Java tutorial
/* * LensKit, an open source recommender systems toolkit. * Copyright 2010-2014 LensKit Contributors. See * Work on LensKit has been funded by the National Science Foundation under * grants IIS 05-34939, 08-08692, 08-12148, and 10-17697. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 * Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.Set; /** * Utilities for making the binary format. * * @since 2.1 * @author <a href="">GroupLens Research</a> */ final class BinaryFormat { public static final byte[] HEADER_MAGIC = "LK".getBytes(Charsets.US_ASCII); static final int INT_SIZE = 4; static final int LONG_SIZE = 8; static final int DOUBLE_SIZE = 8; private final EnumSet<PackHeaderFlag> formatFlags; private final boolean includeTimestamps; private final boolean compactItems, compactUsers; private final int ratingSize; private BinaryFormat(Set<PackHeaderFlag> flags) { formatFlags = EnumSet.copyOf(flags); includeTimestamps = flags.contains(PackHeaderFlag.TIMESTAMPS); compactItems = flags.contains(PackHeaderFlag.COMPACT_ITEMS); compactUsers = flags.contains(PackHeaderFlag.COMPACT_USERS); int rsz = DOUBLE_SIZE; rsz += compactItems ? INT_SIZE : LONG_SIZE; rsz += compactUsers ? INT_SIZE : LONG_SIZE; if (hasTimestamps()) { rsz += LONG_SIZE; } ratingSize = rsz; } /** * Create a new binary format with some flags. * @param flags The flags. * @return The new binary format. */ public static BinaryFormat create(PackHeaderFlag... flags) { return new BinaryFormat(Sets.newEnumSet(Arrays.asList(flags), PackHeaderFlag.class)); } /** * Create a new binary format with some flags. * @param flags The flags. * @return The new binary format. */ public static BinaryFormat createWithFlags(Set<PackHeaderFlag> flags) { return new BinaryFormat(Sets.newEnumSet(flags, PackHeaderFlag.class)); } /** * Create a new binary format with some externally-facing flags and the default header * settings. * @param flags The format flags. * @return A new format. */ @Deprecated public static BinaryFormat create(Set<BinaryFormatFlag> flags) { Set<PackHeaderFlag> hflags = PackHeaderFlag.fromFormatFlags(flags); return new BinaryFormat(hflags); } public static BinaryFormat fromFlags(short flagWord) { EnumSet<PackHeaderFlag> flags = PackHeaderFlag.unpackWord(flagWord); return new BinaryFormat(flags); } public boolean hasTimestamps() { return includeTimestamps; } public boolean hasCompactItems() { return compactItems; } public boolean hasCompactUsers() { return compactUsers; } public boolean isCompact() { return compactUsers || compactItems; } public Set<PackHeaderFlag> getFlags() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(formatFlags); } public short getFlagWord() { return PackHeaderFlag.packWord(formatFlags); } public int getRatingSize() { return ratingSize; } public int getHeaderSize() { return BinaryHeader.HEADER_SIZE; } static long readId(ByteBuffer buf, boolean compact) { if (compact) { return buf.getInt(); } else { return buf.getLong(); } } static void writeId(ByteBuffer buf, long id, boolean compact) { if (compact) { assert id >= Integer.MIN_VALUE && id <= Integer.MAX_VALUE; buf.putInt((int) id); } else { buf.putLong(id); } } public int getUserIdSize() { return compactUsers ? INT_SIZE : LONG_SIZE; } public int getItemIdSize() { return compactUsers ? INT_SIZE : LONG_SIZE; } public boolean userIdIsValid(long id) { if (compactUsers) { return id >= Integer.MIN_VALUE && id <= Integer.MAX_VALUE; } else { return true; } } public boolean itemIdIsValid(long id) { if (compactItems) { return id >= Integer.MIN_VALUE && id <= Integer.MAX_VALUE; } else { return true; } } public long readUserId(ByteBuffer buf) { return readId(buf, compactUsers); } public long readItemId(ByteBuffer buf) { return readId(buf, compactItems); } public void writeUserId(ByteBuffer buf, long id) { writeId(buf, id, compactUsers); } public void writeItemId(ByteBuffer buf, long id) { writeId(buf, id, compactItems); } /** * Render a rating to a byte buffer. * @param rating The rating. * @param buf The buffer. */ public void renderRating(Rating rating, ByteBuffer buf) { writeUserId(buf, rating.getUserId()); writeItemId(buf, rating.getItemId()); Preference pref = rating.getPreference(); if (pref == null) { buf.putDouble(Double.NaN); } else { buf.putDouble(pref.getValue()); } if (hasTimestamps()) { buf.putLong(rating.getTimestamp()); } } /** * Read a rating from a buffer. * @param buf The buffer to read. * @return The rating. */ public Rating readRating(ByteBuffer buf) { RatingBuilder rb = new RatingBuilder(); rb.setUserId(readUserId(buf)); rb.setItemId(readItemId(buf)); double rating = buf.getDouble(); if (!Double.isNaN(rating)) { rb.setRating(rating); } if (hasTimestamps()) { rb.setTimestamp(buf.getLong()); } return; } /** * Read a rating from a buffer into a mutable rating. * @param buf The buffer to read. * @param rating The rating to populate. */ public void readRating(ByteBuffer buf, MutableRating rating) { rating.setUserId(readUserId(buf)); rating.setItemId(readItemId(buf)); rating.setRating(buf.getDouble()); if (hasTimestamps()) { rating.setTimestamp(buf.getLong()); } else { rating.setTimestamp(-1); } } public int indexTableEntrySize() { return BinaryIndexTable.TABLE_ENTRY_SIZE; } @Override public String toString() { return "BinFormat" + formatFlags.toString(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; BinaryFormat that = (BinaryFormat) o; if (formatFlags != null ? !formatFlags.equals(that.formatFlags) : that.formatFlags != null) { return false; } return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { return formatFlags != null ? formatFlags.hashCode() : 0; } }