Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package; import com.mongodb.*; import com.mongodb.client.*; import org.bson.*; import java.util.*; import org.json.JSONObject; /** * * @author tyuan */ public class MongoDB { MongoClient client; MongoDatabase db; public Exception error = null; public MongoDB(String connstring, String dbname) { try { MongoClientURI connectionString = new MongoClientURI(connstring); client = new MongoClient(connectionString); db = client.getDatabase(dbname); } catch (Exception e) { error = e; } } public boolean IsOpen() { return db != null; } public void Close() { try { if (client != null) { client.close(); client = null; } } catch (Exception e) { error = e; } db = null; } public JSONObject ListRules(int page, int countperpage, long id, String category) { BsonDocument q = new BsonDocument(); if (id > 0) q.append("id", new BsonInt64(id)); if (category != null && category.length() > 0) q.append("category", new BsonString(category)); BsonDocument sort = new BsonDocument(); sort.append("name", new BsonInt32(1)); return List("HelmRules", "ID,category,name,description,author,CreatedDate", q, sort, page, countperpage); } public JSONObject ListMonomers(int page, int countperpage, long id, String polymertype, String monomertype, String symbol) { BsonDocument q = new BsonDocument(); if (id > 0) { q.append("id", new BsonInt64(id)); } else { // case insensitive if (symbol != null && symbol.length() > 0) q = BsonDocument.parse("{$or: [{\"symbol\": {$regex: \"^" + symbol.replace("\"", "\\\"") + "\", $options: \"i\"}},{\"name\": {$regex: \"^" + symbol.replace("\"", "\\\"") + "\", $options: \"i\"}}]}"); if (polymertype != null && polymertype.length() > 0) q.append("polymertype", new BsonString(polymertype)); if (monomertype != null && monomertype.length() > 0) q.append("monomertype", new BsonString(monomertype)); } BsonDocument sort = new BsonDocument(); sort.append("pk", new BsonInt32(1)); return List("HelmMonomers", "ID, Symbol, Name, NaturalAnalog, PolymerType, MonomerType, Author, CreatedDate, Status, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5", q, sort, page, countperpage); } public JSONObject LoadRule(long id) { BsonDocument q = new BsonDocument(); if (id > 0) q = BsonDocument.parse("{\"$or\":[{\"id\":\"" + id + "\"},{\"id\":" + id + "}]}"); return LoadRow("HelmRules", q); } public JSONObject LoadMonomer(long id) { BsonDocument q = new BsonDocument(); if (id > 0) q = BsonDocument.parse("{\"$or\":[{\"id\":\"" + id + "\"},{\"id\":" + id + "}]}"); return LoadRow("HelmMonomers", q); } public JSONObject LoadRow(String table, BsonDocument where) { MongoCollection coll = db.getCollection(table); MongoCursor cur = coll.find(where).limit(1).iterator(); return Result2Json(cur); } public JSONObject List(String table, String cols, BsonDocument where, BsonDocument sortby, int page, int countperpage) { if (page < 1) page = 1; if (countperpage < 1) countperpage = 10; long count; FindIterable iter; MongoCollection coll = db.getCollection(table); if (where == null) { count = coll.count(); iter = coll.find(); } else { count = coll.count(where); iter = coll.find(where); } if (sortby != null) iter = iter.sort(sortby); if (cols != null) { String[] ss = cols.split(","); Document fields = new Document("_id", false); for (int i = 0; i < ss.length; ++i) { fields.append(ss[i].trim().toLowerCase(), true); } iter = iter.projection(fields); } long mod = count % countperpage; long pages = (count - mod) / countperpage + (mod == 0 ? 0 : 1); if (page > 1) iter = iter.skip((page - 1) * countperpage); iter = iter.limit(countperpage); MongoCursor cur = iter.iterator(); JSONObject ret = new JSONObject(); ret.put("page", page); ret.put("pages", pages); ret.put("rows", ResultSet2Json(cur)); cur.close(); return ret; } public long SelectID(String table, String key, String value) { key = key.toLowerCase(); MongoCollection coll = db.getCollection(table); BsonDocument where = BsonDocument .parse("{\"" + key + "\": {$regex: \"^" + value.replace("\"", "\\\"") + "$\", $options: \"i\"}}"); // case insensitive Document fields = new Document("_id", false); fields.append("id", true); MongoCursor cur = coll.find(where).limit(1).projection(fields).iterator(); if (cur == null || !cur.hasNext()) return 0; Document d = (Document); return (long) d.get("id"); } public long[] SelectList(String table, String key, BsonDocument where) { key = key.toLowerCase(); MongoCollection coll = db.getCollection(table); Document fields = new Document("_id", false); fields.append(key, true); MongoCursor cur = (where == null ? coll.find() : coll.find(where)).projection(fields).iterator(); if (cur == null || !cur.hasNext()) return null; List<Long> list = new ArrayList(); while (cur.hasNext()) { Document d = (Document); list.add((long) d.get(key)); } long[] ret = new long[list.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < ret.length; ++i) ret[i] = list.get(i); return ret; } public String SelectString(String table, String key, BsonDocument where) { key = key.toLowerCase(); MongoCollection coll = db.getCollection(table); Document fields = new Document("_id", false); fields.append(key, true); MongoCursor cur = (where == null ? coll.find() : coll.find(where)).limit(1).projection(fields).iterator(); if (cur == null || !cur.hasNext()) return null; Document d = (Document); return d.get(key) + ""; } public ArrayList<JSONObject> ReadAsJson(String table) { return ReadAsJson(table, null, null); } public ArrayList<JSONObject> ReadAsJson(String table, String cols, BsonDocument where) { FindIterable iter; MongoCollection coll = db.getCollection(table); if (where == null) { iter = coll.find(); } else { iter = coll.find(where); } if (cols != null) { String[] ss = cols.split(","); Document fields = new Document("_id", false); for (int i = 0; i < ss.length; ++i) { fields.append(ss[i].trim().toLowerCase(), true); } iter = iter.projection(fields); } MongoCursor cur = iter.iterator(); if (cur == null || !cur.hasNext()) return null; return ResultSet2Json(cur); } public String ReadAsSDF(String table, String molfilekey) { MongoCollection coll = db.getCollection(table); FindIterable iter = coll.find(); String lb = System.getProperty("line.separator"); molfilekey = molfilekey.toLowerCase(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (iter == null) { return null; } else { Document fields = new Document("_id", false); iter = iter.projection(fields); } MongoCursor cur = iter.iterator(); while (cur.hasNext()) { Document doc = (Document); String m = doc.getString(molfilekey); if (m != null) { // the molfile from toolkit has extra $$$$ line // fix bug: int p = m.lastIndexOf("M END") + 6; if (p > 6 && p < m.length() - 1) m = m.substring(0, p); } else { m = lb + " JSDraw203101711402D" + lb + lb + " 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 V2000" + lb + "M END"; } sb.append(m); sb.append(lb); for (String k : doc.keySet()) { if (k.equals(molfilekey) || k.equals("_id")) continue; sb.append("> <"); sb.append(k); sb.append(">"); sb.append(lb); String s = doc.get(k) + ""; sb.append(s == null ? "" : s); sb.append(lb); sb.append(lb); } sb.append("$$$$"); sb.append(lb); } return sb.toString(); } ArrayList<JSONObject> ResultSet2Json(MongoCursor rs) { ArrayList<JSONObject> list = new ArrayList(); if (rs == null || !rs.hasNext()) return list; try { while (rs.hasNext()) { list.add(Result2Json(rs)); } } catch (Exception e) { error = e; return null; } return list; } JSONObject Result2Json(MongoCursor rs) { JSONObject ret = new JSONObject(); if (rs == null || !rs.hasNext()) return ret; try { Document doc = (Document); for (String k : doc.keySet()) { ret.put(k.toLowerCase(), doc.get(k)); } } catch (Exception e) { error = e; return null; } return ret; } public JSONObject DelAll(String table) { BsonDocument where = new BsonDocument(); MongoCollection coll = db.getCollection(table); coll.deleteMany(where); return null; } public JSONObject DelRecord(String table, long id) { BsonDocument where = new BsonDocument("id", new BsonInt64(id)); MongoCollection coll = db.getCollection(table); coll.deleteMany(where); return null; } long GetMaxID(String table) { MongoCollection coll = db.getCollection(table); Document fields = new Document("_id", false); fields.append("id", true); MongoCursor cur = coll.find().projection(fields).iterator(); if (cur == null || !cur.hasNext()) return 0; long id = 0; while (cur.hasNext()) { Document d = (Document); Object t = d.get("id"); if (t == null) continue; long i = AjaxTool.ToLong(t + ""); if (i > id) id = i; } return id; } public long SaveRecord(String table, long id, Map<String, String> data) { MongoCollection coll = db.getCollection(table); Document doc = new Document(); for (String k : data.keySet()) { String v = data.get(k); if (v != null) doc.append(k, new org.bson.BsonString(v)); else doc.append(k, new org.bson.BsonNull()); } if (id > 0) { Document where = new Document("id", new BsonInt64(id)); coll.findOneAndUpdate(where, new Document("$set", doc)); } else { id = GetMaxID(table) + 1; doc.append("id", new BsonInt64(id)); coll.insertOne(doc); } return id; } }