = + "/model/namespaces/" + namespaceName + "/pods/"); invocationBuilder = target.request(); response = invocationBuilder.get(); message = response.readEntity(String.class); // Parse the result jelement = new JsonParser().parse(message); listArray = jelement.getAsJsonArray(); System.out.println("Number of pods: " + listArray.size()); myIter = listArray.iterator(); while (myIter.hasNext()) { String currentPod =; podsList.add(namespaceName + "/" + currentPod); System.out.println("Pod: " + currentPod); } } // Provide result podsList.trimToSize(); String[] resultList = new String[podsList.size()]; podsList.toArray(resultList); return resultList; } /** * Given a namespace and a pod name, this method access the Heapster API * in order to list the containers which belong to the pod. * @param podName String with the pod name * @param namespace String indicating the pod namespace * @return List of identifiers of the containers */ public String[] getContainersList(String podName, String namespace) { // Call to Heapster API String targetUrl = baseHeapsterUrl + "/model/namespaces/" + namespace + "/pods/" + podName + "/containers/"; WebTarget target =; Invocation.Builder invocationBuilder = target.request(); Response response = invocationBuilder.get(); String message = response.readEntity(String.class); if (response.getStatus() > 300) { System.out.println("Heapster service did not respond as expected: " + response.getStatus()); return null; } // Retrieve the containers list JsonElement jelement = new JsonParser().parse(message); JsonArray listArray = jelement.getAsJsonArray(); System.out.println("Number of containers: " + listArray.size()); ArrayList<String> containersList = new ArrayList<String>(); Iterator<JsonElement> myIter = listArray.iterator(); while (myIter.hasNext()) { String currentResource =; System.out.println("Container: " + currentResource); containersList.add(currentResource); } // Provide result containersList.trimToSize(); String[] resultList = new String[containersList.size()]; containersList.toArray(resultList); return resultList; } /** * This method access the Heapster REST API in order to list the physical * nodes which are part of the Kubernetes cluster. * @return List of nodes identifiers. */ public String[] getNodesList() { // Call to Heapster API WebTarget target = + "/model/nodes/"); Invocation.Builder invocationBuilder = target.request(); Response response = invocationBuilder.get(); String message = response.readEntity(String.class); // Retrieve the nodes JsonElement jelement = new JsonParser().parse(message); JsonArray listArray = jelement.getAsJsonArray(); System.out.println("Number of nodes: " + listArray.size()); String[] resultList = new String[listArray.size()]; int pointer = 0; Iterator<JsonElement> myIter = listArray.iterator(); while (myIter.hasNext()) { String currentResource =; System.out.println("Node: " + currentResource); resultList[pointer] = currentResource; pointer++; } // Provide result return resultList; } /** * This method accesses each metric available for a pod, in order to * monitor its current status. * @param podName String with the pod identifier. * @return Object with all the gathered metrics. */ public PodMetrics getPodMetrics(String podName) { // Separate Pod and Namespace String[] podSplit = podName.split("/"); String namespace = podSplit[0]; String pod = podSplit[1]; // List the metrics available for the pod String podUrl = baseHeapsterUrl + "/model/namespaces/" + namespace + "/pods/" + pod + "/"; System.out.println(podUrl + "metrics/"); WebTarget target = + "metrics/"); Invocation.Builder invocationBuilder = target.request(); Response response = invocationBuilder.get(); String message = response.readEntity(String.class); System.out.println(message); // Prepare the result variables int txErrors = -1; float txErrorsRate = -1.0f; int rxErrors = -1; float rxErrorsRate = -1.0f; float majorPageFaults = -1.0f; float pageFaults = -1.0f; int uptime = 0; // Get the metrics list checking all are available JsonElement jelement = new JsonParser().parse(message); JsonArray listArray = jelement.getAsJsonArray(); System.out.println("Number of metrics: " + listArray.size()); if (listArray.size() == 0) { return null; } HashMap<String, String> metricsList = new HashMap<String, String>(); Iterator<JsonElement> myIter = listArray.iterator(); while (myIter.hasNext()) { String currentMetric =; System.out.println("Metric: " + currentMetric); String metricUrl = podUrl + "metrics/" + currentMetric + "/"; metricsList.put(currentMetric, metricUrl); } // Retrieve metrics // Retrieve Tx Errors if (metricsList.containsKey("network/tx_errors")) { JsonObject measurementObject = retrieveMetric(metricsList.get("network/tx_errors")); txErrors = measurementObject.get("value").getAsInt(); System.out.println("Tx Err Value: " + txErrors); } // Retrieve Tx Errors Rate if (metricsList.containsKey("network/tx_errors_rate")) { JsonObject measurementObject = retrieveMetric(metricsList.get("network/tx_errors_rate")); txErrorsRate = measurementObject.get("value").getAsFloat(); System.out.println("Tx Err Rate Value: " + txErrorsRate); } // Retrieve Rx Errors if (metricsList.containsKey("network/rx_errors")) { JsonObject measurementObject = retrieveMetric(metricsList.get("network/rx_errors")); rxErrors = measurementObject.get("value").getAsInt(); System.out.println("Rx Err Value: " + rxErrors); } // Retrieve Rx Errors Rate if (metricsList.containsKey("network/rx_errors_rate")) { JsonObject measurementObject = retrieveMetric(metricsList.get("network/rx_errors_rate")); rxErrorsRate = measurementObject.get("value").getAsFloat(); System.out.println("Rx Err Rate Value: " + rxErrorsRate); } // Retrieve Memory Major Fault Rate if (metricsList.containsKey("memory/major_page_faults_rate")) { JsonObject measurementObject = retrieveMetric(metricsList.get("memory/major_page_faults_rate")); majorPageFaults = measurementObject.get("value").getAsFloat(); System.out.println("Major Page Faults Rate Value: " + majorPageFaults); } // Retrieve Memory Fault Rate if (metricsList.containsKey("memory/page_faults_rate")) { JsonObject measurementObject = retrieveMetric(metricsList.get("memory/page_faults_rate")); pageFaults = measurementObject.get("value").getAsFloat(); System.out.println("Memory Page Faults Rate Value: " + pageFaults); } // Retrieve Uptime if (metricsList.containsKey("uptime")) { JsonObject measurementObject = retrieveMetric(metricsList.get("uptime")); uptime = measurementObject.get("value").getAsInt(); System.out.println("Uptime Value: " + uptime); } // Build result PodMetrics podResult = new PodMetrics(pod, namespace, txErrors, txErrorsRate, rxErrors, rxErrorsRate, majorPageFaults, pageFaults, uptime); return podResult; } /** * This method accesses each metric available for a container, in order to * monitor its current status. * @param podName String with the pod identifier. * @param namespace String with the namespace identifier * @param containerName String with the container identifier * @return Object with all the gathered metrics. */ public ContainerMetrics getContainerMetrics(String podName, String namespace, String containerName) { // List the metrics available for the pod String containerUrl = baseHeapsterUrl + "/model/namespaces/" + namespace + "/pods/" + podName + "/containers/" + containerName + "/"; System.out.println(containerUrl + "metrics/"); WebTarget target = + "metrics/"); Invocation.Builder invocationBuilder = target.request(); Response response = invocationBuilder.get(); String message = response.readEntity(String.class); System.out.println(message); // Prepare the result variables float cpuUsageRate = -1.0f; long cpuUsage = -1L; int majorPageFaults = -1; int pageFaults = -1; float majorPageFaultsRate = -1.0f; float pageFaultsRate = -1.0f; int memoryUsage = -1; int workingSet = -1; int uptime = 0; // Get the metrics list checking all are available JsonElement jelement = new JsonParser().parse(message); JsonArray listArray = jelement.getAsJsonArray(); System.out.println("Number of metrics: " + listArray.size()); if (listArray.size() == 0) { return null; } HashMap<String, String> metricsList = new HashMap<String, String>(); Iterator<JsonElement> myIter = listArray.iterator(); while (myIter.hasNext()) { String currentMetric =; System.out.println("Metric: " + currentMetric); String metricUrl = containerUrl + "metrics/" + currentMetric + "/"; metricsList.put(currentMetric, metricUrl); } // Retrieve metrics // Retrieve CPU Usage Rate if (metricsList.containsKey("cpu/usage_rate")) { JsonObject measurementObject = retrieveMetric(metricsList.get("cpu/usage_rate")); cpuUsageRate = measurementObject.get("value").getAsFloat(); System.out.println("CPU Usage Rate Value: " + cpuUsageRate); } // Retrieve CPU Usage if (metricsList.containsKey("cpu/usage")) { JsonObject measurementObject = retrieveMetric(metricsList.get("cpu/usage")); cpuUsage = measurementObject.get("value").getAsLong(); System.out.println("CPU USage Value: " + cpuUsage); } // Retrieve Memory Major Page Faults if (metricsList.containsKey("memory/major_page_faults")) { JsonObject measurementObject = retrieveMetric(metricsList.get("memory/major_page_faults")); majorPageFaults = measurementObject.get("value").getAsInt(); System.out.println("Memory Major Page Faults Value: " + majorPageFaults); } // Retrieve Memory Page Faults if (metricsList.containsKey("memory/page_faults")) { JsonObject measurementObject = retrieveMetric(metricsList.get("memory/page_faults")); pageFaults = measurementObject.get("value").getAsInt(); System.out.println("Memory Page Faults Value: " + pageFaults); } // Retrieve Memory Major Page Faults Rate if (metricsList.containsKey("memory/major_page_faults_rate")) { JsonObject measurementObject = retrieveMetric(metricsList.get("memory/major_page_faults_rate")); majorPageFaultsRate = measurementObject.get("value").getAsFloat(); System.out.println("Major Page Faults Rate Value: " + majorPageFaultsRate); } // Retrieve Memory Fault Rate if (metricsList.containsKey("memory/page_faults_rate")) { JsonObject measurementObject = retrieveMetric(metricsList.get("memory/page_faults_rate")); pageFaultsRate = measurementObject.get("value").getAsFloat(); System.out.println("Memory Page Faults Rate Value: " + pageFaultsRate); } // Retrieve Memory Fault Rate if (metricsList.containsKey("memory/usage")) { JsonObject measurementObject = retrieveMetric(metricsList.get("memory/usage")); memoryUsage = measurementObject.get("value").getAsInt(); System.out.println("Memory Usage Value: " + memoryUsage); } // Retrieve Working Set if (metricsList.containsKey("memory/working_set")) { JsonObject measurementObject = retrieveMetric(metricsList.get("memory/working_set")); workingSet = measurementObject.get("value").getAsInt(); System.out.println("Working Set Value: " + workingSet); } // Retrieve Uptime if (metricsList.containsKey("uptime")) { JsonObject measurementObject = retrieveMetric(metricsList.get("uptime")); uptime = measurementObject.get("value").getAsInt(); System.out.println("Uptime Value: " + uptime); } // Build result ContainerMetrics containerResult = new ContainerMetrics(containerName, cpuUsageRate, cpuUsage, majorPageFaults, pageFaults, majorPageFaultsRate, pageFaultsRate, memoryUsage, workingSet, uptime); return containerResult; } private JsonObject retrieveMetric(String metricUrl) { // Invoke the Heapster API with the metric absolute URL WebTarget metricTarget =; Invocation.Builder metricInvocationBuilder = metricTarget.request(); Response metricResponse = metricInvocationBuilder.get(); String metricMessage = metricResponse.readEntity(String.class); // Extract the last metric given by Heapster JsonElement jsonMetrics = new JsonParser().parse(metricMessage); JsonObject parsedMetrics = jsonMetrics.getAsJsonObject(); JsonArray metricsArray = parsedMetrics.getAsJsonArray("metrics"); int numMeasurements = metricsArray.size(); JsonElement lastMeasurement = metricsArray.get(numMeasurements - 1); return lastMeasurement.getAsJsonObject(); } /** * Typical main method for simple testing purposes. * @param args Typical input arguments */ public static void main(String[] args) { HeapsterClient myClient = new HeapsterClient(); myClient.getPodsList(); myClient.getPodMetrics("kube-system/monitoring-influxdb-grafana-v3-r9qck"); myClient.getContainerMetrics("monitoring-influxdb-grafana-v3-r9qck", "kube-system", "influxdb"); } }