Java tutorial
//: "The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License //: Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in //: compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at //: //: //: Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" //: basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the //: License for the specific language governing rights and limitations //: under the License. //: //: The Original Code is Guanxi ( //: //: The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Alistair Young //: All Rights Reserved. //: package org.guanxi.idp.service; import; import; import; import; import; import org.bouncycastle.openssl.PEMWriter; import org.guanxi.common.GuanxiPrincipal; import org.guanxi.common.Utils; import org.guanxi.xal.idp.*; import org.guanxi.xal.saml_2_0.metadata.EntityDescriptorType; import org.guanxi.xal.saml_2_0.metadata.KeyDescriptorType; import org.guanxi.xal.saml_2_0.metadata.KeyTypes; import org.guanxi.xal.saml_2_0.assertion.*; import org.guanxi.common.definitions.Shibboleth; import org.guanxi.common.definitions.SAML; import org.guanxi.common.definitions.Guanxi; import org.guanxi.common.definitions.EduPersonOID; import org.guanxi.common.entity.EntityFarm; import org.guanxi.common.entity.EntityManager; import org.guanxi.common.metadata.SPMetadata; import org.guanxi.common.GuanxiException; import; import org.guanxi.idp.util.AttributeMap; import org.guanxi.idp.util.ARPEngine; import; import org.guanxi.xal.saml_2_0.protocol.*; import org.guanxi.xal.w3.xmldsig.KeyInfoDocument; import org.guanxi.xal.w3.xmldsig.X509DataType; import org.guanxi.xal.w3.xmlenc.EncryptedDataDocument; import org.guanxi.xal.w3.xmlenc.EncryptedDataType; import org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.AbstractController; import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView; import org.springframework.web.context.ServletContextAware; import org.springframework.context.MessageSource; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlOptions; import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject; import org.w3c.dom.*; import javax.crypto.KeyGenerator; import javax.crypto.SecretKey; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import; import; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.HashMap; import; import; import; /** * Base class for SSO profile handlers * * @author alistair */ public abstract class SSOBase extends AbstractController implements ServletContextAware { protected static final String ENTITY_IDP = "ENTITY_IDP"; protected static final String ENTITY_SP = "ENTITY_SP"; protected static final String SIGNING_CERT = "SIGNING_CERT"; protected static final String ENCRYPTION_CERT = "ENCRYPTION_CERT"; /** Our logger */ protected Logger logger = null; /** The localised messages to use */ protected MessageSource messages = null; /** Our config */ protected IdpDocument.Idp idpConfig; /** The name of the default SP entry in the config file to use */ protected String defaultSPEntry = null; /** The number of seconds assertions should be valid for */ protected int assertionTimeLimit; /** The entityID to use when sending a SAML Response */ protected String idpEntityID = null; /** The name qualifier to use when sending a SAML Response */ protected String nameQualifier = null; /** The name qualifier format to use when sending a SAML Response */ protected String nameQualifierFormat = null; /** The signing credentials to use */ protected Creds credsConfig = null; /** The security information to use when signing a response */ protected SecUtilsConfig secUtilsConfig = null; /** SAML2 namesapces for writing SAML */ protected HashMap<String, String> saml2Namespaces = null; /** XML output options */ protected XmlOptions xmlOptions = null; /** Our profile specific attribute mapper */ protected AttributeMap mapper = null; /** Our ARP engine */ protected ARPEngine arpEngine = null; /** The Attributors to use to get attributes */ protected[] attributor = null; public void init() { logger = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName()); saml2Namespaces = new HashMap<String, String>(); saml2Namespaces.put(SAML.NS_SAML_20_PROTOCOL, SAML.NS_PREFIX_SAML_20_PROTOCOL); saml2Namespaces.put(SAML.NS_SAML_20_ASSERTION, SAML.NS_PREFIX_SAML_20_ASSERTION); xmlOptions = new XmlOptions(); xmlOptions.setSavePrettyPrint(); xmlOptions.setSavePrettyPrintIndent(2); xmlOptions.setUseDefaultNamespace(); xmlOptions.setSaveAggressiveNamespaces(); xmlOptions.setSaveNamespacesFirst(); } /** * Handles processing of an AuthnRequest message. If the request attribute: * wbsso-handler-error-message * is present then we must display the error text it contains and go no further. * * @param request Servlet request * @param response Servlet response * @return the view to display * @throws Exception if an error occurs */ public abstract ModelAndView handleRequestInternal(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception; /** * Loads the identity and credential information based on the relying party. * These determine what entityID and signing credentials to use. * * @param request Servlet request */ protected void loadPersona(HttpServletRequest request) { /* Now load the appropriate identity and creds from the config file. * We'll either use the default or the ones that the particular SP * needs to be sent. */ String spID = null; ServiceProvider[] spList = idpConfig.getServiceProviderArray(); for (int c = 0; c < spList.length; c++) { if (spList[c].getName().equals(request.getParameter(Shibboleth.PROVIDER_ID))) { spID = request.getParameter(Shibboleth.PROVIDER_ID); } } if (spID == null) { // No specific requirement for this SP so use the default identity and creds spID = defaultSPEntry; } // Now we've sorted the SP id to use, load the identity and creds for (int c = 0; c < spList.length; c++) { if (spList[c].getName().equals(spID)) { String identityToUse = spList[c].getIdentity(); String credsToUse = spList[c].getCreds(); // We've found the <service-provider> node so look for the corresponding <identity> node org.guanxi.xal.idp.Identity[] ids = idpConfig.getIdentityArray(); for (int cc = 0; cc < ids.length; cc++) { if (ids[cc].getName().equals(identityToUse)) { idpEntityID = ids[cc].getIssuer(); nameQualifier = ids[cc].getNameQualifier(); nameQualifierFormat = ids[cc].getFormat(); } } // Look for the corresponding <creds> node org.guanxi.xal.idp.Creds[] creds = idpConfig.getCredsArray(); for (int ccc = 0; ccc < creds.length; ccc++) { if (creds[ccc].getName().equals(credsToUse)) { credsConfig = creds[ccc]; } } } } // Initialise the signing information secUtilsConfig = new SecUtilsConfig(); secUtilsConfig.setKeystoreFile(credsConfig.getKeystoreFile()); secUtilsConfig.setKeystorePass(credsConfig.getKeystorePassword()); secUtilsConfig.setKeystoreType("JKS"); secUtilsConfig.setPrivateKeyAlias(credsConfig.getPrivateKeyAlias()); secUtilsConfig.setPrivateKeyPass(credsConfig.getPrivateKeyPassword()); secUtilsConfig.setCertificateAlias(credsConfig.getCertificateAlias()); } /** * Loads a Service Provider's metadata from the store. * * @param spEntityID the SP's entityID * @return EntityDescriptorType for the SP */ protected EntityDescriptorType getSPMetadata(String spEntityID) { EntityFarm farm = (EntityFarm) getServletContext().getAttribute(Guanxi.CONTEXT_ATTR_IDP_ENTITY_FARM); EntityManager manager = farm.getEntityManagerForID(spEntityID); SPMetadata metadata = (SPMetadata) manager.getMetadata(spEntityID); return (EntityDescriptorType) metadata.getPrivateData(); } /** * Extracts the appropriate X509 certificate from an entity's SAML2 metadata * * @param saml2Metadata the entity's SAML2 metadata * @param entityType the type of the entity. ENTITY_IDP or ENTITY_SP * @param certType the type of cert to get. SIGNING_CERT or ENCRYPTION_CERT * @return the X509Certificate or null if it doesn't recognise a param * @throws GuanxiException if an error occurs */ protected X509Certificate getX509CertFromMetadata(EntityDescriptorType saml2Metadata, String entityType, String certType) throws GuanxiException { try { KeyTypes.Enum keyType; if (certType.equals(SIGNING_CERT)) { keyType = KeyTypes.SIGNING; } else if (certType.equals(ENCRYPTION_CERT)) { keyType = KeyTypes.ENCRYPTION; } else { return null; } KeyDescriptorType[] keyDescriptors = null; if (entityType.equals(ENTITY_IDP)) { keyDescriptors = saml2Metadata.getIDPSSODescriptorArray(0).getKeyDescriptorArray(); } else if (entityType.equals(ENTITY_SP)) { keyDescriptors = saml2Metadata.getSPSSODescriptorArray(0).getKeyDescriptorArray(); } else { return null; } for (KeyDescriptorType keyDescriptor : keyDescriptors) { if (keyDescriptor.getUse() != null) { if (keyDescriptor.getUse().equals(keyType)) { return getCertFromKeyDescriptor(keyDescriptor); } } } /* If we get here there are no keys specifically marked for this type of usage * so use the first one in the list. Or if there are none, give up! */ if ((keyDescriptors == null) || (keyDescriptors.length == 0)) { return null; } else { return getCertFromKeyDescriptor(keyDescriptors[0]); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new GuanxiException(e); } } /** * Create a SAML2 AttributeStatement based on the attributes released from an Attributor farm * * @param guanxiAttrFarmOutput the attributes released from an Attributor farm * @param entityID the entityID of the relying party that wants the attributes * @return AttributeStatementDocument containing the AttributeStatement */ protected AttributeStatementDocument getSAML2AttributeStatementFromFarm( UserAttributesDocument guanxiAttrFarmOutput, String entityID, SubjectType subject, GuanxiPrincipal gxPrincipal) { AttributeStatementDocument attrStatementDoc = AttributeStatementDocument.Factory.newInstance(); AttributeStatementType attrStatement = attrStatementDoc.addNewAttributeStatement(); boolean hasAttrs = false; for (int c = 0; c < guanxiAttrFarmOutput.getUserAttributes().getAttributeArray().length; c++) { AttributorAttribute attributorAttr = guanxiAttrFarmOutput.getUserAttributes().getAttributeArray(c); // Has the attribute already been processed? i.e. does it have multiple values? AttributeType attribute = null; AttributeType[] existingAttrs = attrStatement.getAttributeArray(); if (existingAttrs != null) { for (int cc = 0; cc < existingAttrs.length; cc++) { if (existingAttrs[cc].getName().equals(attributorAttr.getName())) { attribute = existingAttrs[cc]; } } } // New attribute, not yet processed XmlObject attrValue = null; if (attribute == null) { if (attributorAttr.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("__NAMEID__")) { NameIDType nameID = subject.addNewNameID(); nameID.setFormat(gxPrincipal.getNameIDFormat()); nameID.setStringValue(gxPrincipal.getName()); } else { hasAttrs = true; attribute = attrStatement.addNewAttribute(); attribute.setName(EduPersonOID.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_PREFIX + attributorAttr.getName()); if (attributorAttr.getFriendlyName() != null) { attribute.setFriendlyName(attributorAttr.getFriendlyName()); } attribute.setNameFormat(SAML.SAML2_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_FORMAT_URI); attrValue = attribute.addNewAttributeValue(); } } // Deal with scoped eduPerson attributes if (attribute != null) { if (attribute.getName() .equals(EduPersonOID.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_PREFIX + EduPersonOID.OID_EDUPERSON_TARGETED_ID)) { NameIDDocument nameIDDoc = NameIDDocument.Factory.newInstance(); NameIDType nameID = nameIDDoc.addNewNameID(); nameID.setFormat(SAML.SAML2_ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT_NAMEID_PERSISTENT); nameID.setNameQualifier(nameQualifier); nameID.setSPNameQualifier(entityID); // For SAML2 we need to remove the scope from the value if (attributorAttr.getValue().contains("@")) { attributorAttr.setValue(attributorAttr.getValue().split("@")[0]); } nameID.setStringValue(attributorAttr.getValue()); attrValue.getDomNode().appendChild( attrValue.getDomNode().getOwnerDocument().importNode(nameID.getDomNode(), true)); } else { Text valueNode = attrValue.getDomNode().getOwnerDocument() .createTextNode(attributorAttr.getValue()); attrValue.getDomNode().appendChild(valueNode); } } } // for (int c=0; c < guanxiAttrFarmOutput.getUserAttributes().getAttributeArray().length; c++) if (hasAttrs) return attrStatementDoc; else return null; } /** * Adds encrypted assertions to a SAML2 Response * * @param encryptionCert the X509 certificate to use for encrypting the assertions * @param assertionDoc the assertions to encrypt * @param responseDoc the SAML2 Response to add the encrypted assertions to * @throws GuanxiException if an error occurs */ protected void addEncryptedAssertionsToResponse(X509Certificate encryptionCert, AssertionDocument assertionDoc, ResponseDocument responseDoc) throws GuanxiException { try { PublicKey keyEncryptKey = encryptionCert.getPublicKey(); // Generate a secret key KeyGenerator keyGenerator = KeyGenerator.getInstance("AES"); keyGenerator.init(128); SecretKey secretKey = keyGenerator.generateKey(); XMLCipher keyCipher = XMLCipher.getInstance(XMLCipher.RSA_OAEP); keyCipher.init(XMLCipher.WRAP_MODE, keyEncryptKey); Document domAssertionDoc = (Document) assertionDoc.newDomNode(xmlOptions); EncryptedKey encryptedKey = keyCipher.encryptKey(domAssertionDoc, secretKey); Element elementToEncrypt = domAssertionDoc.getDocumentElement(); XMLCipher xmlCipher = XMLCipher.getInstance(XMLCipher.AES_128); xmlCipher.init(XMLCipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, secretKey); // Add KeyInfo to the EncryptedData element EncryptedData encryptedDataElement = xmlCipher.getEncryptedData(); KeyInfo keyInfo = new KeyInfo(domAssertionDoc); keyInfo.add(encryptedKey); encryptedDataElement.setKeyInfo(keyInfo); // Encrypt the assertion xmlCipher.doFinal(domAssertionDoc, elementToEncrypt, false); // Go back into XMLBeans land... EncryptedDataDocument encryptedDataDoc = EncryptedDataDocument.Factory.parse(domAssertionDoc); // ...and add the encrypted assertion to the response responseDoc.getResponse().addNewEncryptedAssertion() .setEncryptedData(encryptedDataDoc.getEncryptedData()); // Look for the Response/EncryptedAssertion/EncryptedData/KeyInfo/EncryptedKey node... EncryptedDataType encryptedData = responseDoc.getResponse().getEncryptedAssertionArray(0) .getEncryptedData(); NodeList nodes = encryptedData.getKeyInfo().getDomNode().getChildNodes(); Node encryptedKeyNode = null; for (int c = 0; c < nodes.getLength(); c++) { encryptedKeyNode = nodes.item(c); if (encryptedKeyNode.getLocalName() != null) { if (encryptedKeyNode.getLocalName().equals("EncryptedKey")) break; } } // ...get a new KeyInfo ready... KeyInfoDocument keyInfoDoc = KeyInfoDocument.Factory.newInstance(); X509DataType x509Data = keyInfoDoc.addNewKeyInfo().addNewX509Data(); // ...and a useable version of the SP's encryption certificate... StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PEMWriter pemWriter = new PEMWriter(sw); pemWriter.writeObject(encryptionCert); pemWriter.close(); String x509 = sw.toString(); x509 = x509.replaceAll("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----", ""); x509 = x509.replaceAll("-----END CERTIFICATE-----", ""); // ...add the encryption cert to the new KeyInfo... x509Data.addNewX509Certificate().setStringValue(x509); // ...and insert it into Response/EncryptedAssertion/EncryptedData/KeyInfo/EncryptedKey encryptedKeyNode.appendChild( encryptedKeyNode.getOwnerDocument().importNode(keyInfoDoc.getKeyInfo().getDomNode(), true)); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException nsae) { logger.error("AES encryption not available"); throw new GuanxiException(nsae); } catch (XMLEncryptionException xea) { logger.error("RSA_OAEP error with WRAP_MODE"); throw new GuanxiException(xea); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error encyrpting the assertion"); throw new GuanxiException(e); } } protected ResponseDocument buidErrorResponse(String entityID, String requestID, String acsURL, String statusCode) { // Response ResponseDocument responseDoc = ResponseDocument.Factory.newInstance(); ResponseType wbssoResponse = responseDoc.addNewResponse(); wbssoResponse.setID(generateStringID()); wbssoResponse.setVersion("2.0"); wbssoResponse.setDestination(acsURL); wbssoResponse.setIssueInstant(Calendar.getInstance()); wbssoResponse.setInResponseTo(requestID); Utils.zuluXmlObject(wbssoResponse, 0); // Response/Issuer NameIDType issuer = wbssoResponse.addNewIssuer(); issuer.setFormat(SAML.URN_SAML2_NAMEID_FORMAT_ENTITY); issuer.setStringValue(entityID); // Response/Status StatusDocument statusDoc = StatusDocument.Factory.newInstance(); StatusType status = statusDoc.addNewStatus(); StatusCodeType topLevelStatusCode = status.addNewStatusCode(); topLevelStatusCode.setValue(SAML.SAML2_STATUS_RESPONDER); StatusCodeType secondLevelStatusCode = topLevelStatusCode.addNewStatusCode(); secondLevelStatusCode.setValue(statusCode); wbssoResponse.setStatus(status); return responseDoc; } protected String generateStringID() { SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom(); return "gx" + new BigInteger(130, random).toString(32); } /** * Extracts the X509 cenrtificate from a KeyDescriptor * * @param keyDescriptor the KeyDescriptor containing the X509 certificate * @return X509Certificate * @throws GuanxiException if an error occurs */ private X509Certificate getCertFromKeyDescriptor(KeyDescriptorType keyDescriptor) throws GuanxiException { try { byte[] spCertBytes = keyDescriptor.getKeyInfo().getX509DataArray(0).getX509CertificateArray(0); CertificateFactory certFactory = CertificateFactory.getInstance("x.509"); ByteArrayInputStream certByteStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(spCertBytes); X509Certificate metadataCert = (X509Certificate) certFactory.generateCertificate(certByteStream); certByteStream.close(); return metadataCert; } catch (CertificateException ce) { logger.error("can't get x509 from KeyDescriptor"); throw new GuanxiException(ce); } catch (IOException ioe) { logger.error("can't close cert byte stream"); throw new GuanxiException(ioe); } } // Setters public void setDefaultSPEntry(String defaultSPEntry) { this.defaultSPEntry = defaultSPEntry; } public void setAssertionTimeLimit(int assertionTimeLimit) { this.assertionTimeLimit = assertionTimeLimit; } public void setMapper(AttributeMap mapper) { this.mapper = mapper; } public void setArpEngine(ARPEngine arpEngine) { this.arpEngine = arpEngine; } public void setAttributor(Attributor[] attributor) { this.attributor = attributor; } }