Java tutorial
/* * h2spatial is a library that brings spatial support to the H2 Java database. * * h2spatial is distributed under GPL 3 license. It is produced by the "Atelier SIG" * team of the IRSTV Institute <> CNRS FR 2488. * * Copyright (C) 2007-2014 IRSTV (FR CNRS 2488) * * h2patial is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * h2spatial is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * h2spatial. If not, see <>. * * For more information, please consult: <> * or contact directly: * info_at_ */ package org.h2gis.drivers.osm; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.GeometryFactory; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.PrecisionModel; import org.apache.commons.compress.compressors.bzip2.BZip2CompressorInputStream; import org.h2.api.ErrorCode; import org.h2gis.h2spatialapi.EmptyProgressVisitor; import org.h2gis.h2spatialapi.ProgressVisitor; import org.h2gis.utilities.JDBCUtilities; import org.h2gis.utilities.TableLocation; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.XMLReader; import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler; import org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLReaderFactory; import; import; import; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Types; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; /** * Parse an OSM file and store the elements into a database. The database model * contains 10 tables. * * * @author Erwan Bocher */ public class OSMParser extends DefaultHandler { //Suffix table names private static final String TAG = "_tag"; private static final String NODE = "_node"; private static final String WAY = "_way"; private static final String NODE_TAG = "_node_tag"; private static final String WAY_TAG = "_way_tag"; private static final String WAY_NODE = "_way_node"; private static final String RELATION = "_relation"; private static final String RELATION_TAG = "_relation_tag"; private static final String NODE_MEMBER = "_node_member"; private static final String WAY_MEMBER = "_way_member"; private static final String RELATION_MEMBER = "_relation_member"; // Set the same batch size as OSMOSIS // 1000 lines is 73 kb for node insert private static final int BATCH_SIZE = 1000; private PreparedStatement nodePreparedStmt; private PreparedStatement nodeTagPreparedStmt; private PreparedStatement wayPreparedStmt; private PreparedStatement wayTagPreparedStmt; private PreparedStatement relationPreparedStmt; private PreparedStatement relationTagPreparedStmt; private PreparedStatement nodeMemberPreparedStmt; private PreparedStatement wayMemberPreparedStmt; private PreparedStatement relationMemberPreparedStmt; private PreparedStatement wayNodePreparedStmt; private int nodePreparedStmtBatchSize = 0; private int nodeTagPreparedStmtBatchSize = 0; private int wayPreparedStmtBatchSize = 0; private int wayTagPreparedStmtBatchSize = 0; private int relationPreparedStmtBatchSize = 0; private int relationTagPreparedStmtBatchSize = 0; private int nodeMemberPreparedStmtBatchSize = 0; private int wayMemberPreparedStmtBatchSize = 0; private int relationMemberPreparedStmtBatchSize = 0; private int wayNodePreparedStmtBatchSize = 0; private Set<String> insertedTagsKeys = new HashSet<String>(); private int idMemberOrder = 1; private TAG_LOCATION tagLocation; private final GeometryFactory gf = new GeometryFactory(new PrecisionModel(), 4326); private NodeOSMElement nodeOSMElement; private WayOSMElement wayOSMElement; private OSMElement relationOSMElement; private ProgressVisitor progress = new EmptyProgressVisitor(); private FileChannel fc; private long fileSize = 0; private long readFileSizeEachNode = 1; private long nodeCountProgress = 0; private PreparedStatement tagPreparedStmt; // For progression information return private static final int AVERAGE_NODE_SIZE = 500; private static String TAG_DUPLICATE_EXCEPTION = String.valueOf(ErrorCode.DUPLICATE_KEY_1); public OSMParser() { } /** * Read the OSM file and create its corresponding tables. * * @param inputFile * @param tableName * @param connection * @param progress * @return * @throws SQLException */ public boolean read(Connection connection, String tableName, File inputFile, ProgressVisitor progress) throws SQLException { this.progress = progress.subProcess(100); // Initialisation final boolean isH2 = JDBCUtilities.isH2DataBase(connection.getMetaData()); boolean success = false; TableLocation requestedTable = TableLocation.parse(tableName, isH2); String osmTableName = requestedTable.getTable(); checkOSMTables(connection, isH2, requestedTable, osmTableName); createOSMDatabaseModel(connection, isH2, requestedTable, osmTableName); FileInputStream fs = null; try { fs = new FileInputStream(inputFile); this.fc = fs.getChannel(); this.fileSize = fc.size(); // Given the file size and an average node file size. // Skip how many nodes in order to update progression at a step of 1% readFileSizeEachNode = Math.max(1, (this.fileSize / AVERAGE_NODE_SIZE) / 100); nodeCountProgress = 0; XMLReader parser = XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader(); parser.setErrorHandler(this); parser.setContentHandler(this); if (inputFile.getName().endsWith(".osm")) { parser.parse(new InputSource(fs)); } else if (inputFile.getName().endsWith(".osm.gz")) { parser.parse(new InputSource(new GZIPInputStream(fs))); } else if (inputFile.getName().endsWith(".osm.bz2")) { parser.parse(new InputSource(new BZip2CompressorInputStream(fs))); } success = true; } catch (SAXException ex) { throw new SQLException(ex); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new SQLException("Cannot parse the file " + inputFile.getAbsolutePath(), ex); } finally { try { if (fs != null) { fs.close(); } } catch (IOException ex) { throw new SQLException("Cannot close the file " + inputFile.getAbsolutePath(), ex); } // When the reading ends, close() method has to be called if (nodePreparedStmt != null) { nodePreparedStmt.close(); } if (nodeTagPreparedStmt != null) { nodeTagPreparedStmt.close(); } if (wayPreparedStmt != null) { wayPreparedStmt.close(); } if (wayTagPreparedStmt != null) { wayTagPreparedStmt.close(); } if (wayNodePreparedStmt != null) { wayNodePreparedStmt.close(); } if (relationPreparedStmt != null) { relationPreparedStmt.close(); } if (relationTagPreparedStmt != null) { relationTagPreparedStmt.close(); } if (nodeMemberPreparedStmt != null) { nodeMemberPreparedStmt.close(); } if (wayMemberPreparedStmt != null) { wayMemberPreparedStmt.close(); } if (relationMemberPreparedStmt != null) { relationMemberPreparedStmt.close(); } if (tagPreparedStmt != null) { tagPreparedStmt.close(); } } return success; } /** * Check if one table already exists * * @param connection * @param isH2 * @param requestedTable * @param osmTableName * @throws SQLException */ private void checkOSMTables(Connection connection, boolean isH2, TableLocation requestedTable, String osmTableName) throws SQLException { String[] omsTables = new String[] { TAG, NODE, NODE_TAG, WAY, WAY_NODE, WAY_TAG, RELATION, RELATION_TAG, NODE_MEMBER, WAY_MEMBER, RELATION_MEMBER }; for (String omsTableSuffix : omsTables) { String osmTable = caseIdentifier(requestedTable, osmTableName + omsTableSuffix, isH2); if (JDBCUtilities.tableExists(connection, osmTable)) { throw new SQLException("The table " + osmTable + " already exists."); } } } /** * Return the table identifier in the best fit depending on database type * * @param requestedTable Catalog and schema used * @param tableName Table without quotes * @param isH2 True if H2, false if PostGRES * @return Find table identifier */ private static String caseIdentifier(TableLocation requestedTable, String tableName, boolean isH2) { return new TableLocation(requestedTable.getCatalog(), requestedTable.getSchema(), TableLocation.parse(tableName, isH2).getTable()).toString(); } /** * Create the OMS data model to store the content of the file * * @param connection * @param isH2 * @param requestedTable * @param osmTableName * @throws SQLException */ private void createOSMDatabaseModel(Connection connection, boolean isH2, TableLocation requestedTable, String osmTableName) throws SQLException { String tagTableName = caseIdentifier(requestedTable, osmTableName + TAG, isH2); tagPreparedStmt = OSMTablesFactory.createTagTable(connection, tagTableName); String nodeTableName = caseIdentifier(requestedTable, osmTableName + NODE, isH2); nodePreparedStmt = OSMTablesFactory.createNodeTable(connection, nodeTableName, isH2); String nodeTagTableName = caseIdentifier(requestedTable, osmTableName + NODE_TAG, isH2); nodeTagPreparedStmt = OSMTablesFactory.createNodeTagTable(connection, nodeTagTableName, tagTableName); String wayTableName = caseIdentifier(requestedTable, osmTableName + WAY, isH2); wayPreparedStmt = OSMTablesFactory.createWayTable(connection, wayTableName, isH2); String wayTagTableName = caseIdentifier(requestedTable, osmTableName + WAY_TAG, isH2); wayTagPreparedStmt = OSMTablesFactory.createWayTagTable(connection, wayTagTableName, tagTableName); String wayNodeTableName = caseIdentifier(requestedTable, osmTableName + WAY_NODE, isH2); wayNodePreparedStmt = OSMTablesFactory.createWayNodeTable(connection, wayNodeTableName); String relationTableName = caseIdentifier(requestedTable, osmTableName + RELATION, isH2); relationPreparedStmt = OSMTablesFactory.createRelationTable(connection, relationTableName); String relationTagTableName = caseIdentifier(requestedTable, osmTableName + RELATION_TAG, isH2); relationTagPreparedStmt = OSMTablesFactory.createRelationTagTable(connection, relationTagTableName, tagTableName); String nodeMemberTableName = caseIdentifier(requestedTable, osmTableName + NODE_MEMBER, isH2); nodeMemberPreparedStmt = OSMTablesFactory.createNodeMemberTable(connection, nodeMemberTableName); String wayMemberTableName = caseIdentifier(requestedTable, osmTableName + WAY_MEMBER, isH2); wayMemberPreparedStmt = OSMTablesFactory.createWayMemberTable(connection, wayMemberTableName); String relationMemberTableName = caseIdentifier(requestedTable, osmTableName + RELATION_MEMBER, isH2); relationMemberPreparedStmt = OSMTablesFactory.createRelationMemberTable(connection, relationMemberTableName); } @Override public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes) throws SAXException { String type = attributes.getValue("type"); if (progress.isCanceled()) { throw new SAXException("Canceled by user"); } if (localName.compareToIgnoreCase("node") == 0) { nodeOSMElement = new NodeOSMElement(Double.valueOf(attributes.getValue("lat")), Double.valueOf(attributes.getValue("lon"))); setCommonsAttributes(nodeOSMElement, attributes); tagLocation = TAG_LOCATION.NODE; } else if (localName.compareToIgnoreCase("way") == 0) { wayOSMElement = new WayOSMElement(); setCommonsAttributes(wayOSMElement, attributes); tagLocation = TAG_LOCATION.WAY; } else if (localName.compareToIgnoreCase("tag") == 0) { String key = attributes.getValue("k"); String value = attributes.getValue("v"); boolean insertTag = true; switch (tagLocation) { case NODE: insertTag = nodeOSMElement.addTag(key, value); break; case WAY: insertTag = wayOSMElement.addTag(key, value); break; case RELATION: insertTag = relationOSMElement.addTag(key, value); break; } try { if (insertTag && !insertedTagsKeys.contains(key)) { tagPreparedStmt.setObject(1, key); tagPreparedStmt.execute(); insertedTagsKeys.add(key); } } catch (SQLException ex) { if (ex.getErrorCode() != ErrorCode.DUPLICATE_KEY_1 && !TAG_DUPLICATE_EXCEPTION.equals(ex.getSQLState())) { throw new SAXException("Cannot insert the tag : {" + key + " , " + value + "}", ex); } } } else if (localName.compareToIgnoreCase("nd") == 0) { wayOSMElement.addRef(attributes.getValue("ref")); } else if (localName.compareToIgnoreCase("relation") == 0) { relationOSMElement = new OSMElement(); setCommonsAttributes(relationOSMElement, attributes); tagLocation = TAG_LOCATION.RELATION; } else if (localName.compareToIgnoreCase("member") == 0) { if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("node")) { try { nodeMemberPreparedStmt.setObject(1, relationOSMElement.getID()); nodeMemberPreparedStmt.setObject(2, Long.valueOf(attributes.getValue("ref"))); nodeMemberPreparedStmt.setObject(3, attributes.getValue("role")); nodeMemberPreparedStmt.setObject(4, idMemberOrder); nodeMemberPreparedStmt.addBatch(); nodeMemberPreparedStmtBatchSize++; } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new SAXException( "Cannot insert the node member for the relation : " + relationOSMElement.getID(), ex); } } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("way")) { try { wayMemberPreparedStmt.setObject(1, relationOSMElement.getID()); wayMemberPreparedStmt.setObject(2, Long.valueOf(attributes.getValue("ref"))); wayMemberPreparedStmt.setObject(3, attributes.getValue("role")); wayMemberPreparedStmt.setObject(4, idMemberOrder); wayMemberPreparedStmt.addBatch(); wayMemberPreparedStmtBatchSize++; } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new SAXException( "Cannot insert the way member for the relation : " + relationOSMElement.getID(), ex); } } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("relation")) { try { relationMemberPreparedStmt.setObject(1, relationOSMElement.getID()); relationMemberPreparedStmt.setObject(2, Long.valueOf(attributes.getValue("ref"))); relationMemberPreparedStmt.setObject(3, attributes.getValue("role")); relationMemberPreparedStmt.setObject(4, idMemberOrder); relationMemberPreparedStmt.addBatch(); relationMemberPreparedStmtBatchSize++; } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new SAXException( "Cannot insert the relation member for the relation : " + relationOSMElement.getID(), ex); } } } } @Override public void endDocument() throws SAXException { // Execute remaining batch try { nodePreparedStmtBatchSize = insertBatch(nodePreparedStmt, nodePreparedStmtBatchSize, 1); nodeTagPreparedStmtBatchSize = insertBatch(nodeTagPreparedStmt, nodeTagPreparedStmtBatchSize, 1); wayPreparedStmtBatchSize = insertBatch(wayPreparedStmt, wayPreparedStmtBatchSize, 1); wayTagPreparedStmtBatchSize = insertBatch(wayTagPreparedStmt, wayTagPreparedStmtBatchSize, 1); relationPreparedStmtBatchSize = insertBatch(relationPreparedStmt, relationPreparedStmtBatchSize, 1); relationTagPreparedStmtBatchSize = insertBatch(relationTagPreparedStmt, relationTagPreparedStmtBatchSize, 1); nodeMemberPreparedStmtBatchSize = insertBatch(nodeMemberPreparedStmt, nodeMemberPreparedStmtBatchSize, 1); wayMemberPreparedStmtBatchSize = insertBatch(wayMemberPreparedStmt, wayMemberPreparedStmtBatchSize, 1); relationMemberPreparedStmtBatchSize = insertBatch(relationMemberPreparedStmt, relationMemberPreparedStmtBatchSize, 1); wayNodePreparedStmtBatchSize = insertBatch(wayNodePreparedStmt, wayNodePreparedStmtBatchSize, 1); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new SAXException("Could not insert sql batch", ex); } } @Override public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException { if (localName.compareToIgnoreCase("node") == 0) { tagLocation = TAG_LOCATION.OTHER; try { nodePreparedStmt.setObject(1, nodeOSMElement.getID()); nodePreparedStmt.setObject(2, nodeOSMElement.getPoint(gf)); nodePreparedStmt.setObject(3, nodeOSMElement.getElevation()); nodePreparedStmt.setObject(4, nodeOSMElement.getUser()); nodePreparedStmt.setObject(5, nodeOSMElement.getUID()); nodePreparedStmt.setObject(6, nodeOSMElement.getVisible()); nodePreparedStmt.setObject(7, nodeOSMElement.getVersion()); nodePreparedStmt.setObject(8, nodeOSMElement.getChangeSet()); nodePreparedStmt.setObject(9, nodeOSMElement.getTimeStamp(), Types.DATE); nodePreparedStmt.setString(10, nodeOSMElement.getName()); nodePreparedStmt.addBatch(); nodePreparedStmtBatchSize++; HashMap<String, String> tags = nodeOSMElement.getTags(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : tags.entrySet()) { nodeTagPreparedStmt.setObject(1, nodeOSMElement.getID()); nodeTagPreparedStmt.setObject(2, entry.getKey()); nodeTagPreparedStmt.setObject(3, entry.getValue()); nodeTagPreparedStmt.addBatch(); nodeTagPreparedStmtBatchSize++; } } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new SAXException("Cannot insert the node : " + nodeOSMElement.getID(), ex); } } else if (localName.compareToIgnoreCase("way") == 0) { tagLocation = TAG_LOCATION.OTHER; try { wayPreparedStmt.setObject(1, wayOSMElement.getID()); wayPreparedStmt.setObject(2, wayOSMElement.getUser()); wayPreparedStmt.setObject(3, wayOSMElement.getUID()); wayPreparedStmt.setObject(4, wayOSMElement.getVisible()); wayPreparedStmt.setObject(5, wayOSMElement.getVersion()); wayPreparedStmt.setObject(6, wayOSMElement.getChangeSet()); wayPreparedStmt.setTimestamp(7, wayOSMElement.getTimeStamp()); wayPreparedStmt.setString(8, wayOSMElement.getName()); wayPreparedStmt.addBatch(); wayPreparedStmtBatchSize++; HashMap<String, String> tags = wayOSMElement.getTags(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : tags.entrySet()) { wayTagPreparedStmt.setObject(1, wayOSMElement.getID()); wayTagPreparedStmt.setObject(2, entry.getKey()); wayTagPreparedStmt.setObject(3, entry.getValue()); wayTagPreparedStmt.addBatch(); wayTagPreparedStmtBatchSize++; } int order = 1; for (long ref : wayOSMElement.getNodesRef()) { wayNodePreparedStmt.setObject(1, wayOSMElement.getID()); wayNodePreparedStmt.setObject(2, ref); wayNodePreparedStmt.setObject(3, order++); wayNodePreparedStmt.addBatch(); wayNodePreparedStmtBatchSize++; } } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new SAXException("Cannot insert the way : " + wayOSMElement.getID(), ex); } } else if (localName.compareToIgnoreCase("relation") == 0) { tagLocation = TAG_LOCATION.OTHER; try { relationPreparedStmt.setObject(1, relationOSMElement.getID()); relationPreparedStmt.setObject(2, relationOSMElement.getUser()); relationPreparedStmt.setObject(3, relationOSMElement.getUID()); relationPreparedStmt.setObject(4, relationOSMElement.getVisible()); relationPreparedStmt.setObject(5, relationOSMElement.getVersion()); relationPreparedStmt.setObject(6, relationOSMElement.getChangeSet()); relationPreparedStmt.setTimestamp(7, relationOSMElement.getTimeStamp()); relationPreparedStmt.addBatch(); relationPreparedStmtBatchSize++; HashMap<String, String> tags = relationOSMElement.getTags(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : tags.entrySet()) { relationTagPreparedStmt.setObject(1, relationOSMElement.getID()); relationTagPreparedStmt.setObject(2, entry.getKey()); relationTagPreparedStmt.setObject(3, entry.getValue()); relationTagPreparedStmt.addBatch(); relationTagPreparedStmtBatchSize++; } idMemberOrder = 0; } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new SAXException("Cannot insert the relation : " + relationOSMElement.getID(), ex); } } else if (localName.compareToIgnoreCase("member") == 0) { idMemberOrder++; } try { insertBatch(); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new SAXException("Could not insert sql batch", ex); } if (nodeCountProgress++ % readFileSizeEachNode == 0) { // Update Progress try { progress.setStep((int) (((double) fc.position() / fileSize) * 100)); } catch (IOException ex) { // Ignore } } } private void insertBatch() throws SQLException { nodePreparedStmtBatchSize = insertBatch(nodePreparedStmt, nodePreparedStmtBatchSize); nodeTagPreparedStmtBatchSize = insertBatch(nodeTagPreparedStmt, nodeTagPreparedStmtBatchSize); wayPreparedStmtBatchSize = insertBatch(wayPreparedStmt, wayPreparedStmtBatchSize); wayTagPreparedStmtBatchSize = insertBatch(wayTagPreparedStmt, wayTagPreparedStmtBatchSize); relationPreparedStmtBatchSize = insertBatch(relationPreparedStmt, relationPreparedStmtBatchSize); relationTagPreparedStmtBatchSize = insertBatch(relationTagPreparedStmt, relationTagPreparedStmtBatchSize); nodeMemberPreparedStmtBatchSize = insertBatch(nodeMemberPreparedStmt, nodeMemberPreparedStmtBatchSize); wayMemberPreparedStmtBatchSize = insertBatch(wayMemberPreparedStmt, wayMemberPreparedStmtBatchSize); relationMemberPreparedStmtBatchSize = insertBatch(relationMemberPreparedStmt, relationMemberPreparedStmtBatchSize); wayNodePreparedStmtBatchSize = insertBatch(wayNodePreparedStmt, wayNodePreparedStmtBatchSize); } private int insertBatch(PreparedStatement st, int batchSize, int maxBatchSize) throws SQLException { if (batchSize >= maxBatchSize) { st.executeBatch(); return 0; } else { return batchSize; } } private int insertBatch(PreparedStatement st, int batchSize) throws SQLException { return insertBatch(st, batchSize, BATCH_SIZE); } /** * * @param osmElement * @param attributes * @throws ParseException */ private void setCommonsAttributes(OSMElement osmElement, Attributes attributes) throws SAXException { osmElement.setId(attributes.getValue("id")); osmElement.setUser(attributes.getValue("user")); osmElement.setUid(attributes.getValue("uid")); osmElement.setVisible(attributes.getValue("visible")); osmElement.setVersion(attributes.getValue("version")); osmElement.setChangeset(attributes.getValue("changeset")); osmElement.setTimestamp(attributes.getValue("timestamp")); } }