Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015-2017 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates * and other contributors as indicated by the @author tags. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.hawkular.apm.server.elasticsearch; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.Function; import; import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.refresh.RefreshRequestBuilder; import org.elasticsearch.action.bulk.BulkRequestBuilder; import org.elasticsearch.action.bulk.BulkResponse; import org.elasticsearch.action.get.GetResponse; import; import; import; import org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilder; import org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilders; import org.elasticsearch.indices.IndexMissingException; import; import org.hawkular.apm.api.model.Constants; import org.hawkular.apm.api.model.Property; import org.hawkular.apm.api.model.trace.Component; import org.hawkular.apm.api.model.trace.Consumer; import org.hawkular.apm.api.model.trace.InteractionNode; import org.hawkular.apm.api.model.trace.Node; import org.hawkular.apm.api.model.trace.Producer; import org.hawkular.apm.api.model.trace.Trace; import; import org.hawkular.apm.api.utils.NodeUtil; import org.hawkular.apm.server.api.model.zipkin.BinaryAnnotation; import org.hawkular.apm.server.api.model.zipkin.Span; import; import org.hawkular.apm.server.api.utils.zipkin.SpanUniqueIdGenerator; import org.hawkular.apm.server.elasticsearch.log.MsgLogger; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; /** * @author Pavol Loffay */ public class SpanServiceElasticsearch implements SpanService { private static final MsgLogger log = MsgLogger.LOGGER; public static final String SPAN_TYPE = "span"; private static final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); private ElasticsearchClient client = ElasticsearchClient.getSingleton(); @Override public Span getSpan(String tenantId, String id) { GetResponse response = null; try { response = client.getClient().prepareGet(client.getIndex(tenantId), SPAN_TYPE, id).setRouting(id) .execute().actionGet(); } catch (IndexMissingException ex) { log.errorf("Missing span index %s", tenantId); return null; } Span span = null; if (!response.isSourceEmpty()) { try { span = deserialize(response.getSourceAsString(), Span.class); /** * Enrich server span with client span annotations */ if (span.serverSpan() && span.url() == null) { Span clientSpan = getSpan(tenantId, SpanUniqueIdGenerator.getClientId(span.getId())); if (clientSpan != null && clientSpan.url() != null) { BinaryAnnotation httpURLAnnotation = new BinaryAnnotation(); httpURLAnnotation.setKey(Constants.ZIPKIN_BIN_ANNOTATION_HTTP_URL); httpURLAnnotation.setValue(clientSpan.url().toString()); List<BinaryAnnotation> binaryAnnotationsWithURL = new ArrayList<>( span.getBinaryAnnotations()); binaryAnnotationsWithURL.add(httpURLAnnotation); span = new Span(span, binaryAnnotationsWithURL, span.getAnnotations()); } } } catch (IOException ex) { log.errorFailedToParse(ex); } } log.tracef("Get span with id[%s] is: %s", id, span); return span; } @Override public List<Span> getChildren(String tenantId, String id) { List<Span> spans = new ArrayList<>(); final String index = client.getIndex(tenantId); try { RefreshRequestBuilder refreshRequestBuilder = client.getClient().admin().indices() .prepareRefresh(index); client.getClient().admin().indices().refresh(refreshRequestBuilder.request()).actionGet(); QueryBuilder query = QueryBuilders.termQuery("parentId", id); SearchRequestBuilder request = client.getClient().prepareSearch(index).setTypes(SPAN_TYPE) .setSearchType(SearchType.DFS_QUERY_THEN_FETCH).setQuery(query); SearchResponse response = request.execute().actionGet(); for (SearchHit searchHitFields : response.getHits()) { try { Span span = deserialize(searchHitFields.getSourceAsString(), Span.class); if (!span.serverSpan()) { spans.add(span); } } catch (IOException ex) { log.errorFailedToParse(ex); } } } catch (IndexMissingException ex) { log.errorf("No index[%s] found, so unable to retrieve spans", index); } log.tracef("Get children with parentId[%s] is: %s", id, spans); return spans; } @Override public void storeSpan(String tenantId, List<Span> spans) throws StoreException { storeSpan(tenantId, spans, span -> span.getId()); } @Override public void storeSpan(String tenantId, List<Span> spans, Function<Span, String> spanIdSupplier) throws StoreException { client.initTenant(tenantId); BulkRequestBuilder bulkRequestBuilder = client.getClient().prepareBulk(); for (Span span : spans) { String json; try { json = serialize(span); } catch (IOException ex) { log.errorf("Failed to serialize span %s", span); throw new StoreException(ex); } log.tracef("Storing span: %s", json); // modified id is used in index final String modifiedId = spanIdSupplier.apply(span); bulkRequestBuilder.add(client.getClient().prepareIndex(client.getIndex(tenantId), SPAN_TYPE, modifiedId) .setSource(json)); } BulkResponse bulkItemResponses = bulkRequestBuilder.execute().actionGet(); if (bulkItemResponses.hasFailures()) { log.tracef("Failed to store spans to elasticsearch: %s", bulkItemResponses.buildFailureMessage()); throw new StoreException(bulkItemResponses.buildFailureMessage()); } log.trace("Success storing spans to elasticsearch"); } @Override public void clear(String tenantId) { client.clearTenant(tenantId); } @Override public Trace getTraceFragment(String tenantId, String id) { Span span = getSpan(tenantId, id); if (span == null) { return null; } InteractionNode interactionNode = spanToNode(span); interactionNode.setNodes(recursiveTraceFragment(tenantId, span)); Trace trace = spanToTrace(span); trace.getNodes().add(interactionNode); return trace; } @Override public Trace getTrace(String tenantId, String id) { Span span = getSpan(tenantId, id); if (span == null || span.serverSpan()) { // We need to check if there is a client span for the same id String clientId = SpanUniqueIdGenerator.getClientId(id); if (getSpan(tenantId, clientId) != null) { // Replace the top level id we are interested in with the // client side version id = clientId; } } Trace trace = getTraceFragment(tenantId, id); if (trace != null) { processConnectedFragment(tenantId, trace); } return trace; } /** * This method aggregates enhances the root trace, representing the * complete end to end instance view, with the details available from * a linked trace fragment that should be attached to the supplied * Producer node. If the producer node is null then don't merge * (as fragment is root) and just recursively process the fragment * to identify additional linked fragments. * * @param tenantId The tenant id * @param fragment The fragment to be processed */ protected void processConnectedFragment(String tenantId, Trace fragment) { List<Producer> producers = NodeUtil.findNodes(fragment.getNodes(), Producer.class); for (Producer producer : producers) { if (!producer.getCorrelationIds().isEmpty()) { List<Trace> fragments = getTraceFragments(tenantId, producer.getCorrelationIds().stream() .map(correlationIdentifier -> correlationIdentifier.getValue()) .collect(Collectors.toList())); for (Trace descendant : fragments) { // Attach the fragment root nodes to the producer producer.getNodes().addAll(descendant.getNodes()); processConnectedFragment(tenantId, descendant); } } } } private List<Trace> getTraceFragments(String tenantId, List<String> ids) { List<Trace> traces = new ArrayList<>(); for (String id : ids) { Trace traceFragment = getTraceFragment(tenantId, id); if (traceFragment != null) { traces.add(traceFragment); } } return traces; } private List<Node> recursiveTraceFragment(String tenantId, Span parent) { List<Span> spanChildren = getChildren(tenantId, parent.getId()); if (spanChildren == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } List<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<>(); for (Span child : spanChildren) { InteractionNode node = spanToNode(child); if (!parent.clientSpan()) { nodes.add(node); } if (!child.clientSpan()) { node.setNodes(recursiveTraceFragment(tenantId, child)); } } return nodes; } private Trace spanToTrace(Span span) { if (span == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } Trace trace = new Trace(); trace.setTraceId(span.getTraceId()); trace.setFragmentId(span.getId()); trace.setTimestamp(span.getTimestamp() != null ? span.getTimestamp() : 0); trace.setHostAddress(span.ipv4()); return trace; } private InteractionNode spanToNode(Span span) { String url = span.url() != null ? span.url().getPath() : null; InteractionNode node; if (span.binaryAnnotationMapping().getComponentType() != null) { node = new Component(url, span.binaryAnnotationMapping().getComponentType()); } else if (span.serverSpan()) { node = new Consumer(url, span.binaryAnnotationMapping().getEndpointType()); node.addInteractionCorrelationId(span.getId()); } else if (span.clientSpan()) { node = new Producer(url, span.binaryAnnotationMapping().getEndpointType()); node.addInteractionCorrelationId(span.getId()); } else { node = new Component(url, null); } node.setProperties(new HashSet<>(span.binaryAnnotationMapping().getProperties())); node.getProperties().add(new Property(Constants.PROP_SERVICE_NAME, span.service())); if (span.getTimestamp() != null) { node.setTimestamp(span.getTimestamp()); } if (span.getDuration() != null) { node.setDuration(span.getDuration()); } return node; } private <T> T deserialize(String json, Class<T> type) throws IOException { JsonParser parser = mapper.getFactory().createParser(json); return parser.readValueAs(type); } private String serialize(Object object) throws IOException { StringWriter out = new StringWriter(); JsonGenerator gen = mapper.getFactory().createGenerator(out); gen.writeObject(object); gen.close(); out.close(); return out.toString(); } }