Java tutorial
/* * CDDL HEADER START * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at license/HYPERIMAGE.LICENSE * or * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each * file and include the License file at license/HYPERIMAGE.LICENSE. * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] * * CDDL HEADER END */ /* * Copyright 2006-2009 Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin * All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. */ /* * Copyright 2014 Leuphana Universitt Lneburg * All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. */ package; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardAnalyzer; import org.apache.lucene.document.Document; import org.apache.lucene.document.Field; import org.apache.lucene.document.Field.Index; import org.apache.lucene.document.Field.Store; import org.apache.lucene.index.CorruptIndexException; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter; import org.apache.lucene.index.Term; import org.apache.lucene.index.TermDocs; import org.apache.lucene.queryParser.ParseException; import org.apache.lucene.queryParser.QueryParser; import; import; import; import; import org.hyperimage.service.model.HIBase; import org.hyperimage.service.model.HIFlexMetadataSet; import org.hyperimage.service.model.HIFlexMetadataTemplate; import org.hyperimage.service.model.HILanguage; import org.hyperimage.service.model.HILightTable; import org.hyperimage.service.model.HIObject; import org.hyperimage.service.model.HIProject; import org.hyperimage.service.model.HIRichText; import org.hyperimage.service.model.HIURL; import org.hyperimage.service.util.MetadataHelper; /** * DEBUG This class is experimental. NO exception handling is taking place. * This is a proof of concept to include Lucene search capability in HyperImage. * Class: HIIndexer * Package: * @author Jens-Martin Loebel * */ public class HIIndexer { private IndexWriter hiWriter; private String directoryLocation; public HIIndexer(String directoryLocation) { this.directoryLocation = directoryLocation; if (!this.directoryLocation.endsWith("/")) this.directoryLocation = this.directoryLocation + "/"; } public Vector<Long> simpleSearch(String text, HIProject project, String language) { Vector<Long> results = new Vector<Long>(); HIHitCollector collector = new HIHitCollector(); QueryParser parser = new QueryParser("all", new StandardAnalyzer()); try { prepDir(project); Query query = parser.parse("all." + language + ":\"" + text + "\""); IndexSearcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(getDir(project));, collector); IndexReader reader =; for (int doc : collector.getDocs()) { long baseID = Long.parseLong(reader.document(doc).get("id")); if (!results.contains(baseID)) results.addElement(baseID); } searcher.close(); reader.close(); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (CorruptIndexException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return results; } public Vector<Long> fieldSearch(List<String> fields, List<String> contents, HIProject project, String language) { Vector<Long> results = new Vector<Long>(); HIHitCollector collector = new HIHitCollector(); QueryParser parser = new QueryParser("all", new StandardAnalyzer()); String queryString = ""; for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) { // sanitize user input String field = fields.get(i); String content = contents.get(i); field = field.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9.]", ""); content = content.replaceAll("\"", "\\\\\""); // convert displayable ids to DB id for id search if (field.equalsIgnoreCase("id")) content = content.replaceAll("[^0-9]", ""); if (!field.equalsIgnoreCase("project")) { if (queryString.length() > 0) queryString = queryString + " AND "; if (field.equalsIgnoreCase("id")) // dont add language to id search queryString = queryString + field + ":\"" + content + "\""; else queryString = queryString + field + "." + language + ":\"" + content + "\""; } } queryString = queryString.trim(); if (queryString.length() == 0) return results; try { prepDir(project); Query query = parser.parse(queryString); IndexSearcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(getDir(project));, collector); IndexReader reader =; for (int doc : collector.getDocs()) { long baseID = Long.parseLong(reader.document(doc).get("id")); if (!results.contains(baseID)) results.addElement(baseID); } searcher.close(); reader.close(); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (CorruptIndexException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return results; } public void storeElement(HIBase base, HIProject project) { if (base == null) return; Document baseDoc = getOrCreateDocument(base, project); String all; // store base id addOrUpdateField(baseDoc, "id", Long.toString(base.getId()), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED); // store base type addOrUpdateField(baseDoc, "type", base.getClass().getName(), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED); for (HILanguage lang : project.getLanguages()) { all = ""; if (base instanceof HIURL) { /* ***** * handle urls * *****/ HIURL url = (HIURL) base; addOrUpdateField(baseDoc, "url." + lang.getLanguageId(), url.getUrl(), Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED); all = all + " " + url.getUrl(); addOrUpdateField(baseDoc, "lastAccess." + lang.getLanguageId(), HIRichText.getPlainTextModel(url.getLastAccess())); all = all + " " + HIRichText.getPlainTextModel(url.getLastAccess()); } else if (base instanceof HILightTable) { /* ***** * handle light tables * *****/ HILightTable lightTable = (HILightTable) base; addOrUpdateField(baseDoc, "title." + lang.getLanguageId(), lightTable.getTitle()); all = all + " " + lightTable.getTitle(); addOrUpdateField(baseDoc, "lastAccess." + lang.getLanguageId(), lightTable.getXml()); all = all + " " + lightTable.getXml(); } else if (!(base instanceof HIObject)) { /* ***** * handle base fields * *****/ HIFlexMetadataTemplate template = null; for (HIFlexMetadataTemplate projTemplate : project.getTemplates()) if (projTemplate.getNamespacePrefix().compareTo("HIBase") == 0) template = projTemplate; if (template != null) { for (HIFlexMetadataSet set : template.getEntries()) { String value; value = MetadataHelper.findValue(template, set.getTagname(), MetadataHelper.getDefaultMetadataRecord(base, lang)); if (set.isRichText()) value = HIRichText.getPlainTextModel(value); addOrUpdateField(baseDoc, "HIBase." + set.getTagname() + "." + lang.getLanguageId(), value); all = all + " " + value; } } } else { /* ***** * handle objects * *****/ for (HIFlexMetadataTemplate template : project.getTemplates()) for (HIFlexMetadataSet set : template.getEntries()) { String value; value = MetadataHelper.findValue(template, set.getTagname(), MetadataHelper.getDefaultMetadataRecord(base, lang)); if (set.isRichText()) value = HIRichText.getPlainTextModel(value); addOrUpdateField(baseDoc, template.getNamespacePrefix() + "." + set.getTagname() + "." + lang.getLanguageId(), value); all = all + " " + value; } } // store the all field all = all.trim(); addOrUpdateField(baseDoc, "all." + lang.getLanguageId(), all); } // store document in index try { prepDir(project); hiWriter = new IndexWriter(getDir(project), new StandardAnalyzer(), IndexWriter.MaxFieldLength.UNLIMITED); hiWriter.updateDocument(new Term("id", Long.toString(base.getId())), baseDoc); hiWriter.expungeDeletes(); hiWriter.commit(); hiWriter.close(true); } catch (CorruptIndexException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e2) { e2.printStackTrace(); } } public void removeElement(HIBase base, HIProject project) { if (base == null) return; try { prepDir(project); hiWriter = new IndexWriter(getDir(project), new StandardAnalyzer(), IndexWriter.MaxFieldLength.UNLIMITED); hiWriter.deleteDocuments(new Term("id", Long.toString(base.getId()))); hiWriter.commit(); hiWriter.expungeDeletes(); hiWriter.close(true); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void initIndex(HIProject project) { prepDir(project); try { if (IndexWriter.isLocked(getDir(project))) IndexWriter.unlock(FSDirectory.getDirectory(getDir(project))); hiWriter = new IndexWriter(getDir(project), new StandardAnalyzer(), true, IndexWriter.MaxFieldLength.UNLIMITED); hiWriter.commit(); hiWriter.close(true); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void removeIndex(HIProject project) throws IOException { remDir(project); } private Document getOrCreateDocument(HIBase base, HIProject project) { Document baseDoc = null; try { prepDir(project); IndexReader reader =; TermDocs docs = reader.termDocs(new Term("id", Long.toString(base.getId()))); if ( baseDoc = reader.document(docs.doc()); else baseDoc = new Document(); reader.close(); } catch (CorruptIndexException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return baseDoc; } private void addOrUpdateField(Document document, String key, String value, Store store, Index analyze) { if (value == null) value = ""; Field field = document.getField(key); if (field == null) document.add(new Field(key, value, store, analyze)); else field.setValue(value); } private void addOrUpdateField(Document document, String key, String value) { addOrUpdateField(document, key, value, Field.Store.NO, Field.Index.ANALYZED); } private String getDir(HIProject project) { return directoryLocation + "P" + project.getId() + File.separator + "search"; } private boolean prepDir(HIProject project) { File dir = new File(getDir(project)); if (!dir.exists()) dir.mkdir(); if (!dir.exists()) return false; if (!IndexReader.indexExists(getDir(project))) { // create index try { hiWriter = new IndexWriter(getDir(project), new StandardAnalyzer(), true, IndexWriter.MaxFieldLength.UNLIMITED); hiWriter.commit(); hiWriter.close(true); } catch (CorruptIndexException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (LockObtainFailedException e2) { e2.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e3) { e3.printStackTrace(); } } return true; } private boolean remDir(HIProject project) throws IOException { File dir = new File(directoryLocation + "P" + project.getId()); boolean result = false; if (dir.exists()) { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(dir); result = true; } return result; } }