Source code

Java tutorial


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package org.imos.abos.netcdf;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.nio.file.DirectoryStream;
import java.nio.file.FileSystems;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.imos.abos.dbms.Instrument;
import org.imos.abos.dbms.InstrumentCalibrationValue;
import org.imos.abos.dbms.Mooring;
import org.imos.abos.dbms.ParameterCodes;
import org.imos.abos.parsers.AbstractDataParser;
import org.jfree.util.Log;
import org.wiley.core.Common;
import org.wiley.util.SQLWrapper;
import org.wiley.util.StringUtilities;

import ucar.ma2.Array;
import ucar.ma2.ArrayByte;
import ucar.ma2.ArrayChar;
import ucar.ma2.ArrayDouble;
import ucar.ma2.ArrayFloat;
import ucar.ma2.ArrayInt;
import ucar.ma2.ArrayString;
import ucar.ma2.DataType;
import ucar.ma2.Index;
import ucar.ma2.InvalidRangeException;
import ucar.nc2.Attribute;
import ucar.nc2.Dimension;
import ucar.nc2.Group;
import ucar.nc2.NetcdfFileWriter;
import ucar.nc2.Variable;

 * @author jan079
public class NetCDFfile {
    protected TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC");
    private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(NetCDFfile.class.getName());
    public NetcdfFileWriter dataFile;
    protected static SQLWrapper query = new SQLWrapper();
    private String authority = "OS";
    private String facility = "ABOS-SOTS";
    private String mooringString = null;
    private String deployment = null;

    private Mooring mooring = null;

    public boolean fileOrderTimeDepth = false;

    public Variable vTime;
    public Variable vTimeBnds;
    //    public Variable vPos;
    public Variable vLat;
    public Variable vLon;

    public Dimension timeDim;
    public Dimension bndsDim;
    public Dimension name_strlenDim;

    public Variable vStationName;
    public final boolean timeIsDoubleDays = true;
    public SimpleDateFormat netcdfDate;
    long anchorTime;

    // FIXME: better integrate this for SAZ traps
    boolean addTimeBnds = false;
    public double timeBndsOffset = 38.0;

    public NetCDFfile() {
        netcdfDate = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'");
        SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
        anchorTime = 0;
        try {
            java.util.Date ts = df.parse("1950-01-01 00:00:00");
            anchorTime = ts.getTime();
        } catch (ParseException pex) {
        addTimeBnds = false;

    boolean multiPart = false;

    public boolean setMultiPart(boolean b) {
        multiPart = b;

        return multiPart;

    public String getFileName(Instrument sourceInstrument, Timestamp dataStartTime, Timestamp dataEndTime,
            String table) {
        return getFileName(sourceInstrument, dataStartTime, dataEndTime, table, "RTSCP", null);

    public String getFileName(Instrument sourceInstrument, Timestamp dataStartTime, Timestamp dataEndTime,
            String table, String dataType, String instrument) {
        //SimpleDateFormat nameFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss'Z'");
        SimpleDateFormat nameFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd");

        String filename = "";
        String deployment = mooring.getMooringID();
        String mooringName = deployment.substring(0, deployment.indexOf("-"));
        if (instrument != null) {
            deployment += "-" + instrument;
        if (sourceInstrument != null) {
            String sn = sourceInstrument.getSerialNumber().replaceAll("[()_]", "").trim();
            deployment += "-" + sourceInstrument.getModel().trim() + "-" + sn;

            String SQL = "SELECT depth FROM mooring_attached_instruments WHERE mooring_id = "
                    + StringUtilities.quoteString(mooring.getMooringID()) + " AND instrument_id = "
                    + sourceInstrument.getInstrumentID();

            logger.debug("SQL : " + SQL);

            Connection conn = Common.getConnection();
            Statement proc;
            double depth = Double.NaN;
            try {
                proc = conn.createStatement();
                ResultSet results = (ResultSet) proc.getResultSet();
                logger.debug("instrument lookup " + results);
                depth = results.getBigDecimal(1).doubleValue();
                //depth = 30;
      "depth from database " + depth);

            } catch (SQLException ex) {
                java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(AbstractDataParser.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
            deployment += "-" + String.format("%-4.0f", Math.abs(depth)).trim() + "m";
        if (mooringName.startsWith("SAZ")) {
            addTimeBnds = true;
        if (authority.equals("IMOS")) {
            // IMOS_<Facility-Code>_<Data-Code>_<Start-date>_<Platform-Code>_FV<File-Version>_<Product-Type>_END-<End-date>_C-<Creation_date>_<PARTX>.nc

            filename = //System.getProperty("user.home")
                    //+ "/"
                    "data/" + authority + "_" + facility + "_" + dataType + "_"
                            + nameFormatter.format(dataStartTime) + "_" + mooringName;

            if (table.startsWith("raw")) {
                filename += "_FV01";
            } else {
                filename += "_FV02"; // its a data product from the processed table                
            filename += "_" + deployment + "_END-" + nameFormatter.format(dataEndTime) + "_C-";

            filename = filename.replaceAll("\\s+", "-"); // replace any spaces with a - character

            filename += nameFormatter.format(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()));
            Log.debug("try file name " + filename);

            if (multiPart) {
                int n = 1;
                String fnNext = filename + String.format("", n);
                File fn = new File(fnNext);
                while (fn.exists()) {
          "File exists " + fn);
                    fnNext = filename + String.format("", n);
                    fn = new File(fnNext);
                filename = fnNext;
            } else {
                filename += ".nc";
        } else if (authority.equals("OS")) {
            filename = "OS" + "_" + facility + "_" + deployment + "_D" + ".nc";

        System.out.println("Next filename " + filename);

        return filename;

    public void createFile(String filename) throws IOException {
        //dataFile = NetcdfFileWriter.createNew(NetcdfFileWriter.Version.netcdf3, filename);
        dataFile = NetcdfFileWriter.createNew(NetcdfFileWriter.Version.netcdf4, filename);

    public void setMooring(Mooring m) {
        mooring = m;
        deployment = mooring.getMooringID();
        mooringString = deployment.substring(0, deployment.indexOf("-"));

    public void setAuthority(String a) {
        authority = a;

    public void setFacility(String s) {
        facility = s;

    public String getMooringName() {
        return mooringString;

    public String getDeployment() {
        return deployment;

    List<Attribute> groupAttributeList = new Vector<Attribute>();

    public void create() throws IOException {
        Comparator comparator = new Comparator<Attribute>() {
            public int compare(Attribute o1, Attribute o2) {
                return o1.getFullName().toLowerCase().compareTo(o2.getFullName().toLowerCase());

        Collections.sort(groupAttributeList, comparator);

        Attribute lastAtt = null;
        for (Attribute a : groupAttributeList) {
            //logger.debug("Sorted Attributes "  + a);
            if (lastAtt == null) {
                lastAtt = a;
            if (lastAtt.getFullName().compareTo(a.getFullName()) != 0) {
                logger.trace("Add Attributes " + lastAtt + " = " + lastAtt.getStringValue());
                dataFile.addGroupAttribute(null, lastAtt);
                lastAtt = a;
            } else {
                if (lastAtt.isString() && a.isString()) {
                    logger.trace("Add Attributes " + lastAtt + " = " + lastAtt.getStringValue() + " duplicate "
                            + a.getStringValue());
                    if (!lastAtt.getStringValue().contains(a.getStringValue())) {
                        lastAtt = new Attribute(lastAtt.getFullName(),
                                lastAtt.getStringValue() + "; " + a.getStringValue());
        dataFile.addGroupAttribute(null, lastAtt);

    public void addGroupAttribute(Group gp, Attribute at) {

    private void addGlobal(String from, Vector attributeSet) {
        if (attributeSet != null && attributeSet.size() > 0) {
            for (int i = 0; i < attributeSet.size(); i++) {
                Vector row = (Vector) attributeSet.get(i);
                String name = (String) (row.get(0));
                String type = (String) (row.get(1));
                String value = (String) (row.get(2));

                logger.debug(from + " : " + name + " = " + value);

                if (type.startsWith("NUMBER")) {
                    addGroupAttribute(null, new Attribute(name.trim(), new Double(value.trim())));
                } else {
                    addGroupAttribute(null, new Attribute(name.trim(), value.replaceAll("\\\\n", "\n").trim()));

    public void writeGlobalAttributes() {
        SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd\'T\'HH:mm:ss\'Z\'");


        String SQL = "SELECT attribute_name, attribute_type, attribute_value FROM netcdf_attributes "
                + " WHERE naming_authority = '*'"
                + " AND facility = '*' AND mooring = '*' AND deployment = '*' AND instrument_id IS NULL AND parameter = '*'"
                + " ORDER BY attribute_name";

        Vector attributeSet = query.getData();
        addGlobal("GLOBAL", attributeSet);

        SQL = "SELECT attribute_name, attribute_type, attribute_value FROM netcdf_attributes "
                + " WHERE naming_authority = " + StringUtilities.quoteString(authority)
                + " AND facility = '*' AND mooring = '*' AND deployment = '*' AND instrument_id IS NULL AND parameter = '*'"
                + " ORDER BY attribute_name";

        attributeSet = query.getData();
        addGlobal("AUTHORITY", attributeSet);

        SQL = "SELECT attribute_name, attribute_type, attribute_value FROM netcdf_attributes "
                + " WHERE (naming_authority = " + StringUtilities.quoteString(authority)
                + " OR naming_authority = '*')" + " AND facility = " + StringUtilities.quoteString(facility)
                + " AND mooring = '*' AND deployment = '*' AND instrument_id IS NULL AND parameter = '*'"
                + " ORDER BY attribute_name";

        attributeSet = query.getData();
        addGlobal("FACILITY", attributeSet);

        SQL = "SELECT attribute_name, attribute_type, attribute_value FROM netcdf_attributes "
                + " WHERE (naming_authority = " + StringUtilities.quoteString(authority)
                + " OR naming_authority = '*')" + " AND (facility = " + StringUtilities.quoteString(facility)
                + " OR facility = '*')" + " AND mooring = " + StringUtilities.quoteString(mooringString)
                + " AND deployment = '*' AND instrument_id IS NULL AND parameter = '*'"
                + " ORDER BY attribute_name";

        attributeSet = query.getData();
        addGlobal("MOORING", attributeSet);

        SQL = "SELECT attribute_name, attribute_type, attribute_value FROM netcdf_attributes "
                + " WHERE (naming_authority = " + StringUtilities.quoteString(authority)
                + " OR naming_authority = '*')" + " AND (facility = " + StringUtilities.quoteString(facility)
                + " OR facility = '*')" + " AND (mooring = " + StringUtilities.quoteString(mooringString)
                + " OR mooring = '*')" + " AND deployment = " + StringUtilities.quoteString(deployment)
                + " AND instrument_id IS NULL AND parameter = '*'" + " ORDER BY attribute_name";

        attributeSet = query.getData();
        addGlobal("DEPLOYMENT", attributeSet);

        //        if (authority.equals("IMOS"))
        //        {
        //            addGroupAttribute(null, new Attribute("date_update", df.format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime())));
        //        }
        //        else
            addGroupAttribute(null, new Attribute("date_created", df.format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime())));
            addGroupAttribute(null, new Attribute("geospatial_vertical_min", depthMin));
            addGroupAttribute(null, new Attribute("geospatial_vertical_max", depthMax));

    public void writeCoordinateVariableAttributes() {
        vTime.addAttribute(new Attribute("name", "time"));
        vTime.addAttribute(new Attribute("standard_name", "time"));
        vTime.addAttribute(new Attribute("long_name", "time of measurement"));
        if (timeIsDoubleDays) {
            vTime.addAttribute(new Attribute("units", "days since 1950-01-01T00:00:00 UTC"));
        } else {
            vTime.addAttribute(new Attribute("units", "hours since 1950-01-01T00:00:00 UTC"));
        vTime.addAttribute(new Attribute("axis", "T"));
        vTime.addAttribute(new Attribute("valid_min", 10957.0));
        vTime.addAttribute(new Attribute("valid_max", 54787.0));
        vTime.addAttribute(new Attribute("calendar", "gregorian"));

        if (addTimeBnds) {
            vTime.addAttribute(new Attribute("ancillary_variables", "TIME_bnds"));

            vTimeBnds.addAttribute(new Attribute("name", "time open/closed"));
            vTimeBnds.addAttribute(new Attribute("long_name", "time sample open, closed"));
            vTimeBnds.addAttribute(new Attribute("units", "days since 1950-01-01T00:00:00 UTC"));
            vTimeBnds.addAttribute(new Attribute("valid_min", 10957.0));
            vTimeBnds.addAttribute(new Attribute("valid_max", 54787.0));
            vTimeBnds.addAttribute(new Attribute("calendar", "gregorian"));

        //vPos.addAttribute(new Attribute("long_name", "deployment_location_position_index"));

        vStationName.addAttribute(new Attribute("long_name", "instance station name"));
        vStationName.addAttribute(new Attribute("cf_role", "timeseries_id"));

        vLat.addAttribute(new Attribute("standard_name", "latitude"));
        vLat.addAttribute(new Attribute("long_name", "latitude of anchor"));
        vLat.addAttribute(new Attribute("units", "degrees_north"));
        vLat.addAttribute(new Attribute("axis", "Y"));
        vLat.addAttribute(new Attribute("valid_min", -90.0));
        vLat.addAttribute(new Attribute("valid_max", 90.0));
        vLat.addAttribute(new Attribute("reference_datum", "WGS84 coordinate reference system"));
        vLat.addAttribute(new Attribute("coordinate_reference_frame", "urn:ogc:crs:EPSG::4326"));
        vLat.addAttribute(new Attribute("comment", "Anchor Location"));

        vLon.addAttribute(new Attribute("standard_name", "longitude"));
        vLon.addAttribute(new Attribute("long_name", "longitude of anchor"));
        vLon.addAttribute(new Attribute("units", "degrees_east"));
        vLon.addAttribute(new Attribute("axis", "X"));
        vLon.addAttribute(new Attribute("valid_min", -180.0));
        vLon.addAttribute(new Attribute("valid_max", 180.0));
        vLon.addAttribute(new Attribute("reference_datum", "WGS84 coordinate reference system"));
        vLon.addAttribute(new Attribute("coordinate_reference_frame", "urn:ogc:crs:EPSG::4326"));
        vLon.addAttribute(new Attribute("comment", "Anchor Location"));

    public void writePosition(Double latitudeIn, Double longitudeOut) throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {
        //        ArrayDouble.D1 lat = new ArrayDouble.D1(1);
        //        ArrayDouble.D1 lon = new ArrayDouble.D1(1);
        //        ArrayInt.D1 pos = new ArrayInt.D1(1);

        ArrayChar.D1 stationNameData = new ArrayChar.D1(name_strlenDim.getLength());

        ArrayDouble.D0 lat = new ArrayDouble.D0();
        ArrayDouble.D0 lon = new ArrayDouble.D0();

        //        pos.set(0, 1);
        stationNameData.setString(mooringString + "-" + deployment);

        dataFile.write(vStationName, stationNameData);
        //        dataFile.write(vPos, pos);
        dataFile.write(vLat, lat);
        dataFile.write(vLon, lon);
        if (addTimeBnds) {
            Index idx = timesBnds.getIndex();
            for (int i = 0; i < times.getSize(); i++) {
                idx = idx.set(i, 0);
                timesBnds.setDouble(idx, times.getDouble(i) - timeBndsOffset / 2.0);
                idx = idx.set(i, 1);
                timesBnds.setDouble(idx, times.getDouble(i) + timeBndsOffset / 2.0);

            dataFile.write(vTimeBnds, timesBnds);

    public ucar.ma2.Array times;
    public ucar.ma2.ArrayDouble.D2 timesBnds;

    public void createCoordinateVariables(int RECORD_COUNT) {
        timeDim = dataFile.addDimension(null, "TIME", RECORD_COUNT);
        name_strlenDim = dataFile.addDimension(null, "name_strlen", 40);
        vStationName = dataFile.addVariable(null, "station_name", DataType.CHAR, "name_strlen");

        //        posDim = dataFile.addDimension(null, "POSITION", 1);
        //        vPos = dataFile.addVariable(null, "POSITION", DataType.INT, "POSITION");

        //        vLat = dataFile.addVariable(null, "LATITUDE", DataType.DOUBLE, "POSITION");
        //        vLon = dataFile.addVariable(null, "LONGITUDE", DataType.DOUBLE, "POSITION");
        vLat = dataFile.addVariable(null, "LATITUDE", DataType.DOUBLE, new ArrayList());
        vLon = dataFile.addVariable(null, "LONGITUDE", DataType.DOUBLE, new ArrayList());

        if (addTimeBnds)
            bndsDim = dataFile.addDimension(null, "bnds", 2);

    public void createCoordinateUnlimitedVariables() {
        timeDim = dataFile.addUnlimitedDimension("TIME");
        name_strlenDim = dataFile.addDimension(null, "name_strlen", 40);
        vStationName = dataFile.addVariable(null, "station_name", DataType.CHAR, "name_strlen");

        vLat = dataFile.addVariable(null, "LATITUDE", DataType.DOUBLE, new ArrayList());
        vLon = dataFile.addVariable(null, "LONGITUDE", DataType.DOUBLE, new ArrayList());

    public void writeCoordinateVariables(ArrayList<Timestamp> timeArray) {
        if (timeIsDoubleDays) {
                    "writeCoordinateVariables timeArray " + timeArray.size() + " timeDim " + timeDim.toString());

            times = new ArrayDouble.D1(timeDim.getLength());
            Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
            for (int i = 0; i < timeDim.getLength(); i++) {
                Timestamp ts = timeArray.get(i);
                long offsetTime = (ts.getTime() - anchorTime) / 1000;
                double elapsedHours = ((double) offsetTime) / (3600 * 24);

                times.setDouble(i, elapsedHours);
        } else {
            times = new ArrayInt.D1(timeDim.getLength());
            Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
            for (int i = 0; i < timeDim.getLength(); i++) {
                Timestamp ts = timeArray.get(i);
                long offsetTime = (ts.getTime() - anchorTime) / 1000;
                int elapsedHours = (int) offsetTime / 3600;
                times.setInt(i, elapsedHours);

        ArrayList<Dimension> tdlist = new ArrayList<Dimension>();
        if (timeIsDoubleDays) {
            vTime = dataFile.addVariable(null, "TIME", DataType.DOUBLE, tdlist);
        } else {
            vTime = dataFile.addVariable(null, "TIME", DataType.INT, tdlist);

        if (addTimeBnds) {
            ArrayList<Dimension> tdbndsList = new ArrayList<Dimension>();
            timesBnds = new ArrayDouble.D2(timeDim.getLength(), 2);
            vTimeBnds = dataFile.addVariable(null, "TIME_bnds", DataType.DOUBLE, tdbndsList);

    double depthMax = 0;
    double depthMin = 10000;

    public class InstanceCoord {
        public String params;
        public String dataCode;
        public Double[] depths;
        public Integer[] instruments;

        public Dimension instanceDim;
        public Variable depthVariable;
        public ArrayFloat.D1 depthData;
        public ArrayList<Dimension> timeAndDim;
        public String depthVariablename;

        public String varName;
        public String varNameQC;
        public ArrayFloat dataVar;
        public ArrayByte dataVarQC;
        public Variable var;
        public Variable varQC;
        public boolean useHeight = false;
        public Attribute stdNameSF = null;

        public Integer[] source;

        public int depthDim = 0;
        public int timeDim = 1;
        public double scale = 1.0;
        public double offset = 0.0;

        public InstanceCoord() {


        public void createParam(String string, String fileDataCode) {
            params = string;

            dataCode = fileDataCode;
            varName = new String();
            varNameQC = new String();

        private String getDimensionName() {
            return depthVariablename;

        private String getDepthsString() {
            String ds = "";
            for (int d = 0; d < depths.length; d++) {
                ds += depths[d];
                if (d < depths.length - 1) {
                    ds += "; ";

            return ds;

        private String getHeightsString() {
            String ds = "";
            for (int d = 0; d < depths.length; d++) {
                float dh = depths[d].floatValue();
                dh = dh * -1;
                if (Math.abs(dh) < 0.01)
                    dh = 0.0f;
                ds += dh;
                if (d < depths.length - 1) {
                    ds += "; ";

            return ds;

        private Array getHeightsFloat() {
            ArrayFloat.D1 ds = new ArrayFloat.D1(depths.length);

            for (int d = 0; d < depths.length; d++) {
                float dh = depths[d].floatValue();
                dh = dh * -1;
                if (Math.abs(dh) < 0.01)
                    dh = 0.0f;
                ds.set(d, dh);

            return ds;

        private Array getDepthsFloat() {
            ArrayFloat.D1 ds = new ArrayFloat.D1(depths.length);

            for (int d = 0; d < depths.length; d++) {
                float dh = depths[d].floatValue();
                ds.set(d, dh);

            return ds;

        public void createDepths(BigDecimal[] bigDecimal) {
            int l = bigDecimal.length;
            Double[] dDepths = new Double[l];
            int j = 0;
            float depth = 0;
            for (int d = 0; d < l; d++) {
                BigDecimal s = bigDecimal[d];
                dDepths[j++] = s.doubleValue();
                depth += s.floatValue();
                if (depthMax < s.doubleValue())
                    depthMax = s.doubleValue();
                if (depthMin > s.doubleValue())
                    depthMin = s.doubleValue();
            depths = dDepths;

            if (depth <= 0)
                useHeight = true;

        public void createVariables() {

        protected void addVariableAttributes(InstanceCoord dc) {
            ParameterCodes param = ParameterCodes.selectByID(dc.params);
            Variable variable = dc.var;

            String sensor = "";
            String serialNo = "";

            boolean differentSource = false;
            String sourceSensor = "";
            String sourceSerialNo = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < dc.instruments.length; i++) {
                Instrument sIns = Instrument.selectByInstrumentID(dc.source[i]);
                Instrument ins = Instrument.selectByInstrumentID(dc.instruments[i]);
                if (ins != null) {
                    sensor += ins.getMake() + "-" + ins.getModel();
                    if (i < dc.instruments.length - 1) {
                        sensor += "; ";
                    serialNo += ins.getSerialNumber();
                    if (i < dc.instruments.length - 1) {
                        serialNo += "; ";

                    sourceSensor += sIns.getMake() + "-" + sIns.getModel();
                    if (i < dc.instruments.length - 1) {
                        sourceSensor += "; ";
                    sourceSerialNo += sIns.getSerialNumber();
                    if (i < dc.instruments.length - 1) {
                        sourceSerialNo += "; ";

                    ArrayList<InstrumentCalibrationValue> values = InstrumentCalibrationValue
                            .selectByInstrumentAndMooring(ins.getInstrumentID(), mooring.getMooringID());

                    for (InstrumentCalibrationValue v : values) {
              "Calibration Value " + v.getParameterCode() + " " + v.getParameterValue());
                        if (v.getDataType().contains("NUMBER")) {
                            variable.addAttribute(new Attribute(
                                    "calibration_" + ins.getSerialNumber() + "_" + v.getParameterCode(),
                        } else {
                            variable.addAttribute(new Attribute(
                                    "calibration_" + ins.getSerialNumber() + "_" + v.getParameterCode(),
                        if (v.getParameterCode().trim().compareTo(param.getParameterCode().trim()) == 0) {
                            String[] slopeoffset = v.getParameterValue().split(",");
                            if (slopeoffset.length > 1)
                                dc.scale = Double.parseDouble(slopeoffset[1]);

                            dc.offset = Double.parseDouble(slopeoffset[0]);

                  "Parameter has offset, slope " + dc.offset + "," + dc.scale);
                if ((dc.instruments[i] - dc.source[i]) != 0) {
          "DIFFERENT SOURCE::INSTRUMENT " + dc.instruments[i] + " " + dc.source[i]);
                    differentSource = true;
            groupAttributeList.add(new Attribute("instrument", sensor));
            groupAttributeList.add(new Attribute("instrument_serial_number", serialNo));

            if (differentSource) {
                variable.addAttribute(new Attribute("sensor_name", sensor));
                variable.addAttribute(new Attribute("sensor_serial_number", serialNo));

                variable.addAttribute(new Attribute("sensor_source_name", sourceSensor));
                variable.addAttribute(new Attribute("sensor_source_serial_number", sourceSerialNo));
            } else {
                variable.addAttribute(new Attribute("sensor_name", sensor));
                variable.addAttribute(new Attribute("sensor_serial_number", serialNo));

            if (param != null) {
                variable.addAttribute(new Attribute("name", param.getDescription()));
                if (param.getUnits() != null) {
                    variable.addAttribute(new Attribute("units", param.getUnits()));

                if (param.getNetCDFStandardName() != null && !(param.getNetCDFStandardName().trim().isEmpty())) {
                    variable.addAttribute(new Attribute("standard_name", param.getNetCDFStandardName()));
                    dc.stdNameSF = new Attribute("standard_name", param.getNetCDFStandardName() + " status_flag");
                if (param.getNetCDFLongName() != null) {
                    variable.addAttribute(new Attribute("long_name", param.getNetCDFLongName()));

                if (param.getMinimumValidValue() != null) {
                    variable.addAttribute(new Attribute("valid_min", param.getMinimumValidValue().floatValue()));

                if (param.getMaximumValidValue() != null) {
                    variable.addAttribute(new Attribute("valid_max", param.getMaximumValidValue().floatValue()));

                variable.addAttribute(new Attribute("_FillValue", Float.NaN));
                //dataFile.addVariableAttribute(variable, "csiro_instrument_id", instrumentID);

            // Select non instrument specific attributes
            String SQL = "SELECT attribute_name, attribute_type, attribute_value FROM netcdf_attributes "
                    + " WHERE (deployment = " + StringUtilities.quoteString(getDeployment())
                    + " OR deployment = '*')" + " AND (naming_authority = " + StringUtilities.quoteString(authority)
                    + " OR naming_authority = '*')" + " AND instrument_id IS NULL"
                    + " AND NOT (attribute_name = 'keywords')" + " AND parameter = "
                    + StringUtilities.quoteString(dc.params.trim()) + " ORDER BY attribute_name";

            Vector attributeSet = query.getData();
            if (attributeSet != null && attributeSet.size() > 0) {
                for (int i = 0; i < attributeSet.size(); i++) {
                    Vector row = (Vector) attributeSet.get(i);
                    String name = (String) (row.get(0));
                    String type = (String) (row.get(1));
                    String value = (String) (row.get(2));

                    logger.debug("PARAMETER: " + name + " " + value);

                    if (type.startsWith("NUMBER")) {
                        variable.addAttribute(new Attribute(name.trim(), new Double(value.trim())));
                    } else {
                        variable.addAttribute(new Attribute(name.trim(), value.replaceAll("\\\\n", "\n").trim()));


            String instruments = StringUtils.join(dc.instruments, ",");

            logger.debug("Instruments " + instruments);
            SQL = "SELECT DISTINCT(attribute_name) FROM netcdf_attributes " + " WHERE (deployment = "
                    + StringUtilities.quoteString(getDeployment()) + " OR deployment = '*')"
                    + " AND (instrument_id IS NOT NULL AND instrument_id IN ( " + instruments + ")) "
                    + " AND NOT (attribute_name = 'keywords')" // don't add keywords, as these are added to the global list
                    + " AND (parameter = " + StringUtilities.quoteString(dc.params.trim())
                    + " OR parameter = '*') ORDER BY attribute_name";

            Vector attributeName = query.getData();
            String type = null;
            for (int attribN = 0; (attributeName != null) && (attribN < attributeName.size()); attribN++) {
                Vector aRow = (Vector) attributeName.get(attribN);
                String name = (String) (aRow.get(0));

                int hasInstrumentAttribute = 0;
                ArrayDouble.D1 values = new ArrayDouble.D1(dc.instruments.length);
                ArrayString.D1 strings = new ArrayString.D1(dc.instruments.length);
                for (int i = 0; i < dc.instruments.length; i++) {
                    values.set(i, Double.NaN);
                    strings.set(i, new String(""));
                for (int i = 0; i < dc.instruments.length; i++) {
                    SQL = "SELECT attribute_name, attribute_type, attribute_value FROM netcdf_attributes "
                            + " WHERE (deployment = " + StringUtilities.quoteString(getDeployment())
                            + " OR deployment = '*')" + " AND instrument_id = " + dc.instruments[i]
                            + " AND (parameter = " + StringUtilities.quoteString(dc.params.trim())
                            + " OR parameter = '*') ORDER BY attribute_name";

                    attributeSet = query.getData();
                    if (attributeSet != null && attributeSet.size() > 0) {
                        for (int j = 0; j < attributeSet.size(); j++) {
                            Vector row = (Vector) attributeSet.get(j);
                            name = (String) (row.get(0));
                            type = (String) (row.get(1));
                            String value = (String) (row.get(2));

                            logger.debug("INSTRUMENT PARAMETER: " + name + " " + value);


                            if (type.startsWith("NUMBER")) {
                                values.set(i, new Double(value.trim()));
                            } else {
                                strings.set(i, value.replaceAll("\\\\n", "\n").trim());


                if (hasInstrumentAttribute > 0) {
                    if (type.startsWith("NUMBER"))
                        variable.addAttribute(new Attribute(name.trim(), values));
                    else {
                        String aggString = "";
                        for (int i = 0; i < strings.getSize(); i++) {
                            aggString += strings.get(i);
                            if ((i + 1) < strings.getSize())
                                aggString += ";";
                        variable.addAttribute(new Attribute(name.trim(), aggString));


            // Add global attributes for this instrument or parameter
            SQL = "SELECT attribute_name, attribute_type, attribute_value FROM netcdf_attributes "
                    + " WHERE (naming_authority = " + StringUtilities.quoteString(authority)
                    + " OR naming_authority = '*')" + " AND (facility = " + StringUtilities.quoteString(facility)
                    + " OR facility = '*')" + " AND (mooring = " + StringUtilities.quoteString(mooringString)
                    + " OR mooring = '*')" + " AND (deployment = " + StringUtilities.quoteString(deployment)
                    + " OR deployment = '*')" + " AND instrument_id IN ( " + instruments + ") "
                    + " AND attribute_name = 'keywords'" + " ORDER BY attribute_name";

            attributeSet = query.getData();
            addGlobal("KEYWORDS-INST", attributeSet);

            SQL = "SELECT attribute_name, attribute_type, attribute_value FROM netcdf_attributes "
                    + " WHERE (naming_authority = " + StringUtilities.quoteString(authority)
                    + " OR naming_authority = '*')" + " AND (facility = " + StringUtilities.quoteString(facility)
                    + " OR facility = '*')" + " AND (mooring = " + StringUtilities.quoteString(mooringString)
                    + " OR mooring = '*')" + " AND (deployment = " + StringUtilities.quoteString(deployment)
                    + " OR deployment = '*')" + " AND (parameter = " + StringUtilities.quoteString(dc.params.trim())
                    + ")" + " AND attribute_name = 'keywords'" + " ORDER BY attribute_name";

            attributeSet = query.getData();
            addGlobal("KEYWORDS-PARAM-INST", attributeSet);


        public String createVariable(int RECORD_COUNT) {
            String pt = params.trim();

            if (varName.length() == 0)
                varName = pt;

            if ((varName.compareTo("DEPTH") == 0) || (varName.compareTo("HEIGHT") == 0)) // because they are dimension names
                varName = varName + "_INST";
            String qc = varName + "_quality_control";
            varNameQC = qc;

            var = dataFile.addVariable(null, varName, DataType.FLOAT, timeAndDim);
            varQC = dataFile.addVariable(null, varNameQC, DataType.BYTE, timeAndDim);

            logger.debug("createVariable " + var + " " + varQC);

            ArrayFloat dataTemp;
            ArrayByte dataTempQC;
            dataTemp = new ArrayFloat(this.var.getShape());
            dataTempQC = new ArrayByte(this.var.getShape());

            Index idx = dataTemp.getIndex();
            if (idx.getRank() == 1) {
                timeDim = 0;
            if (fileOrderTimeDepth) {
                depthDim = 1;
                timeDim = 0;
            byte b = 9; // missing value
            int depthLen = 1;
            if (idx.getRank() > 1)
                depthLen = idx.getShape(depthDim);
            for (int i = 0; i < depthLen; i++) {
                idx.setDim(depthDim, i);
                for (int j = 0; j < idx.getShape(timeDim); j++) {
                    idx.setDim(timeDim, j);

                    dataTemp.set(idx, Float.NaN);
                    dataTempQC.set(idx, b);
            dataVar = dataTemp;
            dataVarQC = dataTempQC;
            if (useHeight) {
                var.addAttribute(new Attribute("sensor_height", getHeightsString()));
                var.addAttribute(new Attribute("sensor_height_float", getHeightsFloat()));
                var.addAttribute(new Attribute("sensor_height_positive", "up"));
            } else {
                var.addAttribute(new Attribute("sensor_depth", getDepthsString()));
                var.addAttribute(new Attribute("sensor_depth_float", getDepthsFloat()));
                var.addAttribute(new Attribute("sensor_depth_positive", "down"));

            var.addAttribute(new Attribute("ancillary_variables", qc));
            var.addAttribute(new Attribute("coordinates", "TIME " + getDimensionName() + " LATITUDE LONGITUDE"));

            varNameQC = qc;
            varQC.addAttribute(new Attribute("long_name", "quality flag for " + varName));
            if (stdNameSF != null)

            if (authority.equals("IMOS")) {
                varQC.addAttribute(new Attribute("quality_control_conventions", "IMOS standard flags"));
            } else {
                varQC.addAttribute(new Attribute("conventions", "OceanSITES reference table 2"));

            varQC.addAttribute(new Attribute("quality_control_set", (double) 1.0));

            b = -128;
            varQC.addAttribute(new Attribute("_FillValue", b));
            b = 0;
            varQC.addAttribute(new Attribute("valid_min", b));
            b = 9;
            varQC.addAttribute(new Attribute("valid_max", b));

            ArrayByte.D1 qcValues = new ArrayByte.D1(7);
            b = 0;
            qcValues.set(0, b);
            b = 1;
            qcValues.set(1, b);
            b = 2;
            qcValues.set(2, b);
            b = 3;
            qcValues.set(3, b);
            b = 4;
            qcValues.set(4, b);
            b = 5;
            qcValues.set(5, b);
            b = 9;
            qcValues.set(6, b);
            varQC.addAttribute(new Attribute("flag_values", qcValues));
            varQC.addAttribute(new Attribute("flag_meanings",
                    "unknown good_data probably_good_data probably_bad_data bad_data not_deployed missing_value"));

            return pt;

        private void createDimension() {
