Java tutorial
/** * NOTE: This copyright does *not* cover user programs that use HQ * program services by normal system calls through the application * program interfaces provided as part of the Hyperic Plug-in Development * Kit or the Hyperic Client Development Kit - this is merely considered * normal use of the program, and does *not* fall under the heading of * "derived work". * * Copyright (C) [2009-2010], VMware, Inc. * This file is part of HQ. * * HQ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed * in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without * even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA. * */ package org.hyperic.hq.appdef.server.session; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.annotation.PreDestroy; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.hibernate.SessionFactory; import org.hibernate.engine.SessionFactoryImplementor; import org.hyperic.hibernate.dialect.HQDialect; import org.hyperic.hq.appdef.shared.AppdefEntityConstants; import org.hyperic.hq.appdef.shared.AppdefEntityID; import org.hyperic.hq.appdef.shared.AppdefEntityNotFoundException; import org.hyperic.hq.appdef.shared.AppdefEntityValue; import org.hyperic.hq.appdef.shared.AppdefGroupValue; import org.hyperic.hq.authz.server.session.AuthzSubject; import org.hyperic.hq.authz.shared.AuthzConstants; import org.hyperic.hq.authz.shared.PermissionException; import org.hyperic.hq.bizapp.shared.uibeans.ResourceTreeNode; import org.hyperic.util.jdbc.DBUtil; import org.hyperic.util.timer.StopWatch; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.PreparedStatementCreator; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.ResultSetExtractor; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.RowCallbackHandler; import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; @Repository public class AppdefStatDAO { private static final String TBL_GROUP = "EAM_RESOURCE_GROUP"; private static final String TBL_PLATFORM = "EAM_PLATFORM"; private static final String TBL_SERVICE = "EAM_SERVICE"; private static final String TBL_SERVER = "EAM_SERVER"; private static final String TBL_APP = "EAM_APPLICATION"; private static final String TBL_RES = "EAM_RESOURCE"; private static final String PLATFORM_RES_TYPE = AuthzConstants.platformResType; private static final String PLATFORM_OP_VIEW_PLATFORM = AuthzConstants.platformOpViewPlatform; private static final String SERVER_RES_TYPE = AuthzConstants.serverResType; private static final String SERVER_OP_VIEW_SERVER = AuthzConstants.serverOpViewServer; private static final String SERVICE_RES_TYPE = AuthzConstants.serviceResType; private static final String SERVICE_OP_VIEW_SERVICE = AuthzConstants.serviceOpViewService; private static final String APPLICATION_RES_TYPE = AuthzConstants.applicationResType; private static final String APPLICATION_OP_VIEW_APPLICATION = AuthzConstants.appOpViewApplication; private static final String GROUP_RES_TYPE = AuthzConstants.groupResType; private static final String GROUP_OP_VIEW_RESOURCE_GROUP = AuthzConstants.groupOpViewResourceGroup; private static final int APPDEF_TYPE_SERVER = AppdefEntityConstants.APPDEF_TYPE_SERVER; private static final int APPDEF_TYPE_SERVICE = AppdefEntityConstants.APPDEF_TYPE_SERVICE; private static final int APPDEF_TYPE_PLATFORM = AppdefEntityConstants.APPDEF_TYPE_PLATFORM; private static final int APPDEF_TYPE_GROUP = AppdefEntityConstants.APPDEF_TYPE_GROUP; protected JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate; private SessionFactory sessionFactory; protected final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(AppdefStatDAO.class); @Autowired public AppdefStatDAO(JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate, SessionFactory sessionFactory) { this.jdbcTemplate = jdbcTemplate; this.sessionFactory = sessionFactory; } @PreDestroy public final void destroy() { this.jdbcTemplate = null; this.sessionFactory = null; }//EOM public ResourceTreeNode[] getNavMapDataForPlatform(AuthzSubject subject, final Platform plat) throws SQLException { final ResourceTreeNode aPlatformNode = new ResourceTreeNode(plat.getName(), getAppdefTypeLabel(APPDEF_TYPE_PLATFORM, plat.getAppdefResourceType().getName()), plat.getEntityId(), ResourceTreeNode.RESOURCE); String falseStr = DBUtil.getBooleanValue(false, jdbcTemplate.getDataSource().getConnection()); StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append("SELECT svr_svrt_svc_svct.server_id, ").append("svr_svrt_svc_svct.server_name, ") .append(" svr_svrt_svc_svct.server_type_id, ").append("svr_svrt_svc_svct.server_type_name, ") .append(" svr_svrt_svc_svct.service_id, ").append("svr_svrt_svc_svct.service_name, ") .append(" svr_svrt_svc_svct.service_type_id, ").append("svr_svrt_svc_svct.service_type_name ") .append("FROM (SELECT as application_id, ").append("appsvc.service_id as service_id ") .append(" FROM EAM_APP_SERVICE appsvc "); if (isOracle8()) { buf.append(", ").append(TBL_APP).append(" app ") .append("WHERE AND EXISTS (") .append(getResourceTypeSQL("", subject.getId(), APPLICATION_RES_TYPE, APPLICATION_OP_VIEW_APPLICATION)) .append(") ) app_appsvc, "); } else { buf.append("RIGHT JOIN ").append(TBL_APP).append(" app ON ") .append("WHERE EXISTS (").append(getResourceTypeSQL("", subject.getId(), APPLICATION_RES_TYPE, APPLICATION_OP_VIEW_APPLICATION)) .append(") ) app_appsvc RIGHT JOIN "); } buf.append("(SELECT svr_svrt.server_id, ").append("svr_svrt.server_name, ") .append(" svr_svrt.server_type_id, ").append("svr_svrt.server_type_name, ") .append(" svc_svct.service_id, ").append("svc_svct.service_name, ") .append(" svc_svct.service_type_id, ").append("svc_svct.service_type_name ") .append(" FROM ( SELECT as service_id, ") .append(" as service_name, ") .append(" as service_type_id, ") .append(" as service_type_name,") .append(" svc.server_id as server_id ").append(" FROM ").append(TBL_SERVICE) .append("_TYPE svct, ").append(TBL_SERVICE).append(" svc ").append(" JOIN " + TBL_RES) .append(" res2 ON svc.resource_id = ").append(" WHERE ") .append(" AND EXISTS (") .append(getResourceTypeSQL("", subject.getId(), SERVICE_RES_TYPE, SERVICE_OP_VIEW_SERVICE)) .append(") ) svc_svct "); if (isOracle8()) { buf.append(","); } else { buf.append(" RIGHT JOIN"); } buf.append(" ( SELECT as server_id, ").append(" as server_name, ") .append(" as server_type_id,") .append(" as server_type_name ").append(" FROM ") .append(TBL_SERVER).append("_TYPE svrt, ").append(TBL_SERVER).append(" svr ") .append(" JOIN " + TBL_RES).append(" res1 ON svr.resource_id = ") .append(" WHERE svr.platform_id=").append(plat.getId()) // exclude virtual server types from the navMap .append(" AND svrt.fvirtual = " + falseStr) .append(" AND ") .append(" AND EXISTS (") .append(getResourceTypeSQL("", subject.getId(), SERVER_RES_TYPE, SERVER_OP_VIEW_SERVER)) .append(") ) svr_svrt "); if (isOracle8()) { buf.append(" WHERE svr_svrt.server_id=svc_svct.server_id(+)").append(" ) svr_svrt_svc_svct ") .append("WHERE svr_svrt_svc_svct.service_id=app_appsvc.service_id(+)"); } else { buf.append(" ON svr_svrt.server_id=svc_svct.server_id ").append(" ) svr_svrt_svc_svct ") .append("ON svr_svrt_svc_svct.service_id=app_appsvc.service_id "); } buf.append(" ORDER BY svr_svrt_svc_svct.server_id, ").append("svr_svrt_svc_svct.server_type_id, ") .append(" svr_svrt_svc_svct.service_id, ").append("svr_svrt_svc_svct.service_type_id "); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(buf.toString()); } ResourceTreeNode[] platformNode = this.jdbcTemplate.query(buf.toString(), new ResultSetExtractor<ResourceTreeNode[]>() { public ResourceTreeNode[] extractData(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { final Set<ResourceTreeNode> servers = new HashSet<ResourceTreeNode>(); final Set<ResourceTreeNode> services = new HashSet<ResourceTreeNode>(); while ( { int thisSvrId = rs.getInt(1); String thisServerName = rs.getString(2); int thisServerTypeId = rs.getInt(3); String thisServerTypeName = rs.getString(4); int thisSvcId = rs.getInt(5); String thisServiceName = rs.getString(6); int thisServiceTypeId = rs.getInt(7); String thisServiceTypeName = rs.getString(8); if (thisServerTypeName != null) { servers.add(new ResourceTreeNode(thisServerName, getAppdefTypeLabel(APPDEF_TYPE_SERVER, thisServerTypeName), AppdefEntityID.newServerID(new Integer(thisSvrId)), plat.getEntityId(), thisServerTypeId)); } if (thisServiceTypeName != null) { services.add(new ResourceTreeNode(thisServiceName, getAppdefTypeLabel(APPDEF_TYPE_SERVICE, thisServiceTypeName), AppdefEntityID.newServiceID(new Integer(thisSvcId)), AppdefEntityID.newServerID(new Integer(thisSvrId)), thisServiceTypeId)); } } // XXX Leave out service data No current way to represent it // (ResourceTreeNode[]) serviceMap.values() // .toArray(new ResourceTreeNode[0]); aPlatformNode.setSelected(true); ResourceTreeNode[] svrNodes = servers.toArray(new ResourceTreeNode[0]); ResourceTreeNode.alphaSortNodes(svrNodes, true); aPlatformNode.addUpChildren(svrNodes); return new ResourceTreeNode[] { aPlatformNode }; } }); return platformNode; } public ResourceTreeNode[] getNavMapDataForServer(AuthzSubject subject, final Server server) throws SQLException { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append("SELECT svc_svct_svr_plat.platform_id, ").append("svc_svct_svr_plat.platform_name, ") .append(" svc_svct_svr_plat.platform_type_id, ") .append("svc_svct_svr_plat.platform_type_name, ").append(" svc_svct_svr_plat.service_id, ") .append("svc_svct_svr_plat.service_name, ").append(" svc_svct_svr_plat.service_type_id, ") .append("svc_svct_svr_plat.service_type_name ").append("FROM (SELECT as application_id, ") .append("appsvc.service_id as service_id ").append(" FROM EAM_APP_SERVICE appsvc "); if (isOracle()) { buf.append(" , ").append(TBL_APP).append(" app ") .append("WHERE AND EXISTS (") .append(getResourceTypeSQL("", subject.getId(), APPLICATION_RES_TYPE, APPLICATION_OP_VIEW_APPLICATION)) .append(") ) app_appsvc, "); } else { buf.append(" RIGHT JOIN ").append(TBL_APP).append(" app ON ") .append(" WHERE EXISTS (").append(getResourceTypeSQL("", subject.getId(), APPLICATION_RES_TYPE, APPLICATION_OP_VIEW_APPLICATION)) .append(") ) app_appsvc RIGHT JOIN "); } buf.append(" (SELECT svc_svct.service_id, ").append("svc_svct.service_name, ") .append(" svc_svct.service_type_id, ").append("svc_svct.service_type_name, ") .append(" as platform_id, ").append(" as platform_name, ") .append(" as platform_type_id, ").append(" as platform_type_name ") .append(" FROM (SELECT as service_id, ") .append(" as service_name, ") .append(" as service_type_id,") .append(" as service_type_name,") .append(" svc.server_id as server_id ").append(" FROM ").append(TBL_SERVICE) .append("_TYPE svct, ").append(TBL_SERVICE).append(" svc ").append(" JOIN " + TBL_RES) .append(" res2 ON svc.resource_id = ") .append(" WHERE AND EXISTS (") .append(getResourceTypeSQL("", subject.getId(), SERVICE_RES_TYPE, SERVICE_OP_VIEW_SERVICE)) .append(") ) svc_svct "); if (isOracle()) { buf.append(" ," + TBL_SERVER + " svr, "); } else { buf.append(" RIGHT JOIN " + TBL_SERVER + " svr ").append("ON, "); } buf.append(TBL_PLATFORM).append("_TYPE platt, ").append(TBL_PLATFORM).append(" plat JOIN ").append(TBL_RES) .append(" res0 ON plat.resource_id =").append(" WHERE").append(server.getId()) .append(" AND ") .append(" AND AND EXISTS (").append(getResourceTypeSQL("", subject.getId(), PLATFORM_RES_TYPE, PLATFORM_OP_VIEW_PLATFORM)) .append(") "); if (isOracle()) { buf.append(" AND ").append(" ) svc_svct_svr_plat ") .append(" WHERE svc_svct_svr_plat.service_id=app_appsvc.service_id(+)"); } else { buf.append(" ) svc_svct_svr_plat ").append(" ON svc_svct_svr_plat.service_id=app_appsvc.service_id "); } buf.append("order by service_type_id "); StopWatch timer = new StopWatch(); final Map<Integer, ResourceTreeNode> serviceMap = new HashMap<Integer, ResourceTreeNode>(); final ResourceTreeNode aServerNode = new ResourceTreeNode(server.getName(), getAppdefTypeLabel(server.getEntityId().getType(), server.getAppdefResourceType().getName()), server.getEntityId(), ResourceTreeNode.RESOURCE); ResourceTreeNode[] serverNode = this.jdbcTemplate.query(buf.toString(), new ResultSetExtractor<ResourceTreeNode[]>() { public ResourceTreeNode[] extractData(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { int thisPlatId = 0; ResourceTreeNode aPlatformNode = null; while ( { if (thisPlatId == 0) { thisPlatId = rs.getInt(1); String thisPlatformName = rs.getString(2); int thisPlatformTypeId = rs.getInt(3); String thisPlatformTypeName = rs.getString(4); aPlatformNode = new ResourceTreeNode(thisPlatformName, getAppdefTypeLabel(APPDEF_TYPE_PLATFORM, thisPlatformTypeName), AppdefEntityID.newPlatformID(new Integer(thisPlatId)), (AppdefEntityID) null, thisPlatformTypeId); } int thisSvcId = rs.getInt(5); String thisServiceName = rs.getString(6); int thisServiceTypeId = rs.getInt(7); String thisServiceTypeName = rs.getString(8); if (thisServiceName != null) { serviceMap.put(new Integer(thisSvcId), new ResourceTreeNode(thisServiceName, getAppdefTypeLabel(APPDEF_TYPE_SERVICE, thisServiceTypeName), AppdefEntityID.newServiceID(new Integer(thisSvcId)), server.getEntityId(), thisServiceTypeId)); } } aServerNode.setSelected(true); ResourceTreeNode[] services = serviceMap.values().toArray(new ResourceTreeNode[0]); ResourceTreeNode.alphaSortNodes(services, true); aServerNode.addUpChildren(services); // aPlatformNode can be null if user is unauthz if (aPlatformNode != null) { aServerNode.addDownChild(aPlatformNode); } return new ResourceTreeNode[] { aServerNode }; } }); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("getNavMapDataForServer() executed in: " + timer); log.debug("SQL: " + buf); } return serverNode; } public ResourceTreeNode[] getNavMapDataForService(AuthzSubject subject, final Service service) throws SQLException { final String trueStr = DBUtil.getBooleanValue(true, jdbcTemplate.getDataSource().getConnection()); StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append("SELECT plat.platform_id, ").append("platform_name, ").append(" platform_type_name, ") .append("asvc_svr.server_id, ").append(" asvc_svr.server_name, ") .append("asvc_svr.server_type_name, ").append(" asvc_svr.application_id, ") .append("asvc_svr.application_name, ").append(" asvc_svr.application_type_name, ") .append("fvirtual ") .append("FROM (SELECT as platform_id, " + " as platform_name, " + " as platform_type_name " + "FROM " + TBL_PLATFORM + "_TYPE platt, " + TBL_PLATFORM + " plat JOIN " + TBL_RES + " res0 ON plat.resource_id = " + "WHERE AND " + " EXISTS (") .append(getResourceTypeSQL("", subject.getId(), PLATFORM_RES_TYPE, PLATFORM_OP_VIEW_PLATFORM)) .append(")) plat "); if (isOracle8()) { buf.append(", "); } else { buf.append("RIGHT JOIN "); } buf.append("( SELECT asvc.application_id, ").append("asvc.application_name, ") .append(" asvc.application_type_name, ").append(" as server_id, ") .append(" as server_name, ").append(" as server_type_name, ") .append(" svr.platform_id, fvirtual ").append(" FROM ").append(TBL_RES) .append(" res1 JOIN ").append(TBL_SERVER).append(" svr ON = svr.resource_id "); if (isOracle8()) { buf.append(" , "); } else { buf.append(" RIGHT JOIN "); } buf.append(" (SELECT app_appsvc.application_id, ").append("app_appsvc.application_name, ") .append(" app_appsvc.application_type_name, ").append("svc.server_id as server_id ") .append(" FROM (SELECT as application_id, ").append(" as application_name, ") .append(" as application_type_name, ") .append(" appsvc.service_id as service_id ") .append(" FROM EAM_APP_SERVICE appsvc "); if (isOracle8()) { buf.append(" , ").append(TBL_APP).append(" app, EAM_APPLICATION_TYPE, ").append(TBL_RES).append(" r ") .append(" WHERE ") .append(" AND ") .append(" AND app.resource_id = AND EXISTS (") .append(getResourceTypeSQL("", subject.getId(), APPLICATION_RES_TYPE, APPLICATION_OP_VIEW_APPLICATION)) .append(") ) app_appsvc, ").append(TBL_SERVICE) .append(" svc WHERE AND").append(service.getId()) .append(") asvc "); } else { buf.append(" RIGHT JOIN ").append(TBL_APP).append(" app ON ") .append(" RIGHT JOIN ").append(TBL_RES).append(" r ON app.resource_id =, ") .append(" EAM_APPLICATION_TYPE ") .append(" WHERE ").append(" AND EXISTS (") .append(getResourceTypeSQL("", subject.getId(), APPLICATION_RES_TYPE, APPLICATION_OP_VIEW_APPLICATION)) .append(") ) app_appsvc RIGHT JOIN ").append(TBL_SERVICE) .append(" svc ON ").append(" WHERE") .append(service.getId()).append(") asvc "); } if (isOracle8()) { buf.append(" , ").append(TBL_SERVER).append("_TYPE svrt ").append(" WHERE ") .append(" AND ").append(" AND (fvirtual = ").append(trueStr) .append(" OR EXISTS (") .append(getResourceTypeSQL("", subject.getId(), SERVER_RES_TYPE, SERVER_OP_VIEW_SERVER)) .append(")) ) asvc_svr, ").append(TBL_PLATFORM + "_TYPE platt ") .append("WHERE ") .append(" AND AND EXISTS (") .append(getResourceTypeSQL("", subject.getId(), PLATFORM_RES_TYPE, PLATFORM_OP_VIEW_PLATFORM)) .append(") "); } else { buf.append(" ON, ").append(TBL_SERVER).append("_TYPE svrt ") .append(" WHERE ").append(" AND (fvirtual = ").append(trueStr) .append(" OR EXISTS (") .append(getResourceTypeSQL("", subject.getId(), SERVER_RES_TYPE, SERVER_OP_VIEW_SERVER)) .append(")) ) asvc_svr ").append(" ON asvc_svr.platform_id = plat.platform_id"); } StopWatch timer = new StopWatch(); ResourceTreeNode[] serviceNode = this.jdbcTemplate.query(buf.toString(), new ResultSetExtractor<ResourceTreeNode[]>() { public ResourceTreeNode[] extractData(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { ResourceTreeNode aPlatformNode = null; ResourceTreeNode aServerNode = null; ResourceTreeNode aServiceNode = new ResourceTreeNode(service.getName(), getAppdefTypeLabel(service.getEntityId().getType(), service.getAppdefResourceType().getName()), service.getEntityId(), ResourceTreeNode.RESOURCE); Map<Integer, ResourceTreeNode> appMap = new HashMap<Integer, ResourceTreeNode>(); while ( { int i = 1; int thisPlatId = rs.getInt(i++); String thisPlatformName = rs.getString(i++); String thisPlatformTypeName = rs.getString(i++); int thisSvrId = rs.getInt(i++); String thisServerName = rs.getString(i++); String thisServerTypeName = rs.getString(i++); int thisAppId = rs.getInt(i++); String thisApplicationName = rs.getString(i++); String thisApplicationDesc = rs.getString(i++); String virtualServer = rs.getString(i++); if (thisPlatformName != null) { aPlatformNode = new ResourceTreeNode(thisPlatformName, getAppdefTypeLabel(APPDEF_TYPE_PLATFORM, thisPlatformTypeName), AppdefEntityID.newPlatformID(new Integer(thisPlatId)), ResourceTreeNode.RESOURCE); } if (thisServerName != null && !trueStr.startsWith(virtualServer)) { aServerNode = new ResourceTreeNode(thisServerName, getAppdefTypeLabel(APPDEF_TYPE_SERVER, thisServerTypeName), AppdefEntityID.newServerID(new Integer(thisSvrId)), ResourceTreeNode.RESOURCE); } if (thisApplicationName != null) { appMap.put(new Integer(thisAppId), new ResourceTreeNode(thisApplicationName, getAppdefTypeLabel(AppdefEntityConstants.APPDEF_TYPE_APPLICATION, thisApplicationDesc), AppdefEntityID.newAppID(new Integer(thisAppId)), ResourceTreeNode.RESOURCE)); } } aServiceNode.setSelected(true); // server nodes and platform nodes can be null if user is // unauthz if (aServerNode != null) { if (aPlatformNode != null) { aServerNode.addDownChild(aPlatformNode); } aServiceNode.addDownChild(aServerNode); } else if (aPlatformNode != null) { aServiceNode.addDownChild(aPlatformNode); } ResourceTreeNode[] appNodes = appMap.values().toArray(new ResourceTreeNode[0]); ResourceTreeNode.alphaSortNodes(appNodes, true); aServiceNode.addUpChildren(appNodes); return new ResourceTreeNode[] { aServiceNode }; } }); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("getNavMapDataForService() executed in: " + timer); log.debug("SQL: " + buf); } return serviceNode; } public ResourceTreeNode[] getNavMapDataForApplication(AuthzSubject subject, final Application app) throws SQLException { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer().append("SELECT appsvc.service_id,,") .append(" appsvc.service_type_id,").append(" as service_type_name,") .append(" appsvc.application_id, appsvc.group_id").append(" FROM EAM_APP_SERVICE appsvc, ") .append(TBL_SERVICE).append("_TYPE svct, ").append(TBL_GROUP).append(" grp, (") .append(getPermGroupSQL(subject.getId())).append(") pm") .append(" WHERE = appsvc.service_type_id AND ") .append(" = appsvc.group_id AND pm.group_id =") .append(" AND appsvc.application_id = ").append(app.getId()).append(" UNION ALL ") .append("SELECT appsvc.service_id,,").append(" appsvc.service_type_id,") .append(" as service_type_name,").append(" appsvc.application_id, appsvc.group_id") .append(" FROM EAM_APP_SERVICE appsvc, ").append(TBL_SERVICE).append("_TYPE svct, (") .append(getPermServiceSQL(subject.getId())).append(") pm, ").append(TBL_SERVICE) .append(" svc JOIN ").append(TBL_RES).append(" res2 ON svc.resource_id = ") .append(" WHERE = appsvc.service_type_id AND ").append(" = appsvc.service_id AND ") .append(" pm.service_id = AND ").append(" appsvc.application_id = ").append(app.getId()) .append(" ORDER BY service_type_id, service_id"); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(buf.toString()); } StopWatch timer = new StopWatch(); ResourceTreeNode[] appNode = this.jdbcTemplate.query(buf.toString(), new ResultSetExtractor<ResourceTreeNode[]>() { public ResourceTreeNode[] extractData(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { Map<String, ResourceTreeNode> svcMap = new HashMap<String, ResourceTreeNode>(); ResourceTreeNode appNode = new ResourceTreeNode(app.getName(), getAppdefTypeLabel(app.getEntityId().getType(), app.getAppdefResourceType().getName()), app.getEntityId(), ResourceTreeNode.RESOURCE); int svc_id_col = rs.findColumn("service_id"), name_col = rs.findColumn("name"), service_type_col = rs.findColumn("service_type_id"), type_name_col = rs.findColumn("service_type_name"), group_id_col = rs.findColumn("group_id"); while ( { int serviceId = rs.getInt(svc_id_col); String serviceName = rs.getString(name_col); int serviceTypeId = rs.getInt(service_type_col); String serviceTypeName = rs.getString(type_name_col); int groupId = rs.getInt(group_id_col); String thisGroupName = rs.getString(name_col); // means that column is null, hence row is not a group if (groupId == 0) { thisGroupName = null; } else { serviceName = null; } if (thisGroupName != null) { String key = APPDEF_TYPE_GROUP + "-" + groupId; svcMap.put(key, new ResourceTreeNode(thisGroupName, getAppdefTypeLabel(APPDEF_TYPE_GROUP, serviceTypeName), AppdefEntityID.newGroupID(new Integer(groupId)), ResourceTreeNode.CLUSTER)); } else if (serviceName != null) { String key = APPDEF_TYPE_SERVICE + "-" + serviceId; svcMap.put(key, new ResourceTreeNode(serviceName, getAppdefTypeLabel(APPDEF_TYPE_SERVICE, serviceTypeName), AppdefEntityID.newServiceID(new Integer(serviceId)), app.getEntityId(), serviceTypeId)); } } appNode.setSelected(true); ResourceTreeNode[] svcNodes = svcMap.values().toArray(new ResourceTreeNode[0]); ResourceTreeNode.alphaSortNodes(svcNodes); appNode.addDownChildren(svcNodes); return new ResourceTreeNode[] { appNode }; } }); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("getNavMapDataForApplication() executed in: " + timer); log.debug("SQL: " + buf); } return appNode; } public ResourceTreeNode[] getNavMapDataForAutoGroup(AuthzSubject subject, final AppdefEntityID[] parents, AppdefResourceType type, final int pEntityType, final int cEntityType) throws AppdefEntityNotFoundException, PermissionException, SQLException { final String sqlStmt; String bindMarkerStr = ""; String authzResName; String authzOpName; final int appdefTypeUndefined = -1; List<ResourceTreeNode> parentNodes = null; // If the auto-group has parents, fetch the resources if (parents != null) { parentNodes = new ArrayList<ResourceTreeNode>(parents.length); for (int x = 0; x < parents.length; x++) { AppdefEntityValue av = new AppdefEntityValue(parents[x], subject); parentNodes.add(new ResourceTreeNode(av.getName(), getAppdefTypeLabel(pEntityType, av.getTypeName()), parents[x], ResourceTreeNode.RESOURCE)); } } // Platforms don't have a auto-group parents if (pEntityType != appdefTypeUndefined) { for (int x = 0; x < parents.length; x++) { bindMarkerStr += (x < parents.length - 1) ? "?," : "?"; } } final String res_join = " JOIN " + TBL_RES + " res on resource_id = "; final String platAGSql = "SELECT as platform_id, as platform_name, " + " as platform_type_id, as platform_type_name " + "FROM " + TBL_PLATFORM + "_TYPE pt, " + TBL_PLATFORM + " p " + res_join + " WHERE AND platform_type_id=" + type.getId() + " AND " + "EXISTS (" + getResourceTypeSQL("", subject.getId(), PLATFORM_RES_TYPE, PLATFORM_OP_VIEW_PLATFORM) + ") "; final String svrAGSql = "SELECT as server_id, as server_name, " + " as server_type_id, as server_type_name " + "FROM " + TBL_SERVER + "_TYPE st, " + TBL_SERVER + " s " + res_join + " WHERE AND platform_id in ( " + bindMarkerStr + " ) " + " AND server_type_id=" + type.getId() + " AND EXISTS (" + getResourceTypeSQL("", subject.getId(), SERVER_RES_TYPE, SERVER_OP_VIEW_SERVER) + ") "; final String svcAGSql = "SELECT as service_id, as service_name, " + " as service_type_id, as service_type_name " + "FROM " + TBL_SERVICE + "_TYPE st, " + TBL_SERVICE + " s " + res_join + " WHERE AND s.server_id in ( " + bindMarkerStr + " ) AND " + "s.service_type_id=" + type.getId() + " AND EXISTS (" + getResourceTypeSQL("", subject.getId(), SERVICE_RES_TYPE, SERVICE_OP_VIEW_SERVICE) + ") "; final String appSvcAGSql = "SELECT as service_id, as service_name, " + " as service_type_id, as service_type_name " + "FROM " + TBL_SERVICE + "_TYPE st, EAM_APP_SERVICE aps, " + TBL_SERVICE + " s " + res_join + " WHERE and AND " + "aps.application_id in ( " + bindMarkerStr + " ) AND " + "s.service_type_id=" + type.getId() + " AND EXISTS (" + getResourceTypeSQL("", subject.getId(), SERVICE_RES_TYPE, SERVICE_OP_VIEW_SERVICE) + ") "; switch (pEntityType) { case APPDEF_TYPE_PLATFORM: sqlStmt = svrAGSql; authzResName = AuthzConstants.serverResType; authzOpName = AuthzConstants.serverOpViewServer; break; case APPDEF_TYPE_SERVER: sqlStmt = svcAGSql; authzResName = AuthzConstants.serviceResType; authzOpName = AuthzConstants.serviceOpViewService; break; case (AppdefEntityConstants.APPDEF_TYPE_APPLICATION): sqlStmt = appSvcAGSql; authzResName = AuthzConstants.serviceResType; authzOpName = AuthzConstants.serviceOpViewService; break; case (appdefTypeUndefined): sqlStmt = platAGSql; authzResName = AuthzConstants.platformResType; authzOpName = AuthzConstants.platformOpViewPlatform; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("No auto-group support " + "for specified type"); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(sqlStmt); } final ResourceTreeNode agNode = new ResourceTreeNode(type.getName(), getAppdefTypeLabel(cEntityType, type.getName()), parents, type.getId().intValue(), ResourceTreeNode.AUTO_GROUP); final Set<ResourceTreeNode> entitySet = new HashSet<ResourceTreeNode>(); final List<ResourceTreeNode> parentNodeList = parentNodes; StopWatch timer = new StopWatch(); ResourceTreeNode[] groupNode = jdbcTemplate.query(new PreparedStatementCreator() { public PreparedStatement createPreparedStatement(Connection con) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement stmt = con.prepareStatement(sqlStmt); if (pEntityType != appdefTypeUndefined) { for (int x = 0; x < parents.length; x++) { stmt.setInt(x + 1, parents[x].getID()); } } return stmt; } }, new ResultSetExtractor<ResourceTreeNode[]>() { public ResourceTreeNode[] extractData(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { while ( { int thisEntityId = rs.getInt(1); String thisEntityName = rs.getString(2); String thisEntityTypeName = rs.getString(4); entitySet.add(new ResourceTreeNode(thisEntityName, getAppdefTypeLabel(cEntityType, thisEntityTypeName), new AppdefEntityID(cEntityType, thisEntityId), ResourceTreeNode.RESOURCE)); } agNode.setSelected(true); if (parentNodeList != null) { ResourceTreeNode[] parNodeArr = parentNodeList.toArray(new ResourceTreeNode[0]); ResourceTreeNode.alphaSortNodes(parNodeArr, true); agNode.addUpChildren(parNodeArr); } ResourceTreeNode[] members = entitySet.toArray(new ResourceTreeNode[0]); ResourceTreeNode.alphaSortNodes(members); agNode.addDownChildren(members); return new ResourceTreeNode[] { agNode }; } }); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("getNavMapDataForAutoGroup() executed in: " + timer); log.debug("SQL: " + sqlStmt); int i; for (i = 0; i < parents.length; i++) { log.debug("Arg " + (i + 1) + ": " + parents[i].getID()); } i = 1; log.debug("Arg " + (i++) + ": " + type.getId()); log.debug("Arg " + (i++) + ": " + subject.getId()); log.debug("Arg " + (i++) + ": " + subject.getId()); log.debug("Arg " + (i++) + ": " + authzResName); log.debug("Arg " + (i++) + ": " + authzOpName); } return groupNode; } public ResourceTreeNode[] getNavMapDataForGroup(AuthzSubject subject, AppdefGroupValue groupVo) throws PermissionException, SQLException { ResourceTreeNode grpNode = new ResourceTreeNode(groupVo.getName(), getAppdefTypeLabel(APPDEF_TYPE_GROUP, groupVo.getAppdefResourceTypeValue().getName()), groupVo.getEntityId(), ResourceTreeNode.CLUSTER); final List<AppdefEntityID> agEntries = groupVo.getAppdefGroupEntries(); if (agEntries.size() == 0) { return new ResourceTreeNode[] { grpNode }; } ResourceTreeNode[] retVal = null; final StringBuilder grpSqlStmt = new StringBuilder(); final boolean debug = log.isDebugEnabled(); int entityType = groupVo.getGroupEntType(); final String resJoin = new StringBuilder().append(" JOIN ").append(TBL_RES) .append(" res on resource_id = ").toString(); switch (entityType) { case APPDEF_TYPE_PLATFORM: grpSqlStmt.append("SELECT as platform_id, as platform_name ").append(" FROM ") .append(TBL_PLATFORM).append(" p ").append(resJoin).append("WHERE IN ("); break; case APPDEF_TYPE_SERVER: grpSqlStmt.append("SELECT as server_id, as server_name ").append("FROM ") .append(TBL_SERVER).append(" s ").append(resJoin).append("WHERE IN ("); break; case APPDEF_TYPE_SERVICE: grpSqlStmt.append("SELECT as service_id, as service_name ").append("FROM ") .append(TBL_SERVICE).append(" s ").append(resJoin).append("WHERE IN ("); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("No group support " + "for specified type"); } if (debug) { log.debug(grpSqlStmt); } Set<ResourceTreeNode> entitySet = new HashSet<ResourceTreeNode>(agEntries.size()); Map<Integer, String> entNameMap = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); if (groupVo.getTotalSize() > 0) { final int max = getHQDialect().getMaxExpressions(); final int batchSize = (max < 0) ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : max; for (int ii = 0; ii < agEntries.size(); ii += batchSize) { int end = Math.min(ii + batchSize, agEntries.size()); List<AppdefEntityID> list = agEntries.subList(ii, end); setEntNameMap(entNameMap, list, grpSqlStmt); } // Let group member order drive node creation (not db order). for (AppdefEntityID id : groupVo.getAppdefGroupEntries()) { entitySet.add(new ResourceTreeNode(entNameMap.get(id.getId()), getAppdefTypeLabel(id.getType(), groupVo.getAppdefResourceTypeValue().getName()), new AppdefEntityID(entityType, id.getId()), ResourceTreeNode.RESOURCE)); } } ResourceTreeNode[] memberNodes = entitySet.toArray(new ResourceTreeNode[0]); grpNode.setSelected(true); ResourceTreeNode.alphaSortNodes(memberNodes); grpNode.addDownChildren(memberNodes); retVal = new ResourceTreeNode[] { grpNode }; return retVal; } private HQDialect getHQDialect() { return (HQDialect) ((SessionFactoryImplementor) sessionFactory).getDialect(); } private void setEntNameMap(final Map<Integer, String> entNameMap, List<AppdefEntityID> list, StringBuilder grpSqlStmt) throws SQLException { if (list.size() == 0) { return; } final boolean debug = log.isDebugEnabled(); // don't overwrite the caller's object grpSqlStmt = new StringBuilder(grpSqlStmt); int x = 1; for (AppdefEntityID mem : list) { if (debug) { log.debug("Arg " + x + ": " + mem.getID()); } grpSqlStmt.append((x == 1 ? "" : ",")).append(mem.getID()); x++; } grpSqlStmt.append(")"); StopWatch timer = new StopWatch(); if (debug) { log.debug("SQL: " + grpSqlStmt); } jdbcTemplate.query(grpSqlStmt.toString(), new RowCallbackHandler() { public void processRow(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { entNameMap.put(rs.getInt(1), rs.getString(2)); } }); if (debug) { log.debug("getNavMapDataForGroup() executed in: " + timer); } } protected String getResourceTypeSQL(String instanceId, Integer subjectId, String resType, String op) throws SQLException { return "SELECT RES.ID FROM EAM_RESOURCE RES, " + " EAM_RESOURCE_TYPE RT " + "WHERE " + instanceId + " = RES.INSTANCE_ID " + " AND RES.FSYSTEM = " + DBUtil.getBooleanValue(false, jdbcTemplate.getDataSource().getConnection()) + " AND RES.RESOURCE_TYPE_ID = RT.ID " + " AND RT.NAME = '" + resType + "'"; } private boolean isOracle8() throws SQLException { return DBUtil.getDBType(jdbcTemplate.getDataSource().getConnection()) == DBUtil.DATABASE_ORACLE_8; } private boolean isOracle() throws SQLException { return isOracle8() || DBUtil.getDBType(jdbcTemplate.getDataSource().getConnection()) == DBUtil.DATABASE_ORACLE_9; } private String getAppdefTypeLabel(int typeId, String desc) { String typeLabel = AppdefEntityConstants.typeToString(typeId); if (desc == null) { desc = typeLabel; } else if (desc.toLowerCase().indexOf(typeLabel.toLowerCase()) == -1) { desc += " " + typeLabel; } return desc; } private final String getPermGroupSQL(Integer subjectId) throws SQLException { StringBuffer rtn = new StringBuffer().append("SELECT as group_id,, cluster_id ") .append(" FROM ").append(TBL_GROUP).append(" grp, ").append(TBL_RES).append(" res ") .append(" WHERE grp.resource_id = AND EXISTS (") .append(getResourceTypeSQL("", subjectId, GROUP_RES_TYPE, GROUP_OP_VIEW_RESOURCE_GROUP)) .append(")"); return rtn.toString(); } private final String getPermServiceSQL(Integer subjectId) throws SQLException { StringBuffer rtn = new StringBuffer().append("SELECT as service_id, as service_name,") .append(" server_id").append(" FROM " + TBL_SERVICE + " svc JOIN ").append(TBL_RES) .append(" res ON resource_id = ").append(" WHERE EXISTS (") .append(getResourceTypeSQL("", subjectId, SERVICE_RES_TYPE, SERVICE_OP_VIEW_SERVICE)) .append(")"); return rtn.toString(); } }