Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.huahinframework.unit; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Mapper; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Reducer; import org.apache.hadoop.mrunit.mapreduce.MapReduceDriver; import org.apache.hadoop.mrunit.types.Pair; import org.huahinframework.core.DataFormatException; import org.huahinframework.core.SimpleJob; import org.huahinframework.core.SimpleJobTool; import; import; import; import org.huahinframework.core.lib.input.creator.JoinRegexValueCreator; import org.huahinframework.core.lib.input.creator.JoinSomeRegexValueCreator; import org.huahinframework.core.lib.input.creator.JoinSomeValueCreator; import org.huahinframework.core.lib.input.creator.JoinValueCreator; import org.huahinframework.core.lib.input.creator.LabelValueCreator; import org.huahinframework.core.lib.input.creator.SimpleValueCreator; import org.huahinframework.core.lib.input.creator.ValueCreator; import org.huahinframework.core.util.StringUtil; import org.junit.Before; /** * This is a test driver of a Job. * * <p>Example:</p> * <p><blockquote><pre> * public class JobTest extends JobDriver { * private static final String LABELS = new String[] { "label", "value" }; * public void test() * throws IOException, InstantiationException, * IllegalAccessException, ClassNotFoundException { * addJob(LABELS, StringUtil.TAB, false).setFilter(TestFilter.class) * .setSummaizer(TestSummarizer.class); * * List<String> input = new ArrayList<String>(); * input.add("label\t1"); * input.add("label\t2"); * input.add("label\t3"); * * List<Record> output = new ArrayList<Record>(); * Record record = new Record(); * record.addGrouping("label", "label"); * record.addValue("value", 6); * output.add(record); * * run(input, output, true); * } * } * </pre></blockquote></p> */ public abstract class JobDriver extends SimpleJobTool { private static final String OUTPUT = "(%s, %s)"; private String masterSeparator; private List<String> masterData; private boolean bigJoin; private String fileName; private long fileLength; /** * @throws java.lang.Exception */ @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { conf = new Configuration(); jobName = StringUtil.createInternalJobID(); } /** * Run the test with this method. * @param input input {@link String} {@link List} or {@link Record} {@link List} * @param output result of {@link Record} {@link List} * @param stdout whether to output the execution results to stdout. * @throws InstantiationException * @throws IllegalAccessException * @throws ClassNotFoundException * @throws IOException * @throws URISyntaxException */ @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) public void run(List<?> input, List<Record> output, boolean stdout) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, ClassNotFoundException, IOException, URISyntaxException { if (input == null || input.isEmpty()) { fail("input is empty"); } List<Pair<WritableComparable, Writable>> actual = null; Object o = input.get(0); if (o instanceof String) { actual = runString((List<String>) input); } else if (o instanceof Record) { actual = runRecord((List<Record>) input); } else { fail("input object is miss match"); } if (stdout) { for (Pair<WritableComparable, Writable> pair : actual) { System.out.println(pair); } } assertEquals(output.size(), actual.size()); if (output != null) { for (int i = 0; i < output.size(); i++) { Pair<WritableComparable, Writable> pair = actual.get(i); Record r = output.get(i); String s = String.format(OUTPUT, r.getKey().toString(), r.getValue().toString()); assertEquals(s, pair.toString()); } } } /** * @param input * @return List<Pair<Key, Value>> * @throws InstantiationException * @throws IllegalAccessException * @throws ClassNotFoundException * @throws IOException * @throws URISyntaxException */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private List<Pair<WritableComparable, Writable>> runString(List<? extends String> input) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, ClassNotFoundException, IOException, URISyntaxException { boolean first = true; List<Pair<WritableComparable, Writable>> actual = null; String[] beforeSummarizerOutputLabel = null; for (Job job : sequencalJobChain.getJobs()) { MapReduceDriver<WritableComparable, Writable, WritableComparable, Writable, WritableComparable, Writable> driver = createDriver( job); Configuration localConf = job.getConfiguration(); boolean onlyJoin = false; if (first) { boolean formatIgnored = sequencalJobChain.getJobs().get(0).getConfiguration() .getBoolean(SimpleJob.FORMAT_IGNORED, false); String[] labels = sequencalJobChain.getJobs().get(0).getConfiguration() .getStrings(SimpleJob.LABELS); String separator = sequencalJobChain.getJobs().get(0).getConfiguration().get(SimpleJob.SEPARATOR, StringUtil.COMMA); if (masterSeparator == null) { masterSeparator = separator; conf.set(SimpleJob.MASTER_SEPARATOR, masterSeparator); } if (labels != null) { if (conf.getInt(SimpleJob.READER_TYPE, -1) == -1) { conf.setInt(SimpleJob.READER_TYPE, SimpleJob.LABELS_READER); } } else { if (conf.getInt(SimpleJob.READER_TYPE, -1) == -1) { conf.setInt(SimpleJob.READER_TYPE, SimpleJob.SIMPLE_READER); } } Key key = new Key(); key.addPrimitiveValue("KEY", 1L); if (fileName == null) { fileName = "exmpale.txt"; } key.addPrimitiveValue("FILE_NAME", fileName); key.addPrimitiveValue("FILE_LENGTH", fileLength); ValueCreator valueCreator = null; int type = conf.getInt(SimpleJob.READER_TYPE, -1); switch (type) { case SimpleJob.SIMPLE_READER: valueCreator = new SimpleValueCreator(separator, conf.getBoolean(SimpleJob.SEPARATOR_REGEX, false)); break; case SimpleJob.LABELS_READER: valueCreator = new LabelValueCreator(labels, formatIgnored, separator, conf.getBoolean(SimpleJob.SEPARATOR_REGEX, false)); break; case SimpleJob.SINGLE_COLUMN_JOIN_READER: Map<String, String[]> simpleJoinMap = getSimpleMaster(conf); if (!conf.getBoolean(SimpleJob.JOIN_REGEX, false)) { valueCreator = new JoinValueCreator(labels, formatIgnored, separator, formatIgnored, simpleJoinMap, conf); } else { Map<Pattern, String[]> simpleJoinRegexMap = new HashMap<Pattern, String[]>(); for (Entry<String, String[]> entry : simpleJoinMap.entrySet()) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile(entry.getKey()); simpleJoinRegexMap.put(p, entry.getValue()); } valueCreator = new JoinRegexValueCreator(labels, formatIgnored, separator, formatIgnored, simpleJoinRegexMap, conf); } break; case SimpleJob.SOME_COLUMN_JOIN_READER: Map<List<String>, String[]> simpleColumnsJoinMap = getSimpleColumnsMaster(conf); if (!conf.getBoolean(SimpleJob.JOIN_REGEX, false)) { valueCreator = new JoinSomeValueCreator(labels, formatIgnored, separator, formatIgnored, simpleColumnsJoinMap, conf); } else { Map<List<Pattern>, String[]> simpleColumnsJoinRegexMap = new HashMap<List<Pattern>, String[]>(); for (Entry<List<String>, String[]> entry : simpleColumnsJoinMap.entrySet()) { List<String> l = entry.getKey(); List<Pattern> p = new ArrayList<Pattern>(); for (String s : l) { p.add(Pattern.compile(s)); } simpleColumnsJoinRegexMap.put(p, entry.getValue()); } valueCreator = new JoinSomeRegexValueCreator(labels, formatIgnored, separator, formatIgnored, simpleColumnsJoinRegexMap, conf); } break; default: break; } if (bigJoin && sequencalJobChain.getJobs().size() == 1) { SimpleJob sj = (SimpleJob) job; if (!sj.isMapper() && !sj.isReducer()) { actual = new ArrayList<Pair<WritableComparable, Writable>>(); String[] masterLabels = conf.getStrings(SimpleJob.MASTER_LABELS); for (String s : input) { Value value = new Value(); valueCreator.create(s, value); Key k = new Key(); for (String label : labels) { k.addPrimitiveValue(label, value.getPrimitiveValue(label)); } String[] masterData = null; if (type == SimpleJob.SINGLE_COLUMN_JOIN_READER) { Map<String, String[]> simpleJoinMap = getSimpleMaster(conf); masterData = simpleJoinMap .get(value.getPrimitiveValue(conf.get(SimpleJob.JOIN_MASTER_COLUMN))); } else { Map<List<String>, String[]> simpleColumnsJoinMap = getSimpleColumnsMaster(conf); List<String> l = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String data : conf.getStrings(SimpleJob.JOIN_MASTER_COLUMN)) { l.add((String) value.getPrimitiveValue(data)); } masterData = simpleColumnsJoinMap.get(l); } if (masterData == null) { masterData = new String[masterLabels.length]; } for (int i = 0; i < masterData.length; i++) { k.addPrimitiveValue(masterLabels[i], masterData[i]); } Pair<WritableComparable, Writable> p = new Pair<WritableComparable, Writable>(k, new Text()); actual.add(p); } onlyJoin = true; } } for (String s : input) { Value value = new Value(); valueCreator.create(s, value); driver.addInput(key, value); } if (job instanceof SimpleJob) { SimpleJob sj = (SimpleJob) job; String[] summarizerOutputLabels = sj.getSummarizerOutputLabels(); if (summarizerOutputLabels != null) { beforeSummarizerOutputLabel = summarizerOutputLabels; } } first = false; } else { for (Pair<WritableComparable, Writable> pair : actual) { driver.addInput(pair.getFirst(), pair.getSecond()); } if (job instanceof SimpleJob) { SimpleJob sj = (SimpleJob) job; if (!sj.isNatural()) { if (beforeSummarizerOutputLabel != null) { job.getConfiguration().setStrings(SimpleJob.BEFORE_SUMMARIZER_OUTPUT_LABELS, beforeSummarizerOutputLabel); } String[] summarizerOutputLabels = sj.getSummarizerOutputLabels(); if (summarizerOutputLabels != null) { beforeSummarizerOutputLabel = summarizerOutputLabels; } } } } if (!onlyJoin) { driver.setConfiguration(localConf); actual =; } } return actual; } /** * @param input * @return List<Pair<Key, Value>> * @throws InstantiationException * @throws IllegalAccessException * @throws ClassNotFoundException * @throws IOException */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private List<Pair<WritableComparable, Writable>> runRecord(List<? extends Record> input) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, ClassNotFoundException, IOException { boolean first = true; List<Pair<WritableComparable, Writable>> actual = null; String[] beforeSummarizerOutputLabel = null; for (Job job : sequencalJobChain.getJobs()) { MapReduceDriver<WritableComparable, Writable, WritableComparable, Writable, WritableComparable, Writable> driver = createDriver( job); Configuration localConf = job.getConfiguration(); if (first) { for (Record r : input) { driver.addInput(r.getKey(), r.getValue()); } if (job instanceof SimpleJob) { SimpleJob sj = (SimpleJob) job; String[] summarizerOutputLabels = sj.getSummarizerOutputLabels(); if (summarizerOutputLabels != null) { beforeSummarizerOutputLabel = summarizerOutputLabels; } } first = false; } else { for (Pair<WritableComparable, Writable> pair : actual) { driver.addInput(pair.getFirst(), pair.getSecond()); } if (job instanceof SimpleJob) { SimpleJob sj = (SimpleJob) job; if (!sj.isNatural()) { if (beforeSummarizerOutputLabel != null) { job.getConfiguration().setStrings(SimpleJob.BEFORE_SUMMARIZER_OUTPUT_LABELS, beforeSummarizerOutputLabel); } String[] summarizerOutputLabels = sj.getSummarizerOutputLabels(); if (summarizerOutputLabels != null) { beforeSummarizerOutputLabel = summarizerOutputLabels; } } } } driver.setConfiguration(localConf); actual =; } return actual; } /** * @param job * @return List<Pair<Key, Value>> * @throws InstantiationException * @throws IllegalAccessException * @throws ClassNotFoundException */ @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) private MapReduceDriver<WritableComparable, Writable, WritableComparable, Writable, WritableComparable, Writable> createDriver( Job job) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, ClassNotFoundException { Mapper mapper = job.getMapperClass().newInstance(); Reducer reducer = job.getReducerClass().newInstance(); RawComparator groupingComparator = job.getGroupingComparator(); RawComparator sortComparator = job.getSortComparator(); MapReduceDriver<WritableComparable, Writable, WritableComparable, Writable, WritableComparable, Writable> driver = MapReduceDriver .newMapReduceDriver(mapper, reducer).withKeyGroupingComparator(groupingComparator) .withKeyOrderComparator(sortComparator); driver.setConfiguration(job.getConfiguration()); return driver; } /** * Easily supports the Join. To use the setSimpleJoin, * you must be a size master data appear in the memory of the task. * @param masterLabels label of master data * @param masterColumn master column * @param dataColumn data column * @param masterData master data */ protected void setSimpleJoin(String[] masterLabels, String masterColumn, String dataColumn, List<String> masterData) { setSimpleJoin(masterLabels, masterColumn, dataColumn, null, false, masterData); } /** * Easily supports the Join. To use the setSimpleJoin, * you must be a size master data appear in the memory of the task. * @param masterLabels label of master data * @param masterColumn master column * @param dataColumn data column * @param regex master join is regex; * @param masterData master data */ protected void setSimpleJoin(String[] masterLabels, String masterColumn, String dataColumn, boolean regex, List<String> masterData) { setSimpleJoin(masterLabels, masterColumn, dataColumn, null, regex, masterData); } /** * Easily supports the Join. To use the setSimpleJoin, * you must be a size master data appear in the memory of the task. * @param masterLabels label of master data * @param masterColumn master column * @param dataColumn data column * @param masterSeparator separator * @param regex master join is regex * @param masterData master data */ protected void setSimpleJoin(String[] masterLabels, String masterColumn, String dataColumn, String masterSeparator, boolean regex, List<String> masterData) { this.conf.setInt(SimpleJob.READER_TYPE, SimpleJob.SINGLE_COLUMN_JOIN_READER); this.conf.setStrings(SimpleJob.MASTER_LABELS, masterLabels); this.conf.set(SimpleJob.JOIN_MASTER_COLUMN, masterColumn); this.conf.set(SimpleJob.JOIN_DATA_COLUMN, dataColumn); this.masterSeparator = masterSeparator; this.conf.setBoolean(SimpleJob.JOIN_REGEX, regex); this.masterData = masterData; } /** * Easily supports the Join. To use the setSimpleJoin, * you must be a size master data appear in the memory of the task. * @param masterLabels label of master data * @param masterColumn master column * @param dataColumn data column * @param masterData master data * @throws DataFormatException */ protected void setSimpleJoin(String[] masterLabels, String[] masterColumn, String[] dataColumn, List<String> masterData) throws DataFormatException { setSimpleJoin(masterLabels, masterColumn, dataColumn, null, false, masterData); } /** * Easily supports the Join. To use the setSimpleJoin, * you must be a size master data appear in the memory of the task. * @param masterLabels label of master data * @param masterColumn master column * @param dataColumn data column * @param regex master join is regex; * @param masterData master data * @throws DataFormatException */ protected void setSimpleJoin(String[] masterLabels, String[] masterColumn, String[] dataColumn, boolean regex, List<String> masterData) throws DataFormatException { setSimpleJoin(masterLabels, masterColumn, dataColumn, null, regex, masterData); } /** * Easily supports the Join. To use the setSimpleJoin, * you must be a size master data appear in the memory of the task. * @param masterLabels label of master data * @param masterColumn master column * @param dataColumn data column * @param masterSeparator separator * @param regex master join is regex * @param masterData master data * @throws DataFormatException */ protected void setSimpleJoin(String[] masterLabels, String[] masterColumn, String[] dataColumn, String masterSeparator, boolean regex, List<String> masterData) throws DataFormatException { if (masterColumn.length != dataColumn.length) { throw new DataFormatException("masterColumns and dataColumns lenght is miss match."); } this.conf.setInt(SimpleJob.READER_TYPE, SimpleJob.SOME_COLUMN_JOIN_READER); this.conf.setStrings(SimpleJob.MASTER_LABELS, masterLabels); this.conf.setStrings(SimpleJob.JOIN_MASTER_COLUMN, masterColumn); this.conf.setStrings(SimpleJob.JOIN_DATA_COLUMN, dataColumn); this.masterSeparator = masterSeparator; this.conf.setBoolean(SimpleJob.JOIN_REGEX, regex); this.masterData = masterData; } /** * to join the data that does not fit into memory. * @param masterLabels label of master data * @param masterColumn master column * @param dataColumn data column * @param masterData master data */ protected void setBigJoin(String[] masterLabels, String masterColumn, String dataColumn, List<String> masterData) { setBigJoin(masterLabels, masterColumn, dataColumn, null, masterData); } /** * to join the data that does not fit into memory. * @param masterLabels label of master data * @param masterColumn master column * @param dataColumn data column * @param masterSeparator separator * @param masterData master data */ protected void setBigJoin(String[] masterLabels, String masterColumn, String dataColumn, String masterSeparator, List<String> masterData) { this.conf.setInt(SimpleJob.READER_TYPE, SimpleJob.SINGLE_COLUMN_JOIN_READER); this.conf.setStrings(SimpleJob.MASTER_LABELS, masterLabels); this.conf.set(SimpleJob.JOIN_MASTER_COLUMN, masterColumn); this.conf.set(SimpleJob.JOIN_DATA_COLUMN, dataColumn); this.masterSeparator = masterSeparator; this.masterData = masterData; this.bigJoin = true; } /** * to join the data that does not fit into memory. * @param masterLabels label of master data * @param masterColumn master column * @param dataColumn data column * @param masterData master data * @throws DataFormatException */ protected void setBigJoin(String[] masterLabels, String[] masterColumn, String[] dataColumn, List<String> masterData) throws DataFormatException { setBigJoin(masterLabels, masterColumn, dataColumn, null, masterData); } /** * to join the data that does not fit into memory. * @param masterLabels label of master data * @param masterColumn master column * @param dataColumn data column * @param masterSeparator separator * @param masterData master data * @throws DataFormatException */ protected void setBigJoin(String[] masterLabels, String[] masterColumn, String[] dataColumn, String masterSeparator, List<String> masterData) throws DataFormatException { if (masterColumn.length != dataColumn.length) { throw new DataFormatException("masterColumns and dataColumns lenght is miss match."); } this.conf.setInt(SimpleJob.READER_TYPE, SimpleJob.SOME_COLUMN_JOIN_READER); this.conf.setStrings(SimpleJob.MASTER_LABELS, masterLabels); this.conf.setStrings(SimpleJob.JOIN_MASTER_COLUMN, masterColumn); this.conf.setStrings(SimpleJob.JOIN_DATA_COLUMN, dataColumn); this.masterSeparator = masterSeparator; this.masterData = masterData; this.bigJoin = true; } /** * This method is to determine automatically join the Simple and Big. * @param masterLabels label of master data * @param masterColumn master column * @param dataColumn data column * @param masterData master data */ protected void setJoin(String[] masterLabels, String masterColumn, String dataColumn, List<String> masterData) { setJoin(masterLabels, masterColumn, dataColumn, null, false, masterData); } /** * This method is to determine automatically join the Simple and Big. * @param masterLabels label of master data * @param masterColumn master column * @param dataColumn data column * @param regex master join is regex; * @param masterData master data */ protected void setJoin(String[] masterLabels, String masterColumn, String dataColumn, boolean regex, List<String> masterData) { setJoin(masterLabels, masterColumn, dataColumn, null, regex, masterData); } /** * This method is to determine automatically join the Simple and Big. * @param masterLabels label of master data * @param masterColumn master column * @param dataColumn data column * @param masterSeparator separator * @param regex master join is regex * @param masterData master data */ protected void setJoin(String[] masterLabels, String masterColumn, String dataColumn, String masterSeparator, boolean regex, List<String> masterData) { setSimpleJoin(masterLabels, masterColumn, dataColumn, masterSeparator, regex, masterData); } /** * This method is to determine automatically join the Simple and Big. * @param masterLabels label of master data * @param masterColumn master column * @param dataColumn data column * @param masterData master data * @throws DataFormatException */ protected void setJoin(String[] masterLabels, String[] masterColumn, String[] dataColumn, List<String> masterData) throws DataFormatException { setJoin(masterLabels, masterColumn, dataColumn, null, false, masterData); } /** * This method is to determine automatically join the Simple and Big. * @param masterLabels label of master data * @param masterColumn master column * @param dataColumn data column * @param regex master join is regex; * @param masterData master data * @throws DataFormatException */ protected void setJoin(String[] masterLabels, String[] masterColumn, String[] dataColumn, boolean regex, List<String> masterData) throws DataFormatException { setJoin(masterLabels, masterColumn, dataColumn, null, regex, masterData); } /** * This method is to determine automatically join the Simple and Big. * @param masterLabels label of master data * @param masterColumn master column * @param dataColumn data column * @param masterSeparator separator * @param regex master join is regex * @param masterData master data * @throws DataFormatException */ protected void setJoin(String[] masterLabels, String[] masterColumn, String[] dataColumn, String masterSeparator, boolean regex, List<String> masterData) throws DataFormatException { setSimpleJoin(masterLabels, masterColumn, dataColumn, masterSeparator, regex, masterData); } /** * @param conf * @return Map * @throws IOException * @throws URISyntaxException */ private Map<String, String[]> getSimpleMaster(Configuration conf) throws IOException, URISyntaxException { String path = conf.get(SimpleJob.MASTER_PATH); String[] masterLabels = conf.getStrings(SimpleJob.MASTER_LABELS); String separator = conf.get(SimpleJob.MASTER_SEPARATOR); String masterColumn = conf.get(SimpleJob.JOIN_MASTER_COLUMN); int joinColumnNo = StringUtil.getMatchNo(masterLabels, masterColumn); return getSimpleMaster(masterLabels, joinColumnNo, path, separator); } /** * @param masterLabels * @param joinColumnNo * @param path * @param separator * @return Map * @throws IOException */ private Map<String, String[]> getSimpleMaster(String[] masterLabels, int joinColumnNo, String path, String separator) throws IOException { Map<String, String[]> m = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); for (String line : masterData) { String[] strings = StringUtil.split(line, separator, false); if (masterLabels.length != strings.length) { continue; } String joinData = strings[joinColumnNo]; String[] data = new String[strings.length]; for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) { data[i] = strings[i]; } m.put(joinData, data); } return m; } /** * @param conf * @return Map * @throws IOException * @throws URISyntaxException */ public Map<List<String>, String[]> getSimpleColumnsMaster(Configuration conf) throws IOException, URISyntaxException { String path = conf.get(SimpleJob.MASTER_PATH); String[] masterLabels = conf.getStrings(SimpleJob.MASTER_LABELS); String separator = conf.get(SimpleJob.MASTER_SEPARATOR); String[] masterColumn = conf.getStrings(SimpleJob.JOIN_MASTER_COLUMN); int[] joinColumnNo = StringUtil.getMatchNos(masterLabels, masterColumn); return getSimpleColumnsMaster(masterLabels, joinColumnNo, path, separator); } /** * @param masterLabels * @param joinColumnNo * @param path * @param separator * @return Map * @throws IOException * @throws URISyntaxException */ private Map<List<String>, String[]> getSimpleColumnsMaster(String[] masterLabels, int[] joinColumnNo, String path, String separator) throws IOException { Map<List<String>, String[]> m = new HashMap<List<String>, String[]>(); for (String line : masterData) { String[] strings = StringUtil.split(line, separator, false); if (masterLabels.length != strings.length) { continue; } List<String> joinData = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i : joinColumnNo) { joinData.add(strings[i]); } String[] data = new String[strings.length]; for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) { data[i] = strings[i]; } m.put(joinData, data); } return m; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public int run(String[] args) throws Exception { return 0; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected String setInputPath(String[] arg0) { return null; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected String setOutputPath(String[] arg0) { return null; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected void setup() throws Exception { } /** * set input file name * @param fileName the fileName to set */ public void setFileName(String fileName) { this.fileName = fileName; } /** * set input file length * @param fileLength the fileLength to set */ public void setFileLength(long fileLength) { this.fileLength = fileLength; } }