Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2013 Universitat Pompeu Fabra * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package org.gwaspi.reports; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.gwaspi.dao.OperationService; import; import org.gwaspi.gui.reports.ManhattanPlotZoom; import org.gwaspi.gui.reports.SampleQAHetzygPlotZoom; import org.gwaspi.model.ChromosomeKey; import org.gwaspi.model.DataSetSource; import org.gwaspi.model.MarkerKey; import org.gwaspi.model.MarkerMetadata; import org.gwaspi.model.MarkersMetadataSource; import org.gwaspi.model.OperationKey; import org.gwaspi.model.OperationMetadata; import org.gwaspi.model.OperationsList; import org.gwaspi.model.SampleKey; import org.gwaspi.netCDF.matrices.MatrixFactory; import org.gwaspi.operations.OperationManager; import org.gwaspi.operations.qasamples.QASamplesOperationDataSet; import org.gwaspi.operations.trendtest.CommonTestOperationDataSet; import org.gwaspi.operations.trendtest.TrendTestOperationEntry; import org.gwaspi.statistics.Chisquare; import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory; import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import org.jfree.chart.LegendItemCollection; import org.jfree.chart.axis.LogAxis; import org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberAxis; import org.jfree.chart.axis.TickUnitSource; import org.jfree.chart.plot.CombinedRangeXYPlot; import org.jfree.chart.plot.Marker; import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation; import org.jfree.chart.plot.ValueMarker; import org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot; import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYLineAndShapeRenderer; import; import; import; import org.jfree.ui.RectangleAnchor; import org.jfree.ui.TextAnchor; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class GenericReportGenerator { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GenericReportGenerator.class); public static final String PLOT_MANHATTAN_THRESHOLD_CONFIG = "CHART_MANHATTAN_PLOT_THRESHOLD"; public static final double PLOT_MANHATTAN_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT = 5E-7; public static final String PLOT_MANHATTAN_BACKGROUND_CONFIG = "CHART_MANHATTAN_PLOT_BACKGROUND"; public static final Color PLOT_MANHATTAN_BACKGROUND_DEFAULT = new Color(200, 200, 200); public static final String PLOT_MANHATTAN_BACKGROUND_ALTERNATIVE_CONFIG = "CHART_MANHATTAN_PLOT_BACKGROUND_ALTERNATIVE"; public static final Color PLOT_MANHATTAN_BACKGROUND_ALTERNATIVE_DEFAULT = new Color(230, 230, 230); public static final String PLOT_MANHATTAN_MAIN_CONFIG = "CHART_MANHATTAN_PLOT_MAIN"; public static final Color PLOT_MANHATTAN_MAIN_DEFAULT = Color.BLUE; public static final String PLOT_QQ_BACKGROUND_CONFIG = "CHART_QQ_PLOT_BACKGROUND"; public static final Color PLOT_QQ_BACKGROUND_DEFAULT = new Color(230, 230, 230); public static final String PLOT_QQ_ACTUAL_CONFIG = "CHART_QQ_PLOT_MAIN"; public static final Color PLOT_QQ_ACTUAL_DEFAULT = Color.BLUE; public static final String PLOT_QQ_MU_CONFIG = "CHART_QQ_PLOT_MU"; public static final Color PLOT_QQ_MU_DEFAULT = Color.GRAY; public static final String PLOT_QQ_SIGMA_CONFIG = "CHART_QQ_PLOT_SIGMA"; public static final Color PLOT_QQ_SIGMA_DEFAULT = Color.LIGHT_GRAY; public static final DecimalFormat FORMAT_P_VALUE = new DecimalFormat("0.#E0#"); private GenericReportGenerator() { } private static OperationService getOperationService() { return OperationsList.getOperationService(); } private static class MarkerManhattenData { private final String chromosome; private final int position; private final Double pValue; public MarkerManhattenData(final String chromosome, final int position, final Double pValue) { this.chromosome = chromosome; this.position = position; this.pValue = pValue; } public String getChromosome() { return chromosome; } public int getPosition() { return position; } public Double getPValue() { return pValue; } } //<editor-fold defaultstate="expanded" desc="ASSOCIATION CHARTS"> private static Map<MarkerKey, MarkerManhattenData> assembleManhattenPlotData(OperationKey testOpKey) throws IOException { Map<MarkerKey, MarkerManhattenData> markerKeyChrPosPVal; CommonTestOperationDataSet<? extends TrendTestOperationEntry> testOpDS = (CommonTestOperationDataSet<? extends TrendTestOperationEntry>) OperationManager .generateOperationDataSet(testOpKey); final Iterator<MarkerKey> testOpMarkerKeys = testOpDS.getMarkersKeysSource().iterator(); final Iterator<Double> testOpPValues = testOpDS.getPs(-1, -1).iterator(); final DataSetSource matrixDS = MatrixFactory.generateMatrixDataSetSource(testOpKey.getParentMatrixKey()); final MarkersMetadataSource matrixMarkersMS = matrixDS.getMarkersMetadatasSource(); final Iterator<String> matrixMarkersChromosomes = matrixMarkersMS.getChromosomes().iterator(); final Iterator<Integer> matrixMarkersPositions = matrixMarkersMS.getPositions().iterator(); markerKeyChrPosPVal = new LinkedHashMap<MarkerKey, MarkerManhattenData>(matrixMarkersMS.size()); MarkerKey nextTestMarkerKey = testOpMarkerKeys.hasNext() ? : null; for (final MarkerKey markerKey : matrixDS.getMarkersKeysSource()) { final String chromosome =; final int position =; Double pValue; if (markerKey.equals(nextTestMarkerKey)) { pValue =; if (pValue.isNaN() || pValue.isInfinite()) { // Ignore invalid P-Values pValue = null; } nextTestMarkerKey = testOpMarkerKeys.hasNext() ? : null; } else { // The current markerKey has no entry in the test operation, // thus we have no P-Value for it, so we mark it as totally insignificant. pValue = 1.0; } MarkerManhattenData data = new MarkerManhattenData(chromosome, position, pValue); markerKeyChrPosPVal.put(markerKey, data); } // long snpNumber = rdInfoMarkerSet.getMarkerSetSize(); // if (snpNumber < 250000) { // hetzyThreshold = 0.5 / snpNumber; // (0.05 / 10^6 SNPs => 5*10^(-7)) // } return markerKeyChrPosPVal; } public static CombinedRangeXYPlot buildManhattanPlot(OperationKey testOpKey) throws IOException { // PLOT DEFAULTS final Config config = Config.getSingleton(); final double threshold = config.getDouble(PLOT_MANHATTAN_THRESHOLD_CONFIG, PLOT_MANHATTAN_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT); final Color background = config.getColor(PLOT_MANHATTAN_BACKGROUND_CONFIG, PLOT_MANHATTAN_BACKGROUND_DEFAULT); final Color backgroundAlternative = config.getColor(PLOT_MANHATTAN_BACKGROUND_ALTERNATIVE_CONFIG, PLOT_MANHATTAN_BACKGROUND_ALTERNATIVE_DEFAULT); final Color main = config.getColor(PLOT_MANHATTAN_MAIN_CONFIG, PLOT_MANHATTAN_MAIN_DEFAULT); Map<MarkerKey, MarkerManhattenData> markerKeyChrPosPVal = assembleManhattenPlotData(testOpKey); XYSeriesCollection currChrSC = new XYSeriesCollection(); NumberAxis sharedAxis = new NumberAxis("-log?(P)"); CombinedRangeXYPlot combinedPlot = new CombinedRangeXYPlot(sharedAxis); combinedPlot.setGap(0); XYSeries currChrS = null; // Subdividing points into sub-XYSeries, per chromosome String currChr = ""; Map<String, MarkerKey> labeler = new LinkedHashMap<String, MarkerKey>(); // FIXME This is unused, was a global static var before (also private though), was the data added here actually used somewhere? (i think not) for (Map.Entry<MarkerKey, MarkerManhattenData> entry : markerKeyChrPosPVal.entrySet()) { MarkerKey markerKey = entry.getKey(); MarkerManhattenData data = entry.getValue(); if (data.getPValue() != null) { final double pVal = data.getPValue(); // Is allready free of NaN and infinity if (pVal < 1) { if (data.getChromosome().equals(currChr)) { currChrS.add(data.getPosition(), pVal); labeler.put(currChr + "_" + data.getPosition(), markerKey); } else { if (!currChr.isEmpty()) { // SKIP FIRST TIME (NO DATA YET!) // add the last (now compleeted) chromosomes data-set, // before starting the new one currChrSC.addSeries(currChrS); appendToCombinedRangeManhattanPlot(combinedPlot, currChr, currChrSC, false, threshold, background, backgroundAlternative, main); } currChr = data.getChromosome(); currChrSC = new XYSeriesCollection(); currChrS = new XYSeries(currChr); labeler.put(currChr + "_" + data.getPosition(), markerKey); currChrS.add(data.getPosition(), pVal); } } } } if (currChrS != null) { currChrSC.addSeries(currChrS); // ADD LAST CHR TO PLOT appendToCombinedRangeManhattanPlot(combinedPlot, currChr, currChrSC, true, threshold, background, backgroundAlternative, main); } // Remove Legend from the bottom of the chart combinedPlot.setFixedLegendItems(new LegendItemCollection()); return combinedPlot; } private static void appendToCombinedRangeManhattanPlot(CombinedRangeXYPlot combinedPlot, String chromosome, XYSeriesCollection currChrSC, boolean showlables, double threshold, Color background, Color backgroundAlternative, Color main) { XYLineAndShapeRenderer renderer = new XYLineAndShapeRenderer(false, true); // Set dot shape of the currently appended Series renderer.setSeriesPaint(currChrSC.getSeriesCount() - 1, main); renderer.setSeriesVisibleInLegend(currChrSC.getSeriesCount() - 1, showlables); renderer.setSeriesShape(currChrSC.getSeriesCount() - 1, new Rectangle2D.Double(-1.0, -1.0, 2.0, 2.0)); // Set range axis if (combinedPlot.getSubplots().isEmpty()) { LogAxis rangeAxis = new LogAxis("P value"); rangeAxis.setBase(10); rangeAxis.setInverted(true); rangeAxis.setNumberFormatOverride(FORMAT_P_VALUE); rangeAxis.setTickMarkOutsideLength(2.0f); rangeAxis.setMinorTickCount(2); rangeAxis.setMinorTickMarksVisible(true); rangeAxis.setAxisLineVisible(true); rangeAxis.setUpperMargin(0); TickUnitSource units = NumberAxis.createIntegerTickUnits(); rangeAxis.setStandardTickUnits(units); combinedPlot.setRangeAxis(0, rangeAxis); } // Build subchart JFreeChart subchart = ChartFactory.createScatterPlot("", "Chr " + chromosome, "", currChrSC, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, false, false, false); // Get subplot from subchart XYPlot subplot = (XYPlot) subchart.getPlot(); subplot.setRenderer(renderer); subplot.setBackgroundPaint(null); // CHART BACKGROUD COLOR if (combinedPlot.getSubplots().size() % 2 == 0) { subplot.setBackgroundPaint(background); // Hue, saturation, brightness } else { subplot.setBackgroundPaint(backgroundAlternative); // Hue, saturation, brightness } // Add significance Threshold to subplot final Marker thresholdLine = new ValueMarker(threshold); thresholdLine.setPaint(; // Add legend to hetzyThreshold if (showlables) { thresholdLine.setLabel("P = " + FORMAT_P_VALUE.format(threshold)); } thresholdLine.setLabelAnchor(RectangleAnchor.TOP_RIGHT); thresholdLine.setLabelTextAnchor(TextAnchor.BOTTOM_RIGHT); subplot.addRangeMarker(thresholdLine); // Chromosome Axis Labels NumberAxis chrAxis = (NumberAxis) subplot.getDomainAxis(); chrAxis.setLabelAngle(1.0); chrAxis.setAutoRangeIncludesZero(false); chrAxis.setAxisLineVisible(true); chrAxis.setTickLabelsVisible(false); chrAxis.setTickMarksVisible(false); // chrAxis.setNumberFormatOverride(Report_Analysis.FORMAT_SCIENTIFIC); // TickUnitSource units = NumberAxis.createIntegerTickUnits(); // chrAxis.setStandardTickUnits(units); //combinedPlot.setGap(0); combinedPlot.add(subplot, 1); } private static List<Double> assembleQQPlotData(OperationKey testOpKey) throws IOException { CommonTestOperationDataSet testOpDS = (CommonTestOperationDataSet) OperationManager .generateOperationDataSet(testOpKey); Collection<Double> chiSqrVals = testOpDS.getTs(-1, -1); List<Double> obsChiSqrVals = new ArrayList<Double>(chiSqrVals.size()); for (Double chiSqr : chiSqrVals) { if (!Double.isNaN(chiSqr) && !Double.isInfinite(chiSqr)) { obsChiSqrVals.add(chiSqr); } } Collections.sort(obsChiSqrVals); return obsChiSqrVals; } public static XYPlot buildQQPlot(OperationKey testOpKey, int df) throws IOException { if (df != 1 && df != 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only df = 1 or 2 is supported; it is " + df); } //<editor-fold defaultstate="expanded" desc="PLOT DEFAULTS"> final Config config = Config.getSingleton(); final Color background = config.getColor(PLOT_QQ_BACKGROUND_CONFIG, PLOT_QQ_BACKGROUND_DEFAULT); final Color actual = config.getColor(PLOT_QQ_ACTUAL_CONFIG, PLOT_QQ_ACTUAL_DEFAULT); final Color sigma = config.getColor(PLOT_QQ_SIGMA_CONFIG, PLOT_QQ_SIGMA_DEFAULT); final Color mu = config.getColor(PLOT_QQ_MU_CONFIG, PLOT_QQ_MU_DEFAULT); //</editor-fold> //<editor-fold defaultstate="expanded" desc="GET X^2"> List<Double> obsChiSqrVals = assembleQQPlotData(testOpKey); int N = obsChiSqrVals.size(); List<Double> expChiSqrDist; if (df == 1) { expChiSqrDist = Chisquare.getChiSquareDistributionDf1(N, 1.0f); } else { // df == 2 expChiSqrDist = Chisquare.getChiSquareDistributionDf2(N, 1.0f); } Collections.sort(expChiSqrDist); //</editor-fold> //<editor-fold defaultstate="expanded" desc="GET CONFIDENCE BOUNDARY"> InputStream boundaryStream = GenericReportGenerator.class .getResourceAsStream("/samples/chisqrboundary-df" + df + ".txt"); InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(boundaryStream); BufferedReader inputBufferReader = new BufferedReader(isr); Double stopValue = expChiSqrDist.get(N - 1); Double currentValue = 0d; List<Double[]> boundary = new ArrayList<Double[]>(); while (currentValue <= stopValue) { String l = inputBufferReader.readLine(); if (l == null) { break; } String[] cVals = l.split(","); Double[] slice = new Double[3]; slice[0] = Double.parseDouble(cVals[0]); slice[1] = Double.parseDouble(cVals[1]); slice[2] = Double.parseDouble(cVals[2]); currentValue = slice[1]; boundary.add(slice); } inputBufferReader.close(); //</editor-fold> XYSeriesCollection dataSeries = new XYSeriesCollection(); XYSeries seriesData = new XYSeries("X"); XYSeries seriesRef = new XYSeries("Expected"); for (int i = 0; i < obsChiSqrVals.size(); i++) { double obsVal = obsChiSqrVals.get(i); double expVal = expChiSqrDist.get(i); seriesData.add(expVal, obsVal); seriesRef.add(expVal, expVal); } //constant chi-square boundaries XYSeries seriesLower = new XYSeries("2 boundary"); XYSeries seriesUpper = new XYSeries(""); for (Double[] slice : boundary) { seriesUpper.add(slice[1], slice[0]); seriesLower.add(slice[1], slice[2]); } dataSeries.addSeries(seriesData); dataSeries.addSeries(seriesRef); dataSeries.addSeries(seriesUpper); dataSeries.addSeries(seriesLower); final XYDataset data = dataSeries; //create QQ plot final boolean withLegend = true; JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createScatterPlot("QQ-plot", "Exp X", "Obs X", data, PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, withLegend, false, false); final XYPlot plot = chart.getXYPlot(); XYLineAndShapeRenderer renderer = new XYLineAndShapeRenderer(false, true); renderer.setSeriesPaint(0, actual); renderer.setSeriesPaint(1, mu); renderer.setSeriesPaint(2, sigma); renderer.setSeriesPaint(3, sigma); renderer.setBaseShapesVisible(true); renderer.setBaseShapesFilled(true); renderer.setSeriesShape(0, new Rectangle2D.Double(-1.0, -1.0, 2.0, 2.0)); renderer.setSeriesShape(1, new Rectangle2D.Double(-1.0, -1.0, 2.0, 2.0)); renderer.setSeriesShape(2, new Rectangle2D.Double(-1.0, -1.0, 2.0, 2.0)); renderer.setSeriesShape(3, new Rectangle2D.Double(-1.0, -1.0, 2.0, 2.0)); plot.setRenderer(renderer); // PLOT BACKGROUND COLOR plot.setBackgroundPaint(background); // Hue, saturation, brightness return plot; } public static XYDataset getManhattanZoomByChrAndPos(ManhattanPlotZoom manhattanPlotZoom, OperationKey testOpKey, ChromosomeKey chr, MarkerKey markerKey, long requestedPhysPos, long requestedPosWindow) { XYDataset resultXYDataset = null; try { // ESTIMATE WINDOW SIZE Long minPosition; Long maxPosition; if (markerKey == null) { minPosition = requestedPhysPos; maxPosition = minPosition + requestedPosWindow; } else { final Long middlePosition = requestedPhysPos; minPosition = Math.round(middlePosition - (double) requestedPosWindow / 2); maxPosition = minPosition + requestedPosWindow; } Map<MarkerKey, Object[]> markerKeyChrPosPVal; CommonTestOperationDataSet<? extends TrendTestOperationEntry> testOpDS = (CommonTestOperationDataSet<? extends TrendTestOperationEntry>) OperationManager .generateOperationDataSet(testOpKey); Iterator<MarkerMetadata> markersMetadatasIt = testOpDS.getMarkersMetadatasSource().iterator(); Iterator<Double> psIt = testOpDS.getPs(-1, -1).iterator(); markerKeyChrPosPVal = new LinkedHashMap<MarkerKey, Object[]>(testOpDS.getNumMarkers()); for (MarkerKey curMarkerKey : testOpDS.getMarkersKeysSource()) { Double pValue =; MarkerMetadata markerMetadata =; String curChr = markerMetadata.getChr(); int curPos = markerMetadata.getPos(); if (!curChr.equals(chr.toString()) || (curPos >= minPosition) || (curPos <= maxPosition)) { continue; } if (pValue.isNaN() || pValue.isInfinite()) { // Ignore invalid P-Values pValue = null; } Object[] data = new Object[] { markerMetadata.getChr(), markerMetadata.getPos(), pValue }; markerKeyChrPosPVal.put(curMarkerKey, data); } //<editor-fold defaultstate="expanded" desc="BUILD XYDataset"> XYSeries dataSeries = new XYSeries(""); Map<String, MarkerKey> labeler = new LinkedHashMap<String, MarkerKey>(); for (Map.Entry<MarkerKey, Object[]> entry : markerKeyChrPosPVal.entrySet()) { MarkerKey tmpMarker = entry.getKey(); Object[] data = entry.getValue(); // CHR, POS, PVAL int position = (Integer) data[1]; double pVal = 1; if (data[2] != null) { pVal = (Double) data[2]; // Is allready free of NaN } if (pVal < 1 && !Double.isInfinite(pVal)) { dataSeries.add(position, pVal); labeler.put(chr + "_" + position, tmpMarker); //labeler.put(key, ""); } } manhattanPlotZoom.setLabelerMap(labeler); dataSeries.setDescription("Zoom chr " + chr + " from position " + minPosition + " to " + maxPosition); resultXYDataset = new XYSeriesCollection(dataSeries); //</editor-fold> } catch (IOException ex) { log.error(null, ex); } return resultXYDataset; } // /** // * This getManhattanZoomByMarkerIdOrIdx has now been deprecated in favor of // * getManhattanZoomByChrAndPos // * // * @deprecated Use getManhattanZoomByChrAndPos instead // */ // public static XYDataset getManhattanZoomByMarkerIdOrIdx( // ManhattanPlotZoom manhattanPlotZoom, // OperationKey testOpKey, // MarkerKey origMarkerKey, // int startIdxPos, // int requestedSetSize) // { // XYDataset resultXYDataset = null; // // try { //// OperationMetadata rdOPMetadata = OperationsList.getOperation(testOpKey); // // DataSetSource parentMatrixSource = MatrixFactory.generateMatrixDataSetSource(testOpKey.getParentMatrixKey()); // CommonTestOperationDataSet<? extends TrendTestOperationEntry> testOpDS = (CommonTestOperationDataSet<? extends TrendTestOperationEntry>) OperationManager.generateOperationDataSet(testOpKey); // MarkersMetadataSource markersMetadatasSource = parentMatrixSource.getMarkersMetadatasSource(); // Map<MarkerKey, Object[]> markerKeyChrPosPVal = new LinkedHashMap<MarkerKey, Object[]>(markersMetadatasSource.size()); // for (MarkerMetadata markerMetadata : markersMetadatasSource) { // MarkerKey markerKey = MarkerKey.valueOf(markerMetadata); // Object[] data = new Object[] { // markerMetadata.getChr(), // markerMetadata.getPos(), // null // P-Value, will be filled in later on (not for all markers though) // }; // markerKeyChrPosPVal.put(markerKey, data); // } //// Map<Integer, MarkerKey> testOpMarkers = testOpDS.getMarkers(); //// Iterator<MarkerKey> testOpMarkerKeysIt = testOpMarkers.values().iterator(); //// Collection<Double> ps = testOpDS.getPs(-1, -1); //// for (Double pValue : ps) { //// MarkerKey curKey =; //// } // //// NetcdfFile assocNcFile =; //// MarkerOperationSet rdAssocMarkerSet = new MarkerOperationSet(testOpKey); //// Map<MarkerKey, double[]> rdAssocMarkerSetMap = rdAssocMarkerSet.getOpSetMap(); // // //<editor-fold defaultstate="expanded" desc="GET POSITION DATA"> // MarkerSet rdInfoMarkerSet = new MarkerSet(testOpKey.getParentMatrixKey()); // rdInfoMarkerSet.initFullMarkerIdSetMap(); // // // ESTIMATE WINDOW SIZE // Integer minPosition = 0; // Integer middlePosition = requestedSetSize / 2; // Integer maxPosition = requestedSetSize; // // minPosition = startIdxPos; // middlePosition = Math.round((float) (minPosition + requestedSetSize) / 2); // maxPosition = minPosition + requestedSetSize; // // if (testOpMarkers.size() < maxPosition) { // requestedSetSize = testOpMarkers.size(); // minPosition = 0; // middlePosition = Math.round((float) requestedSetSize / 2); // maxPosition = requestedSetSize; // } else { // Iterator<MarkerKey> keyIt = rdAssocMarkerSetMap.keySet().iterator(); // if (startIdxPos == Integer.MIN_VALUE) { // USE MARKERID TO LOCATE CENTER // boolean goOn = true; // int i = 0; // while (goOn && i < testOpMarkers.size()) { // MarkerKey key =; // if (key.equals(origMarkerKey)) { // minPosition = i - Math.round((float) requestedSetSize / 2); // if (minPosition < 0) { // minPosition = 0; // } // // middlePosition = i; // // maxPosition = i + Math.round((float) requestedSetSize / 2); // if (maxPosition > testOpMarkers.size()) { // maxPosition = testOpMarkers.size(); // } // goOn = false; // } // i++; // } // // } // } // // // CUT READ-Map TO SIZE // boolean goOn = true; // int i = 0; // Iterator<MarkerKey> keyIt = rdAssocMarkerSetMap.keySet().iterator(); // while (goOn && i < testOpMarkers.size()) { // MarkerKey key =; // if (i >= minPosition && i <= maxPosition) { // markerKeyChrPosPVal.put(key, null); // if (i == middlePosition) { // MAKE SURE WE KNOW WHAT MARKER-ID IS IN THE MIDDLE // origMarkerKey = key; // } // } // if (i > maxPosition) { // goOn = false; // } // i++; // } // // // GET MARKER CHR & POS INFO // rdInfoMarkerSet.fillInitMapWithVariable(cNetCDF.Variables.VAR_MARKERS_CHR); // // First check for same chromosome data // String validateChr = new String(rdInfoMarkerSet.getMarkerIdSetMapCharArray().get(origMarkerKey)); // manhattanPlotZoom.setCenterPhysPos((long) minPosition); // // for (Map.Entry<MarkerKey, Object[]> entry : markerKeyChrPosPVal.entrySet()) { // MarkerKey key = entry.getKey(); // String chr = new String(rdInfoMarkerSet.getMarkerIdSetMapCharArray().get(key)); // Object[] data = new Object[3]; // CHR, POS, PVAL // data[0] = chr; // entry.setValue(data); // } // // rdInfoMarkerSet.fillWith(0); // rdInfoMarkerSet.fillInitMapWithVariable(cNetCDF.Variables.VAR_MARKERS_POS); // for (Map.Entry<MarkerKey, Object[]> entry : markerKeyChrPosPVal.entrySet()) { // MarkerKey key = entry.getKey(); // Object[] data = entry.getValue(); // CHR, POS, PVAL // int pos = rdInfoMarkerSet.getMarkerIdSetMapInteger().get(key); // data[1] = pos; // entry.setValue(data); // } // if (rdInfoMarkerSet.getMarkerIdSetMapInteger() != null) { // rdInfoMarkerSet.getMarkerIdSetMapInteger().clear(); // } // //</editor-fold> // // //<editor-fold defaultstate="expanded" desc="GET Pval"> // rdAssocMarkerSetMap = rdAssocMarkerSet.fillOpSetMapWithVariable(assocNcFile, netCDFVar); // for (Map.Entry<MarkerKey, Object[]> entry : markerKeyChrPosPVal.entrySet()) { // MarkerKey key = entry.getKey(); // Object[] data = entry.getValue(); // CHR, POS, PVAL // double[] value = rdAssocMarkerSetMap.get(key); // Double pval = (Double) value[1]; // PVAL // if (!Double.isNaN(pval) && !Double.isInfinite(pval)) { // Ignore NaN Pvalues // data[2] = pval; // entry.setValue(data); // } // } // assocNcFile.close(); // if (rdAssocMarkerSetMap != null) { // rdAssocMarkerSetMap.clear(); // } // //</editor-fold> // // //<editor-fold defaultstate="expanded" desc="BUILD XYDataset"> // XYSeries dataSeries = new XYSeries(""); // // Map<String, MarkerKey> labeler = new LinkedHashMap<String, MarkerKey>(); // for (Map.Entry<MarkerKey, Object[]> entry : markerKeyChrPosPVal.entrySet()) { // MarkerKey tmpMarker = entry.getKey(); // Object[] data = entry.getValue(); //CHR, POS, PVAL // // String chr = data[0].toString(); // int position = (Integer) data[1]; // // if (data[2] != null && validateChr.equals(chr)) { // Check for same chromosome data before adding // double pVal = (Double) data[2]; // Is allready free of NaN // if (pVal < 1 && pVal != Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY && pVal != Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) { // dataSeries.add(position, pVal); // labeler.put(chr + "_" + position, tmpMarker); // //labelerHM.put(key,""); // } // } // } // long snpNumber = labeler.size(); // manhattanPlotZoom.setLabelerMap(labeler); // // dataSeries.setDescription("Zoom on " + origMarkerKey + ", window size: " + snpNumber); // // resultXYDataset = new XYSeriesCollection(dataSeries); // //</editor-fold> // } catch (IOException ex) { // log.error(null, ex); // } // // return resultXYDataset; // } //</editor-fold> //<editor-fold defaultstate="expanded" desc="SAMPLE-QA PLOTS"> public static XYDataset getSampleHetzygDataset(SampleQAHetzygPlotZoom sampleQAHetzygPlotZoom, OperationKey operationKey) throws IOException { XYDataset resultXYDataset; QASamplesOperationDataSet qaSamplesOpDS = (QASamplesOperationDataSet) OperationManager .generateOperationDataSet(operationKey); OperationMetadata rdOPMetadata = getOperationService().getOperationMetadata(operationKey); Map<Integer, SampleKey> samples = qaSamplesOpDS.getSamplesKeysSource().getIndicesMap(); List<Double> hetzyRatios = (List) qaSamplesOpDS.getHetzyRatios(-1, -1); List<Double> missingRatios = (List) qaSamplesOpDS.getMissingRatios(-1, -1); //<editor-fold defaultstate="expanded" desc="BUILD XYDataset"> XYSeries dataSeries = new XYSeries(""); int count = 0; Map<String, SampleKey> samplesLabeler = new LinkedHashMap<String, SampleKey>(); for (SampleKey tmpSampleKey : samples.values()) { double tmpHetzyVal = hetzyRatios.get(count); double tmpMissratVal = missingRatios.get(count); if (Double.isNaN(tmpHetzyVal) || Double.isInfinite(tmpHetzyVal)) { tmpHetzyVal = 0; } if (Double.isNaN(tmpMissratVal) || Double.isInfinite(tmpMissratVal)) { tmpMissratVal = 0; } dataSeries.add(tmpHetzyVal, tmpMissratVal); samplesLabeler.put(count + "_" + tmpMissratVal + "_" + tmpHetzyVal, tmpSampleKey); count++; } sampleQAHetzygPlotZoom.setLabelerMap(samplesLabeler); dataSeries.setDescription(rdOPMetadata.getDescription()); resultXYDataset = new XYSeriesCollection(dataSeries); //</editor-fold> return resultXYDataset; } //</editor-fold> //<editor-fold defaultstate="expanded" desc="HELPERS"> // public static Map<MarkerKey, Object[]> getMarkerSetChrAndPos(OperationKey operationKey) throws IOException { // Map<MarkerKey, Object[]> dataSetMap = new LinkedHashMap<MarkerKey, Object[]>(); // // DataSetSource dataSetSource = MatrixFactory.generateMatrixDataSetSource(operationKey.getParentMatrixKey()); // MarkersMetadataSource markersMetadatasSource = dataSetSource.getMarkersMetadatasSource(); //// MarkerSet rdInfoMarkerSet = new MarkerSet(operationKey.getParentMatrixKey()); //// rdInfoMarkerSet.initFullMarkerIdSetMap(); //// rdInfoMarkerSet.fillInitMapWithVariable(cNetCDF.Variables.VAR_MARKERS_CHR); // if (rdInfoMarkerSet.getMarkerIdSetMapCharArray() != null) {XXX; // for (Map.Entry<MarkerKey, char[]> entry : rdInfoMarkerSet.getMarkerIdSetMapCharArray().entrySet()) { // MarkerKey key = entry.getKey(); // String chr = new String(entry.getValue()); // Object[] data = new Object[2]; // CHR, POS // data[0] = chr; // dataSetMap.put(key, data); // } // // rdInfoMarkerSet.fillWith(0); // rdInfoMarkerSet.fillInitMapWithVariable(cNetCDF.Variables.VAR_MARKERS_POS); // for (Map.Entry<MarkerKey, Integer> entry : rdInfoMarkerSet.getMarkerIdSetMapInteger().entrySet()) { // MarkerKey key = entry.getKey(); // Object[] data = dataSetMap.get(key); // CHR, POS // int pos = entry.getValue(); // data[1] = pos; // dataSetMap.put(key, data); // } // // rdInfoMarkerSet.getMarkerIdSetMapInteger().clear(); // } // // return dataSetMap; // } //</editor-fold> }