Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
 * License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL), version 2.1 or later.
 * See the lgpl.txt file in the root directory or <>.
package org.hibernate.boot.spi;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.persistence.SharedCacheMode;

import org.hibernate.MultiTenancyStrategy;
import org.hibernate.annotations.common.reflection.ReflectionManager;
import org.hibernate.boot.AttributeConverterInfo;
import org.hibernate.boot.CacheRegionDefinition;
import org.hibernate.boot.archive.scan.spi.ScanEnvironment;
import org.hibernate.boot.archive.scan.spi.ScanOptions;
import org.hibernate.boot.archive.spi.ArchiveDescriptorFactory;
import org.hibernate.boot.model.IdGeneratorStrategyInterpreter;
import org.hibernate.boot.model.naming.ImplicitNamingStrategy;
import org.hibernate.boot.model.naming.PhysicalNamingStrategy;
import org.hibernate.boot.model.relational.AuxiliaryDatabaseObject;
import org.hibernate.boot.registry.StandardServiceRegistry;
import org.hibernate.cache.spi.access.AccessType;
import org.hibernate.cfg.MetadataSourceType;
import org.hibernate.dialect.function.SQLFunction;

import org.jboss.jandex.IndexView;

 * Describes the options used while building the Metadata object (during
 * {@link org.hibernate.boot.MetadataBuilder#build()} processing).
 * @author Steve Ebersole
 * @since 5.0
public interface MetadataBuildingOptions {
     * Access to the service registry.
     * @return The service registry
    StandardServiceRegistry getServiceRegistry();

     * Access to the mapping defaults.
     * @return The mapping defaults
    MappingDefaults getMappingDefaults();

     * Access the list of BasicType registrations.  These are the BasicTypes explicitly
     * registered via calls to:<ul>
     *     <li>{@link org.hibernate.boot.MetadataBuilder#applyBasicType(org.hibernate.type.BasicType)}</li>
     *     <li>{@link org.hibernate.boot.MetadataBuilder#applyBasicType(org.hibernate.type.BasicType, String[])}</li>
     *     <li>{@link org.hibernate.boot.MetadataBuilder#applyBasicType(org.hibernate.usertype.UserType, java.lang.String[])}</li>
     *     <li>{@link org.hibernate.boot.MetadataBuilder#applyBasicType(org.hibernate.usertype.CompositeUserType, java.lang.String[])}</li>
     * </ul>
     * @return The BasicType registrations
    List<BasicTypeRegistration> getBasicTypeRegistrations();

     * Retrieve the Hibernate Commons Annotations ReflectionManager to use.
     * @return The Hibernate Commons Annotations ReflectionManager to use.
     * @deprecated Use {@link BootstrapContext#getReflectionManager()} instead,
     * The plan is to remove first {@link MetadataBuildingOptions#getReflectionManager()}
     * keeping {@link BootstrapContext#getReflectionManager()} till the migration from
     * Hibernate Commons Annotations to Jandex.
    ReflectionManager getReflectionManager();

     * Access to the Jandex index passed by call to
     * {@link org.hibernate.boot.MetadataBuilder#applyIndexView(org.jboss.jandex.IndexView)}, if any.
     * @return The Jandex index
     * @deprecated  Use {@link BootstrapContext#getJandexView()} instead.
    IndexView getJandexView();

     * Access to the options to be used for scanning
     * @return The scan options
     * @deprecated  Use {@link BootstrapContext#getScanOptions()} instead.
    ScanOptions getScanOptions();

     * Access to the environment for scanning.  Consider this temporary; see discussion on
     * {@link ScanEnvironment}
     * @return The scan environment
     * @deprecated  Use {@link BootstrapContext#getScanEnvironment()} instead.
    ScanEnvironment getScanEnvironment();

     * Access to the Scanner to be used for scanning.  Can be:<ul>
     *     <li>A Scanner instance</li>
     *     <li>A Class reference to the Scanner implementor</li>
     *     <li>A String naming the Scanner implementor</li>
     * </ul>
     * @return The scanner
     *  @deprecated  Use {@link BootstrapContext#getScanner()} instead.
    Object getScanner();

     * Access to the ArchiveDescriptorFactory to be used for scanning
     * @return The ArchiveDescriptorFactory
     * @deprecated Use {@link BootstrapContext#getArchiveDescriptorFactory()} instead.
    ArchiveDescriptorFactory getArchiveDescriptorFactory();

     * Access the temporary ClassLoader passed to us as defined by
     * {@link javax.persistence.spi.PersistenceUnitInfo#getNewTempClassLoader()}, if any.
     * @return The tempo ClassLoader
     *  @deprecated  Use {@link BootstrapContext#getJpaTempClassLoader()} instead.
    ClassLoader getTempClassLoader();

    ImplicitNamingStrategy getImplicitNamingStrategy();

    PhysicalNamingStrategy getPhysicalNamingStrategy();

     * Access to the SharedCacheMode for determining whether we should perform second level
     * caching or not.
     * @return The SharedCacheMode
    SharedCacheMode getSharedCacheMode();

     * Access to any implicit cache AccessType.
     * @return The implicit cache AccessType
    AccessType getImplicitCacheAccessType();

     * Access to the MultiTenancyStrategy for this environment.
     * @return The MultiTenancyStrategy
    MultiTenancyStrategy getMultiTenancyStrategy();

    IdGeneratorStrategyInterpreter getIdGenerationTypeInterpreter();

     * Access to all explicit cache region mappings.
     * @return Explicit cache region mappings.
     *  @deprecated  Use {@link BootstrapContext#getClassmateContext()} instead.
    List<CacheRegionDefinition> getCacheRegionDefinitions();

     * Whether explicit discriminator declarations should be ignored for joined
     * subclass style inheritance.
     * @return {@code true} indicates they should be ignored; {@code false}
     * indicates they should not be ignored.
     * @see org.hibernate.boot.MetadataBuilder#enableExplicitDiscriminatorsForJoinedSubclassSupport
    boolean ignoreExplicitDiscriminatorsForJoinedInheritance();

     * Whether we should do discrimination implicitly joined subclass style inheritance when no
     * discriminator info is provided.
     * @return {@code true} indicates we should do discrimination; {@code false} we should not.
     * @see org.hibernate.boot.MetadataBuilder#enableImplicitDiscriminatorsForJoinedSubclassSupport
     * @see org.hibernate.cfg.AvailableSettings#IMPLICIT_DISCRIMINATOR_COLUMNS_FOR_JOINED_SUBCLASS
    boolean createImplicitDiscriminatorsForJoinedInheritance();

     * Whether we should implicitly force discriminators into SQL selects.  By default,
     * Hibernate will not.  This can be specified per discriminator in the mapping as well.
     * @return {@code true} indicates we should force the discriminator in selects for any mappings
     * which do not say explicitly.
     * @see org.hibernate.cfg.AvailableSettings#FORCE_DISCRIMINATOR_IN_SELECTS_BY_DEFAULT
    boolean shouldImplicitlyForceDiscriminatorInSelect();

     * Should we use nationalized variants of character data (e.g. NVARCHAR rather than VARCHAR)
     * by default?
     * @see org.hibernate.boot.MetadataBuilder#enableGlobalNationalizedCharacterDataSupport
     * @see org.hibernate.cfg.AvailableSettings#USE_NATIONALIZED_CHARACTER_DATA
     * @return {@code true} if nationalized character data should be used by default; {@code false} otherwise.
    boolean useNationalizedCharacterData();

    boolean isSpecjProprietarySyntaxEnabled();

     * Retrieve the ordering in which sources should be processed.
     * @return The order in which sources should be processed.
    List<MetadataSourceType> getSourceProcessOrdering();

    default String getSchemaCharset() {
        return null;

    default boolean isXmlMappingEnabled() {
        return true;

     * Access to any SQL functions explicitly registered with the MetadataBuilder.  This
     * does not include Dialect defined functions, etc.
     * @return The SQLFunctions registered through MetadataBuilder
     *  @deprecated  Use {@link BootstrapContext#getSqlFunctions()} instead.
    Map<String, SQLFunction> getSqlFunctions();

     * Access to any AuxiliaryDatabaseObject explicitly registered with the MetadataBuilder.  This
     * does not include AuxiliaryDatabaseObject defined in mappings.
     * @return The AuxiliaryDatabaseObject registered through MetadataBuilder
     * @deprecated Use {@link BootstrapContext#getAuxiliaryDatabaseObjectList()} instead.
    List<AuxiliaryDatabaseObject> getAuxiliaryDatabaseObjectList();

     * Access to collected AttributeConverter definitions.
     * @return The AttributeConverterInfo registered through MetadataBuilder
     * @deprecated Use {@link BootstrapContext#getAttributeConverters()} instead
    List<AttributeConverterInfo> getAttributeConverters();