Source code

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/* Copyright 2004-2005 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.grails.orm.hibernate.cfg;

import groovy.lang.Closure;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.DefaultGroovyMethods;
import org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.*;
import org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.config.GormProperties;
import org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types.*;
import org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types.ToOne;
import org.grails.datastore.mapping.reflect.NameUtils;
import org.hibernate.FetchMode;
import org.hibernate.MappingException;
import org.hibernate.cfg.*;
import org.hibernate.mapping.*;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Collection;
import org.hibernate.mapping.ManyToOne;
import org.hibernate.mapping.OneToMany;
import org.hibernate.mapping.OneToOne;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Table;
import org.hibernate.persister.entity.UnionSubclassEntityPersister;
import org.hibernate.type.*;
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;

import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.sql.Types;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

 * Handles the binding Grails domain classes and properties to the Hibernate runtime meta model.
 * Based on the HbmBinder code in Hibernate core and influenced by AnnotationsBinder.
 * @author Graeme Rocher
 * @since 0.1
public abstract class AbstractGrailsDomainBinder {

    protected static final String CASCADE_ALL_DELETE_ORPHAN = "all-delete-orphan";
    protected static final String FOREIGN_KEY_SUFFIX = "_id";
    protected static final String STRING_TYPE = "string";
    protected static final String EMPTY_PATH = "";
    protected static final char UNDERSCORE = '_';
    protected static final String CASCADE_ALL = "all";
    protected static final String CASCADE_SAVE_UPDATE = "save-update";
    protected static final String CASCADE_NONE = "none";
    protected static final String BACKTICK = "`";

    protected static final Map<Class<?>, Mapping> MAPPING_CACHE = new HashMap<Class<?>, Mapping>();
    protected static final String ENUM_TYPE_CLASS = "org.hibernate.type.EnumType";
    protected static final String ENUM_CLASS_PROP = "enumClass";
    protected static final String ENUM_TYPE_PROP = "type";
    protected static final String DEFAULT_ENUM_TYPE = "default";

    protected Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());

    protected Closure defaultMapping;

    protected final CollectionType CT = new CollectionType(null, this) {
        public Collection create(ToMany property, PersistentClass owner, String path, Mappings mappings,
                String sessionFactoryBeanName) {
            return null;

     * Overrideable naming strategy. Defaults to <code>ImprovedNamingStrategy</code> but can
     * be configured in DataSource.groovy via <code>hibernate.naming_strategy = ...</code>.
    public static Map<String, NamingStrategy> NAMING_STRATEGIES = new HashMap<String, NamingStrategy>();
    static {
        NAMING_STRATEGIES.put(Mapping.DEFAULT_DATA_SOURCE, ImprovedNamingStrategy.INSTANCE);

    private PersistentEntityNamingStrategy namingStrategy;

     * The default ORM mapping
     * @param defaultMapping The default mapping
    public void setDefaultMapping(Closure defaultMapping) {
        this.defaultMapping = defaultMapping;

     * @param namingStrategy Custom naming strategy to plugin into table naming
    public void setNamingStrategy(PersistentEntityNamingStrategy namingStrategy) {
        this.namingStrategy = namingStrategy;

     * Second pass class for grails relationships. This is required as all
     * persistent classes need to be loaded in the first pass and then relationships
     * established in the second pass compile
     * @author Graeme
    class GrailsCollectionSecondPass implements SecondPass {

        private static final long serialVersionUID = -5540526942092611348L;

        protected ToMany property;
        protected Mappings mappings;
        protected Collection collection;
        protected String sessionFactoryBeanName;

        public GrailsCollectionSecondPass(ToMany property, Mappings mappings, Collection coll,
                String sessionFactoryBeanName) {
   = property;
            this.mappings = mappings;
            this.collection = coll;
            this.sessionFactoryBeanName = sessionFactoryBeanName;

        public void doSecondPass(Map<?, ?> persistentClasses, Map<?, ?> inheritedMetas) throws MappingException {
            bindCollectionSecondPass(property, mappings, persistentClasses, collection, sessionFactoryBeanName);

        protected void createCollectionKeys() {

            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                String msg = "Mapped collection key: " + columns(collection.getKey());
                if (collection.isIndexed())
                    msg += ", index: " + columns(((IndexedCollection) collection).getIndex());
                if (collection.isOneToMany()) {
                    msg += ", one-to-many: " + ((OneToMany) collection.getElement()).getReferencedEntityName();
                } else {
                    msg += ", element: " + columns(collection.getElement());

        protected String columns(Value val) {
            StringBuilder columns = new StringBuilder();
            Iterator<?> iter = val.getColumnIterator();
            while (iter.hasNext()) {
                if (iter.hasNext())
                    columns.append(", ");
            return columns.toString();

        public void doSecondPass(Map persistentClasses) throws MappingException {
            bindCollectionSecondPass(property, mappings, persistentClasses, collection, sessionFactoryBeanName);

    class ListSecondPass extends GrailsCollectionSecondPass {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -3024674993774205193L;

        public ListSecondPass(ToMany property, Mappings mappings, Collection coll, String sessionFactoryBeanName) {
            super(property, mappings, coll, sessionFactoryBeanName);

        public void doSecondPass(Map<?, ?> persistentClasses, Map<?, ?> inheritedMetas) throws MappingException {
            bindListSecondPass(property, mappings, persistentClasses, (org.hibernate.mapping.List) collection,

        public void doSecondPass(Map persistentClasses) throws MappingException {
            bindListSecondPass(property, mappings, persistentClasses, (org.hibernate.mapping.List) collection,

    class MapSecondPass extends GrailsCollectionSecondPass {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -3244991685626409031L;

        public MapSecondPass(ToMany property, Mappings mappings, Collection coll, String sessionFactoryBeanName) {
            super(property, mappings, coll, sessionFactoryBeanName);

        public void doSecondPass(Map<?, ?> persistentClasses, Map<?, ?> inheritedMetas) throws MappingException {
            bindMapSecondPass(property, mappings, persistentClasses, (org.hibernate.mapping.Map) collection,

        public void doSecondPass(Map persistentClasses) throws MappingException {
            bindMapSecondPass(property, mappings, persistentClasses, (org.hibernate.mapping.Map) collection,

     * Override the default naming strategy for the default datasource given a Class or a full class name.
     * @param strategy the class or name
     * @throws ClassNotFoundException
     * @throws InstantiationException
     * @throws IllegalAccessException
    public static void configureNamingStrategy(final Object strategy)
            throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
        configureNamingStrategy(Mapping.DEFAULT_DATA_SOURCE, strategy);

     * Override the default naming strategy given a Class or a full class name,
     * or an instance of a NamingStrategy.
     * @param datasourceName the datasource name
     * @param strategy  the class, name, or instance
     * @throws ClassNotFoundException
     * @throws InstantiationException
     * @throws IllegalAccessException
    public static void configureNamingStrategy(final String datasourceName, final Object strategy)
            throws ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
        Class<?> namingStrategyClass = null;
        NamingStrategy namingStrategy;
        if (strategy instanceof Class<?>) {
            namingStrategyClass = (Class<?>) strategy;
        } else if (strategy instanceof CharSequence) {
            namingStrategyClass = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass(strategy.toString());

        if (namingStrategyClass == null) {
            namingStrategy = (NamingStrategy) strategy;
        } else {
            namingStrategy = (NamingStrategy) namingStrategyClass.newInstance();

        NAMING_STRATEGIES.put(datasourceName, namingStrategy);

    protected void bindMapSecondPass(ToMany property, Mappings mappings, Map<?, ?> persistentClasses,
            org.hibernate.mapping.Map map, String sessionFactoryBeanName) {
        bindCollectionSecondPass(property, mappings, persistentClasses, map, sessionFactoryBeanName);

        SimpleValue value = new SimpleValue(mappings, map.getCollectionTable());

        bindSimpleValue(getIndexColumnType(property, STRING_TYPE), value, true,
                getIndexColumnName(property, sessionFactoryBeanName), mappings);
        PropertyConfig pc = getPropertyConfig(property);
        if (pc != null && pc.getIndexColumn() != null) {
            bindColumnConfigToColumn(property, getColumnForSimpleValue(value),

        if (!value.isTypeSpecified()) {
            throw new MappingException("map index element must specify a type: " + map.getRole());

        if (!(property instanceof org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types.OneToMany)
                && !(property instanceof ManyToMany)) {

            SimpleValue elt = new SimpleValue(mappings, map.getCollectionTable());

            String typeName = getTypeName(property, getPropertyConfig(property), getMapping(property.getOwner()));
            if (typeName == null) {

                if (property instanceof Basic) {
                    Basic basic = (Basic) property;
                    typeName = basic.getComponentType().getName();
            if (typeName == null || typeName.equals(Object.class.getName())) {
                typeName = StandardBasicTypes.STRING.getName();
            bindSimpleValue(typeName, elt, false, getMapElementName(property, sessionFactoryBeanName), mappings);



    protected ColumnConfig getSingleColumnConfig(PropertyConfig propertyConfig) {
        if (propertyConfig != null) {
            List<ColumnConfig> columns = propertyConfig.getColumns();
            if (columns != null && !columns.isEmpty()) {
                return columns.get(0);
        return null;

    protected void bindListSecondPass(ToMany property, Mappings mappings, Map<?, ?> persistentClasses,
            org.hibernate.mapping.List list, String sessionFactoryBeanName) {

        bindCollectionSecondPass(property, mappings, persistentClasses, list, sessionFactoryBeanName);

        String columnName = getIndexColumnName(property, sessionFactoryBeanName);
        final boolean isManyToMany = property instanceof ManyToMany;

        if (isManyToMany && !property.isOwningSide()) {
            throw new MappingException("Invalid association [" + property
                    + "]. List collection types only supported on the owning side of a many-to-many relationship.");

        Table collectionTable = list.getCollectionTable();
        SimpleValue iv = new SimpleValue(mappings, collectionTable);
        bindSimpleValue("integer", iv, true, columnName, mappings);

        Value v = list.getElement();

        if (property.isBidirectional()) {

            String entityName;
            Value element = list.getElement();
            if (element instanceof ManyToOne) {
                ManyToOne manyToOne = (ManyToOne) element;
                entityName = manyToOne.getReferencedEntityName();
            } else {
                entityName = ((OneToMany) element).getReferencedEntityName();

            PersistentClass referenced = mappings.getClass(entityName);

            Class<?> mappedClass = referenced.getMappedClass();
            Mapping m = getMapping(mappedClass);

            boolean compositeIdProperty = isCompositeIdProperty(m, property.getInverseSide());
            if (!compositeIdProperty) {
                Backref prop = new Backref();
                final PersistentEntity owner = property.getOwner();
                prop.setName(UNDERSCORE + addUnderscore(owner.getJavaClass().getSimpleName(), property.getName())
                        + "Backref");
                if (isManyToMany) {

                DependantValue value = (DependantValue) prop.getValue();
                if (!property.isCircular()) {


            if ((!list.getKey().isNullable() && !list.isInverse()) || compositeIdProperty) {
                IndexBackref ib = new IndexBackref();
                ib.setName(UNDERSCORE + property.getName() + "IndexBackref");
                if (isManyToMany) {

    protected void bindCollectionSecondPass(ToMany property, Mappings mappings, Map<?, ?> persistentClasses,
            Collection collection, String sessionFactoryBeanName) {

        PersistentClass associatedClass = null;

        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
            LOG.debug("Mapping collection: " + collection.getRole() + " -> "
                    + collection.getCollectionTable().getName());

        PropertyConfig propConfig = getPropertyConfig(property);

        if (propConfig != null && StringUtils.hasText(propConfig.getSort())) {
            if (!property.isBidirectional()
                    && (property instanceof org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types.OneToMany)) {
                throw new DatastoreConfigurationException("Default sort for associations ["
                        + property.getOwner().getName() + "->" + property.getName()
                        + "] are not supported with unidirectional one to many relationships.");
            PersistentEntity referenced = property.getAssociatedEntity();
            if (referenced != null) {
                PersistentProperty propertyToSortBy = referenced.getPropertyByName(propConfig.getSort());

                String associatedClassName = property.getAssociatedEntity().getName();

                associatedClass = (PersistentClass) persistentClasses.get(associatedClassName);
                if (associatedClass != null) {
                    collection.setOrderBy(buildOrderByClause(propertyToSortBy.getName(), associatedClass,
                            collection.getRole(), propConfig.getOrder() != null ? propConfig.getOrder() : "asc"));

        // Configure one-to-many
        if (collection.isOneToMany()) {

            PersistentEntity referenced = property.getAssociatedEntity();
            Mapping m = getRootMapping(referenced);
            boolean tablePerSubclass = m != null && !m.getTablePerHierarchy();

            if (referenced != null && !referenced.isRoot() && !tablePerSubclass) {
                Mapping rootMapping = getRootMapping(referenced);
                String discriminatorColumnName = RootClass.DEFAULT_DISCRIMINATOR_COLUMN_NAME;

                if (rootMapping != null) {
                    final ColumnConfig discriminatorColumn = rootMapping.getDiscriminatorColumn();
                    if (discriminatorColumn != null) {
                        discriminatorColumnName = discriminatorColumn.getName();
                    if (rootMapping.getDiscriminatorMap().get("formula") != null) {
                        discriminatorColumnName = (String) m.getDiscriminatorMap().get("formula");
                //NOTE: this will build the set for the in clause if it has sublcasses
                Set<String> discSet = buildDiscriminatorSet((HibernatePersistentEntity) referenced);
                String inclause = DefaultGroovyMethods.join(discSet, ",");

                collection.setWhere(discriminatorColumnName + " in (" + inclause + ")");

            OneToMany oneToMany = (OneToMany) collection.getElement();
            String associatedClassName = oneToMany.getReferencedEntityName();

            associatedClass = (PersistentClass) persistentClasses.get(associatedClassName);
            // if there is no persistent class for the association throw exception
            if (associatedClass == null) {
                throw new MappingException(
                        "Association references unmapped class: " + oneToMany.getReferencedEntityName());

            if (shouldBindCollectionWithForeignKey(property)) {

            bindCollectionForPropertyConfig(collection, propConfig);

        if (isSorted(property)) {

        // setup the primary key references
        DependantValue key = createPrimaryKeyValue(mappings, property, collection, persistentClasses);

        // link a bidirectional relationship
        if (property.isBidirectional()) {
            Association otherSide = property.getInverseSide();
            if ((otherSide instanceof org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types.ToOne)
                    && shouldBindCollectionWithForeignKey(property)) {
                linkBidirectionalOneToMany(collection, associatedClass, key, otherSide);
            } else if ((otherSide instanceof ManyToMany) || Map.class.isAssignableFrom(property.getType())) {
                bindDependentKeyValue(property, key, mappings, sessionFactoryBeanName);
        } else {
            if (hasJoinKeyMapping(propConfig)) {
                bindSimpleValue("long", key, false, propConfig.getJoinTable().getKey().getName(), mappings);
            } else {
                bindDependentKeyValue(property, key, mappings, sessionFactoryBeanName);

        // get cache config
        if (propConfig != null) {
            CacheConfig cacheConfig = propConfig.getCache();
            if (cacheConfig != null) {

        // if we have a many-to-many
        final boolean isManyToMany = property instanceof ManyToMany;
        if (isManyToMany || isBidirectionalOneToManyMap(property)) {
            PersistentProperty otherSide = property.getInverseSide();

            if (property.isBidirectional()) {
                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
                    LOG.debug("[GrailsDomainBinder] Mapping other side " + otherSide.getOwner().getName() + "."
                            + otherSide.getName() + " -> " + collection.getCollectionTable().getName()
                            + " as ManyToOne");
                ManyToOne element = new ManyToOne(mappings, collection.getCollectionTable());
                bindManyToMany((Association) otherSide, element, mappings, sessionFactoryBeanName);
                bindCollectionForPropertyConfig(collection, propConfig);
                if (property.isCircular()) {
            } else {
                // TODO support unidirectional many-to-many
        } else if (shouldCollectionBindWithJoinColumn(property)) {
            bindCollectionWithJoinTable(property, mappings, collection, propConfig, sessionFactoryBeanName);

        } else if (isUnidirectionalOneToMany(property)) {
            // for non-inverse one-to-many, with a not-null fk, add a backref!
            // there are problems with list and map mappings and join columns relating to duplicate key constraints
            // TODO change this when HHH-1268 is resolved
            bindUnidirectionalOneToMany((org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types.OneToMany) property, mappings,

    protected String buildOrderByClause(String hqlOrderBy, PersistentClass associatedClass, String role,
            String defaultOrder) {
        String orderByString = null;
        if (hqlOrderBy != null) {
            List<String> properties = new ArrayList<String>();
            List<String> ordering = new ArrayList<String>();
            StringBuilder orderByBuffer = new StringBuilder();
            if (hqlOrderBy.length() == 0) {
                //order by id
                Iterator<?> it = associatedClass.getIdentifier().getColumnIterator();
                while (it.hasNext()) {
                    Selectable col = (Selectable);
                    orderByBuffer.append(col.getText()).append(" asc").append(", ");
            } else {
                StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(hqlOrderBy, " ,", false);
                String currentOrdering = defaultOrder;
                //FIXME make this code decent
                while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
                    String token = st.nextToken();
                    if (isNonPropertyToken(token)) {
                        if (currentOrdering != null) {
                            throw new DatastoreConfigurationException(
                                    "Error while parsing sort clause: " + hqlOrderBy + " (" + role + ")");
                        currentOrdering = token;
                    } else {
                        //Add ordering of the previous
                        if (currentOrdering == null) {
                            //default ordering
                        } else {
                            currentOrdering = null;
                ordering.remove(0); //first one is the algorithm starter
                // add last one ordering
                if (currentOrdering == null) {
                    //default ordering
                } else {
                    currentOrdering = null;
                int index = 0;

                for (String property : properties) {
                    Property p = BinderHelper.findPropertyByName(associatedClass, property);
                    if (p == null) {
                        throw new DatastoreConfigurationException("property from sort clause not found: "
                                + associatedClass.getEntityName() + "." + property);
                    PersistentClass pc = p.getPersistentClass();
                    String table;
                    if (pc == null) {
                        table = "";

                    else if (pc == associatedClass || (associatedClass instanceof SingleTableSubclass
                            && pc.getMappedClass().isAssignableFrom(associatedClass.getMappedClass()))) {
                        table = "";
                    } else {
                        table = pc.getTable().getQuotedName() + ".";

                    Iterator<?> propertyColumns = p.getColumnIterator();
                    while (propertyColumns.hasNext()) {
                        Selectable column = (Selectable);
                        orderByBuffer.append(table).append(column.getText()).append(" ").append(ordering.get(index))
                                .append(", ");
            orderByString = orderByBuffer.substring(0, orderByBuffer.length() - 2);
        return orderByString;

    protected boolean isNonPropertyToken(String token) {
        if (" ".equals(token))
            return true;
        if (",".equals(token))
            return true;
        if (token.equalsIgnoreCase("desc"))
            return true;
        if (token.equalsIgnoreCase("asc"))
            return true;
        return false;

    protected Set<String> buildDiscriminatorSet(HibernatePersistentEntity domainClass) {
        Set<String> theSet = new HashSet<String>();

        Mapping mapping = domainClass.getMapping().getMappedForm();
        String discriminator = domainClass.getName();
        if (mapping != null && mapping.getDiscriminator() != null) {
            discriminator = mapping.getDiscriminator();
        Mapping rootMapping = getRootMapping(domainClass);
        String quote = "'";
        if (rootMapping != null && rootMapping.getDiscriminatorMap() != null
                && rootMapping.getDiscriminatorMap().get("type") != null
                && rootMapping.getDiscriminatorMap().get("type") != "string") {
            quote = "";
        theSet.add(quote + discriminator + quote);

        final java.util.Collection<PersistentEntity> childEntities = domainClass.getMappingContext()
        for (PersistentEntity subClass : childEntities) {
            theSet.addAll(buildDiscriminatorSet((HibernatePersistentEntity) subClass));
        return theSet;

    protected Mapping getRootMapping(PersistentEntity referenced) {
        if (referenced == null)
            return null;
        Class<?> current = referenced.getJavaClass();
        while (true) {
            Class<?> superClass = current.getSuperclass();
            if (Object.class.equals(superClass))
            current = superClass;

        return getMapping(current);

    protected boolean isBidirectionalOneToManyMap(Association property) {
        return Map.class.isAssignableFrom(property.getType()) && property.isBidirectional();

    protected void bindCollectionWithJoinTable(ToMany property, Mappings mappings, Collection collection,
            PropertyConfig config, String sessionFactoryBeanName) {

        NamingStrategy namingStrategy = getNamingStrategy(sessionFactoryBeanName);

        SimpleValue element;
        final boolean isBasicCollectionType = property instanceof Basic;
        if (isBasicCollectionType) {
            element = new SimpleValue(mappings, collection.getCollectionTable());
        } else {
            // for a normal unidirectional one-to-many we use a join column
            element = new ManyToOne(mappings, collection.getCollectionTable());
            bindUnidirectionalOneToManyInverseValues(property, (ManyToOne) element);

        String columnName;

        final boolean hasJoinColumnMapping = hasJoinColumnMapping(config);
        if (isBasicCollectionType) {
            final Class<?> referencedType = ((Basic) property).getComponentType();
            String className = referencedType.getName();
            final boolean isEnum = referencedType.isEnum();
            if (hasJoinColumnMapping) {
                columnName = config.getJoinTable().getColumn().getName();
            } else {
                columnName = isEnum ? namingStrategy.propertyToColumnName(className)
                        : addUnderscore(namingStrategy.propertyToColumnName(property.getName()),

            if (isEnum) {
                bindEnumType(property, referencedType, element, columnName);
            } else {

                String typeName = getTypeName(property, config, getMapping(property.getOwner()));
                if (typeName == null) {
                    Type type = mappings.getTypeResolver().basic(className);
                    if (type != null) {
                        typeName = type.getName();
                if (typeName == null) {
                    String domainName = property.getOwner().getName();
                    throw new MappingException("Missing type or column for column[" + columnName + "] on domain["
                            + domainName + "] referencing[" + className + "]");

                bindSimpleValue(typeName, element, true, columnName, mappings);
                if (hasJoinColumnMapping) {
                    bindColumnConfigToColumn(property, getColumnForSimpleValue(element),
        } else {
            final PersistentEntity domainClass = property.getAssociatedEntity();

            Mapping m = getMapping(domainClass);
            if (hasCompositeIdentifier(m)) {
                CompositeIdentity ci = (CompositeIdentity) m.getIdentity();
                bindCompositeIdentifierToManyToOne(property, element, ci, domainClass, EMPTY_PATH,
            } else {
                if (hasJoinColumnMapping) {
                    columnName = config.getJoinTable().getColumn().getName();
                } else {
                    columnName = namingStrategy.propertyToColumnName(NameUtils.decapitalize(domainClass.getName()))
                            + FOREIGN_KEY_SUFFIX;

                bindSimpleValue("long", element, true, columnName, mappings);


        bindCollectionForPropertyConfig(collection, config);

    protected String addUnderscore(String s1, String s2) {
        return removeBackticks(s1) + UNDERSCORE + removeBackticks(s2);

    protected String removeBackticks(String s) {
        return s.startsWith("`") && s.endsWith("`") ? s.substring(1, s.length() - 1) : s;

    protected Column getColumnForSimpleValue(SimpleValue element) {
        return (Column) element.getColumnIterator().next();

    protected String getTypeName(PersistentProperty property, PropertyConfig config, Mapping mapping) {
        if (config != null && config.getType() != null) {
            final Object typeObj = config.getType();
            if (typeObj instanceof Class<?>) {
                return ((Class<?>) typeObj).getName();
            return typeObj.toString();

        if (mapping != null) {
            return mapping.getTypeName(property.getType());

        return null;

    protected void bindColumnConfigToColumn(PersistentProperty property, Column column, ColumnConfig columnConfig) {
        final PropertyConfig mappedForm = property != null ? (PropertyConfig) property.getMapping().getMappedForm()
                : null;
        boolean allowUnique = mappedForm != null && !mappedForm.isUniqueWithinGroup();

        if (columnConfig == null) {

        if (columnConfig.getLength() != -1) {
        if (columnConfig.getPrecision() != -1) {
        if (columnConfig.getScale() != -1) {
        if (columnConfig.getSqlType() != null && !columnConfig.getSqlType().isEmpty()) {

        if (allowUnique) {

    protected boolean hasJoinColumnMapping(PropertyConfig config) {
        return config != null && config.getJoinTable() != null && config.getJoinTable().getColumn() != null;

    protected boolean shouldCollectionBindWithJoinColumn(ToMany property) {
        PropertyConfig config = getPropertyConfig(property);
        JoinTable jt = config != null ? config.getJoinTable() : new JoinTable();

        return (isUnidirectionalOneToMany(property) || (property instanceof Basic)) && jt != null;

     * @param property
     * @param manyToOne
    protected void bindUnidirectionalOneToManyInverseValues(ToMany property, ManyToOne manyToOne) {
        PropertyConfig config = getPropertyConfig(property);
        if (config == null) {
        } else {
            final FetchMode fetch = config.getFetchMode();
            if (!fetch.equals(FetchMode.JOIN) && !fetch.equals(FetchMode.EAGER)) {

            final Boolean lazy = config.getLazy();
            if (lazy != null) {

        // set referenced entity

    protected void bindCollectionForPropertyConfig(Collection collection, PropertyConfig config) {
        if (config == null) {
        } else {
            final FetchMode fetch = config.getFetchMode();
            if (!fetch.equals(FetchMode.JOIN) && !fetch.equals(FetchMode.EAGER)) {
            final Boolean lazy = config.getLazy();
            if (lazy != null) {

    public PropertyConfig getPropertyConfig(PersistentProperty property) {
        return (PropertyConfig) property.getMapping().getMappedForm();

     * Checks whether a property is a unidirectional non-circular one-to-many
     * @param property The property to check
     * @return true if it is unidirectional and a one-to-many
    protected boolean isUnidirectionalOneToMany(PersistentProperty property) {
        return ((property instanceof org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types.OneToMany)
                && !((Association) property).isBidirectional());

     * Binds the primary key value column
     * @param property The property
     * @param key      The key
     * @param mappings The mappings
    protected void bindDependentKeyValue(PersistentProperty property, DependantValue key, Mappings mappings,
            String sessionFactoryBeanName) {

        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("[GrailsDomainBinder] binding  [" + property.getName() + "] with dependant key");

        PersistentEntity refDomainClass = property.getOwner();
        final Mapping mapping = getMapping(refDomainClass.getJavaClass());
        boolean hasCompositeIdentifier = hasCompositeIdentifier(mapping);
        if ((shouldCollectionBindWithJoinColumn((ToMany) property) && hasCompositeIdentifier)
                || (hasCompositeIdentifier && (property instanceof ManyToMany))) {
            CompositeIdentity ci = (CompositeIdentity) mapping.getIdentity();
            bindCompositeIdentifierToManyToOne((Association) property, key, ci, refDomainClass, EMPTY_PATH,
        } else {
            bindSimpleValue(property, null, key, EMPTY_PATH, mappings, sessionFactoryBeanName);

     * Creates the DependentValue object that forms a primary key reference for the collection.
     * @param mappings
     * @param property          The grails property
     * @param collection        The collection object
     * @param persistentClasses
     * @return The DependantValue (key)
    protected DependantValue createPrimaryKeyValue(Mappings mappings, PersistentProperty property,
            Collection collection, Map<?, ?> persistentClasses) {
        KeyValue keyValue;
        DependantValue key;
        String propertyRef = collection.getReferencedPropertyName();
        // this is to support mapping by a property
        if (propertyRef == null) {
            keyValue = collection.getOwner().getIdentifier();
        } else {
            keyValue = (KeyValue) collection.getOwner().getProperty(propertyRef).getValue();

        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
            LOG.debug("[GrailsDomainBinder] creating dependant key value  to table ["
                    + keyValue.getTable().getName() + "]");

        key = new DependantValue(mappings, collection.getCollectionTable(), keyValue);

        // make nullable and non-updateable
        return key;

     * Binds a unidirectional one-to-many creating a psuedo back reference property in the process.
     * @param property
     * @param mappings
     * @param collection
    protected void bindUnidirectionalOneToMany(org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types.OneToMany property,
            Mappings mappings, Collection collection) {
        Value v = collection.getElement();
        String entityName;
        if (v instanceof ManyToOne) {
            ManyToOne manyToOne = (ManyToOne) v;

            entityName = manyToOne.getReferencedEntityName();
        } else {
            entityName = ((OneToMany) v).getReferencedEntityName();
        PersistentClass referenced = mappings.getClass(entityName);
        Backref prop = new Backref();
        PersistentEntity owner = property.getOwner();
                UNDERSCORE + addUnderscore(owner.getJavaClass().getSimpleName(), property.getName()) + "Backref");


    protected Property getProperty(PersistentClass associatedClass, String propertyName) throws MappingException {
        try {
            return associatedClass.getProperty(propertyName);
        } catch (MappingException e) {
            //maybe it's squirreled away in a composite primary key
            if (associatedClass.getKey() instanceof Component) {
                return ((Component) associatedClass.getKey()).getProperty(propertyName);
            throw e;

     * Links a bidirectional one-to-many, configuring the inverse side and using a column copy to perform the link
     * @param collection      The collection one-to-many
     * @param associatedClass The associated class
     * @param key             The key
     * @param otherSide       The other side of the relationship
    protected void linkBidirectionalOneToMany(Collection collection, PersistentClass associatedClass,
            DependantValue key, PersistentProperty otherSide) {

        // Iterator mappedByColumns = associatedClass.getProperty(otherSide.getName()).getValue().getColumnIterator();
        Iterator<?> mappedByColumns = getProperty(associatedClass, otherSide.getName()).getValue()
        while (mappedByColumns.hasNext()) {
            Column column = (Column);
            linkValueUsingAColumnCopy(otherSide, column, key);

     * Establish whether a collection property is sorted
     * @param property The property
     * @return true if sorted
    protected boolean isSorted(PersistentProperty property) {
        return SortedSet.class.isAssignableFrom(property.getType());

     * Binds a many-to-many relationship. A many-to-many consists of
     * - a key (a DependentValue)
     * - an element
     * The element is a ManyToOne from the association table to the target entity
     * @param property The grails property
     * @param element  The ManyToOne element
     * @param mappings The mappings
    protected void bindManyToMany(Association property, ManyToOne element, Mappings mappings,
            String sessionFactoryBeanName) {
        bindManyToOne(property, element, EMPTY_PATH, mappings, sessionFactoryBeanName);

    protected void linkValueUsingAColumnCopy(PersistentProperty prop, Column column, DependantValue key) {
        Column mappingColumn = new Column();


     * First pass to bind collection to Hibernate metamodel, sets up second pass
     * @param property   The GrailsDomainClassProperty instance
     * @param collection The collection
     * @param owner      The owning persistent class
     * @param mappings   The Hibernate mappings instance
     * @param path
    protected void bindCollection(ToMany property, Collection collection, PersistentClass owner, Mappings mappings,
            String path, String sessionFactoryBeanName) {

        // set role
        String propertyName = getNameForPropertyAndPath(property, path);
        collection.setRole(qualify(property.getOwner().getName(), propertyName));

        PropertyConfig pc = getPropertyConfig(property);
        // configure eager fetching
        final FetchMode fetchMode = pc.getFetchMode();
        if (fetchMode == FetchMode.JOIN) {
        } else if (pc.getFetchMode() != null) {
        } else {

        if (pc.getCascade() != null) {
        // if it's a one-to-many mapping
        if (shouldBindCollectionWithForeignKey(property)) {
            OneToMany oneToMany = new OneToMany(mappings, collection.getOwner());
            bindOneToMany((org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types.OneToMany) property, oneToMany, mappings);
        } else {
            bindCollectionTable(property, mappings, collection, owner.getTable(), sessionFactoryBeanName);

            if (!property.isOwningSide()) {

        if (pc.getBatchSize() != null) {

        // set up second pass
        if (collection instanceof org.hibernate.mapping.Set) {
                    new GrailsCollectionSecondPass(property, mappings, collection, sessionFactoryBeanName));
        } else if (collection instanceof org.hibernate.mapping.List) {
            mappings.addSecondPass(new ListSecondPass(property, mappings, collection, sessionFactoryBeanName));
        } else if (collection instanceof org.hibernate.mapping.Map) {
            mappings.addSecondPass(new MapSecondPass(property, mappings, collection, sessionFactoryBeanName));
        } else { // Collection -> Bag
                    new GrailsCollectionSecondPass(property, mappings, collection, sessionFactoryBeanName));

     * We bind collections with foreign keys if specified in the mapping and only if
     * it is a unidirectional one-to-many that is.
    protected boolean shouldBindCollectionWithForeignKey(ToMany property) {
        return ((property instanceof org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types.OneToMany)
                && property.isBidirectional() || !shouldCollectionBindWithJoinColumn(property))
                && !Map.class.isAssignableFrom(property.getType()) && !(property instanceof ManyToMany)
                && !(property instanceof Basic);

    protected String getNameForPropertyAndPath(PersistentProperty property, String path) {
        if (isNotEmpty(path)) {
            return qualify(path, property.getName());
        return property.getName();

    protected void bindCollectionTable(ToMany property, Mappings mappings, Collection collection, Table ownerTable,
            String sessionFactoryBeanName) {

        String owningTableSchema = ownerTable.getSchema();
        PropertyConfig config = getPropertyConfig(property);
        JoinTable jt = config != null ? config.getJoinTable() : null;

        NamingStrategy namingStrategy = getNamingStrategy(sessionFactoryBeanName);
        String tableName = (jt != null && jt.getName() != null ? jt.getName()
                : namingStrategy.tableName(calculateTableForMany(property, sessionFactoryBeanName)));
        String schemaName = mappings.getSchemaName();
        String catalogName = mappings.getCatalogName();
        if (jt != null) {
            if (jt.getSchema() != null) {
                schemaName = jt.getSchema();
            if (jt.getCatalog() != null) {
                catalogName = jt.getCatalog();

        if (schemaName == null && owningTableSchema != null) {
            schemaName = owningTableSchema;

        collection.setCollectionTable(mappings.addTable(schemaName, catalogName, tableName, null, false));

     * Calculates the mapping table for a many-to-many. One side of
     * the relationship has to "own" the relationship so that there is not a situation
     * where you have two mapping tables for left_right and right_left
    protected String calculateTableForMany(ToMany property, String sessionFactoryBeanName) {
        NamingStrategy namingStrategy = getNamingStrategy(sessionFactoryBeanName);

        String propertyColumnName = namingStrategy.propertyToColumnName(property.getName());
        //fix for GRAILS-5895
        PropertyConfig config = getPropertyConfig(property);
        JoinTable jt = config != null ? config.getJoinTable() : null;
        boolean hasJoinTableMapping = jt != null && jt.getName() != null;
        String left = getTableName(property.getOwner(), sessionFactoryBeanName);

        if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(property.getType())) {
            if (hasJoinTableMapping) {
                return jt.getName();
            return addUnderscore(left, propertyColumnName);

        if (property instanceof Basic) {
            if (hasJoinTableMapping) {
                return jt.getName();
            return addUnderscore(left, propertyColumnName);

        String right = getTableName(property.getAssociatedEntity(), sessionFactoryBeanName);

        if (property instanceof ManyToMany) {
            if (hasJoinTableMapping) {
                return jt.getName();
            if (property.isOwningSide()) {
                return addUnderscore(left, propertyColumnName);
            return addUnderscore(right,
                    namingStrategy.propertyToColumnName(((ManyToMany) property).getInversePropertyName()));

        if (shouldCollectionBindWithJoinColumn(property)) {
            if (hasJoinTableMapping) {
                return jt.getName();
            left = trimBackTigs(left);
            right = trimBackTigs(right);
            return addUnderscore(left, right);

        if (property.isOwningSide()) {
            return addUnderscore(left, right);
        return addUnderscore(right, left);

    protected String trimBackTigs(String tableName) {
        if (tableName.startsWith(BACKTICK)) {
            return tableName.substring(1, tableName.length() - 1);
        return tableName;

     * Evaluates the table name for the given property
     * @param domainClass The domain class to evaluate
     * @return The table name
    protected String getTableName(PersistentEntity domainClass, String sessionFactoryBeanName) {
        Mapping m = getMapping(domainClass);
        String tableName = null;
        if (m != null && m.getTableName() != null) {
            tableName = m.getTableName();
        if (tableName == null) {
            String shortName = domainClass.getJavaClass().getSimpleName();
            PersistentEntityNamingStrategy namingStrategy = this.namingStrategy;

            if (namingStrategy != null) {
                tableName = namingStrategy.resolveTableName(domainClass);
            // TODO: Reinstate plugin config
            //            final GrailsApplication grailsApplication = domainClass.getApplication();
            //            if (grailsApplication != null) {
            //                final ApplicationContext mainContext = grailsApplication.getMainContext();
            //                if (mainContext != null && mainContext.containsBean("pluginManager")) {
            //                    final GrailsPluginManager pluginManager = (GrailsPluginManager) mainContext.getBean("pluginManager");
            //                    final GrailsPlugin pluginForClass = pluginManager.getPluginForClass(domainClass.getClazz());
            //                    if (pluginForClass != null) {
            //                        final String pluginName = pluginForClass.getName();
            //                        boolean shouldApplyPluginPrefix = false;
            //                        if (!shortName.toLowerCase().startsWith(pluginName.toLowerCase())) {
            //                            final String pluginSpecificConfigProperty = "grails.gorm." + GrailsNameUtils.getPropertyName(pluginName) + ".table.prefix.enabled";
            //                            final Config config = grailsApplication.getConfig();
            //                            if (config.containsKey(pluginSpecificConfigProperty)) {
            //                                shouldApplyPluginPrefix = config.getProperty(pluginSpecificConfigProperty, Boolean.class, false);
            //                            } else {
            //                                shouldApplyPluginPrefix = config.getProperty("grails.gorm.table.prefix.enabled", Boolean.class, false);
            //                            }
            //                        }
            //                        if (shouldApplyPluginPrefix) {
            //                            shortName = pluginName + shortName;
            //                        }
            //                    }
            //                }
            //            }
            if (tableName == null) {
                tableName = getNamingStrategy(sessionFactoryBeanName).classToTableName(shortName);
        return tableName;

    protected NamingStrategy getNamingStrategy(String sessionFactoryBeanName) {
        String key = "sessionFactory".equals(sessionFactoryBeanName) ? Mapping.DEFAULT_DATA_SOURCE
                : sessionFactoryBeanName.substring("sessionFactory_".length());
        NamingStrategy namingStrategy = NAMING_STRATEGIES.get(key);
        return namingStrategy != null ? namingStrategy : new ImprovedNamingStrategy();

     * Binds a Grails domain class to the Hibernate runtime meta model
     * @param entity The domain class to bind
     * @param mappings    The existing mappings
     * @param sessionFactoryBeanName  the session factory bean name
     * @throws MappingException Thrown if the domain class uses inheritance which is not supported
    public void bindClass(PersistentEntity entity, Mappings mappings, String sessionFactoryBeanName)
            throws MappingException {
        //if (domainClass.getClazz().getSuperclass() == Object.class) {
        if (entity.isRoot()) {
            bindRoot((HibernatePersistentEntity) entity, mappings, sessionFactoryBeanName);

     * Evaluates a Mapping object from the domain class if it has a mapping closure
     * @param domainClass The domain class
     * @return the mapping
    public Mapping evaluateMapping(PersistentEntity domainClass) {
        return evaluateMapping(domainClass, null);

    public Mapping evaluateMapping(PersistentEntity domainClass, Closure<?> defaultMapping) {
        return evaluateMapping(domainClass, defaultMapping, true);

    public Mapping evaluateMapping(PersistentEntity domainClass, Closure<?> defaultMapping, boolean cache) {
        try {
            final Mapping m = (Mapping) domainClass.getMapping().getMappedForm();
            trackCustomCascadingSaves(m, domainClass.getPersistentProperties());
            if (cache) {
                MAPPING_CACHE.put(domainClass.getJavaClass(), m);
            return m;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new DatastoreConfigurationException("Error evaluating ORM mappings block for domain ["
                    + domainClass.getName() + "]:  " + e.getMessage(), e);

     * Checks for any custom cascading saves set up via the mapping DSL and records them within the persistent property.
     * @param mapping The Mapping.
     * @param persistentProperties The persistent properties of the domain class.
    protected void trackCustomCascadingSaves(Mapping mapping, Iterable<PersistentProperty> persistentProperties) {
        for (PersistentProperty property : persistentProperties) {
            PropertyConfig propConf = mapping.getPropertyConfig(property.getName());

            if (propConf != null && propConf.getCascade() != null) {

     * Check if a save-update cascade is defined within the Hibernate cascade properties string.
     * @param cascade The string containing the cascade properties.
     * @return True if save-update or any other cascade property that encompasses those is present.
    protected boolean isSaveUpdateCascade(String cascade) {
        String[] cascades = cascade.split(",");

        for (String cascadeProp : cascades) {
            String trimmedProp = cascadeProp.trim();

            if (CASCADE_SAVE_UPDATE.equals(trimmedProp) || CASCADE_ALL.equals(trimmedProp)
                    || CASCADE_ALL_DELETE_ORPHAN.equals(trimmedProp)) {
                return true;

        return false;

     * Obtains a mapping object for the given domain class nam
     * @param theClass The domain class in question
     * @return A Mapping object or null
    public static Mapping getMapping(Class<?> theClass) {
        return theClass == null ? null : MAPPING_CACHE.get(theClass);

     * Obtains a mapping object for the given domain class nam
     * @param domainClass The domain class in question
     * @return A Mapping object or null
    public static Mapping getMapping(PersistentEntity domainClass) {
        return domainClass == null ? null : MAPPING_CACHE.get(domainClass.getJavaClass());

    public static void clearMappingCache() {

    public static void clearMappingCache(Class<?> theClass) {
        String className = theClass.getName();
        for (Iterator<Map.Entry<Class<?>, Mapping>> it = MAPPING_CACHE.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
            Map.Entry<Class<?>, Mapping> entry =;
            if (className.equals(entry.getKey().getName())) {

     * Binds the specified persistant class to the runtime model based on the
     * properties defined in the domain class
     * @param domainClass     The Grails domain class
     * @param persistentClass The persistant class
     * @param mappings        Existing mappings
    protected void bindClass(PersistentEntity domainClass, PersistentClass persistentClass, Mappings mappings) {

        // set lazy loading for now
        final String entityName = domainClass.getName();

        // set dynamic insert to false
        // set dynamic update to false
        // set select before update to false

        // add import to mappings
        if (mappings.isAutoImport() && persistentClass.getEntityName().indexOf('.') > 0) {
            mappings.addImport(persistentClass.getEntityName(), unqualify(persistentClass.getEntityName()));

     * Binds a root class (one with no super classes) to the runtime meta model
     * based on the supplied Grails domain class
     * @param entity The Grails domain class
     * @param mappings    The Hibernate Mappings object
     * @param sessionFactoryBeanName  the session factory bean name
    public void bindRoot(HibernatePersistentEntity entity, Mappings mappings, String sessionFactoryBeanName) {
        if (mappings.getClass(entity.getName()) != null) {
  "[GrailsDomainBinder] Class [" + entity.getName() + "] is already mapped, skipping.. ");

        RootClass root = new RootClass();
        final MappingContext mappingContext = entity.getMappingContext();
        final java.util.Collection<PersistentEntity> children = mappingContext.getDirectChildEntities(entity);
        if (children.isEmpty()) {
        bindClass(entity, root, mappings);

        Mapping m = getMapping(entity);

        bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(entity, root, mappings, sessionFactoryBeanName);

        if (!children.isEmpty()) {
            boolean tablePerSubclass = m != null && !m.getTablePerHierarchy();
            if (!tablePerSubclass) {
                // if the root class has children create a discriminator property
                bindDiscriminatorProperty(root.getTable(), root, mappings);
            // bind the sub classes
            bindSubClasses(entity, root, mappings, sessionFactoryBeanName);

        if (root.getEntityPersisterClass() == null) {

     * Binds the sub classes of a root class using table-per-heirarchy inheritance mapping
     * @param domainClass The root domain class to bind
     * @param parent      The parent class instance
     * @param mappings    The mappings instance
     * @param sessionFactoryBeanName  the session factory bean name
    protected void bindSubClasses(HibernatePersistentEntity domainClass, PersistentClass parent, Mappings mappings,
            String sessionFactoryBeanName) {
        final java.util.Collection<PersistentEntity> subClasses = domainClass.getMappingContext()

        for (PersistentEntity sub : subClasses) {
            final Class javaClass = sub.getJavaClass();
            if (javaClass.getSuperclass().equals(domainClass.getJavaClass())) {
                bindSubClass((HibernatePersistentEntity) sub, parent, mappings, sessionFactoryBeanName);

     * Binds a sub class.
     * @param sub      The sub domain class instance
     * @param parent   The parent persistent class instance
     * @param mappings The mappings instance
     * @param sessionFactoryBeanName  the session factory bean name
    protected void bindSubClass(HibernatePersistentEntity sub, PersistentClass parent, Mappings mappings,
            String sessionFactoryBeanName) {
        evaluateMapping(sub, defaultMapping);
        Mapping m = getMapping(parent.getMappedClass());
        Subclass subClass;
        boolean tablePerSubclass = m != null && !m.getTablePerHierarchy() && !m.isTablePerConcreteClass();
        boolean tablePerConcreteClass = m != null && m.isTablePerConcreteClass();
        final String fullName = sub.getName();
        if (tablePerSubclass) {
            subClass = new JoinedSubclass(parent);
        } else if (tablePerConcreteClass) {
            subClass = new UnionSubclass(parent);
        } else {
            subClass = new SingleTableSubclass(parent);
            // set the descriminator value as the name of the class. This is the
            // value used by Hibernate to decide what the type of the class is
            // to perform polymorphic queries
            Mapping subMapping = getMapping(sub);
                    subMapping != null && subMapping.getDiscriminator() != null ? subMapping.getDiscriminator()
                            : fullName);
            if (subMapping != null) {
                configureDerivedProperties(sub, subMapping);



        if (tablePerSubclass) {
            bindJoinedSubClass(sub, (JoinedSubclass) subClass, mappings, m, sessionFactoryBeanName);
        } else if (tablePerConcreteClass) {
            bindUnionSubclass(sub, (UnionSubclass) subClass, mappings, sessionFactoryBeanName);
        } else {
            bindSubClass(sub, subClass, mappings, sessionFactoryBeanName);

        final java.util.Collection<PersistentEntity> childEntities = sub.getMappingContext()
        if (!childEntities.isEmpty()) {
            // bind the sub classes
            bindSubClasses(sub, subClass, mappings, sessionFactoryBeanName);

    public void bindUnionSubclass(HibernatePersistentEntity subClass, UnionSubclass unionSubclass,
            Mappings mappings, String sessionFactoryBeanName) throws MappingException {

        Mapping subMapping = getMapping(subClass.getJavaClass());

        if (unionSubclass.getEntityPersisterClass() == null) {

        String schema = subMapping != null && subMapping.getTable().getSchema() != null
                ? subMapping.getTable().getSchema()
                : null;

        String catalog = subMapping != null && subMapping.getTable().getCatalog() != null
                ? subMapping.getTable().getCatalog()
                : null;

        Table denormalizedSuperTable = unionSubclass.getSuperclass().getTable();
        Table mytable = mappings.addDenormalizedTable(schema, catalog,
                getTableName(subClass, sessionFactoryBeanName),
                unionSubclass.isAbstract() != null && unionSubclass.isAbstract(), null, denormalizedSuperTable);
        unionSubclass.setClassName(subClass.getName());"Mapping union-subclass: " + unionSubclass.getEntityName() + " -> "
                + unionSubclass.getTable().getName());

        createClassProperties(subClass, unionSubclass, mappings, sessionFactoryBeanName);


     * Binds a joined sub-class mapping using table-per-subclass
     * @param sub            The Grails sub class
     * @param joinedSubclass The Hibernate Subclass object
     * @param mappings       The mappings Object
     * @param gormMapping    The GORM mapping object
     * @param sessionFactoryBeanName  the session factory bean name
    protected void bindJoinedSubClass(HibernatePersistentEntity sub, JoinedSubclass joinedSubclass,
            Mappings mappings, Mapping gormMapping, String sessionFactoryBeanName) {
        bindClass(sub, joinedSubclass, mappings);

        if (joinedSubclass.getEntityPersisterClass() == null) {

        Table mytable = mappings.addTable(mappings.getSchemaName(), mappings.getCatalogName(),
                getJoinedSubClassTableName(sub, joinedSubclass, null, mappings, sessionFactoryBeanName), null,

        joinedSubclass.setTable(mytable);"Mapping joined-subclass: " + joinedSubclass.getEntityName() + " -> "
                + joinedSubclass.getTable().getName());

        SimpleValue key = new DependantValue(mappings, mytable, joinedSubclass.getIdentifier());
        final PersistentProperty identifier = sub.getIdentity();
        String columnName = getColumnNameForPropertyAndPath(identifier, EMPTY_PATH, null, sessionFactoryBeanName);
        bindSimpleValue(identifier.getType().getName(), key, false, columnName, mappings);


        // properties
        createClassProperties(sub, joinedSubclass, mappings, sessionFactoryBeanName);

    protected String getJoinedSubClassTableName(HibernatePersistentEntity sub, PersistentClass model,
            Table denormalizedSuperTable, Mappings mappings, String sessionFactoryBeanName) {

        String logicalTableName = unqualify(model.getEntityName());
        String physicalTableName = getTableName(sub, sessionFactoryBeanName);

        mappings.addTableBinding(mappings.getSchemaName(), mappings.getCatalogName(), logicalTableName,
                physicalTableName, denormalizedSuperTable);
        return physicalTableName;

     * Binds a sub-class using table-per-hierarchy inheritance mapping
     * @param sub      The Grails domain class instance representing the sub-class
     * @param subClass The Hibernate SubClass instance
     * @param mappings The mappings instance
    protected void bindSubClass(HibernatePersistentEntity sub, Subclass subClass, Mappings mappings,
            String sessionFactoryBeanName) {
        bindClass(sub, subClass, mappings);

        if (subClass.getEntityPersisterClass() == null) {

        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
            LOG.debug("Mapping subclass: " + subClass.getEntityName() + " -> " + subClass.getTable().getName());

        // properties
        createClassProperties(sub, subClass, mappings, sessionFactoryBeanName);

     * Creates and binds the discriminator property used in table-per-hierarchy inheritance to
     * discriminate between sub class instances
     * @param table    The table to bind onto
     * @param entity   The root class entity
     * @param mappings The mappings instance
    protected void bindDiscriminatorProperty(Table table, RootClass entity, Mappings mappings) {
        Mapping m = getMapping(entity.getMappedClass());
        SimpleValue d = new SimpleValue(mappings, table);
                m != null && m.getDiscriminator() != null ? m.getDiscriminator() : entity.getClassName());

        if (m != null && m.getDiscriminatorMap().get("insert") != null) {
            entity.setDiscriminatorInsertable((Boolean) m.getDiscriminatorMap().get("insert"));
        if (m != null && m.getDiscriminatorMap().get("type") != null) {
            d.setTypeName((String) m.getDiscriminatorMap().get("type"));

        if (m != null && m.getDiscriminatorMap().get("formula") != null) {
            Formula formula = new Formula();
            formula.setFormula((String) m.getDiscriminatorMap().get("formula"));
        } else {
            bindSimpleValue(STRING_TYPE, d, false, RootClass.DEFAULT_DISCRIMINATOR_COLUMN_NAME, mappings);

            ColumnConfig cc = m == null ? null : m.getDiscriminatorColumn();
            if (cc != null) {
                Column c = (Column) d.getColumnIterator().next();
                if (cc.getName() != null) {
                bindColumnConfigToColumn(null, c, cc);


    protected void configureDerivedProperties(PersistentEntity domainClass, Mapping m) {
        for (PersistentProperty prop : domainClass.getPersistentProperties()) {
            PropertyConfig propertyConfig = m.getPropertyConfig(prop.getName());
            if (propertyConfig != null && propertyConfig.getFormula() != null) {

     * Binds a persistent classes to the table representation and binds the class properties
    protected void bindRootPersistentClassCommonValues(HibernatePersistentEntity domainClass, RootClass root,
            Mappings mappings, String sessionFactoryBeanName) {

        // get the schema and catalog names from the configuration
        Mapping m = getMapping(domainClass.getJavaClass());
        String schema = mappings.getSchemaName();
        String catalog = mappings.getCatalogName();

        if (m != null) {
            configureDerivedProperties(domainClass, m);
            CacheConfig cc = m.getCache();
            if (cc != null && cc.getEnabled()) {
                if ("read-only".equals(cc.getUsage())) {

            Integer bs = m.getBatchSize();
            if (bs != null) {

            if (m.getDynamicUpdate()) {
            if (m.getDynamicInsert()) {

        final boolean hasTableDefinition = m != null && m.getTable() != null;
        if (hasTableDefinition && m.getTable().getSchema() != null) {
            schema = m.getTable().getSchema();
        if (hasTableDefinition && m.getTable().getCatalog() != null) {
            catalog = m.getTable().getCatalog();

        final boolean isAbstract = m != null && !m.getTablePerHierarchy() && m.isTablePerConcreteClass()
                && root.isAbstract();
        // create the table
        Table table = mappings.addTable(schema, catalog, getTableName(domainClass, sessionFactoryBeanName), null,

        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("[GrailsDomainBinder] Mapping Grails domain class: " + domainClass.getName() + " -> "
                    + root.getTable().getName());

        bindIdentity(domainClass, root, mappings, m, sessionFactoryBeanName);

        if (m == null) {
            bindVersion(domainClass.getVersion(), root, mappings, sessionFactoryBeanName);
        } else {
            if (m.getVersioned()) {
                bindVersion(domainClass.getVersion(), root, mappings, sessionFactoryBeanName);


        createClassProperties(domainClass, root, mappings, sessionFactoryBeanName);

    protected void bindIdentity(HibernatePersistentEntity domainClass, RootClass root, Mappings mappings,
            Mapping gormMapping, String sessionFactoryBeanName) {

        PersistentProperty identifierProp = domainClass.getIdentity();
        if (gormMapping == null) {
            if (identifierProp != null) {
                bindSimpleId(identifierProp, root, mappings, null, sessionFactoryBeanName);

        Object id = gormMapping.getIdentity();
        if (id instanceof CompositeIdentity) {
            bindCompositeId(domainClass, root, (CompositeIdentity) id, mappings, sessionFactoryBeanName);
        } else {
            final Identity identity = (Identity) id;
            String propertyName = identity.getName();
            if (propertyName != null) {
                PersistentProperty namedIdentityProp = domainClass.getPropertyByName(propertyName);
                if (namedIdentityProp == null) {
                    throw new MappingException("Mapping specifies an identifier property name that doesn't exist ["
                            + propertyName + "]");
                if (!namedIdentityProp.equals(identifierProp)) {
                    identifierProp = namedIdentityProp;
            bindSimpleId(identifierProp, root, mappings, identity, sessionFactoryBeanName);

    protected void bindCompositeId(PersistentEntity domainClass, RootClass root,
            CompositeIdentity compositeIdentity, Mappings mappings, String sessionFactoryBeanName) {
        HibernatePersistentEntity hibernatePersistentEntity = (HibernatePersistentEntity) domainClass;
        Component id = new Component(mappings, root);

        String path = qualify(root.getEntityName(), "id");


        final PersistentProperty[] composite = hibernatePersistentEntity.getCompositeIdentity();
        for (PersistentProperty property : composite) {
            if (property == null) {
                throw new MappingException("Property referenced in composite-id mapping of class ["
                        + domainClass.getName() + "] is not a valid property!");

            bindComponentProperty(id, null, property, root, "", root.getTable(), mappings, sessionFactoryBeanName);

     * Creates and binds the properties for the specified Grails domain class and PersistentClass
     * and binds them to the Hibernate runtime meta model
     * @param domainClass     The Grails domain class
     * @param persistentClass The Hibernate PersistentClass instance
     * @param mappings        The Hibernate Mappings instance
     * @param sessionFactoryBeanName  the session factory bean name
    protected void createClassProperties(HibernatePersistentEntity domainClass, PersistentClass persistentClass,
            Mappings mappings, String sessionFactoryBeanName) {

        final List<PersistentProperty> persistentProperties = domainClass.getPersistentProperties();
        Table table = persistentClass.getTable();

        Mapping gormMapping = domainClass.getMapping().getMappedForm();

        if (gormMapping != null) {

        List<Embedded> embedded = new ArrayList<>();
        for (PersistentProperty currentGrailsProp : persistentProperties) {

            // if its inherited skip
            if (currentGrailsProp.isInherited()) {
            if (currentGrailsProp.getName().equals(GormProperties.VERSION))
            if (isCompositeIdProperty(gormMapping, currentGrailsProp))
            if (isIdentityProperty(gormMapping, currentGrailsProp))

            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug("[GrailsDomainBinder] Binding persistent property [" + currentGrailsProp.getName() + "]");

            Value value = null;

            // see if it's a collection type
            CollectionType collectionType = CT.collectionTypeForClass(currentGrailsProp.getType());

            Class<?> userType = getUserType(currentGrailsProp);

            if (userType != null) {
                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    LOG.debug("[GrailsDomainBinder] Binding property [" + currentGrailsProp.getName()
                            + "] as SimpleValue");
                value = new SimpleValue(mappings, table);
                bindSimpleValue(currentGrailsProp, null, (SimpleValue) value, EMPTY_PATH, mappings,
            } else if (collectionType != null) {
                String typeName = getTypeName(currentGrailsProp, getPropertyConfig(currentGrailsProp), gormMapping);
                if ("serializable".equals(typeName)) {
                    value = new SimpleValue(mappings, table);
                    bindSimpleValue(typeName, (SimpleValue) value, currentGrailsProp.isNullable(),
                            getColumnNameForPropertyAndPath(currentGrailsProp, EMPTY_PATH, null,
                } else {
                    // create collection
                    Collection collection = collectionType.create((ToMany) currentGrailsProp, persistentClass,
                            EMPTY_PATH, mappings, sessionFactoryBeanName);
                    value = collection;
            } else if (currentGrailsProp.getType().isEnum()) {
                value = new SimpleValue(mappings, table);
                bindEnumType(currentGrailsProp, (SimpleValue) value, EMPTY_PATH, sessionFactoryBeanName);
            } else if (currentGrailsProp instanceof Association) {
                Association association = (Association) currentGrailsProp;
                if (currentGrailsProp instanceof org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types.ManyToOne) {
                    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
                        LOG.debug("[GrailsDomainBinder] Binding property [" + currentGrailsProp.getName()
                                + "] as ManyToOne");

                    value = new ManyToOne(mappings, table);
                    bindManyToOne((Association) currentGrailsProp, (ManyToOne) value, EMPTY_PATH, mappings,
                } else if (currentGrailsProp instanceof org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types.OneToOne
                        && userType == null) {
                    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        LOG.debug("[GrailsDomainBinder] Binding property [" + currentGrailsProp.getName()
                                + "] as OneToOne");

                    final boolean isHasOne = isHasOne(association);
                    if (isHasOne && !association.isBidirectional()) {
                        throw new MappingException("hasOne property [" + currentGrailsProp.getOwner().getName()
                                + "." + currentGrailsProp.getName()
                                + "] is not bidirectional. Specify the other side of the relationship!");
                    } else if (canBindOneToOneWithSingleColumnAndForeignKey((Association) currentGrailsProp)) {
                        value = new OneToOne(mappings, table, persistentClass);
                        bindOneToOne((org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types.OneToOne) currentGrailsProp,
                                (OneToOne) value, EMPTY_PATH, sessionFactoryBeanName);
                    } else {
                        if (isHasOne && association.isBidirectional()) {
                            value = new OneToOne(mappings, table, persistentClass);
                            bindOneToOne((org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types.OneToOne) currentGrailsProp,
                                    (OneToOne) value, EMPTY_PATH, sessionFactoryBeanName);
                        } else {
                            value = new ManyToOne(mappings, table);
                            bindManyToOne((Association) currentGrailsProp, (ManyToOne) value, EMPTY_PATH, mappings,
                } else if (currentGrailsProp instanceof Embedded) {
                    embedded.add((Embedded) currentGrailsProp);
            // work out what type of relationship it is and bind value
            else {
                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    LOG.debug("[GrailsDomainBinder] Binding property [" + currentGrailsProp.getName()
                            + "] as SimpleValue");
                value = new SimpleValue(mappings, table);
                bindSimpleValue(currentGrailsProp, null, (SimpleValue) value, EMPTY_PATH, mappings,

            if (value != null) {
                Property property = createProperty(value, persistentClass, currentGrailsProp, mappings);

        for (Embedded association : embedded) {
            Value value = new Component(mappings, persistentClass);

            bindComponent((Component) value, association, true, mappings, sessionFactoryBeanName);
            Property property = createProperty(value, persistentClass, association, mappings);

        bindNaturalIdentifier(table, gormMapping, persistentClass);

    private boolean isHasOne(Association association) {
        return association instanceof org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types.OneToOne
                && ((org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types.OneToOne) association).isForeignKeyInChild();

    protected void bindNaturalIdentifier(Table table, Mapping mapping, PersistentClass persistentClass) {
        Object o = mapping != null ? mapping.getIdentity() : null;
        if (!(o instanceof Identity)) {

        Identity identity = (Identity) o;
        final NaturalId naturalId = identity.getNatural();
        if (naturalId == null || naturalId.getPropertyNames().isEmpty()) {

        UniqueKey uk = new UniqueKey();

        boolean mutable = naturalId.isMutable();

        for (String propertyName : naturalId.getPropertyNames()) {
            Property property = persistentClass.getProperty(propertyName);

            if (!mutable)




    protected void setGeneratedUniqueName(UniqueKey uk) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(uk.getTable().getName()).append('_');
        for (Object col : uk.getColumns()) {
            sb.append(((Column) col).getName()).append('_');

        MessageDigest md;
        try {
            md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
        try {
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

        String name = "UK" + new BigInteger(1, md.digest()).toString(16);
        if (name.length() > 30) {
            // Oracle has a 30-char limit
            name = name.substring(0, 30);


    protected boolean canBindOneToOneWithSingleColumnAndForeignKey(Association currentGrailsProp) {
        if (currentGrailsProp.isBidirectional()) {
            final Association otherSide = currentGrailsProp.getInverseSide();
            if (otherSide != null) {
                if (isHasOne(otherSide)) {
                    return false;
                if (!currentGrailsProp.isOwningSide() && (otherSide.isOwningSide())) {
                    return true;
        return false;

    protected boolean isIdentityProperty(Mapping gormMapping, PersistentProperty currentGrailsProp) {
        if (gormMapping == null) {
            return false;

        Object identityMapping = gormMapping.getIdentity();
        if (!(identityMapping instanceof Identity)) {
            return false;

        String identityName = ((Identity) identityMapping).getName();
        return identityName != null && identityName.equals(currentGrailsProp.getName());

    protected void bindEnumType(PersistentProperty property, SimpleValue simpleValue, String path,
            String sessionFactoryBeanName) {
        bindEnumType(property, property.getType(), simpleValue,
                getColumnNameForPropertyAndPath(property, path, null, sessionFactoryBeanName));

    protected void bindEnumType(PersistentProperty property, Class<?> propertyType, SimpleValue simpleValue,
            String columnName) {

        PropertyConfig pc = getPropertyConfig(property);
        final PersistentEntity owner = property.getOwner();
        String typeName = getTypeName(property, getPropertyConfig(property), getMapping(owner));
        if (typeName == null) {
            Properties enumProperties = new Properties();
            enumProperties.put(ENUM_CLASS_PROP, propertyType.getName());

            String enumType = pc == null ? DEFAULT_ENUM_TYPE : pc.getEnumType();
            if (enumType.equals(DEFAULT_ENUM_TYPE) && identityEnumTypeSupports(propertyType)) {
            } else {
                if (enumType.equals(DEFAULT_ENUM_TYPE) || "string".equalsIgnoreCase(enumType)) {
                    enumProperties.put(ENUM_TYPE_PROP, String.valueOf(Types.VARCHAR));
                } else if (!"ordinal".equalsIgnoreCase(enumType)) {
                    LOG.warn("Invalid enumType specified when mapping property [" + property.getName()
                            + "] of class [" + owner.getName() + "]. Using defaults instead.");
        } else {

        Table t = simpleValue.getTable();
        Column column = new Column();

        if (owner.isRoot()) {
        } else {
            Mapping mapping = getMapping(owner);
            if (mapping == null || mapping.getTablePerHierarchy()) {
                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    LOG.debug("[GrailsDomainBinder] Sub class property [" + property.getName()
                            + "] for column name [" + column.getName() + "] set to nullable");
            } else {
        if (t != null)


        PropertyConfig propertyConfig = getPropertyConfig(property);
        if (propertyConfig != null && !propertyConfig.getColumns().isEmpty()) {
            bindIndex(columnName, column, propertyConfig.getColumns().get(0), t);
            bindColumnConfigToColumn(property, column, propertyConfig.getColumns().get(0));

    protected Class<?> getUserType(PersistentProperty currentGrailsProp) {
        Class<?> userType = null;
        PropertyConfig config = getPropertyConfig(currentGrailsProp);
        Object typeObj = config == null ? null : config.getType();
        if (typeObj instanceof Class<?>) {
            userType = (Class<?>) typeObj;
        } else if (typeObj != null) {
            String typeName = typeObj.toString();
            try {
                userType = Class.forName(typeName, true, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                // only print a warning if the user type is in a package this excludes basic
                // types like string, int etc.
                if (typeName.indexOf(".") > -1) {
                    if (LOG.isWarnEnabled()) {
                        LOG.warn("UserType not found ", e);
        return userType;

    protected boolean isCompositeIdProperty(Mapping gormMapping, PersistentProperty currentGrailsProp) {
        if (gormMapping != null && gormMapping.getIdentity() != null) {
            Object id = gormMapping.getIdentity();
            if (id instanceof CompositeIdentity) {
                String[] propertyNames = ((CompositeIdentity) id).getPropertyNames();
                String property = currentGrailsProp.getName();
                for (String currentName : propertyNames) {
                    if (currentName != null && currentName.equals(property))
                        return true;
        return false;

    protected boolean isBidirectionalManyToOne(PersistentProperty currentGrailsProp) {
        return ((currentGrailsProp instanceof org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types.ManyToOne)
                && ((Association) currentGrailsProp).isBidirectional());

     * Binds a Hibernate component type using the given GrailsDomainClassProperty instance
     * @param component  The component to bind
     * @param property   The property
     * @param isNullable Whether it is nullable or not
     * @param mappings   The Hibernate Mappings object
     * @param sessionFactoryBeanName  the session factory bean name
    protected void bindComponent(Component component, Embedded property, boolean isNullable, Mappings mappings,
            String sessionFactoryBeanName) {
        Class<?> type = property.getType();
        String role = qualify(type.getName(), property.getName());

        PersistentEntity domainClass = property.getAssociatedEntity();
        evaluateMapping(domainClass, defaultMapping);
        final List<PersistentProperty> properties = domainClass.getPersistentProperties();
        Table table = component.getOwner().getTable();
        PersistentClass persistentClass = component.getOwner();
        String path = property.getName();
        Class<?> propertyType = property.getOwner().getJavaClass();

        for (PersistentProperty currentGrailsProp : properties) {
            if (currentGrailsProp.equals(domainClass.getIdentity()))
            if (currentGrailsProp.getName().equals(GormProperties.VERSION))

            if (currentGrailsProp.getType().equals(propertyType)) {

            bindComponentProperty(component, property, currentGrailsProp, persistentClass, path, table, mappings,

    protected void bindComponentProperty(Component component, PersistentProperty componentProperty,
            PersistentProperty currentGrailsProp, PersistentClass persistentClass, String path, Table table,
            Mappings mappings, String sessionFactoryBeanName) {
        Value value;
        // see if it's a collection type
        CollectionType collectionType = CT.collectionTypeForClass(currentGrailsProp.getType());
        if (collectionType != null) {
            // create collection
            Collection collection = collectionType.create((ToMany) currentGrailsProp, persistentClass, path,
                    mappings, sessionFactoryBeanName);
            value = collection;
        // work out what type of relationship it is and bind value
        else if (currentGrailsProp instanceof org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types.ManyToOne) {
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
                        "[GrailsDomainBinder] Binding property [" + currentGrailsProp.getName() + "] as ManyToOne");

            value = new ManyToOne(mappings, table);
            bindManyToOne((Association) currentGrailsProp, (ManyToOne) value, path, mappings,
        } else if (currentGrailsProp instanceof org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types.OneToOne) {
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
                        "[GrailsDomainBinder] Binding property [" + currentGrailsProp.getName() + "] as OneToOne");

            if (canBindOneToOneWithSingleColumnAndForeignKey((Association) currentGrailsProp)) {
                value = new OneToOne(mappings, table, persistentClass);
                bindOneToOne((org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types.OneToOne) currentGrailsProp,
                        (OneToOne) value, path, sessionFactoryBeanName);
            } else {
                value = new ManyToOne(mappings, table);
                bindManyToOne((Association) currentGrailsProp, (ManyToOne) value, path, mappings,
        } else if (currentGrailsProp instanceof Embedded) {
            value = new Component(mappings, persistentClass);
            bindComponent((Component) value, (Embedded) currentGrailsProp, true, mappings, sessionFactoryBeanName);
        } else {
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
                LOG.debug("[GrailsDomainBinder] Binding property [" + currentGrailsProp.getName()
                        + "] as SimpleValue");

            value = new SimpleValue(mappings, table);
            if (currentGrailsProp.getType().isEnum()) {
                bindEnumType(currentGrailsProp, (SimpleValue) value, path, sessionFactoryBeanName);
            } else {
                bindSimpleValue(currentGrailsProp, componentProperty, (SimpleValue) value, path, mappings,

        if (value != null) {
            Property persistentProperty = createProperty(value, persistentClass, currentGrailsProp, mappings);
            if (isComponentPropertyNullable(componentProperty)) {
                final Iterator<?> columnIterator = value.getColumnIterator();
                while (columnIterator.hasNext()) {
                    Column c = (Column);

    protected boolean isComponentPropertyNullable(PersistentProperty componentProperty) {
        if (componentProperty == null)
            return false;
        final PersistentEntity domainClass = componentProperty.getOwner();
        final Mapping mapping = getMapping(domainClass.getJavaClass());
        return !domainClass.isRoot() && (mapping == null || mapping.isTablePerHierarchy())
                || componentProperty.isNullable();

     * Creates a persistent class property based on the GrailDomainClassProperty instance.
    protected Property createProperty(Value value, PersistentClass persistentClass,
            PersistentProperty grailsProperty, Mappings mappings) {
        // set type
        value.setTypeUsingReflection(persistentClass.getClassName(), grailsProperty.getName());

        if (value.getTable() != null) {

        Property prop = new Property();
        bindProperty(grailsProperty, prop, mappings);
        return prop;

    protected void bindOneToMany(org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types.OneToMany currentGrailsProp,
            OneToMany one, Mappings mappings) {

     * Binds a many-to-one relationship to the
    protected void bindManyToOne(Association property, ManyToOne manyToOne, String path, Mappings mappings,
            String sessionFactoryBeanName) {

        NamingStrategy namingStrategy = getNamingStrategy(sessionFactoryBeanName);

        bindManyToOneValues(property, manyToOne);
        PersistentEntity refDomainClass = property instanceof ManyToMany ? property.getOwner()
                : property.getAssociatedEntity();
        Mapping mapping = getMapping(refDomainClass);
        boolean isComposite = hasCompositeIdentifier(mapping);
        if (isComposite) {
            CompositeIdentity ci = (CompositeIdentity) mapping.getIdentity();
            bindCompositeIdentifierToManyToOne(property, manyToOne, ci, refDomainClass, path,
        } else {
            if (property.isCircular() && (property instanceof ManyToMany)) {
                PropertyConfig pc = getPropertyConfig(property);

                if (pc.getColumns().isEmpty()) {
                    mapping.getColumns().put(property.getName(), pc);
                if (!hasJoinKeyMapping(pc)) {
                    JoinTable jt = new JoinTable();
                    final ColumnConfig columnConfig = new ColumnConfig();
                    columnConfig.setName(namingStrategy.propertyToColumnName(property.getName()) + UNDERSCORE
                            + FOREIGN_KEY_SUFFIX);
                bindSimpleValue(property, manyToOne, path, pc, sessionFactoryBeanName);
            } else {
                // bind column
                bindSimpleValue(property, null, manyToOne, path, mappings, sessionFactoryBeanName);

        PropertyConfig config = getPropertyConfig(property);
        if ((property instanceof org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types.OneToOne) && !isComposite) {
            Column c = getColumnForSimpleValue(manyToOne);
            if (config != null && !config.isUniqueWithinGroup()) {
            } else if (property.isBidirectional() && isHasOne(property.getInverseSide())) {

    protected void bindCompositeIdentifierToManyToOne(Association property, SimpleValue value,
            CompositeIdentity compositeId, PersistentEntity refDomainClass, String path,
            String sessionFactoryBeanName) {

        NamingStrategy namingStrategy = getNamingStrategy(sessionFactoryBeanName);

        String[] propertyNames = compositeId.getPropertyNames();
        PropertyConfig config = getPropertyConfig(property);

        if (config.getColumns().size() != propertyNames.length) {
            for (String propertyName : propertyNames) {
                final ColumnConfig cc = new ColumnConfig();
        bindSimpleValue(property, value, path, config, sessionFactoryBeanName);

    protected boolean hasCompositeIdentifier(Mapping mapping) {
        return mapping != null && (mapping.getIdentity() instanceof CompositeIdentity);

    protected void bindOneToOne(final org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types.OneToOne property, OneToOne oneToOne,
            String path, String sessionFactoryBeanName) {
        PropertyConfig config = getPropertyConfig(property);
        final Association otherSide = property.getInverseSide();

        final boolean hasOne = isHasOne(otherSide);
        oneToOne.setForeignKeyType(oneToOne.isConstrained() ? ForeignKeyDirection.FOREIGN_KEY_FROM_PARENT
                : ForeignKeyDirection.FOREIGN_KEY_TO_PARENT);

        if (config != null && config.getFetchMode() != null) {
        } else {


        bindOneToOneInternal(property, oneToOne, path);

        if (hasOne) {
            PropertyConfig pc = getPropertyConfig(property);
            bindSimpleValue(property, oneToOne, path, pc, sessionFactoryBeanName);
        } else {

    protected void bindOneToOneInternal(org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types.OneToOne property,
            OneToOne oneToOne, String path) {
        //no-op, for subclasses to extend

    protected void bindManyToOneValues(org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types.Association property,
            ManyToOne manyToOne) {
        PropertyConfig config = getPropertyConfig(property);

        if (config != null && config.getFetchMode() != null) {
        } else {


        if (config != null) {

        // set referenced entity

    protected void bindVersion(PersistentProperty version, RootClass entity, Mappings mappings,
            String sessionFactoryBeanName) {

        if (version != null) {

            SimpleValue val = new SimpleValue(mappings, entity.getTable());

            bindSimpleValue(version, null, val, EMPTY_PATH, mappings, sessionFactoryBeanName);

            if (val.isTypeSpecified()) {
                if (!(val.getType() instanceof IntegerType || val.getType() instanceof LongType
                        || val.getType() instanceof TimestampType)) {
                    LOG.warn("Invalid version class specified in " + version.getOwner().getName()
                            + "; must be one of [int, Integer, long, Long, Timestamp, Date]. Not mapping the version.");
            } else {
                val.setTypeName("version".equals(version.getName()) ? "integer" : "timestamp");
            Property prop = new Property();

            bindProperty(version, prop, mappings);
            entity.setOptimisticLockMode(0); // 0 is to use version column

    protected void bindSimpleId(PersistentProperty identifier, RootClass entity, Mappings mappings,
            Identity mappedId, String sessionFactoryBeanName) {

        Mapping mapping = getMapping(identifier.getOwner());
        boolean useSequence = mapping != null && mapping.isTablePerConcreteClass();

        // create the id value
        SimpleValue id = new SimpleValue(mappings, entity.getTable());
        // set identifier on entity

        Properties params = new Properties();

        if (mappedId == null) {
            // configure generator strategy
            id.setIdentifierGeneratorStrategy(useSequence ? "sequence-identity" : "native");
        } else {
            String generator = mappedId.getGenerator();
            if ("native".equals(generator) && useSequence) {
                generator = "sequence-identity";
            if ("assigned".equals(generator)) {

        params.put(PersistentIdentifierGenerator.IDENTIFIER_NORMALIZER, mappings.getObjectNameNormalizer());

        if (mappings.getSchemaName() != null) {
            params.setProperty(PersistentIdentifierGenerator.SCHEMA, mappings.getSchemaName());
        if (mappings.getCatalogName() != null) {
            params.setProperty(PersistentIdentifierGenerator.CATALOG, mappings.getCatalogName());

        // bind value
        bindSimpleValue(identifier, null, id, EMPTY_PATH, mappings, sessionFactoryBeanName);

        // create property
        Property prop = new Property();

        // bind property
        bindProperty(identifier, prop, mappings);
        // set identifier property


     * Binds a property to Hibernate runtime meta model. Deals with cascade strategy based on the Grails domain model
     * @param grailsProperty The grails property instance
     * @param prop           The Hibernate property
     * @param mappings       The Hibernate mappings
    protected void bindProperty(PersistentProperty grailsProperty, Property prop, Mappings mappings) {
        // set the property name
        if (isBidirectionalManyToOneWithListMapping(grailsProperty, prop)) {
        } else {


        setCascadeBehaviour(grailsProperty, prop);

        // lazy to true
        final boolean isToOne = grailsProperty instanceof ToOne;
        boolean isLazyable = isToOne || !(grailsProperty instanceof Association)
                && !grailsProperty.equals(grailsProperty.getOwner().getIdentity());

        if (isLazyable) {
            final boolean isLazy = getLaziness(grailsProperty);

            if (isLazy && isToOne) {
                handleLazyProxy(grailsProperty.getOwner(), grailsProperty);

    protected boolean getLaziness(PersistentProperty grailsProperty) {
        PropertyConfig config = getPropertyConfig(grailsProperty);
        final Boolean lazy = config.getLazy();
        return lazy == null || lazy;

    protected boolean getInsertableness(PersistentProperty grailsProperty) {
        PropertyConfig config = getPropertyConfig(grailsProperty);
        return config == null || config.getInsertable();

    protected boolean getUpdateableness(PersistentProperty grailsProperty) {
        PropertyConfig config = getPropertyConfig(grailsProperty);
        return config == null || config.getUpdateable();

    protected boolean isBidirectionalManyToOneWithListMapping(PersistentProperty grailsProperty, Property prop) {
        if (grailsProperty instanceof Association) {

            Association association = (Association) grailsProperty;
            Association otherSide = association.getInverseSide();
            return association.isBidirectional() && otherSide != null && prop.getValue() instanceof ManyToOne
                    && List.class.isAssignableFrom(otherSide.getType());
        return false;

    protected void setCascadeBehaviour(PersistentProperty grailsProperty, Property prop) {
        String cascadeStrategy = "none";
        // set to cascade all for the moment
        PersistentEntity domainClass = grailsProperty.getOwner();
        PropertyConfig config = getPropertyConfig(grailsProperty);
        if (config != null && config.getCascade() != null) {
            cascadeStrategy = config.getCascade();
        } else if (grailsProperty instanceof Association) {
            Association association = (Association) grailsProperty;
            PersistentEntity referenced = association.getAssociatedEntity();
            if (isHasOne(association)) {
                cascadeStrategy = CASCADE_ALL;
            } else if (association instanceof org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types.OneToOne) {
                if (referenced != null && association.isOwningSide()) {
                    cascadeStrategy = CASCADE_ALL;
                } else {
                    cascadeStrategy = CASCADE_SAVE_UPDATE;
            } else if (association instanceof org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types.OneToMany) {
                if (referenced != null && association.isOwningSide()) {
                    cascadeStrategy = CASCADE_ALL;
                } else {
                    cascadeStrategy = CASCADE_SAVE_UPDATE;
            } else if (grailsProperty instanceof ManyToMany) {
                if ((referenced != null && referenced.isOwningEntity(domainClass)) || association.isCircular()) {
                    cascadeStrategy = CASCADE_SAVE_UPDATE;
            } else if (grailsProperty instanceof org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types.ManyToOne) {
                if (referenced != null && referenced.isOwningEntity(domainClass)
                        && !isCircularAssociation(grailsProperty)) {
                    cascadeStrategy = CASCADE_ALL;
                } else if (isCompositeIdProperty((Mapping) domainClass.getMapping().getMappedForm(),
                        grailsProperty)) {
                    cascadeStrategy = CASCADE_ALL;
                } else {
                    cascadeStrategy = CASCADE_NONE;
            } else if (grailsProperty instanceof Basic) {
                cascadeStrategy = CASCADE_ALL;
            } else if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(grailsProperty.getType())) {
                referenced = association.getAssociatedEntity();
                if (referenced != null && referenced.isOwningEntity(domainClass)) {
                    cascadeStrategy = CASCADE_ALL;
                } else {
                    cascadeStrategy = CASCADE_SAVE_UPDATE;
            logCascadeMapping(association, cascadeStrategy, referenced);

    protected boolean isCircularAssociation(PersistentProperty grailsProperty) {
        return grailsProperty.getType().equals(grailsProperty.getOwner().getJavaClass());

    protected void logCascadeMapping(Association grailsProperty, String cascadeStrategy,
            PersistentEntity referenced) {
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled() & referenced != null) {
            String assType = getAssociationDescription(grailsProperty);
            LOG.debug("Mapping cascade strategy for " + assType + " property " + grailsProperty.getOwner().getName()
                    + "." + grailsProperty.getName() + " referencing type [" + referenced.getJavaClass().getName()
                    + "] -> [CASCADE: " + cascadeStrategy + "]");

    protected String getAssociationDescription(Association grailsProperty) {
        String assType = "unknown";
        if (grailsProperty instanceof ManyToMany) {
            assType = "many-to-many";
        } else if (grailsProperty instanceof org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types.OneToMany) {
            assType = "one-to-many";
        } else if (grailsProperty instanceof org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types.OneToOne) {
            assType = "one-to-one";
        } else if (grailsProperty instanceof org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types.ManyToOne) {
            assType = "many-to-one";
        } else if (grailsProperty.isEmbedded()) {
            assType = "embedded";
        return assType;

     * Binds a simple value to the Hibernate metamodel. A simple value is
     * any type within the Hibernate type system
     * @param property
     * @param parentProperty
     * @param simpleValue The simple value to bind
     * @param path
     * @param mappings    The Hibernate mappings instance
     * @param sessionFactoryBeanName  the session factory bean name
    protected void bindSimpleValue(PersistentProperty property, PersistentProperty parentProperty,
            SimpleValue simpleValue, String path, Mappings mappings, String sessionFactoryBeanName) {
        // set type
        bindSimpleValue(property, parentProperty, simpleValue, path, getPropertyConfig(property),

    protected void bindSimpleValue(PersistentProperty grailsProp, SimpleValue simpleValue, String path,
            PropertyConfig propertyConfig, String sessionFactoryBeanName) {
        bindSimpleValue(grailsProp, null, simpleValue, path, propertyConfig, sessionFactoryBeanName);

    protected void bindSimpleValue(PersistentProperty grailsProp, PersistentProperty parentProperty,
            SimpleValue simpleValue, String path, PropertyConfig propertyConfig, String sessionFactoryBeanName) {
        setTypeForPropertyConfig(grailsProp, simpleValue, propertyConfig);
        final PropertyConfig mappedForm = (PropertyConfig) grailsProp.getMapping().getMappedForm();
        if (mappedForm.isDerived()) {
            Formula formula = new Formula();
        } else {
            Table table = simpleValue.getTable();

            // Add the column definitions for this value/property. Note that
            // not all custom mapped properties will have column definitions,
            // in which case we still need to create a Hibernate column for
            // this value.
            List<?> columnDefinitions = propertyConfig != null ? propertyConfig.getColumns()
                    : Arrays.asList(new Object[] { null });
            if (columnDefinitions.isEmpty()) {
                columnDefinitions = Arrays.asList(new Object[] { null });

            for (Object columnDefinition : columnDefinitions) {
                ColumnConfig cc = (ColumnConfig) columnDefinition;
                Column column = new Column();

                // Check for explicitly mapped column name and SQL type.
                if (cc != null) {
                    if (cc.getName() != null) {
                    if (cc.getSqlType() != null) {


                if (cc != null) {
                    if (cc.getLength() != -1) {
                    if (cc.getPrecision() != -1) {
                    if (cc.getScale() != -1) {
                    if (!mappedForm.isUniqueWithinGroup()) {

                bindColumn(grailsProp, parentProperty, column, cc, path, table, sessionFactoryBeanName);

                if (table != null) {


    protected void setTypeForPropertyConfig(PersistentProperty grailsProp, SimpleValue simpleValue,
            PropertyConfig config) {
        final String typeName = getTypeName(grailsProp, getPropertyConfig(grailsProp),
        if (typeName == null) {
        } else {
            if (config != null) {

     * Binds a value for the specified parameters to the meta model.
     * @param type        The type of the property
     * @param simpleValue The simple value instance
     * @param nullable    Whether it is nullable
     * @param columnName  The property name
     * @param mappings    The mappings
    protected void bindSimpleValue(String type, SimpleValue simpleValue, boolean nullable, String columnName,
            Mappings mappings) {

        Table t = simpleValue.getTable();
        Column column = new Column();
        if (t != null)


     * Binds a Column instance to the Hibernate meta model
     * @param property The Grails domain class property
     * @param parentProperty
     * @param column     The column to bind
     * @param path
     * @param table      The table name
     * @param sessionFactoryBeanName  the session factory bean name
    protected void bindColumn(PersistentProperty property, PersistentProperty parentProperty, Column column,
            ColumnConfig cc, String path, Table table, String sessionFactoryBeanName) {

        if (cc != null) {

        Class<?> userType = getUserType(property);
        String columnName = getColumnNameForPropertyAndPath(property, path, cc, sessionFactoryBeanName);
        if ((property instanceof Association) && userType == null) {
            Association association = (Association) property;
            // Only use conventional naming when the column has not been explicitly mapped.
            if (column.getName() == null) {
            if (property instanceof ManyToMany) {
            } else if (property instanceof org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types.OneToOne
                    && association.isBidirectional() && !association.isOwningSide()) {
                if (isHasOne(((Association) property).getInverseSide())) {
                } else {
            } else if ((property instanceof ToOne) && association.isCircular()) {
            } else {
        } else {
            column.setNullable(property.isNullable() || (parentProperty != null && parentProperty.isNullable()));

            // Use the constraints for this property to more accurately define
            // the column's length, precision, and scale
            if (String.class.isAssignableFrom(property.getType())
                    || byte[].class.isAssignableFrom(property.getType())) {
                bindStringColumnConstraints(column, property);

            if (Number.class.isAssignableFrom(property.getType())) {
                bindNumericColumnConstraints(column, property, cc);

        handleUniqueConstraint(property, column, path, table, columnName, sessionFactoryBeanName);

        bindIndex(columnName, column, cc, table);

        final PersistentEntity owner = property.getOwner();
        if (!owner.isRoot()) {
            Mapping mapping = getMapping(owner);
            if (mapping == null || mapping.getTablePerHierarchy()) {
                if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
                    LOG.debug("[GrailsDomainBinder] Sub class property [" + property.getName()
                            + "] for column name [" + column.getName() + "] set to nullable");
            } else {

        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
            LOG.debug("[GrailsDomainBinder] bound property [" + property.getName() + "] to column name ["
                    + column.getName() + "] in table [" + table.getName() + "]");

    protected abstract void handleUniqueConstraint(PersistentProperty property, Column column, String path,
            Table table, String columnName, String sessionFactoryBeanName);

    protected void createKeyForProps(PersistentProperty grailsProp, String path, Table table, String columnName,
            List<?> propertyNames, String sessionFactoryBeanName) {
        List<Column> keyList = new ArrayList<Column>();
        keyList.add(new Column(columnName));
        for (Object po : propertyNames) {
            String propertyName = (String) po;
            PersistentProperty otherProp = grailsProp.getOwner().getPropertyByName(propertyName);
            String otherColumnName = getColumnNameForPropertyAndPath(otherProp, path, null, sessionFactoryBeanName);
            keyList.add(new Column(otherColumnName));
        createUniqueKeyForColumns(table, columnName, keyList);

    protected void createUniqueKeyForColumns(Table table, String columnName, List<Column> columns) {

        UniqueKey uk = new UniqueKey();

        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("create unique key for " + table.getName() + " columns = " + columns);

    protected void bindIndex(String columnName, Column column, ColumnConfig cc, Table table) {
        if (cc == null) {

        Object indexObj = cc.getIndex();
        String indexDefinition = null;
        if (indexObj instanceof Boolean) {
            Boolean b = (Boolean) indexObj;
            if (b) {
                indexDefinition = columnName + "_idx";
        } else if (indexObj != null) {
            indexDefinition = indexObj.toString();
        if (indexDefinition == null) {

        String[] tokens = indexDefinition.split(",");
        for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
            String index = tokens[i];

    protected String getColumnNameForPropertyAndPath(PersistentProperty grailsProp, String path, ColumnConfig cc,
            String sessionFactoryBeanName) {

        NamingStrategy namingStrategy = getNamingStrategy(sessionFactoryBeanName);

        // First try the column config.
        String columnName = null;
        if (cc == null) {
            // No column config given, so try to fetch it from the mapping
            PersistentEntity domainClass = grailsProp.getOwner();
            Mapping m = getMapping(domainClass);
            if (m != null) {
                PropertyConfig c = m.getPropertyConfig(grailsProp.getName());

                if (supportsJoinColumnMapping(grailsProp) && hasJoinKeyMapping(c)) {
                    columnName = c.getJoinTable().getKey().getName();
                } else if (c != null && c.getColumn() != null) {
                    columnName = c.getColumn();
        } else {
            if (supportsJoinColumnMapping(grailsProp)) {
                PropertyConfig pc = getPropertyConfig(grailsProp);
                if (hasJoinKeyMapping(pc)) {
                    columnName = pc.getJoinTable().getKey().getName();
                } else {
                    columnName = cc.getName();
            } else {
                columnName = cc.getName();

        if (columnName == null) {
            if (isNotEmpty(path)) {
                columnName = addUnderscore(namingStrategy.propertyToColumnName(path),
                        getDefaultColumnName(grailsProp, sessionFactoryBeanName));
            } else {
                columnName = getDefaultColumnName(grailsProp, sessionFactoryBeanName);
        return columnName;

    protected boolean hasJoinKeyMapping(PropertyConfig c) {
        return c != null && c.getJoinTable() != null && c.getJoinTable().getKey() != null;

    protected boolean supportsJoinColumnMapping(PersistentProperty grailsProp) {
        return grailsProp instanceof ManyToMany || isUnidirectionalOneToMany(grailsProp)
                || grailsProp instanceof Basic;

    protected String getDefaultColumnName(PersistentProperty property, String sessionFactoryBeanName) {

        NamingStrategy namingStrategy = getNamingStrategy(sessionFactoryBeanName);

        String columnName = namingStrategy.propertyToColumnName(property.getName());
        if (property instanceof Association) {
            Association association = (Association) property;
            boolean isBasic = property instanceof Basic;
            if (isBasic && ((PropertyConfig) property.getMapping().getMappedForm()).getType() != null) {
                return columnName;

            if (isBasic) {
                return getForeignKeyForPropertyDomainClass(property, sessionFactoryBeanName);

            if (property instanceof ManyToMany) {
                return getForeignKeyForPropertyDomainClass(property, sessionFactoryBeanName);

            if (!association.isBidirectional()
                    && association instanceof org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types.OneToMany) {
                String prefix = namingStrategy.classToTableName(property.getOwner().getName());
                return addUnderscore(prefix, columnName) + FOREIGN_KEY_SUFFIX;

            if (property.isInherited() && isBidirectionalManyToOne(property)) {
                return namingStrategy.propertyToColumnName(property.getOwner().getName()) + '_' + columnName
                        + FOREIGN_KEY_SUFFIX;

            return columnName + FOREIGN_KEY_SUFFIX;

        return columnName;

    protected String getForeignKeyForPropertyDomainClass(PersistentProperty property,
            String sessionFactoryBeanName) {
        final String propertyName = NameUtils.decapitalize(property.getOwner().getName());
        NamingStrategy namingStrategy = getNamingStrategy(sessionFactoryBeanName);
        return namingStrategy.propertyToColumnName(propertyName) + FOREIGN_KEY_SUFFIX;

    protected String getIndexColumnName(PersistentProperty property, String sessionFactoryBeanName) {
        PropertyConfig pc = getPropertyConfig(property);
        if (pc != null && pc.getIndexColumn() != null && pc.getIndexColumn().getColumn() != null) {
            return pc.getIndexColumn().getColumn();
        NamingStrategy namingStrategy = getNamingStrategy(sessionFactoryBeanName);
        return namingStrategy.propertyToColumnName(property.getName()) + UNDERSCORE
                + IndexedCollection.DEFAULT_INDEX_COLUMN_NAME;

    protected String getIndexColumnType(PersistentProperty property, String defaultType) {
        PropertyConfig pc = getPropertyConfig(property);
        if (pc != null && pc.getIndexColumn() != null && pc.getIndexColumn().getType() != null) {
            return getTypeName(property, pc.getIndexColumn(), getMapping(property.getOwner()));
        return defaultType;

    protected String getMapElementName(PersistentProperty property, String sessionFactoryBeanName) {
        PropertyConfig pc = getPropertyConfig(property);

        if (hasJoinTableColumnNameMapping(pc)) {
            return pc.getJoinTable().getColumn().getName();

        NamingStrategy namingStrategy = getNamingStrategy(sessionFactoryBeanName);
        return namingStrategy.propertyToColumnName(property.getName()) + UNDERSCORE
                + IndexedCollection.DEFAULT_ELEMENT_COLUMN_NAME;

    protected boolean hasJoinTableColumnNameMapping(PropertyConfig pc) {
        return pc != null && pc.getJoinTable() != null && pc.getJoinTable().getColumn() != null
                && pc.getJoinTable().getColumn().getName() != null;

     * Interrogates the specified constraints looking for any constraints that would limit the
     * length of the property's value.  If such constraints exist, this method adjusts the length
     * of the column accordingly.
     *  @param column              the column that corresponds to the property
     * @param constrainedProperty the property's constraints
    protected void bindStringColumnConstraints(Column column, PersistentProperty constrainedProperty) {
        final org.grails.datastore.mapping.config.Property mappedForm = constrainedProperty.getMapping()
        Number columnLength = mappedForm.getMaxSize();
        List<?> inListValues = mappedForm.getInList();
        if (columnLength != null) {
        } else if (inListValues != null) {

    protected void bindNumericColumnConstraints(Column column, PersistentProperty constrainedProperty) {
        bindNumericColumnConstraints(column, constrainedProperty, null);

     * Interrogates the specified constraints looking for any constraints that would limit the
     * precision and/or scale of the property's value.  If such constraints exist, this method adjusts
     * the precision and/or scale of the column accordingly.
     *  @param column              the column that corresponds to the property
     * @param property the property's constraints
     * @param cc the column configuration
    protected void bindNumericColumnConstraints(Column column, PersistentProperty property, ColumnConfig cc) {
        int scale = Column.DEFAULT_SCALE;
        int precision = Column.DEFAULT_PRECISION;

        PropertyConfig constrainedProperty = (PropertyConfig) property.getMapping().getMappedForm();
        if (cc != null && cc.getScale() > -1) {
        } else if (constrainedProperty.getScale() > -1) {
            scale = constrainedProperty.getScale();

        if (cc != null && cc.getPrecision() > -1) {
        } else {

            Comparable<?> minConstraintValue = constrainedProperty.getMin();
            Comparable<?> maxConstraintValue = constrainedProperty.getMax();

            int minConstraintValueLength = 0;
            if ((minConstraintValue != null) && (minConstraintValue instanceof Number)) {
                minConstraintValueLength = Math.max(countDigits((Number) minConstraintValue),
                        countDigits(((Number) minConstraintValue).longValue()) + scale);
            int maxConstraintValueLength = 0;
            if ((maxConstraintValue != null) && (maxConstraintValue instanceof Number)) {
                maxConstraintValueLength = Math.max(countDigits((Number) maxConstraintValue),
                        countDigits(((Number) maxConstraintValue).longValue()) + scale);

            if (minConstraintValueLength > 0 && maxConstraintValueLength > 0) {
                // If both of min and max constraints are setted we could use
                // maximum digits number in it as precision
                precision = Math.max(minConstraintValueLength, maxConstraintValueLength);
            } else {
                // Overwise we should also use default precision
                precision = DefaultGroovyMethods
                        .max(new Integer[] { precision, minConstraintValueLength, maxConstraintValueLength });


     * @return a count of the digits in the specified number
    protected int countDigits(Number number) {
        int numDigits = 0;

        if (number != null) {
            // Remove everything that's not a digit (e.g., decimal points or signs)
            String digitsOnly = number.toString().replaceAll("\\D", EMPTY_PATH);
            numDigits = digitsOnly.length();

        return numDigits;

     * @return the maximum length of the strings in the specified list
    protected int getMaxSize(List<?> inListValues) {
        int maxSize = 0;

        for (Iterator<?> iter = inListValues.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
            String value = (String);
            maxSize = Math.max(value.length(), maxSize);

        return maxSize;

    protected abstract String qualify(String prefix, String name);

    protected abstract String unqualify(String qualifiedName);

    protected abstract boolean isNotEmpty(String s);

    protected abstract Class<?> getGroovyAwareSingleTableEntityPersisterClass();

    protected abstract Class<?> getGroovyAwareJoinedSubclassEntityPersisterClass();

    protected abstract void handleLazyProxy(PersistentEntity domainClass, PersistentProperty grailsProperty);

    protected abstract boolean identityEnumTypeSupports(Class<?> propertyType);

     * A Collection type, for the moment only Set is supported
     * @author Graeme
    static abstract class CollectionType {

        protected Class<?> clazz;
        protected AbstractGrailsDomainBinder binder;

        protected static CollectionType SET;
        protected static CollectionType LIST;
        protected static CollectionType BAG;
        protected static CollectionType MAP;
        protected static boolean initialized;

        protected static final Map<Class<?>, CollectionType> INSTANCES = new HashMap<Class<?>, CollectionType>();

        public abstract Collection create(ToMany property, PersistentClass owner, String path, Mappings mappings,
                String sessionFactoryBeanName) throws MappingException;

        protected CollectionType(Class<?> clazz, AbstractGrailsDomainBinder binder) {
            this.clazz = clazz;
            this.binder = binder;

        public String toString() {
            return clazz.getName();

        protected void createInstances() {

            if (initialized) {

            initialized = true;

            SET = new CollectionType(Set.class, binder) {
                public Collection create(ToMany property, PersistentClass owner, String path, Mappings mappings,
                        String sessionFactoryBeanName) throws MappingException {
                    org.hibernate.mapping.Set coll = new org.hibernate.mapping.Set(mappings, owner);
                    binder.bindCollection(property, coll, owner, mappings, path, sessionFactoryBeanName);
                    return coll;
            INSTANCES.put(Set.class, SET);
            INSTANCES.put(SortedSet.class, SET);

            LIST = new CollectionType(List.class, binder) {
                public Collection create(ToMany property, PersistentClass owner, String path, Mappings mappings,
                        String sessionFactoryBeanName) throws MappingException {
                    org.hibernate.mapping.List coll = new org.hibernate.mapping.List(mappings, owner);
                    binder.bindCollection(property, coll, owner, mappings, path, sessionFactoryBeanName);
                    return coll;
            INSTANCES.put(List.class, LIST);

            BAG = new CollectionType(java.util.Collection.class, binder) {
                public Collection create(ToMany property, PersistentClass owner, String path, Mappings mappings,
                        String sessionFactoryBeanName) throws MappingException {
                    Bag coll = new Bag(mappings, owner);
                    binder.bindCollection(property, coll, owner, mappings, path, sessionFactoryBeanName);
                    return coll;
            INSTANCES.put(java.util.Collection.class, BAG);

            MAP = new CollectionType(Map.class, binder) {
                public Collection create(ToMany property, PersistentClass owner, String path, Mappings mappings,
                        String sessionFactoryBeanName) throws MappingException {
                    org.hibernate.mapping.Map map = new org.hibernate.mapping.Map(mappings, owner);
                    binder.bindCollection(property, map, owner, mappings, path, sessionFactoryBeanName);
                    return map;
            INSTANCES.put(Map.class, MAP);

        public CollectionType collectionTypeForClass(Class<?> clazz) {
            return INSTANCES.get(clazz);
