Java tutorial
/* This file is part of project "Coopto", a computer software plugin for * * utilizing Docker in VMware vRealize Orchestrator. * * * * Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Robert Szymczak ( * * * * * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published * * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package org.hexlogic.model; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.hexlogic.CooptoPluginAdaptor; import org.apache.log4j.Level; import org.apache.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonFactory; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.MappingIterator; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import com.github.dockerjava.api.ConflictException; import com.github.dockerjava.api.DockerClient; import com.github.dockerjava.api.InternalServerErrorException; import com.github.dockerjava.api.NotFoundException; import com.github.dockerjava.api.NotModifiedException; import com.github.dockerjava.api.command.CreateContainerCmd; import com.github.dockerjava.api.command.CreateContainerResponse; import com.github.dockerjava.api.command.InspectContainerResponse; import com.github.dockerjava.api.command.InspectImageResponse; import com.github.dockerjava.api.command.KillContainerCmd; import com.github.dockerjava.api.command.RestartContainerCmd; import com.github.dockerjava.api.command.StartContainerCmd; import com.github.dockerjava.api.command.StopContainerCmd; import com.github.dockerjava.api.model.AccessMode; import com.github.dockerjava.api.model.Bind; import com.github.dockerjava.api.model.Container; import com.github.dockerjava.api.model.ExposedPort; import com.github.dockerjava.api.model.Image; import com.github.dockerjava.api.model.Link; import com.github.dockerjava.api.model.Ports; import com.github.dockerjava.api.model.SearchItem; import com.github.dockerjava.api.model.Volume; import com.github.dockerjava.core.DockerClientBuilder; import com.github.dockerjava.core.DockerClientConfig; import com.vmware.o11n.plugin.sdk.annotation.Cardinality; import com.vmware.o11n.plugin.sdk.annotation.VsoFinder; import com.vmware.o11n.plugin.sdk.annotation.VsoMethod; import com.vmware.o11n.plugin.sdk.annotation.VsoObject; import com.vmware.o11n.plugin.sdk.annotation.VsoParam; import com.vmware.o11n.plugin.sdk.annotation.VsoProperty; import com.vmware.o11n.plugin.sdk.annotation.VsoRelation; import com.vmware.o11n.plugin.sdk.spring.InventoryRef; import com.vmware.o11n.plugin.sdk.spring.platform.GlobalPluginNotificationHandler; @VsoFinder(name = DockerNode.TYPE, image = "images/node_32x32.png", idAccessor = "getId()", relations = { @VsoRelation(name = DockerNode.IMAGERELATION, type = DockerImage.TYPE, cardinality = Cardinality.TO_MANY), @VsoRelation(name = DockerNode.CONTAINERRELATION, type = DockerContainer.TYPE, cardinality = Cardinality.TO_MANY) }) // TODO older SDK versions allowed to group child objects by (inFolder = true, folderName = "Children", folderImage = "images/img.png") for relations, where's that gone? // By setting the strict attribute to true, Orchestrator can only call the methods from this class that are mapped in the vso.xml file (== annoted methods). // To allow scripting to instantiate a class set create=true and annotate the constructor @VsoObject(create = false, strict = true) public class DockerNode implements IDockerNode { private static final Logger log = LogManager.getLogger(DockerNode.class); // vCO TYPE & RELATION information public static final String TYPE = "DockerNode"; public static final String IMAGERELATION = "DockerImages"; public static final String CONTAINERRELATION = "DockerContainers"; // Minimum set of keys we need to persist the object properties, using K-V mapping in IEndpointConfiguration public final static String DISPLAYNAME = "DisplayName"; public final static String HOSTNAME = "HostName"; public final static String HOSTPORT = "HostPort"; public final static String APIVERSION = "HostApiVerion"; public final static String STATUS_OFFLINE = "OFFLINE"; public final static String STATUS_ONLINE = "ONLINE"; // Minimum set of values we need to persist the object properties, using K-V mapping in IEndpointConfiguration public final static int defaultPort = 2375; // Fall back to default 2375 public final static String defaultApi = "1.16"; // Fall back to default 1.16 // config done at runtime DockerClientConfig config; // Properties should never be edited directly, so we make them readOnly. @VsoProperty(readOnly = true, hidden = true, displayName = "Id", description = "Unique identifier of this Docker node") private String id; // UUID used in vCO inventory for the vCO object representing the Docker-Host @VsoProperty(readOnly = true, hidden = false, displayName = "Status", description = "Connection status of this Docker node") private String status; // Connection status to this Docker node @VsoProperty(readOnly = true, hidden = false, displayName = "Display name", description = "Display name of this Docker node") private String displayName; // DisplayName used in vCO inventory for the vCO object representing the Docker-Object @VsoProperty(readOnly = true, hidden = false, displayName = "Host name", description = "FQDN or IP-address of this Docker node") private String hostName; @VsoProperty(readOnly = true, hidden = false, displayName = "Remote API port", description = "TCP portnumber this Docker node is listening on") private int hostPortNumber = defaultPort; @VsoProperty(readOnly = true, hidden = false, displayName = "Remove API version", description = "The Docker remote API version to use, has to be supported by the Docker node") private String dockerApiVersion = defaultApi; // TODO make this configurable on node creation time and add a disable / enable workflow // Inventory options to show all containers / images @VsoProperty(readOnly = true, hidden = false, displayName = "Show stopped containers", description = "Should stopped containers be displayed within the inventory?") private Boolean showStoppedContainers = true; @VsoProperty(readOnly = true, hidden = false, displayName = "Show related images", description = "Should related images be displayed within the inventory?") private Boolean showRelatedImages = false; // Hide children from the node details since they're displayed using the inventory relations @VsoProperty(readOnly = true, hidden = true, description = "Images available on this Docker node.") private List<DockerImage> images = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<DockerImage>()); @VsoProperty(readOnly = true, hidden = true, description = "Containers on this Docker node.") private List<DockerContainer> containers = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<DockerContainer>()); @Autowired private DockerNodeService service; @Autowired private GlobalPluginNotificationHandler notificationHandler; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public DockerNode() { log.setLevel(Level.DEBUG); configureNode(); } public void configureNode() { config = DockerClientConfig.createDefaultConfigBuilder().withVersion(this.getDockerApiVersion()) .withUri("http://" + this.getHostName() + ":" + this.getHostPortNumber()).build(); } // setId should normally not be used since we auto-generate the id. Thus we prevent access by not annoting this method with @VsoMethod // NO ACCESS from vCO @VsoMethod(showInApi = false) @Override public void setId(String id) { = id; } // NO ACCESS from vCO @VsoMethod(showInApi = false) public void setStatus(String status) { this.status = status; } // NO ACCESS from vCO @VsoMethod(showInApi = false) @Override public void setDisplayName(String displayName) { this.displayName = displayName; } // NO ACCESS from vCO @VsoMethod(showInApi = false) @Override public void setHostName(String hostName) { this.hostName = hostName; } // NO ACCESS from vCO @VsoMethod(showInApi = false) @Override public void setHostPortNumber(int portNumber) { this.hostPortNumber = portNumber; } // NO ACCESS from vCO @VsoMethod(showInApi = false) @Override public void setDockerApiVersion(String apiVersion) { this.dockerApiVersion = apiVersion; } // NO ACCESS from vCO @VsoMethod(showInApi = false) public DockerClient getDockerClient() { DockerClient dockerClient = null; try { configureNode(); dockerClient = DockerClientBuilder.getInstance(config) .withServiceLoaderClassLoader(CooptoPluginAdaptor.class.getClassLoader()).build(); } catch (Exception e) { final StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); final PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw, true); e.printStackTrace(pw); log.error("Error while creating Docker client. Details:\n" + sw.getBuffer().toString()); } return dockerClient; } // NO ACCESS from vCO, NO ACCESS from outside private void initNode() { if (isOnline()) { this.status = STATUS_ONLINE; } else { this.status = STATUS_OFFLINE; } } // NO ACCESS from vCO @VsoMethod(showInApi = false) public void reloadNode() { this.initNode(); } // NO ACCESS from vCO @VsoMethod(showInApi = false) public List<DockerImage> getImages() { return this.images; } // NO ACCESS from vCO // find image by uuid attribute "id" @VsoMethod(showInApi = false) public DockerImage getImage(String id) { for (int runs = 0; runs < 2; runs++) { //try to find in cache - must be in synchronized block synchronized (this.images) { Iterator<DockerImage> itr = this.images.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { DockerImage image =; log.debug("Searching images. Current image: " + image.getId() + "."); if (image.getId().equals(id)) { log.debug("Found image '" + id + "'."); return image; } } } // if not found in cache, refresh the cache and re-run the cache search if (runs == 0) { log.debug("Image with id '" + id + "' not found in cache of this docker node. Refreshing cache..."); this.reloadImages(); } } // if not found in cache after cache was synchronized, the image dosn't exist on this host. Return null. log.debug("Image with id '" + id + "' not found on this docker node."); return null; } // NO ACCESS from vCO @VsoMethod(showInApi = false) public void setImages(ArrayList<DockerImage> images) { this.images = images; } // NO ACCESS from vCO, NO ACCESS from outside private synchronized void addImage(DockerImage item) throws Exception { images.add(item); // no reload since this is not triggered by vco but by internal methods } // NO ACCESS from vCO @VsoMethod(showInApi = false) public void initImages(boolean allImages) { log.debug("About to load images for node '" + + "'"); if ((this.hostName != null) && (this.hostPortNumber > 0) && (this.hostPortNumber < 65535)) { try { // Get the list of docker images from the host List<Image> newImages = null; try { configureNode(); DockerClient dockerClient = getDockerClient(); log.debug("Loading Images with option all=" + allImages + "."); newImages = dockerClient.listImagesCmd().withShowAll(allImages).exec(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error occured while loading images: " + e.getMessage()); // if a error occurs, clear the cache and throw an error to prevent the client from seeing out-dated data log.debug("Clearing image cache on node '" + displayName + "'."); this.images.clear(); throw e; } // handle init / update in a synchronized manner synchronized (this.images) { // 1. Collect diff information // 1a. Only in newList == addedImages, add and notifyInvalidate(node) when done with everything. newList - oldList = addedImages List<Image> addedImages = new ArrayList<Image>(newImages); Iterator<Image> addItr = addedImages.iterator(); log.debug("Checking for new images..."); while (addItr.hasNext()) { Image img =; Iterator<DockerImage> itr = this.images.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { DockerImage image =; if (img.getId().equals(image.getImageId())) { // if the image exists in the oldList, remove it from the addedImages log.debug("Image '" + img.getId() + "' seems to be already cached."); addItr.remove(); } } } log.debug("New images found are: " + addedImages.toString()); // 1b. Only in oldList == deletedImages, delete and notifyDelete(image). oldList - newList = deletedImages List<DockerImage> deletedImages = new ArrayList<DockerImage>(); Iterator<DockerImage> delItr = this.images.iterator(); log.debug("Checking for deleted images..."); deleteloop: while (delItr.hasNext()) { DockerImage image =; Iterator<Image> itr = newImages.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { Image img =; if (img.getId().equals(image.getImageId())) { // if the image exists within the oldList, it's not deleted - check the next image continue deleteloop; } } // loop was not exited, so our image was not found in the newList and can be considered as deleted log.debug("Image '" + image.getImageId() + "' seems to be deleted."); deletedImages.add(image); } log.debug("Deleted images found are: " + deletedImages.toString()); // 1c. In newList and in oldList == eventually updated images, run inspectImage and notifyUpdated(image). in both == updatedImages Iterator<Image> updItr = newImages.iterator(); log.debug("Updateing loaded images on node's cache..."); while (updItr.hasNext()) { Image img =; Iterator<DockerImage> itr = this.images.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { DockerImage image =; if (img.getId().equals(image.getImageId())) { // if a image exists within the old and the new list, just update it's details log.debug("Found image in node's cache. Updateing image info..."); image.reloadImage(); } } } log.debug("Finished updateing loaded images on node's cache."); if (!addedImages.isEmpty()) { // for every added image, add it to our image list. This will also call updateChildInventory for that image // Do not use for-loops for this, since it will cause ConcurrentModificationExceptions to be thrown! log.debug("Adding loaded images to node's cache..."); Iterator<Image> iterator = addedImages.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Image i =; String[] tags = i.getRepoTags(); // Tags may look like this : m451/drum-machine:latest // Or this : base:ubuntu-12.10 String tag = tags[0]; String id = i.getId(); try { log.debug("Adding image " + tag); this.addImage((new DockerImage(this, tag, id))); //TODO call some notify method to let the node know there's a new child! (currently the constructor only calls update!) } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error while adding image to image-list. " + e.getMessage()); } } log.debug("Finished adding loaded images to node's cache."); } if (!deletedImages.isEmpty()) { // for every deleted image, delete it from our list. // Do not use for-loops for this, since it will cause ConcurrentModificationExceptions to be thrown! log.debug("Removeing deleted images from node cache..."); Iterator<DockerImage> iterator = deletedImages.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { DockerImage i =; try { Iterator<DockerImage> itr = this.images.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { DockerImage img =; if (img.getImageId().equals(i.getImageId())) { log.debug( "Deleting image '" + img.getDisplayName() + "' from node cache..."); InventoryRef ref = img.toRef(); itr.remove(); notificationHandler.notifyElementDeleted(ref); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error while removeing deleted image from image-list. " + e.getMessage()); } } log.debug("Finished removeing deleted images from node's cache."); } } } catch (Exception e) { // this method is never called directly by a user, thus, don't throw exceptions but rather log them final StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); final PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw, true); e.printStackTrace(pw); log.error("Error: " + sw.getBuffer().toString()); } } else { log.error("Failed to load images from node '" + + "'. Check the node's settings"); } log.debug("Finished loading images for node '" + + "' into cache."); } // NO ACCESS from vCO @VsoMethod(showInApi = false) public void reloadImages() { this.reloadNode(); this.initImages(showRelatedImages); } // NO ACCESS from vCO @VsoMethod(showInApi = false) public void clearImages() { log.debug("Clearing image cache..."); // handle update in a synchronized manner synchronized (this.images) { this.images = new ArrayList<DockerImage>(); notificationHandler.notifyElementInvalidate(toRef()); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // NO ACCESS from vCO @VsoMethod(showInApi = false) public List<DockerContainer> getContainers() { return containers; } // NO ACCESS from vCO // find container by uuid attribute "id" @VsoMethod(showInApi = false) public DockerContainer getContainer(String id) { for (int runs = 0; runs < 2; runs++) { //try to find in cache - must be in synchronized block synchronized (this.containers) { Iterator<DockerContainer> itr = this.containers.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { DockerContainer container =; log.debug("Searching containers. Current container: " + container.getId() + "."); if (container.getId().equals(id)) { log.debug("Found container '" + id + "'."); return container; } } } // if not found in cache, refresh the cache and re-run the cache search if (runs == 0) { log.debug("Container with id '" + id + "' not found in cache of this docker node. Refreshing cache..."); this.reloadContainers(); } } // if not found in cache after cache was synchronized, the container dosn't exist on this host. Return null. log.debug("Container with id '" + id + "' not found on this docker node."); return null; } // NO ACCESS from vCO @VsoMethod(showInApi = false) public void setContainers(ArrayList<DockerContainer> containers) { this.containers = containers; } // NO ACCESS from vCO, NO ACCESS from outside private synchronized void addContainer(DockerContainer item) throws IllegalArgumentException, IOException { containers.add(item); // no reload since this is not triggert by vco but by internal methods } // NO ACCESS from vCO @VsoMethod(showInApi = false) public void initContainers(boolean allContainers) { log.debug("About to load containers for node '" + + "'"); if ((this.hostName != null) && (this.hostPortNumber > 0) && (this.hostPortNumber < 65535)) { try { // Get the list of docker containers from the host List<Container> newContainers = null; try { configureNode(); DockerClient dockerClient = getDockerClient(); log.debug("Loading containers with option all=" + allContainers + "."); newContainers = dockerClient.listContainersCmd().withShowAll(allContainers).exec(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error occured while loading containers: " + e.getMessage()); // if a error occurs, clear the cache and throw an error to prevent the client from seeing outdated data log.debug("Clearing container cache on node '" + displayName + "'."); this.containers.clear(); throw e; } // handle init / update in a synchronized manner synchronized (this.containers) { // 1. Collect diff information // 1a. Only in newList == addedContainers, add and notifyInvalidate(node) when done with everything. newList - oldList = addedContainers List<Container> addedContainers = new ArrayList<Container>(newContainers); Iterator<Container> addItr = addedContainers.iterator(); log.debug("Checking for new containers..."); while (addItr.hasNext()) { Container cnt =; Iterator<DockerContainer> itr = this.containers.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { DockerContainer container =; if (container.getContainerId().equals(cnt.getId())) { // if the container exists in the oldList, remove it from the addedContainers log.debug("Container '" + cnt.getId() + "' seems to be already cached."); addItr.remove(); } } } log.debug("New containers found are: " + addedContainers.toString()); // 1b. Only in oldList == deletedContainers, delete and notifyDelete(container). oldList - newList = deletedContainers List<DockerContainer> deletedContainers = new ArrayList<DockerContainer>(); Iterator<DockerContainer> delItr = this.containers.iterator(); log.debug("Checking for deleted containers..."); deleteloop: while (delItr.hasNext()) { DockerContainer container =; Iterator<Container> itr = newContainers.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { Container cnt =; if (cnt.getId().equals(container.getContainerId())) { // if the container exists within the oldList, it's not deleted - check the next container continue deleteloop; } } // loop was not exited, so our container was not found in the newList and can be considered as deleted log.debug("Container '" + container.getContainerId() + "' seems to be deleted."); deletedContainers.add(container); } log.debug("Deleted containers found are: " + deletedContainers.toString()); // 1c. In newList and in oldList == eventually updated containers, run inspectContainer and notifyUpdated(container). in both == updatedContainers Iterator<Container> updItr = newContainers.iterator(); log.debug("Updateing loaded containers on node's cache..."); while (updItr.hasNext()) { Container cnt =; Iterator<DockerContainer> itr = this.containers.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { DockerContainer container =; if (cnt.getId().equals(container.getContainerId())) { // if a container exists within the old and the new list, just update it's details log.debug("Found container in node's cache. Updateing container info..."); container.reloadContainer(); } } } log.debug("Finished updateing loaded containers on node's cache."); if (!addedContainers.isEmpty()) { // for every added container, add it to our container list. This will also call updateChildInventory for that container // Do not use for-loops for this, since it will cause ConcurrentModificationExceptions to be thrown! log.debug("Adding loaded containers to node's cache..."); Iterator<Container> iterator = addedContainers.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Container c =; try { log.debug("Adding container " + c.getId()); this.addContainer((new DockerContainer(this, c.getNames()[0], c.getId()))); //TODO call some notify method to let the node know there's a new child! (currently the constructor only calls update!) } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error while adding container to container-cache. " + e.getMessage()); } } log.debug("Finished adding loaded containers to node's cache."); } if (!deletedContainers.isEmpty()) { // for every deleted container, delete it from our list. // Do not use for-loops for this, since it will cause ConcurrentModificationExceptions to be thrown! log.debug("Removeing deleted containers from node's cache..."); Iterator<DockerContainer> iterator = deletedContainers.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { DockerContainer c =; try { Iterator<DockerContainer> itr = this.containers.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { DockerContainer cnt =; if (cnt.getContainerId().equals(c.getContainerId())) { log.debug("Deleting container '" + cnt.getDisplayName() + "' from node cache..."); InventoryRef ref = cnt.toRef(); itr.remove(); notificationHandler.notifyElementDeleted(ref); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error while removeing deleted container from container-list. " + e.getMessage()); } } log.debug("Finished removeing deleted containers from node's cache."); } } } catch (Exception e) { // this method is never called directly by a user, thus, don't throw exceptions but rather log them final StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); final PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw, true); e.printStackTrace(pw); log.error("Error: " + sw.getBuffer().toString()); } } else { log.error("Failed to load containers from node '" + + "'. Check the node's settings"); } log.debug("Finished loading containers for node '" + + "' into cache."); } // NO ACCESS from vCO @VsoMethod(showInApi = false) public void reloadContainers() { this.reloadNode(); this.initContainers(showStoppedContainers); } // NO ACCESS from vCO @VsoMethod(showInApi = false) public void clearContainer() { log.debug("Clearing container cache..."); // handle update in a synchronized manner synchronized (this.containers) { this.containers = new ArrayList<DockerContainer>(); notificationHandler.notifyElementInvalidate(toRef()); } } // NO ACCESS from vCO @VsoMethod(showInApi = false) public InventoryRef toRef() { return InventoryRef.valueOf(TYPE, id); } // NO ACCESS from vCO - user should work with the inventory objects and the container methods @VsoMethod(showInApi = false) public InspectContainerResponse inspectDockerContainer(DockerContainer container) throws Exception { log.debug("Running inspectDockerContainer..."); DockerClient dockerClient = null; try { configureNode(); dockerClient = getDockerClient(); return dockerClient.inspectContainerCmd(container.getContainerId()).exec(); } catch (Exception e) { final StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); final PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw, true); e.printStackTrace(pw); log.error("Error running inspectDockerContainer: " + sw.getBuffer().toString()); throw e; } } // NO ACCESS from vCO - user should work with the inventory objects and the container methods @VsoMethod(showInApi = false) public InspectImageResponse inspectDockerImage(DockerImage image) throws Exception { log.debug("Running inspectDockerImage..."); DockerClient dockerClient = null; try { configureNode(); dockerClient = getDockerClient(); return dockerClient.inspectImageCmd(image.getImageId()).exec(); } catch (Exception e) { final StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); final PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw, true); e.printStackTrace(pw); log.error("Error running inspectDockerImage: " + sw.getBuffer().toString()); throw e; } } // access to notificationHandler from child-classes (e.g. DockerImage, DockerContainer) public void updateChildInventory(InventoryRef ref) { notificationHandler.notifyElementUpdated(ref); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public vCO API // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Property access ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // showInApi: controls if the method will be displayed as a method of the object within the vCO API-explorer // name: used for the *.vso file creation // vsoReturnType: adds a hint of the return type of this method to the vCO API-explorer @VsoMethod(showInApi = true, name = "getId", description = "Returns the unique identifier of this Docker node", vsoReturnType = "String") @Override public String getId() { return id; } @VsoMethod(showInApi = true, name = "getStatus", description = "Returns the connection status of this Docker node (online / offline)", vsoReturnType = "String") public String getStatus() { return status; } @VsoMethod(showInApi = true, name = "getDisplayName", description = "Returns the display name of this Docker node", vsoReturnType = "String") @Override public String getDisplayName() { return displayName; } @VsoMethod(showInApi = true, name = "getHostName", description = "Returns the host name of this Docker node", vsoReturnType = "String") @Override public String getHostName() { return hostName; } @VsoMethod(showInApi = true, name = "getHostPortNumber", description = "Returns the tcp portnumber for the remote API of this Docker node", vsoReturnType = "int") @Override public int getHostPortNumber() { return hostPortNumber; } @VsoMethod(showInApi = true, name = "getDockerApiVersion", description = "Returns the configured API version of this Docker node", vsoReturnType = "String") @Override public String getDockerApiVersion() { return dockerApiVersion; } @VsoMethod(showInApi = true) public Boolean getShowStoppedContainers() { return showStoppedContainers; } @VsoMethod(showInApi = true) public void setShowStoppedContainers(Boolean showStoppedContainers) { this.showStoppedContainers = showStoppedContainers; } @VsoMethod(showInApi = true) public Boolean getShowRelatedImages() { return showRelatedImages; } @VsoMethod(showInApi = true) public void setShowRelatedImages(Boolean showRelatedImages) { this.showRelatedImages = showRelatedImages; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Method access ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * TODO Implement better exception handling * * On failure: always throw an exception of type 'Exception' including the error message that occurred so the vCO workflow will * fail and print details about the error. If the error is unclear (generic catch all exception) at the end of every try-catch) * throw an 'Exception' and include the stack-trace! * * On success return the return value specified in the method header. If the value is empty, return an empty array or null. */ /* * TODO Implement common access strategy * * Methods that are accessable from vCO and alter images, containers or nodes should never be called using the id. Instead we * should always require the user to submit the object that CRUD methods should be applied to. This way we guarantee that the * object we want to work on is known to our inventory and don't have to care about the sync state of the inventory with the * actual docker-node inventory. */ // Host operations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @VsoMethod(showInApi = true, name = "getHostInfo", description = "Returns information about the docker node") public String getHostInfo() throws Exception { log.debug("Getting host info..."); DockerClient dockerClient = null; try { configureNode(); dockerClient = getDockerClient(); return dockerClient.infoCmd().exec().toString(); } catch (Exception e) { final StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); final PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw, true); e.printStackTrace(pw); log.error("Error while getting host info: " + sw.getBuffer().toString()); // Throw error detail message so vCO can display it throw new Exception("Error while getting host info: " + sw.getBuffer().toString()); } } @VsoMethod(showInApi = true, name = "isOnline", description = "Returns true of the host is reachable, false otherwise.") public Boolean isOnline() { try { if (this.getHostInfo() != null) { return true; } else { return false; } } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } // Image operations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CRUD - Create @VsoMethod(showInApi = true, name = "pullImage", description = "Pull the image matching the given string from the docker hub repository, saving it on the docker host.") public String pullImage(String imageName) throws Exception { log.debug("Pulling image '" + imageName + "'..."); @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") MappingIterator<Map> it = null; try { configureNode(); DockerClient dockerClient = DockerClientBuilder.getInstance(config).build(); log.debug("Starting pull operation..."); /* * We will check the final result by comparing the initial image id, which is the first ID provided by the stream such as: * * {status=Pulling image (latest) from dockerfile/nodejs, progressDetail={}, id=406eb4a4dcad} * * to the image id of the last entity which owns id AND status which will look something like: * {status=Download complete, progressDetail={}, id=406eb4a4dcad} * * If both IDs match, we know that the latest layer is the same as the requested image layer. * So the next step is to compare the download status of that layer */ String firstId = null; String lastId = ""; String lastStatus = "undefined"; /* * In addition to the download status of the layer, we provide additional information about how the process went by * returning information to the user using the last entity which has no id and only a status, which looks like this: * {status=Status: Image is up to date for dockerfile/nodejs} * or * {status=Status: Downloaded newer image for dockerfile/nodejs} * or * {status=Repository dockerfile/nodejs already being pulled by another client. Waiting.} */ String finalStatus = "undefined"; for (it = new ObjectMapper().readValues( new JsonFactory().createJsonParser(dockerClient.pullImageCmd(imageName).exec()), Map.class); it .hasNext();) { Map<?, ?> element =; String id = ""; String status = ""; String progress = ""; // info OUTPUT // log.debug("info: " + element); try { id = element.get("id").toString(); } catch (NullPointerException e) {/* catch exception if key was not found */ } try { status = element.get("status").toString(); } catch (NullPointerException e) {/* catch exception if key was not found */ } try { progress = element.get("progress").toString(); } catch (NullPointerException e) {/* catch exception if key was not found */ } // if the key was found and we got some status if (!id.isEmpty() && !status.isEmpty()) { // remember the first id of the output stream, which is the id of the image we want to pull if (firstId == null) { log.debug("Remembering first id: " + id); firstId = id; } // if the same layer is returned multiple times in a row, don't log everything but just the progress if (id.equals(lastId)) { lastId = id; lastStatus = status; if (!progress.isEmpty()) { log.debug("Progress: " + progress); } } else { lastId = id; log.debug("Image '" + id + "' status is: " + status + "."); if (!progress.isEmpty()) { log.debug("Progress: " + progress); } } } if (!status.isEmpty()) { finalStatus = status; } } // TODO find a more robust way to handle downloadStatus and finalStatus String downloadStatus = "undefined"; if (lastId.equals(firstId)) { log.debug("Last download layer id does match the requested image id: " + firstId); if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(lastStatus, "Download complete")) { downloadStatus = "successed"; log.debug("The requested layer was downloaded successfuly."); } else { downloadStatus = "failed"; log.error("The requested layer failed to download."); // throw exception in order for the workflow to fail throw new IllegalStateException("The requested layer failed to download."); } } // reload images from docker node this.reloadImages(); // update inventory - another way to do this would be to update our ArrayList and call notifyElementDeleted on the image object notificationHandler.notifyElementInvalidate(toRef()); log.debug("Pull operation " + downloadStatus + ". " + finalStatus + "."); return "Pull operation " + downloadStatus + ". " + finalStatus + "."; } catch (InternalServerErrorException e) { // image dosn't exist log.error("Error: the image was not found."); // Throw error detail message so vCO can display it throw new Exception("Error: the image was not found."); } catch (Exception e) { final StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); final PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw, true); e.printStackTrace(pw); log.error("Error while pulling image: " + sw.getBuffer().toString()); // Throw error detail message so vCO can display it throw new Exception("Error while pulling image: " + sw.getBuffer().toString()); } finally { if (it != null) { log.debug("Closeing pullImage stream..."); it.close(); log.debug("Closed pullImage stream."); } } } // CRUD - Read @VsoMethod(showInApi = true, name = "getImageByTag") public DockerImage getImageByTag(String imageTag) throws Exception { for (int runs = 0; runs < 2; runs++) { //try to find in cache - must be in synchronized block synchronized (this.images) { Iterator<DockerImage> itr = this.images.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { DockerImage image =; log.debug("Searching images. Current image: " + image.getImageId() + "."); if (image.getImageTag().equals(imageTag)) { log.debug("Found image '" + imageTag + "'."); return image; } } } // if not found in cache, refresh the cache and re-run the cache search if (runs == 0) { log.debug("Image with tag '" + imageTag + "' not found in cache of this docker node. Refreshing cache..."); this.reloadImages(); } } // if not found in cache after cache was synchronized, the image dosn't exist on this host. Return null. throw new Exception("Image with tag '" + imageTag + "' not found on this node."); } // CRUD - Read @VsoMethod(showInApi = true, name = "getImageById") public DockerImage getImageById(String imageId) throws Exception { for (int runs = 0; runs < 2; runs++) { //try to find in cache - must be in synchronized block synchronized (this.images) { Iterator<DockerImage> itr = this.images.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { DockerImage image =; log.debug("Searching images. Current image: " + image.getImageId() + "."); if (image.getImageId().equals(imageId)) { log.debug("Found image '" + imageId + "'."); return image; } } } // if not found in cache, refresh the cache and re-run the cache search if (runs == 0) { log.debug("Image with image id '" + imageId + "' not found in cache of this docker node. Refreshing cache..."); this.reloadImages(); } } // if not found in cache after cache was synchronized, the image dosn't exist on this host. Return null. throw new Exception("Image with image id '" + imageId + "' not found on this node."); } // CRUD - Delete @VsoMethod(showInApi = true, name = "deleteImage", description = "Deletes an image from the docker node") public void removeImage(String id, boolean force) throws Exception { log.debug("Removing image '" + id + "'."); configureNode(); DockerClient dockerClient = getDockerClient(); try { log.debug("Executing..."); dockerClient.removeImageCmd(id).withForce(force).exec(); } catch (NotFoundException e) { // image was not found log.error(e.getMessage()); // Throw error detail message so vCO can display it throw new Exception("Error: the image was not found."); } catch (ConflictException e) { // image is in use by some container log.error(e.getMessage()); // Throw error detail message so vCO can display it throw new Exception("Error: the image is used by one or more containers."); } catch (Exception e) { final StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); final PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw, true); e.printStackTrace(pw); log.error("Error while removeing image: " + sw.getBuffer().toString()); // Throw error detail message so vCO can display it throw new Exception("Error while removing image: " + sw.getBuffer().toString()); } // reload images from docker node this.reloadImages(); // update inventory - another way to do this would be to update our ArrayList and call notifyElementDeleted on the image object notificationHandler.notifyElementInvalidate(toRef()); } // Other @VsoMethod(showInApi = true, name = "searchImage", description = "Returns a list of images from the docker hub repository matching the input string.") public String[] searchImage(String imageName) throws Exception { return searchImage(imageName, 0); } // Other @VsoMethod(showInApi = true, name = "searchImage", description = "Returns a list of images from the docker hub repository matching the input string.") public String[] searchImage(String imageName, int limit) throws Exception { log.debug("Searching image '" + imageName + "' with limit " + limit + "."); // prevent negative values if (limit < 0) { limit = 0; } DockerClient dockerClient = null; List<SearchItem> result = null; try { configureNode(); dockerClient = getDockerClient(); result = dockerClient.searchImagesCmd(imageName).exec(); } catch (Exception e) { final StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); final PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw, true); e.printStackTrace(pw); log.error("Error while searching image: " + sw.getBuffer().toString()); // Throw error detail message so vCO can display it throw new Exception("Error while searching image: " + sw.getBuffer().toString()); } ArrayList<String> dyn = new ArrayList<String>(); // return a string array so we can use the output in our vCO search fields Iterator<SearchItem> iterator = result.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { dyn.add(; // if we have a limit if (limit > 0) { // do not iterate more then limit if (dyn.size() >= limit) { break; } } } return dyn.toArray(new String[dyn.size()]); } // Container operations ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CRUD - Create @VsoMethod(showInApi = true, name = "createContainer", description = "Create a new container from an image on the docker node") public String createContainer( // complex objects @VsoParam(description = "The image to build the container from") DockerImage image, @VsoParam(description = "Array of ports to expose on this container") DockerPort[] ports, @VsoParam(description = "An object mapping mountpoint paths inside the container to empty objects.") DockerVolume[] volumes, // strings @VsoParam(description = "Name for the container to use. Must be unique on every node") String name, @VsoParam(description = "Command(s) to run specified as a array of strings") String[] cmd, @VsoParam(description = "A string array of environment variables, each in the form of key=value") String[] env, @VsoParam(description = "A string value containing the working dir for commands to run in") String workingDir, @VsoParam(description = "A string value containing the desired hostname to use for the container") String hostname, @VsoParam(description = "A string value containg the user to use inside the container") String user, // bools @VsoParam(description = "Attaches container to stdin") boolean attachStdIn, @VsoParam(description = "Attaches container to stdout") boolean attachStdOut, @VsoParam(description = "Attaches container to stderr") boolean attachStdErr, @VsoParam(description = "Attach standard streams to a tty, including stdin if it is not closed") boolean tty, @VsoParam(description = "Opens stdin") boolean openStdIn, @VsoParam(description = "Close stdin after the 1 attached client disconnects") boolean stdInOnce, @VsoParam(description = "Boolean value, when true disables neworking for the container") boolean NetworkDisabled) throws Exception { if (image == null) { throw new Exception("Error: no image specified."); } log.debug("Creating new container..."); CreateContainerResponse response = null; try { configureNode(); DockerClient dockerClient = getDockerClient(); CreateContainerCmd command = dockerClient.createContainerCmd(image.getImageId()) .withAttachStdin(attachStdIn).withAttachStdout(attachStdOut).withAttachStderr(attachStdErr) .withTty(tty); if (cmd != null && (cmd.length > 0)) { command.withCmd(cmd); } if (env != null && (env.length > 0)) { command.withEnv(env); } if (name != null && !name.isEmpty()) { command.withName(name); } if (ports != null && (ports.length > 0)) { ArrayList<ExposedPort> newPorts = new ArrayList<ExposedPort>(); for (DockerPort port : ports) { newPorts.add(port.toExposedPort()); } //convert ArrayList to Array ExposedPort[] portArray = new ExposedPort[newPorts.size()]; portArray = newPorts.toArray(portArray); command.withExposedPorts(portArray); } if (openStdIn) { // defaults to false command.withStdinOpen(true); } if (stdInOnce) { // defaults to false command.withStdInOnce(true); } if (workingDir != null && !workingDir.isEmpty()) { command.withWorkingDir(workingDir); } if (hostname != null && !hostname.isEmpty()) { command.withHostName(hostname); } if (NetworkDisabled) { // defaults to false command.withDisableNetwork(true); } if (user != null && !user.isEmpty()) { command.withUser(user); } if (volumes != null && (volumes.length > 0)) { // Destination mount point within the container ArrayList<Volume> newVolumes = new ArrayList<Volume>(); for (DockerVolume volume : volumes) { newVolumes.add(volume.toVolume()); } //convert ArrayList to Array Volume[] volumeArray = new Volume[newVolumes.size()]; volumeArray = newVolumes.toArray(volumeArray); command.withVolumes(volumeArray); } response = command.exec(); log.debug("Created container '" + response.getId() + "'."); } catch (NotFoundException e) { // container not found log.error(e.getMessage()); // Throw error detail message so vCO can display it throw new Exception("Error: the container was not found."); } catch (ConflictException e) { // Named container already exists log.error(e.getMessage()); // Throw error detail message so vCO can display it throw new Exception("Error: a container with the specified name already exists."); } catch (Exception e) { final StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); final PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw, true); e.printStackTrace(pw); log.error("Error while creating container: " + sw.getBuffer().toString()); throw new Exception("Error while creating container: " + sw.getBuffer().toString()); } // reload images from docker node this.reloadContainers(); // update inventory - another way to do this would be to update our ArrayList and call notifyElementUpdated on the container object notificationHandler.notifyElementInvalidate(toRef()); // return container id return response.getId(); } // CRUD - Read @VsoMethod(showInApi = true, name = "getContainerByName") public DockerContainer getContainerByName(String containerName) throws Exception { for (int runs = 0; runs < 2; runs++) { //try to find in cache - must be in synchronized block synchronized (this.containers) { Iterator<DockerContainer> itr = this.containers.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { DockerContainer container =; log.debug("Searching containers. Current container: " + container.getName() + "."); if (container.getName().equals(containerName)) { log.debug("Found container '" + containerName + "'."); return container; } } } // if not found in cache, refresh the cache and re-run the cache search if (runs == 0) { log.debug("Container with name '" + containerName + "' not found in cache of this docker node. Refreshing cache..."); this.reloadContainers(); } } // if not found in cache after cache was synchronized, the container dosn't exist on this host. Return null. throw new Exception("Container with name '" + containerName + "' not found on this node."); } // CRUD - Read @VsoMethod(showInApi = true, name = "getContainerById") public DockerContainer getContainerById(String containerId) throws Exception { for (int runs = 0; runs < 2; runs++) { //try to find in cache - must be in synchronized block synchronized (this.containers) { Iterator<DockerContainer> itr = this.containers.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { DockerContainer container =; log.debug("Searching containers. Current container: " + container.getName() + "."); if (container.getContainerId().equals(containerId)) { log.debug("Found container '" + containerId + "'."); return container; } } } // if not found in cache, refresh the cache and re-run the cache search if (runs == 0) { log.debug("Container with container id '" + containerId + "' not found in cache of this docker node. Refreshing cache..."); this.reloadContainers(); } } // if not found in cache after cache was synchronized, the container dosn't exist on this host. Return null. throw new Exception("Container with container id '" + containerId + "' not found on this node."); } // CRUD - Delete @VsoMethod(showInApi = true, name = "deleteContainer") public void removeContainer(DockerContainer container, boolean force, boolean removeVolumes) throws Exception { if (container == null) { throw new Exception("Error: no container specified."); } log.debug("Deleting container '" + container.getContainerId() + "' with force '" + force + "' and removeVolumes '" + removeVolumes + "'."); try { configureNode(); DockerClient dockerClient = getDockerClient(); dockerClient.removeContainerCmd(container.getContainerId()).withForce(force) .withRemoveVolumes(removeVolumes).exec(); } catch (NotFoundException e) { // container not found log.error(e.getMessage()); // Throw error detail message so vCO can display it throw new Exception("Error: the container was not found."); } catch (Exception e) { final StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); final PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw, true); e.printStackTrace(pw); log.error("Error while deleting container: " + sw.getBuffer().toString()); throw new Exception("Error while deleting container: " + sw.getBuffer().toString()); } log.debug("Delete operation finished."); // reload images from docker node this.reloadContainers(); // update inventory - another way to do this would be to update our ArrayList and call notifyElementDeleted on the container object notificationHandler.notifyElementInvalidate(toRef()); } // Other @VsoMethod(showInApi = true, name = "startContainer") public void startContainer( // complex objects @VsoParam(description = "The container to start") DockerContainer container, @VsoParam(description = "A array of links for the container") DockerLink[] links, @VsoParam(description = "A array of port bindings for the container") DockerPortBind[] portBindings, @VsoParam(description = "A array of volume bindings for the container") DockerVolumeBind[] volumeBindings, // strings @VsoParam(description = "A list of dns servers for the container to use") String[] dns, @VsoParam(description = "A list of DNS search domains") String[] dnsSearch, // bools @VsoParam(description = "Allocates a random host port for all of a container's exposed ports") boolean publishAllPorts, @VsoParam(description = "Runs this container in privileged mode") boolean privileged) throws Exception { if (container == null) { throw new Exception("Error: no container specified."); } log.debug("Starting container '" + id + "'."); try { configureNode(); DockerClient dockerClient = getDockerClient(); StartContainerCmd command = dockerClient.startContainerCmd(container.getContainerId()) .withPublishAllPorts(publishAllPorts).withPrivileged(privileged); if (portBindings != null && (portBindings.length > 0)) { Ports pb = new Ports(); for (DockerPortBind portBind : portBindings) { pb.bind(portBind.getPort().toExposedPort(), Ports.Binding(portBind.getPortNumber())); } command.withPortBindings(pb); } if (volumeBindings != null && (volumeBindings.length > 0)) { ArrayList<Bind> newBinds = new ArrayList<Bind>(); for (DockerVolumeBind bind : volumeBindings) { Bind b; if (bind.getAccessMode().equals("ro")) { b = new Bind(bind.getMountPoint(), bind.getVolume().toVolume(),; } else { b = new Bind(bind.getMountPoint(), bind.getVolume().toVolume(),; } newBinds.add(b); } //convert ArrayList to Array Bind[] bindArray = new Bind[newBinds.size()]; bindArray = newBinds.toArray(bindArray); command.withBinds(bindArray); } if (dns != null && (dns.length > 0)) { command.withDns(dns); } if (dnsSearch != null && (dnsSearch.length > 0)) { command.withDnsSearch(dnsSearch); } if (links != null && (links.length > 0)) { ArrayList<Link> linksArray = new ArrayList<Link>(); for (DockerLink link : links) { Link dockerLink = new Link(link.getContainer().getName(), link.getLinkAlias()); linksArray.add(dockerLink); } //convert ArrayList to Array Link[] dockerLinks = new Link[linksArray.size()]; dockerLinks = linksArray.toArray(dockerLinks); command.withLinks(dockerLinks); } command.exec(); } catch (NotFoundException e) { // container not found log.error(e.getMessage()); // Throw error detail message so vCO can display it throw new Exception("Error: the container was not found."); } catch (NotModifiedException e) { // Container already started log.error(e.getMessage()); // Throw error detail message so vCO can display it throw new Exception("Error: the container is already started."); } catch (Exception e) { final StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); final PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw, true); e.printStackTrace(pw); log.error("Error while starting container: " + sw.getBuffer().toString()); throw new Exception("Error while starting container: " + sw.getBuffer().toString()); } log.debug("Start operation finished."); container.reloadContainer(); } // Other @VsoMethod(showInApi = true, name = "stopContainer") public void stopContainer(DockerContainer container, int wait) throws Exception { if (container == null) { throw new Exception("Error: no container specified."); } log.debug("Stopping container '" + id + "'."); try { configureNode(); DockerClient dockerClient = getDockerClient(); StopContainerCmd command = dockerClient.stopContainerCmd(container.getContainerId()); if (wait < 0) { command.withTimeout(0); } else { command.withTimeout(wait); } command.exec(); } catch (NotFoundException e) { // container not found log.error(e.getMessage()); // Throw error detail message so vCO can display it throw new Exception("Error: the container was not found."); } catch (NotModifiedException e) { // Container already stopped log.error(e.getMessage()); // Throw error detail message so vCO can display it throw new Exception("Error: the container is already stopped."); } catch (Exception e) { final StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); final PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw, true); e.printStackTrace(pw); log.error("Error while stopping container: " + sw.getBuffer().toString()); throw new Exception("Error while stopping container: " + sw.getBuffer().toString()); } log.debug("Stop operation finished."); container.reloadContainer(); } // Other @VsoMethod(showInApi = true, name = "restartContainer") public void restartContainer(DockerContainer container, int wait) throws Exception { if (container == null) { throw new Exception("Error: no container specified."); } log.debug("Restarting container '" + container.getContainerId() + "'."); try { configureNode(); DockerClient dockerClient = getDockerClient(); RestartContainerCmd command = dockerClient.restartContainerCmd(container.getContainerId()); if (wait < 0) { command.withtTimeout(0); } else { command.withtTimeout(wait); } command.exec(); } catch (NotFoundException e) { // container not found log.error(e.getMessage()); // Throw error detail message so vCO can display it throw new Exception("Error: the container was not found."); } catch (Exception e) { final StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); final PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw, true); e.printStackTrace(pw); log.error("Error while restarting container: " + sw.getBuffer().toString()); throw new Exception("Error while restarting container: " + sw.getBuffer().toString()); } log.debug("Reload operation finished."); container.reloadContainer(); } // Other @VsoMethod(showInApi = true, name = "killContainer") public void killContainer(DockerContainer container, String signal) throws Exception { if (container == null) { throw new Exception("Error: no container specified."); } log.debug("Killing container '" + container.getContainerId() + "' with signal '" + signal + "'."); try { configureNode(); DockerClient dockerClient = getDockerClient(); KillContainerCmd command = dockerClient.killContainerCmd(container.getContainerId()); if (signal != null && !signal.isEmpty()) { command.withSignal(signal); } command.exec(); } catch (NotFoundException e) { // container not found log.error(e.getMessage()); // Throw error detail message so vCO can display it throw new Exception("Error: the container was not found."); } catch (Exception e) { final StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); final PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw, true); e.printStackTrace(pw); log.error("Error while killing container: " + sw.getBuffer().toString()); throw new Exception("Error while killing container: " + sw.getBuffer().toString()); } log.debug("Kill operation finished."); container.reloadContainer(); } }