Java tutorial
/* * Children Immunization Registry System (IRS). Copyright (C) 2011 PATH ( * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * Author: Tran Trung Hieu * Email: */ package org.hil.core.dao.hibernate; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import org.hil.core.dao.ChildrenVaccinationHistoryDao; import org.hil.core.dao.GenericChildrenDao; import org.hil.core.dao.GenericChildrenVaccinationHistoryDao; import org.hil.core.model.Children; import org.hil.core.model.ChildrenVaccinationHistory; import org.hil.core.model.Commune; import org.hil.core.model.Vaccination; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.SQLQuery; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; @Repository("childrenVaccinationHistoryDaoExt") public class ChildrenVaccinationHistoryDaoHibernate extends GenericDaoHibernateSupportExt<ChildrenVaccinationHistory> implements ChildrenVaccinationHistoryDao { @Autowired private GenericChildrenVaccinationHistoryDao childrenVaccinationHistoryDao; @Autowired private GenericChildrenDao childrenDao; public List<Children> getListChildrenDueByDueTimeCommune(String dueTime, Commune commune) { List<Children> listChildren = new ArrayList<Children>(); String sql = "Select c.* from children c, children_vaccination_history cvh, village vl, vaccination v" + " where and c.id_village and vl.id_commune=:communeId and c.locked!=true" + " and and cvh.vaccinated=0 and " + " (" + " (v.id_dependent_vaccination is null)" + " or" + " (v.id_dependent_vaccination is not null" + " and (Select id from children_vaccination_history cvh2 where cvh2.id_vaccination=v.id_dependent_vaccination and " + "and cvh2.vaccinated=1 and DATE(DATE_ADD(cvh2.date_of_immunization, INTERVAL DAY)) <= :dueTime) is not null" + " )" + " ) " + " and (DATE(DATE_ADD(c.date_of_birth, INTERVAL v.age*30*v.age_unit DAY)) <= :dueTime)" + " and (v.limit_days is null or (v.limit_days > 0 and DATE(DATE_ADD(c.date_of_birth, INTERVAL (v.limit_days + 1) DAY)) >= :dueTime))" + " group by order by c.date_of_birth asc"; SQLQuery qry = getSession().createSQLQuery(sql); qry.addEntity(Children.class); qry.setParameter("dueTime", dueTime); qry.setParameter("communeId", commune.getId()); //log.debug("SQL: " + sql); listChildren = qry.list(); return listChildren; } public List<Vaccination> getListVaccinationByChild(String dueTime, Children child, Boolean overdue) { List<Vaccination> result = new ArrayList<Vaccination>(); String sql = "Select v.* from children c, children_vaccination_history cvh, vaccination v" + " where cvh.id_children=:childId and" + " and and cvh.vaccinated=0 and " + " (" + " (v.id_dependent_vaccination is null)" + " or" + " (v.id_dependent_vaccination is not null" + " and (Select id from children_vaccination_history cvh2 where cvh2.id_vaccination=v.id_dependent_vaccination and " + "and cvh2.vaccinated=1 and DATE(DATE_ADD(cvh2.date_of_immunization, INTERVAL DAY)) <= :dueTime) is not null" + " )" + " ) " + " and (DATE(DATE_ADD(c.date_of_birth, INTERVAL v.age*30*v.age_unit DAY)) <= :dueTime)"; String ymtime = ""; if (overdue != null) { ymtime = dueTime.substring(0, 7); if (overdue.booleanValue() == true) { sql += " and date_format(DATE_ADD(c.date_of_birth, INTERVAL v.age*30*v.age_unit DAY),'%Y-%m')!=:ymtime "; } else if (overdue.booleanValue() == false) sql += " and date_format(DATE_ADD(c.date_of_birth, INTERVAL v.age*30*v.age_unit DAY),'%Y-%m')=:ymtime "; } sql += " and (v.limit_days is null or (v.limit_days > 0 and DATE(DATE_ADD(c.date_of_birth, INTERVAL (v.limit_days + 1) DAY)) >= :dueTime))" + " group by"; //log.debug(dueTime + " | " + ymtime + " | " + sql); SQLQuery qry = getSession().createSQLQuery(sql); qry.addEntity(Vaccination.class); qry.setParameter("dueTime", dueTime); if (overdue != null) qry.setParameter("ymtime", ymtime); qry.setParameter("childId", child.getId()); result = qry.list(); return result; } public List<ChildrenVaccinationHistory> findByChildAndVaccinatedAndOderbyVaccinationId(Children child, Short vaccinated, boolean asc) { List<ChildrenVaccinationHistory> result = new ArrayList<ChildrenVaccinationHistory>(); String sql = "Select cvh from ChildrenVaccinationHistory cvh where cvh.vaccinated =:vaccinated and cvh.child=:child order by asc"; Query qry = getSession().createQuery(sql); qry.setParameter("vaccinated", vaccinated); qry.setParameter("child", child); result = qry.list(); return result; } public List<ChildrenVaccinationHistory> findByChildAndVaccineAndVaccinatedAndOderbyVaccinationId(Long childId, Short vaccinated, List<Vaccination> vaccines, boolean asc) { List<ChildrenVaccinationHistory> result = new ArrayList<ChildrenVaccinationHistory>(); String sql = "Select cvh from ChildrenVaccinationHistory cvh where (cvh.vaccinated =:vaccinated OR cvh.vaccinated=1) AND cvh.vaccination IN (:listVaccines) and order by asc"; Query qry = getSession().createQuery(sql); qry.setParameter("vaccinated", vaccinated); qry.setParameter("childId", childId); qry.setParameterList("listVaccines", vaccines); result = qry.list(); return result; } public List<ChildrenVaccinationHistory> findByChildOrderbyDueDate(Long childId) { List<ChildrenVaccinationHistory> result = new ArrayList<ChildrenVaccinationHistory>(); String sql = "Select cvh from ChildrenVaccinationHistory cvh where order by cvh.vaccination.ageUnit asc,cvh.vaccination.age asc, asc"; Query qry = getSession().createQuery(sql); qry.setParameter("childId", childId); result = qry.list(); return result; } public int removeByChildId(Long childId) { String sql = "Delete from children_vaccination_history where id_children=:childId"; SQLQuery qry = getSession().createSQLQuery(sql); qry.setParameter("childId", childId); log.debug("SQL: " + sql); return qry.executeUpdate(); } public int removeByChildIdAndVaccinationIdAndVaccinationStatus(Long childId, Long vaccinId, Integer vaccinStatus) { String sql = "Delete from children_vaccination_history where id_children=:childId and id_vaccination=:vaccinId and vaccinated=:vaccinStatus"; SQLQuery qry = getSession().createSQLQuery(sql); qry.setParameter("childId", childId); qry.setParameter("vaccinId", vaccinId); qry.setParameter("vaccinStatus", vaccinStatus); log.debug("SQL: " + sql); return qry.executeUpdate(); } public ChildrenVaccinationHistory saveVaccinationHistory(ChildrenVaccinationHistory vaccinationEvent) { log.debug("Check before save vaccination event: " + vaccinationEvent.getChild().getId() + " | " + vaccinationEvent.getId() + " | " + vaccinationEvent.getVaccinated()); List<Number> temp1 = this.getChildAndVaccinationAndVaccinated(vaccinationEvent.getChild(), vaccinationEvent.getVaccination(), (short) 1); if (vaccinationEvent.getVaccinated().shortValue() == 0) { if (temp1 != null && temp1.size() > 0) this.setNotVaccinated(temp1); return vaccinationEvent; } if (vaccinationEvent.getVaccinated() == 1) { if (temp1 != null && temp1.size() > 0) { if (temp1.get(0).longValue() != vaccinationEvent.getId().longValue()) return vaccinationEvent; } } List<Number> temp0 = this.getChildAndVaccinationAndVaccinated(vaccinationEvent.getChild(), vaccinationEvent.getVaccination(), (short) 0); if (vaccinationEvent.getVaccinated() == 0) { if (temp1 != null && temp1.size() > 0) { if (temp1.get(0).longValue() != vaccinationEvent.getId().longValue()) return vaccinationEvent; } else { if (temp0 != null && temp0.size() > 0) { if (temp0.get(0).longValue() != vaccinationEvent.getId().longValue()) return vaccinationEvent; } } } boolean createNewVaccinationEvent = false; if (vaccinationEvent.getVaccinated() == 2) { if (temp1 != null && temp1.size() > 0) { if (temp1.get(0).longValue() == vaccinationEvent.getId().longValue()) return vaccinationEvent; } else { if (temp0 != null && temp0.size() > 0) { if (temp0.get(0).longValue() == vaccinationEvent.getId().longValue()) createNewVaccinationEvent = true; } } } log.debug("Saving vaccination event: " + vaccinationEvent.getChild().getId() + " | " + vaccinationEvent.getId() + " | " + vaccinationEvent.getVaccinated()); if (vaccinationEvent.getVaccination().getId() == 1 && vaccinationEvent.getVaccinated() == 1) { Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.setTime(vaccinationEvent.getChild().getDateOfBirth()); calendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, 1); Date tmp = calendar.getTime(); if (vaccinationEvent.getDateOfImmunization().getTime() <= tmp.getTime()) vaccinationEvent.setOverdue(false); else vaccinationEvent.setOverdue(true); } vaccinationEvent.setModifiedTime(new Date()); vaccinationEvent =; getSession().flush(); if (vaccinationEvent.getVaccinated() == 1) { temp0 = getChildAndVaccinationAndVaccinated(vaccinationEvent.getChild(), vaccinationEvent.getVaccination(), (short) 0); for (int c = 0; c < temp0.size(); c++) { childrenVaccinationHistoryDao.remove(childrenVaccinationHistoryDao.get(temp0.get(c).longValue())); } boolean finish = checkFinish(vaccinationEvent.getChild()); if (finish) { Date finDate = checkFinishDate(vaccinationEvent.getChild()); vaccinationEvent.getChild().setFinishedDate(finDate);; } else { if (vaccinationEvent.getChild().getFinishedDate() != null) { vaccinationEvent.getChild().setFinishedDate(null);; } } } else { boolean finish = checkFinish(vaccinationEvent.getChild()); if (!finish) { vaccinationEvent.getChild().setFinishedDate(null);; } } if (createNewVaccinationEvent) { Children c = vaccinationEvent.getChild(); ChildrenVaccinationHistory newVH = new ChildrenVaccinationHistory(); newVH.setChild(c); newVH.setOverdue(false); newVH.setReasonIfMissed(""); newVH.setVaccinated((short) 0); newVH.setVaccination(vaccinationEvent.getVaccination()); newVH.setModifiedTime(new Date());; } return vaccinationEvent; } public int setNotVaccinated(List<Number> shotIds) { String strIds = "("; for (Number id : shotIds) strIds += id.longValue() + ","; strIds = strIds.substring(0, strIds.length() - 1); strIds += ")"; String sql = "UPDATE children_vaccination_history SET vaccinated = 0, date_of_immunization = null, id_vaccinated_location = null, other_vaccinated_location = 0, " + " created_time = null, modified_time = null, from_mobile = null WHERE id IN " + strIds; log.debug(sql); SQLQuery qry = getSession().createSQLQuery(sql); return qry.executeUpdate(); } public boolean checkFinish(Children child) { String sql = "Select count(*) from children_vaccination_history cvh " + " where cvh.id_children =:childId and cvh.vaccinated=:vaccinated and id_vaccination in ('2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9') "; SQLQuery qry = getSession().createSQLQuery(sql); qry.setParameter("vaccinated", 1); qry.setParameter("childId", child.getId()); log.debug("SQL: " + sql); long result = ((Number) qry.uniqueResult()).longValue(); log.debug(result); if (result == 8) return true; else return false; } public Date checkFinishDate(Children child) { String sql = "Select max(cvh.date_of_immunization) from children_vaccination_history cvh " + " where cvh.id_children =:childId and cvh.vaccinated=:vaccinated and id_vaccination in ('2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9') "; SQLQuery qry = getSession().createSQLQuery(sql); qry.setParameter("vaccinated", 1); qry.setParameter("childId", child.getId()); log.debug("SQL: " + sql); Date result = ((Date) qry.uniqueResult()); log.debug(result); return result; } public List<Number> getChildAndVaccinationAndVaccinated(Children child, Vaccination vaccination, Short vaccinated) { String sql = "Select from children_vaccination_history cvh where vaccinated =:vaccinated and id_children =:childId and id_vaccination =:vaccinationId "; SQLQuery qry = getSession().createSQLQuery(sql); qry.setParameter("vaccinated", vaccinated); qry.setParameter("childId", child.getId()); qry.setParameter("vaccinationId", vaccination.getId()); return qry.list(); } }