Java tutorial
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------* * HolisticView/MetaKnowledge * * * * * * Copyright Notice: * * Free use of this library is permitted under the guidelines and * * in accordance with the most current version of the Common Public * * License. * * * * * * * * * *----------+-----------------------------------------------------------* * PACKAGE | package org.holistic.ws_proxy; * *----------+-----------------------------------------------------------* * MODULE | public class WSProxyHelper * *----------+-----------------------------------------------------------* * * * * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * CREATED * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * AGARCIA/04-2007 * * * * * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * MODIFIED * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * * * * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * CHANGE LOG * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * * * * * * * * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * NOTES * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * * * * * * * * * * * * *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ package org.holistic.ws_proxy; import*; import*; import; import java.util.*; import javax.servlet.ServletRequest; import javax.servlet.ServletResponse; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import sun.misc.BASE64Encoder; import sun.misc.CharacterEncoder; // Referenced classes of package org.holistic.ws_proxy: // BufferedInputStreamReader public class WSProxyHelper { private String HTTP_GET; private String HTTP_POST; private String COOKIE_SESSION; private String EXTRA_COOKIE; private String m_strEndPoint; private Log log; /** * * @param strEndPoint The reverse proxy endpoint host * @param iTimeOut The timeout for network operations in seconds */ public WSProxyHelper(String strEndPoint, int iTimeOut) { HTTP_GET = "GET"; HTTP_POST = "POST"; COOKIE_SESSION = "JSESSIONID"; EXTRA_COOKIE = "_endPoint"; log = LogFactory.getLog("[WSProxyHelper]"); set_endpoint(strEndPoint); set_timeout(iTimeOut); log.debug("Se inicializa un WSProxyHelper con parametros endPoint: " + strEndPoint + " y timeOut: " + iTimeOut); } private void set_endpoint(String strValue) { m_strEndPoint = strValue; } private String get_endpoint() { return m_strEndPoint; } private void set_timeout(int iValue) { if (iValue > 0) { java.util.Properties m_objProperties = System.getProperties(); m_objProperties.put("", "" + iValue * 1000); m_objProperties.put("", "" + iValue * 1000); System.setProperties(m_objProperties); } } /** * * @param strHost Proxy Host * @param strPort Proxy Port */ public void set_proxy(String strHost, String strPort) { if (strHost != null && strPort != null) { java.util.Properties m_objProperties = System.getProperties(); m_objProperties.put("proxySet", "true"); m_objProperties.put("proxyHost", strHost); m_objProperties.put("proxyPort", strPort); System.setProperties(m_objProperties); log.debug("La comunicacion entre el WSProxyHelper y el endPoint(" + m_strEndPoint + ") se realiza a trav\351s del proxy " + strHost + ":" + strPort); } } /** * * @param strURL URL to connect * @throws java.lang.Exception * @return Returns HttpURLConnection object */ public HttpURLConnection openurl(String strURL) throws Exception { HttpURLConnection m_objURLConn = null; URL m_objURL = new URL(strURL); m_objURLConn = (HttpURLConnection) m_objURL.openConnection(); log.debug("Se abre la conexi\363n a " + strURL); m_objURLConn.setDoInput(true); m_objURLConn.setUseCaches(true); return m_objURLConn; } public String get_request(HttpServletRequest req) { String m_strRequest = get_endpoint() + req.getRequestURI(); log.debug("La URI de la peticion es: " + req.getRequestURI()); String m_strQueryString = req.getQueryString(); if (m_strQueryString != null) { log.debug("El QueryString de la peticion es: " + m_strQueryString); if (m_strRequest.indexOf("?") < 0) m_strRequest = m_strRequest + "?" + m_strQueryString; else m_strRequest = m_strRequest + "&" + m_strQueryString; } return m_strRequest; } public String get_postdata(HttpServletRequest req) throws Exception { String m_strPostData = ""; for (Enumeration m_objElement = req.getParameterNames(); m_objElement.hasMoreElements();) { String m_strName = (String) m_objElement.nextElement(); String sValues[] = req.getParameterValues(m_strName); for (int iCont = 0; iCont < sValues.length; iCont++) { if (m_strPostData.length() > 0) m_strPostData = m_strPostData + "&"; m_strPostData = m_strPostData + m_strName + "=" + URLEncoder.encode(sValues[iCont], "UTF-8"); } } log.debug("The POST parameters received are: " + m_strPostData); return m_strPostData; } public void set_headers2urlconn(HttpServletRequest req, URLConnection objURLConn) throws Exception { String m_strName; String m_strValue; for (Enumeration m_objElement = req.getHeaderNames(); m_objElement.hasMoreElements(); log .debug("ClientToEndPoint HEADER[" + m_strName + "] - VALUE[" + m_strValue + "]")) { m_strName = (String) m_objElement.nextElement(); m_strValue = req.getHeader(m_strName); if (m_strName.toUpperCase().equals("COOKIE") && m_strValue.indexOf(COOKIE_SESSION + "=") > 0) m_strValue = m_strValue.replaceAll(COOKIE_SESSION + "=", COOKIE_SESSION + "_PROXY="); if (m_strName.toUpperCase().equals("COOKIE") && m_strValue.indexOf(EXTRA_COOKIE) > 0) m_strValue = m_strValue.replaceAll(EXTRA_COOKIE, ""); objURLConn.setRequestProperty(m_strName, m_strValue); } String m_RemoteAddr = req.getRemoteAddr(); objURLConn.setRequestProperty("x-forwarded-for", m_RemoteAddr); log.debug("Client IP x-forwarded-for (" + m_RemoteAddr + ")."); String cipherSuite = (String) req.getAttribute(""); if (cipherSuite != null && req.getAttribute("") != null) { certChain[] = ([]) req .getAttribute(""); certStandar = certChain[0]; m_strName = "entrust-client-certificate"; String m_strTemp = (new BASE64Encoder()).encode(certStandar.getEncoded()); m_strValue = m_strTemp.replaceAll("\r\n", "").replaceAll("\n", ""); objURLConn.setRequestProperty(m_strName, m_strValue); log.debug("HEADER[" + m_strName + "] - VALUE[" + m_strValue + "]"); } } private void headers_endpoint2client(HttpServletResponse resp, URLConnection objURLConn) throws Exception { int m_iHeaderNumber = 1; String m_sHeaderName = objURLConn.getHeaderFieldKey(m_iHeaderNumber); for (String m_sHeaderValue = objURLConn.getHeaderField(m_iHeaderNumber); m_sHeaderName != null && m_sHeaderValue != null; m_sHeaderValue = objURLConn.getHeaderField(m_iHeaderNumber)) { if (m_sHeaderName.equalsIgnoreCase("Set-Cookie")) { String m_sCookie = objURLConn.getHeaderField(m_iHeaderNumber); if (m_sCookie != null && !m_sCookie.equals("")) { log.debug("EndPoint Cookie: " + m_sCookie); int m_posicion = m_sCookie.indexOf("="); String m_sCookieModificada = m_sCookie.substring(0, m_posicion) + EXTRA_COOKIE + m_sCookie.substring(m_posicion); log.debug("Al cliente le transmito la cookie modificada: " + m_sCookieModificada); resp.addHeader("Set-Cookie", m_sCookieModificada); } } else if (!m_sHeaderName.equalsIgnoreCase("Content-Length") && !m_sHeaderName.equalsIgnoreCase("Transfer-Encoding")) { if (m_sHeaderName.equalsIgnoreCase("Cache-Control") && m_sHeaderValue.equalsIgnoreCase("max-age=43200")) { //resp.addHeader(m_sHeaderName, "post-check=43200, pre-check=3600"); //resp.addHeader(m_sHeaderName, "post-check=300, pre-check=420, must-revalidate"); resp.addHeader(m_sHeaderName, "post-check=600, pre-check=601"); } else { resp.addHeader(m_sHeaderName, m_sHeaderValue); log.debug("EndPointToClient HEADER[" + m_sHeaderName + "] - VALUE[" + m_sHeaderValue + "]"); } } m_iHeaderNumber++; m_sHeaderName = objURLConn.getHeaderFieldKey(m_iHeaderNumber); } } private void get_endpointstream(HttpServletResponse resp, HttpURLConnection objURLConn) throws Exception { int m_iIndex = 0; byte m_objBuffer[] = (byte[]) null; BufferedInputStreamReader m_objReader = null; headers_endpoint2client(resp, objURLConn); if (objURLConn.getResponseCode() < 400) { m_objReader = new BufferedInputStreamReader(objURLConn.getInputStream(), 8192); } else { m_objReader = new BufferedInputStreamReader(objURLConn.getErrorStream(), 8192); } BufferedOutputStream m_objOutput = new BufferedOutputStream(resp.getOutputStream()); while ((m_objBuffer = m_objReader.nextChunk()) != null) { if (m_objBuffer.length > 0) m_objOutput.write(m_objBuffer); m_objOutput.flush(); } if (m_objReader != null) m_objReader.close(); if (m_objOutput != null) { m_objOutput.flush(); m_objOutput.close(); } } public void processRequest(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws Exception { GregorianCalendar m_objGCalendar = new GregorianCalendar(); long m_inicio = m_objGCalendar.getTimeInMillis(); if (HTTP_GET.equals(req.getMethod().toUpperCase())) doGet(req, resp); else doPost(req, resp); m_objGCalendar = new GregorianCalendar(); long m_fin = m_objGCalendar.getTimeInMillis();"Request processing time (mseg): " + (m_fin - m_inicio)); } private void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws Exception { HttpURLConnection m_objURLConnection = null; m_objURLConnection = openurl(get_request(req)); // resp.setStatus(m_objURLConnection.getResponseCode()); m_objURLConnection.setDoOutput(true); m_objURLConnection.setRequestProperty("content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); set_headers2urlconn(req, m_objURLConnection); m_objURLConnection.setRequestProperty("host", m_objURLConnection.getURL().getHost() + ":" + m_objURLConnection.getURL().getPort()); PrintWriter m_objOutput = new PrintWriter(m_objURLConnection.getOutputStream()); m_objOutput.print(get_postdata(req)); m_objOutput.close(); resp.setStatus(m_objURLConnection.getResponseCode()); if (m_objURLConnection.getContentType() != null) resp.setContentType(m_objURLConnection.getContentType()); get_endpointstream(resp, m_objURLConnection); } private void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws Exception { HttpURLConnection m_objURLConnection = null; m_objURLConnection = openurl(get_request(req)); // resp.setStatus(m_objURLConnection.getResponseCode()); set_headers2urlconn(req, m_objURLConnection); m_objURLConnection.setRequestProperty("host", m_objURLConnection.getURL().getHost() + ":" + m_objURLConnection.getURL().getPort()); resp.setStatus(m_objURLConnection.getResponseCode()); if (m_objURLConnection.getContentType() != null) resp.setContentType(m_objURLConnection.getContentType()); get_endpointstream(resp, m_objURLConnection); } }