Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013 Alex Holmes * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.htuple; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Partitioner; /** * Utilities to help with custom sorting, grouping and partitioning of {@link Tuple}'s. * <p/> * The following example shows how you'd configure your job for secondary sort for tuples with two elements, assuming * that all the elements would be used for partitioning and grouping, but only the first element would be used for * grouping. * <p/> * <pre><code> * ShuffleUtils.configBuilder() * .setPartitionerIndices(0) * .setSortIndices(0, 1) * .setGroupIndices(0) * .configure(conf); * <p/> * </code></pre> * <p/> * This class also supports using enum's to improve the readability of your code (just like with Tuples). * <p/> * <p/> * <pre><code> * enum MyTupleFields { ID, NAME } * ... * ShuffleUtils.configBuilder() * .setPartitionerIndices(MyTupleFields.values()) * .setSortIndices(MyTupleFields.values()) * .setGroupIndices(MyTupleFields.ID) * .configure(conf); * <p/> * </code></pre> */ public class ShuffleUtils { public static final String BASE_CONFIG_NAME = "org.htuple"; public static final String PARTITIONER_INDEXES_CONFIG_NAME = BASE_CONFIG_NAME + ".partitioner.indexes"; public static final String SORTING_INDEXES_CONFIG_NAME = BASE_CONFIG_NAME + ".sorting.indexes"; public static final String GROUPING_INDEXES_CONFIG_NAME = BASE_CONFIG_NAME + ".grouping.indexes"; public static ConfigBuilder configBuilder() { return new ConfigBuilder(); } /** * A builder that allows you to tune how partitioning, * sorting and grouping should work for a given MapReduce job using your {@link Tuple} instances. */ public static class ConfigBuilder { int[] partitionerIndices; int[] sortIndices; int[] groupIndices; boolean useNewApi; /** * Indicate that the old {@code org.apache.hadoop.mapred} API should be used when configuring * the job. * * @return a handle to this object to enable builder operations */ public ConfigBuilder useOldApi() { this.useNewApi = false; return this; } /** * Indicate that the new {@code org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce} API should be used when configuring * the job. * * @return a handle to this object to enable builder operations */ public ConfigBuilder useNewApi() { this.useNewApi = true; return this; } /** * Set the tuple indexes that will be used by the {@link Partitioner}. * * @return a handle to this object to enable builder operations */ public ConfigBuilder setPartitionerIndices(int... indices) { this.partitionerIndices = indices; return this; } /** * Set the tuple indexes that will be used by the {@link Partitioner}. * The ordinal values of the supplied arguments are used to determine the indexes. * * @return a handle to this object to enable builder operations */ public ConfigBuilder setPartitionerIndices(Enum<?>... indices) { this.partitionerIndices = enumOrdinalsToArray(indices); return this; } /** * Set the tuple indexes that will be used by the {@link TupleComparator} for sorting. * <p/> * These indexes are used according to the order that they are supplied to this method. In other words, * if you call {@code setSortIndices(2, 1);}, then the 3rd element will be used for sorting * followed by the second element. * * @return a handle to this object to enable builder operations */ public ConfigBuilder setSortIndices(int... indices) { this.sortIndices = indices; return this; } /** * Set the tuple indexes that will be used by the {@link TupleComparator} for sorting. * The ordinal values of the supplied arguments are used to determine the indexes. * <p/> * These indexes are used according to the order that they are supplied to this method. In other words, * if you call {@code setSortIndices(2, 1);}, then the 3rd element will be used for sorting * followed by the second element. * * @return a handle to this object to enable builder operations */ public ConfigBuilder setSortIndices(Enum<?>... indices) { this.sortIndices = enumOrdinalsToArray(indices); return this; } /** * Set the tuple indexes that will be used by the {@link TupleComparator} for grouping. * <p/> * These indexes are used according to the order that they are supplied to this method. In other words, * if you call {@code setGroupIndices(2, 1);}, then the 3rd element will be used for grouping * followed by the second element. * * @return a handle to this object to enable builder operations */ public ConfigBuilder setGroupIndices(int... indices) { this.groupIndices = indices; return this; } /** * Set the tuple indexes that will be used by the {@link TupleComparator} for grouping. * The ordinal values of the supplied arguments are used to determine the indexes. * <p/> * These indexes are used according to the order that they are supplied to this method. In other words, * if you call {@code setGroupIndices(2, 1);}, then the 3rd element will be used for grouping * followed by the second element. * * @return a handle to this object to enable builder operations */ public ConfigBuilder setGroupIndices(Enum<?>... indices) { this.groupIndices = enumOrdinalsToArray(indices); return this; } /** * Configure the supplied configuration object with any partitioner, sorting and grouping * configs that were setup prior to calling this method. * * @param conf the Hadoop configuration to be populated */ public void configure(Configuration conf) { if (useNewApi) { configureIndexes(conf, partitionerIndices, PARTITIONER_INDEXES_CONFIG_NAME, "mapreduce.partitioner.class", TupleMapReducePartitioner.class, Partitioner.class); } else { configureIndexes(conf, partitionerIndices, PARTITIONER_INDEXES_CONFIG_NAME, "mapred.partitioner.class", TupleMapRedPartitioner.class, org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Partitioner.class); } configureIndexes(conf, sortIndices, SORTING_INDEXES_CONFIG_NAME, "mapred.output.key.comparator.class", TupleSortComparator.class, RawComparator.class); configureIndexes(conf, groupIndices, GROUPING_INDEXES_CONFIG_NAME, "mapred.output.value.groupfn.class", TupleGroupingComparator.class, RawComparator.class); } private void configureIndexes(Configuration conf, int[] indexes, String configName, String name, Class<?> theClass, Class<?> xface) { if (indexes != null) { conf.setStrings(configName, indexesToStrings(indexes)); conf.setClass(name, theClass, xface); } } public static int[] enumOrdinalsToArray(Enum<?>... enums) { int[] array = new int[enums.length]; for (int i = 0; i < enums.length; i++) { array[i] = enums[i].ordinal(); } return array; } } public static int[] indexesFromConfig(Configuration conf, String confName) { String[] parts = conf.getStrings(confName); if (parts == null || parts.length == 0) { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Empty or no configuration set for '%s'", confName)); } int[] indices = new int[parts.length]; for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { indices[i] = Integer.valueOf(parts[i]); } return indices; } public static String[] indexesToStrings(int[] indexes) { if (indexes == null || indexes.length == 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("Empty or null indexes"); } String[] parts = new String[indexes.length]; for (int i = 0; i < indexes.length; i++) { parts[i] = String.valueOf(indexes[i]); } return parts; } }