Java tutorial
/* * Children Immunization Registry System (IRS). Copyright (C) 2011 PATH ( * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * Author: Tran Trung Hieu * Email: */ package; import; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory; import org.hil.core.dao.ChildrenDao; import org.hil.core.dao.ChildrenVaccinationHistoryDao; import org.hil.core.dao.CommuneDao; import org.hil.core.dao.DistrictDao; import org.hil.core.dao.GeneralReportDataDao; import org.hil.core.dao.GenericChildrenDao; import org.hil.core.dao.GenericChildrenVaccinationHistoryDao; import org.hil.core.dao.GenericCommuneDao; import org.hil.core.dao.GenericDistrictDao; import org.hil.core.dao.GenericGeneralReportDataDao; import org.hil.core.dao.GenericProvinceDao; import org.hil.core.dao.GenericSystemAccountDao; import org.hil.core.dao.GenericSystemUserDao; import org.hil.core.dao.GenericVillageDao; import org.hil.core.dao.ProvinceDao; import org.hil.core.dao.VillageDao; import org.hil.core.model.Children; import org.hil.core.model.ChildrenVaccinationHistory; import org.hil.core.model.Commune; import org.hil.core.model.District; import org.hil.core.model.GeneralReportData; import org.hil.core.model.Province; import org.hil.core.model.SystemAccount; import org.hil.core.model.SystemUser; import org.hil.core.model.Village; import org.hil.core.model.vo.ChildrenDuePrintVO; import org.hil.core.model.vo.RegionVaccinationReportData; import; import org.hil.core.service.BaseManager; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; @Path("/children") @Produces({ "text/plain", "application/xml", "application/json" }) @Consumes({ "text/plain", "application/xml", "application/json" }) @Transactional @Service("childrenWebService") public class ChildrenWebServiceImpl extends BaseManager { @Qualifier("childrenDaoExt") @Autowired private ChildrenDao childrenDaoExt; @Autowired private GenericChildrenDao childrenDao; @Autowired private GenericSystemAccountDao systemAccountDao; @Autowired private GenericSystemUserDao systemUserDao; @Autowired private GenericProvinceDao provinceDao; @Autowired private GenericDistrictDao districtDao; @Autowired @Qualifier("districtDaoExt") private DistrictDao districtDaoExt; @Autowired @Qualifier("communeDaoExt") private CommuneDao communeDaoExt; @Autowired private GenericCommuneDao communeDao; @Autowired private GenericVillageDao villageDao; @Autowired @Qualifier("villageDaoExt") private VillageDao villageDaoExt; @Autowired @Qualifier("provinceDaoExt") private ProvinceDao provinceDaoExt; @Autowired private GenericChildrenVaccinationHistoryDao childrenVaccinationHistoryDao; @Qualifier("childrenVaccinationHistoryDaoExt") @Autowired private ChildrenVaccinationHistoryDao childrenVaccinationHistoryDaoExt; @Autowired private GenericGeneralReportDataDao generalReportDataDao; @Autowired @Qualifier("generalReportDataDaoExt") private GeneralReportDataDao generalReportDataDaoExt; String sessionAuth = ""; List<Children> list = new ArrayList<Children>(); String tmpAuth = ""; String tmpAuthor = ""; boolean force; @Path("login") @POST public String login(String usernamepassword) { log.debug("Mobile login: " + usernamepassword.toLowerCase()); String[] up = usernamepassword.toLowerCase().split("&"); String password = up[0].split("=")[1]; String username = up[1].split("=")[1]; List<SystemAccount> tmp = systemAccountDao.findByAccountNameAndPassword(username, password); String result = ""; if (tmp == null || tmp.size() == 0) { result = "{\"ResultSet\":{\"totalResultsAvailable\":0,\"totalResultsReturned\":0}}"; } else { List<SystemUser> sysuser = systemUserDao.findBySystemAccount(tmp.get(0)); sessionAuth = java.util.UUID.randomUUID().toString(); result = "{\"ResultSet\":{\"totalResultsAvailable\":1,\"totalResultsReturned\":1" + ",\"Result\":[{\"accountId\":\"" + sysuser.get(0).getId() + "\",\"accountName\":\"" + tmp.get(0).getAccountName() + "\",\"sessionAuth\":\"" + sessionAuth + "\"" + ",\"cId\":\"" + sysuser.get(0).getCommune().getId() + "\",\"communeId\":\"" + sysuser.get(0).getCommune().getCommuneId() + "\",\"communeName\":\"" + sysuser.get(0).getCommune().getCommuneName() + "\"" + ",\"dId\":\"" + sysuser.get(0).getCommune().getDistrict().getId() + "\",\"districtId\":\"" + sysuser.get(0).getCommune().getDistrict().getDistrictId() + "\",\"districtName\":\"" + sysuser.get(0).getCommune().getDistrict().getDistrictName() + "\"" + ",\"pId\":\"" + sysuser.get(0).getCommune().getDistrict().getProvince().getId() + "\",\"provinceId\":\"" + sysuser.get(0).getCommune().getDistrict().getProvince().getProvinceId() + "\",\"provinceName\":\"" + sysuser.get(0).getCommune().getDistrict().getProvince().getProvinceName() + "\""; List<Village> villages = villageDao.findByCommune(sysuser.get(0).getCommune()); result += ",\"Villages\":["; for (int vi = 0; vi < villages.size(); vi++) { Village v = villages.get(vi); result += "{\"vId\":\"" + v.getId() + "\",\"villageId\":\"" + v.getVillageId() + "\",\"villageName\":\"" + v.getVillageName() + "\"}"; if (vi < villages.size() - 1) { result += ","; } } List<Province> provinces = provinceDao.getAll(null, null); result += "],\"Provinces\":["; for (int pi = 0; pi < provinces.size(); pi++) { Province p = provinces.get(pi); result += "{\"pId\":\"" + p.getId() + "\",\"provinceId\":\"" + p.getProvinceId() + "\",\"provinceName\":\"" + p.getProvinceName() + "\"}"; if (pi < provinces.size() - 1) { result += ","; } } List<District> districts = districtDao .findByProvince(sysuser.get(0).getCommune().getDistrict().getProvince()); result += "],\"Districts\":["; for (int di = 0; di < districts.size(); di++) { District d = districts.get(di); result += "{\"dId\":\"" + d.getId() + "\",\"districtId\":\"" + d.getDistrictId() + "\",\"districtName\":\"" + d.getDistrictName() + "\"}"; if (di < districts.size() - 1) { result += ","; } } List<Commune> communes = communeDao.findByDistrict(sysuser.get(0).getCommune().getDistrict()); result += "],\"Communes\":["; for (int ci = 0; ci < communes.size(); ci++) { Commune cm = communes.get(ci); result += "{\"cId\":\"" + cm.getId() + "\",\"communeId\":\"" + cm.getCommuneId() + "\",\"communeName\":\"" + cm.getCommuneName() + "\"}"; if (ci < communes.size() - 1) { result += ","; } } result += "]}]}}"; } log.debug(result); return result; } @Path("getChild/{childCode}") @GET public String getChild(@PathParam("childCode") String childCode) { return "testws"; } @Path("saveChild") @POST public String saveChild(String childInfo) { //fatherName=&password=45853e0a110321665cace9e7ce46e31f&motherBirthYear=&force=false&fatherID=&motherMobile=&caretakerName=&fatherBirthYear=&villageId=20&username=huongmy¤tCaretaker=0&childCode=BTR0401-2011&caretakerMobile=&gender=true&motherName=Md adm&motherID=&caretakerBirthYear=&childId=&dateOfBirth=6/12/2011&locked=false&caretakerID=&fatherMobile=&sessionAuth=cd5f3e7c-63d7-48f7-bebb-ce5aab96f75a&fullName=Test adm log.debug("Save child: " + sessionAuth); log.debug(childInfo); //this.parseXml(childInfo); String[] up = childInfo.split("&"); String fatherName = up[0].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String password = up[1].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String motherBirthYear = up[2].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String sforce = up[3].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String fatherID = up[4].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String motherMobile = up[5].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String caretakerName = up[6].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String fatherBirthYear = up[7].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String villageId = up[8].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String username = up[9].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); tmpAuthor = username; String currentCaretaker = up[10].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String childCode = up[11].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String caretakerMobile = up[12].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String gender = up[13].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String motherName = up[14].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String motherID = up[15].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String caretakerBirthYear = up[16].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String childId = up[17].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String dateOfBirth = up[18].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String strLocked = up[19].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String caretakerID = up[20].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String fatherMobile = up[21].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); tmpAuth = up[22].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String fullName = up[23].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String result = ""; // if (!tmpAuth.equalsIgnoreCase(sessionAuth)) // return "{\"ResultSet\":{\"totalResultsReturned\":0}}"; log.debug("Saving: " + childCode + " - " + childId); Children c; if (childId == null || childId.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { c = new Children(); } else { c = childrenDao.get(Long.parseLong(childId)); } force = Boolean.parseBoolean(sforce); c.setFatherName(fatherName); c.setMotherBirthYear(motherBirthYear.length() > 0 ? Integer.parseInt(motherBirthYear) : null); c.setFatherID(fatherID); c.setMotherMobile(motherMobile); c.setCaretakerName(caretakerName); c.setFatherBirthYear(fatherBirthYear.length() > 0 ? Integer.parseInt(fatherBirthYear) : null); c.setCurrentCaretaker(Short.parseShort(currentCaretaker)); c.setVillage(villageDao.get(Long.parseLong(villageId))); c.setChildCode(childCode.toUpperCase()); c.setCaretakerMobile(caretakerMobile); c.setGender(Boolean.parseBoolean(gender)); c.setMotherName(motherName); c.setMotherID(motherID); c.setCaretakerBirthYear(caretakerBirthYear.length() > 0 ? Integer.parseInt(caretakerBirthYear) : null); c.setFromMobile(true); c.setLocked(Boolean.parseBoolean(strLocked)); SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy"); try { Date bdate = format.parse(dateOfBirth); c.setDateOfBirth(bdate); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } c.setCaretakerID(caretakerID); c.setFatherMobile(fatherMobile); c.setFullName(fullName); List<Children> newChildren = new ArrayList<Children>(); newChildren.add(c); if (newChildren.size() > 0) { Children nChild = childrenDaoExt.saveChild(newChildren.get(0), tmpAuthor, force); if (nChild == null) result = "{\"ResultSet\":{\"totalResultsReturned\":0}}"; else result = "{\"ResultSet\":{\"totalResultsReturned\":1}}"; } else result = "{\"ResultSet\":{\"totalResultsReturned\":0}}"; return result; } @Path("listOfChildrenDue") @POST public String listOfChildrenDue(String query) { //startOffset=0&cId=10432&password=134460152ceb3c44bf92d0f6155d907e&sessionAuth=e15ff2fd-6972-4dac-af8a-ebdb790414ec&timeDue=12-2011&offset=10&username=ngaidang log.debug(query); String result = ""; List<Children> listChildrenDue = new ArrayList<Children>(); String[] up = query.toLowerCase().split("&"); int page = Integer.parseInt(up[0].replaceAll("\\w*=", "")); String cId = up[1].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String password = up[2].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); tmpAuth = up[3].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String timeDue = up[4].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); int offset = Integer.parseInt(up[5].replaceAll("\\w*=", "")); String username = up[6].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); //// if (!tmpAuth.equalsIgnoreCase(sessionAuth)) //// return "{\"ResultSet\":{\"totalResultsReturned\":0}}"; SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy"); List<ChildrenDuePrintVO> tmpList = childrenDaoExt.getListChildrenDue(timeDue, communeDao.get(Long.parseLong(cId))); if (tmpList.size() > 0) { int totalResultsReturned = tmpList.size() > offset * page ? offset : tmpList.size() - offset * (page - 1); result = "{\"ResultSet\":{\"totalResultsAvailable\":" + tmpList.size() + ",\"totalResultsReturned\":" + totalResultsReturned + ",\"Result\":["; for (int i = offset * (page - 1); i < offset * (page - 1) + totalResultsReturned; i++) { ChildrenDuePrintVO v = tmpList.get(i); String name = v.getFullName().equalsIgnoreCase("") ? "(M)" + v.getMotherName() : v.getFullName(); String motherYOB = v.getMotherBirthYear() != null ? v.getMotherBirthYear().toString() : ""; String fatherYOB = v.getFatherBirthYear() != null ? v.getFatherBirthYear().toString() : ""; String otherYOB = v.getCaretakerBirthYear() != null ? v.getCaretakerBirthYear().toString() : ""; result += "{\"childId\":\"" + v.getChildId() + "\",\"childName\":\"" + name + "\",\"childCode\":\"" + v.getChildCode() + "\",\"childDOB\":\"" + format.format(v.getDateOfBirth()) + "\",\"childGender\":\"" + v.isGender() + "\",\"locked\":\"" + v.isLocked() + "\",\"childMother\":\"" + v.getMotherName() + "\",\"childMotherYOB\":\"" + v.getMotherBirthYear() + "\",\"childPId\":\"" + v.getpId() + "\",\"childProvinceName\":\"" + v.getProvinceName() + "\",\"childDId\":\"" + v.getdId() + "\",\"childDistrictName\":\"" + v.getDistrictName() + "\",\"childCId\":\"" + v.getcId() + "\",\"childCommuneName\":\"" + v.getCommuneName() + "\",\"childVId\":\"" + v.getvId() + "\",\"childVillageName\":\"" + v.getResiden() + "\",\"vaccines\":\"" + v.getVaccines().replaceAll("\n", ". ") + "\""; result += ",\"motherID\":\"" + v.getMotherID() + "\",\"motherYOB\":\"" + motherYOB + "\",\"motherMobile\":\"" + v.getMotherMobile() + "\",\"fatherName\":\"" + v.getFatherName() + "\",\"fatherID\":\"" + v.getFatherID() + "\",\"fatherYOB\":\"" + fatherYOB + "\",\"fatherMobile\":\"" + v.getFatherMobile() + "\",\"careID\":\"" + v.getCaretakerID() + "\",\"careName\":\"" + v.getCaretakerName() + "\",\"careYOB\":\"" + otherYOB + "\",\"careMobile\":\"" + v.getCaretakerMobile() + "\",\"currentCare\":\"" + v.getCurrentCaretaker() + "\""; List<ChildrenVaccinationHistory> events = childrenVaccinationHistoryDaoExt .findByChildOrderbyDueDate(v.getChildId()); result += ",\"VaccinationEvent\":["; for (int j = 0; j < events.size(); j++) { ChildrenVaccinationHistory e = events.get(j); String strDateOfImmunization = ""; if (e.getDateOfImmunization() != null) strDateOfImmunization = format.format(e.getDateOfImmunization()); Commune cm = e.getVaccinatedLocation(); String pId = ""; String provinceName = ""; String dId = ""; String districtName = ""; String scId = ""; String communeName = ""; if (cm != null) { pId = cm.getDistrict().getProvince().getId() + ""; provinceName = cm.getDistrict().getProvince().getProvinceName(); dId = cm.getDistrict().getId() + ""; districtName = cm.getDistrict().getDistrictName(); scId = cm.getId() + ""; communeName = cm.getCommuneName(); } String otherLocation = "0"; if (e.getOtherVaccinatedLocation() != null && e.getOtherVaccinatedLocation() > 0) { otherLocation = "" + e.getOtherVaccinatedLocation(); } String missingReason = ""; if (e.getReasonIfMissed() != null) missingReason = e.getReasonIfMissed(); result += "{\"eventId\":\"" + e.getId() + "\",\"vaccinationId\":\"" + e.getVaccination().getId() + "\",\"vaccinationName\":\"" + e.getVaccination().getName() + "\",\"dateOfImmunization\":\"" + strDateOfImmunization + "\",\"vaccinated\":\"" + e.getVaccinated() + "\",\"reasonIfMissed\":\"" + missingReason + "\",\"pId\":\"" + pId + "\",\"provinceName\":\"" + provinceName + "\",\"dId\":\"" + dId + "\",\"districtName\":\"" + districtName + "\",\"cId\":\"" + scId + "\",\"communeName\":\"" + communeName + "\",\"otherLocation\":\"" + otherLocation + "\",\"overdue\":\"" + e.isOverdue() + "\"}"; if (j < events.size() - 1) { result += ","; } } result += "]}"; if (i < tmpList.size() - 1) { result += ","; } } result += "]}}"; } else result = "{\"ResultSet\":{\"totalResultsAvailable\":0,\"totalResultsReturned\":0}}"; log.debug(result); return result; } @Path("saveVaccinationEvent") @POST public String saveVaccinationEvent(String query) { String result = ""; log.debug(query); String[] up = query.split("&"); String eventId = up[0].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String reasonIfMissed = up[1].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); short otherLocation = Short.parseShort(up[2].replaceAll("\\w*=", "")); String childId = up[3].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String vaccinatedLocation = up[4].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String username = up[5].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); tmpAuth = up[6].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String vaccinated = up[7].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String dateOfImmunization = up[8].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String password = up[9].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); tmpAuthor = username; ChildrenVaccinationHistory vaccinationEvent = childrenVaccinationHistoryDao.get(Long.parseLong(eventId)); vaccinationEvent.setReasonIfMissed(reasonIfMissed); vaccinationEvent.setOtherVaccinatedLocation(otherLocation); if (otherLocation == 0) { vaccinationEvent.setVaccinatedLocation(communeDao.get(Long.parseLong(vaccinatedLocation))); } vaccinationEvent.setVaccinated(Short.parseShort(vaccinated)); SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy"); try { if (dateOfImmunization != null && !dateOfImmunization.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { Date bdate = format.parse(dateOfImmunization); vaccinationEvent.setDateOfImmunization(bdate); } else vaccinationEvent.setDateOfImmunization(null); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } vaccinationEvent.setFromMobile(true); ChildrenVaccinationHistory childVH = childrenVaccinationHistoryDaoExt .saveVaccinationHistory(vaccinationEvent); if (childVH == null) result = "{\"ResultSet\":{\"totalResultsReturned\":0}}"; else result = "{\"ResultSet\":{\"totalResultsReturned\":1}}"; return result; } @Path("provinces") @POST public String provinces(String query) { log.debug(query); List<Province> provinces = provinceDaoExt.getAllOrderbyName("asc"); String result = "{\"ResultSet\":{\"totalResultsAvailable\":" + provinces.size() + ",\"totalResultsReturned\":" + provinces.size() + ",\"Result\":["; for (int pi = 0; pi < provinces.size(); pi++) { Province p = provinces.get(pi); result += "{\"pId\":\"" + p.getId() + "\",\"provinceId\":\"" + p.getProvinceId() + "\",\"provinceName\":\"" + p.getProvinceName() + "\""; if (pi < provinces.size() - 1) { result += ","; } } result += "]}}"; log.debug(result); return result; } @Path("districts") @POST public String districts(String query) { log.debug(query); //password=Huongmy&pId=5&sessionAuth=2ef9285c-e3e1-46ea-9e6c-ea8b65e46579&username=huongmy String[] up = query.split("&"); String password = up[0].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); long pId = Long.parseLong(up[1].replaceAll("\\w*=", "")); tmpAuth = up[2].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String username = up[3].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); List<District> districts = districtDaoExt.findByProvinceId(pId); String result = "{\"ResultSet\":{\"totalResultsAvailable\":" + districts.size() + ",\"totalResultsReturned\":" + districts.size() + ",\"Result\":["; for (int di = 0; di < districts.size(); di++) { District d = districts.get(di); result += "{\"dId\":\"" + d.getId() + "\",\"districtId\":\"" + d.getDistrictId() + "\",\"districtName\":\"" + d.getDistrictName() + "\"}"; if (di < districts.size() - 1) { result += ","; } } result += "]}}"; log.debug(result); return result; } @Path("communes") @POST public String communes(String query) { log.debug(query); //password=D&sessionAuth=b685e1a6-8fc8-4bcf-b1c0-97b302ab83d5&dId=Hng Bng&username=huongmy String[] up = query.split("&"); String password = up[0].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); tmpAuth = up[1].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); long dId = Long.parseLong(up[2].replaceAll("\\w*=", "")); String username = up[3].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); List<Commune> communes = communeDaoExt.findByDistrictId(dId); String result = "{\"ResultSet\":{\"totalResultsAvailable\":" + communes.size() + ",\"totalResultsReturned\":" + communes.size() + ",\"Result\":["; for (int di = 0; di < communes.size(); di++) { Commune c = communes.get(di); result += "{\"cId\":\"" + c.getId() + "\",\"communeId\":\"" + c.getCommuneId() + "\",\"communeName\":\"" + c.getCommuneName() + "\"}"; if (di < communes.size() - 1) { result += ","; } } result += "]}}"; log.debug(result); return result; } @Path("villages") @POST public String villages(String query) { log.debug(query); //cId=10409&password=D&sessionAuth=6bd6be3e-2fb4-4c87-af56-d05999f3e5ea&username=huongmy String[] up = query.split("&"); long cId = Long.parseLong(up[0].replaceAll("\\w*=", "")); String password = up[1].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); tmpAuth = up[2].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String username = up[3].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); List<Village> villages = villageDaoExt.findByCommuneId(cId); String result = "{\"ResultSet\":{\"totalResultsAvailable\":" + villages.size() + ",\"totalResultsReturned\":" + villages.size() + ",\"Result\":["; for (int di = 0; di < villages.size(); di++) { Village v = villages.get(di); result += "{\"vId\":\"" + v.getId() + "\",\"villageId\":\"" + v.getVillageId() + "\",\"villageName\":\"" + v.getVillageName() + "\"}"; if (di < villages.size() - 1) { result += ","; } } result += "]}}"; log.debug(result); return result; } @Path("locations") @POST public String locations(String query) { log.debug("Get locations: " + query); //cId=59&password=Huongmy&pId=59&sessionAuth=28e39595-7b2f-4a81-910f-358ab8fa6984&dId=59&username=huongmy String[] up = query.split("&"); long cId = Long.parseLong(up[0].replaceAll("\\w*=", "")); String password = up[1].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); long pId = Long.parseLong(up[2].replaceAll("\\w*=", "")); tmpAuth = up[3].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); long dId = Long.parseLong(up[4].replaceAll("\\w*=", "")); String username = up[5].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); List<District> districts = districtDaoExt.findByProvinceId(pId); String result = "{\"ResultSet\":{\"totalResultsAvailable\":" + districts.size() + ",\"totalResultsReturned\":" + districts.size() + ","; result += "\"Districts\":["; for (int di = 0; di < districts.size(); di++) { District d = districts.get(di); result += "{\"dId\":\"" + d.getId() + "\",\"districtId\":\"" + d.getDistrictId() + "\",\"districtName\":\"" + d.getDistrictName() + "\"}"; if (di < districts.size() - 1) { result += ","; } } List<Commune> communes = communeDaoExt.findByDistrictId(dId); result += "],\"Communes\":["; for (int ci = 0; ci < communes.size(); ci++) { Commune cm = communes.get(ci); result += "{\"cId\":\"" + cm.getId() + "\",\"communeId\":\"" + cm.getCommuneId() + "\",\"communeName\":\"" + cm.getCommuneName() + "\"}"; if (ci < communes.size() - 1) { result += ","; } } List<Village> villages = villageDaoExt.findByCommuneId(cId); result += "],\"Villages\":["; for (int vi = 0; vi < villages.size(); vi++) { Village v = villages.get(vi); result += "{\"vId\":\"" + v.getId() + "\",\"villageId\":\"" + v.getVillageId() + "\",\"villageName\":\"" + v.getVillageName() + "\"}"; if (vi < villages.size() - 1) { result += ","; } } result += "]}}"; log.debug(result); return result; } // @Path("locations") // @POST // public String locations(String auth) { // log.debug("Get locations: " + auth + " | " + sessionAuth); // List<Province> provinces = provinceDao.getAll(null, null); // String result = "{\"ResultSet\":{\"totalResultsAvailable\":" + provinces.size() + ",\"totalResultsReturned\":" + provinces.size() + ",\"Result\":["; // // for (int pi=0; pi<provinces.size(); pi++) { // Province p = provinces.get(pi); // List<District> districts = districtDao.findByProvince(p); // if (pi < provinces.size()-1) { // result += "{\"pId\":\"" + p.getId() + "\",\"provinceId\":\"" + p.getProvinceId() + "\",\"provinceName\":\"" + p.getProvinceName() + "\","; // } else { // result += "{\"pId\":\"" + p.getId() + "\",\"provinceId\":\"" + p.getProvinceId() + "\",\"provinceName\":\"" + p.getProvinceName() + "\""; // } // // result += ",\"District\":["; // for (int di=0; di<districts.size(); di++) { // District d = districts.get(di); // if (di < districts.size()-1) { // result += "{\"dId\":\"" + d.getId() + "\",\"districtId\":\"" + d.getDistrictId() + "\",\"districtName\":\"" + d.getDistrictName() + "\","; // } else { // result += "{\"dId\":\"" + d.getId() + "\",\"districtId\":\"" + d.getDistrictId() + "\",\"districtName\":\"" + d.getDistrictName() + "\""; // } // List<Commune> communes = communeDao.findByDistrict(d); // result += ",\"Commune\":["; // for (int ci=0; ci<communes.size(); ci++) { // Commune c = communes.get(ci); // if (ci < communes.size()-1) { // result += "{\"cId\":\"" + c.getId() + "\",\"communeId\":\"" + c.getCommuneId() + "\",\"communeName\":\"" + c.getCommuneName() + "\","; // } else { // result += "{\"cId\":\"" + c.getId() + "\",\"communeId\":\"" + c.getCommuneId() + "\",\"communeName\":\"" + c.getCommuneName() + "\""; // } // List<Village> villages = villageDao.findByCommune(c); // result += ",\"Village\":["; // for (int vi=0; vi<villages.size(); vi++) { // Village v = villages.get(vi); // if (vi < villages.size()-1) { // result += "{\"vId\":\"" + v.getId() + "\",\"villageId\":\"" + v.getVillageId() + "\",\"villageName\":\"" + v.getVillageName() + "\"},"; // } else { // result += "{\"vId\":\"" + v.getId() + "\",\"villageId\":\"" + v.getVillageId() + "\",\"villageName\":\"" + v.getVillageName() + "\"}"; // } // } // result += "]}"; // } // result += "]}"; // } // result += "]}"; // } // result += "]}}"; // // log.debug(result); // return result; // } private void parseXml(String xml) { list = new ArrayList<Children>(); tmpAuth = ""; tmpAuthor = ""; SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance(); try { SAXParser saxParser = factory.newSAXParser(); DefaultHandler handler = new DefaultHandler() { Children tempChild; String tempVal = ""; public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes) throws SAXException { if (qName.equalsIgnoreCase("Children")) { tmpAuth = attributes.getValue("sessionAuth"); if (!tmpAuth.equalsIgnoreCase("sessionAuth")) return; tmpAuthor = attributes.getValue("author"); force = Boolean.parseBoolean(attributes.getValue("force")); } tempVal = ""; if (qName.equalsIgnoreCase("Child")) { tempChild = new Children(); } } public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException { if (qName.equalsIgnoreCase("Child")) { //add it to the list list.add(tempChild); } else if (qName.equalsIgnoreCase("id")) { if (tempVal.length() > 0) tempChild.setId(Long.parseLong(tempVal)); } else if (qName.equalsIgnoreCase("fullName")) { if (tempVal.length() > 0) tempChild.setFullName(tempVal); } else if (qName.equalsIgnoreCase("dateOfBirth")) { if (tempVal.length() > 0) { SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy"); try { Date bdate = format.parse(tempVal); tempChild.setDateOfBirth(bdate); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } else if (qName.equalsIgnoreCase("gender")) { if (tempVal.length() > 0) tempChild.setGender(Boolean.parseBoolean(tempVal)); } else if (qName.equalsIgnoreCase("childCode")) { if (tempVal.length() > 0) tempChild.setChildCode(tempVal); } else if (qName.equalsIgnoreCase("fatherName")) { if (tempVal.length() > 0) tempChild.setFatherName(tempVal); } else if (qName.equalsIgnoreCase("fatherBirthYear")) { if (tempVal.length() > 0) tempChild.setFatherBirthYear(Integer.parseInt(tempVal)); } else if (qName.equalsIgnoreCase("fatherID")) { if (tempVal.length() > 0) tempChild.setFatherID(tempVal); } else if (qName.equalsIgnoreCase("fatherMobile")) { if (tempVal.length() > 0) tempChild.setFatherMobile(tempVal); } else if (qName.equalsIgnoreCase("motherName")) { if (tempVal.length() > 0) tempChild.setMotherName(tempVal); } else if (qName.equalsIgnoreCase("motherBirthYear")) { if (tempVal.length() > 0) tempChild.setMotherBirthYear(Integer.parseInt(tempVal)); } else if (qName.equalsIgnoreCase("motherID")) { if (tempVal.length() > 0) tempChild.setMotherID(tempVal); } else if (qName.equalsIgnoreCase("motherMobile")) { if (tempVal.length() > 0) tempChild.setMotherMobile(tempVal); } else if (qName.equalsIgnoreCase("caretakerName")) { if (tempVal.length() > 0) tempChild.setCaretakerName(tempVal); } else if (qName.equalsIgnoreCase("caretakerBirthYear")) { if (tempVal.length() > 0) tempChild.setCaretakerBirthYear(Integer.parseInt(tempVal)); } else if (qName.equalsIgnoreCase("caretakerID")) { if (tempVal.length() > 0) tempChild.setCaretakerID(tempVal); } else if (qName.equalsIgnoreCase("caretakerMobile")) { if (tempVal.length() > 0) tempChild.setCaretakerMobile(tempVal); } else if (qName.equalsIgnoreCase("currentCaretaker")) { if (tempVal.length() > 0) tempChild.setCurrentCaretaker(Short.parseShort(tempVal)); } else if (qName.equalsIgnoreCase("villageId")) { if (tempVal.length() > 0) { tempChild.setVillage(villageDao.get(Long.parseLong(tempVal))); } } } public void characters(char ch[], int start, int length) throws SAXException { tempVal = new String(ch, start, length); } }; saxParser.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(xml)), handler); } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (SAXException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } @Path("search") @POST public String search(String query) { //offset=10&username=ngaidang&sessionAuth=950ee67d-076c-42bf-b767-20fbef7bd441&dobTo=11/12/2011&startOffset=1&dobFrom=1/11/2011&communeId=10432&password=134460152ceb3c44bf92d0f6155d907e&childCode=&villageId= //offset=10&username=huongmy&sessionAuth=36f11e61-ecb1-41e5-8d68-353ce5c876e8&dobTo=21/12/2011&startOffset=1&childName=H&dobFrom=1/11/2011&communeId=10434&password=45853e0a110321665cace9e7ce46e31f&childCode=&villageId=&motherName= log.debug(query); String result = ""; List<Children> listChildrenDue = new ArrayList<Children>(); String[] up = query.toLowerCase().split("&"); int offset = Integer.parseInt(up[0].replaceAll("\\w*=", "")); String username = up[1].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); tmpAuth = up[2].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String dobTo = up[3].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); int page = Integer.parseInt(up[4].replaceAll("\\w*=", "")); String childName = up[5].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String dobFrom = up[6].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String communeId = up[7].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String password = up[8].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String childCode = up[9].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String villageId = up[10].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String motherName = up[11].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); ChildrenSearchVO params = new ChildrenSearchVO(); params.setChildCode(childCode); SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy"); try { if (!dobFrom.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { Date fdate = format.parse(dobFrom); params.setDateOfBirthFrom(fdate); } if (!dobTo.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { Date tdate = format.parse(dobTo); params.setDateOfBirthTo(tdate); } } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (!communeId.equalsIgnoreCase("")) params.setCommuneId(Long.parseLong(communeId)); if (!villageId.equalsIgnoreCase("")) params.setVillageId(Long.parseLong(villageId)); params.setChildName(childName); params.setMotherName(motherName); //// if (!tmpAuth.equalsIgnoreCase(sessionAuth)) //// return "{\"ResultSet\":{\"totalResultsReturned\":0}}"; List<Children> tmpList = childrenDaoExt.searchChildren(params); if (tmpList.size() > 0) { int totalResultsReturned = tmpList.size() > offset * page ? offset : tmpList.size() - offset * (page - 1); result = "{\"ResultSet\":{\"totalResultsAvailable\":" + tmpList.size() + ",\"totalResultsReturned\":" + totalResultsReturned + ",\"Result\":["; for (int i = offset * (page - 1); i < offset * (page - 1) + totalResultsReturned; i++) { Children v = tmpList.get(i); String name = v.getFullName().equalsIgnoreCase("") ? "(M)" + v.getMotherName() : v.getFullName(); String motherYOB = v.getMotherBirthYear() != null ? v.getMotherBirthYear().toString() : ""; String fatherYOB = v.getFatherBirthYear() != null ? v.getFatherBirthYear().toString() : ""; String otherYOB = v.getCaretakerBirthYear() != null ? v.getCaretakerBirthYear().toString() : ""; result += "{\"childId\":\"" + v.getId() + "\",\"childName\":\"" + name + "\",\"childCode\":\"" + v.getChildCode() + "\",\"childDOB\":\"" + format.format(v.getDateOfBirth()) + "\",\"childGender\":\"" + v.isGender() + "\",\"locked\":\"" + v.isLocked() + "\",\"childMother\":\"" + v.getMotherName() + "\",\"childMotherYOB\":\"" + v.getMotherBirthYear() + "\",\"childPId\":\"" + v.getVillage().getCommune().getDistrict().getProvince().getId() + "\",\"childProvinceName\":\"" + v.getVillage().getCommune().getDistrict().getProvince().getProvinceName() + "\",\"childDId\":\"" + v.getVillage().getCommune().getDistrict().getId() + "\",\"childDistrictName\":\"" + v.getVillage().getCommune().getDistrict().getDistrictName() + "\",\"childCId\":\"" + v.getVillage().getCommune().getId() + "\",\"childCommuneName\":\"" + v.getVillage().getCommune().getCommuneName() + "\",\"childVId\":\"" + v.getVillage().getId() + "\",\"childVillageName\":\"" + v.getVillage().getVillageName() + "\""; result += ",\"motherID\":\"" + v.getMotherID() + "\",\"motherYOB\":\"" + motherYOB + "\",\"motherMobile\":\"" + v.getMotherMobile() + "\",\"fatherName\":\"" + v.getFatherName() + "\",\"fatherID\":\"" + v.getFatherID() + "\",\"fatherYOB\":\"" + fatherYOB + "\",\"fatherMobile\":\"" + v.getFatherMobile() + "\",\"careID\":\"" + v.getCaretakerID() + "\",\"careName\":\"" + v.getCaretakerName() + "\",\"careYOB\":\"" + otherYOB + "\",\"careMobile\":\"" + v.getCaretakerMobile() + "\",\"currentCare\":\"" + v.getCurrentCaretaker() + "\""; List<ChildrenVaccinationHistory> events = childrenVaccinationHistoryDaoExt .findByChildOrderbyDueDate(v.getId()); result += ",\"VaccinationEvent\":["; for (int j = 0; j < events.size(); j++) { ChildrenVaccinationHistory e = events.get(j); String strDateOfImmunization = ""; if (e.getDateOfImmunization() != null) strDateOfImmunization = format.format(e.getDateOfImmunization()); Commune cm = e.getVaccinatedLocation(); String pId = ""; String provinceName = ""; String dId = ""; String districtName = ""; String scId = ""; String communeName = ""; if (cm != null) { pId = cm.getDistrict().getProvince().getId() + ""; provinceName = cm.getDistrict().getProvince().getProvinceName(); dId = cm.getDistrict().getId() + ""; districtName = cm.getDistrict().getDistrictName(); scId = cm.getId() + ""; communeName = cm.getCommuneName(); } String otherLocation = "0"; if (e.getOtherVaccinatedLocation() != null && e.getOtherVaccinatedLocation() > 0) { otherLocation = "" + e.getOtherVaccinatedLocation(); } String missingReason = ""; if (e.getReasonIfMissed() != null) missingReason = e.getReasonIfMissed(); result += "{\"eventId\":\"" + e.getId() + "\",\"vaccinationId\":\"" + e.getVaccination().getId() + "\",\"vaccinationName\":\"" + e.getVaccination().getName() + "\",\"dateOfImmunization\":\"" + strDateOfImmunization + "\",\"vaccinated\":\"" + e.getVaccinated() + "\",\"reasonIfMissed\":\"" + missingReason + "\",\"pId\":\"" + pId + "\",\"provinceName\":\"" + provinceName + "\",\"dId\":\"" + dId + "\",\"districtName\":\"" + districtName + "\",\"cId\":\"" + scId + "\",\"communeName\":\"" + communeName + "\",\"otherLocation\":\"" + otherLocation + "\",\"overdue\":\"" + e.isOverdue() + "\"}"; if (j < events.size() - 1) { result += ","; } } result += "]}"; if (i < tmpList.size() - 1) { result += ","; } } result += "]}}"; } else result = "{\"ResultSet\":{\"totalResultsAvailable\":0,\"totalResultsReturned\":0}}"; log.debug(result); return result; } @Path("generalReportData") @POST public String generalReportData(String query) { //cId=10434&password=Huongmy&sessionAuth=13e3c5bb-c58a-4e9e-b7cc-55a7c95c3f8b&timeData=12/2011&username=huongmy log.debug(query); String[] up = query.toLowerCase().split("&"); String communeId = up[0].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String password = up[1].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); tmpAuth = up[2].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String time = up[3].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String username = up[4].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String result = ""; GeneralReportData grd = generalReportDataDaoExt.findGeneralReportDataByCommuneAndTime(time, Long.parseLong(communeId)); if (grd == null) { result = "{\"ResultSet\":{\"totalResultsReturned\":0}}"; } else { String normal = grd.getTotalNormalCases() == null ? "" : String.valueOf(grd.getTotalNormalCases()); String serious = grd.getTotalSeriousCases() == null ? "" : String.valueOf(grd.getTotalSeriousCases()); String tetanus = grd.getAmountOfTetanusProtection() == null ? "" : String.valueOf(grd.getAmountOfTetanusProtection()); result = "{\"ResultSet\":{\"totalResultsReturned\":1,\"Result\":[" + "{\"reportId\":\"" + grd.getId() + "\",\"normal\":\"" + normal + "\",\"serious\":\"" + serious + "\",\"tetanus\":\"" + tetanus + "\"}]}}"; } return result; } @Path("saveGeneralReportData") @POST public String saveGeneralReportData(String query) { //serious=668&username=huongmy&sessionAuth=52ce4ae0-a3fb-4fdd-9dca-6409420c4b50&tatanus=366&normal=255&timeData=12/2011&reportId=15&cId=10434&password=Huongmy log.debug(query); String[] up = query.toLowerCase().split("&"); String serious = up[0].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String username = up[1].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); tmpAuth = up[2].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String tetanus = up[3].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String normal = up[4].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String timeData = up[5].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String reportId = up[6].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String communeId = up[7].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String password = up[8].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String result = ""; GeneralReportData grd = null; if (reportId.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { Commune commune = communeDao.get(Long.parseLong(communeId)); generalReportDataDaoExt.createGeneralReportDataInCommunesByDistrict(timeData, null, commune.getDistrict()); grd = generalReportDataDaoExt.findGeneralReportDataByCommuneAndTime(timeData, commune.getId()); } else { grd = generalReportDataDao.get(Long.parseLong(reportId)); } if (!tetanus.equalsIgnoreCase("")) grd.setAmountOfTetanusProtection(Integer.parseInt(tetanus)); if (!normal.equalsIgnoreCase("")) grd.setTotalNormalCases(Integer.parseInt(normal)); if (!serious.equalsIgnoreCase("")) grd.setTotalSeriousCases(Integer.parseInt(serious)); grd =; if (grd == null) { result = "{\"ResultSet\":{\"totalResultsReturned\":0}}"; } else { String strnormal = grd.getTotalNormalCases() == null ? "" : String.valueOf(grd.getTotalNormalCases()); String strserious = grd.getTotalSeriousCases() == null ? "" : String.valueOf(grd.getTotalSeriousCases()); String strtetanus = grd.getAmountOfTetanusProtection() == null ? "" : String.valueOf(grd.getAmountOfTetanusProtection()); result = "{\"ResultSet\":{\"totalResultsReturned\":1,\"Result\":[" + "{\"reportId\":\"" + grd.getId() + "\",\"normal\":\"" + strnormal + "\",\"serious\":\"" + strserious + "\",\"tetanus\":\"" + strtetanus + "\"}]}}"; } return result; } @Path("vaccinationStatistic") @POST public String vaccinationStatistic(String query) { //cId=10434&password=Huongmy&sessionAuth=13e3c5bb-c58a-4e9e-b7cc-55a7c95c3f8b&timeData=12/2011&username=huongmy log.debug(query); String[] up = query.toLowerCase().split("&"); String communeId = up[0].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String password = up[1].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); tmpAuth = up[2].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String time = up[3].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String username = up[4].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String result = ""; Commune commune = communeDao.get(Long.parseLong(communeId)); List<RegionVaccinationReportData> rep = childrenDaoExt.getChildrenVaccinationReport(time, time, commune, null); if (rep == null || rep.size() == 0) { result = "{\"ResultSet\":{\"totalResultsReturned\":0}}"; } else { RegionVaccinationReportData vr = rep.get(0); String under1 = vr.getChildrenUnder1() != null ? vr.getChildrenUnder1() + "" : ""; String tetanus = vr.getProtectedTetanusCases() != null ? vr.getProtectedTetanusCases() + "" : ""; String normal = vr.getReactionNormalCases() != null ? vr.getReactionNormalCases() + "" : ""; String serious = vr.getReactionSeriousCases() != null ? vr.getReactionSeriousCases() + "" : ""; result = "{\"ResultSet\":{\"totalResultsReturned\":1,\"Result\":[" + "{\"childrenUnder1\":\"" + under1 + "\",\"bcg\":\"" + vr.getBCG() + "\",\"vgbl24h\":\"" + vr.getVGBL24() + "\",\"vgbg24h\":\"" + vr.getVGBG24() + "\",\"penta1\":\"" + vr.getDPT_VGB_Hib1() + "\",\"penta2\":\"" + vr.getDPT_VGB_Hib2() + "\",\"penta3\":\"" + vr.getDPT_VGB_Hib3() + "\",\"opv1\":\"" + vr.getOPV1() + "\",\"opv2\":\"" + vr.getOPV2() + "\",\"opv3\":\"" + vr.getOPV3() + "\",\"measles1\":\"" + vr.getMeasles1() + "\",\"finished\":\"" + vr.getAmountOfFinish() + "\",\"tetanus\":\"" + tetanus + "\",\"normal\":\"" + normal + "\",\"serious\":\"" + serious + "\"},"; vr = rep.get(2); under1 = vr.getChildrenUnder1() != null ? vr.getChildrenUnder1() + "" : ""; tetanus = vr.getProtectedTetanusCases() != null ? vr.getProtectedTetanusCases() + "" : ""; normal = vr.getReactionNormalCases() != null ? vr.getReactionNormalCases() + "" : ""; serious = vr.getReactionSeriousCases() != null ? vr.getReactionSeriousCases() + "" : ""; result += "{\"childrenUnder1\":\"" + under1 + "\",\"bcg\":\"" + vr.getBCG() + "\",\"vgbl24h\":\"" + vr.getVGBL24() + "\",\"vgbg24h\":\"" + vr.getVGBG24() + "\",\"penta1\":\"" + vr.getDPT_VGB_Hib1() + "\",\"penta2\":\"" + vr.getDPT_VGB_Hib2() + "\",\"penta3\":\"" + vr.getDPT_VGB_Hib3() + "\",\"opv1\":\"" + vr.getOPV1() + "\",\"opv2\":\"" + vr.getOPV2() + "\",\"opv3\":\"" + vr.getOPV3() + "\",\"measles1\":\"" + vr.getMeasles1() + "\",\"finished\":\"" + vr.getAmountOfFinish() + "\",\"tetanus\":\"" + tetanus + "\",\"normal\":\"" + normal + "\",\"serious\":\"" + serious + "\"}]}}"; } return result; } @Path("changePassword") @POST public String changePassword(String query) { //password=45853e0a110321665cace9e7ce46e31f&sessionAuth=bed8a586-3665-4a50-8feb-9aef4b18472d&newpassword=&accountId=51&username=huongmy log.debug(query); String[] up = query.toLowerCase().split("&"); String password = up[0].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); tmpAuth = up[1].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String newpassword = up[2].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String username = up[3].replaceAll("\\w*=", ""); String result = ""; SystemAccount sa = systemAccountDao.findByAccountName(username).get(0); sa.setPassword(newpassword); sa =; if (sa.getPassword().equalsIgnoreCase(newpassword)) result = "{\"ResultSet\":{\"totalResultsReturned\":1}}"; else result = "{\"ResultSet\":{\"totalResultsReturned\":0}}"; return result; } }