Java tutorial
/* HYPERTOPIC - Infrastructure for community-driven knowledge organization systems OFFICIAL WEB SITE Copyright (C) 2010 Aurelien Benel. LEGAL ISSUES This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the license, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details: */ package org.hypertopic; import org.json.*; import java.util.*; import*; /** * v2 implementation of the Hypertopic client API. * This is a 'lazy' object mapping: only IDs are stored, * other data are retrieved on demand. * To improve client cache efficiency, * topic views are based on viewpoint views; * and item views are based on corpus views. */ public class HypertopicMap extends Observable implements Observer {//>>>>>>>>>>> private final DistributedRESTDatabase db; /** * @param baseURL The database URL (with a trailing slash). */ public HypertopicMap(String... baseUrls) { this.db = new DistributedRESTDatabase(baseUrls); this.db.addObserver(this); this.db.startListening(); } public void update(Observable o, Object arg) { this.setChanged(); this.notifyObservers(); } //TODO it is not clear if memory footprint would be reduced or increased by //using a cache on getUSer, getViewpoint, getCorpus, getTopic, getItem //as that would mean less invocations but also less garbage collecting. public User getUser(String userID) { return new User(userID); } public Viewpoint getViewpoint(String viewpointID) { return new Viewpoint(viewpointID); } public Corpus getCorpus(String corpusID) { return new Corpus(corpusID); } /** * @param resource e.g. "http://cassandre/text/d0" */ public Corpus.Item getItem(String resource) throws Exception { JSONObject item = this.db.getAll("resource/" + URLEncoder.encode(resource, "ASCII")).getJSONObject(resource) .getJSONObject("item"); return this.getItem(item); } protected Viewpoint.Topic getTopic(JSONObject topic) throws Exception { return this.getViewpoint(topic.getString("viewpoint")).getTopic(topic); } protected Corpus.Item getItem(JSONObject item) throws Exception { return this.getCorpus(item.getString("corpus")).getItem(item.getString("id")); } protected Corpus.Item.Highlight getHighlight(JSONObject highlight) throws Exception { return this.getCorpus(highlight.getString("corpus")).getItem(highlight.getString("item")) .getHighlight(highlight.getString("id")); } protected static boolean isReserved(String key) { return "highlight".equals(key) || "name".equals(key) || "resource".equals(key) || "thumbnail".equals(key) || "topic".equals(key) || "upper".equals(key) || "user".equals(key) || "_id".equals(key); } public abstract class Identified {//>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> private final String id; protected Identified(String id) { = id; } public String getID() { return; } protected abstract JSONObject getView() throws Exception; @Override public boolean equals(Object that) { return that instanceof Identified && that).id); } @Override public int hashCode() { return; } @Override public String toString() { try { return this.getView().toString(2); } catch (Exception e) { return "toString " + e; } } }//<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Identified public abstract class Named extends Identified {//>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> public Named(String id) { super(id); } public String getName() throws Exception { try { return this.getView().optString("name"); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } }//<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Named public abstract class Located extends Named {//>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> public Located(String id) { super(id); } protected JSONObject getRaw() throws Exception { return HypertopicMap.this.db.get(this.getID()); } public void destroy() throws Exception { HypertopicMap.this.db.delete(this.getRaw()); } }//<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Located public abstract class Registered extends Located {//>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> public Registered(String id) { super(id); } public void register(User user) throws Exception { HypertopicMap.this.db.put(this.getRaw().append("users", user.getID())); } public void unregister(User user) throws Exception { JSONObject registered = this.getRaw(); registered.getJSONArray("users").remove(user.getID()); HypertopicMap.this.db.put(registered); } public Collection<String> listUsers() throws Exception { return (Collection<String>) this.getView().getJSONArrayOrCreate("user").toCollection(); } }//<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Registered public class User extends Identified {//>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> public User(String id) { super(id); } @Override protected JSONObject getView() throws Exception { return HypertopicMap.this.db.getAll("user/" + this.getID()).getJSONObject(this.getID()); } /** * @return a collection of IDs and names pairs... fast! * Can be empty. */ public Collection<JSONObject> listCorpora() throws Exception { try { return this.getView().getAllJSONObjects("corpus"); } catch (JSONException e) { return new ArrayList(); } } /** * @return a collection of IDs and names pairs... fast! * Can be empty. */ public Collection<JSONObject> listViewpoints() throws Exception { try { return this.getView().getAllJSONObjects("viewpoint"); } catch (JSONException e) { return new ArrayList(); } } public Corpus createCorpus(String name) throws Exception { return HypertopicMap.this.getCorpus(HypertopicMap.this.db .post(new JSONObject().put("corpus_name", name).append("users", this.getID())) .getString("_id")); } public Viewpoint createViewpoint(String name) throws Exception { return HypertopicMap.this.getViewpoint(HypertopicMap.this.db .post(new JSONObject().put("viewpoint_name", name).append("users", this.getID())) .getString("_id")); } }//<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< User public class Corpus extends Registered {//>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> public Corpus(String id) { super(id); } /** * @return whole items contained in the corpus */ public Collection<Item> getItems() throws Exception { Collection<Item> result = new ArrayList<Item>(); JSONObject view = this.getView(); if (view != null) { Iterator<String> i = view.keys(); while (i.hasNext()) { String key =; if (!isReserved(key)) { result.add(this.getItem(key)); } } } return result; } @Override protected JSONObject getView() throws Exception { return HypertopicMap.this.db.getAll("corpus/" + this.getID()).optJSONObject(this.getID()); } public void rename(String name) throws Exception { HypertopicMap.this.db.put(this.getRaw().put("corpus_name", name)); } /** * Destroy the nodes of the corpus and of all its documents. */ public void destroy() throws Exception { super.destroy(); for (Item item : this.getItems()) { item.destroy(); } } public Item createItem(String name) throws Exception { return this.getItem(HypertopicMap.this.db .post(new JSONObject().put("item_name", name).put("item_corpus", this.getID())) .getString("_id")); } public Item getItem(String itemID) { return new Item(itemID); } public class Item extends Located {//>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> public Item(String id) { super(id); } /** * Returns the first value of an attribute * if the key is mapped to a string or to an array of strings. * Returns null otherwise. */ public String getAttributeValue(String key) throws Exception { Object result = this.getView().opt(key); if (result instanceof JSONArray) { result = ((JSONArray) result).get(0); } return (String) result; } public URL getResource() throws Exception { return new URL(this.getAttributeValue("resource")); } public URL getThumbnail() throws Exception { String url = this.getAttributeValue("thumbnail"); return (url == null) ? null : new URL(url); } public Collection<Viewpoint.Topic> getTopics() throws Exception { Collection<Viewpoint.Topic> result = new ArrayList<Viewpoint.Topic>(); for (JSONObject topic : this.getView().getAllJSONObjects("topic")) { result.add(HypertopicMap.this.getTopic(topic)); } return result; } public JSONObject getAttributes() throws Exception { JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); JSONObject item = this.getView(); Iterator<String> i = item.keys(); while (i.hasNext()) { String key =; if (!isReserved(key)) { Object value = item.get(key); if (!(value instanceof JSONObject)) { result.put(key, value); } } } return result; } @Override protected JSONObject getView() throws Exception { return Corpus.this.getView().getJSONObject(this.getID()); } public void rename(String name) throws Exception { JSONObject item = this.getRaw(); item.put("item_name", name); HypertopicMap.this.db.put(item); } public void setResource(String url) throws Exception { JSONObject item = this.getRaw(); item.put("resource", url); HypertopicMap.this.db.put(item); } public void describe(String attribute, String value) throws Exception { JSONObject item = this.getRaw(); item.accumulate(attribute, value); HypertopicMap.this.db.put(item); } public void undescribe(String attribute, String value) throws Exception { JSONObject item = this.getRaw(); item.remove(attribute, value); HypertopicMap.this.db.put(item); } public void tag(Viewpoint.Topic topic) throws Exception { JSONObject item = this.getRaw(); JSONObject topics = item.getJSONObjectOrCreate("topics"); topics.put(topic.getID(), new JSONObject().put("viewpoint", topic.getViewpointID())); HypertopicMap.this.db.put(item); } public void untag(Viewpoint.Topic topic) throws Exception { JSONObject item = this.getRaw(); item.getJSONObject("topics").remove(topic.getID()); HypertopicMap.this.db.put(item); } //TODO itemID replaced by a corpusID in Cassandre!!! public Highlight createHighlight(Viewpoint.Topic topic, String text, int... coordinates) throws Exception { JSONObject item = this.getRaw(); JSONObject highlights = item.getJSONObjectOrCreate("highlights"); String id = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); highlights.put(id, new JSONObject().put("coordinates", coordinates).put("text", text) .put("viewpoint", topic.getViewpointID()).put("topic", topic.getID())); HypertopicMap.this.db.put(item); return this.getHighlight(id); } public Collection<Highlight> getHighlights() throws Exception { Collection<Highlight> result = new ArrayList<Highlight>(); JSONObject view = this.getView(); Iterator<String> i = view.keys(); while (i.hasNext()) { String key =; if (!isReserved(key) && view.get(key) instanceof JSONObject) { result.add(this.getHighlight(key)); } } return result; } public Highlight getHighlight(String highlightID) { return new Highlight(highlightID); } public class Highlight extends Identified {//>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> public Highlight(String id) { super(id); } public Item getItem() { return Item.this; } public Corpus getCorpus() { return Corpus.this; } public Viewpoint.Topic getTopic() throws Exception { return HypertopicMap.this.getTopic(this.getView().getJSONObject("topic")); } public Collection<String> getText() throws Exception { return this.getView().getAllStrings("text"); } public URL getThumbnail() throws Exception { return new URL(this.getView().getString("thumbnail")); } //TODO change return type? public JSONArray getCoordinates() throws Exception { return this.getView().getJSONArray("coordinates"); } @Override protected JSONObject getView() throws Exception { return Item.this.getView().getJSONObject(this.getID()); } public void destroy() throws Exception { JSONObject item = Item.this.getRaw(); //WHAT TODO with Cassandre??? item.getJSONObject("highlights").remove(this.getID()); HypertopicMap.this.db.put(item); } }//<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Highlight }//<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Item }//<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Corpus public class Viewpoint extends Registered {//>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> public Viewpoint(String id) { super(id); } public Collection<Topic> getUpperTopics() throws Exception { Collection<Topic> result = new ArrayList<Topic>(); for (JSONObject t : this.getView().getAllJSONObjects("upper")) { result.add(this.getTopic(t)); } return result; } public Collection<Topic> getTopics() throws Exception { Collection<Topic> result = new ArrayList<Topic>(); Iterator<String> i = this.getView().keys(); while (i.hasNext()) { String key =; if (!isReserved(key)) { result.add(this.getTopic(key)); } } return result; } @Override protected JSONObject getView() throws Exception { return HypertopicMap.this.db.getAll("viewpoint/" + this.getID()).getJSONObject(this.getID()); } public Collection<Corpus.Item> getItems() throws Exception { Collection<Corpus.Item> result = new HashSet<Corpus.Item>(); for (Topic t : this.getTopics()) { result.addAll(t.getItems()); } return result; } public Collection<Corpus.Item.Highlight> getHighlights() throws Exception { Collection<Corpus.Item.Highlight> result = new HashSet<Corpus.Item.Highlight>(); for (Topic t : this.getTopics()) { result.addAll(t.getHighlights()); } return result; } public void rename(String name) throws Exception { JSONObject viewpoint = this.getRaw(); viewpoint.put("viewpoint_name", name); HypertopicMap.this.db.put(viewpoint); } /** * @param topicsIDs empty to create an upper topic */ public Topic createTopic(Topic... broaderTopics) throws Exception { String topicID = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); JSONObject viewpoint = this.getRaw(); JSONArray broader = new JSONArray(); for (Topic t : broaderTopics) { broader.put(t.getID()); } viewpoint.getJSONObjectOrCreate("topics").put(topicID, new JSONObject().put("broader", broader)); HypertopicMap.this.db.put(viewpoint); return this.getTopic(topicID); } public Topic getTopic(String topicID) { return new Topic(topicID); } public Topic getTopic(JSONObject topic) throws Exception { return this.getTopic(topic.getString("id")); } public class Topic extends Named {//>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> public Topic(String id) { super(id); } public String getViewpointID() { return Viewpoint.this.getID(); } public Collection<Topic> getNarrower() throws Exception { Collection<Topic> result = new ArrayList<Topic>(); for (JSONObject narrower : this.getView().getAllJSONObjects("narrower")) { result.add(Viewpoint.this.getTopic(narrower)); } return result; } public Collection<Topic> getBroader() throws Exception { Collection<Topic> result = new ArrayList<Topic>(); for (JSONObject broader : this.getView().getAllJSONObjects("broader")) { result.add(Viewpoint.this.getTopic(broader)); } return result; } /** * Recursive. Could be optimized with a cache. * Precondition: narrower topics graph must be acyclic. */ public Collection<Corpus.Item> getItems() throws Exception { try { Collection<Corpus.Item> result = new HashSet<Corpus.Item>(); JSONObject topic = this.getView(); for (JSONObject item : topic.getAllJSONObjects("item")) { result.add(HypertopicMap.this.getItem(item)); } for (JSONObject narrower : topic.getAllJSONObjects("narrower")) { result.addAll(Viewpoint.this.getTopic(narrower).getItems()); } return result; } catch (JSONException e) { return new ArrayList(); } } /** * Recursive. Could be optimized with a cache. * Precondition: narrower topics graph must be acyclic. */ public Collection<Corpus.Item.Highlight> getHighlights() throws Exception { try { Collection<Corpus.Item.Highlight> result = new HashSet<Corpus.Item.Highlight>(); JSONObject topic = this.getView(); for (JSONObject highlight : topic.getAllJSONObjects("highlight")) { result.add(HypertopicMap.this.getHighlight(highlight)); } for (JSONObject narrower : topic.getAllJSONObjects("narrower")) { result.addAll(Viewpoint.this.getTopic(narrower).getHighlights()); } return result; } catch (JSONException e) { return new ArrayList(); } } /** * @return an object with broader, narrower and name */ @Override protected JSONObject getView() throws Exception { return Viewpoint.this.getView().getJSONObject(this.getID()); } public void rename(String name) throws Exception { JSONObject viewpoint = Viewpoint.this.getRaw(); viewpoint.getJSONObject("topics").getJSONObject(this.getID()).put("name", name); HypertopicMap.this.db.put(viewpoint); } public void destroy() throws Exception { JSONObject viewpoint = Viewpoint.this.getRaw(); JSONObject topics = viewpoint.getJSONObject("topics"); topics.remove(this.getID()); Iterator<String> t = topics.keys(); while (t.hasNext()) { topics.getJSONObject("broader").remove(this.getID()); } HypertopicMap.this.db.put(viewpoint); } /** * @param narrowerTopics the topics to unlink from their parents and to link to * this object */ public void moveTopics(Topic... narrowerTopics) throws Exception { JSONArray broader = new JSONArray(); broader.put(this.getID()); JSONObject viewpoint = Viewpoint.this.getRaw(); JSONObject topics = viewpoint.getJSONObject("topics"); for (Topic t : narrowerTopics) { topics.getJSONObject(t.getID()).put("broader", broader); } HypertopicMap.this.db.put(viewpoint); } /** * Unlink from broader topics */ public void unlink() throws Exception { JSONObject viewpoint = Viewpoint.this.getRaw(); viewpoint.getJSONObject("topics").getJSONObject(this.getID()).put("broader", new JSONArray()); HypertopicMap.this.db.put(viewpoint); } public void linkTopics(Topic... narrowerTopics) throws Exception { JSONObject viewpoint = Viewpoint.this.getRaw(); JSONObject topics = viewpoint.getJSONObject("topics"); for (Topic t : narrowerTopics) { topics.getJSONObject(t.getID()).append("broader", this.getID()); } HypertopicMap.this.db.put(viewpoint); } }//<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Topic }//<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Viewpoint @Override public String toString() { return this.db.toString(); } }//<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< HypertopicMap