Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2009, 2010 Electronic Business Systems Ltd.
 * This file is part of GSS.
 * GSS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * GSS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with GSS.  If not, see <>.


import org.gss_project.gss.web.client.DisplayHelper;
import org.gss_project.gss.web.client.GSS;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;


 * @author kman
public class FolderResource extends RestResource {

    public FolderResource(String aUri) {

    String name;

    String owner;

    String createdBy;

    String modifiedBy;

    Date creationDate;

    Date modificationDate;

    List<String> filePaths = new LinkedList<String>();

    List<String> subfolderPaths = new LinkedList<String>();

    Set<PermissionHolder> permissions = new HashSet<PermissionHolder>();

    List<FolderResource> folders = new ArrayList<FolderResource>();

    List<FileResource> files = new ArrayList<FileResource>();

    String parentURI;

    boolean deleted = false;

    boolean needsExpanding = false;

    String parentName;

    private boolean filesExpanded = false;

    boolean readForAll;

    Boolean shared;

     * Modify the shared.
     * @param shared the shared to set
    public void setShared(Boolean shared) {
        this.shared = shared;

     * Modify the parentName.
     * @param aParentName the parentName to set
    public void setParentName(String aParentName) {
        parentName = aParentName;

     * Retrieve the name.
     * @return the name
    public String getName() {
        return name;

     * Modify the name.
     * @param aName the name to set
    public void setName(String aName) {
        name = aName;

     * Retrieve the owner.
     * @return the owner
    public String getOwner() {
        return owner;

     * Modify the owner.
     * @param anOwner the owner to set
    public void setOwner(String anOwner) {
        owner = anOwner;

     * Retrieve the createdBy.
     * @return the createdBy
    public String getCreatedBy() {
        return createdBy;

     * Modify the createdBy.
     * @param aCreatedBy the createdBy to set
    public void setCreatedBy(String aCreatedBy) {
        createdBy = aCreatedBy;

     * Retrieve the modifiedBy.
     * @return the modifiedBy
    public String getModifiedBy() {
        return modifiedBy;

     * Modify the modifiedBy.
     * @param aModifiedBy the modifiedBy to set
    public void setModifiedBy(String aModifiedBy) {
        modifiedBy = aModifiedBy;

     * Retrieve the creationDate.
     * @return the creationDate
    public Date getCreationDate() {
        return creationDate;

     * Modify the creationDate.
     * @param aCreationDate the creationDate to set
    public void setCreationDate(Date aCreationDate) {
        creationDate = aCreationDate;

     * Retrieve the modificationDate.
     * @return the modificationDate
    public Date getModificationDate() {
        return modificationDate;

     * Modify the modificationDate.
     * @param aModificationDate the modificationDate to set
    public void setModificationDate(Date aModificationDate) {
        modificationDate = aModificationDate;

     * Retrieve the filePaths.
     * @return the filePaths
    public List<String> getFilePaths() {
        return filePaths;

     * Modify the filePaths.
     * @param newFilePaths the filePaths to set
    public void setFilePaths(List<String> newFilePaths) {
        filePaths = newFilePaths;

     * Retrieve the subfolderPaths.
     * @return the subfolderPaths
    public List<String> getSubfolderPaths() {
        return subfolderPaths;

     * Modify the subfolderPaths.
     * @param newSubfolderPaths the subfolderPaths to set
    public void setSubfolderPaths(List<String> newSubfolderPaths) {
        subfolderPaths = newSubfolderPaths;

     * Retrieve the permissions.
     * @return the permissions
    public Set<PermissionHolder> getPermissions() {
        return permissions;

     * Modify the permissions.
     * @param newPermissions the permissions to set
    public void setPermissions(Set<PermissionHolder> newPermissions) {
        permissions = newPermissions;

     * Retrieve the deleted.
     * @return the deleted
    public boolean isDeleted() {
        return deleted;

     * Modify the deleted.
     * @param newDeleted the deleted to set
    public void setDeleted(boolean newDeleted) {
        deleted = newDeleted;

    public void removeSubfolderPath(String spath) {
        if (subfolderPaths.remove(spath))
        else if (subfolderPaths.remove(spath + "/"))
            subfolderPaths.remove(spath.substring(0, spath.length() - 1));

     * Retrieve the folders.
     * @return the folders
    public List<FolderResource> getFolders() {
        return folders;

     * Modify the folders.
     * @param newFolders the folders to set
    public void setFolders(List<FolderResource> newFolders) {
        folders = newFolders;

     * Retrieve the files.
     * @return the files
    public List<FileResource> getFiles() {
        return files;

     * Modify the files.
     * @param newFiles the files to set
    public void setFiles(List<FileResource> newFiles) {
        files = newFiles;

     * Retrieve the parentURI.
     * @return the parentURI
    public String getParentURI() {
        return parentURI;

     * Modify the parentURI.
     * @param aParentURI the parentURI to set
    public void setParentURI(String aParentURI) {
        parentURI = aParentURI;

    public void createFromJSON(String text) {
        JSONObject json = (JSONObject) JSONParser.parse(text);
        name = unmarshallString(json, "name");
        owner = unmarshallString(json, "owner");
        createdBy = unmarshallString(json, "createdBy");
        modifiedBy = unmarshallString(json, "modifiedBy");
        deleted = unmarshallBoolean(json, "deleted");
        shared = unmarshallBoolean(json, "shared");
        readForAll = unmarshallBoolean(json, "readForAll");
        if (deleted)
            GWT.log("FOUND A DELETED FOLDER:" + name, null);

        if (json.get("parent") != null) {
            JSONObject parent = json.get("parent").isObject();
            parentURI = unmarshallString(parent, "uri");
            parentName = unmarshallString(parent, "name");

        if (json.get("permissions") != null) {
            JSONArray perm = json.get("permissions").isArray();
            if (perm != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < perm.size(); i++) {
                    JSONObject obj = perm.get(i).isObject();
                    if (obj != null) {
                        PermissionHolder permission = new PermissionHolder();
                        if (obj.get("user") != null)
                            permission.setUser(unmarshallString(obj, "user"));
                        if (obj.get("group") != null)
                            permission.setGroup(URL.decodeComponent(unmarshallString(obj, "group")));
                        permission.setRead(unmarshallBoolean(obj, "read"));
                        permission.setWrite(unmarshallBoolean(obj, "write"));
                        permission.setModifyACL(unmarshallBoolean(obj, "modifyACL"));
        if (json.get("folders") != null) {
            JSONArray subs = json.get("folders").isArray();
            if (subs != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < subs.size(); i++) {
                    JSONObject so = subs.get(i).isObject();
                    if (so != null) {
                        String subUri = unmarshallString(so, "uri");
                        String subName = unmarshallString(so, "name");
                        if (subUri != null && subName != null) {
                            if (!subUri.endsWith("/"))
                                subUri = subUri + "/";
                            FolderResource sub = new FolderResource(subUri);
        if (json.get("files") != null) {
            JSONArray subs = json.get("files").isArray();
            if (subs != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < subs.size(); i++) {
                    JSONObject fo = subs.get(i).isObject();
                    if (fo != null) {
                        String fname = unmarshallString(fo, "name");
                        String fowner = unmarshallString(fo, "owner");
                        String fcontent = unmarshallString(fo, "content");
                        String fpath = unmarshallString(fo, "path");
                        Boolean fshared = unmarshallBoolean(fo, "shared");
                        fpath = URL.decodeComponent(fpath);
                        Integer fversion = null;
                        if (fo.get("version") != null)
                            fversion = new Integer(fo.get("version").toString());
                        boolean fdeleted = unmarshallBoolean(fo, "deleted");
                        Date fcreationDate = null;
                        if (fo.get("creationDate") != null)
                            fcreationDate = new Date(new Long(fo.get("creationDate").toString()));
                        Date fmodificationDate = null;
                        if (fo.get("modificationDate") != null)
                            fmodificationDate = new Date(new Long(fo.get("modificationDate").toString()));
                        String furi = unmarshallString(fo, "uri");
                        Long fsize = 0L;
                        if (fo.get("size") != null)
                            fsize = new Long(fo.get("size").toString());
                        FileResource fs = new FileResource(furi);
                        fs.setVersioned(unmarshallBoolean(fo, "versioned"));
        if (json.get("creationDate") != null)
            creationDate = new Date(new Long(json.get("creationDate").toString()));
        if (json.get("modificationDate") != null)
            modificationDate = new Date(new Long(json.get("modificationDate").toString()));

    public String getParentName() {
        return parentName;

     * Retrieve the needsExpanding.
     * @return the needsExpanding
    public boolean isNeedsExpanding() {
        return needsExpanding;

     * Modify the needsExpanding.
     * @param newNeedsExpanding the needsExpanding to set
    public void setNeedsExpanding(boolean newNeedsExpanding) {
        needsExpanding = newNeedsExpanding;

    public boolean isShared() {
        return shared;

    public String getLastModifiedSince() {
        if (modificationDate != null)
            return getDate(modificationDate.getTime());
        return null;

    public MultipleGetCommand.Cached[] getCache() {
        if (getSubfolderPaths().size() != getFolders().size()) {
            GWT.log("MISMATCH IN PATH AND FOLDERS SIZE", null);
            return null;
        MultipleGetCommand.Cached[] result = new MultipleGetCommand.Cached[getSubfolderPaths().size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < getFolders().size(); i++) {
            FolderResource r = getFolders().get(i);
            Cached c = new Cached();
            c.cache = r;
            c.uri = r.uri;
            result[i] = c;
        return result;

    public MultipleGetCommand.Cached[] getFileCache() {
        if (getFilePaths().size() != getFiles().size()) {
            GWT.log("MISMATCH IN PATH AND FILES SIZE", null);
            return null;
        if (!filesExpanded)
            return null;
        MultipleGetCommand.Cached[] result = new MultipleGetCommand.Cached[getFilePaths().size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < getFiles().size(); i++) {
            FileResource r = getFiles().get(i);
            Cached c = new Cached();
            c.cache = r;
            c.uri = r.uri;
            result[i] = c;
        return result;

    public void setFilesExpanded(boolean newFilesExpanded) {
        filesExpanded = newFilesExpanded;

     * this method constructs the partial path of a given TreeItem using it's text
     * @param selectedItem the selectedItem to check
    private String constructPartialPath(TreeItem selectedItem) {
        String result = DisplayHelper.trim(selectedItem.getText());
        TreeItem parent = selectedItem.getParentItem();
        while (!(DisplayHelper.trim(parent.getText()).equals("My Shared")
                || DisplayHelper.trim(parent.getText()).equals("Other's Shared")
                || DisplayHelper.trim(parent.getText()).equals("Trash"))) {
            result = DisplayHelper.trim(parent.getText()) + "/" + result;
            if (result.equals("My Shared") || result.equals("Other's Shared"))
                return result;
            parent = parent.getParentItem();

        return result;

     * examine whether a folder name like "Trash", "My Shared", "Other's Shared" is inside path
     * @param selectedItem the selectedTreeItem to check

    private boolean containsFolder(TreeItem selectedItem, String folderName) {
        TreeItem parent = selectedItem.getParentItem();
        while (parent != null) {
            String parentItemText = parent.getText();
            String parentItemTextTr = DisplayHelper.trim(parentItemText);
            if (parentItemTextTr.equals(folderName))
                return true;
            parent = parent.getParentItem();
        return false;

    public String constructUri(TreeItem treeItem, String path) {
        String constructedUri = "";
        if (containsFolder(treeItem, "My Shared")) {
            //case: selected folders below My Shared folder
            String partialUri = constructPartialPath(treeItem);
            constructedUri = constructedUri + "Files/shared/" + partialUri;
            return constructedUri;
        } else if (containsFolder(treeItem, "Other's Shared")) {
            //case: selected folders below Other's Shared folder
            String partialPath = constructPartialPath(treeItem);
            constructedUri = constructedUri + "Files/others/" + partialPath;
            return constructedUri;
        } else if (getParentURI() == null) {
            if (containsFolder(treeItem, "Trash")) {
                //case: selected folders below Trash folder
                String partialUri = constructPartialPath(treeItem);
                constructedUri = constructedUri + "Files/trash/" + partialUri;
                return constructedUri;
            //case: home folder is selected
            constructedUri = constructedUri + "Files/files/" + getName();
            return constructedUri;
        } else if (treeItem.getParentItem() == null) {
            //this is the case when the user uses the browser's forward arrow to navigate through other's
            //shared folders and item.getParentItem is null only inside other's shared folder
            String apiPath = GSS.get().getApiPath();
            String newPath = getParentURI().substring(apiPath.lastIndexOf("/"));
            constructedUri = constructedUri + "Files" + newPath + getName();
            return constructedUri;
        } else {
            String finalUri = getParentURI().substring(path.lastIndexOf("/")) + getName();
            constructedUri = constructedUri + "Files" + finalUri;
            return constructedUri;


     * Retrieve the readForAll.
     * @return the readForAll
    public boolean isReadForAll() {
        return readForAll;

     * Modify the readForAll.
     * @param newReadForAll the readForAll to set
    public void setReadForAll(boolean newReadForAll) {
        readForAll = newReadForAll;

    public int countNotDeletedSubfolders() {
        int count = 0;
        for (FolderResource r : folders) {
            if (!r.isDeleted())
        return count;
