Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2017 VMware Inc. All Rights Reserved. * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.hillview.dataset.remoting; import; import; import; import; import; import io.grpc.Server; import io.grpc.Status; import io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException; import io.grpc.netty.NettyServerBuilder; import io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.SerializationUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.ExceptionUtils; import org.hillview.dataset.api.DatasetMissing; import org.hillview.dataset.api.IDataSet; import org.hillview.dataset.api.PartialResult; import org.hillview.dataset.api.ControlMessage; import org.hillview.pb.Ack; import org.hillview.pb.Command; import org.hillview.pb.HillviewServerGrpc; import org.hillview.pb.PartialResponse; import org.hillview.utils.Converters; import org.hillview.utils.ExecutorUtils; import org.hillview.utils.HillviewLogger; import org.hillview.utils.JsonList; import rx.Observable; import rx.Subscriber; import rx.Subscription; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import; import; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.*; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; /** * Server that transfers map(), sketch(), zip(), manage(), and unsubscribe() RPCs from a * RemoteDataSet object to locally managed IDataSet objects, and streams back results. * If memoization is enabled, it caches the results of (operation, dataset-index) types. */ public class HillviewServer extends HillviewServerGrpc.HillviewServerImplBase { /** * Index of remote initial dataset, containing just the Empty object. */ public static final int ROOT_DATASET_INDEX = 0; public static final int DEFAULT_PORT = 3569; private static final int NUM_THREADS = 5; public static final int MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE = 20971520; // We run the executor service with high priority mainly so that // it can propagate unsubscriptions quickly. private final ExecutorService executorService = ExecutorUtils.newNamedThreadPool("server", NUM_THREADS, Thread.MAX_PRIORITY); private static final int EXPIRE_TIME_IN_HOURS = 2; private boolean MEMOIZE = true; // Using PollSelectorProvider() to avoid epoll CPU utilization problems. // See: // This code is not portable Java; the PollSelectorProvider seems // to be useful for microbenchmarks mostly. /* private final EventLoopGroup workerElg = new NioEventLoopGroup(1, ExecutorUtils.newFastLocalThreadFactory("worker"), new PollSelectorProvider()); private final EventLoopGroup bossElg = new NioEventLoopGroup(1, ExecutorUtils.newFastLocalThreadFactory("boss"), new PollSelectorProvider()); */ private final EventLoopGroup workerElg = new NioEventLoopGroup(1, ExecutorUtils.newFastLocalThreadFactory("worker")); private final EventLoopGroup bossElg = new NioEventLoopGroup(1, ExecutorUtils.newFastLocalThreadFactory("boss")); private final Server server; private final AtomicInteger dsIndex = new AtomicInteger(ROOT_DATASET_INDEX + 1); private final IDataSet initialDataset; /** * Maps a dataset number to the actual dataset. This is the only handle that * one can hold to an IDataSet on the server-side, so once an entry is removed * from the cache it can be GC-ed. This is how memory is reclaimed. */ private final Cache<Integer, IDataSet> dataSets; private final ConcurrentHashMap<UUID, Subscription> operationToObservable = new ConcurrentHashMap<UUID, Subscription>(); /** * The timeline of a command can look like this: * --------#-------|------------#-----------|---------#---------- * unsub received unsub completed unsub * I.e., the unsubscribe request can be actually received before or * after the command. We store information about unsubscribe requests * and commands in this cache for a while, to enable matching the * ones that show up out of order. * * Moreover, the unsub and receive messages can be processed on * separate threads, so we have to be careful with TOCTOU. */ private final Cache<UUID, Boolean> toUnsubscribe; private final HostAndPort listenAddress; private final MemoizedResults memoizedCommands; public HillviewServer(final HostAndPort listenAddress, final IDataSet initialDataset) throws IOException { this.initialDataset = initialDataset; this.listenAddress = listenAddress; this.memoizedCommands = new MemoizedResults(); this.server = NettyServerBuilder .forAddress(new InetSocketAddress(listenAddress.getHost(), listenAddress.getPort())) .executor(executorService).workerEventLoopGroup(workerElg).bossEventLoopGroup(bossElg) .addService(this).maxMessageSize(MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE).build().start(); this.dataSets = CacheBuilder.<Integer, IDataSet>newBuilder() .expireAfterAccess(EXPIRE_TIME_IN_HOURS, TimeUnit.HOURS) .removalListener((RemovalListener<Integer, IDataSet>) removalNotification -> HillviewLogger.instance .info("Removing reference to dataset", "{0}: {1}", removalNotification.getKey(), removalNotification.getValue().toString())) .build(); this.toUnsubscribe = CacheBuilder.<UUID, Boolean>newBuilder() .expireAfterAccess(EXPIRE_TIME_IN_HOURS, TimeUnit.HOURS).build(); } private UUID getId(Command command) { return new UUID(command.getHighId(), command.getLowId()); } /** * Save the RxJava subscription for a command; allows it to be cancelled. * @param id Command id. * @param subscription RxJava subscription. * @param reason Logging message. * @return True if the operation is already cancelled. */ synchronized private boolean saveSubscription(UUID id, Subscription subscription, String reason) {"Saving subscription", "{0}:{1}", reason, id); Boolean unsub = this.toUnsubscribe.getIfPresent(id); this.operationToObservable.put(id, subscription); if (unsub == null) { this.toUnsubscribe.put(id, false); return false; } else if (!unsub) { this.toUnsubscribe.invalidate(id); } else { this.toUnsubscribe.put(id, true); } return unsub; } @Nullable synchronized private Subscription removeSubscription(UUID id, String reason) {"Removing subscription", "{0}:{1}", reason, id); Boolean b = this.toUnsubscribe.getIfPresent(id); if (b != null) this.toUnsubscribe.invalidate(id); else this.toUnsubscribe.put(id, true); return this.operationToObservable.remove(id); } synchronized private int save(IDataSet dataSet) { int index = this.dsIndex.getAndIncrement();"Inserting dataset", "{0}", index); this.dataSets.put(index, dataSet); return index; } /** * Retrieve the dataset with the specified index. * @param index Dataset index. * @param observer Observer that is notified if the dataset is not available. * @return The dataset, or null if there is no such dataset. */ @Nullable synchronized private IDataSet getIfValid(final int index, final StreamObserver<PartialResponse> observer) { if (index == ROOT_DATASET_INDEX) return this.initialDataset; IDataSet ds = this.dataSets.getIfPresent(index); if (ds == null) observer.onError(asStatusRuntimeException(new DatasetMissing(index, this.listenAddress))); return ds; } /** * Delete all stored datasets (except the one with index ROOT_DATASET_INDEX). * @return The number of deleted datasets. */ synchronized public int deleteAllDatasets() { long removed = this.dataSets.size(); this.dataSets.invalidateAll(); this.memoizedCommands.clear(); return (int) removed; } public void purgeMemoized() { this.memoizedCommands.clear(); } /** * Change memoization policy. * @return Current state of memoization. */ public boolean toggleMemoization() { this.MEMOIZE = !this.MEMOIZE; return this.MEMOIZE; } /** * Subscriber that handles map, flatMap and zip. */ private Subscriber<PartialResult<IDataSet>> createSubscriber(final Command command, final UUID id, final String operation, final StreamObserver<PartialResponse> responseObserver) { return new Subscriber<PartialResult<IDataSet>>() { @Nullable private PartialResponse memoizedResult = null; @Nullable private Integer memoizedDatasetIndex = null; private CompletableFuture queue = CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null); @Override public void onCompleted() { queue = queue.thenRunAsync(() -> { if (MEMOIZE && this.memoizedResult != null) { HillviewServer.this.memoizedCommands.insert(command, this.memoizedResult, Converters.checkNull(this.memoizedDatasetIndex)); } responseObserver.onCompleted(); HillviewServer.this.removeSubscription(id, operation + " completed"); }, executorService); } @Override public void onError(final Throwable e) { queue = queue.thenRunAsync(() -> { HillviewLogger.instance.error("Error when creating subscriber", e); e.printStackTrace(); responseObserver.onError(asStatusRuntimeException(e)); HillviewServer.this.removeSubscription(id, operation + " on error"); }, executorService); } @Override public void onNext(final PartialResult<IDataSet> pr) { queue = queue.thenRunAsync(() -> { Integer idsIndex = null; if (pr.deltaValue != null) { idsIndex =; } final OperationResponse<PartialResult<Integer>> res = new OperationResponse<PartialResult<Integer>>( new PartialResult<Integer>(pr.deltaDone, idsIndex)); final byte[] bytes = SerializationUtils.serialize(res); final PartialResponse result = PartialResponse.newBuilder() .setSerializedOp(ByteString.copyFrom(bytes)).build(); if (MEMOIZE) { this.memoizedResult = result; this.memoizedDatasetIndex = idsIndex; } responseObserver.onNext(result); }, executorService); } }; } /** * Implementation of map() service in hillview.proto. */ @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void map(final Command command, final StreamObserver<PartialResponse> responseObserver) { try { final UUID commandId = this.getId(command); final IDataSet dataset = this.getIfValid(command.getIdsIndex(), responseObserver); if (dataset == null) return; final byte[] bytes = command.getSerializedOp().toByteArray(); if (this.respondIfReplyIsMemoized(command, responseObserver, true)) {"Found memoized map", "on IDataSet#{0}", command.getIdsIndex()); return; } final MapOperation mapOp = SerializationUtils.deserialize(bytes); final Observable<PartialResult<IDataSet>> observable =; Subscriber subscriber = this.createSubscriber(command, commandId, "map", responseObserver); final Subscription sub = observable.unsubscribeOn(ExecutorUtils.getUnsubscribeScheduler()) .subscribe(subscriber); boolean unsub = this.saveSubscription(commandId, sub, "map"); if (unsub) sub.unsubscribe(); } catch (final Exception e) { HillviewLogger.instance.error("Exception in map", e); e.printStackTrace(); responseObserver.onError(asStatusRuntimeException(e)); } } /** * Implementation of flatMap() service in hillview.proto. */ @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void flatMap(final Command command, final StreamObserver<PartialResponse> responseObserver) { try { final UUID commandId = this.getId(command); final IDataSet dataset = this.getIfValid(command.getIdsIndex(), responseObserver); if (dataset == null) return; final byte[] bytes = command.getSerializedOp().toByteArray(); if (this.respondIfReplyIsMemoized(command, responseObserver, true)) {"Found memoized flatMap", "on IDataSet#{0}", command.getIdsIndex()); return; } final FlatMapOperation mapOp = SerializationUtils.deserialize(bytes); final Observable<PartialResult<IDataSet>> observable = dataset.flatMap(mapOp.mapper); Subscriber subscriber = this.createSubscriber(command, commandId, "flatMap", responseObserver); final Subscription sub = observable.unsubscribeOn(ExecutorUtils.getUnsubscribeScheduler()) .subscribe(subscriber); boolean unsub = this.saveSubscription(commandId, sub, "flatMap"); if (unsub) sub.unsubscribe(); } catch (final Exception e) { HillviewLogger.instance.error("Exception in flatMap", e); e.printStackTrace(); responseObserver.onError(asStatusRuntimeException(e)); } } /** * Implementation of sketch() service in hillview.proto. */ @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void sketch(final Command command, final StreamObserver<PartialResponse> responseObserver) { try { final UUID commandId = this.getId(command); boolean memoize = MEMOIZE; // The value may change while we execute final IDataSet dataset = this.getIfValid(command.getIdsIndex(), responseObserver); if (dataset == null) return; if (this.respondIfReplyIsMemoized(command, responseObserver, false)) {"Found memoized sketch", "on IDataSet#{0}", command.getIdsIndex()); return; } final byte[] bytes = command.getSerializedOp().toByteArray(); final SketchOperation sketchOp = SerializationUtils.deserialize(bytes); final Observable<PartialResult> observable = dataset.sketch(sketchOp.sketch); Subscriber subscriber = new Subscriber<PartialResult>() { @Nullable private Object sketchResultAccumulator = memoize ? sketchOp.sketch.getZero() : null; private CompletableFuture queue = CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null); @Override public void onCompleted() { queue = queue.thenRunAsync(() -> { responseObserver.onCompleted(); HillviewServer.this.removeSubscription(commandId, "sketch completed"); if (memoize && this.sketchResultAccumulator != null) { final OperationResponse<PartialResult> res = new OperationResponse<PartialResult>( new PartialResult(1.0, this.sketchResultAccumulator)); final byte[] bytes = SerializationUtils.serialize(res); final PartialResponse memoizedResult = PartialResponse.newBuilder() .setSerializedOp(ByteString.copyFrom(bytes)).build(); HillviewServer.this.memoizedCommands.insert(command, memoizedResult, 0); } }, executorService); } @Override public void onError(final Throwable e) { queue = queue.thenRunAsync(() -> { HillviewLogger.instance.error("Exception in sketch", e); e.printStackTrace(); responseObserver.onError(asStatusRuntimeException(e)); HillviewServer.this.removeSubscription(commandId, "sketch onError"); }, executorService); } @Override public void onNext(final PartialResult pr) { queue = queue.thenRunAsync(() -> { if (memoize && this.sketchResultAccumulator != null) this.sketchResultAccumulator = sketchOp.sketch.add(this.sketchResultAccumulator, pr.deltaValue); final OperationResponse<PartialResult> res = new OperationResponse<PartialResult>(pr); final byte[] bytes = SerializationUtils.serialize(res); responseObserver.onNext( PartialResponse.newBuilder().setSerializedOp(ByteString.copyFrom(bytes)).build()); }, executorService); } }; final Subscription sub = observable.unsubscribeOn(ExecutorUtils.getUnsubscribeScheduler()) .subscribe(subscriber); boolean unsub = this.saveSubscription(commandId, sub, "sketch"); if (unsub) sub.unsubscribe(); } catch (final Exception e) { HillviewLogger.instance.error("Exception in sketch", e); e.printStackTrace(); responseObserver.onError(asStatusRuntimeException(e)); } } /** * Implementation of manage() service in hillview.proto. */ @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void manage(Command command, StreamObserver<PartialResponse> responseObserver) { try { final UUID commandId = this.getId(command); // TODO: handle errors in a better way in manage commands final IDataSet dataset = this.getIfValid(command.getIdsIndex(), responseObserver); if (dataset == null) return; final byte[] bytes = command.getSerializedOp().toByteArray(); final ManageOperation manage = SerializationUtils.deserialize(bytes); Observable<PartialResult<ControlMessage.StatusList>> observable = dataset.manage(manage.message); final Callable<ControlMessage.StatusList> callable = () -> {"Starting manage", "{0}", manage.message.toString()); ControlMessage.Status status; try { status = manage.message.remoteServerAction(this); } catch (final Throwable t) { status = new ControlMessage.Status("Exception", t); } ControlMessage.StatusList result = new ControlMessage.StatusList(status);"Completed manage", "{0}", manage.message.toString()); return result; }; Observable<JsonList<ControlMessage.Status>> executed = Observable.fromCallable(callable); observable = observable.mergeWith( -> new PartialResult(0, l))); Subscriber subscriber = new Subscriber<PartialResult<ControlMessage.StatusList>>() { @Override public void onCompleted() { responseObserver.onCompleted(); HillviewServer.this.removeSubscription(commandId, "manage completed"); } @Override public void onError(final Throwable e) { HillviewLogger.instance.error("Exception in manage operation", e); e.printStackTrace(); responseObserver.onError(e); HillviewServer.this.removeSubscription(commandId, "manage onError"); } @Override public void onNext(final PartialResult pr) { final OperationResponse<PartialResult> res = new OperationResponse<PartialResult>(pr); final byte[] bytes = SerializationUtils.serialize(res); responseObserver.onNext( PartialResponse.newBuilder().setSerializedOp(ByteString.copyFrom(bytes)).build()); } }; // Results of management commands are never memoized. final Subscription sub = observable.unsubscribeOn(ExecutorUtils.getUnsubscribeScheduler()) .subscribe(subscriber); boolean unsub = this.saveSubscription(commandId, sub, "manage"); if (unsub) sub.unsubscribe(); } catch (final Exception e) { HillviewLogger.instance.error("Exception in manage", e); e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Implementation of zip() service in hillview.proto. */ @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void zip(final Command command, final StreamObserver<PartialResponse> responseObserver) { try { final UUID commandId = this.getId(command); final byte[] bytes = command.getSerializedOp().toByteArray(); final ZipOperation zipOp = SerializationUtils.deserialize(bytes); final IDataSet left = this.getIfValid(command.getIdsIndex(), responseObserver); if (left == null) return; final IDataSet right = this.getIfValid(zipOp.datasetIndex, responseObserver); if (right == null) return; if (this.respondIfReplyIsMemoized(command, responseObserver, true)) {"Found memoized zip", "on IDataSet#{0}", command.getIdsIndex()); return; } final Observable<PartialResult<IDataSet>> observable =; Subscriber subscriber = this.createSubscriber(command, commandId, "zip", responseObserver); final Subscription sub = observable.unsubscribeOn(ExecutorUtils.getUnsubscribeScheduler()) .subscribe(subscriber); boolean unsub = this.saveSubscription(commandId, sub, "zip"); if (unsub) sub.unsubscribe(); } catch (final Exception e) { HillviewLogger.instance.error("Exception in zip", e); e.printStackTrace(); responseObserver.onError(asStatusRuntimeException(e)); } } /** * Implementation of unsubscribe() service in hillview.proto. */ @Override public void unsubscribe(final Command command, final StreamObserver<Ack> responseObserver) { try { final byte[] bytes = command.getSerializedOp().toByteArray(); final UnsubscribeOperation unsubscribeOp = SerializationUtils.deserialize(bytes);"Unsubscribing", "{0}",; @Nullable final Subscription subscription = this.removeSubscription(, "unsubscribe request"); if (subscription != null) { subscription.unsubscribe(); } else { HillviewLogger.instance.warn("Could not find subscription", "{0}",; this.toUnsubscribe.put(, true); } } catch (final Exception e) { HillviewLogger.instance.error("Exception in unsubscribe", e); responseObserver.onError(asStatusRuntimeException(e)); } } /** * shutdown RPC server */ public void shutdown() { this.server.shutdown(); this.workerElg.shutdownGracefully(); this.bossElg.shutdownGracefully(); this.executorService.shutdownNow(); } /** * Respond with a memoized result if it is available. Otherwise do nothing. * @param command Command to execute. * @param responseObserver Observer that expects the result of the command. * @param checkResult Only used if the result is actually a dataset id; * if the dataset with this id does not exist, then * it is removed from the memoization cache. It means * that the dataset has expired. */ private boolean respondIfReplyIsMemoized(final Command command, StreamObserver<PartialResponse> responseObserver, boolean checkResult) { if (!MEMOIZE) return false; MemoizedResults.ResponseAndId memoized = this.memoizedCommands.get(command); if (memoized == null) return false; if (checkResult) { int index = memoized.localDatasetIndex; assert index != 0; IDataSet ds = this.dataSets.getIfPresent(index); if (ds == null) { // This dataset no longer exists; remove it from // the memoization cache as well. this.memoizedCommands.remove(command, memoized); return false; } } responseObserver.onNext(memoized.response); responseObserver.onCompleted(); return true; } /** * Helper method to propagate exceptions via gRPC */ private StatusRuntimeException asStatusRuntimeException(final Throwable e) { final String stackTrace = ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e); return Status.INTERNAL.withDescription(stackTrace).asRuntimeException(); } }