Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2008-2013 Hippo B.V. ( * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.hippoecm.repository.query.lucene; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import javax.jcr.ItemNotFoundException; import javax.jcr.NamespaceException; import javax.jcr.PropertyType; import javax.jcr.RepositoryException; import; import; import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.QueryHandlerContext; import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene.DoubleField; import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene.FieldNames; import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene.LongField; import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene.NamespaceMappings; import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene.NodeIndexer; import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.ChildNodeEntry; import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.ItemStateException; import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.NoSuchItemStateException; import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.NodeState; import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.PropertyState; import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.value.InternalValue; import org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.Name; import org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.conversion.NamePathResolver; import; import org.apache.lucene.document.Document; import org.apache.lucene.document.Field; import org.apache.tika.parser.Parser; import org.hippoecm.repository.api.HippoNodeType; import org.hippoecm.repository.util.DateTools; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class ServicingNodeIndexer extends NodeIndexer { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ServicingNodeIndexer.class); /** * List where the binaries are stored before being actually indexed: when there is a hippo:text binary in the documentBinaries, we * then skip the other binaries indexing: the hippo:text is there as the extracted version of the real binary */ private List<BinaryValue> binaryValues = null; private String hippoTextPropertyName; private BinaryValue hippoTextValue; private final QueryHandlerContext queryHandlerContext; protected ServicingIndexingConfiguration servicingIndexingConfig; private boolean supportSimilarityOnStrings = true; private boolean supportSimilarityOnBinaries; public ServicingNodeIndexer(NodeState node, QueryHandlerContext context, NamespaceMappings mappings, Parser parser) { super(node, context.getItemStateManager(), mappings, context.getExecutor(), parser); this.queryHandlerContext = context; } public void setServicingIndexingConfiguration(ServicingIndexingConfiguration config) { super.setIndexingConfiguration(config); this.servicingIndexingConfig = config; } @Override public Document createDoc() throws RepositoryException { Document doc = super.createDoc(); // index ancestor uuids + self indexUuidsHierarchy(doc); addBinaries(doc); indexNodeName(doc); for (final Name propName : node.getPropertyNames()) { PropertyId id = new PropertyId(node.getNodeId(), propName); if (isHippoPath(propName)) { addHippoPath(doc, id); } if (isFacet(propName)) { addFacetValues(doc, id, propName); } } return doc; } private void indexUuidsHierarchy(final Document doc) throws RepositoryException { try { NodeState current = node; for (;;) { doc.add(new Field(ServicingFieldNames.HIPPO_UUIDS, current.getId().toString(), Field.Store.NO, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED_NO_NORMS, Field.TermVector.NO)); if (current.getParentId() == null) { // root node or free floating break; } current = (NodeState) stateProvider.getItemState(current.getParentId()); } } catch (ItemStateException e) { throwRepositoryException(e); } } private void addFacetValues(final Document doc, final PropertyId id, final Name propName) throws RepositoryException { final String fieldName = resolver.getJCRName(propName); indexFacetProperty(doc, fieldName); try { PropertyState propState = (PropertyState) stateProvider.getItemState(id); InternalValue[] values = propState.getValues(); for (final InternalValue value : values) { addFacetValue(doc, value, fieldName, propName); } } catch (ItemStateException e) { throwRepositoryException(e); } } @Override protected void addBinaryValue(Document doc, String fieldName, InternalValue internalValue) { // we override the way binaries are handled in {@link #createDoc} if (hippoTextValue == null) { final BinaryValue binaryValue = new BinaryValue(fieldName, internalValue); if (binaryValue.isHippoTextValue()) { hippoTextValue = binaryValue; binaryValues = null; } else { if (binaryValues == null) { binaryValues = new ArrayList<BinaryValue>(); } binaryValues.add(binaryValue); } } } @Override protected void addCalendarValue(Document doc, String fieldName, Calendar internalValue) { super.addCalendarValue(doc, fieldName, internalValue); final long timeInMillis = internalValue.getTimeInMillis(); for (DateTools.Resolution resolution : DateTools.getSupportedResolutions()) { String propertyNameForResolution = DateTools.getPropertyForResolution(fieldName, resolution); Calendar roundedForResolution = DateTools.roundDate(timeInMillis, resolution); super.addCalendarValue(doc, propertyNameForResolution, roundedForResolution); } } @Override protected void addStringValue(Document doc, String fieldName, String internalValue, boolean tokenized, boolean includeInNodeIndex, float boost, boolean useInExcerpt) { boolean includeSingleIndexTerm = true; if (isExcludedFromNodeScope(fieldName)) { includeInNodeIndex = false; } else if (isExcludedSingleIndexTerm(fieldName)) { includeSingleIndexTerm = false; } addStringValue(doc, fieldName, internalValue, tokenized, includeInNodeIndex, boost, useInExcerpt, includeSingleIndexTerm); } /** * The method below is same as NodeIndexer#addStringValue only one extra check <code>includeSingleIndexTerm</code> to * include or exclude the property as a single term in the index. For example, for our html fields, we do not need to support * in queries \@hippostd:content = 'some long text', and obviously, we do not need to support sorting on these fields either. * @see {@link NodeIndexer#addStringValue(org.apache.lucene.document.Document, String, String, boolean, boolean, float, boolean)} */ protected void addStringValue(Document doc, String fieldName, String internalValue, boolean tokenized, boolean includeInNodeIndex, float boost, boolean useInExcerpt, boolean includeSingleIndexTerm) { if (includeSingleIndexTerm) { // simple String doc.add(createFieldWithoutNorms(fieldName, internalValue, PropertyType.STRING)); } if (tokenized) { if (internalValue.length() == 0) { return; } // create fulltext index on property int idx = fieldName.indexOf(':'); fieldName = fieldName.substring(0, idx + 1) + FieldNames.FULLTEXT_PREFIX + fieldName.substring(idx + 1); boolean hasNorms = boost != DEFAULT_BOOST; Field.Index indexType = hasNorms ? Field.Index.ANALYZED : Field.Index.ANALYZED_NO_NORMS; Field f = new Field(fieldName, true, internalValue, Field.Store.NO, indexType, Field.TermVector.NO); f.setBoost(boost); doc.add(f); if (includeInNodeIndex) { f = createFulltextField(internalValue, false, supportSimilarityOnStrings, false); if (useInExcerpt) { doc.add(f); } else { doNotUseInExcerpt.add(f); } } } } /** * Creates a fulltext field for the string <code>value</code>. Overridden in order to reduce size of the index. * The {@code store} field is ignored, fields are never stored. The {@code withNorms} is also ignored. We always * analyse the field as it hardly takes any space or memory. * * @param value the string value. * @param store We ignore <code>store</code> as this increases lucene size while at the same time * excerpts are of poor quality * @param termVectors if a term vector with offsets should be stored. * @param withNorms : We ignore 'withNorms' : It takes hardly space or memory for the full text field. We always * use Field.Index.ANALYZED * * @return a lucene field. */ protected Field createFulltextField(String value, boolean store, boolean termVectors, boolean withNorms) { Field.TermVector tv; if (termVectors) { tv = Field.TermVector.YES; } else { tv = Field.TermVector.NO; } return new Field(FieldNames.FULLTEXT, false, value, Field.Store.NO, Field.Index.ANALYZED, tv); } @Override protected void throwRepositoryException(final Exception e) throws RepositoryException { if (e instanceof NoSuchItemStateException) { throw new ItemNotFoundException(e); } super.throwRepositoryException(e); } // below: When the QName is configured to be a facet, also index like one protected void addFacetValue(Document doc, InternalValue value, String fieldName, Name name) throws RepositoryException { switch (value.getType()) { case PropertyType.BOOLEAN: indexFacet(doc, fieldName, value.toString()); break; case PropertyType.DATE: indexDateFacet(doc, fieldName, value.getDate()); break; case PropertyType.DOUBLE: indexDoubleFacet(doc, fieldName, value.getDouble()); break; case PropertyType.LONG: indexLongFacet(doc, fieldName, value.getLong()); break; case PropertyType.STRING: // never index uuid as facet if (!name.equals(NameConstants.JCR_UUID)) { String str = value.toString(); if (str.length() > 255) { log.debug( "truncating facet value because string length exceeds 255 chars. This is useless for facets"); str = str.substring(0, 255); } indexStringFacet(doc, fieldName, str); } break; case PropertyType.NAME: if (name.equals(NameConstants.JCR_PRIMARYTYPE)) { indexNodeTypeNameFacet(doc, ServicingFieldNames.HIPPO_PRIMARYTYPE, value.getName()); } else if (name.equals(NameConstants.JCR_MIXINTYPES)) { indexNodeTypeNameFacet(doc, ServicingFieldNames.HIPPO_MIXINTYPE, value.getName()); } try { // nodename in format: nsprefix:localname String prefix = queryHandlerContext.getNamespaceRegistry() .getPrefix(value.getName().getNamespaceURI()); indexFacet(doc, fieldName, prefix + ":" + value.getName().getLocalName()); } catch (NamespaceException e) { log.error("Could not get primaryNodeName in format nsprefix:localname for '{}'", value.getName()); } break; default: // type cannot be a facet log.debug("Can't create facet for type '{}'", PropertyType.nameFromValue(value.getType())); break; } } private void indexNodeTypeNameFacet(Document doc, String fieldName, Name internalValue) { try { String value = mappings.getPrefix(internalValue.getNamespaceURI()) + ":" + internalValue.getLocalName(); doc.add(new Field(fieldName, value, Field.Store.NO, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED_NO_NORMS, Field.TermVector.NO)); } catch (NamespaceException ignore) { } } protected boolean isFacet(Name propertyName) { return servicingIndexingConfig != null && servicingIndexingConfig.isFacet(propertyName); } protected boolean isHippoPath(Name propertyName) { return servicingIndexingConfig != null && servicingIndexingConfig.isHippoPath(propertyName); } protected NamePathResolver getResolver() { return resolver; } private void addBinaries(final Document doc) throws RepositoryException { if (hippoTextValue != null) { addHippoTextValue(doc, hippoTextValue); } else if (binaryValues != null) { for (BinaryValue binaryValue : binaryValues) { super.addBinaryValue(doc, binaryValue.fieldName, binaryValue.internalValue); } } } private void addHippoTextValue(final Document doc, final BinaryValue hippoTextBinaryValue) throws RepositoryException { log.debug("The '{}' property is present and thus will be used to index this binary", HippoNodeType.HIPPO_TEXT); try { final String hippoText = IOUtils.toString(hippoTextBinaryValue.internalValue.getStream(), "UTF-8"); // never store for binaries! doc.add(createFulltextField(hippoText, false, supportSimilarityOnBinaries, true)); } catch (IOException e) { log.warn("Exception during indexing hippo:text binary property", e); } } private String getHippoTextPropertyName() { if (hippoTextPropertyName == null) { if (servicingIndexingConfig == null) { hippoTextPropertyName = HippoNodeType.HIPPO_TEXT; } else { try { hippoTextPropertyName = resolver.getJCRName(servicingIndexingConfig.getHippoTextPropertyName()); } catch (NamespaceException e) { log.error("Error resolving hippo text property name", e); hippoTextPropertyName = HippoNodeType.HIPPO_TEXT; } } } return hippoTextPropertyName; } private boolean isExcludedFromNodeScope(String fieldName) { return servicingIndexingConfig != null && servicingIndexingConfig.isExcludedFromNodeScope(fieldName, resolver); } private boolean isExcludedSingleIndexTerm(String fieldName) { return servicingIndexingConfig != null && servicingIndexingConfig.isExcludedSingleIndexTerm(fieldName, resolver); } private void indexNodeName(Document doc) throws RepositoryException { if (!isRootNode()) { try { NodeState parent = (NodeState) stateProvider.getItemState(node.getParentId()); ChildNodeEntry child = parent.getChildNodeEntry(node.getNodeId()); if (child == null) { throw new RepositoryException("Missing child node entry for node with id: " + node.getNodeId()); } String nodeName = child.getName().getLocalName(); String prefix = queryHandlerContext.getNamespaceRegistry() .getPrefix(child.getName().getNamespaceURI()); if (prefix != null && !prefix.isEmpty()) { nodeName = prefix + ":" + nodeName; } final String jcrName = resolver.getJCRName(NameConstants.JCR_NAME); // index the full node name for sorting final Field field = createFieldWithoutNorms(jcrName, nodeName, PropertyType.STRING); doc.add(field); indexFacetProperty(doc, jcrName); indexFacet(doc, jcrName, nodeName); // index the local name for full text search indexNodeLocalName(doc, child.getName().getLocalName()); } catch (ItemStateException e) { throwRepositoryException(e); } } } private boolean isRootNode() { return node.getParentId() == null; } private void indexNodeLocalName(Document doc, final String localName) throws NamespaceException { String hippoNsPrefix = this.mappings.getPrefix(this.servicingIndexingConfig.getHippoNamespaceURI()); String fieldName = hippoNsPrefix + ":" + FieldNames.FULLTEXT_PREFIX + "_localname"; Field localNameField; Field localNameFullTextField; if (supportHighlighting) { localNameField = new Field(fieldName, localName, Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.ANALYZED, Field.TermVector.WITH_OFFSETS); localNameFullTextField = new Field(FieldNames.FULLTEXT, localName, Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.ANALYZED, Field.TermVector.WITH_OFFSETS); } else { localNameField = new Field(fieldName, localName, Field.Store.NO, Field.Index.ANALYZED, Field.TermVector.NO); localNameFullTextField = new Field(FieldNames.FULLTEXT, localName, Field.Store.NO, Field.Index.ANALYZED, Field.TermVector.NO); } localNameField.setBoost(5); doc.add(localNameField); doc.add(localNameFullTextField); } protected void indexFacetProperty(final Document doc, final String fieldName) { doc.add(new Field(ServicingFieldNames.FACET_PROPERTIES_SET, fieldName, Field.Store.NO, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED_NO_NORMS, Field.TermVector.NO)); } private void indexFacet(Document doc, String fieldName, String value, Field.TermVector termVector) { String internalFacetName = ServicingNameFormat.getInternalFacetName(fieldName); doc.add(new Field(internalFacetName, value, Field.Store.NO, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED_NO_NORMS, termVector)); } private void indexFacet(Document doc, String fieldName, String value) { indexFacet(doc, fieldName, value, Field.TermVector.NO); } private void indexDateFacet(Document doc, String fieldName, Calendar calendar) { Map<String, String> resolutions = new HashMap<String, String>(); resolutions.put("year", DateTools.timeToString(calendar.getTimeInMillis(), DateTools.Resolution.YEAR)); resolutions.put("month", DateTools.timeToString(calendar.getTimeInMillis(), DateTools.Resolution.MONTH)); resolutions.put("week", DateTools.timeToString(calendar.getTimeInMillis(), DateTools.Resolution.WEEK)); resolutions.put("day", DateTools.timeToString(calendar.getTimeInMillis(), DateTools.Resolution.DAY)); resolutions.put("hour", DateTools.timeToString(calendar.getTimeInMillis(), DateTools.Resolution.HOUR)); resolutions.put("minute", DateTools.timeToString(calendar.getTimeInMillis(), DateTools.Resolution.MINUTE)); resolutions.put("second", DateTools.timeToString(calendar.getTimeInMillis(), DateTools.Resolution.SECOND)); Map<String, Integer> byDateNumbers = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); byDateNumbers.put("year", calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR)); byDateNumbers.put("month", calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH)); byDateNumbers.put("week", calendar.get(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR)); byDateNumbers.put("dayofyear", calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR)); byDateNumbers.put("dayofweek", calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK)); byDateNumbers.put("day", calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)); byDateNumbers.put("hour", calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY)); byDateNumbers.put("minute", calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE)); byDateNumbers.put("second", calendar.get(Calendar.SECOND)); String internalFacetName = ServicingNameFormat.getInternalFacetName(fieldName); String dateToString = String.valueOf(calendar.getTimeInMillis()); doc.add(new Field(internalFacetName, dateToString, Field.Store.NO, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED_NO_NORMS, Field.TermVector.NO)); for (Entry<String, String> keyValue : resolutions.entrySet()) { String compoundFieldName = fieldName + ServicingFieldNames.DATE_RESOLUTION_DELIMITER + keyValue.getKey(); indexFacetProperty(doc, compoundFieldName); indexFacet(doc, compoundFieldName, keyValue.getValue()); } for (Entry<String, Integer> keyValue : byDateNumbers.entrySet()) { String compoundFieldName = fieldName + ServicingFieldNames.DATE_NUMBER_DELIMITER + keyValue.getKey(); indexFacetProperty(doc, compoundFieldName); indexFacet(doc, compoundFieldName, String.valueOf(keyValue.getValue())); } } private void indexLongFacet(Document doc, String fieldName, long value) { indexFacet(doc, fieldName, String.valueOf(value)); // for efficient range queries on long fields, we also index a lexical format and store term vector String compoundFieldName = fieldName + ServicingFieldNames.LONG_POSTFIX; indexFacetProperty(doc, compoundFieldName); indexFacet(doc, compoundFieldName, LongField.longToString(value), Field.TermVector.YES); } private void indexStringFacet(Document doc, String fieldName, String value) { indexFacet(doc, fieldName, value); // lowercase index the the first, first 2 and first 3 chars in separate fields for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { String ngram = fieldName + ServicingFieldNames.STRING_DELIMITER + i + ServicingFieldNames.STRING_CHAR_POSTFIX; indexFacetProperty(doc, ngram); if (value.length() > i) { indexFacet(doc, ngram, value.substring(0, i).toLowerCase()); } else { indexFacet(doc, ngram, value.toLowerCase()); } } } private void indexDoubleFacet(Document doc, String fieldName, double value) { indexFacet(doc, fieldName, String.valueOf(value)); // for efficient range queries on long fields, we also index a lexical format and store term vector String compoundFieldName = fieldName + ServicingFieldNames.DOUBLE_POSTFIX; indexFacetProperty(doc, compoundFieldName); indexFacet(doc, compoundFieldName, DoubleField.doubleToString(value), Field.TermVector.YES); } private void addHippoPath(Document doc, PropertyId id) throws RepositoryException { try { PropertyState propState = (PropertyState) stateProvider.getItemState(id); InternalValue[] values = propState.getValues(); // index each level of the path for searching for (InternalValue value : values) { doc.add(new Field(ServicingFieldNames.HIPPO_PATH, value.getString(), Field.Store.NO, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED_NO_NORMS, Field.TermVector.NO)); } // make lexical sorting on depth possible. Max depth = 999; String depth = String.format("%03d", values.length); doc.add(new Field(ServicingFieldNames.HIPPO_DEPTH, depth, Field.Store.NO, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED_NO_NORMS, Field.TermVector.NO)); } catch (ItemStateException e) { throwRepositoryException(e); } } public void setSupportSimilarityOnStrings(final boolean supportSimilarityOnStrings) { this.supportSimilarityOnStrings = supportSimilarityOnStrings; } public void setSupportSimilarityOnBinaries(final boolean supportSimilarityOnBinaries) { this.supportSimilarityOnBinaries = supportSimilarityOnBinaries; } private class BinaryValue { private InternalValue internalValue; private String fieldName; private BinaryValue(String fieldName, InternalValue internalValue) { this.internalValue = internalValue; this.fieldName = fieldName; } private boolean isHippoTextValue() { return getHippoTextPropertyName().equals(fieldName); } } }