Java tutorial
//: "The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License //: Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in //: compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at //: //: //: Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" //: basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the //: License for the specific language governing rights and limitations //: under the License. //: //: The Original Code is Guanxi ( //: //: The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Alistair Young //: All Rights Reserved. //: package org.guanxi.idp.service; import java.util.List; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import javax.servlet.http.Cookie; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.guanxi.common.GuanxiPrincipal; import org.guanxi.common.GuanxiPrincipalFactory; import org.guanxi.common.entity.EntityFarm; import org.guanxi.common.metadata.SPMetadata; import org.guanxi.common.entity.EntityManager; import org.guanxi.common.definitions.Guanxi; import; import org.guanxi.xal.idp.AuthPage; import org.guanxi.xal.idp.IdpDocument; import org.guanxi.xal.idp.ServiceProvider; import org.springframework.context.MessageSource; import org.springframework.web.context.ServletContextAware; import org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.HandlerInterceptorAdapter; /** * @author Alistair Young * @author Marcin Mielnicki - bug fixing */ public class AuthHandler extends HandlerInterceptorAdapter implements ServletContextAware { /** The name of the request attribute that the form action will be stored under */ public static final String FORM_METHOD_ATTRIBUTE = "FORM_METHOD_ATTRIBUTE"; /** The name of the request attribute that the form action will be stored under */ public static final String FORM_ACTION_ATTRIBUTE = "FORM_ACTION_ATTRIBUTE"; /** When passing required parameters to the authenticator page, the request attributes * will be prefixed by this. */ public static final String REQUIRED_PARAM_PREFIX = "REQUIRED_PARAM_"; /** The ServletContext, passed to us by Spring as we are ServletContextAware */ private ServletContext servletContext = null; /** Our logger */ private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(AuthHandler.class.getName()); /** The error page to use */ private String errorPage = null; /** The authenticator to use */ private Authenticator authenticator = null; /** The localised messages */ private MessageSource messageSource = null; /** The factory to use to create new GuanxiPrincipal objects */ private GuanxiPrincipalFactory gxPrincipalFactory = null; /** The URL for the authentication form\s action */ private String authFormAction = null; /** The request parameter that holds the ID of the service provider */ private String spIDRequestParam = null; /** The list of required request parameters for the particular instance */ private List<String> requiredRequestParams = null; /** The verifier instance to use to verify the incoming entity */ private SAML2EntityVerifier entityVerifier = null; /** * Initialise the interceptor */ public void init() { } /** * Looks for an existing GuanxiPrincipal referenced by a request cookie. When a cookie is created after * a successful authentication at the IdP, either via the login page or an application cookie handler, * the corresponding GuanxiPrincipal is stored in the servlet context against the cookie value. * The new GuanxiPrincipal that is created after successful authentication is stored in the servlet * context under * * @param request Standard HttpServletRequest * @param response Standard HttpServletResponse * @param object handler * @return true * @throws Exception if an error occurs */ public boolean preHandle(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object object) throws Exception { request.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); String missingParams = checkRequestParameters(request); if (missingParams != null) {"Missing param(s) : " + missingParams); request.setAttribute("message", messageSource.getMessage("missing.param", new Object[] { missingParams }, request.getLocale())); request.getRequestDispatcher(errorPage).forward(request, response); return false; } IdpDocument.Idp idpConfig = (IdpDocument.Idp) servletContext.getAttribute(Guanxi.CONTEXT_ATTR_IDP_CONFIG); boolean spSupported = false; EntityFarm farm = (EntityFarm) servletContext.getAttribute(Guanxi.CONTEXT_ATTR_IDP_ENTITY_FARM); EntityManager manager = farm.getEntityManagerForID(request.getParameter(spIDRequestParam)); if (manager != null) { SPMetadata metadata = (SPMetadata) manager.getMetadata(request.getParameter(spIDRequestParam)); // Apply the trust rules to the SP if (metadata != null) { if (manager.getTrustEngine().trustEntity(metadata, request.getParameter("shire"))) { spSupported = true; } else { logger.error("Trust failure for " + request.getParameter(spIDRequestParam) + " --> " + request.getParameter("shire")); } } else { logger.error("No Metadata Manager found for " + request.getParameter(spIDRequestParam)); } } else { logger.error("No Metadata Manager"); } // Check the locally registered SPs if (!spSupported) { ServiceProvider[] spList = idpConfig.getServiceProviderArray(); for (int c = 0; c < spList.length; c++) { if (spList[c].getName().equals(request.getParameter(spIDRequestParam))) { // If it's in here, we trust it explicitly spSupported = true; } } } // Did we find the service provider? if (!spSupported) { logger.error( "Service Provider providerId " + request.getParameter(spIDRequestParam) + " not supported"); request.setAttribute("message", messageSource.getMessage("sp.not.supported", new Object[] { request.getParameter(spIDRequestParam) }, request.getLocale())); request.getRequestDispatcher(errorPage).forward(request, response); return false; } // Look for our cookie. This is after any application cookie handler has authenticated the user String cookieName = getCookieName(); Cookie[] cookies = request.getCookies(); if (cookies != null) { for (int c = 0; c < cookies.length; c++) { if (cookies[c].getName().equals(cookieName)) { // Retrieve the principal from the servlet context if (servletContext.getAttribute(cookies[c].getValue()) == null) { // Out of date cookie value, so remove the cookie cookies[c].setMaxAge(0); response.addCookie(cookies[c]); } else { // Found the principal from a previously established authentication request.setAttribute(Guanxi.REQUEST_ATTR_IDP_PRINCIPAL, (GuanxiPrincipal) servletContext.getAttribute(cookies[c].getValue())); return true; } } } } // Are we getting an authentication request from the login page? if (request.getParameter("guanxi:mode") != null) { if (request.getParameter("guanxi:mode").equalsIgnoreCase("authenticate")) { // Get a new GuanxiPrincipal... GuanxiPrincipal principal = gxPrincipalFactory.createNewGuanxiPrincipal(request); if (authenticator.authenticate(principal, request.getParameter("userid"), request.getParameter("password"))) { // ...associate it with a login name... if (principal.getName() == null) { //The login name from the authenticator page principal.setName(request.getParameter("userid")); } // it in the request for the SSO to use... request.setAttribute(Guanxi.REQUEST_ATTR_IDP_PRINCIPAL, principal); // ...and store it in application scope for the rest of the profile to use servletContext.setAttribute(principal.getUniqueId(), principal); // Get a new cookie ready to reference the principal in the servlet context Cookie cookie = new Cookie(getCookieName(), principal.getUniqueId()); cookie.setDomain((String) servletContext.getAttribute(Guanxi.CONTEXT_ATTR_IDP_COOKIE_DOMAIN)); cookie.setPath(idpConfig.getCookie().getPath()); if (((Integer) (servletContext.getAttribute(Guanxi.CONTEXT_ATTR_IDP_COOKIE_AGE))) .intValue() != -1) cookie.setMaxAge( ((Integer) (servletContext.getAttribute(Guanxi.CONTEXT_ATTR_IDP_COOKIE_AGE))) .intValue()); response.addCookie(cookie); return true; } // if (authenticator.authenticate... else { logger.error("Authentication error : " + authenticator.getErrorMessage()); request.setAttribute("message", messageSource.getMessage("authentication.error", null, request.getLocale())); request.getRequestDispatcher(errorPage).forward(request, response); return false; } } } // No embedded cookie authentication or local auth, so show the login page String authPage = null; AuthPage[] authPages = idpConfig.getAuthenticatorPages().getAuthPageArray(); for (int c = 0; c < authPages.length; c++) { // We'll use the default auth page if none is specified for this service provider if (authPages[c].getProviderId().equals(Guanxi.DEFAULT_AUTH_PAGE_MARKER)) { authPage = authPages[c].getUrl(); } // Customised auth page for this service provider if (authPages[c].getProviderId().equals(request.getParameter(spIDRequestParam))) { authPage = authPages[c].getUrl(); } } addRequiredParamsAsPrefixedAttributes(request); request.getRequestDispatcher(authPage).forward(request, response); return false; } /** * Checks the request for miussing parameters * * @param request Standard HttpServletRequest * @return null if no parameters are missing, otherwise a comma separated list of the missing parameters */ private String checkRequestParameters(HttpServletRequest request) { String missingParams = ""; if (requiredRequestParams == null) return null; for (String param : requiredRequestParams) { if (request.getParameter(param) == null) { missingParams += " " + param; } } if (missingParams.equals("")) return null; else return missingParams; } /** * Copies required request parameters to prefixed request attributes to pass to the * authenticator page. * @param request Standard HttpServletRequest */ private void addRequiredParamsAsPrefixedAttributes(HttpServletRequest request) { request.setAttribute(FORM_ACTION_ATTRIBUTE, authFormAction); request.setAttribute(FORM_METHOD_ATTRIBUTE, "post"); if (requiredRequestParams != null) { for (String param : requiredRequestParams) { request.setAttribute(REQUIRED_PARAM_PREFIX + param, request.getParameter(param)); } } } /** * Works out the profile specific cookie name * * @return profile specific cookie name */ private String getCookieName() { return (String) servletContext.getAttribute(Guanxi.CONTEXT_ATTR_IDP_COOKIE_NAME) + "_" + gxPrincipalFactory.getCookieName(); } // Called by Spring as we are ServletContextAware public void setServletContext(ServletContext servletContext) { this.servletContext = servletContext; } public void setErrorPage(String errorPage) { this.errorPage = errorPage; } public void setAuthenticator(Authenticator authenticator) { this.authenticator = authenticator; } public void setMessageSource(MessageSource messageSource) { this.messageSource = messageSource; } public void setGxPrincipalFactory(GuanxiPrincipalFactory gxPrincipalFactory) { this.gxPrincipalFactory = gxPrincipalFactory; } public void setAuthFormAction(String authFormAction) { this.authFormAction = authFormAction; } public void setSpIDRequestParam(String spIDRequestParam) { this.spIDRequestParam = spIDRequestParam; } public void setRequiredRequestParams(List<String> requiredRequestParams) { this.requiredRequestParams = requiredRequestParams; } public void setEntityVerifier(SAML2EntityVerifier entityVerifier) { this.entityVerifier = entityVerifier; } }