Java tutorial
/** * This file is part of Graylog. * * Graylog is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Graylog is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Graylog. If not, see <>. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.shiro.authc.AuthenticationException; import org.apache.shiro.authc.AuthenticationInfo; import org.apache.shiro.authc.AuthenticationToken; import org.apache.shiro.authc.SimpleAccount; import org.apache.shiro.authc.UsernamePasswordToken; import org.apache.shiro.authc.credential.AllowAllCredentialsMatcher; import org.apache.shiro.realm.AuthenticatingRealm; import org.graylog2.database.NotFoundException; import org.graylog2.plugin.database.ValidationException; import org.graylog2.plugin.database.users.User; import; import; import; import; import; import org.graylog2.shared.users.Role; import org.graylog2.shared.users.UserService; import org.graylog2.users.RoleService; import org.graylog2.users.UserImpl; import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.inject.Named; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import static; import static; public class LdapUserAuthenticator extends AuthenticatingRealm { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LdapUserAuthenticator.class); public static final String NAME = "legacy-ldap"; private final LdapConnector ldapConnector; private final LdapSettingsService ldapSettingsService; private final RoleService roleService; private final DateTimeZone rootTimeZone; private final UserService userService; @Inject LdapUserAuthenticator(LdapConnector ldapConnector, LdapSettingsService ldapSettingsService, UserService userService, RoleService roleService, @Named("root_timezone") DateTimeZone rootTimeZone) { this.ldapConnector = ldapConnector; this.userService = userService; this.ldapSettingsService = ldapSettingsService; this.roleService = roleService; this.rootTimeZone = rootTimeZone; setAuthenticationTokenClass(UsernamePasswordToken.class); setCredentialsMatcher(new AllowAllCredentialsMatcher()); setCachingEnabled(false); } @Override protected AuthenticationInfo doGetAuthenticationInfo(AuthenticationToken authtoken) throws AuthenticationException { // safe, we only handle this type final UsernamePasswordToken token = (UsernamePasswordToken) authtoken; final LdapConnectionConfig config = new LdapConnectionConfig(); final LdapSettings ldapSettings = ldapSettingsService.load(); if (ldapSettings == null || !ldapSettings.isEnabled()) { LOG.trace("LDAP is disabled, skipping"); return null; } config.setLdapHost(ldapSettings.getUri().getHost()); config.setLdapPort(ldapSettings.getUri().getPort()); config.setUseSsl(ldapSettings.getUri().getScheme().startsWith("ldaps")); config.setUseTls(ldapSettings.isUseStartTls()); if (ldapSettings.isTrustAllCertificates()) { config.setTrustManagers(new TrustAllX509TrustManager()); } config.setName(ldapSettings.getSystemUserName()); config.setCredentials(ldapSettings.getSystemPassword()); final String principal = (String) token.getPrincipal(); final char[] tokenPassword = firstNonNull(token.getPassword(), new char[0]); final String password = String.valueOf(tokenPassword); // do not try to look a token up in LDAP if there is no principal or password if (isNullOrEmpty(principal) || isNullOrEmpty(password)) { LOG.debug("Principal or password were empty. Not trying to look up a token in LDAP."); return null; } try (final LdapNetworkConnection connection = ldapConnector.connect(config)) { if (null == connection) { LOG.error("Couldn't connect to LDAP directory"); return null; } final LdapEntry userEntry =, ldapSettings.getSearchBase(), ldapSettings.getSearchPattern(), ldapSettings.getDisplayNameAttribute(), principal, ldapSettings.isActiveDirectory(), ldapSettings.getGroupSearchBase(), ldapSettings.getGroupIdAttribute(), ldapSettings.getGroupSearchPattern()); if (userEntry == null) { LOG.debug("User {} not found in LDAP", principal); return null; } // needs to use the DN of the entry, not the parameter for the lookup filter we used to find the entry! final boolean authenticated = ldapConnector.authenticate(connection, userEntry.getDn(), password); if (!authenticated) {"Invalid credentials for user {} (DN {})", principal, userEntry.getDn()); return null; } // user found and authenticated, sync the user entry with mongodb final User user = syncFromLdapEntry(userEntry, ldapSettings, principal); if (user == null) { // in case there was an error reading, creating or modifying the user in mongodb, we do not authenticate the user. LOG.error("Unable to sync LDAP user {} (DN {})", userEntry.getBindPrincipal(), userEntry.getDn()); return null; } return new SimpleAccount(principal, null, "ldap realm"); } catch (LdapException e) { LOG.error("LDAP error", e); } catch (CursorException e) { LOG.error("Unable to read LDAP entry", e); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Error during LDAP user account sync. Cannot log in user {}", principal, e); } // Return null by default to ensure a login failure if anything goes wrong. return null; } public boolean isEnabled() { final LdapSettings ldapSettings = ldapSettingsService.load(); return ldapSettings != null && ldapSettings.isEnabled(); } @Nullable @VisibleForTesting User syncFromLdapEntry(LdapEntry userEntry, LdapSettings ldapSettings, String username) { User user = userService.load(username); // create new user object if necessary if (user == null) { user = userService.create(); } // update user attributes from ldap entry updateFromLdap(user, userEntry, ldapSettings, username); try {; } catch (ValidationException e) { LOG.error("Cannot save user.", e); return null; } return user; } private void updateFromLdap(User user, LdapEntry userEntry, LdapSettings ldapSettings, String username) { final String displayNameAttribute = ldapSettings.getDisplayNameAttribute(); final String fullName = firstNonNull(userEntry.get(displayNameAttribute), username); user.setName(username); user.setFullName(fullName); user.setExternal(true); if (user.getTimeZone() == null) { user.setTimeZone(rootTimeZone); } final String email = userEntry.getEmail(); if (isNullOrEmpty(email)) { LOG.debug("No email address found for user {} in LDAP. Using {}@localhost", username, username); user.setEmail(username + "@localhost"); } else { user.setEmail(email); } // TODO This is a crude hack until we have a proper way to distinguish LDAP users from normal users if (isNullOrEmpty(user.getHashedPassword())) { ((UserImpl) user).setHashedPassword("User synced from LDAP."); } // map ldap groups to user roles, if the mapping is present final Set<String> translatedRoleIds = Sets.newHashSet(Sets.union( Sets.newHashSet(ldapSettings.getDefaultGroupId()), ldapSettings.getAdditionalDefaultGroupIds())); if (!userEntry.getGroups().isEmpty()) { // ldap search returned groups, these always override the ones set on the user try { final Map<String, Role> roleNameToRole = roleService.loadAllLowercaseNameMap(); for (String ldapGroupName : userEntry.getGroups()) { final String roleName = ldapSettings.getGroupMapping().get(ldapGroupName); if (roleName == null) { LOG.debug("User {}: No group mapping for ldap group <{}>", username, ldapGroupName); continue; } final Role role = roleNameToRole.get(roleName.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH)); if (role != null) { LOG.debug("User {}: Mapping ldap group <{}> to role <{}>", username, ldapGroupName, role.getName()); translatedRoleIds.add(role.getId()); } else { LOG.warn("User {}: No role found for ldap group <{}>", username, ldapGroupName); } } } catch (NotFoundException e) { LOG.error("Unable to load user roles", e); } } else if (ldapSettings.getGroupMapping().isEmpty() || ldapSettings.getGroupSearchBase().isEmpty() || ldapSettings.getGroupSearchPattern().isEmpty() || ldapSettings.getGroupIdAttribute().isEmpty()) { // no group mapping or configuration set, we'll leave the previously set groups alone on sync // when first creating the user these will be empty translatedRoleIds.addAll(user.getRoleIds()); } user.setRoleIds(translatedRoleIds); // preserve the raw permissions (the ones without the synthetic self-edit permissions or the "*" admin one) user.setPermissions(user.getPermissions()); } }