Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2008-2013 Hippo B.V. ( * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.hippoecm.repository; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import javax.jcr.RepositoryException; import javax.jcr.Session; import javax.jcr.nodetype.NodeTypeManager; import javax.jcr.query.InvalidQueryException; import; import; import; import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.SessionImpl; import; import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.QueryHandlerContext; import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene.FieldNames; import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene.JackrabbitQueryParser; import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene.LuceneQueryBuilder; import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene.NamespaceMappings; import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene.Util; import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene.hits.AbstractHitCollector; import org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.Name; import org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.Path; import org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.conversion.IllegalNameException; import org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.conversion.MalformedPathException; import; import; import org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.query.OrderQueryNode; import org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.query.QueryRootNode; import org.apache.lucene.document.Document; import org.apache.lucene.document.Field; import org.apache.lucene.document.FieldSelector; import org.apache.lucene.document.SetBasedFieldSelector; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader; import org.apache.lucene.index.Term; import org.apache.lucene.index.TermDocs; import org.apache.lucene.index.TermEnum; import org.apache.lucene.queryParser.ParseException; import org.apache.lucene.queryParser.QueryParser; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.lucene.util.OpenBitSet; import org.hippoecm.repository.jackrabbit.HippoSharedItemStateManager; import org.hippoecm.repository.jackrabbit.InternalHippoSession; import org.hippoecm.repository.query.lucene.AuthorizationQuery; import org.hippoecm.repository.query.lucene.FacetFiltersQuery; import org.hippoecm.repository.query.lucene.FacetPropExistsQuery; import org.hippoecm.repository.query.lucene.FacetRangeQuery; import org.hippoecm.repository.query.lucene.FacetsQuery; import org.hippoecm.repository.query.lucene.InheritedFilterQuery; import org.hippoecm.repository.query.lucene.RangeFields; import org.hippoecm.repository.query.lucene.ServicingFieldNames; import org.hippoecm.repository.query.lucene.ServicingNameFormat; import org.hippoecm.repository.query.lucene.ServicingSearchIndex; import org.hippoecm.repository.query.lucene.util.CachingMultiReaderQueryFilter; import org.hippoecm.repository.query.lucene.util.SetDocIdSetBuilder; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class FacetedNavigationEngineImpl extends ServicingSearchIndex implements FacetedNavigationEngine<FacetedNavigationEngineImpl.QueryImpl, FacetedNavigationEngineImpl.ContextImpl> { class QueryAndSort { query; Sort sort; QueryAndSort( query, Sort sort) { this.query = query; this.sort = sort; } } class QueryImpl extends FacetedNavigationEngine.Query { String statement; String language; String[] scopes; FacetFilters facetFilters; QueryAndSort queryAndSort = null; @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public QueryImpl(String parameter) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (parameter.length() >= javax.jcr.query.Query.XPATH.length() + 2 && parameter.substring(0, javax.jcr.query.Query.XPATH.length() + 1) .equalsIgnoreCase(javax.jcr.query.Query.XPATH + "(")) { language = javax.jcr.query.Query.XPATH; statement = parameter.substring(javax.jcr.query.Query.XPATH.length() + 1, parameter.length() - 1); } else if (parameter.length() >= javax.jcr.query.Query.SQL.length() + 2 && parameter.substring(0, javax.jcr.query.Query.SQL.length() + 1) .equalsIgnoreCase(javax.jcr.query.Query.SQL + "(")) { language = javax.jcr.query.Query.SQL; statement = parameter.substring(javax.jcr.query.Query.SQL.length() + 1, parameter.length() - 1); } else if (parameter .matches("\\p{XDigit}{8}-\\p{XDigit}{4}-\\p{XDigit}{4}-\\p{XDigit}{4}-\\p{XDigit}{12}.*")) { statement = parameter; language = ""; String docbases = parameter; if (parameter.indexOf(Query.DOCBASE_FILTER_DELIMITER) > -1) { // parse the filters docbases = docbases.substring(0, parameter.indexOf(Query.DOCBASE_FILTER_DELIMITER)); String filters = parameter.substring(parameter.indexOf(Query.DOCBASE_FILTER_DELIMITER) + 1); facetFilters = FacetFilters.fromString(filters); } scopes = docbases.split(","); } else { QueryParser parser = new JackrabbitQueryParser(FieldNames.FULLTEXT, getTextAnalyzer(), getSynonymProvider(), null); //parser.setOperator(QueryParser.DEFAULT_OPERATOR_AND); try { query = parser.parse(parameter); queryAndSort = new QueryAndSort(query, null); } catch (ParseException ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to parse query", ex); } } } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public QueryAndSort getLuceneQueryAndSort(ContextImpl context) { if (queryAndSort == null) { if (javax.jcr.query.Query.XPATH.equals(language)) { try { QueryRootNode root = org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.query.QueryParser.parse(statement, "xpath", context.session, getQueryNodeFactory()); query = LuceneQueryBuilder.createQuery(root, context.session, getContext().getItemStateManager(), getNamespaceMappings(), getTextAnalyzer(), getContext().getPropertyTypeRegistry(), getSynonymProvider(), getIndexFormatVersion(), null); // if there is a sort, set the sort Sort sort = null; if (root.getOrderNode() != null) { OrderQueryNode.OrderSpec[] orderSpecs = root.getOrderNode().getOrderSpecs(); Path[] orderProperties = new Path[orderSpecs.length]; boolean[] ascSpecs = new boolean[orderSpecs.length]; for (int i = 0; i < orderSpecs.length; i++) { orderProperties[i] = orderSpecs[i].getPropertyPath(); ascSpecs[i] = orderSpecs[i].isAscending(); } // TODO: get orderfuncs from somewhere? final String[] orderFuncs = new String[orderProperties.length]; sort = new Sort(createSortFields(orderProperties, ascSpecs, orderFuncs)); } queryAndSort = new QueryAndSort(query, sort); } catch (InvalidQueryException ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to parse query", ex); } catch (RepositoryException ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("error while building query", ex); } } else if (javax.jcr.query.Query.SQL.equals(language)) { log.warn("SQL not supported as free query in faceted navigation nodes"); } } return queryAndSort; } public String toString() { return statement; } } class ResultImpl extends FacetedNavigationEngine.Result { int length; Iterator<NodeId> iter = null; ResultImpl(int length, Set<NodeId> result) { this.length = length; if (result != null) { this.iter = result.iterator(); } } public int length() { return length; } public Iterator<NodeId> iterator() { return iter; } public String toString() { return getClass().getName() + "[length=" + length + "]"; } } class ContextImpl extends FacetedNavigationEngine.Context { SessionImpl session; private AuthorizationQuery authorizationQuery; ContextImpl(SessionImpl session, String userId, Subject subject, NodeTypeManager ntMgr) throws RepositoryException { this.session = session; this.authorizationQuery = ((InternalHippoSession) session).getAuthorizationQuery(); } BooleanQuery getAuthorizationQuery() { return authorizationQuery != null ? authorizationQuery.getQuery() : null; } DocIdSet getAuthorisationIdSet(IndexReader reader) throws IOException { final CachingMultiReaderQueryFilter authorizationFilter = getAuthorizationFilter(session); if (authorizationFilter == null) { return null; } return authorizationFilter.getDocIdSet(reader); } } private static class DocIdSetFilter extends Filter { private final OpenBitSet docIdSet; private DocIdSetFilter(OpenBitSet docIdSet) throws IOException { this.docIdSet = docIdSet; } @Override public DocIdSet getDocIdSet(final IndexReader reader) throws IOException { return docIdSet; } } /** The logger instance for this class */ private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FacetedNavigationEngine.class); // note some Jackrabbit Queries like ParentAxisQuery cannot be very well cached because do not have proper equals and hashCode : // however, for single fac nav nodes the same ParentAxisQuery instance is reused, and thus still valuable. Also note // that most 'free text queries' do not involve parent or child axis queries: We need to document the cost of using these in faceted // navigation contexts. private Cache<, Filter> filterCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().softValues() .maximumSize(1000).expireAfterAccess(30, TimeUnit.MINUTES).build(); private Cache<FVCKey, Map<String, Count>> facetValueCountCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().softValues() .maximumSize(1000).expireAfterAccess(30, TimeUnit.MINUTES).build(); public FacetedNavigationEngineImpl() { } public ContextImpl prepare(String userId, Subject subject, List<QueryImpl> initialQueries, Session session) throws RepositoryException { NodeTypeManager ntMgr = session.getWorkspace().getNodeTypeManager(); return new ContextImpl((SessionImpl) session, userId, subject, ntMgr); } public void unprepare(ContextImpl authorization) { // deliberate ignore } public void reload(Map<Name, String[]> facetValues) { // deliberate ignore } public boolean requiresReload() { return false; } public boolean requiresNotify() { return false; } public void notify(String docId, Map<Name, String[]> oldFacets, Map<Name, String[]> newFacets) { // deliberate ignore } public void purge() { // deliberate ignore } private int docIdSetCacheSize = 1000; private int facetValueCountMapCacheSize = 1000; public void setDocIdSetCacheSize(int docIdSetCacheSize) { this.docIdSetCacheSize = docIdSetCacheSize; } public int getDocIdSetCacheSize() { return docIdSetCacheSize; } /** * The facetedEngineCacheMngr property for the maximum number of facetValueCount's */ public void setFacetValueCountMapCacheSize(int facetValueCountMapCacheSize) { this.facetValueCountMapCacheSize = facetValueCountMapCacheSize; } // although we do not need the getter ourselves, it is mandatory here because otherwise the setter is not called because // of org.apache.commons.collections.BeanMap#keyIterator public int getFacetValueCountMapCacheSize() { return facetValueCountMapCacheSize; } public Result view(String queryName, QueryImpl initialQuery, ContextImpl contextImpl, List<KeyValue<String, String>> facetsQueryList, List<FacetRange> rangeQuery, QueryImpl openQuery, Map<String, Map<String, Count>> resultset, Map<String, String> inheritedFilter, HitsRequested hitsRequested) throws UnsupportedOperationException, IllegalArgumentException { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { return doView(queryName, initialQuery, contextImpl, facetsQueryList, rangeQuery, openQuery, resultset, inheritedFilter, hitsRequested); } finally { log.debug("Faceted Navigation Engine view took {} ms to complete.", (System.currentTimeMillis() - start)); } } public Result doView(String queryName, QueryImpl initialQuery, ContextImpl contextImpl, List<KeyValue<String, String>> facetsQueryList, List<FacetRange> rangeQuery, QueryImpl openQuery, Map<String, Map<String, Count>> resultset, Map<String, String> inheritedFilter, HitsRequested hitsRequested) throws UnsupportedOperationException, IllegalArgumentException { NamespaceMappings nsMappings = getNamespaceMappings(); IndexReader indexReader = null; try { indexReader = getIndexReader(false); IndexSearcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(indexReader); SetDocIdSetBuilder matchingDocsSetBuilder = new SetDocIdSetBuilder(); BooleanQuery facetsQuery = new FacetsQuery(facetsQueryList, nsMappings).getQuery(); matchingDocsSetBuilder.add(filterDocIdSetPlainLuceneQuery(facetsQuery, indexReader)); BooleanQuery facetRangeQuery = new FacetRangeQuery(rangeQuery, nsMappings, this).getQuery(); matchingDocsSetBuilder.add(filterDocIdSetPlainLuceneQuery(facetRangeQuery, indexReader)); BooleanQuery inheritedFilterQuery = new InheritedFilterQuery(inheritedFilter, nsMappings).getQuery(); matchingDocsSetBuilder.add(filterDocIdSetPlainLuceneQuery(inheritedFilterQuery, indexReader)); initialLuceneQuery = null; if (initialQuery != null && initialQuery.scopes != null && initialQuery.scopes.length > 0) { if (initialQuery.scopes.length == 1) { initialLuceneQuery = new TermQuery( new Term(ServicingFieldNames.HIPPO_PATH, initialQuery.scopes[0])); } else { initialLuceneQuery = new BooleanQuery(true); for (String scope : initialQuery.scopes) { ((BooleanQuery) initialLuceneQuery) .add(new TermQuery(new Term(ServicingFieldNames.HIPPO_PATH, scope)), Occur.SHOULD); } } } matchingDocsSetBuilder.add(filterDocIdSetPlainLuceneQuery(initialLuceneQuery, indexReader)); FacetFiltersQuery facetFiltersQuery = null; if (initialQuery != null && initialQuery.facetFilters != null) { facetFiltersQuery = new FacetFiltersQuery(initialQuery.facetFilters, nsMappings, this.getTextAnalyzer(), this.getSynonymProvider()); } final BooleanQuery authorizationQuery = contextImpl.getAuthorizationQuery(); if (authorizationQuery != null) { final DocIdSet authorisationIdSet = contextImpl.getAuthorisationIdSet(indexReader); if (authorisationIdSet != null) { matchingDocsSetBuilder.add(authorisationIdSet); } } if (resultset != null) { // If there are more than one facet in the 'resultset' we return an empty result as this is not allowed if (resultset.size() > 1) { log.error("The resultset cannot contain multiple facets"); return new ResultImpl(0, null); } int cardinality = 0; for (String namespacedFacet : resultset.keySet()) { // Not a search involving scoring, thus compute bitsets for facetFiltersQuery & freeSearchInjectedSort if (facetFiltersQuery != null) { if (facetFiltersQuery.isPlainLuceneQuery()) { matchingDocsSetBuilder .add(filterDocIdSetPlainLuceneQuery(facetFiltersQuery.getQuery(), indexReader)); } else { matchingDocsSetBuilder .add(filterDocIdSetJackRabbitQuery(facetFiltersQuery.getQuery(), indexReader)); } } if (openQuery != null) { QueryAndSort queryAndSort = openQuery.getLuceneQueryAndSort(contextImpl); // open query is always a jackrabbit query matchingDocsSetBuilder.add(filterDocIdSetJackRabbitQuery(queryAndSort.query, indexReader)); } OpenBitSet matchingDocs = matchingDocsSetBuilder.toBitSet(); cardinality = (int) matchingDocs.cardinality(); /* * Nodes not having this facet, still should be counted if they are a hit * in the query without this facet. Therefor, first get the count query without * FacetPropExistsQuery. */ int numHits = 0; if (hitsRequested.isFixedDrillPath()) { // only in the case of the fixed drillpath we use the count where the facet does not need to exist numHits = (int) matchingDocs.cardinality(); } ParsedFacet parsedFacet; try { parsedFacet = ParsedFacet.getInstance(namespacedFacet); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error parsing facet: ", e); return new ResultImpl(0, null); } String propertyName = ServicingNameFormat.getInteralPropertyPathName(nsMappings, parsedFacet.getNamespacedProperty()); /* * facetPropExists: the node must have the property as facet */ matchingDocsSetBuilder.add(filterDocIdSetPlainLuceneQuery( new FacetPropExistsQuery(propertyName).getQuery(), indexReader)); matchingDocs = matchingDocsSetBuilder.toBitSet(); cardinality = (int) matchingDocs.cardinality(); // this method populates the facetValueCountMap for the current facet // index reader is instance of JackrabbitIndexReader : we need the wrapped multi-index reader as // cache key : since during deletes only, the backing index reader can stay the same, we // also need to use numDocs to be sure we get the right cached values Object[] keyObjects = { matchingDocs, propertyName, parsedFacet, indexReader.getCoreCacheKey(), indexReader.numDocs() }; FVCKey fvcKey = new FVCKey(keyObjects); Map<String, Count> facetValueCountMap = facetValueCountCache.getIfPresent(fvcKey); if (facetValueCountMap == null) { facetValueCountMap = new HashMap<String, Count>(); populateFacetValueCountMap(propertyName, parsedFacet, facetValueCountMap, matchingDocs, indexReader); facetValueCountCache.put(fvcKey, facetValueCountMap); log.debug("Caching new facet value count map"); } else { log.debug("Reusing previously cached facet value count map"); } Map<String, Count> resultFacetValueCountMap = resultset.get(namespacedFacet); resultFacetValueCountMap.putAll(facetValueCountMap); // set the numHits value if (hitsRequested.isFixedDrillPath()) { return new ResultImpl(numHits, null); } } return new ResultImpl(cardinality, null); } else { // resultset is null, so search for HippoNodeType.HIPPO_RESULTSET if (!hitsRequested.isResultRequested()) { // No search with SCORING involved, this everything can be done with BitSet's if (facetFiltersQuery != null && facetFiltersQuery.getQuery().clauses().size() > 0) { matchingDocsSetBuilder .add(filterDocIdSetPlainLuceneQuery(facetFiltersQuery.getQuery(), indexReader)); } if (openQuery != null) { QueryAndSort queryAndSort = openQuery.getLuceneQueryAndSort(contextImpl); matchingDocsSetBuilder.add(filterDocIdSetJackRabbitQuery(queryAndSort.query, indexReader)); } int size = (int) matchingDocsSetBuilder.toBitSet().cardinality(); return new ResultImpl(size, null); } else { BooleanQuery searchQuery = new BooleanQuery(false); Sort freeSearchInjectedSort = null; if (facetFiltersQuery != null && facetFiltersQuery.getQuery().clauses().size() > 0) { searchQuery.add(facetFiltersQuery.getQuery(), Occur.MUST); } if (openQuery != null) { QueryAndSort queryAndSort = openQuery.getLuceneQueryAndSort(contextImpl); if (queryAndSort.query != null) { searchQuery.add(queryAndSort.query, Occur.MUST); } freeSearchInjectedSort = queryAndSort.sort; } Set<String> fieldNames = new HashSet<String>(); fieldNames.add(FieldNames.UUID); FieldSelector fieldSelector = new SetBasedFieldSelector(fieldNames, new HashSet<String>()); int fetchTotal = hitsRequested.getOffset() + hitsRequested.getLimit(); Sort sort = null; if (freeSearchInjectedSort != null) { // we already have a sort from the xpath or sql free search. Use this one sort = freeSearchInjectedSort; } else if (hitsRequested.getOrderByList().size() > 0) { List<Path> orderPropertiesList = new ArrayList<Path>(); List<Boolean> ascSpecsList = new ArrayList<Boolean>(); for (OrderBy orderBy : hitsRequested.getOrderByList()) { try { Name orderByProp = NameFactoryImpl.getInstance().create(orderBy.getName()); boolean isAscending = !orderBy.isDescending(); orderPropertiesList.add(createPath(orderByProp)); ascSpecsList.add(isAscending); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { log.warn("Skip property '{}' because cannot create a Name for it: {}", orderBy.getName(), e.toString()); } } if (orderPropertiesList.size() > 0) { Path[] orderProperties = orderPropertiesList .toArray(new Path[orderPropertiesList.size()]); boolean[] ascSpecs = new boolean[ascSpecsList.size()]; int i = 0; for (Boolean b : ascSpecsList) { ascSpecs[i] = b; i++; } sort = new Sort(createSortFields(orderProperties, ascSpecs, new String[orderProperties.length])); } } boolean sortScoreAscending = false; // if the sort is on score descending, we can set it to null as this is the default and more efficient if (sort != null && sort.getSort().length == 1 && sort.getSort()[0].getType() == SortField.SCORE) { if (sort.getSort()[0].getReverse()) { sortScoreAscending = true; } else { // we can skip sort as it is on score descending sort = null; } } TopDocs tfDocs; query = searchQuery; if (searchQuery.clauses().size() == 0) { // add a match all query // searchQuery.add(new MatchAllDocsQuery(), Occur.MUST); query = new MatchAllDocsQuery(); } if (sort == null) { // when sort == null, use this search without search as is more efficient Filter filterToApply = new DocIdSetFilter(matchingDocsSetBuilder.toBitSet()); tfDocs =, filterToApply, fetchTotal); } else { if (sortScoreAscending) { // we need the entire searchQuery because scoring is involved Filter filterToApply = new DocIdSetFilter(matchingDocsSetBuilder.toBitSet()); tfDocs =, filterToApply, fetchTotal, sort); } else { // because we have at least one explicit sort, scoring can be skipped. We can use cached bitsets combined with a match all query if (facetFiltersQuery != null) { matchingDocsSetBuilder.add( filterDocIdSetPlainLuceneQuery(facetFiltersQuery.getQuery(), indexReader)); } if (openQuery != null) { QueryAndSort queryAndSort = openQuery.getLuceneQueryAndSort(contextImpl); matchingDocsSetBuilder .add(filterDocIdSetJackRabbitQuery(queryAndSort.query, indexReader)); } Filter filterToApply = new DocIdSetFilter(matchingDocsSetBuilder.toBitSet()); // set query to MatchAllDocsQuery because we have everything as filter now query = new MatchAllDocsQuery(); tfDocs =, filterToApply, fetchTotal, sort); } } ScoreDoc[] hits = tfDocs.scoreDocs; int position = hitsRequested.getOffset(); // LinkedHashSet because ordering should be kept! Set<NodeId> nodeIdHits = new LinkedHashSet<NodeId>(); while (position < hits.length) { Document d = indexReader.document(hits[position].doc, fieldSelector); Field uuidField = d.getField(FieldNames.UUID); if (uuidField != null) { nodeIdHits.add(NodeId.valueOf(uuidField.stringValue())); } position++; } return new ResultImpl(nodeIdHits.size(), nodeIdHits); } } } catch (IllegalNameException e) { log.error("Error during creating view: ", e); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Error during creating view: ", e); } finally { if (indexReader != null) { try { // do not call indexReader.close() as ref counting is taken care of by // org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene.Util#closeOrRelease Util.closeOrRelease(indexReader); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Exception while closing index reader", e); } } } return new ResultImpl(0, null); } public Result view(String queryName, QueryImpl initialQuery, ContextImpl contextImpl, List<KeyValue<String, String>> facetsQueryList, QueryImpl openQuery, Map<String, Map<String, Count>> resultset, Map<String, String> inheritedFilter, HitsRequested hitsRequested) throws UnsupportedOperationException, IllegalArgumentException { return this.view(queryName, initialQuery, contextImpl, facetsQueryList, null, openQuery, resultset, inheritedFilter, hitsRequested); } public Result view(String queryName, QueryImpl initialQuery, ContextImpl authorization, List<KeyValue<String, String>> facetsQuery, QueryImpl openQuery, Map<String, String> inheritedFilter, HitsRequested hitsRequested) throws IllegalArgumentException { return view(queryName, initialQuery, authorization, facetsQuery, openQuery, null, inheritedFilter, hitsRequested); } public QueryImpl parse(String query) throws IllegalArgumentException { return QueryImpl(query); } @Override protected void doInit() throws IOException { QueryHandlerContext context = getContext(); HippoSharedItemStateManager stateMgr = (HippoSharedItemStateManager) context.getItemStateManager(); stateMgr.repository.setFacetedNavigationEngine(this); super.doInit(); } public Result query(String statement, ContextImpl context) throws InvalidQueryException, RepositoryException { QueryRootNode root = org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.query.QueryParser.parse(statement, "xpath", context.session, getQueryNodeFactory()); query = LuceneQueryBuilder.createQuery(root, context.session, getContext().getItemStateManager(), getNamespaceMappings(), getTextAnalyzer(), getContext().getPropertyTypeRegistry(), getSynonymProvider(), getIndexFormatVersion(), null); Set<NodeId> nodeIdHits = new LinkedHashSet<NodeId>(); try { IndexReader indexReader = getIndexReader(false); IndexSearcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(indexReader); TopDocs tfDocs =, null, 1000); ScoreDoc[] hits = tfDocs.scoreDocs; int position = 0; Set<String> fieldNames = new HashSet<String>(); fieldNames.add(FieldNames.UUID); FieldSelector fieldSelector = new SetBasedFieldSelector(fieldNames, new HashSet<String>()); // LinkedHashSet because ordering should be kept! while (position < hits.length) { Document d = indexReader.document(hits[position].doc, fieldSelector); Field uuidField = d.getField(FieldNames.UUID); if (uuidField != null) { nodeIdHits.add(NodeId.valueOf(uuidField.stringValue())); } position++; } } catch (IOException ex) { log.warn(ex.getMessage(), ex); } return new ResultImpl(nodeIdHits.size(), nodeIdHits); } private void populateFacetValueCountMap(String propertyName, ParsedFacet parsedFacet, Map<String, Count> facetValueCountMap, OpenBitSet matchingDocs, IndexReader indexReader) throws IOException { long start = 0; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { start = System.currentTimeMillis(); } if (matchingDocs.cardinality() == 0) { return; } if (parsedFacet.getFacetRanges() != null) { TermDocs termDocs = indexReader.termDocs(); try { for (FacetRange facetRange : parsedFacet.getFacetRanges()) { long t1 = 0; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); } try { String internalName = ServicingNameFormat.getInteralPropertyPathName(getNamespaceMappings(), facetRange.getNamespacedProperty()); RangeFields rangeFields = new RangeFields(internalName, facetRange); Count counter = new Count(0); facetValueCountMap.put(rangeFields.facetRangeName, counter); // TODO : skip here the logic for long and double range and use the matchingDocs directly and through term vectors fetch the values if (rangeFields.begin == null && rangeFields.end == null) { // short cut: begin and end are open, thus all hits apply. Therefor this short cut is possible counter.count = (int) matchingDocs.cardinality(); } else { TermEnum termEnum = indexReader.terms(new Term(rangeFields.internalFacetName, rangeFields.begin == null ? "" : rangeFields.begin)); try { do { Term term = termEnum.term(); if (term != null && term.field() == rangeFields.internalFacetName) { // interned comparison as rangeFields.internalFacetName is interned if (rangeFields.end != null && term.text().compareTo(rangeFields.end) >= 0) { // term text is higher than upper limit break; }; while ( { if (matchingDocs.get(termDocs.doc())) { counter.count++; } } } else { break; } } while (; } finally { termEnum.close(); } } } catch (IllegalNameException e) { log.error(e.toString()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { log.warn(e.getMessage()); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Populating range '{}' took '{}' ms. ", facetRange.getName(), (System.currentTimeMillis() - t1)); } } } finally { termDocs.close(); } } else { String internalFacetName = ServicingNameFormat.getInternalFacetName(propertyName).intern(); // important to intern for the == comparison TermEnum termEnum = indexReader.terms(new Term(internalFacetName, "")); // iterate through all the values of this facet and see look at number of hits per term try { TermDocs termDocs = indexReader.termDocs(); // open termDocs only once, and use seek: this is more efficient try { do { Term term = termEnum.term(); int count = 0; if (term != null && term.field() == internalFacetName) { // interned comparison; while ( { if (matchingDocs.get(termDocs.doc())) { count++; } } // TODO in mode: show 0 valued facets, we need to return the count == 0 as well! if (count > 0) { // matchingDocs contains the current term if (!"".equals(term.text())) { facetValueCountMap.put(term.text(), new Count(count)); } } } else { break; } } while (; } finally { termDocs.close(); } } finally { termEnum.close(); } } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug( "Populating the FacetValueCountMap took '{}' ms for #'{}' facet values (in case of ranges, this is not the same as all unique facet values, but only the number of ranges) ", (System.currentTimeMillis() - start), facetValueCountMap.size()); } } private DocIdSet filterDocIdSetPlainLuceneQuery(final query, final IndexReader indexReader) throws IOException { if ((query instanceof BooleanQuery) && ((BooleanQuery) query).clauses().size() == 0) { // no constraints. Return null return null; } Filter queryFilter = filterCache.getIfPresent(query); if (queryFilter != null) { log.debug("For query '{}' getting queryFilter from cache", query); } else { queryFilter = new CachingMultiReaderQueryFilter(query); filterCache.put(query, queryFilter); } return queryFilter.getDocIdSet(indexReader); } private DocIdSet filterDocIdSetJackRabbitQuery(final query, final IndexReader indexReader) throws IOException { if ((query instanceof BooleanQuery) && ((BooleanQuery) query).clauses().size() == 0) { // no constraints. Return null return null; } // TODO CACHE jackrabbit queries still need to be cached. Difficult parts are // 1: Jackrabbit Queries do not have hashCode or equals // 2: Jackrabbit Query implementations keep REFERENCES (!!) to index readers // 3.Jackrabbit creates a *NEW* JackrabbitIndexReader instance for *EVERY* search. Hence // if the reader is a JackrabbitIndexReader, the cache would be pointless. // Since all index readers in JR extend from FilterIndexReader, we can use // reader.getCoreCacheKey() : The FilterIndexReader delegates that call to the // wrapped index reader // TODO CACHE final OpenBitSet bits = new OpenBitSet(indexReader.maxDoc()); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); new IndexSearcher(indexReader).search(query, new AbstractHitCollector() { @Override public final void collect(int doc, float score) { bits.set(doc); // set bit for hit } });"Creating doc id set for Jackrabbit Query took {} ms.", String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() - start)); return new DocIdSetFilter(bits).getDocIdSet(indexReader); } /** * Creates a path with a single element out of the given <code>name</code>. * * @param name the name to create the path from. * @return a path with a single element. */ private static Path createPath(Name name) { try { PathBuilder builder = new PathBuilder(); builder.addLast(name); return builder.getPath(); } catch (MalformedPathException e) { // never happens, we just added an element throw new InternalError(); } } private class FVCKey { final Object[] keyObjects; public FVCKey(final Object[] keyObjects) { this.keyObjects = keyObjects; } @Override public boolean equals(final Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } final FVCKey fvcKey = (FVCKey) o; if (!Arrays.equals(keyObjects, fvcKey.keyObjects)) { return false; } return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { return keyObjects != null ? Arrays.hashCode(keyObjects) : 0; } } }