Java tutorial
/* * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java * * License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later. * See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <>. */ package; import; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Properties; import org.hibernate.HibernateException; import org.hibernate.MappingException; import org.hibernate.boot.model.naming.Identifier; import org.hibernate.boot.model.relational.Database; import org.hibernate.boot.model.relational.QualifiedName; import org.hibernate.boot.model.relational.QualifiedNameParser; import org.hibernate.cfg.AvailableSettings; import org.hibernate.dialect.Dialect; import org.hibernate.engine.config.spi.ConfigurationService; import org.hibernate.engine.config.spi.StandardConverters; import org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.env.spi.JdbcEnvironment; import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SharedSessionContractImplementor; import; import; import; import; import; import org.hibernate.internal.CoreMessageLogger; import org.hibernate.internal.util.StringHelper; import org.hibernate.internal.util.config.ConfigurationHelper; import org.hibernate.service.ServiceRegistry; import org.hibernate.tool.schema.extract.spi.SequenceInformation; import org.hibernate.type.Type; import org.jboss.logging.Logger; /** * Generates identifier values based on a sequence-style database structure. * Variations range from actually using a sequence to using a table to mimic * a sequence. These variations are encapsulated by the {@link DatabaseStructure} * interface internally. * <p/> * <b>NOTE</b> that by default we utilize a single database sequence for all * generators. The configuration parameter {@link #CONFIG_PREFER_SEQUENCE_PER_ENTITY} * can be used to create dedicated sequence for each entity based on its name. * Sequence suffix can be controlled with {@link #CONFIG_SEQUENCE_PER_ENTITY_SUFFIX} * option. * <p/> * General configuration parameters: * <table> * <tr> * <td><b>NAME</b></td> * <td><b>DEFAULT</b></td> * <td><b>DESCRIPTION</b></td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@link #SEQUENCE_PARAM}</td> * <td>{@link #DEF_SEQUENCE_NAME}</td> * <td>The name of the sequence/table to use to store/retrieve values</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@link #INITIAL_PARAM}</td> * <td>{@link #DEFAULT_INITIAL_VALUE}</td> * <td>The initial value to be stored for the given segment; the effect in terms of storage varies based on {@link Optimizer} and {@link DatabaseStructure}</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@link #INCREMENT_PARAM}</td> * <td>{@link #DEFAULT_INCREMENT_SIZE}</td> * <td>The increment size for the underlying segment; the effect in terms of storage varies based on {@link Optimizer} and {@link DatabaseStructure}</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@link #OPT_PARAM}</td> * <td><i>depends on defined increment size</i></td> * <td>Allows explicit definition of which optimization strategy to use</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@link #FORCE_TBL_PARAM}</td> * <td><b><i>false</i></b></td> * <td>Allows explicit definition of which optimization strategy to use</td> * </tr> * </table> * <p/> * Configuration parameters used specifically when the underlying structure is a table: * <table> * <tr> * <td><b>NAME</b></td> * <td><b>DEFAULT</b></td> * <td><b>DESCRIPTION</b></td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@link #VALUE_COLUMN_PARAM}</td> * <td>{@link #DEF_VALUE_COLUMN}</td> * <td>The name of column which holds the sequence value for the given segment</td> * </tr> * </table> * * @author Steve Ebersole * @author Lukasz Antoniak (lukasz dot antoniak at gmail dot com) */ public class SequenceStyleGenerator implements PersistentIdentifierGenerator, BulkInsertionCapableIdentifierGenerator, Configurable { private static final CoreMessageLogger LOG = Logger.getMessageLogger(CoreMessageLogger.class, SequenceStyleGenerator.class.getName()); // general purpose parameters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /** * Indicates the name of the sequence (or table) to use. The default value is {@link #DEF_SEQUENCE_NAME}, * although {@link #CONFIG_PREFER_SEQUENCE_PER_ENTITY} effects the default as well. */ public static final String SEQUENCE_PARAM = "sequence_name"; /** * The default value for {@link #SEQUENCE_PARAM}, in the absence of any {@link #CONFIG_PREFER_SEQUENCE_PER_ENTITY} * setting. */ public static final String DEF_SEQUENCE_NAME = "hibernate_sequence"; /** * Indicates the initial value to use. The default value is {@link #DEFAULT_INITIAL_VALUE} */ public static final String INITIAL_PARAM = "initial_value"; /** * The default value for {@link #INITIAL_PARAM} */ public static final int DEFAULT_INITIAL_VALUE = 1; /** * Indicates the increment size to use. The default value is {@link #DEFAULT_INCREMENT_SIZE} */ public static final String INCREMENT_PARAM = "increment_size"; /** * The default value for {@link #INCREMENT_PARAM} */ public static final int DEFAULT_INCREMENT_SIZE = 1; /** * Used to create dedicated sequence for each entity based on the entity name. Sequence suffix can be * controlled with {@link #CONFIG_SEQUENCE_PER_ENTITY_SUFFIX} option. */ @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") public static final String CONFIG_PREFER_SEQUENCE_PER_ENTITY = "prefer_sequence_per_entity"; /** * Indicates the suffix to use in naming the identifier sequence/table name, by appending the suffix to * the name of the entity. Used in conjunction with {@link #CONFIG_PREFER_SEQUENCE_PER_ENTITY}. */ @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") public static final String CONFIG_SEQUENCE_PER_ENTITY_SUFFIX = "sequence_per_entity_suffix"; /** * The default value for {@link #CONFIG_SEQUENCE_PER_ENTITY_SUFFIX} */ public static final String DEF_SEQUENCE_SUFFIX = "_SEQ"; /** * Indicates the optimizer to use, either naming a {@link Optimizer} implementation class or naming * a {@link StandardOptimizerDescriptor} by name */ public static final String OPT_PARAM = "optimizer"; /** * A flag to force using a table as the underlying structure rather than a sequence. */ public static final String FORCE_TBL_PARAM = "force_table_use"; // table-specific parameters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /** * Indicates the name of the column holding the identifier values. The default value is {@link #DEF_VALUE_COLUMN} */ @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") public static final String VALUE_COLUMN_PARAM = "value_column"; /** * The default value for {@link #VALUE_COLUMN_PARAM} */ @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") public static final String DEF_VALUE_COLUMN = "next_val"; // state ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ private DatabaseStructure databaseStructure; private Optimizer optimizer; private Type identifierType; /** * Getter for property 'databaseStructure'. * * @return Value for property 'databaseStructure'. */ public DatabaseStructure getDatabaseStructure() { return databaseStructure; } /** * Getter for property 'optimizer'. * * @return Value for property 'optimizer'. */ public Optimizer getOptimizer() { return optimizer; } /** * Getter for property 'identifierType'. * * @return Value for property 'identifierType'. */ public Type getIdentifierType() { return identifierType; } // Configurable implementation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @Override public void configure(Type type, Properties params, ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) throws MappingException { final JdbcEnvironment jdbcEnvironment = serviceRegistry.getService(JdbcEnvironment.class); final ConfigurationService configurationService = serviceRegistry.getService(ConfigurationService.class); final Dialect dialect = jdbcEnvironment.getDialect(); this.identifierType = type; boolean forceTableUse = ConfigurationHelper.getBoolean(FORCE_TBL_PARAM, params, false); final QualifiedName sequenceName = determineSequenceName(params, dialect, jdbcEnvironment, serviceRegistry); final int initialValue = determineInitialValue(params); int incrementSize = determineIncrementSize(params); if (isPhysicalSequence(jdbcEnvironment, forceTableUse)) { String databaseSequenceName = sequenceName.getObjectName().getText(); Long databaseIncrementValue = getSequenceIncrementValue(jdbcEnvironment, databaseSequenceName); if (databaseIncrementValue != null && !databaseIncrementValue.equals((long) incrementSize)) { int dbIncrementValue = databaseIncrementValue.intValue(); SequenceMismatchStrategy sequenceMismatchStrategy = configurationService.getSetting( AvailableSettings.SEQUENCE_INCREMENT_SIZE_MISMATCH_STRATEGY, SequenceMismatchStrategy::interpret, SequenceMismatchStrategy.EXCEPTION); switch (sequenceMismatchStrategy) { case EXCEPTION: throw new MappingException(String.format( "The increment size of the [%s] sequence is set to [%d] in the entity mapping " + "while the associated database sequence increment size is [%d].", databaseSequenceName, incrementSize, dbIncrementValue)); case FIX: incrementSize = dbIncrementValue; case LOG: LOG.sequenceIncrementSizeMismatch(databaseSequenceName, incrementSize, dbIncrementValue); break; } } } final String optimizationStrategy = determineOptimizationStrategy(params, incrementSize); incrementSize = determineAdjustedIncrementSize(optimizationStrategy, incrementSize); if (dialect.supportsSequences() && !forceTableUse) { if (!dialect.supportsPooledSequences() && OptimizerFactory.isPooledOptimizer(optimizationStrategy)) { forceTableUse = true; LOG.forcingTableUse(); } } this.databaseStructure = buildDatabaseStructure(type, params, jdbcEnvironment, forceTableUse, sequenceName, initialValue, incrementSize); this.optimizer = OptimizerFactory.buildOptimizer(optimizationStrategy, identifierType.getReturnedClass(), incrementSize, ConfigurationHelper.getInt(INITIAL_PARAM, params, -1)); this.databaseStructure.prepare(optimizer); } /** * Determine the name of the sequence (or table if this resolves to a physical table) * to use. * <p/> * Called during {@link #configure configuration}. * * @param params The params supplied in the generator config (plus some standard useful extras). * @param dialect The dialect in effect * @param jdbcEnv The JdbcEnvironment * @return The sequence name */ @SuppressWarnings({ "UnusedParameters", "WeakerAccess" }) protected QualifiedName determineSequenceName(Properties params, Dialect dialect, JdbcEnvironment jdbcEnv, ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry) { final String sequencePerEntitySuffix = ConfigurationHelper.getString(CONFIG_SEQUENCE_PER_ENTITY_SUFFIX, params, DEF_SEQUENCE_SUFFIX); String fallbackSequenceName = DEF_SEQUENCE_NAME; final Boolean preferGeneratorNameAsDefaultName = serviceRegistry.getService(ConfigurationService.class) .getSetting(AvailableSettings.PREFER_GENERATOR_NAME_AS_DEFAULT_SEQUENCE_NAME, StandardConverters.BOOLEAN, true); if (preferGeneratorNameAsDefaultName) { final String generatorName = params.getProperty(IdentifierGenerator.GENERATOR_NAME); if (StringHelper.isNotEmpty(generatorName)) { fallbackSequenceName = generatorName; } } // JPA_ENTITY_NAME value honors <class ... entity-name="..."> (HBM) and @Entity#name (JPA) overrides. final String defaultSequenceName = ConfigurationHelper.getBoolean(CONFIG_PREFER_SEQUENCE_PER_ENTITY, params, false) ? params.getProperty(JPA_ENTITY_NAME) + sequencePerEntitySuffix : fallbackSequenceName; final String sequenceName = ConfigurationHelper.getString(SEQUENCE_PARAM, params, defaultSequenceName); if (sequenceName.contains(".")) { return QualifiedNameParser.INSTANCE.parse(sequenceName); } else { // todo : need to incorporate implicit catalog and schema names final Identifier catalog = jdbcEnv.getIdentifierHelper() .toIdentifier(ConfigurationHelper.getString(CATALOG, params)); final Identifier schema = jdbcEnv.getIdentifierHelper() .toIdentifier(ConfigurationHelper.getString(SCHEMA, params)); return new QualifiedNameParser.NameParts(catalog, schema, jdbcEnv.getIdentifierHelper().toIdentifier(sequenceName)); } } /** * Determine the name of the column used to store the generator value in * the db. * <p/> * Called during {@link #configure configuration} <b>when resolving to a * physical table</b>. * * @param params The params supplied in the generator config (plus some standard useful extras). * @param jdbcEnvironment The JDBC environment * @return The value column name */ @SuppressWarnings({ "UnusedParameters", "WeakerAccess" }) protected Identifier determineValueColumnName(Properties params, JdbcEnvironment jdbcEnvironment) { final String name = ConfigurationHelper.getString(VALUE_COLUMN_PARAM, params, DEF_VALUE_COLUMN); return jdbcEnvironment.getIdentifierHelper().toIdentifier(name); } /** * Determine the initial sequence value to use. This value is used when * initializing the {@link #getDatabaseStructure() database structure} * (i.e. sequence/table). * <p/> * Called during {@link #configure configuration}. * * @param params The params supplied in the generator config (plus some standard useful extras). * @return The initial value */ @SuppressWarnings({ "WeakerAccess" }) protected int determineInitialValue(Properties params) { return ConfigurationHelper.getInt(INITIAL_PARAM, params, DEFAULT_INITIAL_VALUE); } /** * Determine the increment size to be applied. The exact implications of * this value depends on the {@link #getOptimizer() optimizer} being used. * <p/> * Called during {@link #configure configuration}. * * @param params The params supplied in the generator config (plus some standard useful extras). * @return The increment size */ @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") protected int determineIncrementSize(Properties params) { return ConfigurationHelper.getInt(INCREMENT_PARAM, params, DEFAULT_INCREMENT_SIZE); } /** * Determine the optimizer to use. * <p/> * Called during {@link #configure configuration}. * * @param params The params supplied in the generator config (plus some standard useful extras). * @param incrementSize The {@link #determineIncrementSize determined increment size} * @return The optimizer strategy (name) */ @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") protected String determineOptimizationStrategy(Properties params, int incrementSize) { return ConfigurationHelper.getString(OPT_PARAM, params, OptimizerFactory.determineImplicitOptimizerName(incrementSize, params)); } /** * In certain cases we need to adjust the increment size based on the * selected optimizer. This is the hook to achieve that. * * @param optimizationStrategy The optimizer strategy (name) * @param incrementSize The {@link #determineIncrementSize determined increment size} * @return The adjusted increment size. */ @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") protected int determineAdjustedIncrementSize(String optimizationStrategy, int incrementSize) { final int resolvedIncrementSize; if (Math.abs(incrementSize) > 1 && StandardOptimizerDescriptor.NONE.getExternalName().equals(optimizationStrategy)) { if (incrementSize < -1) { resolvedIncrementSize = -1; LOG.honoringOptimizerSetting(StandardOptimizerDescriptor.NONE.getExternalName(), INCREMENT_PARAM, incrementSize, "negative", resolvedIncrementSize); } else { // incrementSize > 1 resolvedIncrementSize = 1; LOG.honoringOptimizerSetting(StandardOptimizerDescriptor.NONE.getExternalName(), INCREMENT_PARAM, incrementSize, "positive", resolvedIncrementSize); } } else { resolvedIncrementSize = incrementSize; } return resolvedIncrementSize; } /** * Build the database structure. * * @param type The Hibernate type of the identifier property * @param params The params supplied in the generator config (plus some standard useful extras). * @param jdbcEnvironment The JDBC environment in which the sequence will be used. * @param forceTableUse Should a table be used even if the dialect supports sequences? * @param sequenceName The name to use for the sequence or table. * @param initialValue The initial value. * @param incrementSize the increment size to use (after any adjustments). * * @return An abstraction for the actual database structure in use (table vs. sequence). */ @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") protected DatabaseStructure buildDatabaseStructure(Type type, Properties params, JdbcEnvironment jdbcEnvironment, boolean forceTableUse, QualifiedName sequenceName, int initialValue, int incrementSize) { if (isPhysicalSequence(jdbcEnvironment, forceTableUse)) { return buildSequenceStructure(type, params, jdbcEnvironment, sequenceName, initialValue, incrementSize); } else { return buildTableStructure(type, params, jdbcEnvironment, sequenceName, initialValue, incrementSize); } } protected boolean isPhysicalSequence(JdbcEnvironment jdbcEnvironment, boolean forceTableUse) { return jdbcEnvironment.getDialect().supportsSequences() && !forceTableUse; } protected DatabaseStructure buildSequenceStructure(Type type, Properties params, JdbcEnvironment jdbcEnvironment, QualifiedName sequenceName, int initialValue, int incrementSize) { return new SequenceStructure(jdbcEnvironment, sequenceName, initialValue, incrementSize, type.getReturnedClass()); } @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") protected DatabaseStructure buildTableStructure(Type type, Properties params, JdbcEnvironment jdbcEnvironment, QualifiedName sequenceName, int initialValue, int incrementSize) { final Identifier valueColumnName = determineValueColumnName(params, jdbcEnvironment); return new TableStructure(jdbcEnvironment, sequenceName, valueColumnName, initialValue, incrementSize, type.getReturnedClass()); } // IdentifierGenerator implementation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @Override public Serializable generate(SharedSessionContractImplementor session, Object object) throws HibernateException { return optimizer.generate(databaseStructure.buildCallback(session)); } // PersistentIdentifierGenerator implementation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @Override public Object generatorKey() { return databaseStructure.getName(); } @Override public String[] sqlCreateStrings(Dialect dialect) throws HibernateException { return databaseStructure.sqlCreateStrings(dialect); } @Override public String[] sqlDropStrings(Dialect dialect) throws HibernateException { return databaseStructure.sqlDropStrings(dialect); } // BulkInsertionCapableIdentifierGenerator implementation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @Override public boolean supportsBulkInsertionIdentifierGeneration() { // it does, as long as // 1) there is no (non-noop) optimizer in use // 2) the underlying structure is a sequence return NoopOptimizer.class.isInstance(getOptimizer()) && getDatabaseStructure().isPhysicalSequence(); } @Override public String determineBulkInsertionIdentifierGenerationSelectFragment(Dialect dialect) { return dialect.getSelectSequenceNextValString(getDatabaseStructure().getName()); } @Override public void registerExportables(Database database) { databaseStructure.registerExportables(database); } /** * Get the database sequence increment value from the associated {@link SequenceInformation} object. * * @param jdbcEnvironment the current JdbcEnvironment * @param sequenceName sequence name * * @return sequence increment value */ private Long getSequenceIncrementValue(JdbcEnvironment jdbcEnvironment, String sequenceName) { return jdbcEnvironment.getExtractedDatabaseMetaData().getSequenceInformationList().stream() .filter(sequenceInformation -> { Identifier catalog = sequenceInformation.getSequenceName().getCatalogName(); Identifier schema = sequenceInformation.getSequenceName().getSchemaName(); return sequenceName .equalsIgnoreCase(sequenceInformation.getSequenceName().getSequenceName().getText()) && (catalog == null || catalog.equals(jdbcEnvironment.getCurrentCatalog())) && (schema == null || schema.equals(jdbcEnvironment.getCurrentSchema())); }).map(SequenceInformation::getIncrementValue).filter(Objects::nonNull).findFirst().orElse(null); } }