Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2011-2014 Mikhail Khodonov
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.
 * $Id$

package org.homedns.mkh.databuffer;

import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.sql.CallableStatement;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.sql.Types;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.homedns.mkh.sqlmodifier.SQLModifier;
import com.akiban.sql.StandardException;
import com.sun.rowset.WebRowSetImpl;
import com.sun.rowset.internal.Row;

 * DataBuffer
public class DataBuffer extends WebRowSetImpl {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -2926317597083330248L;
    private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(DataBuffer.class);

     * Specifies insert SQL query 
    public static final int INSERT = 0;
     * Specifies update SQL query 
    public static final int UPDATE = 1;
     * Specifies delete SQL query 
    public static final int DELETE = 2;
     * Specifies retrieve SQL query 
    public static final int RETRIEVE = 3;
     * Specifies undefined query 
    public static final int UNKNOWN = 4;

     * Specifies XML data format
    public static final int XML = 0;
     * Specifies JSON data format
    public static final int JSON = 1;
     * Specifies serializable array data format
    public static final int SERIALIZABLE_ARRAY = 2;
     * Specifies serializable list data format
    public static final int SERIALIZABLE_LIST = 3;

    private MetaData _metaData;
    private SQLQuery _insert;
    private SQLQuery _delete;
    private SQLQuery _update;
    private SQLQuery _sp;
    private String _sPKCol;
    private int _iPage = 1;
    private boolean _bIsStoredProcedure = false;
    private ArrayList<Integer> _returnValue = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    private SQLModifier _sqlModifier = new SQLModifier();
    private Connection _conn;

     * @param metaData the data buffer meta data object
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws SQLException
     * @throws StandardException
     * @throws InvalidDatabufferDesc
    public DataBuffer(MetaData metaData)
            throws IOException, SQLException, StandardException, InvalidDatabufferDesc {
        _metaData = metaData;
        DataBufferDesc desc = _metaData.getDescription();

     * @see com.sun.rowset.CachedRowSetImpl#close()
    public void close() {
        try {
        } catch (SQLException e) {

     * Closes connection, typically this method should be called when server
     * paging on and it's need manually close data buffer connection
     * @throws SQLException
    public void closeConn() throws SQLException {
        if (_conn != null) {

     * Returns meta data object {@link org.homedns.mkh.databuffer.MetaData}
     * @return the meta data object
    public MetaData getMetaData() {
        return (_metaData);

     * Returns data buffer records as string array.
     * @return the array of data or empty array if no records
     * @throws SQLException
     * @throws InvalidDatabufferDesc 
    public String[][] getData() throws SQLException, InvalidDatabufferDesc {
        return (getData(_metaData.getColList()));

     * Returns selected columns data buffer records as string array.
     * @param cols
     *            the list of the selected columns which data will be move to
     *            output array
     * @return the array of data or empty array if no records
     * @throws SQLException
    public String[][] getData(List<Column> cols) throws SQLException {
        String[][] asData = new String[size()][cols.size()];
        int iRow = 0;
        while (next()) {
            int iCol = 0;
            for (Column col : cols) {
                int iType = _metaData.getColumnType(col.getColNum() + 1);
                if (iType == Types.TIMESTAMP) {
                    Date date = getDate(col.getColNum() + 1);
                    asData[iRow][iCol] = ((date == null) ? null
                            : getEnvironment().getServerDateFormat().format(date));
                } else {
                    asData[iRow][iCol] = getString(col.getColNum() + 1);
        return (asData);

     * Returns specified row data
     * @param iRow the row index
     * @return the row data or null if not found the row
     * @throws SQLException
     * @throws InvalidDatabufferDesc 
    public Serializable[] getRowData(int iRow) throws SQLException, InvalidDatabufferDesc {
        if (iRow > getRowCount() || iRow < 0) {
            return (null);
        int iRowCount = 0;
        while (next()) {
            if (iRowCount == iRow) {
        Object[] data = getCurrentRow().getOrigRow();
        return (Arrays.copyOf(data, data.length, Serializable[].class));

     * Returns selected columns data buffer records as string array.
     * @param asColName
     *            the columns names array which data will be move to output
     *            array
     * @return the array of data or null if no records
     * @throws SQLException
     * @throws InvalidDatabufferDesc 
    public String[][] getData(String[] asColName) throws SQLException, InvalidDatabufferDesc {
        List<Column> cols = new ArrayList<Column>();
        for (String sColName : asColName) {
        return (getData(cols));

     * Returns data buffer records as list.
     * @return the data list
     * @throws SQLException
     * @throws InvalidDatabufferDesc 
    public ArrayList<ArrayList<Serializable>> getDataAsList() throws SQLException, InvalidDatabufferDesc {
        return (getDataAsList(_metaData.getColList()));

     * Returns selected columns data buffer records as list.
     * @param cols
     *            the list of the selected columns which data will be move to
     *            output list
     * @return the data list
     * @throws SQLException
    public ArrayList<ArrayList<Serializable>> getDataAsList(List<Column> cols) throws SQLException {
        ArrayList<ArrayList<Serializable>> list = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Serializable>>();
        while (next()) {
            ArrayList<Serializable> row = new ArrayList<Serializable>();
            for (Column col : cols) {
                row.add((Serializable) getObject(col.getColNum() + 1));
        return (list);

     * Returns selected columns data buffer records as list.
     * @param asCols
     *            the selected column name array which data will be move to
     *            output list
     * @return the data list
     * @throws SQLException
     * @throws InvalidDatabufferDesc 
    public ArrayList<ArrayList<Serializable>> getDataAsList(String[] asCols)
            throws SQLException, InvalidDatabufferDesc {
        List<Column> cols = new ArrayList<Column>();
        for (String sColName : asCols) {
        return (getDataAsList(cols));

     * Returns data buffer name
     * @return the data buffer name
    public String getDataBufferName() {
        return (_metaData.getDataBufferName());

     * {@link org.homedns.mkh.databuffer.DataBufferMetaData#getDescription()}
    public DataBufferDesc getDescription() {
        return (_metaData.getDescription());

     * {@link org.homedns.mkh.databuffer.DataBufferMetaData#getDescriptionAsJson()}
    public String getDescriptionAsJson() {
        return (_metaData.getDescriptionAsJson());

     * Returns data buffer environment
     * @return the data buffer environment
    public Environment getEnvironment() {
        return (_metaData.getEnvironment());

     * Returns data buffer data as json string
     * @return the data buffer data as json string
     * @throws SQLException
    public String getJson() throws SQLException {
        Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().registerTypeAdapter(Timestamp.class, new TimestampSerializer()).create();
        Collection<?> collection = toCollection();
        Row[] data = collection.toArray(new Row[collection.size()]);
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        for (Row row : data) {
        sb.replace(sb.length() - 1, sb.length(), "]");
        return (sb.toString());

     * Returns current page number.
     * @return page number.
    public int getPage() {
        return (_iPage);

     * Returns sql query execution result.
     * @return the sql query execution result.
    public ArrayList<Integer> getReturnValue() {
        return (_returnValue);

     * Returns number of rows.
     * @return number of rows
     * @throws SQLException
     * @throws InvalidDatabufferDesc 
    public int getRowCount() throws SQLException, InvalidDatabufferDesc {
        int iRowCount = size();
        if (iRowCount > 0) {
            if (getPageSize() > 0) {
                iRowCount = getInt(getDescription().getTable().getRowCountCol());
        return (iRowCount);

     * Returns data buffer data as xml.
     * @return data as xml string or empty string
     * @throws SQLException
     * @throws IOException
    public String getXml() throws SQLException, IOException {
        StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
        String sXml = "";
        try {
            sXml = writer.toString();
        } finally {
        return (sXml);

     * Modifies original data buffer retrieve query.
     * @param sAddWhere
     *            the addition for the WHERE clause
     * @return the result query.
     * @throws StandardException
     * @throws InvalidDatabufferDesc 
    private String modifyQuery(String sAddWhere) throws StandardException, InvalidDatabufferDesc {
        if (!_sqlModifier.isParsed()) {
        return (_sqlModifier.modifyQuery(sAddWhere));

     * @see com.sun.rowset.CachedRowSetImpl#nextPage()
    public boolean nextPage() throws SQLException {
        boolean bNext = super.nextPage();
        if (bNext) {
        return (bNext);

     * @see com.sun.rowset.CachedRowSetImpl#previousPage()
    public boolean previousPage() throws SQLException {
        boolean bPrevious = super.previousPage();
        if (bPrevious) {
        return (bPrevious);

     * Puts data as json string to the data buffer.
     * @param sJsonData
     *            the data as json string to put
     * @throws SQLException
     * @throws ParseException 
     * @throws InvalidDatabufferDesc 
     * @throws IOException 
    public void putJson(String sJsonData) throws SQLException, ParseException, InvalidDatabufferDesc, IOException {
        String[][] data;
        JsonReader reader = null;
        try {
            reader = new JsonReader(new StringReader(sJsonData));
            Gson gson = new Gson();
            data = gson.fromJson(reader, String[][].class);
        } finally {
            if (reader != null) {
        for (String[] row : data) {
            for (Column col : _metaData.getColList()) {
                Object value = null;
                String sValue = row[col.getColNum()];
                int iType = _metaData.getColumnType(col.getColNum() + 1);
                try {
                    if (iType == Types.TIMESTAMP) {
                        value = new Timestamp((getEnvironment().getServerDateFormat().parse((sValue)).getTime()));
                    } else if (iType == Types.TINYINT || iType == Types.SMALLINT || iType == Types.INTEGER) {
                        value = new Integer(sValue);
                    } else if (iType == Types.BIGINT) {
                        value = new Long(sValue);
                    } else if (iType == Types.DOUBLE) {
                        value = new Double(sValue);
                    } else if (iType == Types.FLOAT) {
                        value = new Float(sValue);
                    } else if (iType == Types.BOOLEAN) {
                        value = new Boolean(sValue);
                    } else if (iType == Types.VARCHAR) {
                        value = sValue;
                } catch (ParseException e) {
                    ParseException ex = new ParseException(col.getName() + ": " + sValue, 0);
                    throw ex;
                updateObject(col.getColNum() + 1, value);
        LOG.debug("putJson: success");

     * Puts data from xml string to the data buffer
     * @param sXml
     *            the data as xml string to put
     * @throws SQLException
    public void putXml(String sXml) throws SQLException {
        StringReader reader = new StringReader(sXml);
        try {
        } finally {

    * {@inheritDoc}
    public void removeCurrentRow() {

     * Retrieves data from database to the data buffer.
     * @return number of retrieved rows
     * @throws SQLException
     * @throws InvalidDatabufferDesc 
    public int retrieve() throws SQLException, InvalidDatabufferDesc {
        int iPageSize = getPageSize();
        Connection conn = getEnvironment().getTransObject().getConnection(RETRIEVE);
        if (iPageSize > 0) {
            // server paging on, init connection and save it
            _conn = conn;
        try {
            LOG.debug(getDataBufferName() + ": " + getCommand());
            if (iPageSize > 0) {
                _iPage = 1;
        } finally {
            // close connection if server paging off, otherwise connection is still
            // alive until data buffer is closed or manually called closeConn()
            if (iPageSize <= 0) {
        return (getRowCount());

     * Retrieves data from database to the data buffer.
     * @param args
     *            the retrieval arguments list
     * @return number of retrieved rows
     * @throws SQLException
     * @throws InvalidDatabufferDesc 
    public int retrieve(List<Serializable> args) throws SQLException, InvalidDatabufferDesc {
        return (retrieve());

     * Retrieves data from database to the data buffer.
     * @param args
     *            the query arguments list
     * @param sAddWhere
     *            the additional conditions for the WHERE clause
     * @return number of retrieved rows
     * @throws SQLException
     * @throws StandardException
     * @throws InvalidDatabufferDesc 
    public int retrieve(List<Serializable> args, String sAddWhere)
            throws SQLException, StandardException, InvalidDatabufferDesc {
        if (sAddWhere != null && !"".equals(sAddWhere)) {
            String sQuery = modifyQuery(sAddWhere);
            LOG.debug("sAddWhere: " + sAddWhere);
            LOG.debug("modifyQuery: " + sQuery);
        } else {
        return (args == null ? retrieve() : retrieve(args));

     * Retrieves data from database to the data buffer.
     * @param sAddWhere
     *            the additional conditions for the WHERE clause
     * @return number of retrieved rows
     * @throws SQLException
     * @throws StandardException
     * @throws InvalidDatabufferDesc 
    public int retrieve(String sAddWhere) throws SQLException, StandardException, InvalidDatabufferDesc {
        return (retrieve(null, sAddWhere));

     * Saves current data buffer row to the database.
     * @param iQueryType
     *            the sql modification query type
     *            {@link org.homedns.mkh.databuffer.DataBuffer#INSERT},
     *            {@link org.homedns.mkh.databuffer.DataBuffer#UPDATE},
     *            {@link org.homedns.mkh.databuffer.DataBuffer#DELETE}
     * @throws SQLException
    public void save(int iQueryType) throws SQLException {
        if (_bIsStoredProcedure) {
            execute(iQueryType, _sp);
        } else {
            if (iQueryType == INSERT) {
            } else if (iQueryType == UPDATE) {
            } else if (iQueryType == DELETE) {

     * Saves data in database.
     * @param iQueryType
     *            the sql modification query type
     *            {@link org.homedns.mkh.databuffer.DataBuffer#INSERT},
     *            {@link org.homedns.mkh.databuffer.DataBuffer#UPDATE},
     *            {@link org.homedns.mkh.databuffer.DataBuffer#DELETE}
     * @param iDataFormat
     *            the data format
     *            {@link org.homedns.mkh.databuffer.DataBuffer#XML},
     *            {@link org.homedns.mkh.databuffer.DataBuffer#JSON},
     *            {@link org.homedns.mkh.databuffer.DataBuffer#SERIALIZABLE_ARRAY}
     * @param data
     *            the data to save
     * @throws SQLException
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws StandardException
     * @throws ParseException 
     * @throws InvalidDatabufferDesc 
    public void save(int iQueryType, int iDataFormat, Object data)
            throws SQLException, IOException, StandardException, ParseException, InvalidDatabufferDesc {
        DataBuffer db = null;
        try {
            db = new DataBuffer(_metaData);
            if (iDataFormat == XML) {
                db.putXml((String) data);
            } else if (iDataFormat == JSON) {
                db.putJson((String) data);
            } else if (iDataFormat == SERIALIZABLE_ARRAY) {
                db.insertData((Serializable[][]) data);
            } else if (iDataFormat == SERIALIZABLE_LIST) {
                if (data instanceof List<?>) {
                    db.insertData((List<List<Serializable>>) data);
            for (int iRow = 1; iRow < db.size() + 1; iRow++) {
      , iRow);
        } finally {
            if (db != null) {

     * Saves data buffer row with specified index to the database.
     * @param iQueryType
     *            the sql modification query type
     *            {@link org.homedns.mkh.databuffer.DataBuffer#INSERT},
     *            {@link org.homedns.mkh.databuffer.DataBuffer#UPDATE},
     *            {@link org.homedns.mkh.databuffer.DataBuffer#DELETE}
     * @param iRow
     *            the row index
     * @throws SQLException
    public void save(int iQueryType, int iRow) throws SQLException {
        if (setRow(iRow)) {

     * Submits a batch of modifying commands to the database to save data buffer data.
     * @param iQueryType
     *            the sql modification query type
     *            {@link org.homedns.mkh.databuffer.DataBuffer#INSERT},
     *            {@link org.homedns.mkh.databuffer.DataBuffer#UPDATE},
     *            {@link org.homedns.mkh.databuffer.DataBuffer#DELETE}
     * @throws SQLException
    public void saveBatch(int iQueryType) throws SQLException {
        if (iQueryType == INSERT) {
        } else if (iQueryType == UPDATE) {
        } else if (iQueryType == DELETE) {

     * Inserts data to the data buffer immediately following the
     * current row.
     * @param data
     *            the data to insert
     * @throws SQLException
    public void insertData(Serializable[][] data) throws SQLException {
        for (Serializable[] row : data) {

     * Inserts data to the data buffer immediately following the
     * current row.
     * @param data
     *            the data to insert
     * @throws SQLException
    public void insertData(List<List<Serializable>> data) throws SQLException {
        for (List<Serializable> row : data) {

     * Inserts the data row into this data buffer immediately following the
     * current row.
     * @param row
     *            the data row to insert
     * @throws SQLException
    private void insertDataRow(List<Serializable> row) throws SQLException {
        int iItem = 1;
        for (Object value : row) {
            if (value instanceof Date) {
                updateObject(iItem, new Timestamp(((Date) value).getTime()));
            } else {
                updateObject(iItem, value);

     * Sets the size of the page, which specifies how many rows have to be
     * retrieved at a time. Two conditions should be performed: 1. Page size
     * should be defined on client side as > 0 2. Query definition in data
     * buffer description should be contain special column 'row_count', which
     * return query row count. Here is DBMS depended solution for Postgresql
     * only:
     * <p>
     * <pre>
     * SELECT count(*)over() as row_count, row_number()over() as row_number, 
     *     sms_event.mev_id, d_event.evt_code, d_event.evt_name, d_egm_type.egt_name, 
     *     d_egm_state.sta_name, sms_egm.egm_num_in_floor, sms_event.mev_date,  
     *     sms_event.mev_denom, sms_event.mev_bill_drop, sms_event.mev_coin_drop,  
     *     sms_event.mev_wat_in, sms_event.mev_total_drop, sms_event.mev_current_credits,  
     *     sms_event.mev_cancelled_credits, sms_event.mev_total_jackpot, sms_event.mev_wat_out,  
     *     sms_event.mev_total_hand_paid, sms_event.mev_total_in,  sms_event.mev_total_out,  
     *     sms_event.mev_games_played, sms_event.mev_total_bills_of_type_1,  
     *     sms_event.mev_total_bills_of_type_2, sms_event.mev_total_bills_of_type_3,  
     *     sms_event.mev_total_bills_of_type_4, sms_event.mev_total_bills_of_type_5,  
     *     sms_event.mev_total_bills_of_type_6, sms_event.mev_total_bills_of_type_7,  
     *     sms_event.mev_total_bills_of_type_8, sms_event.mev_total_bills_of_type_9,  
     *     sms_event.mev_total_bills_of_type_10  
     * FROM  sms_event, d_egm_state,  
     *       sms_egm, d_event, d_egm_type 
     * WHERE  d_egm_state.sta_id = sms_event.sta_id AND sms_egm.egm_id = sms_event.egm_id AND 
     *        d_event.evt_id = sms_event.evt_id AND d_egm_type.egt_id = sms_egm.egt_id
     * </pre>
     * <p>
     * Therefore for others DBMS should be override. NOTE: this is for support
     * paging on client side. In others cases you should use ascendant
     * setPageSize()
     * @param iSize
     *            the page size
     * @throws SQLException
     * @throws InvalidDatabufferDesc 
    protected void setPageSize(Integer iSize) throws SQLException, InvalidDatabufferDesc {
        if (iSize != null && iSize > 0 && !"".equals(getDescription().getTable().getRowCountCol())) {

     * Sets specified row as current row in data buffer.
     * @param iRow
     *            the row index to set
     * @return true if success and false if failure
     * @throws SQLException
    public boolean setRow(int iRow) throws SQLException {
        return (relative(iRow - getRow()));

     * Executes query - stored procedure. To be sure to define right format in
     * data buffer description file to call stored procedure (property
     * 'updateTableName').
     * @param iQueryType
     *            the sql modification query type
     *            {@link org.homedns.mkh.databuffer.DataBuffer#INSERT},
     *            {@link org.homedns.mkh.databuffer.DataBuffer#UPDATE},
     *            {@link org.homedns.mkh.databuffer.DataBuffer#DELETE}
     * @param query
     *            the sql query object
     * @throws SQLException
    private void execute(int iQueryType, SQLQuery query) throws SQLException {
        Connection conn = getEnvironment().getTransObject().getConnection(iQueryType);
        try {
            LOG.debug("executing query: " + query.getQuery());
            CallableStatement stmt = conn.prepareCall(query.getQuery());
            stmt.registerOutParameter(1, Types.INTEGER);
            stmt.setInt(2, iQueryType);
            int iItem = 3;
            for (String sParm : query.getParmName()) {
                stmt.setObject(iItem, getObject(sParm));
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            throw new SQLException(query.getQuery(), e);
        } finally {

     * Executes query (insert, delete, update).
     * @param query
     *            the sql query object
     * @throws SQLException
    private void execute(SQLQuery query) throws SQLException {
        int iOperation = query.getQueryType();
        Connection conn = getEnvironment().getTransObject().getConnection(iOperation);
        try {
            int iItem = 1;
            String sQuery = query.getQuery();
            LOG.debug("executing query: " + sQuery);
            PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sQuery, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);
            for (String sParm : query.getParmName()) {
                Object value = getObject(sParm);
                stmt.setObject(iItem, value);
            if (iOperation == INSERT) {
                ResultSet ids = stmt.getGeneratedKeys();
                while ( {
            } else if (iOperation == UPDATE) {
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            throw new SQLException(query.getQuery(), e);
        } finally {

     * Executes batch of sql queries (insert, delete, update).
     * @param query
     *            the sql query object
     * @throws SQLException
    private void executeBatch(SQLQuery query) throws SQLException {
        int iOperation = query.getQueryType();
        Connection conn = getEnvironment().getTransObject().getConnection(iOperation);
        try {
            String sQuery = query.getQuery();
            LOG.debug("executing query: " + sQuery);
            PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sQuery);
            while (next()) {
                int iItem = 1;
                for (String sParm : query.getParmName()) {
                    stmt.setObject(iItem, getObject(sParm));
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            throw new SQLException(query.getQuery(), e);
        } finally {

     * Sets retrieval arguments for query.
     * @param args
     *            the query arguments list
     * @throws SQLException
    private void setArgs(List<Serializable> args) throws SQLException {
        int iItem = 1;
        for (Object arg : args) {
            LOG.debug("retrieval argument " + iItem + ": " + arg);
            if (arg instanceof Date) {
                setTimestamp(iItem, new Timestamp(((Date) arg).getTime()));
            } else {
                setObject(iItem, arg);

    * Sets SQL modification queries for prepared statements.
    private void setSQL() throws SQLException {
        List<String> colNames = _metaData.getUpdatableColNames();
        if (colNames == null) {
        int iColCount = colNames.size();
        if (iColCount < 1) {
        String sTable = getTableName();
        if (sTable == null || "".equals(sTable)) {
        _bIsStoredProcedure = sTable.contains("call");
        if (_bIsStoredProcedure) {
            _sp = new SQLQuery(
                    "{ " + sTable + "(?," + Util.fill("?,", iColCount * 2).substring(0, iColCount * 2 - 1) + ") }",
        } else {
            _insert = new SQLQuery("insert into " + sTable + "(" + Util.assemble(colNames, ",") + ") values("
                    + Util.fill("?,", iColCount * 2).substring(0, iColCount * 2 - 1) + ")", INSERT);
            _delete = new SQLQuery("delete from " + sTable + " where " + _sPKCol + " = ?", DELETE);
            _update = new SQLQuery("update " + sTable + " set " + Util.assemble(colNames, " = ?,") + " = ?"
                    + " where " + _sPKCol + " = ?", UPDATE);

     * Sets primary key column for this data buffer.
     * @param sPKCol
     *            the primary key column name
     * @throws SQLException
    private void setKeyColumn(String sPKCol) throws SQLException {
        _sPKCol = sPKCol;
        int[] aiPKey = new int[1];
        aiPKey[0] = findColumn(sPKCol);

    private class SQLQuery {
        private String _sQuery;
        private List<String> _parmName = new ArrayList<String>();
        private int _iOperation = UNKNOWN;

         * @param sQuery
         *            the query definition
         * @param iQueryType
         *            the sql modification query type
         *            {@link org.homedns.mkh.databuffer.DataBuffer#INSERT},
         *            {@link org.homedns.mkh.databuffer.DataBuffer#UPDATE},
         *            {@link org.homedns.mkh.databuffer.DataBuffer#DELETE}
        public SQLQuery(String sQuery, int iQueryType) {
            _iOperation = iQueryType;

         * Adds parameter names to the list.
         * @param sParmName
         *            the parameter name
        public void addParmName(String sParmName) {

         * Returns sql modification query type.
         * @return the sql modification query type
         *         {@link org.homedns.mkh.databuffer.DataBuffer#INSERT},
         *         {@link org.homedns.mkh.databuffer.DataBuffer#UPDATE},
         *         {@link org.homedns.mkh.databuffer.DataBuffer#DELETE}
        public int getQueryType() {
            return (_iOperation);

         * Returns parameters names list.
         * @return parameters names list
        public List<String> getParmName() {
            return (_parmName);

         * Returns modifying query.
         * @return query
        public String getQuery() {
            return (_sQuery);

         * Sets parameters names list.
         * @param parmName
         *            the parameters names list to set
        public void setParmName(List<String> parmName) {

         * Sets modifying query.
         * @param sQuery
         *            the query to set
        public void setQuery(String sQuery) {
            _sQuery = sQuery;

     * Custom timestamp serializer
    private class TimestampSerializer implements JsonSerializer<Timestamp> {
         * @see, java.lang.reflect.Type,
        public JsonElement serialize(Timestamp timestamp, Type type, JsonSerializationContext context) {
            return (new JsonPrimitive(getEnvironment().getServerDateFormat().format(timestamp)));