Java tutorial
/** * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may obtain a copy of * the License at or at this project's root. */ package; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.apache.camel.CamelContext; import org.apache.camel.ProducerTemplate; import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder; import org.apache.camel.component.mock.MockEndpoint; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; import; /** * Upper class for the validator integration test. Both tests (LimitUpdate and UpperLowerLimit) use * the same context. * They can not be put into the same test-class because the UpperLowerLimit is a parameterized test. * * This class sets up the Camel context with all additional routes used for testing and provides access * to the mock endpoints. * It also contains a method to wait until a certain number of messages has been received in all * mock endpoints. * */ @Ignore public class ValidatorTest extends TestCase { protected static boolean thisIsTheFirstRun = true; protected static CamelContext validatorContext = null; // uri = "mock:ResultsWarning" protected MockEndpoint resultsWarning = null; // uri = "mock:ResultsError" protected MockEndpoint resultsError = null; // uri = "mock:ResultsSwitch" protected MockEndpoint resultsSwitch = null; // uri = "mock:ResultsParameter" protected MockEndpoint resultsParameters = null; // uri = "activemq:topic:Parameters" protected ProducerTemplate producer = null; public ValidatorTest() throws Exception { // Between tests the Camel context stays the same, so routes may not // be added during the initialization phase of further tests. if (thisIsTheFirstRun) { // Load contexts ApplicationContext temp; temp = new FileSystemXmlApplicationContext( "file:src/main/resources/parameterValidator/parameter-validator.xml"); validatorContext = (CamelContext) temp.getBean("validatorContext"); validatorContext.start(); // Add routes to access activemq topics via via mock endpoints. validatorContext.addRoutes(new RouteBuilder() { public void configure() throws Exception { from("activemq:topic:ParametersWarning").to("mock:ResultsWarning"); from("activemq:topic:ParametersError").to("mock:ResultsError"); from("activemq:topic:ParametersSwitch").to("mock:ResultsSwitch"); from("activemq:topic:Parameters").to("mock:ResultsParameter"); } }); thisIsTheFirstRun = false; } // Prepare producer producer = validatorContext.createProducerTemplate(); // Prepare access to mock components resultsWarning = validatorContext.getEndpoint("mock:ResultsWarning", MockEndpoint.class); resultsError = validatorContext.getEndpoint("mock:ResultsError", MockEndpoint.class); resultsSwitch = validatorContext.getEndpoint("mock:ResultsSwitch", MockEndpoint.class); resultsParameters = validatorContext.getEndpoint("mock:ResultsParameter", MockEndpoint.class); // In case that there are still old parameters left in the parameters topic, wait until // all have been routed to the 'results' components, so that they don't disturb the testing. int oldCount = -1; int newCount = 0; while (oldCount < newCount) { Thread.sleep(250); oldCount = newCount; newCount = resultsSwitch.getReceivedCounter() + resultsWarning.getReceivedCounter() + resultsError.getReceivedCounter() + resultsParameters.getReceivedCounter(); } // Reset Mock endpoints so that they don't contain any messages. resultsSwitch.reset(); resultsWarning.reset(); resultsError.reset(); resultsParameters.reset(); } /** * Method which will wait until the specified number of message has been received in * all 4 Mock-endpoints or until ~4 seconds have passed. * * @param resultSwitchCount * @param resultErrorCount * @param resultsWarningCount * @param resultsParameterCount * @throws InterruptedException */ protected void waitForMessagesInMockEndpoints(int resultSwitchCount, int resultsWarningCount, int resultErrorCount, int resultsParameterCount) throws InterruptedException { for (int i = 2; !(resultsSwitch.getReceivedCounter() >= resultSwitchCount && resultsWarning.getReceivedCounter() >= resultsWarningCount && resultsError.getReceivedCounter() >= resultErrorCount && resultsParameters.getReceivedCounter() >= resultsParameterCount) && i < 4096; i *= 2) { Thread.sleep(i); } } }