Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later.
 * See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <>.
package org.hibernate.engine.spi;

import java.util.Map;

import org.hibernate.CacheMode;
import org.hibernate.FlushMode;
import org.hibernate.LockOptions;

 * Definition of a named query, defined in the mapping metadata.  Additional, as of JPA 2.1, named query definition
 * can also come from a compiled query.
 * @author Gavin King
 * @author Steve Ebersole
public class NamedQueryDefinition implements Serializable {
    private final String name;
    private final String query;
    private final boolean cacheable;
    private final String cacheRegion;
    private final Integer timeout;
    private final LockOptions lockOptions;
    private final Integer fetchSize;
    private final FlushMode flushMode;
    private final Map parameterTypes;
    private final CacheMode cacheMode;
    private final boolean readOnly;
    private final String comment;

    // added for jpa 2.1
    private final Integer firstResult;
    private final Integer maxResults;

     * This form is used to bind named queries from Hibernate metadata, both {@code hbm.xml} files and
     * {@link org.hibernate.annotations.NamedQuery} annotation.
     * @param name The name under which to key/register the query
     * @param query The query string.
     * @param cacheable Is the query cacheable?
     * @param cacheRegion If cacheable, was there a specific region named?
     * @param timeout Query timeout, {@code null} indicates no timeout
     * @param fetchSize Fetch size associated with the query, {@code null} indicates no limit
     * @param flushMode Flush mode associated with query
     * @param cacheMode Cache mode associated with query
     * @param readOnly Should entities returned from this query (those not already associated with the Session anyway)
     *       be loaded as read-only?
     * @param comment SQL comment to be used in the generated SQL, {@code null} indicates none
     * @param parameterTypes (no idea, afaict this is always passed as null)
     * @deprecated Use {@link NamedQueryDefinitionBuilder} instead.
    public NamedQueryDefinition(String name, String query, boolean cacheable, String cacheRegion, Integer timeout,
            Integer fetchSize, FlushMode flushMode, CacheMode cacheMode, boolean readOnly, String comment,
            Map parameterTypes) {
        this(name, query, cacheable, cacheRegion, timeout, LockOptions.WAIT_FOREVER, fetchSize, flushMode,
                cacheMode, readOnly, comment, parameterTypes);

     * This version is used to bind named queries defined via {@link javax.persistence.NamedQuery}.
     * @param name The name under which to key/register the query
     * @param query The query string.
     * @param cacheable Is the query cacheable?
     * @param cacheRegion If cacheable, was there a specific region named?
     * @param timeout Query timeout, {@code null} indicates no timeout
     * @param lockTimeout Specifies the lock timeout for queries that apply lock modes.
     * @param fetchSize Fetch size associated with the query, {@code null} indicates no limit
     * @param flushMode Flush mode associated with query
     * @param cacheMode Cache mode associated with query
     * @param readOnly Should entities returned from this query (those not already associated with the Session anyway)
     *       be loaded as read-only?
     * @param comment SQL comment to be used in the generated SQL, {@code null} indicates none
     * @param parameterTypes (no idea, afaict this is always passed as null)
     * @deprecated Use {@link NamedQueryDefinitionBuilder} instead.
    public NamedQueryDefinition(String name, String query, boolean cacheable, String cacheRegion, Integer timeout,
            Integer lockTimeout, Integer fetchSize, FlushMode flushMode, CacheMode cacheMode, boolean readOnly,
            String comment, Map parameterTypes) {
        this(name, query, cacheable, cacheRegion, timeout, new LockOptions().setTimeOut(lockTimeout), fetchSize,
                flushMode, cacheMode, readOnly, comment, parameterTypes, null, // firstResult
                null // maxResults

    NamedQueryDefinition(String name, String query, boolean cacheable, String cacheRegion, Integer timeout,
            LockOptions lockOptions, Integer fetchSize, FlushMode flushMode, CacheMode cacheMode, boolean readOnly,
            String comment, Map parameterTypes, Integer firstResult, Integer maxResults) { = name;
        this.query = query;
        this.cacheable = cacheable;
        this.cacheRegion = cacheRegion;
        this.timeout = timeout;
        this.lockOptions = lockOptions;
        this.fetchSize = fetchSize;
        this.flushMode = flushMode;
        this.parameterTypes = parameterTypes;
        this.cacheMode = cacheMode;
        this.readOnly = readOnly;
        this.comment = comment;

        this.firstResult = firstResult;
        this.maxResults = maxResults;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public String getQueryString() {
        return query;

    public boolean isCacheable() {
        return cacheable;

    public String getCacheRegion() {
        return cacheRegion;

    public Integer getFetchSize() {
        return fetchSize;

    public Integer getTimeout() {
        return timeout;

    public FlushMode getFlushMode() {
        return flushMode;

    public Map getParameterTypes() {
        // todo : currently these are never used...
        return parameterTypes;

    public String getQuery() {
        return query;

    public CacheMode getCacheMode() {
        return cacheMode;

    public boolean isReadOnly() {
        return readOnly;

    public String getComment() {
        return comment;

    public LockOptions getLockOptions() {
        return lockOptions;

    public Integer getFirstResult() {
        return firstResult;

    public Integer getMaxResults() {
        return maxResults;

    public String toString() {
        return getClass().getName() + '(' + name + " [" + query + "])";

    public NamedQueryDefinition makeCopy(String name) {
        return new NamedQueryDefinition(name, getQuery(), isCacheable(), getCacheRegion(), getTimeout(),
                getLockOptions(), getFetchSize(), getFlushMode(), getCacheMode(), isReadOnly(), getComment(),
                getParameterTypes(), getFirstResult(), getMaxResults());