Source code

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 *  Copyright 2012-2013 Hippo B.V. (
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.
package org.hippoecm.hst.demo.components.solrutil;

import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.commons.beanutils.ConvertUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrQuery;
import org.hippoecm.hst.core.component.HstRequest;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

public class SolrSearchParams {

    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SolrSearchParams.class);

    private final static String DATE_FORMAT = "MM/dd/yyyy";

    // since SimpleDateFormat is not thread safe, do not use static
    private SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT);
    private HstRequest request;
    private boolean showSpellCheck;
    private boolean showSuggest;
    private boolean showHighlight;
    private boolean showScore;
    private String query;
    private String operator;
    private String searchIn;
    private String searchField;
    private String[] types;
    private boolean includeSubtypes;
    private Date fromDate;
    private Date toDate;
    private String sort;
    private String sortOrder;

    public SolrSearchParams(HstRequest request) {
        this.request = request;
        if (getPublicRequestParameter(request, "suggest") == null) {
            // default true
            showSuggest = false;
        } else {
            showSuggest = (Boolean) ConvertUtils.convert(getPublicRequestParameter(request, "suggest"),
        if (getPublicRequestParameter(request, "spellcheck") == null) {
            // default true
            showSpellCheck = false;
        } else {
            showSpellCheck = (Boolean) ConvertUtils.convert(getPublicRequestParameter(request, "spellcheck"),
        if (getPublicRequestParameter(request, "highlight") == null) {
            // default true
            showHighlight = false;
        } else {
            showHighlight = (Boolean) ConvertUtils.convert(getPublicRequestParameter(request, "highlight"),
        if (getPublicRequestParameter(request, "score") == null) {
            // default true
            showScore = false;
        } else {
            showScore = (Boolean) ConvertUtils.convert(getPublicRequestParameter(request, "score"), Boolean.class);

        query = StringUtils.strip(getPublicRequestParameter(request, "query"));
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(query)) {
            query = null;
        if (getPublicRequestParameter(request, "operator") == null) {
            // default OR-ed
            operator = "and_ed";
        } else {
            operator = getPublicRequestParameter(request, "operator");

        searchIn = getPublicRequestParameter(request, "searchin");
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(searchIn)) {
            searchIn = "all";

        searchField = getPublicRequestParameter(request, "searchfield");
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(searchField)) {
            searchField = "all";

        types = request.getParameterMap("").get("type");
        if (types == null) {
            types = new String[] { "all" };
        includeSubtypes = (Boolean) ConvertUtils.convert(getPublicRequestParameter(request, "includeSubtypes"),

        String fromDateString = getPublicRequestParameter(request, "fromdate");
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(fromDateString)) {
            try {
                fromDate = formatter.parse(fromDateString);
            } catch (ParseException e) {
                log.warn("Skip invalid fromDate '{}'", fromDateString);

        String toDateString = getPublicRequestParameter(request, "todate");
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(toDateString)) {
            try {
                toDate = formatter.parse(toDateString);
            } catch (ParseException e) {
                log.warn("Skip invalid toDate '{}'", toDateString);

        sort = getPublicRequestParameter(request, "sort");
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(sort)) {
            sort = "score";
        sortOrder = getPublicRequestParameter(request, "order");
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(sortOrder)) {
            sortOrder = "desc";

    public boolean isShowSpellCheck() {
        return showSpellCheck;

    public boolean isShowSuggest() {
        return showSuggest;

    public boolean isShowHighlight() {
        return showHighlight;

    public boolean isShowScore() {
        return showScore;

    public String getQuery() {
        return query;

    public boolean isOperatorAnded() {
        return (operator == null) ? true : "and_ed".equals(operator);

    public String getSearchIn() {
        return searchIn;

    public String getSearchField() {
        return searchField;

    public String[] getTypes() {
        return types;

    public boolean isIncludeSubtypes() {
        return includeSubtypes;

    public Date getFromDate() {
        return fromDate;

    public Date getToDate() {
        return toDate;

    public String getSort() {
        return sort;

    public SolrQuery.ORDER getSortOrder() {
        if ("asc".equals(sortOrder)) {
            return SolrQuery.ORDER.asc;
        return SolrQuery.ORDER.desc;

    public void setParamsOnRequestAttr() {
        request.setAttribute("spellcheck", showSpellCheck);
        request.setAttribute("suggest", showSuggest);
        request.setAttribute("highlight", showHighlight);
        request.setAttribute("score", showScore);
        request.setAttribute("query", query);
        if ("or_ed".equals(operator)) {
            request.setAttribute("operator", "or_ed");
        } else {
            request.setAttribute("operator", "and_ed");
        request.setAttribute("searchin", searchIn);
        request.setAttribute("searchfield", searchField);

        Map<String, String> typesMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
        for (String type : types) {
            typesMap.put(type, type);
        request.setAttribute("types", typesMap);
        request.setAttribute("includeSubtypes", includeSubtypes);
        if (fromDate != null) {
            request.setAttribute("fromdate", formatter.format(fromDate));
        if (toDate != null) {
            request.setAttribute("todate", formatter.format(toDate));
        request.setAttribute("sort", sort);
        request.setAttribute("order", sortOrder);

    private String getPublicRequestParameter(HstRequest request, String parameterName) {
        Map<String, String[]> namespaceLessParameters = request.getParameterMap("");
        String[] paramValues = namespaceLessParameters.get(parameterName);

        if (paramValues != null && paramValues.length > 0) {
            return paramValues[0];
        return null;