Java tutorial
/* gvSIG. Sistema de Informacin Geogrfica de la Generalitat Valenciana * * Copyright (C) 2007 Instituto de Desarrollo Regional and Generalitat Valenciana. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,USA. * * For more information, contact: * * Generalitat Valenciana * Conselleria d'Infraestructures i Transport * Av. Blasco Ibez, 50 * 46010 VALENCIA * SPAIN * * +34 963862235 * * * * or * * Instituto de Desarrollo Regional (Universidad de Castilla La-Mancha) * Campus Universitario s/n * 02071 Alabacete * Spain * * +34 967 599 200 */ package org.gvsig.remotesensing.scatterplot.gui; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Color; import javax.swing.JPanel; import org.gvsig.fmap.mapcontext.layers.FLayer; import org.gvsig.fmap.raster.layers.FLyrRasterSE; import org.gvsig.raster.IProcessActions; import org.gvsig.raster.RasterProcess; import org.gvsig.raster.buffer.BufferFactory; import org.gvsig.raster.buffer.RasterBuffer; import org.gvsig.raster.buffer.RasterBufferInvalidException; import org.gvsig.raster.dataset.IBuffer; import org.gvsig.raster.dataset.IRasterDataSource; import org.gvsig.raster.grid.Grid; import org.gvsig.remotesensing.scatterplot.chart.ScatterPlotChart; import org.gvsig.remotesensing.scatterplot.chart.ScatterPlotDiagram; import org.gvsig.remotesensing.scatterplot.chart.ScatterPlotProcess; import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberAxis; import com.iver.andami.PluginServices; /** * Clase que define el panel donde aparece el grafico de dispersion para dos bandas, determinadas por * las variables bandaX y bandaY. El grafico es un FastScatterPlot de la libreria jfreeChart (personalizada para este * apartado). * * @author Alejandro Muoz Sanchez ( * @version 11/12/2007 */ public class ChartScaterPlotPanel extends JPanel implements IProcessActions { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private JFreeChart chart = null;; private ScatterPlotDiagram jPanelChart = null; private ScatterPlotChart plot = null; private int bandaX = 0; private int bandaY = 1; private Grid grid = null; private float data[][] = null; FLayer fLayer = null; RasterProcess scatterPlotProcess = null; int initialRenderBand[] = null; /** * Constructor * @param flayer capa * @param band1 banda que se representa en el eje x. * @param band2 banda que se representa en el eje y. * */ public ChartScaterPlotPanel(FLayer fLayer, int band1, int band2) { this.fLayer = fLayer; initialRenderBand = ((FLyrRasterSE) fLayer).getRenderBands(); bandaX = band1; bandaY = band2; scatterPlotProcess = new ScatterPlotProcess(); scatterPlotProcess.addParam("layer", fLayer); scatterPlotProcess.addParam("bandY", new Integer(bandaY)); scatterPlotProcess.addParam("bandX", new Integer(bandaX)); scatterPlotProcess.addParam("backgroundColor", Color.WHITE); scatterPlotProcess.addParam("externalColor", Color.WHITE); scatterPlotProcess.addParam("chartColor", Color.BLACK); scatterPlotProcess.setActions(this); scatterPlotProcess.start(); //createChart(Color.BLACK,Color.WHITE,Color.WHITE); initialize(); } /** * Inicializacion del panel que contiene el grafico * */ private void initialize() { this.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); this.add(getChart(), BorderLayout.CENTER); } /** * @return grafico actual * */ public ScatterPlotDiagram getChart() { if (jPanelChart == null) { jPanelChart = new ScatterPlotDiagram(chart, (FLyrRasterSE) fLayer, new int[] { bandaX, bandaY }); chart = null; jPanelChart.setBorder(javax.swing.BorderFactory.createLineBorder(java.awt.Color.gray, 1)); } return jPanelChart; } /** * Metodo que construye el grafico inicialmente. Antes de construirlo, llama a * setDataChart() para cargar los datos a representar * * */ private void createChart(Color colorChart, Color colorBackground, Color colorExternal) { NumberAxis domainAxis = new NumberAxis(PluginServices.getText(this, "banda") + " " + (bandaX + 1)); domainAxis.setAutoRangeIncludesZero(false); NumberAxis rangeAxis = new NumberAxis(PluginServices.getText(this, "banda") + " " + (bandaY + 1)); rangeAxis.setAutoRangeIncludesZero(false); // Se cargan los datos antes de construir el grafico setDataChart(fLayer); plot = new ScatterPlotChart(, domainAxis, rangeAxis); chart = new JFreeChart(PluginServices.getText(this, "diagrama_dispersion"), plot); data = null; chart.getRenderingHints().clear(); chart.setBackgroundPaint(colorExternal); plot.setPaint(colorChart); plot.setBackgroundPaint(colorBackground); } /** * Actualizacion del panel que contiene el grafico * */ public void updateChartPanel(Color colorChart, Color colorbackground, Color colorExternal) { /*chart.setBackgroundPaint(colorExternal); plot.setPaint(colorChart); plot.setBackgroundPaint(colorbackground);*/ jPanelChart.setChart(chart); jPanelChart.updateBands(new int[] { bandaX, bandaY }); // hace un clear cuando se cambian las bandas jPanelChart.getROIChartList().getListRois().clear(); jPanelChart.repaint(); updateUI(); } /** * Actualizacion del grafico. Esta actualizacion se producira cuando haya variacion en la * seleccion de las bandas por parte del usuario. * * */ public void updateChart(Color colorChart, Color colorBackground, Color colorExternal) { NumberAxis domainAxis = new NumberAxis(PluginServices.getText(this, "banda") + (bandaX + 1)); domainAxis.setAutoRangeIncludesZero(false); NumberAxis rangeAxis = new NumberAxis(PluginServices.getText(this, "banda") + (bandaY + 1)); rangeAxis.setAutoRangeIncludesZero(false); chart = null; plot = null; scatterPlotProcess = new ScatterPlotProcess(); scatterPlotProcess.addParam("layer", fLayer); scatterPlotProcess.addParam("bandY", new Integer(bandaY)); scatterPlotProcess.addParam("bandX", new Integer(bandaX)); scatterPlotProcess.addParam("backgroundColor", Color.WHITE); scatterPlotProcess.addParam("externalColor", Color.WHITE); scatterPlotProcess.addParam("chartColor", Color.BLACK); scatterPlotProcess.setActions(this); scatterPlotProcess.start(); // Se cargan los datos correspondiesntes a las bandas seleccionadas /* setDataChart(fLayer); plot = new ScatterPlotChart(, domainAxis, rangeAxis); chart = new JFreeChart(PluginServices.getText(this,"diagrama_dispersion"), plot); chart.getRenderingHints().clear(); data=null;*/ updateChartPanel(colorChart, colorBackground, colorExternal); } /** * Metodo que establece los datos a representar. * El vector data[][] se rellena con los valores de cada punto para las bandas * bandX y bandY. * */ public void setDataChart(FLayer fLayer) { try { this.fLayer = fLayer; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } FLyrRasterSE rasterLayer = (FLyrRasterSE) fLayer; IRasterDataSource dsetCopy = null; dsetCopy = rasterLayer.getDataSource().newDataset(); BufferFactory bufferFactory = new BufferFactory(dsetCopy); if (!RasterBuffer.loadInMemory(dsetCopy)) bufferFactory.setReadOnly(true); // grid renderizado grid = rasterLayer.getRender().getGrid(); Grid dataGrid = null; try { dataGrid = new Grid(bufferFactory, new int[] { bandaX, bandaY }); } catch (RasterBufferInvalidException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } int width = grid.getRasterBuf().getWidth(); int height = grid.getRasterBuf().getHeight(); int indice = 0; data = new float[2][width * height]; if (dataGrid.getDataType() == IBuffer.TYPE_BYTE) { for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { data[0][indice] = dataGrid.getRasterBuf().getElemByte(j, i, 0) & 0xff; data[1][indice] = dataGrid.getRasterBuf().getElemByte(j, i, 1) & 0xff; indice++; } } } if (dataGrid.getDataType() == IBuffer.TYPE_SHORT) { for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { data[0][indice] = dataGrid.getRasterBuf().getElemShort(j, i, 0); data[1][indice] = dataGrid.getRasterBuf().getElemShort(j, i, 1); indice++; } } } if (dataGrid.getDataType() == IBuffer.TYPE_INT) { for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { data[0][indice] = dataGrid.getRasterBuf().getElemInt(j, i, 0); data[1][indice] = dataGrid.getRasterBuf().getElemInt(j, i, 1); indice++; } } } if (dataGrid.getDataType() == IBuffer.TYPE_FLOAT) { for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { data[0][indice] = dataGrid.getRasterBuf().getElemFloat(j, i, 0); data[1][indice] = dataGrid.getRasterBuf().getElemFloat(j, i, 1); indice++; } } } // OJO AL CASTINTG DE DOUBLE A FLOAT if (dataGrid.getDataType() == IBuffer.TYPE_DOUBLE) { for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { data[0][indice] = (float) dataGrid.getRasterBuf().getElemDouble(j, i, 0); data[1][indice] = (float) dataGrid.getRasterBuf().getElemDouble(j, i, 1); indice++; } } } } /** * Asignacion de la banda X * */ public void setBandX(int band) { bandaX = band; } /** * Asignacion de la banda Y * */ public void setBandY(int band) { bandaY = band; } /** * @return banda X * */ public int getBandX() { return bandaX; } /** * @return banda Y * */ public int getBandY() { return bandaY; } /** * @return grid asociado * * */ public Grid getGrid() { return grid; } /** * @return capa asociada al panel * * */ public FLayer getFLayer() { return fLayer; } public void end(Object param) { chart = (JFreeChart) scatterPlotProcess.getResult(); //initialize(); updateChartPanel(Color.BLACK, Color.WHITE, Color.WHITE); } public void interrupted() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }