Java tutorial
/** This package is part of the application VIF. Copyright (C) 2012-2015, Benno Luthiger This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package org.hip.vif.web.tasks; // NOPMD import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import; import; import; import; import; import org.hip.kernel.exc.VException; import org.hip.vif.core.ApplicationConstants; import; import; import org.hip.vif.core.member.IActor; import org.hip.vif.core.service.PreferencesHandler; import org.hip.vif.core.util.HtmlCleaner; import org.hip.vif.web.Activator; import org.hip.vif.web.Constants; import org.hip.vif.web.exc.VIFExceptionHandler; import org.hip.vif.web.exc.VIFWebException; import org.hip.vif.web.interfaces.IPluggableWithLookup; import org.hip.vif.web.interfaces.IVIFEventDispatcher; import org.hip.vif.web.interfaces.IVIFEventDispatcher.Event; import org.hip.vif.web.tasks.ForwardControllerRegistry.Alias; import org.hip.vif.web.util.LinkButtonHelper; import org.hip.vif.web.util.LinkButtonHelper.LookupType; import org.hip.vif.web.util.RichTextSanitizer; import org.hip.vif.web.util.VIFAppHelper; import org.ripla.exceptions.NoControllerFoundException; import org.ripla.exceptions.RiplaException; import org.ripla.interfaces.IRiplaEventDispatcher; import org.ripla.util.ParameterObject; import org.ripla.web.controllers.AbstractController; //import org.ripla.web.interfaces.IForwardingController; import org.ripla.web.interfaces.IPluggable; import org.ripla.web.util.ControllerStack; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.vaadin.server.VaadinSession; import com.vaadin.ui.Component; import com.vaadin.ui.Notification; /** Base class for controllers of the VIF application. * * @author lbenno */ public abstract class AbstractWebController extends AbstractController implements IPluggableWithLookup { // NOPMD private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractWebController.class); public static final String EVENT_TOPIC_LOOKUP = "org/hip/vif/web/LookupEvent/LOOKUP"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String EVENT_PROPERTY_LOOKUP_TYPE = "lookup.type"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String EVENT_PROPERTY_LOOKUP_ID = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String EVENT_PROPERTY_LOOKUP_CONTROLLER = "lookup.controller"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String EVENT_PROPERTY_LOGIN_USER = "login.user"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String EVENT_PROPERTY_LOGIN_PWD = "login.pass"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String DFT_PATTERN = "MM/dd/yyyy"; //$NON-NLS-1$ protected static final Long PROV_TEXT_ID = -1l; /** Creates a view component displaying the message 'Please contact the administrator' after the application * encountered a serious problem. * * @param inExc {@link Throwable} the exception causing the problem. * @return {@link VIFWebException} */ protected VIFWebException createContactAdminException(final Throwable inExc) { final String lMessage = inExc.getMessage(); LOG.error(lMessage == null ? inExc.toString() : lMessage); return (VIFWebException) VIFExceptionHandler.INSTANCE.convert(inExc, Activator.getMessages().getMessage("errmsg.error.contactAdmin")); } /** Creates an exception signaling that the user has not sufficient permissions to process the task. * * @return {@link VIFWebException} */ protected VIFWebException createNoPermissionException() { return new VIFWebException(Activator.getMessages().getMessage("errmsg.error.noPermission")); //$NON-NLS-1$ } /** @return {@link IActor} the actor, i.e. the actual user. */ protected IActor getActor() { try { VaadinSession.getCurrent().getLockInstance().lock(); return VaadinSession.getCurrent().getAttribute(IActor.class); } finally { VaadinSession.getCurrent().getLockInstance().unlock(); } } /** @param inGroupID sets the actually relevant group's id (because he selected that group) */ protected void setGroupID(final Long inGroupID) { VIFAppHelper.setValueToSession(Constants.GROUP_ID_KEY, inGroupID); } /** @return Long the id of the group actually relevant for the user (because he works on the group's questions) */ public Long getGroupID() { return VIFAppHelper.getValueFromSession(Constants.GROUP_ID_KEY); } /** @param inQuestionID Long sets the actually relevant question's id (because he selected that question) */ protected void setQuestionID(final Long inQuestionID) { VIFAppHelper.setValueToSession(Constants.QUESTION_ID_KEY, inQuestionID); } /** @return Long the id of the question actually relevant for the user (because he works on that question) */ protected Long getQuestionID() { return VIFAppHelper.getValueFromSession(Constants.QUESTION_ID_KEY); } /** @param inCompletionID Long sets the actually relevant completion's id (because he selected that completion) */ protected void setCompletionID(final Long inCompletionID) { VIFAppHelper.setValueToSession(Constants.COMPLETION_ID_KEY, inCompletionID); } /** @return Long the id of the completion actually relevant for the user (because he works on that completion) */ protected Long getCompletionID() { return VIFAppHelper.getValueFromSession(Constants.COMPLETION_ID_KEY); } /** Sets the text id-version actually relevant for the application. * * @param inTextID String the text id (id-version) */ protected void setTextID(final String inTextID) { if (inTextID.contains(Text.DELIMITER_ID_VERSION)) { final String[] lIDVersion = inTextID.split(Text.DELIMITER_ID_VERSION); VIFAppHelper.setValueToSession(Constants.TEXT_ID_KEY, Long.parseLong(lIDVersion[0])); VIFAppHelper.setValueToSession(Constants.TEXT_VERSION_ID_KEY, Long.parseLong(lIDVersion[1])); } else { VIFAppHelper.setValueToSession(Constants.TEXT_ID_KEY, Long.parseLong(inTextID)); } } /** @return Long the id of the bibliography entry actually relevant for the user (e.g. because he clicked the lookup * for a bibliography entry) */ protected Long getTextID() { return VIFAppHelper.getValueFromSession(Constants.TEXT_ID_KEY); } /** @return Long the id of the bibliography entry or <code>PROV_TEXT_ID</code> in case this value is undefined yet */ protected Long getTextIDChecked() { final Long out = getTextID(); return out == null ? PROV_TEXT_ID : out; } /** @return Long the version of the bibliography entry actually relevant for the user (e.g. because he clicked the * lookup for a bibliography entry) */ protected Long getTextVersion() { return VIFAppHelper.getValueFromSession(Constants.TEXT_VERSION_ID_KEY); } /** Use Vaadin event service to display the next content view. * * @param inClass Class the next task */ protected void sendEvent(final Class<? extends IPluggable> inTask) { sendEvent(createFullyQualifiedControllerName(inTask)); } /** Use Vaadin event service to display the next content view identified by the specified alias. * * @param inAlias {@link Alias} */ protected void sendAliasEvent(final Alias inAlias) { sendEvent(ForwardControllerRegistry.INSTANCE.getTargetOf(inAlias)); } /** Use Vaadin event service to display the next content view. * * @param inControllerName String the fully qualified name of the next task/controller */ protected void sendEvent(final String inControllerName) { final Map<String, Object> lProperties = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Object>(); // NOPMD lProperties.put(Constants.EVENT_PROPERTY_NEXT_TASK, inControllerName); getRiplaDispatcher().dispatch(IRiplaEventDispatcher.Event.LOAD_CONTROLLER, lProperties); } private IRiplaEventDispatcher getRiplaDispatcher() { try { VaadinSession.getCurrent().getLockInstance().lock(); return VaadinSession.getCurrent().getAttribute(IRiplaEventDispatcher.class); } finally { VaadinSession.getCurrent().getLockInstance().unlock(); } } private IVIFEventDispatcher getDispatcher() { try { VaadinSession.getCurrent().getLockInstance().lock(); return VaadinSession.getCurrent().getAttribute(IVIFEventDispatcher.class); } finally { VaadinSession.getCurrent().getLockInstance().unlock(); } } /** Refresh the application's permissions. */ protected void refreshPermissions() { getDispatcher().dispatch(Event.REFRESH_AUTHORIZATION, new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Object>()); } /** Use Vaadin event service to call a lookup window. * * @param inType {@link LookupType} the type of lookup * @param inID Long the ID of the item to display in the lookup */ @Override public void requestLookup(final LinkButtonHelper.LookupType inType, final Long inID) { requestLookup(inType, inID.toString()); } /** Use Vaadin event service to call a lookup window. * * @param inType {@link LookupType} the type of lookup * @param inTextID String the ID of the item to display in the lookup */ @Override public void requestLookup(final LinkButtonHelper.LookupType inType, final String inTextID) { final Map<String, Object> lProperties = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Object>(); // NOPMD lProperties.put(EVENT_PROPERTY_LOOKUP_TYPE, inType); lProperties.put(EVENT_PROPERTY_LOOKUP_ID, inTextID); lProperties.put(EVENT_PROPERTY_LOOKUP_CONTROLLER, this); getDispatcher().dispatch(Event.LOOKUP, lProperties); } /** Reruns the last task and displays the specified message. * * @param inMessage String * @param inNotificationType {@link Notification.Type} The message type (e.g. Notification.TYPE_HUMANIZED_MESSAGE) * @return {@link Component} the rendered component * @throws RiplaException */ protected Component reDisplay(final String inMessage, final Notification.Type inNotificationType) throws RiplaException { final ControllerStack controllers = ControllerStack.getControllerStack(); controllers.pop(); showNotification(inMessage, inNotificationType); return controllers.peek().run(); } /** Converts rich text field input to proper XHTML body, all surrounding white space removed. * * @param inHTML String * @return String */ protected String cleanUp(final String inHTML) { return HtmlCleaner.cleanUp(RichTextSanitizer.sanitize(inHTML)); } /** Returns the forum's date format, defined in * * @return DateFormat * @see <code></code>: org.hip.vif.datePattern */ protected DateFormat getFormat() { String lPattern = DFT_PATTERN; try { lPattern = PreferencesHandler.INSTANCE.get(PreferencesHandler.KEY_DATE_PATTERN); } catch (final IOException exc) { // NOPMD // intentionally left empty } return new SimpleDateFormat(lPattern, getLocaleChecked()); } /** Creates an OrderObject from the specified String. The method expects a comma separated list of Property names of * a DomainObject. The returned OrderObject can be used for the ORDER BY part of an SQL command. * * @param inOrder java.lang.String Comma separated list of Property names. * @param inDescending boolean * @return */ protected OrderObject createOrder(final String inOrder, final boolean inDescending) throws VException { final OrderObject outOrder = new OrderObjectImpl(); final StringTokenizer lTokens = new StringTokenizer(inOrder, ","); //$NON-NLS-1$ int i = 0; // NOPMD while (lTokens.hasMoreTokens()) { outOrder.setValue(lTokens.nextToken().trim(), inDescending, i++); } return outOrder; } /** Creates a key object that filters all groups in the specified group states. E.g. * * <pre> * createKey(VIFGroupWorkflow.VISIBLE_STATES) * </pre> * * @param inStates Integer[] the group states * @return {@link KeyObject} * @throws VException */ protected KeyObject createKey(final Integer... inStates) throws VException { final KeyObject outKey = new KeyObjectImpl(); for (int i = 0; i < inStates.length; i++) { outKey.setValue(GroupHome.KEY_STATE, inStates[i], "=", BinaryBooleanOperator.OR); //$NON-NLS-1$ } return outKey; } protected Locale getLocaleChecked() { // NOPMD try { VaadinSession.getCurrent().getLockInstance().lock(); return VaadinSession.getCurrent().getLocale(); } finally { VaadinSession.getCurrent().getLockInstance().unlock(); } } /** Forwards the (lookup) control to the specified controller. * * @param inControllerName String the controller name * @return {@link Component} the component the controller returns * @throws NoControllerFoundException */ public Component sendLookupTo(final String inControllerName) throws NoControllerFoundException { return super.forwardTo(inControllerName); } /** Set generic parameters. * * @param inParameters {@link ParameterObject} */ public void setUseCaseParameter(final ParameterObject inParameters) { setParameters(inParameters); } /** Returns the id of the model that should be processed (e.g. displayed). The model could be a member or a question * object for example. The parameter object evaluated has two entries. The first entry (with ID * <code>generic_key</code>) has the value of the key of the second entry. The second's entry's value is the ID to * look up. * * @return Long the model's id */ protected Long getModelIdFromParameter() { final ParameterObject lParameters = getParameters(); return Long.parseLong( lParameters.get(lParameters.get(ApplicationConstants.PARAMETER_KEY_GENERIC).toString()).toString()); } }