Source code

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Here is the source code for


 * This file is part of Graylog Pipeline Processor.
 * Graylog Pipeline Processor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * Graylog Pipeline Processor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with Graylog Pipeline Processor.  If not, see <>.
package org.graylog.plugins.pipelineprocessor.processors;


import com.codahale.metrics.Meter;
import com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry;
import com.codahale.metrics.Timer;

import org.graylog.plugins.pipelineprocessor.EvaluationContext;
import org.graylog.plugins.pipelineprocessor.ast.Pipeline;
import org.graylog.plugins.pipelineprocessor.ast.Rule;
import org.graylog.plugins.pipelineprocessor.ast.Stage;
import org.graylog.plugins.pipelineprocessor.ast.statements.Statement;
import org.graylog.plugins.pipelineprocessor.codegen.GeneratedRule;
import org.graylog.plugins.pipelineprocessor.processors.listeners.InterpreterListener;
import org.graylog.plugins.pipelineprocessor.processors.listeners.NoopInterpreterListener;
import org.graylog2.metrics.CacheStatsSet;
import org.graylog2.plugin.Message;
import org.graylog2.plugin.MessageCollection;
import org.graylog2.plugin.Messages;
import org.graylog2.plugin.messageprocessors.MessageProcessor;
import org.graylog2.plugin.streams.Stream;
import org.graylog2.shared.buffers.processors.ProcessBufferProcessor;
import org.graylog2.shared.journal.Journal;
import org.graylog2.shared.metrics.MetricUtils;
import org.graylog2.shared.utilities.ExceptionUtils;
import org.jooq.lambda.tuple.Tuple2;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;

import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.inject.Named;

import static;
import static org.jooq.lambda.tuple.Tuple.tuple;

public class PipelineInterpreter implements MessageProcessor {
    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PipelineInterpreter.class);

    public static final String GL2_PROCESSING_ERROR = "gl2_processing_error";

    private final Journal journal;
    private final Meter filteredOutMessages;
    private final Timer executionTime;
    private final ConfigurationStateUpdater stateUpdater;

    public PipelineInterpreter(Journal journal, MetricRegistry metricRegistry,
            ConfigurationStateUpdater stateUpdater) {

        this.journal = journal;
        this.filteredOutMessages = metricRegistry.meter(name(ProcessBufferProcessor.class, "filteredOutMessages"));
        this.executionTime = metricRegistry.timer(name(PipelineInterpreter.class, "executionTime"));
        this.stateUpdater = stateUpdater;

     * @param messages messages to process
     * @return messages to pass on to the next stage
    public Messages process(Messages messages) {
        try (Timer.Context ignored = executionTime.time()) {
            final State latestState = stateUpdater.getLatestState();
            return process(messages, new NoopInterpreterListener(), latestState);

     * Evaluates all pipelines that apply to the given messages, based on the current stream routing
     * of the messages.
     * The processing loops on each single message (passed in or created by pipelines) until the set
     * of streams does not change anymore. No cycle detection is performed.
     * @param messages            the messages to process through the pipelines
     * @param interpreterListener a listener which gets called for each processing stage (e.g. to
     *                            trace execution)
     * @param state               the pipeline/stage/rule/stream connection state to use during
     *                            processing
     * @return the processed messages
    public Messages process(Messages messages, InterpreterListener interpreterListener, State state) {
        // message id + stream id
        final Set<Tuple2<String, String>> processingBlacklist = Sets.newHashSet();

        final List<Message> fullyProcessed = Lists.newArrayList();
        List<Message> toProcess = Lists.newArrayList(messages);

        while (!toProcess.isEmpty()) {
            final MessageCollection currentSet = new MessageCollection(toProcess);
            // we'll add them back below

            for (Message message : currentSet) {
                final String msgId = message.getId();

                // this makes a copy of the list, which is mutated later in updateStreamBlacklist
                // it serves as a worklist, to keep track of which <msg, stream> tuples need to be re-run again
                final Set<String> initialStreamIds = message.getStreams().stream().map(Stream::getId)

                final ImmutableSet<Pipeline> pipelinesToRun = selectPipelines(interpreterListener,
                        processingBlacklist, message, initialStreamIds, state.getStreamPipelineConnections());

                        processForResolvedPipelines(message, msgId, pipelinesToRun, interpreterListener, state));

                // add each processed message-stream combination to the blacklist set and figure out if the processing
                // has added a stream to the message, in which case we need to cycle and determine whether to process
                // its pipeline connections, too
                boolean addedStreams = updateStreamBlacklist(processingBlacklist, message, initialStreamIds);

                // go to 1 and iterate over all messages again until no more streams are being assigned
                if (!addedStreams || message.getFilterOut()) {
                    log.debug("[{}] no new streams matches or dropped message, not running again", msgId);
                } else {
                    // process again, we've added a stream
                    log.debug("[{}] new streams assigned, running again for those streams", msgId);

        // 7. return the processed messages
        return new MessageCollection(fullyProcessed);

    private void potentiallyDropFilteredMessage(Message message) {
        if (message.getFilterOut()) {
            log.debug("[{}] marked message to be discarded. Dropping message.", message.getId());

    // given the initial streams the message was on before the processing and its current state, update the set of
    // <msgid, stream> that should not be run again (which prevents re-running pipelines over and over again)
    private boolean updateStreamBlacklist(Set<Tuple2<String, String>> processingBlacklist, Message message,
            Set<String> initialStreamIds) {
        boolean addedStreams = false;
        for (Stream stream : message.getStreams()) {
            if (!initialStreamIds.remove(stream.getId())) {
                addedStreams = true;
            } else {
                // only add pre-existing streams to blacklist, this has the effect of only adding already processed streams,
                // not newly added ones.
                processingBlacklist.add(tuple(message.getId(), stream.getId()));
        return addedStreams;

    // determine which pipelines should be executed give the stream-pipeline connections and the current message
    // the initialStreamIds are not mutated, but are begin passed for efficiency, as they are being used later in #process()
    private ImmutableSet<Pipeline> selectPipelines(InterpreterListener interpreterListener,
            Set<Tuple2<String, String>> processingBlacklist, Message message, Set<String> initialStreamIds,
            ImmutableSetMultimap<String, Pipeline> streamConnection) {
        final String msgId = message.getId();

        // if a message-stream combination has already been processed (is in the set), skip that execution
        final Set<String> streamsIds =
                .filter(streamId -> !processingBlacklist.contains(tuple(msgId, streamId)))
        final ImmutableSet<Pipeline> pipelinesToRun = ImmutableSet.copyOf(
                .flatMap(streamId -> streamConnection.get(streamId).stream()).collect(Collectors.toSet()));
        interpreterListener.processStreams(message, pipelinesToRun, streamsIds);
        log.debug("[{}] running pipelines {} for streams {}", msgId, pipelinesToRun, streamsIds);
        return pipelinesToRun;

     * Given a set of pipeline ids, process the given message according to the passed state.
     * This method returns the list of messages produced by the configuration in state, it does not
     * look at the database or any other external resource besides what is being passed as
     * parameters.
     * This can be used to simulate pipelines without having to store them in the database.
     * @param message             the message to process
     * @param pipelineIds         the ids of the pipelines to resolve and run the message through
     * @param interpreterListener the listener tracing the execution
     * @param state               the pipeline/stage/rule state to interpret
     * @return the list of messages created during the interpreter run
    public List<Message> processForPipelines(Message message, Set<String> pipelineIds,
            InterpreterListener interpreterListener, State state) {
        final ImmutableSet<Pipeline> pipelinesToRun = ImmutableSet
                .copyOf( -> state.getCurrentPipelines().get(pipelineId))
                        .filter(pipeline -> pipeline != null).collect(Collectors.toSet()));

        return processForResolvedPipelines(message, message.getId(), pipelinesToRun, interpreterListener, state);

    private List<Message> processForResolvedPipelines(Message message, String msgId, Set<Pipeline> pipelines,
            InterpreterListener interpreterListener, State state) {
        final List<Message> result = new ArrayList<>();
        // record execution of pipeline in metrics

        final StageIterator stages = state.getStageIterator(pipelines);
        final Set<Pipeline> pipelinesToSkip = Sets.newHashSet();

        // iterate through all stages for all matching pipelines, per "stage slice" instead of per pipeline.
        // pipeline execution ordering is not guaranteed
        while (stages.hasNext()) {
            final List<Stage> stageSet =;
            for (final Stage stage : stageSet)
                evaluateStage(stage, message, msgId, result, pipelinesToSkip, interpreterListener);

        // 7. return the processed messages
        return result;

    private void evaluateStage(Stage stage, Message message, String msgId, List<Message> result,
            Set<Pipeline> pipelinesToSkip, InterpreterListener interpreterListener) {
        final Pipeline pipeline = stage.getPipeline();
        if (pipelinesToSkip.contains(pipeline)) {
            log.debug("[{}] previous stage result prevents further processing of pipeline `{}`", msgId,
        log.debug("[{}] evaluating rule conditions in stage {}: match {}", msgId, stage.stage(),
                stage.matchAll() ? "all" : "either");

        // TODO the message should be decorated to allow layering changes and isolate stages
        final EvaluationContext context = new EvaluationContext(message);

        // 3. iterate over all the stages in these pipelines and execute them in order
        final ArrayList<Rule> rulesToRun = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(stage.getRules().size());
        boolean anyRulesMatched = false;
        for (Rule rule : stage.getRules()) {
            anyRulesMatched |= evaluateRuleCondition(rule, message, msgId, pipeline, context, rulesToRun,

        for (Rule rule : rulesToRun)
            if (!executeRuleActions(rule, message, msgId, pipeline, context, interpreterListener)) {
                // if any of the rules raise an error, skip the rest of the rules
        // stage needed to match all rule conditions to enable the next stage,
        // record that it is ok to proceed with this pipeline
        // OR
        // any rule could match, but at least one had to,
        // record that it is ok to proceed with the pipeline
        if ((stage.matchAll() && (rulesToRun.size() == stage.getRules().size()))
                || (rulesToRun.size() > 0 && anyRulesMatched)) {
            interpreterListener.continuePipelineExecution(pipeline, stage);
            log.debug("[{}] stage {} for pipeline `{}` required match: {}, ok to proceed with next stage", msgId,
                    stage.stage(),, stage.matchAll() ? "all" : "either");
        } else {
            // no longer execute stages from this pipeline, the guard prevents it
            interpreterListener.stopPipelineExecution(pipeline, stage);
            log.debug("[{}] stage {} for pipeline `{}` required match: {}, NOT ok to proceed with next stage",
                    msgId, stage.stage(),, stage.matchAll() ? "all" : "either");

        // 4. after each complete stage run, merge the processing changes, stages are isolated from each other
        // TODO message changes become visible immediately for now

        // 4a. also add all new messages from the context to the toProcess work list
        Iterables.addAll(result, context.createdMessages());

    private boolean executeRuleActions(Rule rule, Message message, String msgId, Pipeline pipeline,
            EvaluationContext context, InterpreterListener interpreterListener) {
        interpreterListener.executeRule(rule, pipeline);
        log.debug("[{}] rule `{}` matched running actions", msgId,;
        final GeneratedRule generatedRule = rule.generatedRule();
        if (generatedRule != null) {
            try {
                return true;
            } catch (Exception ignored) {
                final EvaluationContext.EvalError lastError = Iterables.getLast(context.evaluationErrors());
                appendProcessingError(rule, message, lastError.toString());
                log.debug("Encountered evaluation error, skipping rest of the rule: {}", lastError);
                return false;
        } else {
            if (ConfigurationStateUpdater.isAllowCodeGeneration()) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Should have generated code and not interpreted the tree");
            for (Statement statement : rule.then()) {
                if (!evaluateStatement(message, interpreterListener, pipeline, context, rule, statement)) {
                    // statement raised an error, skip the rest of the rule
                    return false;
        return true;

    private boolean evaluateStatement(Message message, InterpreterListener interpreterListener, Pipeline pipeline,
            EvaluationContext context, Rule rule, Statement statement) {
        if (context.hasEvaluationErrors()) {
            // if the last statement resulted in an error, do not continue to execute this rules
            final EvaluationContext.EvalError lastError = Iterables.getLast(context.evaluationErrors());
            appendProcessingError(rule, message, lastError.toString());
            interpreterListener.failExecuteRule(rule, pipeline);
            log.debug("Encountered evaluation error, skipping rest of the rule: {}", lastError);
            return false;
        return true;

    private boolean evaluateRuleCondition(Rule rule, Message message, String msgId, Pipeline pipeline,
            EvaluationContext context, ArrayList<Rule> rulesToRun, InterpreterListener interpreterListener) {
        interpreterListener.evaluateRule(rule, pipeline);
        final GeneratedRule generatedRule = rule.generatedRule();
        boolean matched = generatedRule != null ? generatedRule.when(context) : rule.when().evaluateBool(context);
        if (matched) {

            if (context.hasEvaluationErrors()) {
                final EvaluationContext.EvalError lastError = Iterables.getLast(context.evaluationErrors());
                appendProcessingError(rule, message, lastError.toString());
                interpreterListener.failEvaluateRule(rule, pipeline);
                log.debug("Encountered evaluation error during condition, skipping rule actions: {}", lastError);
                return false;
            interpreterListener.satisfyRule(rule, pipeline);
            log.debug("[{}] rule `{}` matches, scheduling to run", msgId,;
            return true;
        } else {
            interpreterListener.dissatisfyRule(rule, pipeline);
            log.debug("[{}] rule `{}` does not match", msgId,;
        return false;

    private void appendProcessingError(Rule rule, Message message, String errorString) {
        final String msg = "For rule '" + + "': " + errorString;
        if (message.hasField(GL2_PROCESSING_ERROR)) {
                    message.getFieldAs(String.class, GL2_PROCESSING_ERROR) + "," + msg);
        } else {
            message.addField(GL2_PROCESSING_ERROR, msg);

    public static class Descriptor implements MessageProcessor.Descriptor {
        public String name() {
            return "Pipeline Processor";

        public String className() {
            return PipelineInterpreter.class.getCanonicalName();

    public static class State {
        private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(State.class);

        private final ImmutableMap<String, Pipeline> currentPipelines;
        private final ImmutableSetMultimap<String, Pipeline> streamPipelineConnections;
        private final LoadingCache<Set<Pipeline>, StageIterator.Configuration> cache;
        private final ClassLoader commonClassLoader;
        private final boolean cachedIterators;

        public State(@Assisted ImmutableMap<String, Pipeline> currentPipelines,
                @Assisted ImmutableSetMultimap<String, Pipeline> streamPipelineConnections,
                @Nullable @Assisted ClassLoader commonClassLoader, MetricRegistry metricRegistry,
                @Named("processbuffer_processors") int processorCount,
                @Named("cached_stageiterators") boolean cachedIterators) {
            this.currentPipelines = currentPipelines;
            this.streamPipelineConnections = streamPipelineConnections;
            this.commonClassLoader = commonClassLoader;
            this.cachedIterators = cachedIterators;

            cache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().concurrencyLevel(processorCount).recordStats()
                    .build(new CacheLoader<Set<Pipeline>, StageIterator.Configuration>() {
                        public StageIterator.Configuration load(@Nonnull Set<Pipeline> pipelines) throws Exception {
                            return new StageIterator.Configuration(pipelines);

            // we have to remove the metrics, because otherwise we leak references to the cache (and the register call with throw)
                    (name, metric) -> name.startsWith(name(PipelineInterpreter.class, "stage-cache")));
                    new CacheStatsSet(name(PipelineInterpreter.class, "stage-cache"), cache));

        public ImmutableMap<String, Pipeline> getCurrentPipelines() {
            return currentPipelines;

        public ImmutableSetMultimap<String, Pipeline> getStreamPipelineConnections() {
            return streamPipelineConnections;

        public StageIterator getStageIterator(Set<Pipeline> pipelines) {
            try {
                if (cachedIterators) {
                    return new StageIterator(cache.get(pipelines));
                } else {
                    return new StageIterator(pipelines);
            } catch (ExecutionException e) {
                LOG.error("Unable to get StageIterator from cache, this should not happen.",
                return new StageIterator(pipelines);

        public interface Factory {
            State newState(ImmutableMap<String, Pipeline> currentPipelines,
                    ImmutableSetMultimap<String, Pipeline> streamPipelineConnections,
                    @Nullable ClassLoader commonClassLoader);