Java tutorial
/* * Hibernate Search, full-text search for your domain model * * License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later * See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <>. */ package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import io.searchbox.action.Action; import io.searchbox.action.BulkableAction; import io.searchbox.action.DocumentTargetedAction; import io.searchbox.client.JestClientFactory; import io.searchbox.client.JestResult; import io.searchbox.client.config.HttpClientConfig; import io.searchbox.core.Bulk; import io.searchbox.core.Bulk.Builder; import io.searchbox.core.BulkResult; import io.searchbox.core.BulkResult.BulkResultItem; import io.searchbox.params.Parameters; /** * Provides access to the JEST client. * * @author Gunnar Morling */ public class JestClient implements Service, Startable, Stoppable { private static final Log LOG = LoggerFactory.make(Log.class); /** * HTTP response code for a request timed out. */ private static final int TIME_OUT = 408; /** * Prefix for accessing the {@link ElasticsearchEnvironment#SERVER_URI} variable. That's currently needed as we * don't access this one in the context of a specific index manager. The prefix is used to have the property name * in line with the other index-related property names, even though this property can not yet be override on * a per-index base. */ private static final String SERVER_URI_PROP_PREFIX = ""; private io.searchbox.client.JestClient client; private ServiceManager serviceManager; private GsonService gsonService; @Override public void start(Properties properties, BuildContext context) { serviceManager = context.getServiceManager(); gsonService = serviceManager.requestService(GsonService.class); JestClientFactory factory = new JestClientFactory(); String serverUrisString = ConfigurationParseHelper.getString(properties, SERVER_URI_PROP_PREFIX + ElasticsearchEnvironment.SERVER_URI, ElasticsearchEnvironment.Defaults.SERVER_URI); Collection<String> serverUris = Arrays.asList(serverUrisString.trim().split("\\s")); // TODO HSEARCH-2062 Make timeouts configurable factory.setHttpClientConfig(new HttpClientConfig.Builder(serverUris).multiThreaded(true) .readTimeout(ElasticsearchEnvironment.Defaults.SERVER_READ_TIMEOUT) .connTimeout(ElasticsearchEnvironment.Defaults.SERVER_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT) .gson(gsonService.getGson()).build()); client = factory.getObject(); } @Override public void stop() { client.shutdownClient(); client = null; gsonService = null; serviceManager.releaseService(GsonService.class); serviceManager = null; } /** * Just to remove ambiguity between {@link #executeRequest(Action, int...)} and {@link #executeRequest(Action, String...)} * when the vararg is empty. */ public <T extends JestResult> T executeRequest(Action<T> request) { return executeRequest(request, Collections.<Integer>emptySet(), Collections.<String>emptySet()); } public <T extends JestResult> T executeRequest(Action<T> request, int... ignoredErrorStatuses) { return executeRequest(request, asSet(ignoredErrorStatuses)); } public <T extends JestResult> T executeRequest(Action<T> request, String... ignoredErrorTypes) { return executeRequest(request, Collections.<Integer>emptySet(), CollectionHelper.asImmutableSet(ignoredErrorTypes)); } public <T extends JestResult> T executeRequest(Action<T> request, Set<Integer> ignoredErrorStatuses) { return executeRequest(request, ignoredErrorStatuses, Collections.<String>emptySet()); } public <T extends JestResult> T executeRequest(Action<T> request, Set<Integer> ignoredErrorStatuses, Set<String> ignoredErrorTypes) { try { T result = client.execute(request); // The request failed with a status that's not ignore-able if (!result.isSucceeded() && !isResponseCode(result.getResponseCode(), ignoredErrorStatuses) && !isErrorType(result, ignoredErrorTypes)) { if (result.getResponseCode() == TIME_OUT) { throw LOG.elasticsearchRequestTimeout(requestToString(request), resultToString(result)); } else { throw LOG.elasticsearchRequestFailed(requestToString(request), resultToString(result), null); } } return result; } catch (IOException e) { throw LOG.elasticsearchRequestFailed(requestToString(request), null, e); } } /** * Creates a bulk action from the given list and executes it. */ public Map<BackendRequest<?>, BulkResultItem> executeBulkRequest(List<BackendRequest<?>> backendRequests, boolean refresh) { Builder bulkBuilder = new Bulk.Builder().setParameter(Parameters.REFRESH, refresh); for (BackendRequest<?> backendRequest : backendRequests) { bulkBuilder.addAction((BulkableAction<?>) backendRequest.getAction()); } Bulk request =; try { BulkResult response = client.execute(request); Map<BackendRequest<?>, BulkResultItem> successfulItems = CollectionHelper .newHashMap(backendRequests.size()); /* * We can't rely on the status of the bulk, since each backend request may consider specific * status codes as a success regardless of their usual meaning, which Elasticsearch doesn't * know about when computing the status of the bulk. */ List<BackendRequest<?>> erroneousItems = new ArrayList<>(); int i = 0; for (BulkResultItem resultItem : response.getItems()) { BackendRequest<?> backendRequest = backendRequests.get(i); if (isErrored(backendRequest, resultItem)) { erroneousItems.add(backendRequest); } else { successfulItems.put(backendRequest, resultItem); } ++i; } if (!erroneousItems.isEmpty()) { throw LOG.elasticsearchBulkRequestFailed(requestToString(request), resultToString(response), successfulItems, erroneousItems); } else { return successfulItems; } } catch (IOException e) { throw LOG.elasticsearchRequestFailed(requestToString(request), null, e); } } private boolean isErrored(BackendRequest<?> backendRequest, BulkResultItem resultItem) { // When getting a 404 for a DELETE, the error is null :(, so checking both return (resultItem.error != null || resultItem.status >= 400) && !isResponseCode(resultItem.status, backendRequest.getIgnoredErrorStatuses()); } private boolean isResponseCode(int responseCode, Set<Integer> codes) { if (codes == null) { return false; } else { return codes.contains(responseCode); } } private boolean isErrorType(JestResult result, Set<String> errorTypes) { if (errorTypes == null) { return false; } else { return errorTypes.contains(getErrorType(result)); } } private String getErrorType(JestResult result) { JsonElement error = result.getJsonObject().get("error"); if (error == null || !error.isJsonObject()) { return null; } JsonElement errorType = error.getAsJsonObject().get("type"); if (errorType == null || !errorType.isJsonPrimitive()) { return null; } return errorType.getAsString(); } private Set<Integer> asSet(int... ignoredErrorStatuses) { Set<Integer> ignored; if (ignoredErrorStatuses == null || ignoredErrorStatuses.length == 0) { ignored = Collections.emptySet(); } else if (ignoredErrorStatuses.length == 1) { ignored = Collections.singleton(ignoredErrorStatuses[0]); } else { ignored = new HashSet<>(); for (int ignoredErrorStatus : ignoredErrorStatuses) { ignored.add(ignoredErrorStatus); } } return ignored; } private String requestToString(Action<?> action) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Operation: ").append(action.getClass().getSimpleName()).append("\n"); sb.append("URI:").append(action.getURI()).append("\n"); if (action instanceof DocumentTargetedAction) { sb.append("Index: ").append(((DocumentTargetedAction<?>) action).getIndex()).append("\n"); sb.append("Type: ").append(((DocumentTargetedAction<?>) action).getType()).append("\n"); sb.append("Id: ").append(((DocumentTargetedAction<?>) action).getId()).append("\n"); } sb.append("Data:\n"); sb.append(action.getData(gsonService.getGson())); sb.append("\n"); return sb.toString(); } private String resultToString(JestResult result) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Status: ").append(result.getResponseCode()).append("\n"); sb.append("Error message: ").append(result.getErrorMessage()).append("\n"); sb.append("Cluster name: ").append(property(result, "cluster_name")).append("\n"); sb.append("Cluster status: ").append(property(result, "status")).append("\n"); sb.append("\n"); if (result instanceof BulkResult) { for (BulkResultItem item : ((BulkResult) result).getItems()) { sb.append("Operation: ").append(item.operation).append("\n"); sb.append(" Index: ").append(item.index).append("\n"); sb.append(" Type: ").append(item.type).append("\n"); sb.append(" Id: ").append("\n"); sb.append(" Status: ").append(item.status).append("\n"); sb.append(" Error: ").append(item.error).append("\n"); } } return sb.toString(); } private String property(JestResult result, String name) { if (result.getJsonObject() == null) { return null; } JsonElement clusterName = result.getJsonObject().get(name); if (clusterName == null) { return null; } return clusterName.getAsString(); } }