Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2004-2013 ICEsoft Technologies Canada Corp. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for the specific language * governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package org.icefaces.ace.util.cssurlmapper; import*; import java.util.*; import org.apache.commons.cli.*; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Options options = new Options(); Option helpOpt = OptionBuilder.withDescription("print this message").withLongOpt("help").create('h'); Option rootDirOpt = OptionBuilder.withArgName("directory").hasArg() .withDescription("root directory containing all CSS files to be processed").withLongOpt("root-dir") .create('r'); Option fileOpt = OptionBuilder.withArgName("file").hasArg().withDescription("individual file to process") .withLongOpt("file").create('f'); Option libraryNameOpt = OptionBuilder.withArgName("name").hasArg() .withDescription("name of JSF resource library to include in mapped URLs (required)") .withLongOpt("library-name").create('l'); Option referenceDirOpt = OptionBuilder.withArgName("directory").hasArg() .withDescription("directory to use as starting point when building relative paths to resources") .withLongOpt("reference-dir").create('n'); Option outputDirOpt = OptionBuilder.withArgName("directory").hasArg() .withDescription("directory to where all output files will be written (required)") .withLongOpt("output-dir").create('o'); options.addOption(helpOpt); options.addOption(rootDirOpt); options.addOption(fileOpt); options.addOption(libraryNameOpt); options.addOption(referenceDirOpt); options.addOption(outputDirOpt); PosixParser posixParser = new PosixParser(); String libraryNameVal = null; String fileVal = null; String rootDirVal = null; String referenceDirVal = null; String outputDirVal = null; File rootDir = null; File file = null; File referenceDir = null; File outputDir = null; try { CommandLine line = posixParser.parse(options, args); // check for help option first if (line.hasOption('h')) { printHelp(options); Runtime.getRuntime().exit(0); } // make sure library name was specified if (line.hasOption('l')) { libraryNameVal = line.getOptionValue('l'); } else { throw new MissingOptionException("ERROR: library name was not supplied."); } // check for root directory or file if (line.hasOption('f')) { fileVal = line.getOptionValue('f'); } if (line.hasOption('r')) { rootDirVal = line.getOptionValue('r'); } if (fileVal == null && rootDirVal == null) { throw new MissingOptionException("ERROR: either file or root directory must be specified."); } if (rootDirVal != null) { rootDir = new File(rootDirVal); if (!rootDir.exists()) { throw new Exception("ERROR: root directory does not exist."); } else if (!rootDir.isDirectory()) { throw new Exception("ERROR: root directory is not a real directory."); } } else { // file must be non-null then file = new File(fileVal); if (!file.exists()) { throw new Exception("ERROR: input file does not exist."); } else if (!file.isFile()) { throw new Exception("ERROR: input file is not a real file."); } } // check for output directory if (line.hasOption('o')) { outputDirVal = line.getOptionValue('o'); outputDir = new File(outputDirVal); outputDir.mkdirs(); if (!outputDir.exists()) { throw new Exception("ERROR: could not create output directory."); } else if (!outputDir.isDirectory()) { throw new Exception("ERROR: output directory is not a real directory."); } } else { throw new MissingOptionException("ERROR: output directory was not supplied."); } // check for reference directory if (line.hasOption('n')) { referenceDirVal = line.getOptionValue('n'); referenceDir = new File(referenceDirVal); if (!referenceDir.exists()) { throw new Exception("ERROR: reference directory does not exist."); } else if (!referenceDir.isDirectory()) { throw new Exception("ERROR: reference directory is not a real directory."); } String referenceDirPath = referenceDir.getCanonicalPath(); if (rootDir != null) { String rootDirPath = rootDir.getCanonicalPath(); if (!rootDirPath.startsWith(referenceDirPath)) { throw new Exception("ERROR: reference directory must be an ancestor of root directory."); } } else { // file must be non-null then String filePath = file.getCanonicalPath(); if (!filePath.startsWith(referenceDirPath)) { throw new Exception("ERROR: reference directory must be an ancestor of input file."); } } } } catch (ParseException e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); System.out.println(); printHelp(options); Runtime.getRuntime().exit(0); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); Runtime.getRuntime().exit(0); } // all input was validated, so proceed with file processing if (rootDir != null) { if (referenceDir != null) { processDirectory(rootDir, libraryNameVal, referenceDir, outputDir); } else { processDirectory(rootDir, libraryNameVal, rootDir, outputDir); } } else { processFile(file, libraryNameVal, referenceDir, outputDir); } } private static void printHelp(Options options) { System.out.println("This tool parses CSS files and maps URLs from a standard format to the JSF"); System.out.println("resource loader format. For example, an image in a different directory than"); System.out.println("the CSS file would be mapped as follows:"); System.out.println(" url(../icon.gif) => url(#{resource['mylibrary/images/icon.gif']})"); HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp("cssurlmapper", options); System.out.println("It is required to specify the name of the library where the resource will be"); System.out.println("located in the production environment. Additionally, the JSF resource loader"); System.out.println("does not accept occurrences of '..' in path names. So, the full path of the"); System.out.println("resource, starting from the root library folder, will be resolved by this tool."); System.out.println("The starting directory for building this path can be specified with the"); System.out.println("--reference-dir option. Otherwise, the value of --root-dir will be used."); } public static void processDirectory(File dir, String libraryName, File referenceDir, File outputDir) { try { System.out.println("Entering directory " + dir.getCanonicalPath()); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } File[] children = dir.listFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { try { File file = children[i]; if (file.isHidden()) { // do not process hidden files and directories continue; } if (file.isDirectory()) { File newOutputDir = new File(outputDir, file.getName()); newOutputDir.mkdir(); processDirectory(file, libraryName, referenceDir, newOutputDir); } else if (file.isFile()) { String path = file.getCanonicalPath(); if (path.length() > 4 && path.substring(path.length() - 4).equalsIgnoreCase(".css")) { processFile(file, libraryName, referenceDir, outputDir); } } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } } try { System.out.println("Leaving directory " + dir.getCanonicalPath()); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } } public static void processFile(File file, String libraryName, File referenceDir, File outputDir) { CssUrlMapper mapper = new CssUrlMapper(file, libraryName, referenceDir, outputDir);; } }