Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2015 The University of York. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * Antonio Garcia-Dominguez - initial API and implementation ******************************************************************************/ package org.hawk.orientdb; import; import; import java.nio.file.FileVisitResult; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.SimpleFileVisitor; import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import org.apache.commons.pool2.BasePooledObjectFactory; import org.apache.commons.pool2.PooledObject; import org.apache.commons.pool2.impl.DefaultPooledObject; import org.apache.commons.pool2.impl.GenericObjectPool; import org.hawk.core.IConsole; import org.hawk.core.IModelIndexer; import org.hawk.core.graph.IGraphDatabase; import org.hawk.core.graph.IGraphEdge; import org.hawk.core.graph.IGraphEdgeIndex; import org.hawk.core.graph.IGraphNode; import org.hawk.core.graph.IGraphNodeIndex; import org.hawk.core.model.IHawkClass; import org.hawk.core.model.IHawkReference; import org.hawk.orientdb.cache.ORecordCacheGuava; import org.hawk.orientdb.indexes.OrientEdgeIndex; import org.hawk.orientdb.indexes.OrientNodeIndex; import org.hawk.orientdb.indexes.OrientNodeIndex.PostponedIndexAdd; import org.hawk.orientdb.util.OrientClusterDocumentIterable; import org.hawk.orientdb.util.OrientNameCleaner; import com.orientechnologies.common.factory.OConfigurableStatefulFactory; import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.Orient; import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.cache.ORecordCache; import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.config.OGlobalConfiguration; import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.db.document.ODatabaseDocumentTx; import; import; import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.intent.OIntentMassiveInsert; import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.metadata.schema.OClass; import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.metadata.schema.OSchemaProxy; import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.record.impl.ODocument; import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.sql.OCommandSQL; import; /** * OrientDB backend for Hawk. It is based on the Document API as it has better * performance than their GraphDB implementation (probably because it tries to * mimic Blueprints too much), but it follows the same conventions as their * GraphDB, so graphs can be queried and viewed as usual. * * This backend uses exactly 1 connection per thread: we advise using this * backend from a bounded number of threads, to avoid having too many * connections. The default Orient connection pools have issues when reusing * instances across queries. */ public class OrientDatabase implements IGraphDatabase { private final class OrientConnectionFactory extends BasePooledObjectFactory<ODatabaseDocumentTx> { @Override public void destroyObject(PooledObject<ODatabaseDocumentTx> pooled) throws Exception { final ODatabaseDocumentTx db = pooled.getObject(); allConns.remove(db); db.activateOnCurrentThread(); db.close(); } @Override public void passivateObject(PooledObject<ODatabaseDocumentTx> p) throws Exception { super.passivateObject(p); allConns.remove(p.getObject()); dbConn.set(null); } @Override public void activateObject(PooledObject<ODatabaseDocumentTx> p) throws Exception { super.activateObject(p); final ODatabaseDocumentTx db = p.getObject(); allConns.add(db); dbConn.set(db); db.activateOnCurrentThread(); } @Override public ODatabaseDocumentTx create() throws Exception { ODatabaseDocumentTx db = new ODatabaseDocumentTx(dbURL); if (exists(db)) {"admin", "admin"); } db.declareIntent(new OIntentMassiveInsert()); return db; } @Override public PooledObject<ODatabaseDocumentTx> wrap(ODatabaseDocumentTx db) { return new DefaultPooledObject<>(db); } } /** Name of the Orient document class for edges. */ private static final String EDGE_TYPE_PREFIX = "E_"; /** Vertex class for the Hawk index store. */ private static final String VCLASS = "hawkIndexStore"; /** Prefix for qualifying all vertex types (edge and vertex types share same namespace). */ static final String VERTEX_TYPE_PREFIX = "V_"; /** Name of the metamodel index. */ static final String METAMODEL_IDX_NAME = "hawkMetamodelIndex"; /** Name of the file index. */ static final String FILE_IDX_NAME = "hawkFileIndex"; private static final String SIZE_THRESHOLD_PROPERTY = "hawk.orient.periodicSaveThreshold"; private static final int DEFAULT_SIZE_THRESHOLD = 200_000; /** * Size threshold for doing a periodic save (needed to avoid hitting disk * with constant writes in non-transactional mode). Higher increases * performance, at the cost of using more memory. */ private static final int SIZE_THRESHOLD; static { final String sPropThreshold = System.getProperty(SIZE_THRESHOLD_PROPERTY); int threshold = DEFAULT_SIZE_THRESHOLD; if (sPropThreshold != null) { try { threshold = Integer.valueOf(sPropThreshold); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { System.err.println(String.format("Invalid value for -D%s: '%s' is not an integer", SIZE_THRESHOLD_PROPERTY, sPropThreshold)); } } SIZE_THRESHOLD = threshold; } private File storageFolder; private File tempFolder; private IConsole console; private IGraphNodeIndex metamodelIndex; private IGraphNodeIndex fileIndex; private Mode currentMode; private Map<String, OrientNode> dirtyNodes = new HashMap<>(SIZE_THRESHOLD); private Map<String, OrientEdge> dirtyEdges = new HashMap<>(SIZE_THRESHOLD); // Currently held database connection in this thread (may be released) private final ThreadLocal<ODatabaseDocumentTx> dbConn = new ThreadLocal<>(); // Database connection pool (to limit memory usage by concurrent threads) // - semaphore blocks threads until connections are released // - the pool is a simple concurrent queue // - allConns keeps a list of all the connections available, e.g. for global shutdown/cache invalidation // - system property allows for limiting the number of connections per Orient backend (default is processors*2) private GenericObjectPool<ODatabaseDocumentTx> pool; private final Set<ODatabaseDocumentTx> allConns = Collections.newSetFromMap( new ConcurrentHashMap<ODatabaseDocumentTx, Boolean>(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() * 2, 0.9f, 1)); private static final String POOL_SIZE_PROPERTY = "hawk.orient.maxConnections"; protected String dbURL; private Set<OrientNodeIndex> postponedIndexes = new HashSet<>(); private OrientIndexStore indexStore; @Override public String getPath() { return storageFolder.getPath(); } @Override public void run(File parentfolder, IConsole c) { try { run("plocal:" + parentfolder.getAbsolutePath(), parentfolder, c); } catch (Exception e) { c.printerrln(e); } } public void run(String iURL, File parentfolder, IConsole c) throws Exception { this.storageFolder = parentfolder; this.tempFolder = new File(storageFolder, "temp"); this.console = c; OGlobalConfiguration.OBJECT_SAVE_ONLY_DIRTY.setValue(true); OGlobalConfiguration.SBTREE_MAX_KEY_SIZE.setValue(102_400); // Add a Guava-based Orient cache as default unless user specified something else @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") OConfigurableStatefulFactory<String, ORecordCache> factory = (OConfigurableStatefulFactory<String, ORecordCache>) Orient .instance().getLocalRecordCache(); factory.register(ORecordCacheGuava.class.getName(), ORecordCacheGuava.class); if (System.getProperty(OGlobalConfiguration.CACHE_LOCAL_IMPL.getKey()) == null) { OGlobalConfiguration.CACHE_LOCAL_IMPL.setValue(ORecordCacheGuava.class.getName()); } console.println("Starting database " + iURL); this.dbURL = iURL; pool = new GenericObjectPool<>(new OrientConnectionFactory()); pool.setMinIdle(0); pool.setMaxIdle(2); pool.setMaxTotal(getPoolSize()); pool.setMinEvictableIdleTimeMillis(20_000); pool.setBlockWhenExhausted(true); metamodelIndex = getOrCreateNodeIndex(METAMODEL_IDX_NAME); fileIndex = getOrCreateNodeIndex(FILE_IDX_NAME); // By default, we're on transactional mode exitBatchMode(); } protected int getPoolSize() { int poolSize = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() * 2; String sPoolSize = System.getProperty(POOL_SIZE_PROPERTY); if (sPoolSize != null) { try { poolSize = Math.max(1, Integer.valueOf(sPoolSize)); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { System.err.println(String.format("%s has invalid value '%s': falling back to %d", POOL_SIZE_PROPERTY, sPoolSize, poolSize)); } } return poolSize; } @Override public void shutdown() throws Exception { shutdown(false); } @Override public void delete() throws Exception { shutdown(true); } private void shutdown(boolean delete) throws Exception { if (pool.isClosed()) { return; } ODatabaseDocumentTx db = getGraphNoCreate(); if (delete) { discardDirty(); } else { saveDirty(); } synchronized (allConns) { // Close all other connections for (ODatabaseDocumentTx conn : allConns) { if (conn != db) { pool.invalidateObject(conn); } } dbConn.get().activateOnCurrentThread(); /* * We want to completely close the database (e.g. so we can delete * the directory later from the Hawk UI). */ final OStorage storage = db.getStorage(); if (delete) { db.drop(); } else { db.close(); } storage.close(true, false); Orient.instance().unregisterStorage(storage); pool.invalidateObject(db); if (delete && storageFolder != null) { try { deleteRecursively(storageFolder); } catch (IOException e) { console.printerrln(e); } } pool.clear(); } metamodelIndex = fileIndex = null; storageFolder = tempFolder = null; } @Override public IGraphNodeIndex getOrCreateNodeIndex(String name) { return new OrientNodeIndex(name, this); } @Override public IGraphEdgeIndex getOrCreateEdgeIndex(String name) { return new OrientEdgeIndex(name, this); } @Override public IGraphNodeIndex getMetamodelIndex() { return metamodelIndex; } @Override public IGraphNodeIndex getFileIndex() { return fileIndex; } @Override public OrientTransaction beginTransaction() { if (!getGraph().getTransaction().isActive()) { exitBatchMode(); } return new OrientTransaction(this); } @Override public boolean isTransactional() { return true; } @Override public void enterBatchMode() { ODatabaseDocumentTx db = getGraph(); if (db.getTransaction().isActive()) { saveDirty(); getGraph().commit(); } ensureWALSetTo(false); db = getGraph(); currentMode = Mode.NO_TX_MODE; } /** * Closes the connection currently open to the DB in the current thread. */ protected void releaseConnection() { final ODatabaseDocumentTx db = dbConn.get(); if (db != null) { if (db.getTransaction().isActive()) { db.getTransaction().close(); } pool.returnObject(db); } } private void ensureWALSetTo(final boolean useWAL) { if (useWAL != OGlobalConfiguration.USE_WAL.getValueAsBoolean()) { final ODatabaseDocumentTx db = getGraph(); final OStorage storage = db.getStorage(); releaseConnection(); synchronized (allConns) { for (ODatabaseDocumentTx conn : allConns) { try { pool.invalidateObject(conn); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } pool.clear(); } storage.close(true, false); OGlobalConfiguration.USE_WAL.setValue(useWAL); } } public void saveDirty() { for (Iterator<OrientNode> itNode = dirtyNodes.values().iterator(); itNode.hasNext();) { OrientNode on =;; itNode.remove(); } for (Iterator<OrientEdge> itEdge = dirtyEdges.values().iterator(); itEdge.hasNext();) { OrientEdge oe =;; itEdge.remove(); } } @Override public void exitBatchMode() { final ODatabaseDocumentTx db = getGraph(); if (!db.getTransaction().isActive()) { saveDirty(); getGraph().commit(); ensureWALSetTo(true); // this reopens the DB, so it *must* go before db.begin() } currentMode = Mode.TX_MODE; } @Override public OrientNodeIterable allNodes(String label) { final String vertexTypeName = getVertexTypeName(label); return new OrientNodeIterable(new OrientClusterDocumentIterable(vertexTypeName, this), this); } @Override public OrientNode createNode(Map<String, Object> properties, String label) { final String vertexTypeName = getVertexTypeName(label); ensureClassExists(vertexTypeName, "V", null); return createDocument(properties, vertexTypeName); } @Override public OrientNode createNode(Map<String, Object> properties, String label, IHawkClass schema) { final String midVertexTypeName = getVertexTypeName(label); final String vertexTypeName = getVertexTypeName(midVertexTypeName, schema); ensureClassExists(midVertexTypeName, "V", null); ensureClassExists(vertexTypeName, midVertexTypeName, schema); return createDocument(properties, vertexTypeName); } protected OrientNode createDocument(Map<String, Object> properties, final String vertexTypeName) { ODocument newDoc = new ODocument(vertexTypeName); if (properties != null) { OrientNode.setProperties(newDoc, properties); }; if (newDoc.getIdentity().isPersistent()) { return new OrientNode(newDoc.getIdentity(), this); } else { return new OrientNode(newDoc, this); } } @Override public void registerNodeClass(String label, IHawkClass hClass) { final String midVertexTypeName = getVertexTypeName(label); final String vertexTypeName = getVertexTypeName(midVertexTypeName, hClass); ensureClassExists(midVertexTypeName, "V", null); ensureClassExists(vertexTypeName, midVertexTypeName, hClass); } private void ensureClassExists(final String className, final String baseClass, final IHawkClass hClass) { ODatabaseDocumentTx db = getGraph(); final OSchemaProxy schema = db.getMetadata().getSchema(); OClass oClass = schema.getClass(className); if (oClass == null) { final boolean wasInTX = db.getTransaction().isActive(); if (wasInTX) { console.printerrln("Warning: premature commit needed to create/alter class " + className); saveDirty(); getGraph().commit(); } /* * In order to be treated by OrientDB's query layer as a vertex (e.g. the "Graph" viewer * in the OrientDB Studio), the vertex classes need to have V as a superclass and refer * to outgoing edges as out_X and incoming edges as in_X. All edge documents must then * belong to E or a subclass of and use out and in for the source and target of the edge. */ if (oClass == null) { oClass = schema.createClass(className); } if (className.startsWith(VERTEX_TYPE_PREFIX)) { OClass baseVertexClass = schema.getClass(baseClass); if (baseVertexClass == null) { baseVertexClass = schema.createClass(baseClass); baseVertexClass.setOverSize(2); } oClass.addSuperClass(baseVertexClass); OrientNode.setupDocumentClass(oClass, hClass); if (hClass != null) { for (IHawkReference ref : hClass.getAllReferences()) { if (ref.isContainer() || ref.isContainment()) { String edgeClassName = getEdgeTypeName(ref.getName()); if (!schema.existsClass(edgeClassName)) { OClass edgeClass = schema.createClass(edgeClassName); OrientEdge.setupDocumentClass(edgeClass); } } } } } else if (EDGE_TYPE_PREFIX.equals(className)) { OrientEdge.setupDocumentClass(oClass); } if (wasInTX) { db.begin(); } } } @Override public IGraphEdge createRelationship(IGraphNode start, IGraphNode end, String type) { Map<String, Object> props = Collections.emptyMap(); return createRelationship(start, end, type, props); } @Override public IGraphEdge createRelationship(IGraphNode start, IGraphNode end, String type, Map<String, Object> props) { final OrientNode oStart = (OrientNode) start; final OrientNode oEnd = (OrientNode) end; final String edgeTypeName = getEdgeTypeName(type); if (props != null && !props.isEmpty()) { // Edges with properties are stored as actual documents, so they need a doc class ensureClassExists(edgeTypeName, "E", null); } IGraphEdge newEdge = OrientEdge.create(this, oStart, oEnd, type, edgeTypeName, props); saveIfBig(); return newEdge; } private void saveIfBig() { final int totalSize = dirtyNodes.size() + dirtyEdges.size(); if (totalSize > SIZE_THRESHOLD) { saveDirty(); // We did a big save - invalidate all the other caches for (ODatabaseDocumentTx conn : allConns) { conn.activateOnCurrentThread(); conn.getLocalCache().invalidate(); } dbConn.get().activateOnCurrentThread(); } } private String getVertexTypeName(String prefix, IHawkClass klass) { if (klass == null) { return prefix; } else { return prefix + "_" + klass.getPackageNSURI().hashCode() + "_" + OrientNameCleaner.escapeClass(klass.getName()); } } private String getVertexTypeName(String label) { return VERTEX_TYPE_PREFIX + OrientNameCleaner.escapeClass(label); } private String getEdgeTypeName(String label) { // We don't need edge classes, as there is no allEdges(...) method: // this reduces the amount of times we may need to switch back to // batch mode if we need to add a new edge type (very common during // proxy resolving). return EDGE_TYPE_PREFIX + OrientNameCleaner.escapeClass(label); } @Override public ODatabaseDocumentTx getGraph() { ODatabaseDocumentTx db = getGraphNoCreate(); if (!exists(db)) { db.create(); // Enable lightweight edges by default db.command(new OCommandSQL("ALTER DATABASE CUSTOM useLightweightEdges = true")).execute(); } return db; } /** * Returns <code>true</code> if the database exists, <code>false</code> * otherwise. */ protected boolean exists(ODatabaseDocumentTx db) { return db.exists(); } protected ODatabaseDocumentTx getGraphNoCreate() { final ODatabaseDocumentTx conn = dbConn.get(); if (conn != null) { conn.activateOnCurrentThread(); if (!conn.isClosed()) { return conn; } } try { return pool.borrowObject(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } @Override public OrientNode getNodeById(Object id) { if (id instanceof String) { id = new ORecordId(id.toString()); } String sID = id instanceof ODocument ? ((ODocument) id).getIdentity().toString() : id.toString(); OrientNode dirtyNode = dirtyNodes.get(sID); if (dirtyNode != null) { return dirtyNode; } else if (id instanceof ODocument) { return new OrientNode((ODocument) id, this); } else { return new OrientNode((ORID) id, this); } } public OrientEdge getEdgeById(Object id) { if (id instanceof String) { id = new ORecordId(id.toString()); } String sID = id instanceof ODocument ? ((ODocument) id).getIdentity().toString() : id.toString(); OrientEdge dirtyEdge = dirtyEdges.get(sID); if (dirtyEdge != null) { return dirtyEdge; } else if (id instanceof ODocument) { return new OrientEdge((ODocument) id, this); } else { return new OrientEdge((ORID) id, this); } } @Override public boolean nodeIndexExists(String name) { return getIndexStore().getNodeIndexNames().contains(name); } @Override public boolean edgeIndexExists(String name) { return getIndexStore().getEdgeIndexNames().contains(name); } @Override public String getType() { return OrientDatabase.class.getCanonicalName(); } @Override public String getHumanReadableName() { return "OrientDB"; } @Override public String getTempDir() { return tempFolder.getAbsolutePath(); } @Override public File logFull() throws Exception { File logFolder = new File(storageFolder, "logs"); logFolder.mkdir(); // TODO print something here return logFolder; } @Override public Mode currentMode() { return currentMode; } @Override public Set<String> getNodeIndexNames() { return new HashSet<String>(getIndexStore().getNodeIndexNames()); } @Override public Set<String> getEdgeIndexNames() { return new HashSet<String>(getIndexStore().getEdgeIndexNames()); } @Override public Set<String> getKnownMMUris() { final Set<String> mmURIs = new HashSet<>(); for (IGraphNode node : getMetamodelIndex().query("*", "*")) { String mmURI = (String) node.getProperty(IModelIndexer.IDENTIFIER_PROPERTY); mmURIs.add(mmURI); } return mmURIs; } public OrientIndexStore getIndexStore() { if (indexStore != null) { return indexStore; } ODocument idIndexStore = getGraph().getDictionary().get(VCLASS); OrientNode vIndexStore; if (idIndexStore == null) { final HashMap<String, Object> idxStoreProps = new HashMap<>(); vIndexStore = createNode(idxStoreProps, VCLASS); getGraph().getDictionary().put(VCLASS, vIndexStore.getDocument()); indexStore = new OrientIndexStore(vIndexStore); } else { indexStore = new OrientIndexStore(new OrientNode(idIndexStore.getIdentity(), this)); } return indexStore; } private static void deleteRecursively(File f) throws IOException { if (!f.exists()) return; Files.walkFileTree(f.toPath(), new SimpleFileVisitor<Path>() { @Override public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException { Files.delete(file); return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } @Override public FileVisitResult postVisitDirectory(Path dir, IOException exc) throws IOException { Files.delete(dir); return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } }); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> T getElementById(ORID id, Class<T> klass) { if (klass == OrientEdge.class || klass == IGraphEdge.class) { return (T) getEdgeById(id); } else if (klass == OrientNode.class || klass == IGraphNode.class) { return (T) getNodeById(id); } else { return null; } } public void markNodeAsDirty(OrientNode orientNode) { final ORID id = orientNode.getId(); dirtyNodes.put(id.toString(), orientNode); deleteFromAllCaches(id); saveIfBig(); } public void unmarkNodeAsDirty(OrientNode orientNode) { dirtyNodes.remove(orientNode.getId()); } public void markEdgeAsDirty(OrientEdge orientEdge) { final ORID id = orientEdge.getId(); dirtyEdges.put(id.toString(), orientEdge); deleteFromAllCaches(id); saveIfBig(); } public void unmarkEdgeAsDirty(OrientEdge orientEdge) { dirtyEdges.remove(orientEdge.getId()); } public void discardDirty() { dirtyNodes.clear(); dirtyEdges.clear(); } protected void deleteFromAllCaches(final ORID id) { for (ODatabaseDocumentTx conn : allConns) { conn.activateOnCurrentThread(); conn.getLocalCache().deleteRecord(id); } dbConn.get().activateOnCurrentThread(); } public IConsole getConsole() { return console; } public void addPostponedIndex(OrientNodeIndex orientNodeIndex) { postponedIndexes.add(orientNodeIndex); } public void clearPostponedIndexes() { for (OrientNodeIndex idx : postponedIndexes) { idx.getPostponedIndexAdditions().clear(); } postponedIndexes.clear(); } public void processPostponedIndexes() { if (postponedIndexes.isEmpty()) { return; } for (OrientNodeIndex idx : postponedIndexes) { for (PostponedIndexAdd addition : idx.getPostponedIndexAdditions()) { addition.getIndex().put(addition.getKey(), addition.getValue()); } idx.getPostponedIndexAdditions().clear(); } } }