Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates * and other contributors as indicated by the @author tags. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.hawkular.alerts.api.model.condition; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.hawkular.alerts.api.model.event.Event; import org.hawkular.alerts.api.model.trigger.Mode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude.Include; /** * An <code>EventCondition</code> is used for condition evaluations over Event data using expressions. * * Expression is a comma separated list of the following 3 tokens structure: * * <event.field> <operator> <constant> [,<event.field> <operator> <constant>]* * * - <event.field> represent a fixed field of event structure or a key of tags. * Supported fields are the following: * - tenantId * - id * - ctime * - text * - category * - tags.<key> * * - <operator> is a string representing a string/numeric operator, supported ones are: * "==" equals * "!=" not equals * "starts" starts with String operator * "ends" ends with String operator * "contains" contains String operator * "match" match String operator * "<" less than * "<=" less or equals than * ">" greater than * ">=" greater or equals than * "==" equals * * - <constant> is a string that might be interpreted as a number if is not closed with single quotes or a string * constant if it is closed with single quotes * i.e. 23, 'test' * * A constant string can contain special character comma but escaped with backslash. * i.e. '\,test', 'test\,' * * So, putting everything together, a valid expression might look like: * start 'IDXYZ', event.tag.category == 'Server', event.tag.from end '.com' * * A non valid expression will return false. * * @author Jay Shaughnessy * @author Lucas Ponce */ public class EventCondition extends Condition { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @JsonInclude private String dataId; @JsonInclude(Include.NON_NULL) private String expression; public EventCondition() { this("", "", Mode.FIRING, 1, 1, null, null); } public EventCondition(String tenantId, String triggerId, String dataId, String expression) { this(tenantId, triggerId, Mode.FIRING, 1, 1, dataId, expression); } public EventCondition(String tenantId, String triggerId, Mode triggerMode, String dataId) { this(tenantId, triggerId, triggerMode, 1, 1, dataId, null); } /** * This constructor requires the tenantId be assigned prior to persistence. It can be used when * creating triggers via Rest, as the tenant will be assigned automatically. */ public EventCondition(String triggerId, Mode triggerMode, String dataId, String expression) { this("", triggerId, triggerMode, 1, 1, dataId, expression); } public EventCondition(String tenantId, String triggerId, Mode triggerMode, String dataId, String expression) { this(tenantId, triggerId, triggerMode, 1, 1, dataId, expression); } public EventCondition(String tenantId, String triggerId, int conditionSetSize, int conditionSetIndex, String dataId) { this(tenantId, triggerId, Mode.FIRING, conditionSetSize, conditionSetIndex, dataId, null); } public EventCondition(String tenantId, String triggerId, int conditionSetSize, int conditionSetIndex, String dataId, String expression) { this(tenantId, triggerId, Mode.FIRING, conditionSetSize, conditionSetIndex, dataId, expression); } public EventCondition(String tenantId, String triggerId, Mode triggerMode, int conditionSetSize, int conditionSetIndex, String dataId) { this(tenantId, triggerId, triggerMode, conditionSetSize, conditionSetIndex, dataId, null); } /** * This constructor requires the tenantId be assigned prior to persistence. It can be used when * creating triggers via Rest, as the tenant will be assigned automatically. */ public EventCondition(String triggerId, Mode triggerMode, int conditionSetSize, int conditionSetIndex, String dataId, String expression) { this("", triggerId, triggerMode, conditionSetSize, conditionSetIndex, dataId, expression); } public EventCondition(String tenantId, String triggerId, Mode triggerMode, int conditionSetSize, int conditionSetIndex, String dataId, String expression) { super(tenantId, triggerId, triggerMode, conditionSetSize, conditionSetIndex, Type.EVENT); this.dataId = dataId; this.expression = expression; } public void setDataId(String dataId) { this.dataId = dataId; } public String getLog(Event value) { return triggerId + " " + dataId + " : " + value + " " + expression; } @Override public String getDataId() { return dataId; } public String getExpression() { return expression; } public void setExpression(String expression) { this.expression = expression; } private static Pattern cleanComma = Pattern.compile("\\\\,"); public boolean match(Event value) { if (null == value) { return false; } if (null == expression || expression.isEmpty()) { return true; } List<String> expressions = new ArrayList<>(); int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < expression.length(); i++) { if (expression.charAt(i) == ',' && (i == 0 || (i > 0 && expression.charAt(i - 1) != '\\'))) { expressions.add(cleanComma.matcher(expression.substring(j, i).trim()).replaceAll(",")); j = i + 1; } } expressions.add(cleanComma.matcher(expression.substring(j).trim()).replaceAll(",")); for (String expression : expressions) { if (!processExpression(expression, value)) { return false; } } return true; } private static final String TENANT_ID = "tenantId"; private static final String ID = "id"; private static final String CTIME = "ctime"; private static final String TEXT = "text"; private static final String CATEGORY = "category"; private static final String TAGS = "tags."; private static final String EQ = "=="; private static final String NON_EQ = "!="; private static final String STARTS = "starts"; private static final String ENDS = "ends"; private static final String CONTAINS = "contains"; private static final String MATCHES = "matches"; private static final String LT = "<"; private static final String LTE = "<="; private static final String GT = ">"; private static final String GTE = ">="; private boolean processExpression(String expression, Event value) { if (null == expression || expression.isEmpty() || null == value) { return false; } String[] tokens = expression.split(" "); if (tokens.length < 3) { return false; } String eventField = tokens[0]; String operator = tokens[1]; String constant = tokens[2]; for (int i = 3; i < tokens.length; ++i) { constant += " "; constant += tokens[i]; } String sEventValue = null; Long lEventValue = null; String sConstantValue = null; Double dConstantValue = null; if (eventField == null || eventField.isEmpty()) { return false; } if (TENANT_ID.equals(eventField)) { sEventValue = value.getTenantId(); } else if (ID.equals(eventField)) { sEventValue = value.getId(); } else if (CTIME.equals(eventField)) { lEventValue = value.getCtime(); } else if (TEXT.equals(eventField)) { sEventValue = value.getText(); } else if (CATEGORY.equals(eventField)) { sEventValue = value.getCategory(); } else if (eventField.startsWith(TAGS)) { // We get the key from tags.<key> string String key = eventField.substring(5); sEventValue = value.getTags().get(key); } if (sEventValue == null && lEventValue == null) { return false; } if (constant == null) { return false; } int constantLength = constant.length(); if (constant.charAt(0) == '\'' && constant.charAt(constantLength - 1) == '\'') { sConstantValue = constant.substring(1, constantLength - 1); } else if (constant.charAt(0) == '\'' && constant.charAt(constantLength - 1) != '\'') { return false; } else if (constant.charAt(0) != '\'' && constant.charAt(constantLength - 1) == '\'') { return false; } else { dConstantValue = Double.valueOf(constant); } if (EQ.equals(operator)) { if (sEventValue != null && sConstantValue != null) { return sEventValue.equals(sConstantValue); } if (lEventValue != null && dConstantValue != null) { return lEventValue.longValue() == dConstantValue.doubleValue(); } return false; } else if (NON_EQ.equals(operator)) { if (sEventValue != null && sConstantValue != null) { return !sEventValue.equals(sConstantValue); } if (lEventValue != null && dConstantValue != null) { return lEventValue.longValue() != dConstantValue.doubleValue(); } return false; } else if (STARTS.equals(operator)) { if (sEventValue != null && sConstantValue != null) { return sEventValue.startsWith(sConstantValue); } return false; } else if (ENDS.equals(operator)) { if (sEventValue != null && sConstantValue != null) { return sEventValue.endsWith(sConstantValue); } return false; } else if (CONTAINS.equals(operator)) { if (sEventValue != null && sConstantValue != null) { return sEventValue.contains(sConstantValue); } return false; } else if (MATCHES.equals(operator)) { if (sEventValue != null && sConstantValue != null) { return sEventValue.matches(sConstantValue); } return false; } else if (GT.equals(operator)) { Double dEventValue = lEventValue != null ? lEventValue.doubleValue() : null; dEventValue = sEventValue != null ? Double.valueOf(sEventValue) : dEventValue; if (dEventValue != null && dConstantValue != null) { return dEventValue > dConstantValue; } return false; } else if (GTE.equals(operator)) { Double dEventValue = lEventValue != null ? lEventValue.doubleValue() : null; dEventValue = sEventValue != null ? Double.valueOf(sEventValue) : dEventValue; if (dEventValue != null && dConstantValue != null) { return dEventValue >= dConstantValue; } return false; } else if (LT.equals(operator)) { Double dEventValue = lEventValue != null ? lEventValue.doubleValue() : null; dEventValue = sEventValue != null ? Double.valueOf(sEventValue) : dEventValue; if (dEventValue != null && dConstantValue != null) { return dEventValue < dConstantValue; } return false; } else if (LTE.equals(operator)) { Double dEventValue = lEventValue != null ? lEventValue.doubleValue() : null; dEventValue = sEventValue != null ? Double.valueOf(sEventValue) : dEventValue; if (dEventValue != null && dConstantValue != null) { return dEventValue <= dConstantValue; } return false; } return false; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; if (!super.equals(o)) return false; EventCondition that = (EventCondition) o; return !(expression != null ? !expression.equals(that.expression) : that.expression != null); } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = super.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + (expression != null ? expression.hashCode() : 0); return result; } @Override public String toString() { return "EventCondition{" + "dataId='" + dataId + '\'' + ",expression='" + expression + '\'' + '}'; } }