Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013(c) The Ontario Institute for Cancer Research. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the GNU Public * License v3.0. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this * program. If not, see <>. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY * WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package org.icgc.dcc.portal.repository; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static java.util.Collections.singletonMap; import static lombok.AccessLevel.PRIVATE; import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.isNotBlank; import static org.dcc.portal.pql.ast.function.FunctionBuilders.facets; import static org.dcc.portal.pql.meta.Type.DONOR_CENTRIC; import static org.dcc.portal.pql.query.PqlParser.parse; import static; import static; import static; import static org.elasticsearch.index.query.FilterBuilders.boolFilter; import static org.elasticsearch.index.query.FilterBuilders.matchAllFilter; import static org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilders.boolQuery; import static org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilders.filteredQuery; import static org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilders.matchAllQuery; import static org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilders.termsQuery; import static; import static; import static; import static org.icgc.dcc.portal.model.IndexModel.FIELDS_MAPPING; import static org.icgc.dcc.portal.model.IndexModel.MAX_FACET_TERM_COUNT; import static org.icgc.dcc.portal.model.IndexModel.getFields; import static org.icgc.dcc.portal.model.SearchFieldMapper.searchFieldMapper; import static org.icgc.dcc.portal.repository.TermsLookupRepository.createTermsLookupFilter; import static org.icgc.dcc.portal.util.ElasticsearchRequestUtils.isRepositoryDonor; import static org.icgc.dcc.portal.util.ElasticsearchRequestUtils.setFetchSourceOfGetRequest; import static org.icgc.dcc.portal.util.ElasticsearchResponseUtils.checkResponseState; import static org.icgc.dcc.portal.util.ElasticsearchResponseUtils.createResponseMap; import static org.icgc.dcc.portal.util.SearchResponses.hasHits; import java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import; import org.dcc.portal.pql.ast.StatementNode; import org.dcc.portal.pql.query.QueryEngine; import; import; import; import; import org.elasticsearch.client.Client; import org.elasticsearch.common.unit.TimeValue; import org.elasticsearch.index.query.FilterBuilder; import org.elasticsearch.index.query.FilterBuilders; import org.elasticsearch.index.query.NestedQueryBuilder; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.icgc.dcc.portal.model.EntitySetTermFacet; import org.icgc.dcc.portal.model.IndexModel; import org.icgc.dcc.portal.model.IndexModel.Kind; import org.icgc.dcc.portal.model.IndexModel.Type; import org.icgc.dcc.portal.model.PhenotypeResult; import org.icgc.dcc.portal.model.Query; import org.icgc.dcc.portal.model.Statistics; import org.icgc.dcc.portal.model.TermFacet.Term; import org.icgc.dcc.portal.pql.convert.Jql2PqlConverter; import org.icgc.dcc.portal.repository.TermsLookupRepository.TermLookupType; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import; import; import; import; import lombok.Getter; import lombok.NonNull; import lombok.val; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; @Slf4j @Component public class DonorRepository implements Repository { private static final Type TYPE = Type.DONOR; private static final Kind KIND = Kind.DONOR; @NonNull private final EntitySetRepository entitySetRepository; // These are the raw field names from the 'donor-text' type in the main index. public static final Map<String, String> DONOR_ID_SEARCH_FIELDS = transformToTextSearchFieldMap("id", "submittedId", "specimenIds", "sampleIds", "submittedSpecimenIds", "submittedSampleIds"); // These are the raw field names from the 'file-donor-text' type in the icgc-repository index. public static final Map<String, String> FILE_DONOR_ID_SEARCH_FIELDS = transformToTextSearchFieldMap("id", "specimen_id", "sample_id", "tcga_participant_barcode", "tcga_sample_barcode", "tcga_aliquot_barcode", "submitted_specimen_id", "submitted_sample_id", "submitted_donor_id"); private static final class PhenotypeFacetNames { private static final String AGE_AT_DIAGNOSIS = "ageAtDiagnosis"; private static final String AVERAGE_AGE_AT_DIAGNOSIS = "Average" + AGE_AT_DIAGNOSIS; private static final String AGE_AT_DIAGNOSIS_GROUP = "ageAtDiagnosisGroup"; private static final String GENDER = "gender"; private static final String VITAL_STATUS = "vitalStatus"; } private static final Optional<SimpleImmutableEntry<String, String>> EMPTY_PAIR = Optional.empty(); private static boolean wantsStatistics(Optional<SimpleImmutableEntry<String, String>> value) { return value.isPresent(); } /** * A lookup table of facet name (the key) and its corresponding stats facet name pair (the value) for phenotype * analyses. Set the value to EMPTY_PAIR to indicate no stats is needed for the main facet. *NOTE: Categorical terms * such as gender or vitalStatus can't have stats facets and, if you do that, your elasticsearch query will fail. */ private static final ImmutableMap<String, Optional<SimpleImmutableEntry<String, String>>> FACETS_FOR_PHENOTYPE = ImmutableMap .of(PhenotypeFacetNames.GENDER, EMPTY_PAIR, PhenotypeFacetNames.VITAL_STATUS, EMPTY_PAIR, PhenotypeFacetNames.AGE_AT_DIAGNOSIS_GROUP, createPair(PhenotypeFacetNames.AVERAGE_AGE_AT_DIAGNOSIS, PhenotypeFacetNames.AGE_AT_DIAGNOSIS)); private static final ImmutableMap<String, String> DONORS_FIELDS_MAPPING_FOR_PHENOTYPE = ImmutableMap.of( PhenotypeFacetNames.AGE_AT_DIAGNOSIS, "donor_age_at_diagnosis", PhenotypeFacetNames.AGE_AT_DIAGNOSIS_GROUP, "_summary._age_at_diagnosis_group", PhenotypeFacetNames.GENDER, "donor_sex", PhenotypeFacetNames.VITAL_STATUS, "donor_vital_status"); @Getter(lazy = true, value = PRIVATE) private final Map<String, Map<String, Integer>> baselineTermsAggsOfPhenotype = loadBaselineTermsAggsOfPhenotype(); private static final int SCAN_BATCH_SIZE = 1000; private static final Jql2PqlConverter CONVERTER = Jql2PqlConverter.getInstance(); private static final TimeValue KEEP_ALIVE = new TimeValue(10000); private final Client client; private final String index; private final String repoIndexName; private final QueryEngine queryEngine; @Autowired DonorRepository(Client client, IndexModel indexModel, QueryEngine queryEngine, EntitySetRepository entitySetRepository) { this.index = indexModel.getIndex(); this.repoIndexName = indexModel.getRepoIndex(); this.client = client; this.queryEngine = queryEngine; this.entitySetRepository = entitySetRepository; } @Override @NonNull public SearchResponse findAllCentric(Query query) { val pql = CONVERTER.convert(query, DONOR_CENTRIC);"pql of findAllCentric is: {}", pql); val request = queryEngine.execute(pql, DONOR_CENTRIC); val response = request.getRequestBuilder().execute().actionGet(); return response; } @NonNull public SearchResponse findAllCentric(StatementNode pqlAst) { val request = queryEngine.execute(pqlAst, DONOR_CENTRIC); val response = request.getRequestBuilder().execute().actionGet(); return response; } private SearchRequestBuilder projectDonorCountSearch(Query query, String facetName) { val pqlAst = parse(CONVERTER.convert(query, DONOR_CENTRIC)); pqlAst.setFacets(facets(facetName)); val result = queryEngine.execute(pqlAst, DONOR_CENTRIC).getRequestBuilder().setNoFields(); log.debug("projectDonorCountSearch ES query is: '{}'.", result); return result; } @NonNull public MultiSearchResponse projectDonorCount(List<Query> queries, String facetName) { val multiSearch = client.prepareMultiSearch(); for (val query : queries) { multiSearch.add(projectDonorCountSearch(query, facetName)); } val response = multiSearch.execute().actionGet(); log.debug("projectDonorCount ES response is: '{}'.", response); return response; } public List<PhenotypeResult> getPhenotypeAnalysisResult(@NonNull final Collection<UUID> entitySetIds) { // Here we eliminate duplicates and impose ordering (needed for reading the response items). val setIds = ImmutableSet.copyOf(entitySetIds).asList(); val multiResponse = performPhenotypeAnalysisMultiSearch(setIds); val responseItems = multiResponse.getResponses(); val responseItemCount = responseItems.length; checkState(responseItemCount == setIds.size(), "The number of queries does not match the number of responses in a multi-search."); val facetKeyValuePairs = FACETS_FOR_PHENOTYPE.entrySet(); // Building a map with facet name as the key and a list builder as the value. val results = -> entry.getKey(), notUsed -> new ImmutableList.Builder<EntitySetTermFacet>())); // Here we enumerate the response collection by entity-set UUIDs (the same grouping as in the multi-search). for (int i = 0; i < responseItemCount; i++) { val aggregations = responseItems[i].getResponse().getAggregations(); if (null == aggregations) continue; val aggsMap = aggregations.asMap(); val entitySetId = setIds.get(i); val entitySetCount = entitySetRepository.find(entitySetId).getCount(); // We go through the main Results map for each facet and build the inner list by populating it with instances of // EntitySetTermFacet. for (val facetKv : facetKeyValuePairs) { val facetName = facetKv.getKey(); Aggregation aggs = aggsMap.get(facetName); Long total = 0L; Long missing = 0L; // We want to include the number of missing donor documents in our final missing count if (aggs instanceof Terms) { val termsAggs = (Terms) aggs; total = termsAggs.getBuckets().stream().mapToLong(Bucket::getDocCount).sum(); missing = entitySetCount - total; } results.get(facetName).add(buildEntitySetTermAggs(entitySetId, (Terms) aggs, aggsMap, total, missing, facetKv.getValue())); } } val finalResult = transform(results.entrySet(), entry -> new PhenotypeResult(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().build())); return ImmutableList.copyOf(finalResult); } private EntitySetTermFacet buildEntitySetTermAggs(final UUID entitySetId, final Terms termsFacet, final Map<String, Aggregation> aggsMap, final Long total, final Long missing, final Optional<SimpleImmutableEntry<String, String>> statsFacetConfigMap) { val termFacetList = buildTermAggList(termsFacet, getBaselineTermsAggsOfPhenotype()); val mean = wantsStatistics(statsFacetConfigMap) ? getMeanFromTermsStatsAggs(aggsMap.get(statsFacetConfigMap.get().getKey())) : null; val summary = new Statistics(total, missing, mean); return new EntitySetTermFacet(entitySetId, termFacetList, summary); } private Map<String, Map<String, Integer>> loadBaselineTermsAggsOfPhenotype() { val search = getPhenotypeAnalysisSearchBuilder(); val response = search.execute().actionGet(); log.debug("ES query is: '{}'", search); log.debug("ES response is: '{}'", response); val aggs = response.getAggregations(); checkNotNull(aggs, "Query response does not contain any Aggregations."); val results = ImmutableMap.<String, Map<String, Integer>>builder(); for (val agg : aggs.asList()) { if (agg instanceof Terms) { val entries = ((Terms) agg).getBuckets(); val terms = transform(entries, entry -> entry.getKey()); // Map all term values to zero results.put(agg.getName(), toMap(terms, constant(0))); } } return; } private static Optional<SimpleImmutableEntry<String, String>> createPair(final String first, final String second) { checkArgument(isNotBlank(first)); checkArgument(isNotBlank(second)); return Optional.of(new SimpleImmutableEntry<String, String>(first, second)); } private static List<Term> buildTermAggList(@NonNull final Terms termsFacet, @NonNull Map<String, Map<String, Integer>> baseline) { val results = ImmutableMap.<String, Integer>builder(); // First we populate with the terms facets from the search response termsFacet.getBuckets().stream().forEach(entry -> { results.put(entry.getKey(), (int) entry.getDocCount()); }); val facetName = termsFacet.getName(); // Then augment the result in case of missing terms in the response. if (baseline.containsKey(facetName)) { val difference = Maps.difference(, baseline.get(facetName)).entriesOnlyOnRight(); results.putAll(difference); } val termFacetList = transform(, entry -> new Term(entry.getKey(), (long) entry.getValue())); return ImmutableList.copyOf(termFacetList); } private static Double getMeanFromTermsStatsAggs(final Aggregation facet) { if (!(facet instanceof Terms)) { return null; } val terms = (Terms) facet; try (val buckets = terms.getBuckets().stream()) { val stats = (Stats) buckets.findFirst().get().getAggregations().asList().get(0); return stats.getAvg(); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { return 0.0; } } private MultiSearchResponse performPhenotypeAnalysisMultiSearch(@NonNull final List<UUID> setIds) { val multiSearch = client.prepareMultiSearch(); val matchAll = matchAllQuery(); for (val setId : setIds) { val search = getPhenotypeAnalysisSearchBuilder(); search.setQuery(filteredQuery(matchAll, getDonorSetIdFilterBuilder(setId))); // Adding terms_stats facets FACETS_FOR_PHENOTYPE.values().stream().filter(v -> wantsStatistics(v)).map(Optional::get) .forEach(statsFacetNameFieldPair -> { final String actualFieldName = DONORS_FIELDS_MAPPING_FOR_PHENOTYPE .get(statsFacetNameFieldPair.getValue()); search.addAggregation( buildTermsStatsAggsBuilder(statsFacetNameFieldPair.getKey(), actualFieldName)); });"Sub-search for DonorSet ID [{}] is: '{}'", setId, search); multiSearch.add(search); } val multiResponse = multiSearch.execute().actionGet();"MultiResponse is: '{}'.", multiResponse); return multiResponse; } private static TermsBuilder buildTermsStatsAggsBuilder(final String aggName, final String aggField) { return terms(aggName).field("_type").size(MAX_FACET_TERM_COUNT) .subAggregation(stats("stats").field(aggField)); } private SearchRequestBuilder getPhenotypeAnalysisSearchBuilder() { val type = Type.DONOR_CENTRIC; val fieldMap = DONORS_FIELDS_MAPPING_FOR_PHENOTYPE; val searchBuilder = client.prepareSearch(index).setTypes(type.getId()).setSearchType(QUERY_THEN_FETCH) .setFrom(0).setSize(0).addFields(fieldMap.values().stream().toArray(String[]::new)); for (val name : FACETS_FOR_PHENOTYPE.keySet()) { val aggsBuilder = terms(name).field(fieldMap.get(name)).size(MAX_FACET_TERM_COUNT); val missingAggsBuilder = missing(name + "_missing").field(fieldMap.get(name)); searchBuilder.addAggregation(missingAggsBuilder); searchBuilder.addAggregation(aggsBuilder); } return searchBuilder; } private static FilterBuilder getDonorSetIdFilterBuilder(final UUID donorId) { if (null == donorId) { return matchAllFilter(); } val mustFilterFieldName = "_id"; // Note: We should not reference TermsLookupRepository here but for now we'll wait for the PQL module and see how we // can move the createTermsLookupFilter() routine out of TermsLookupRepository. val termsLookupFilter = createTermsLookupFilter(mustFilterFieldName, TermLookupType.DONOR_IDS, donorId); return boolFilter().must(termsLookupFilter); } @Override public SearchResponse findAll(Query query) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("No longer applicable"); } @Override public SearchRequestBuilder buildFindAllRequest(Query query, Type type) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("No longer applicable"); } @Override public long count(Query query) {"Converting {}", query.getFilters()); val pql = CONVERTER.convertCount(query, DONOR_CENTRIC); val request = queryEngine.execute(pql, DONOR_CENTRIC); return request.getRequestBuilder().setSearchType(COUNT).execute().actionGet().getHits().getTotalHits(); } @Override public MultiSearchResponse counts(LinkedHashMap<String, Query> queries) { MultiSearchRequestBuilder search = client.prepareMultiSearch(); for (val query : queries.values()) {"Converting {}", query.getFilters()); val pql = CONVERTER.convertCount(query, DONOR_CENTRIC); val request = queryEngine.execute(pql, DONOR_CENTRIC); search.add(request.getRequestBuilder()); } return search.execute().actionGet(); } @Override public MultiSearchResponse nestedCounts(LinkedHashMap<String, LinkedHashMap<String, Query>> queries) { val search = client.prepareMultiSearch(); for (val nestedQuery : queries.values()) { for (val innerQuery : nestedQuery.values()) {"Nested converting {}", innerQuery); val pql = CONVERTER.convertCount(innerQuery, DONOR_CENTRIC); val request = queryEngine.execute(pql, DONOR_CENTRIC); search.add(request.getRequestBuilder()); } } log.debug("{}", search); return search.execute().actionGet(); } @Override public NestedQueryBuilder buildQuery(Query query) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("No longer applicable"); } public Map<String, Object> findOne(String id, Query query) { val search = client.prepareGet(index, TYPE.getId(), id).setFields(getFields(query, KIND)); setFetchSourceOfGetRequest(search, query, KIND); val response = search.execute().actionGet(); if (response.isExists()) { return createResponseMap(response, query, KIND); } if (!isRepositoryDonor(client, id, repoIndexName)) { // We know this is guaranteed to throw a 404, since the 'id' was not found in the first query. checkResponseState(id, response, KIND); } return singletonMap(FIELDS_MAPPING.get(KIND).get("id"), id); } /** * Retrieves donor-specimen-sample information. Note this searches donor and not donor-centric as centric does not * have sample information */ public SearchResponse getDonorSamplesByProject(String projectId) { // Only download donor with complete (has submitted molecular data) val donorFilters = FilterBuilders.boolFilter().must(FilterBuilders.termFilter("_project_id", projectId)); val search = client.prepareSearch(index).setTypes(TYPE.getId()).setSearchType(QUERY_THEN_FETCH) .setSize(6000).setFetchSource("specimen", null) .addFields("_donor_id", "donor_id", "project._project_id").setPostFilter(donorFilters); return search.execute().actionGet(); } public Set<String> findIds(Query query) { // TODO: Now assume 5000 ids at least Set<String> donorIds = newHashSetWithExpectedSize(5000); val pql = CONVERTER.convert(query, DONOR_CENTRIC); val request = queryEngine.execute(pql, DONOR_CENTRIC); val requestBuilder = request.getRequestBuilder().setSearchType(SCAN).setSize(SCAN_BATCH_SIZE) .setScroll(KEEP_ALIVE).setNoFields(); SearchResponse response = requestBuilder.execute().actionGet(); while (true) { response = client.prepareSearchScroll(response.getScrollId()).setScroll(KEEP_ALIVE).execute() .actionGet(); for (SearchHit hit : response.getHits()) { donorIds.add(hit.getId()); } val finished = !hasHits(response); if (finished) { break; } } return donorIds; } /** * Searches for donors based on the ids provided. It will either search against donor-text or donor-file-text based on * a boolean. * * @param ids A List of ids that can identify a donor * @param False - donor-text, True - file-donor-text * @return Returns the SearchResponse object from the query. */ public SearchResponse validateIdentifiers(@NonNull List<String> ids, boolean isForExternalFile) { val maxSize = 5000; val fields = isForExternalFile ? FILE_DONOR_ID_SEARCH_FIELDS : DONOR_ID_SEARCH_FIELDS; val indexName = isForExternalFile ? repoIndexName : index; val indexType = isForExternalFile ? Type.FILE_DONOR_TEXT : Type.DONOR_TEXT; val search = client.prepareSearch(indexName).setTypes(indexType.getId()).setSearchType(QUERY_THEN_FETCH) .setSize(maxSize); final Object[] values = ids.toArray(); val boolQuery = boolQuery(); for (val searchField : fields.keySet()) { boolQuery.should(termsQuery(searchField, values)); search.addHighlightedField(searchField); } // Set tags to empty strings so we do not have to parse out fragments later. search.setQuery(boolQuery).setHighlighterPreTags("").setHighlighterPostTags("").setNoFields(); log.debug("ES query is: '{}'.", search); val response = search.execute().actionGet(); log.debug("ES search result is: '{}'.", response); return response; } /** * This transforms a list of raw field names (of 'donor-text' or 'file-donor-text') into a map with the key being the * search term (field name plus the '.search' suffix). */ private static Map<String, String> transformToTextSearchFieldMap(@NonNull String... fields) { return searchFieldMapper().lowercaseMatchFields(newHashSet(fields)).build().toMap(); } }