Java tutorial
/* * * Copyright 2016,2017,2018 IBM - All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package org.hyperledger.fabric.sdk; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.json.Json; import javax.json.JsonArray; import javax.json.JsonArrayBuilder; import javax.json.JsonObject; import javax.json.JsonReader; import javax.json.JsonValue; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.hyperledger.fabric.protos.common.Collection; import org.hyperledger.fabric.protos.common.MspPrincipal.MSPPrincipal; import org.hyperledger.fabric.protos.common.MspPrincipal.MSPRole; import org.hyperledger.fabric.protos.common.Policies; import org.hyperledger.fabric.protos.common.Policies.SignaturePolicy; import org.hyperledger.fabric.sdk.exception.ChaincodeCollectionConfigurationException; import org.hyperledger.fabric.sdk.exception.InvalidArgumentException; import org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml; import static java.lang.String.format; public class ChaincodeCollectionConfiguration { private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(ChaincodeCollectionConfiguration.class); private static final Pattern noofPattern = Pattern.compile("^(\\d+)-of$"); private Collection.CollectionConfigPackage collectionConfigPackage = null; ChaincodeCollectionConfiguration(JsonArray jsonConfig) throws ChaincodeCollectionConfigurationException { collectionConfigPackage = parse(jsonConfig); if (collectionConfigPackage == null) { throw new ChaincodeCollectionConfigurationException( "Parsing collection configuration produce null configuration."); } } ChaincodeCollectionConfiguration(Collection.CollectionConfigPackage collectionConfigPackage) { this.collectionConfigPackage = collectionConfigPackage; } public byte[] getAsBytes() throws ChaincodeCollectionConfigurationException { if (collectionConfigPackage == null) { throw new ChaincodeCollectionConfigurationException("Collection configuration was null."); } return collectionConfigPackage.toByteArray(); } /** * Creates a new ChaincodeCollectionConfiguration instance configured with details supplied in a YAML file. * * @param configFile The file containing the network configuration * @return A new ChaincodeCollectionConfiguration instance * @throws InvalidArgumentException * @throws IOException */ public static ChaincodeCollectionConfiguration fromYamlFile(File configFile) throws InvalidArgumentException, IOException, ChaincodeCollectionConfigurationException { return fromFile(configFile, false); } /** * Creates a new ChaincodeCollectionConfiguration instance configured with details supplied in a JSON file. * * @param configFile The file containing the network configuration * @return A new ChaincodeCollectionConfiguration instance * @throws InvalidArgumentException * @throws IOException */ public static ChaincodeCollectionConfiguration fromJsonFile(File configFile) throws InvalidArgumentException, IOException, ChaincodeCollectionConfigurationException { return fromFile(configFile, true); } /** * Creates a new ChaincodeCollectionConfiguration instance configured with details supplied in YAML format * * @param configStream A stream opened on a YAML document containing network configuration details * @return A new ChaincodeCollectionConfiguration instance * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public static ChaincodeCollectionConfiguration fromYamlStream(InputStream configStream) throws InvalidArgumentException, ChaincodeCollectionConfigurationException { logger.trace("ChaincodeCollectionConfiguration.fromYamlStream..."); // Sanity check if (configStream == null) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("ConfigStream must be specified"); } Yaml yaml = new Yaml(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Object> map = yaml.load(configStream); JsonArrayBuilder builder = Json.createArrayBuilder(map); JsonArray jsonConfig =; return fromJsonObject(jsonConfig); } /** * Creates a new ChaincodeCollectionConfiguration instance configured with details supplied in JSON format * * @param configStream A stream opened on a JSON document containing network configuration details * @return A new ChaincodeCollectionConfiguration instance * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public static ChaincodeCollectionConfiguration fromJsonStream(InputStream configStream) throws InvalidArgumentException, ChaincodeCollectionConfigurationException { logger.trace("ChaincodeCollectionConfiguration.fromJsonStream..."); // Sanity check if (configStream == null) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("configStream must be specified"); } // Read the input stream and convert to JSON try (JsonReader reader = Json.createReader(configStream)) { return fromJsonObject((JsonArray); } } /** * Creates a new ChaincodeCollectionConfiguration instance configured with details supplied in a JSON object * * @param jsonConfig JSON object containing network configuration details * @return A new ChaincodeCollectionConfiguration instance * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public static ChaincodeCollectionConfiguration fromJsonObject(JsonArray jsonConfig) throws InvalidArgumentException, ChaincodeCollectionConfigurationException { // Sanity check if (jsonConfig == null) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("jsonConfig must be specified"); } if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace(format("ChaincodeCollectionConfiguration.fromJsonObject: %s", jsonConfig.toString())); } return load(jsonConfig); } /* public void setCollectionConfigPackage(Collection.CollectionConfigPackage collectionConfigPackage) { this.collectionConfigPackage = collectionConfigPackage; } */ public static ChaincodeCollectionConfiguration fromCollectionConfigPackage( Collection.CollectionConfigPackage collectionConfigPackage) throws InvalidArgumentException { // Sanity check if (collectionConfigPackage == null) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("collectionConfigPackage must be specified"); } return new ChaincodeCollectionConfiguration(collectionConfigPackage); } // Loads a ChaincodeCollectionConfiguration object from a Json or Yaml file private static ChaincodeCollectionConfiguration fromFile(File configFile, boolean isJson) throws InvalidArgumentException, IOException, ChaincodeCollectionConfigurationException { // Sanity check if (configFile == null) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("configFile must be specified"); } if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace(format("ChaincodeCollectionConfiguration.fromFile: %s isJson = %b", configFile.getAbsolutePath(), isJson)); } // Json file try (InputStream stream = new FileInputStream(configFile)) { return isJson ? fromJsonStream(stream) : fromYamlStream(stream); } } /** * Returns a new ChaincodeCollectionConfiguration instance and populates it from the specified JSON object * * @param jsonConfig The JSON object containing the config details * @return A populated ChaincodeCollectionConfiguration instance * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ private static ChaincodeCollectionConfiguration load(JsonArray jsonConfig) throws InvalidArgumentException, ChaincodeCollectionConfigurationException { // Sanity check if (jsonConfig == null) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("jsonConfig must be specified"); } return new ChaincodeCollectionConfiguration(jsonConfig); } Collection.CollectionConfigPackage parse(JsonArray jsonConfig) throws ChaincodeCollectionConfigurationException { Collection.CollectionConfigPackage.Builder colcofbuilder = Collection.CollectionConfigPackage.newBuilder(); for (int i = jsonConfig.size() - 1; i > -1; --i) { Collection.StaticCollectionConfig.Builder ssc = Collection.StaticCollectionConfig.newBuilder(); JsonValue j = jsonConfig.get(i); if (j.getValueType() != JsonValue.ValueType.OBJECT) { throw new ChaincodeCollectionConfigurationException(format( "Expected StaticCollectionConfig to be Object type but got: %s", j.getValueType().name())); } JsonObject jsonObject = j.asJsonObject(); JsonObject scf = getJsonObject(jsonObject, "StaticCollectionConfig"); // oneof .. may have different values in the future ssc.setName(getJsonString(scf, "name")).setBlockToLive(getJsonLong(scf, "blockToLive")) .setMaximumPeerCount(getJsonInt(scf, "maximumPeerCount")) .setMemberOrgsPolicy(Collection.CollectionPolicyConfig.newBuilder() .setSignaturePolicy(parseSignaturePolicyEnvelope(scf)).build()) .setRequiredPeerCount(getJsonInt(scf, "requiredPeerCount")); colcofbuilder .addConfig(Collection.CollectionConfig.newBuilder().setStaticCollectionConfig(ssc).build()); } return; } private Policies.SignaturePolicyEnvelope parseSignaturePolicyEnvelope(JsonObject scf) throws ChaincodeCollectionConfigurationException { JsonObject signaturePolicyEnvelope = getJsonObject(scf, "SignaturePolicyEnvelope"); // oneof IndexedHashMap<String, MSPPrincipal> identities = parseIdentities( getJsonArray(signaturePolicyEnvelope, "identities")); SignaturePolicy sp = parsePolicy(identities, getJsonObject(signaturePolicyEnvelope, "policy")); return Policies.SignaturePolicyEnvelope.newBuilder().addAllIdentities(identities.values()).setRule(sp) .build(); // .setVersion(getJsonInt(signaturePolicyEnvelope, "version")).addAllIdentities(identities.values()).setRule(sp).build(); } private SignaturePolicy parsePolicy(IndexedHashMap<String, MSPPrincipal> identities, JsonObject policy) throws ChaincodeCollectionConfigurationException { if (policy.size() != 1) { throw new ChaincodeCollectionConfigurationException( format("Expected policy size of 1 but got %d", policy.size())); } final String key = policy.entrySet().iterator().next().getKey(); if ("signed-by".equals(key)) { final String vo = getJsonString(policy, key); MSPPrincipal mspPrincipal = identities.get(vo); if (null == mspPrincipal) { throw new ChaincodeCollectionConfigurationException( format("No identity found by name %s in signed-by.", vo)); } return SignaturePolicy.newBuilder().setSignedBy(identities.getKeysIndex(vo)).build(); } else { Matcher match = noofPattern.matcher(key); final JsonArray vo = getJsonArray(policy, key); if (match.matches() && match.groupCount() == 1) { String matchStingNo =; int matchNo = Integer.parseInt(matchStingNo); if (vo.size() < matchNo) { throw new ChaincodeCollectionConfigurationException( format("%s expected to have at least %d items to match but only found %d.", key, matchNo, vo.size())); } SignaturePolicy.NOutOf.Builder spBuilder = SignaturePolicy.NOutOf.newBuilder().setN(matchNo); for (int i = vo.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { JsonValue jsonValue = vo.get(i); if (jsonValue.getValueType() != JsonValue.ValueType.OBJECT) { throw new ChaincodeCollectionConfigurationException( format("Expected object type in Nof but got %s", jsonValue.getValueType().name())); } SignaturePolicy sp = parsePolicy(identities, jsonValue.asJsonObject()); spBuilder.addRules(sp); } return SignaturePolicy.newBuilder().setNOutOf(; } else { throw new ChaincodeCollectionConfigurationException(format("Unsupported policy type %s", key)); } } } private IndexedHashMap<String, MSPPrincipal> parseIdentities(JsonArray identities) throws ChaincodeCollectionConfigurationException { IndexedHashMap<String, MSPPrincipal> ret = new IndexedHashMap<>(); for (JsonValue jsonValue : identities) { if (jsonValue.getValueType() != JsonValue.ValueType.OBJECT) { throw new ChaincodeCollectionConfigurationException( format("Expected in identies user to be Object type but got: %s", jsonValue.getValueType().name())); } JsonObject user = jsonValue.asJsonObject(); if (user.entrySet().size() != 1) { throw new ChaincodeCollectionConfigurationException( "Only expected on property for user entry in identies."); } Map.Entry<String, JsonValue> next = user.entrySet().iterator().next(); String name = next.getKey(); jsonValue = next.getValue(); if (jsonValue.getValueType() != JsonValue.ValueType.OBJECT) { throw new ChaincodeCollectionConfigurationException( format("Expected in identies role to be Object type but got: %s", jsonValue.getValueType().name())); } JsonObject role = jsonValue.asJsonObject(); JsonObject roleObj = getJsonObject(role, "role"); String roleName = getJsonString(roleObj, "name"); String mspId = getJsonString(roleObj, "mspId"); MSPRole.MSPRoleType mspRoleType; switch (roleName.intern()) { case "member": mspRoleType = MSPRole.MSPRoleType.MEMBER; break; case "admin": mspRoleType = MSPRole.MSPRoleType.ADMIN; break; case "client": mspRoleType = MSPRole.MSPRoleType.CLIENT; break; case "peer": mspRoleType = MSPRole.MSPRoleType.PEER; break; default: throw new ChaincodeCollectionConfigurationException(format( "In identities with key %s name expected member, admin, client, or peer in role got %s ", name, roleName)); } MSPRole mspRole = MSPRole.newBuilder().setRole(mspRoleType).setMspIdentifier(mspId).build(); MSPPrincipal principal = MSPPrincipal.newBuilder() .setPrincipalClassification(MSPPrincipal.Classification.ROLE) .setPrincipal(mspRole.toByteString()).build(); ret.put(name, principal); } return ret; } private static JsonObject getJsonObject(JsonObject obj, String prop) throws ChaincodeCollectionConfigurationException { JsonValue ret = obj.get(prop); if (ret == null) { throw new ChaincodeCollectionConfigurationException(format("property %s missing", prop)); } if (ret.getValueType() != JsonValue.ValueType.OBJECT) { throw new ChaincodeCollectionConfigurationException( format("property %s wrong type expected object got %s", prop, ret.getValueType().name())); } return ret.asJsonObject(); } private static JsonArray getJsonArray(JsonObject obj, String prop) throws ChaincodeCollectionConfigurationException { JsonValue ret = obj.get(prop); if (ret == null) { throw new ChaincodeCollectionConfigurationException(format("property %s missing", prop)); } if (ret.getValueType() != JsonValue.ValueType.ARRAY) { throw new ChaincodeCollectionConfigurationException( format("property %s wrong type expected array got %s", prop, ret.getValueType().name())); } return ret.asJsonArray(); } private static String getJsonString(JsonObject obj, String prop) throws ChaincodeCollectionConfigurationException { JsonValue ret = obj.get(prop); if (ret == null) { throw new ChaincodeCollectionConfigurationException(format("property %s missing", prop)); } if (ret.getValueType() != JsonValue.ValueType.STRING) { throw new ChaincodeCollectionConfigurationException( format("property %s wrong type expected string got %s", prop, ret.getValueType().name())); } return obj.getString(prop); } private static long getJsonLong(JsonObject obj, String prop) throws ChaincodeCollectionConfigurationException { JsonValue ret = obj.get(prop); if (ret == null) { throw new ChaincodeCollectionConfigurationException(format("property %s missing", prop)); } if (ret.getValueType() != JsonValue.ValueType.NUMBER) { throw new ChaincodeCollectionConfigurationException( format("property %s wrong type expected number got %s", prop, ret.getValueType().name())); } return Long.parseLong(ret.toString()); } private static int getJsonInt(JsonObject obj, String prop) throws ChaincodeCollectionConfigurationException { JsonValue ret = obj.get(prop); if (ret == null) { throw new ChaincodeCollectionConfigurationException(format("property %s missing", prop)); } if (ret.getValueType() != JsonValue.ValueType.NUMBER) { throw new ChaincodeCollectionConfigurationException( format("property %s wrong type expected number got %s", prop, ret.getValueType().name())); } return Integer.parseInt(ret.toString()); } private static class IndexedHashMap<K, V> extends LinkedHashMap<K, V> { final HashMap<K, Integer> kmap = new HashMap<>(); @Override public V put(K key, V value) { kmap.put(key, size()); return super.put(key, value); } Integer getKeysIndex(String n) { return kmap.get(n); } } }