Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package; import com.grogdj.grogshop.core.model.Item; import; import; import; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.ejb.Stateless; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.json.Json; import javax.json.JsonArray; import javax.json.JsonArrayBuilder; import javax.json.JsonObject; import javax.json.JsonObjectBuilder; import javax.json.JsonReader; import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.hibernate.validator.constraints.NotEmpty; import org.jboss.resteasy.plugins.providers.multipart.InputPart; import org.jboss.resteasy.plugins.providers.multipart.MultipartFormDataInput; @Stateless public class ShopItemsServiceImpl implements ShopItemsService { @Inject private ItemsService itemsService; public static final String UPLOADED_FILE_PARAMETER_NAME = "file"; private final static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ShopItemsServiceImpl.class.getName()); @Override public Response getAllItems() throws ServiceException { List<Item> allItems = itemsService.getAllItems(); JsonArrayBuilder jsonArrayBuilder = Json.createArrayBuilder(); JsonObjectBuilder jsonObjectBuilder = Json.createObjectBuilder(); for (Item i : allItems) { jsonObjectBuilder.add("id", (i.getId() == null) ? "" : i.getId().toString()) .add("user_id", (i.getUser().getId() == null) ? "" : i.getUser().getId().toString()) .add("user_email", (i.getUser().getEmail() == null) ? "" : i.getUser().getEmail()) .add("club_id", (i.getClub().getId() == null) ? "" : i.getClub().getId().toString()) .add("type", (i.getType() == null) ? "" : i.getType().toString()) .add("name", (i.getName() == null) ? "" : i.getName()) .add("description", (i.getDescription() == null) ? "" : i.getDescription()) .add("hasImage", i.hasImage()) .add("minPrice", (i.getMinPrice() == null) ? "" : i.getMinPrice().toString()) .add("maxPrice", (i.getMaxPrice() == null) ? "" : i.getMaxPrice().toString()); if (i.getTags() != null) { JsonArrayBuilder jsonArrayBuilderInterest = Json.createArrayBuilder(); for (String s : i.getTags()) { jsonArrayBuilderInterest.add(Json.createObjectBuilder().add("text", s)); } jsonObjectBuilder.add("tags", jsonArrayBuilderInterest); } jsonArrayBuilder.add(jsonObjectBuilder); } JsonArray jsonArray =; return Response.ok(jsonArray.toString()).build(); } @Override public Response getAllItemsByClub(@PathParam("id") Long club_id) throws ServiceException { List<Item> allItems = itemsService.getAllItemsByClub(club_id); JsonArrayBuilder jsonArrayBuilder = Json.createArrayBuilder(); JsonObjectBuilder jsonObjectBuilder = Json.createObjectBuilder(); for (Item i : allItems) { jsonObjectBuilder.add("id", (i.getId() == null) ? "" : i.getId().toString()) .add("user_id", (i.getUser().getId() == null) ? "" : i.getUser().getId().toString()) .add("user_email", (i.getUser().getEmail() == null) ? "" : i.getUser().getEmail()) .add("club_id", (i.getClub().getId() == null) ? "" : i.getClub().getId().toString()) .add("type", (i.getType() == null) ? "" : i.getType().toString()) .add("name", (i.getName() == null) ? "" : i.getName()) .add("description", (i.getDescription() == null) ? "" : i.getDescription()) .add("hasImage", i.hasImage()) .add("minPrice", (i.getMinPrice() == null) ? "" : i.getMinPrice().toString()) .add("maxPrice", (i.getMaxPrice() == null) ? "" : i.getMaxPrice().toString()); if (i.getTags() != null) { JsonArrayBuilder jsonArrayBuilderInterest = Json.createArrayBuilder(); for (String s : i.getTags()) { jsonArrayBuilderInterest.add(Json.createObjectBuilder().add("text", s)); } jsonObjectBuilder.add("tags", jsonArrayBuilderInterest); } jsonArrayBuilder.add(jsonObjectBuilder); } JsonArray jsonArray =; return Response.ok(jsonArray.toString()).build(); } @Override public Response getAllItemsByUser(@PathParam("id") Long userId) throws ServiceException { List<Item> allItems = itemsService.getAllItemsByUser(userId); JsonArrayBuilder jsonArrayBuilder = Json.createArrayBuilder(); JsonObjectBuilder jsonObjectBuilder = Json.createObjectBuilder(); for (Item i : allItems) { jsonObjectBuilder.add("id", (i.getId() == null) ? "" : i.getId().toString()) .add("user_id", (i.getUser().getId() == null) ? "" : i.getUser().getId().toString()) .add("user_email", (i.getUser().getEmail() == null) ? "" : i.getUser().getEmail()) .add("club_id", (i.getClub().getId() == null) ? "" : i.getClub().getId().toString()) .add("type", (i.getType() == null) ? "" : i.getType().toString()) .add("name", (i.getName() == null) ? "" : i.getName()) .add("description", (i.getDescription() == null) ? "" : i.getDescription()) .add("hasImage", i.hasImage()) .add("minPrice", (i.getMinPrice() == null) ? "" : i.getMinPrice().toString()) .add("maxPrice", (i.getMaxPrice() == null) ? "" : i.getMaxPrice().toString()); if (i.getTags() != null) { JsonArrayBuilder jsonArrayBuilderInterest = Json.createArrayBuilder(); for (String s : i.getTags()) { jsonArrayBuilderInterest.add(Json.createObjectBuilder().add("text", s)); } jsonObjectBuilder.add("tags", jsonArrayBuilderInterest); } jsonArrayBuilder.add(jsonObjectBuilder); } JsonArray jsonArray =; return Response.ok(jsonArray.toString()).build(); } @Override public Response newItem(@NotNull @FormParam("user_id") Long userId, @NotNull @FormParam("club_id") Long clubId, @NotNull @FormParam("type") String type, @NotNull @NotEmpty @FormParam("name") String name, @NotNull @NotEmpty @FormParam("description") String description, @NotNull @NotEmpty @FormParam("tags") String tags, @FormParam("minPrice") String minPrice, @FormParam("maxPrice") String maxPrice) throws ServiceException { JsonReader reader = Json.createReader(new ByteArrayInputStream(tags.getBytes())); JsonArray array = reader.readArray(); reader.close(); List<String> interestsList = new ArrayList<String>(); if (array != null) { for (int i = 0; i < array.size(); i++) {"Tag[" + i + "]: " + array.getJsonObject(i).getString("text")); interestsList.add(array.getJsonObject(i).getString("text")); } } Long newItem = itemsService.newItem(userId, clubId, type, name, description, interestsList, (minPrice == null) ? new BigDecimal(0) : new BigDecimal(minPrice), (maxPrice == null) ? new BigDecimal(0) : new BigDecimal(maxPrice)); return Response.ok(newItem).build(); } @Override public Response get(@PathParam("id") Long item_id) throws ServiceException { Item i = itemsService.getById(item_id); JsonObjectBuilder jsonObjectBuilder = Json.createObjectBuilder(); jsonObjectBuilder.add("id", (i.getId() == null) ? "" : i.getId().toString()) .add("user_id", (i.getUser().getId() == null) ? "" : i.getUser().getId().toString()) .add("user_email", (i.getUser().getEmail() == null) ? "" : i.getUser().getEmail()) .add("club_id", (i.getClub().getId() == null) ? "" : i.getClub().getId().toString()) .add("type", (i.getType() == null) ? "" : i.getType().toString()) .add("name", (i.getName() == null) ? "" : i.getName()) .add("description", (i.getDescription() == null) ? "" : i.getDescription()) .add("hasImage", i.hasImage()) .add("minPrice", (i.getMinPrice() == null) ? "" : i.getMinPrice().toString()) .add("maxPrice", (i.getMaxPrice() == null) ? "" : i.getMaxPrice().toString()); if (i.getTags() != null) { JsonArrayBuilder jsonArrayBuilderInterest = Json.createArrayBuilder(); for (String s : i.getTags()) { jsonArrayBuilderInterest.add(Json.createObjectBuilder().add("text", s)); } jsonObjectBuilder.add("tags", jsonArrayBuilderInterest); } JsonObject build =; return Response.ok(build.toString()).build(); } @Override public Response remove(Long item_id) throws ServiceException { itemsService.removeItem(item_id); return Response.ok().build(); } @Override public Response uploadItemImage(@NotNull @PathParam("id") Long item_id, MultipartFormDataInput input) throws ServiceException {">>>> sit back - starting file upload for user_id..." + item_id); Map<String, List<InputPart>> uploadForm = input.getFormDataMap(); List<InputPart> inputParts = uploadForm.get(UPLOADED_FILE_PARAMETER_NAME); for (InputPart inputPart : inputParts) { MultivaluedMap<String, String> headers = inputPart.getHeaders(); String filename = getFileName(headers); try { InputStream inputStream = inputPart.getBody(InputStream.class, null); byte[] bytes = IOUtils.toByteArray(inputStream); log.log(Level.INFO, ">>> File '''{'{0}'}''' has been read, size: #'{'{1}'}' bytes", new Object[] { filename, bytes.length }); itemsService.updateItemImage(item_id, filename, bytes); } catch (IOException e) { return Response.status(Response.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).entity(e.getMessage()).build(); } } return Response.ok().build(); } @Override public Response getItemImage(@NotNull @PathParam("id") Long item_id) throws ServiceException { final byte[] avatar = itemsService.getItemImage(item_id); return Response.ok().entity(new StreamingOutput() { @Override public void write(OutputStream output) throws IOException, WebApplicationException { output.write(avatar); output.flush(); } }).build(); } /** * Extract filename from HTTP heaeders. * * @param headers * @return */ private String getFileName(MultivaluedMap<String, String> headers) { String[] contentDisposition = headers.getFirst("Content-Disposition").split(";"); for (String filename : contentDisposition) { if ((filename.trim().startsWith("filename"))) { String[] name = filename.split("="); String finalFileName = sanitizeFilename(name[1]); return finalFileName; } } return "unknown"; } private String sanitizeFilename(String s) { return s.trim().replaceAll("\"", ""); } }